#re. arc ↳ queenpin
luckheist · 2 years
another tag drop !
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5x07 Reaction Post
The Fox in the Hen House...or you know, that Fox you convinced yourself was a pet despite repeated reminders he preferred to bite your face off, bites some faces off....
Love that the getting ready montage wasn’t just for the ladies.  Holsters and ties should be like an entire accepted dress code IMO.
I also love that Teresa emerging in full Queenpin regalia for the first time (low bun/all white/everything) was to mark her entrance into legitimate business and that the aspirational Queenpin we’ve seen over the seasons represented that sort of freedom, not her cartel ascension.  
“Teresa doesn’t take no for an answer.” “Especially not from us.” This is the Wonder Twin interaction we deserve.
Kelly Anne inviting Dumas to their safe house.   Girl what?  WHAT? That’s putting a lot of faith in an armed man with a grudge but okay.  
Also I’m with James on this one: too many eyes on them now.  They’re in this limbo between legit LEGIT and kinda sorta legit while participating in a shitload of illegal activities that is just ripe for federal charges.  Speaking of which, remember the feds? Did Kelly Anne forget to invite them too? :P
The Jeresa toast scene was lovely.  Loved Teresa asking James how he was, the light flirting, the way James heard her footsteps and KNEW it was her.
And L M A O at James’ whole ‘are you legit enough we can bang’ vibe check.  Honestly HOW did something not happen.  Those heart eyes were BEYOND intimate.  When they jumped to the next morning I full on booed. Listen, there’s a lot of unrealistic stuff on this show but that might have been THE most unrealistic lol. There’s just no way they didn’t have victory sex in view of her waterfront diorama, I do not believe it. Nope.
SO glad to see Marcel and a Marcel (albeit subdued) Suit back.  Loved that he got a condensed Queenpin arc in like three scenes, (I feel like only Alimi could sell that and sell that he did).  Though I have to wonder if by having Marcel come to these realizations about what you give up for power and rejecting it, they won’t go a different route for Teresa in a few eps? 
Although in a way, Marcel choosing to leave was the same thing driving Teresa to stay: she chose her people.
Teresa saying “you’d have done the same thing” to Marcel....okay but wasn’t it just like a few weeks ago in show time that he chose Teresa over the Judge wanting his help to either kill her or send her to jail?  Also perhaps give him a full 24 hours outside before expecting him to re-join the group text ya know??
And not sure you want to repeat almost word for word what Pecas said to you right before you shot him for setting you up, T.  As comparisons go that one is not ideal.
James telling Teresa to cover him in a gun fight??? That is what Action Couple dreams are made of, friends. The only thing that would have been better is if they had run inside the building for a 2x04/3x02 style emotionally fraught life and death conversation too but I have come to accept the writers do not agree with me on the need for those scenes this season and I’ll take what I can get.
The Castel not being on screen thing is unfortunate but are we finally circling back around to Teresa getting too big for the Devon/Castel deal?  My dramatic ass has been sustained by that potential drama (especially the idea that Devon could leverage James in that situation) since S3 finale, could it actually finally happen?
Boaz and Teresa both doing coke several times on screen this ep...Also Teresa of all people thinking Boaz’s childhood friend might be her ally.  
Pote a) saying “pee pee” in reference to his unborn child and b) pausing to take a final drag from his cigarette before running off to warn Kelly Anne?  It’s scenes like these that make his inevitable death less heartbreaking, show.
(And I know reduced sets/production and travel guidelines this season affected this but having Loya/Taza/Castel etc mentioned off screen while randos get face time is annoying.  All I know is they better not kill Camila off in a line of dialogue or I will sue.)
And finally, the rating system is ridic, I know it’s ridic, but getting week after week after week of gory closeups of head wounds (not to mention a boob shot this ep) and drawing the line at characters swearing at 10pm timeslot???  COME ON. Let Teresa say fuck already. She DESERVES IT.
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pynkhues · 5 years
genuine question. would y'all still be looking forward to brio in s3 if rio shot beth three times in the chest and left her to bleed out? like it feels weird for y'all to be still calling their relationship a ~game and be excited about rio being "obsessed" with her, when she tried to kill him - thought she killed him and didn't particularly care once she got over her own trauma. i'm wondering if y'all picture the other way around and still feel it'd be worth being excited about.
That’s a question I’ve thought about quite a bit, anon, even before you asked it (I do try my hardest to interrogate my own behaviour and interests! Oh, gosh, that sounds nerdy, haha), and I think it’s an important one, so thank you for sending it my way! I hope I articulate my response okay!
Because it’s tricky, right? The show will always be walking a tightrope when it comes to how they portray this relationship - after all, it’s a relationship between a latinx man and a white woman (which is loaded on it’s own in many ways) set in a story world that is full of violence, manipulation and desperation/urgency on almost every narrative level (and that’s before we look at them together!). Plus said relationship heavily explores themes of power, control and a sort of base connection that exists despite all of it. 
And I think when it comes to the shooting, there’s one word in all of that that matters more than all the others, and that word is ‘power’. 
Where we were - where we have been - for two seasons now has seen Rio with all of the power and Beth with none of it. Yes, she has snatched scraps of it where she could, but with the exception of 2.06, it has consistently been wrenched back from her within a matter of scenes, not episodes - the clearest example of that being 1.10/2.01 when she got him arrested, only to come home to have him manipulate her, essentially expose the intimacy of their relationship to her husband in the way he disarmed her, before shooting said husband; and 2.04 - when she had the power in seducing him, and immediately lost it again when he took back his money and decided to pop out of a corvette at Boland Motors and strongarm a deal. Beth is, of course, not blameless in any of this - she’s routinely made destructive, impulsive choices, hell, she’s chosen this world, but the fact of it is that she has been disempowered for most of her life, as have Ruby and Annie, and arguably the whole point of this show is in exploring the ways they try to regain that power.
Rio shooting Beth right now would not only not make narrative sense, but it would also be the thematic equivalent of a lion taking down an already-limping gazelle. 
Instead, what we get is that limping gazelle somehow taking down the lion (however briefly, as I’m sure it will be). She’s seizing power from him in a game that he has been winning (and a game that has been escalating) since the very first episode. 
Were their narratives reversed - so were Beth a queenpin at the start of this story and Rio the wide-eyed, accidental ingenue, were she to have held the cards from the start, were their stories to mirror canon, and he’d shot her in the finale? Were it her laughing in the face of death? Actually, yeah, I think I’d be just as excited for the potential of S3. 
But that, of course, is not your question. So were Rio to have shot Beth in our canon, as the show exists? Where he still had all the power and Beth was still that limping gazelle? No, I wouldn’t be. She’d be even more disempowered than she was when Rio shot Dean in 2.01. Hell, she’d be more disempowered than she was when this show started, and that would ultimately rip the guts out of both of these characters and this ship.
Am I adverse to the possibility of Rio shooting her, should the circumstances/narrative call for it when she is in power, when she holds more of the cards, when she’s queenpin, somewhere down the track? I’m not, actually. Beth has now leapt into this life full-bodied (and it’s actually one of the things that excites me about her thinking Rio is gone - she has to take full ownership of her choices. She can’t blame him for creating and distributing her own counterfeit cash), and if she rises through the ranks to become ‘king’, she should be treated as such. Her gender shouldn’t - and can’t - make her invulnerable. 
And look, I’ll be the first to say that I didn’t love the choice narratively (at least not the way it was written), but I do like that it’s shifted Beth and Rio onto a slightly more equal ground (because even as partners, they were never really equal - Rio proved that the second he put a gun against her chin again despite her telling him to never do it again). 
Re: Beth not seeming to particularly care - I’ll also be the first to say - and have said before - that I hated that and that I think it’s very important that Beth have a grief arc in S3 before Rio explodes back into her life, and I actually think it’s important too that she have some PTSD, which, given how quickly they tore through the final scenes, I’m hoping we just didn’t get to see and that they’ll course correct in 3.01. 
There is, of course, a lot to be said too about how none of this behaviour is acceptable in real life, and about harmful tropes and the use of them on this show - from a latinx man being shot by a white woman, to ongoing threats of violence against women, to the flip-flopping on what the show’s trying to say about Dean’s misogyny, and the amount of time devoted to exploring a rapist (I was saying it to @lunafeather the other day, but I would LIVE for the cold-open of S3 being Boomer dying in a really dumb, embarrassing way, and the ep just cutting to Annie and Mary Pat separately watching it on YouTube and crying with laughter). But yes. That feels like a whole other post. 
I hope that answers the question!
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cloudbattrolls · 7 years
arcs in mind for my mains
Cennef: be less of a goddamn jackass, she has truly hit a new low. I enjoy potential circus shenanigans discussed with Moth, also need to hit Tmo up for another Lancer thread at some point because god knows she needs the positive influence. Needs to also make progress toward getting over her jade prejudice.
Ullane: working for the queenpin now so shenanigans potential, just needs more interactions in general honestly. Needs to be less critical of ‘unprofessional’ lowbloods and putting so much stock in respectability politics.
Maidel: already has plenty of plans and interactions, really. Will get further screwed over by Cherie’s arrival, which is coming up in the relatively near future, as he gets persuaded to go to Civitrecce.
Gliese: has a lot in the works as well, eventually will have to make a choice between what she’s loyal to and try to actually dedicate herself to potential new relationships instead of trying to squash her feelings/keep silent about them.
Indrid: slowly working toward being more aware of what happens outside her little Imperial bubble. not that she’s ignorant, but she’s very Empire loyal. does have a fair few interactions already, but I’d like a larger plot for her re: her work. though I may just end up using her in the resistance plot when I revive it for that purpose.
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luckheist · 2 years
ooc ↳ answered ooc ↳ crack
re. felicia ↳ abilities re. felicia ↳ aesthetic
ic ↳ answered ic ↳ crack ic ↳ commentary ic ↳ dash game
♡ ↳ ft. flash thompson ♡ ↳ ft. peter parker ♡ ↳ ft. stephen strange ♡ ↳ ft. tony stark
re. arc ↳ main verse re. arc ↳ queenpin re. arc ↳ symbiote re. arc ↳ noir
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luckheist · 3 years
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