#ft. ↳ stephen strange
luckheist · 2 years
another tag drop !
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pbnmj · 2 years
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thank you @petergender for understanding mcu spider-man you are opening my eyes one textpost at a time
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The car I'm not letting you touch
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astcrfieldaway · 2 years
zatanna zatara & stephen strange in the medical wing
Even here, where Zatanna honestly had given up much hope of escaping by her own volition, she had a mind that would never rest, and a deep, abiding interest in magic. It'd been an ever present theme in her life and saved it who knew how many times over; it was hard not to be obsessed. Meeting Bonny had confirmed that there were others here, and from there, Zatanna had taken to spending her down time between translations in the library, sorting through all the residents here and cross referenceing them to the universal media texts and trying to suss out just who they were. It ended up with her skimming a lot of stories she was fairly sure didn't exist in her world, and finally giving her a start: one Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme.
So now she was loitering outside medical, trying not to look like a total creep as she watched people going in and out, patients and medical staff both. She'd assumed she'd be able to feel the magic on him, but she'd looked at his likeness as well. The low-key stakeout was getting antsy and boring when she finally spotted, and yes, sensed, him leaving. "Stephen! Dr. Strange." There was a broad grin on her face as she rushed over. "Hi! I'm Zatanna Zatara- and I think we have some shared occult interests and talents. I would appreciate a chat, I could treat you to dinner in exchange?"
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lives-in-midgard · 1 year
Revealed Secret
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader ft. the guardians of the galaxy
Summary: At an Avengers party, Mantis revealed your secret crush for Bucky.
Word Count: 1.163
It had been a while since you all have come together, so Tony organized a party, and everyone came. Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Scott, Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, T’Challa and some other people from Wakanda, the guardians of the galaxy and of course everyone else. That meant the person you have a big crush on was there too. And because you thought Bucky doesn’t feel the same you hoped that you could talk with some other people to distract yourself. You and Bucky are good friends, and you didn’t want to risk your friendship, so you decided to hide your feelings from him and hoped he wouldn’t notice it. You were excited to see the guardians again because it had been a long time since you have seen them.
When you walked into the tower, the first thing you did was to hug Wanda and talk with her. After a while you also talked with Natasha. You walked through the party and saw so many people having fun and having a good time. You just had a conversation with Steve and talked with T’Challa and his sister. It is always nice to see them and talk with them. You are very happy and will always be grateful that they helped Bucky. When you walked through the crowd you saw Bucky walking to you, in his suit he looked so handsome, so sweet but also hot.
“Hey doll” Bucky greeted you with a hug.
“Hey” you said when you pulled away.
“You look gorgeous.” Bucky confessed and you began to blush and tucked a hair behind your ear.
“Thanks, you look good too.” Now it was his time to blush, and he mumbled a thanks. You talked for a while when you decided to go and see some other people.
“I’ve got to go see you later, buck.”
While walking through the room you could see Natasha, Clint and Scott talk at the bar, a few steps away from them there were Steve and Sam laughing about something Peter said. And somewhere you heard a loud Thor telling a fight story. When you were near the couch Peter Quill waved at you and you were walking over with a smile to him, Mantis and Drax.
“There you are, I thought I wouldn’t see you with all the people here.” He said and you sat down beside him.
“I know there are really a lot of people, but I wouldn’t want to miss you guys.” You smiled.
“So how is everything? Did something crazy happen?” You asked him and he laughed.
“Crazy? With us never.” Peter said and you both laughed.
“What are you talking, don’t remember your Christmas present from us?”
“That was sarcasm Drax.”
“What Christmas present?” You wondered.
“Drax and Mantis flew to earth and kidnapped Kevin Bacon.” Peter began.
“Kevin Bacon was your Christmas present why not David Hasselhoff?” You laughed.
“Don’t give him such a stupid idea and it wasn’t funny.”
“Okay, you’re right Peter, it isn’t funny.” You said and held back a laugh.
“Where are the others?” You asked after Peter told you about the best Christmas gift he got from Mantis. She began to smile, and you could see how much they mean to each other.
“Nebula is somewhere with Tony and Rocket and Groot are over there with Bucky.” When he mentioned Bucky, your heart skipped a beat and when you looked over, you saw him smiling.
“Y/n?” Peter called out and brought you back to reality.
“Sorry, what did you say?” You asked.
“I asked if Mantis could try her power on you.” Drax said and held back a smile.
Because you didn’t really know her you totally forgot what her powers are. That’s why you didn’t know why Drax was smiling when you said yes.
Mantis softly touched your arm and looked you in the eyes.
“You feel love.”
“Yeah, I feel a lot of love for everyone in this room.” You said and hoped this would help and she wouldn’t go deeper.
“No, romantic love.” Mantis continued.
“No, no no. That’s not true.” You interrupted her and looked over to Peter for help.
“For him.” She yelled and pointed at Bucky. Who was now looking at you with a confused look.
“No” You pulled your hand away from her and Drax began to laugh.
“She just told everyone your darkest secret, just like she did with you Peter. Do you remember it? “He screamed and laughed more. You and Peter looked at each other and you have never felt so embarrassed in a long time. You really hoped that Bucky didn’t hear it. But he looked over at you and Drax was so loud, he probably heard it.
“Hey, I’m really sorry, if I had known I would have warned you.” Peter started but you stood up when you saw Bucky was walking over to you.
“I need some fresh air.” You quickly took your bag and walked out. You heard someone yell your name, but you didn’t want to turn around. You just had to get out of there. When you walked out, you were hit with the cold air. You took deep breaths and looked up at the stars. It was so embarrassing, probably everyone knows it by now. It felt like everyone was watching you.
“Hey” Suddenly Bucky was standing beside you.
“Hey” You quietly mumbled and looked over to him.
“You probably heard what they were saying.” You sighed.
“Yeah, I heard what they said.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“Is it true?” That was not what you expected him to say, but after what he heard you can’t deny it anymore.
“Yeah, it’s…it’s true. I’m in love with you.” When you said that Bucky began to smile.
“Then I’m glad because I’m in love with you too.” You couldn’t believe what you just heard. All this time you hoped he would like you back and now he said it. He really said it.
“Really? Are …are you sure?” You asked him and he nodded.
“Yes, I’m sure. We can go in there and Mantis can prove it if you want.” He joked and made you chuckle.
“I know something else that could prove it.” You hinted.
“Me too.” Bucky grinned at you, pulled a hair behind your ear, and pulled in to kiss you.
When you pulled away you both smiled at each other.
“Now, I’m glad Mantis revealed my secret.”
“Do you want to go back inside?” Bucky asked.
“Let’s stay here for a while.” You were standing there for a while, holding Bucky’s hand, and looking into the stars.
“You should take my jacket, doll. You are shivering.” Bucky said while taking of his jacked and gently putting his jacket on your shoulder. You had no idea how cold you were until Bucky mentioned it. You didn’t want Bucky to find out like that, but you’re glad he knows now and feels the same way about you.
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highonmarvel · 1 year
The Other Side
Searching for your Stephen, you find another, and he won’t let you go this time.
An entry for Day 4 of the exciting @sintember challenge!
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Prompt: The Other Side, ft Sinister Dr Strange of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).
Warnings: DUB-CON!, possessive behaviour, developing Stockholm Syndrome. 18+! [And I haven’t watched Dr Strange in so long, please pretend I know what I’m doing.]
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You had lost Stephen and America, and you were now left in a crumbling world, a universe broken, with no way to get home. Based on the wrecked state of the world, you thought there wasn’t a Dr Strange here, that he had been defeated and his opponent left ruin. Though he wasn’t your Stephen, the thought still deeply upset you, that Stephen could be defeated, and maybe yours would be.
You push open the door of the Sanctum, you want to call out to him but you know there’s no point. The heavy door falls shut behind you. All the antiques and strange paintings and ornaments that once decorated the foyer have been shattered, some are deteriorating, and a dark mist floats through the cold temple, enveloping you, nearly strangling you, you feel.
Upstairs. You know you have to head to the Window of the Worlds.
You walk to the window, engraved with the Seal of Vishanti. It’s cracked, black lines not belong to the symbol run in all directions across the glass, that has a purple tint, nearly a faint violet glow. You want to touch it, when you hear your name whispered.
You spin, and there stands Stephen. Not your Stephen. This Stephen is… different: he looks older, streaks of grey paint his dark hair, with sunken eyes.
“Stephen!” you call, taking a step forward, “Or, Dr Strange, I need your help, please.”
“You’re here,” he murmurs, slowly walking towards you.
“I- I am,” you sputter, a little confused and off put by his trance-like demeanour, as his curious eyes never leave you, “I lost Stephen—my Stephen—and I need to get back.”
“I am your Stephen.” his voice is so low, so low you wouldn’t have heard it were you even a notch below the level of hyper-awareness he’s activated in you.
He steps into the light, and you gasp and take a step back. Visually, he’s not much different to the average person, but his eyes are dark, a familiar blue you once knew sealed up in an endless black; you can’t read them as he continues to walk towards you. You still.
He stops in front of you, and raises shaky hands to cup your face, his lips parted slightly as his foreign dark gaze analyses every inch of your face. His fingers are cold, ice cold, so cold they burn, like dry ice; you wince at the contact but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“No,” you whisper, “No, I’m not yours, and you’re not my…”
You raise your hands to gently grasp his wrists, and freeze when you see it. His fingertips are darkened, stained with a black so profound, so dangerous in sheer aura that you know what it’s from.
He’s been tampering with the Dark Hold, the book of sins so evil you barely know of it, just the name elicits chills; Stephen, your Stephen, barely discussed it, he never did until he found out about the Scarlet Witch’s use, and even still he said very little; you got the feeling that though his knowledge seemed limitless, he knew little here, and very deliberately he kept himself in the dark, because if he knew, he’d indulge.
And indulge he has, this sinister Stephen holding your face gently in his hands, as if these hands haven’t caused unfathomable destruction. You should have known—you knew—that Dr Strange could not be defeated. He wasn’t conquered, never could he be: he conquered.
“That’s me,” he smiles and reassures you. Though his eyes and fingers are stained, that boyish smile you know to be yours is the same as ever.
“What did you do?” is all you can muster in a shaky breath, a tear slipping down your cheek, he watches it fall.
“I did what was necessary, and you…” he strains his voice to prevent himself from choking on his words and he smooths a calloused finger over your skin, wiping away the single tear that had spilt, “You were gone.”
His eyes soften, and, despite the cold of his hands, they’re warm, his eyes, his body too, you notice, noting he’s much closer to you than you realised, and definitely too close for comfort. You don’t even know if you can call him insane, mad with power, and furthermore, you can’t tell what he meant by…
A cold hand snakes over your shoulder and his fingers grasps the back of your neck, pulling you towards him. When he kisses you, you stiffen, but, really, for barely a second, because his lips, they feel so familiar. This man is like your Stephen, you can feel it, but you see a different image; he’s like your Stephen if he had no self control, or even just a little less than he has now.
The thought hits you: you could never deny Stephen. Even if you could, say, by the grace of some higher power, even if you could walk away, Stephen always gets what he wants. There isn’t even a higher power you can turn to: there is no power higher than Stephen.
“You’ve come back to me.”
What can you even say? You’re sure he isn’t delusional, you’re sure he knows you’re not his, and you’re sure he doesn’t care. You nearly resign to your fate, but the thought burns you so hot you hurriedly blurt out,
“What happened to her?”
To you. Did he…?
He doesn’t answer, he stays gazing into your eyes, a sombre-looking but relieved smile on his face, like he’s reconciling the fact that he was wrong; he’s never wrong, but he never thought he would see you again. He simply repeats, “You’ve come back to me.”
“Stephen, no,” you state, firmly, yanking his hands off your face and holding his wrists down between you two. He seems mildly shocked, you’re sure he would have been able to overpower you if he you didn’t catch him slightly off guard. But no, you should know you could never be apart from him, whether you want to or not.
Magic ropes wrap around your wrists, tying a knot and pulling them close together, so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if they sliced your hands off. Stephen’s magic is golden, pure, this man—you don’t even want to call him Stephen—his magic is corrupt; purple, with black shadows swirling the violet pulses emitting from the shapes he draws.
You panic, forcing your head down to look at your bound wrists and then snapping your head back up to him. You open your mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a shrill little squeal as you’re lifted a few centimetres off the ground. The same purple and black vines wrap around your ankles, forcing them together.
You notice this is the first time you’ve been above him, floating just high enough for him to have to raise his chin to study you. You always thought this would give you some kind of dominance (fleeting and artificial as it may be), to be over him, but no, you never stood a fucking chance.
You barely struggle, afraid that if you shift around too much you’ll drop to the ground, so all you can do is be still as he circles you, examining you. Another thing; he doesn’t seem to just look at you, he studies you, like looking for flaws in a sculpture. What happens if he finds them?
“You know,” he finally speaks after several minutes of inspecting you, “All this…” he turns you towards the window. There’s a rift in the sky, with seemingly everything in it, everything in existence, it’s overwhelming, “I did for you, honey.”
He’s lying, he must be; though you can imagine yourself getting a little carried away now and then, in no universe could you ever see a version of yourself prepared to bring about mass destruction, the ends of literally infinite lives, no; you may be imperfect, but the collapse of an entire universe? He’s either lying or being intentionally ambiguous. Maybe he’s not lying, just misleading.
“You didn’t; you did it for her,” you half-lie; while it’s true he could only have done this for a different version of you, you doubt she would have authorised that, but you use her as sort of a scapegoat anyway.
He flicks his fingers and you spin to face him. He lowers you just enough so you’re at eye level, and despite your best efforts, you genuinely can not read his gaze; you can’t find any hint of what he may be feeling, it’s just a void, but it’s not, it’s not a void; you know there’s something there, something you’re missing.
You’re sure he’s going to say something, maybe continue his little game of pretending you’re his, but just as you anticipate the opening of his mouth, you violently spin again, this time towards the door, with a shriek. He walks in front you, and you follow behind, like you’re being pulled by a rope, like a dog on a leash who’s trying to play with something when the owner is fed up and wants to go home.
His bedroom door slams shut behind you and you’re lowered onto bed with a gentleness the human touch could never give, his magic softly laying you like you’re the most precious thing, and based on the look he’s giving you, you damn well might be.
Your soft rest hazes your mind for a moment, but you’re snapped back to the cold of the Sanctum when you feel him hover over you.
“I’ve missed you…” he whispers.
You don’t know when your pants came off, but you feel him run a practiced finger over your clothed slit. Oh, God, he feels exactly like your Stephen; the foreignness of his eyes and slight change in demeanour don’t seem to mean anything when he still feels exactly the same, it’s fucking with your mind.
You love your Stephen, more than anything, and you know this isn’t him. You try to push him off but when he slips a finger inside of you, you can’t help the shudder that vibrates through you.
Can I get Stockholm Syndrome so easy? you wonder to yourself, more berate yourself, as you try desperately to ignore the feeling of his fingers inside of you, moving in and out just the way you like, he knows what you like, he knows your body just the way Stephen does.
Because he is Stephen.
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hunnyviper · 8 months
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more doctor strange brainrot ft. felicia hardy (aka black cat)
Cw: scissoring, pussy eating, threesome-ish, creampie, cum eating, dubcon (sorta...)
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Imagine doctor strange leaves the sanctum for a little mission, leaving you and Felicia to house sit. praying the two of you don't burn it down while hes gone.
Felicia teasing him for not being trusting enough, promptly before he leaves out.
the two of you then sitting in silence deciding what to do to keep you both occupied.
you suggesting a bit of girls time together since Felicia hardly gets a real break.
you both at first start snooping around the sanctum, per Felicia's idea, seeing what she can get her hands on. touching and poking at things that doctor strange would usually reprimand you for when he's here.
which then leads to Felicia finding and raiding Stephen's expensive liquor case. urging you to take a few sips to "live a little".
that then leads to the two of you buttering each other up by playing in each others hair and drunkenly breaking out into a fit of giggles, soon moving on to some gossip to fill the air as the mood dies down.
Felicia then bringing up the more personal topic of your sex life and guy crushes. laughing to herself when you quickly shut down the conversation.
your flustered demeanor not resolving in the slightest even after she's confesses her own personal interests and escapades.
your tipsy state naively allowing you to confide in her, sheepishly telling Felicia all about your secret crush on Strange.
her affirming words egging you on to even go as far as spilling about all you dirty fantasies you have between you and the doctor.
your erotic babbling soon making Felicia's own body heat up, her thighs rubbing together to satisfy her tingling heat.
her slow hands softly moving to grope your body, mindlessly massaging every inch of you as she tells you how perverted you are for thinking of Stephen that way.
eager hands then turn to feverish kisses as she pushes you onto the bed, climbing on top while her fingers trail down to your pants, slowly pulling them down along with your panties.
your mind too foggy and dizzy to tell her to stop watching as she trails her kisses all the way down to your wet pussy.
her tongue greedily lapping up at your sopping went pussy, kissing and sucking at your clit as she inserts her two slim fingers inside, rhythmically pushing in and out .
feverish moans as your hands grab at her hair , holding her in place while you rut your hips against her face, so close to your release.
moaning loudly as Felicia eagerly laps up your slick, panting when she finally removes her mouth from your cunt looking up at her as she wipes her mouth.
"God, your so hot like this" Felicia says while pulling her bottoms and panties off. her then positioning her pussy on top of yours, slowly starting to grind against you.
Felicia's moans filling the room as she rides against your sensitive cunt, throbbing as she starts to speed up.
Felicia who humps so desperately to her own release that your pleas of slowing down go completely unheard.
Felicia whose hands tightens on your hips, throwing her head back as she gushes all over your sopping wet cunt. your head lolling back feeling her climb off of you.
your in such a blissed out daze that you don't even hear the room door open, or question why Felicia is holding your legs open.
doctor strange who comes in confused and irritated after noticing his liquor cabinet ransacked, opting to spew a few choice words at Hardy but then sees your pretty puffy pussy all soaked and ready for him.
a sharp gasp leaves your lips at the sudden intrusion of something in your pussy, looking up to see Stephen smirking down at you. "did you have your fun, pretty girl?"
Felicia hugging right next to him as she slowly guides Stephen's cock deep into your cunt, cooing down at you when she hears your whimpers.
doctor strange who looks to Felicia asking "Is this supposed to make me forgive you?" as he fully bottoms out in you. "maybe," she giggles back using both hands to hold open your tight pussy.
your moans turn to whimpers and cries as your too fucked out to do anything but let him ruin your sensitive, sloppy cunnie. all while Felicia repeats all your naughty fantasies about him in his ear, which only riles him up more.
doctor strange grunting low and deep as he releases into you, making sure to completely empty in your pussy before pulling out, watching as the liquid seeps out of you.
doctor strange then turning his attention to Felicia by grabbing her hair and shoving her face directly into your cunt, her already lapping up the cum from your pussy, moaning.
"make sure you clean her up well," doctor strange tells her. "if you do a good job, i'll be sure to reward you".
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justrainandcoffee · 6 months
Feliz lunes de eclipse flor!!!
So for the au
Paranormal investigartor eva ft. Rolfie in The wandering jew fic
(No eclipse in this side of the world! 😭. It wasn't visible 🤧)
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Thanks for sending this, July!! I had so much fun doing this one!
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Things were always rare in The Wandering Jew, Alfie's Inn. For example, both of them could smell rum when there wasn't any bottle of rum in the Inn. Or the mysterious paintings representing things that for the couple had a significantive meaning in the past. Like, past lives. Or the dreams they had.
Everything started like a joke. "Let's watch The Shining" that horror movie based on Stephen King's book. It was fun. They joked that Alfie's Inn was haunted too. After the movie finished they went to sleep.
Cyril woke them up. He was barking in one of the hallways. It was 2020, COVID-19 and quarantine, no one was living in the Inn except them. Alfie ordered him to be quiet but Cyril didn't listen to him.
Rose was still sleeping when he went after his pet to see what was happening. He found him in front of the bedrooms, still barking, to Alfie's surprise the door was opened. Maybe it was the wind...
At the same time, his girlfriend woke up suddenly with a terrible migraine and the feeling that someone else was there and it wasn't Alfie or the dog.
The days that followed that feeling didn't disappeared and neither of them could be near of that particular bedroom. Alfie was worried about her headaches. Maybe it was covid... Maybe it was something else.
It wasn't covid. But the idea of someone or something living there with them was ridiculous. Alfie has been living there for the past three years and nothing happened. Ever.
They couldn't see that girl on that bedroom. Only Cyril could. They didn't know that a lot of years before that his past self transformed that warehouse in a distillery and the present Alfie in a hotel, that was a factory. And after a tragedy happened, a young woman was trapped there forever.
She knew him before. She knows him now. Always the same man... And always the same woman next to him. Usually she didn't mind. But she saw them laughing watching the horror movie... She just wanted to have fun with them, too.
For now.
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Alfie x Rose masterlist
The first part is very canon! I wrote it! Strange things happen in that place around them 🫢.
Edit: I wrote this last night and I misread the request 🙃. So this needs a second part that I'll try to do today or tomorrow.
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vesper-roux · 7 months
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"You know, we make a pretty good team. Shame one of us is about to die, huh?"
🎶SVRCINA -Who Are You?
🎶SUPA GUCCI ╺╸ grieve ft. kyddiekafka
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Status | Planning / Writing 1st draft (I have a lot of pantser tendencies)
Genre | Sci-Fi / Fantasy, Thriller
Form | Novella, likely to become a novel
Age Grade | New Adult (for language and violence) Characters begin the book as 13 and ~15-17, end as 19 and ~21-23
POV | 3rd Person--slight omniscient?
Setting | Ceador Empire--Vōā and Vērrå Provinces, Cave Cities
Themes | Religion, devotion and loyalty, class struggle, recognition through other, Man vs. Self, Man vs. Man, enemies to allies/friends, anti-heroes
Warnings | Death, body horror, general horror, rabies similarities, climate trauma, human trafficking, physical / emotional / psychological abuse, suicidal ideation
Synopsis | After robbing Lunar Bay Resort, home to one of the most powerful people in the empire, but being seen by a strange kid free to roam the private housing wing, a young rogue from the underground must engage in an elusive game as his witness takes the offense more personally than originally suspected. Their rivalry reveals to them a deeper, grim grasp on their places in society, their own buried fears, how they can understand each other, and hurt and help one another. This intermission in the Anthem series tells the story of an integral bond that forms before the main story's events.
Main Characters |
Galen (he/him) | 🖼️ | An overzealous member of a young gang in the Cave Cities, Galen is set on proving himself a trusted and invaluable subordinate to his boss. He is both resentful and overprotective of the only home he has--but not the only home he's ever known.
Willow (ve/they/he) | 🩸 | Training as a monk in the prestigious Yorough Temple thanks to vis pseudo-charge and warrior king of Vōā, Klaus Reitvelt, Will seeks to restore what little of vis pride remains and save vis life. Though none know of this injury to vis ego and why ve perceives this as a threat to vis life.
If you like__, you may like "Interlude"!
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer for the weird plants and animals (the existentialism and metamorphic nature is for the rest of the series)
Heroes, X-Men, or My Hero Academia for "super"powers--everyone has the potential, but not everyone awakens them
NieR: Automata for its existentialism and a lot of other inspiration I took from it
A:TLA for the cat-and-mouse between Aang and Zuko
The dynamic between Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong in the Resident Evil 2 & 4 remakes
The complex (albeit non-familial in this context) relationship between Silco and Jinx in Arcane
LotR for its close friendships between men (not in a "what about the purity of brotherhood??!! 😱" kind of way; I am a queer writer who will always write queer stories)
Underground civilizations, figuratively through crime and literally in a mountain
An animistic religion slightly inspired by Shintoism, feudalistic society slightly based on Edo Period Japan
Fantasy languages inspired by Icelandic phonetics
The painting in the moodboard is The Fall by Alan Stephens Foster
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burningfudge · 7 months
Hey, I’ve just seen this reddit post and thought you would be interested to see it! It’s quite the prediction of what the rest of the Marvel Studios projects will be leading up to Avengers 5 and beyond.
What do you think? I am probably also burnt out on Marvel projects, but I think I would be interested in most of this as long as it’s of a higher quality than Secret Invasion. 😅 I mean, I definitely would see this Young Avengers film for Kamala Khan… and I’m curious to see how Dr Strange is paired up with Clea. It’s just gotta be good, you know?
Also, I saw in a comment about the TV shows that save for Ironheart (which was filmed last year) all of those are going to be 9+ episodes long. Honestly, that just might be for the best — maybe they finally know what we want. 🤞
Doctor Strange 3 in 2027 😭 Looking at the list made me realize that I barely care about anything lol. I'm looking forward to some of them, but there's a lot in that list I'm not interested in.
Young Avengers...I don't know. I love them in the comics, but I'm not that interested in them in the MCU for some reason. I don't know if it's because of the lack of news about Hulkling, who should've been introduced in Secret Invasion or the Marvels, or a lack of faith in how they'll adapt the characters. I like MCU America, but that's not America Chavez. She's basically an entirely new character who's just America in name and powers, not personality. I have zero faith in their capability to accurately show Billy and Teddy's relationship if Teddy is even introduced. And it's wild if he isn't introduced; how can you have Wiccan without Hulkling? Plus, how are they going to deal with a Jewish boy (if the MCU doesn't erase that, too) having a mother who joined a Nazi terrorist group?
I'll be seated for Kamala (I'll always support South Asian characters), but the ages of the characters are so weird. Kate is 23, and she's supposedly a Young Avenger, but she’ll probably be like 25 by the time the movie comes out. Steve literally led the Avengers at 27. Plus, Peter was 16 when he became an Avenger.
Stephen and Clea have so much potential to be a great couple, but I'm scared that they'll mess it up because the MCU isn't great with romance. They already have family drama since Clea is Dormammu's niece, and the two entered the Dark Dimension at the end of DS: MOM. But I'm scared that they'll ignore that, like how they ignored the Mordo post-credit scene from DS 1. And they'd actually have to give a damn about Stephen instead of making Scarlet Witch ft Doctor Strange again.
I'm meh about Vision Quest right now, but I'll be the first one to watch it if they adapt Tom King's Vision comic for the show and introduce my funky robot daughter, Viv Vision. Vision (2015) is one of my favorite comics of all time.
Wonder Man...ugh. He's the worst, but Trevor Slattery is in it so at least it'll be funny. But he'll probably be very different in the MCU since he isn't connected to Wanda and Vision. He better stay away from Carol, too.
I honestly forgot Ironheart was coming out 😭 But yes, you're right. All of them have the potential to be great, but that's doubtful looking at their track record lately.
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liesmyth · 2 years
22 favourite reads of 2022!
Yes, that’s a lot of books but also: you can’t ever have too many books. These are some of my favourite reads of the year, arranged by a very rigorous (joke) vibe-based categorization method that I made up myself
✧  the push by ashley audrain — Favourite novel about Creepy Children; alternatively: Favourite novel about A Woman Going Fucking Through It.
✧ bunny by mona awad — Favourite "what the fuck did I read” book, lives at the intersection of litfic and horror, and it’s like if the girlblogging side of tumblr got a MFA (this is a compliment)
✧ jonathan strange & mr norrell by susanna clarke —  Favourite fantasy (with bonus footnotes, cruel faeries, and alternate history)
✧ bringing down the duke by evie dunmore — Favourite historical romance
✧ the witch elm by tana french — Favourite book about terrible characters suffering. Techically also a mystery thriller but the POV does the heavy lifting in why it’s so good
✧ the echo wife by sarah gailey — Favourite speculative fiction that makes a very good case for clonefucking
✧ the plot by jean hanff korelitz — Favourite litfic with a bonus side of Woman, Unhinged
✧ last tang standing by lauren ho + lucie yi is not a romantic also by lauren ho — Favourite romance, specifically: favourite het romance about a career woman over 30 who’s going through it in Singapore, and also the leading men are adorable”. Stellar audiobook version too
✧ my heart is a chainsaw by stephen graham jones — Favourite horror and favourite Horror Final Girl ft. lesbian vibes
✧ erotic stories for punjabi widows by balli kaur jaswal —  Favourite contemporary fiction, and also this is THE book you should gift to people. It has universal appeal and it’s wicked fun and might make you cry
✧ long bright river by liz moore — Favourite murder mystery that’s actually about disfunctional families and your own inner demons. Basically, the Dublin Murder Squad school of sad detectives.
✧ apples never fall by liane moriarty — Favourite domestic suspense but it’s Liane Moriarty so it’s inevitably forthy domestic suspense about middle class het Sydney couples with children. It’s also infuriatingly well written
✧ a deadly education by naomi novik — Favourite YA ft. plucky goth babygirl with death powers
✧ empire of pain by patrick radden keefe — Favourite nonfiction
✧ the last of the wine by mary renault — Favourite homoerotic historical fiction
✧ houston, houston, do you read? by james tiptree jr. — Favourite novella + favourite scifi. Technically a reread but it’s great and you should read it so here it goes! Also I needed a fave story In Space that wasn’t Harrow The Ninth
✧ the feminist by tony tulathimutte — Favourite short story
✧ the cherry robbers by sarai walker — Favourite gothic vibes historical fiction, and also ghosts and lesbians
✧ fingersmit by sarah waters —  Favourite historical fiction about scheming Victorian lesbians. If you’ve watched The Handmaiden, this is the book that inspired it
✧ thank you for listening by julia whelan — Favourite book about books, specifically Book About Making Romance Audioplays. Stellar audio version, too
✧ the last housewife by ashley winstead — Favourite book that’ll make you feel physical discomfort and make you want to commit murder. I loved this book and I want to tattoo it to the inside of my eyeballs but also: the content warnings aren’t fucking around
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musings-and-moans · 2 years
Shyna’s First Kinktober
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when i first started writing in december 2021, never in my wildest fantasies did i imagine i’ll get to write my first kinktober list. i hope i get to finish all of them whenever possible <33
also, for those that submitted their requests for my milestone event, please be rest assured, the asks are still there and i will be working on them soon i promise <3
since all of these posts will be smutty and possibly dark content, i urge that minors, ageless blogs, blank blogs and p0rn bots do not interact with this post or any other posts <33 keep in mind, warnings will be given for each of the fics/drabbles/thirsts. if the kinks are highlighted in red, then these are my collab submissions and they’d be my first priority in terms of writing them.
the numbers mentioned on the side are tentative post dates, but i may not complete them all by the certain date, but surely within the month. also, i may add some surprise additions :D ALSO, some characters will be aged up, and I don’t want any backlash on this!
fandoms covered: attack on titan, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, jojo’s bizarre adventure, kuroko no basket, demon slayer, my hero academia, multiple (genshin impact, marvel, black clover)
(masterlist under the cut &lt;;3) | main masterlist
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1 - overstimulation + squirting - levi ackerman
2 - branding (hickeys) + creampie - kento nanami
4 - sensory deprivation - shota aizawa (blindfold with his scarf)
5 - femdom + mommy kink - tetsuro kuroo
7 - corruption kink + voice kink - jotaro kujo
8 - daddy kink - hajime iwaizumi (ft. tooru oikawa w/voyeurism)
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10 - breeding - zeke yeager
11 - workplace + edging - jean kirstein
12 - shower sex - erwin smith
17 - body worship - stephen strange
18 - exhibitionism - ryouta kise
19 - surprise! - noriaki kakyoin
20 - cockwarming - kaeya alberich
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22 - age gap - tengen uzui
23 - hand fetish - yoshikage kira
24 - size kink - yami sukehiro
25 - power play - satoru gojo
26 - intimate sex - kyojuro rengoku
28 - shibari - rohan kishibe
29 - phone sex - daiki aomine
31 - impact play - dabi
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tagging so y’all would be in the know &lt;3 : @munsonsins @romiyaro @mrskodzuken @cherrykamado @suguruenjoyer @portfolio-of-dreams @izukunii @kagejima @sanzucide @alterbubs @httphaitani @meowdarame @i4sgwr @rueren @milkyybuns @peachsayshi @25303 @discordkittenjoestar @ofallthingswhythis @mekiza @jordyn-degas @mxonigirimiya @fuwushiguro @ceo-of-daichi @tetsvrei @hyeque @satisfactooru @wakatshi @jellyluchi @mapesandoval @magthemage @spookysinner45 @theschneckenhouse
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vigilanteadrian · 2 years
maybe my romani wanda art will get attention on tumblr let's see
also ft stephen strange played by dev patel
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astxroiid · 6 months
stand with Palestine
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and my saint she is dancing ✩••̩̩͙⊰•*⭑
astro/cherry, she/they, 21, hopeless romantic, submissive man supporter, smut addict, edward nashton's gf.
✷ all characters are automatically 18+ when I write them.
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.·:*¨ about the author -- (before you) ask the author ¨*:·.
✷ masterlist ✷ prompt list ✷ moodboards ✷
music ✷ milestones ✷ sideblog
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works in progress ✩••̩̩͙⊰•*⭑
inappropriate // professor!stephen strange (nsfw/18+)
✷ You having a small crush on your professor shouldn’t be that big of a problem. And maybe him feeling the same way isn’t too bad either. But acting on it is going to get you two in trouble - only if you’re caught. ✩ ✩ ✩ get tagged!
spiderhead // mcu!peter parker (nsfw/18+)
✷ [inspired by spiderhead by cage the elephant] loving peter, hating Spiderman, being left for dead, and impossible secrets. Also the damn Lizard. -- spiderperson!reader
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currently listening to...
✷ dazies // yeule
✷ diet mountain dew // lana del rey
✷ too sweet // hozier
✷ icantbeliveiletyougetaway // aldn
✷ guess // charli xcx ft. billie eilish
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tags ✩••̩̩͙⊰•*⭑
# pete // mcu!peter
# parker // tasm!peter
# jask // jaskier
# edward // ed nashton
# viktor // viktor (arcane)
# matty // matt murdock
# stevey // steve harrington
# eds // eddie munson
# stephen // dr. stephen strange
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theladybarnes · 1 year
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“I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.”
▸ summary: life takes a turn again, when an old friend brings bad news ▸ characters: tony stark, peter parker, bruce banner, stephen strange, wong ft. former avengers ▸ word count: 7.5k         ▸ warnings: angst, canon violence,  ▸ series masterlist
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 The light sound of Tony’s foot tapping against the wood of the coffee table was the only noise in the room that morning. For about twenty minutes the two of you had come to a stand still in the conversation that turned suddenly heated. 
 Dr. Daniels sat across from the two of you, pen writing rapidly onto her pad as she analyzed the two of you. 
 It was about a month into the new year that Pepper demanded the two of you rip off the band-aids and go see a therapist together. At first, she attempted for you both to go separately but Tony suggested this was a family problem that should be dealt with as a family. Little did he know you’d both have completely different opinions on the matter. 
 “So, Mr. Stark. If I may just reiterate what you’ve said. You believe that your sister should move on, correct?”
 Tony’s foot stopped tapping against the leg of the coffee table to look over at the doctor. A simple nod was all he gave in reply. Holding his tongue as to not be the first to break the silence. 
 “And by moving on, you want her to forget her feelings and reservations for her friend, and ex boyfriend.”
 Again he nodded. And while you hated to be the one to break the silence first, you couldn’t stand by to hear this nonsense again.
 “I think what Tony is forgetting is that I am not one of his AI projects and actually have feelings.”
 Dr. Daniels looked over to you, nodding her head for you to go on. 
 “I want to move on from Siberia as much as he does. God, I really do.” you sighed, looking down at your lap. “Not a day goes by where I’m not haunted by that fight.” There’s a little restriction on how much information you’ve both given her. But it’s enough so that she knows things turned physical. “But what he did Tony..”
 “It's unforgivable.” Tony spat suddenly. He must have been building up again in his silence, leaning forward on his knees to cover his face with his hands. “What he did was the worst thing any stupid boyfriend could do. And you want to forgive him?”
 “But it wasn’t him! We’ve been through this a thousand times!” you cried out, turning your body to face him again. “How can we blame him for something that was out of his control? There was no choice for him. He was..trapped.”
 Tony scoffed at that, shaking his head at you as he continued to look away. “He was trapped for how long until your other ex boyfriend triggered his freedom? And what, he didn’t remember murdering dear Ma and Pa whenever you two were together. You know, you the daughter of said murdered couple?”
 “Mr. Stark, it’s unfair for you to use that knowledge against her when she was unaware of the situation.” Dr. Daniels tried to explain. But Tony simply held a hand up, stopping that train of thought. 
 “I’m not blaming her, Doc. As always, the blame always falls back to them.” He glanced at you for the first time since you two came, a small frown tugged at his face. “These two men used her love and innocence and just..betrayed her. My own colleague, my f-friend..he lied to me too.”
 You reached a hand out to rest against Tony’s arm. Feeling the familiar ache in your chest come back from before. In a way, he was right about the betrayal. But no matter how hard you tried to hate on either man, you couldn’t.
 “Be honest, Tony..would we have ever reacted normally to this?”
 He brought a hand up to rub against his beard, scratching at his cheek for a moment as he contemplated the answer. “No.” he concluded. “But it wouldn’t have hurt as much if he actually told me. If he had the damn balls to talk to me instead of Baron Von Asshole displaying that damn video.”
 “Video?” Dr. Daniels asked.
 “Confidential.” you both said at the same time. Despite it being judgment free, there were some things you couldn’t be descriptive about. 
 Focusing back at the conversation, you tried to sympathize with your brother. In a way, it was always going to be easier for you to lean into forgiving. While that reason was because of HYDRA, it still was a fact. Tony, on the other hand, knew them. He was raised by them and it meant something more. 
 “I want to move on..but I want to do all that with him..” you admitted softly. “Romania was the first time in a long time I truly felt..happy.”
 Tony sighed, not happy to hear that from you. But you continued on anyway. 
 “I know that if we could just talk to him and give him the chance to speak that maybe..maybe we might feel better about it all.” You sighed, feeling the tears prick at your cheeks. “We just attacked him and..God, I can’t get his face out of my head.” 
 You don’t have to look up to know both people are looking at you right now. 
 “..what face?” Tony asked warily. 
 “The face he made when I said I wasn’t going to find him again..it was always our safeguard.” Glancing over to Tony, you feel your bottom lip quiver. “It was a reassurance that I’d find him..even if he was gone up here.” You said pointing to the side of your head. “I wouldn’t give up and bring him back. And I just..I just told him no..”
 “Ms. Stark, you can blame yourself for cutting off that connection.” Dr. Daniels said, leaning forward. “In that moment, you said what you needed to say in order to protect yourself. In fact, I’d say it was also a way of standing your ground.” 
 “Protect myself from what? It only broke his heart.”
 “It protected your own heart, I’m afraid.”
 Tony gave a soft gasp, putting his face into his hands as he realized something on his own. The two of you look at each other worried before going back to Tony. 
 “Anything you’d like to share with the class, Tony?” You asked, poking at his arm. 
 He slowly pulled his hands away from his face. Looking a lot more tired than before. “You love the son of a bitch, don’t you?”
 The room turned completely silent. You find the words almost trapped in your throat. But you nod anyway, taking a small breath before speaking again. 
 “Yes, I love him.” 
 Instead of getting angry, Tony looks defeated. Like when one of the teams he was rooting for failed during baseball season. 
 “Let’s end on that note today. You guys covered a lot. You should get some rest.” 
 The two of you didn't move as she quickly gathered her files together. Only staring at each other as you both took in the recent confession. “I’d ask for you two to make up in other ways until our next session. But considering how stubborn you both are, I know there’s a chance you might continue the conversation when I leave.” Dr. Daniels said as she took her bag from the floor. “So I ask that you both remember each other’s feelings are valid, and just because one feels a certain way doesn’t mean they’re the bad guy. You’re both dealing with a brand new loss. You have to be there for one another.” 
 Her parting words are ignored as you focus on what she said. Dealing with a brand new loss. Was that what it was for you and Bucky now? A loss? Would this be a new thing in your life you have to recover from? Without him? 
 Tony was thankfully the one who was able to walk the therapist out. Giving her a small warning about confidentiality before closing the door. It was only until he stood by the doorway of the room that you picked your head up. Meeting his sad gaze. 
 “Is my life always gonna be full of losses?” You asked softly.
 The words made Tony visibly cringe. He quickly shook it off, moving to sit on the chair the therapist was so that he could look over at you better. “It doesn’t have to be.”
 “But how? E-even if we both wanted to make up with him..with everyone. They’re all gone.” You whimpered, feeling the familiar ache in your chest. “All my friends..Bucky..they’re gone. And I have to just accept that I’ve lost them?”
 Tony reached out to wipe at your face. Pushing away the tears you didn’t even realize were coming down. “I’m sorry, I wish..I wish I knew what to say.” 
 “Say that we can look for them..that we’ll find them and help fix this mess we all made!”
 “We? When did it turn into all of us when Steve decided to- Look, I’m done going in circles, Sprout.” Tony said, rubbing his temples. “Even if I wanted to, which I don’t know right now, Rogers and the rest of them made up their minds. I would have fought for your other friends but..they ran off. There’s not much I can do after that.” 
 You’re about to open your mouth when the sound of FRIDAY’s voice cuts in. 
 “Boss, Ms. Potts is waiting for the two of you at the main entrance. She says to remind you of your dinner plans.” 
 With that reminder, the two of you quiet up. Grabbing your coats as you head out of the main office. “I’m sorry I can’t understand how you feel, kid. Believe me. I want to.” Tony said once you two were in the elevator. “Give me time..I just..I need time.” 
 Nodding your head, you reached out and pulled your brother in your arms for a tight hug. 
 “I think time is all we have now..” you sighed, pulling away from him. The doors opened up revealing the main floor. Pepper greets the two of you happily and you pull on a brave face. Trying to keep your thoughts from going crazy. All while missing a pair of worried eyes watching you. 
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 APRIL (2018)
 “Oh my God, did you see the recent CapWatch on twitter?”
 “No! I was busy all morning. What’s the update?”
 You keep your face down, staring down on the floor while you wait for the light to change. The two teens before you don’t seem to be aware of the volume of their voices. 
 “Well, just last week there were rumors of him in a pub somewhere in France. But the man looked too grizzly, and apparently only spoke French.”
 “That’s crazy! I mean, what if it’s him and they totally missed out on checking.”
 The light finally changed and to your dismay, the two girls kept going in the same direction towards your apartment. Making you frown a bit. You attempted to go around them, but with the sidewalk so crowded in the early afternoon, you can’t find a way to squeeze in.
 “Even if someone did find him, what exactly are they gonna do?”
 “Totally, it’s not like anyone would want to be the one to turn in Captain America.”
 The two girls turned down the street, leaving you to your thoughts as you made your way home. Pulling out your phone, you can’t help but open up your internet, typing in the current search you just learned about. 
 It’s been months and you’ve convinced yourself over and over again that you don’t need to search for them. For Bucky, Steve, all your friends. Because if you gave into that urge even for a second you knew it’d only end in pain.
 This was life now. You’d go out, act like a regular citizen, and go home.There was the irregular nights where you’d join your family for dinner. Or meet up secretly with Peter and see what it’s like to patrol the streets of New York (from a safe distance of course). But other than that, you would spend nights numbing the pain with wine, movies, and new security software that Tony requested you make for the compound. Never mind the fact that you could hardly step into the compound without feeling emotional. 
 This was life now, and you weren’t sure you were mentally ready to accept that. 
 Turning down the block of your street, you sighed as you walked up the familiar steps to your town house. The sound of your phone ringing kept going off in your pocket, making you grumble as you pushed in the number code for your door lock. 
 It was most likely Tony again. Wanting to call to check in or talk about the wedding or some weird dream he had recently. But with your head all out of wack, you choose to ignore it as you push inside your home. You had just closed the door behind you when a bright orange light shined into the room. 
 A small electrifying circle formed right in front of you before it opened up, revealing what looked like a giant portal in the middle of your foyer. 
 “What the hell!?” you gasped, frozen in place.
 A tall man with a perfectly trimmed beard stepped through the portal, holding his hands up as he gave you a tight lipped smile. “Ms.Stark.” he started, looking around your home briefly. “I’m here to- '' you don’t give him the chance to finish his sentence before you activate the band on your wrist, dragging the nanobots over your hand to create the gauntlet you always kept on you. 
 “Whoa!” he called out. The tip of his finger sparked up and you noticed a magical glow came to them. “I’m not here to hurt you!”
 “Chill out, Sprout.” called out a familiar voice. From the other side of the portal, Tony stuck his head out for you to see. “Merlin is with me.”
 You lower your weapon, pressing the wrist of the glove to retract the nanobots back into the regular wrist band. “What the hell is this?” you sighed, relieved that the danger was gone. “Who’s this guy?”
 “My name is Stephen Strange.” 
 You can’t help but chuckle at the name for a second. The man only looked exasperated at your reaction. A clear sign of annoyance on his face. 
 “Wait, you’re serious? That’s your name?”
 “We don’t have time for this.” He waved his hand over, sliding the portal past you until you were suddenly in a whole other room. It reminded you of a museum you had used to visit back in your childhood. Smelled like it too.
 “Where are we?”
 “You are at Sanctum Sanctorum, Miss Stark.” said an older voice. A man with a shaved head and stout body slowly stepped forward, bowing his head a bit in a quick greeting. “I’m afraid we have some grave news for you and your brother.”
 Tony stepped close to you, pulling you close to his side. 
 “What’s happened?” you asked softly.
 “Thanos is coming. And we need all the help we can get to stop him.”
 Bruce emerged out from behind Stephen, looking at you with a small smile. You pulled away from Tony to rush over and give him a hug. Happy to see his face after all this time. But the happiness is short lived, and you pull back enough to look at him worried.
 “Who is Thanos?”
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  The group discusses the origin of the infinity stones, all having different powers, and origins. You can’t help but notice that there are a few that this group has come across before. But this power, this threat, felt so much beyond anything you guys were used to. 
 Now Thor is gone. Taken from you all without so much as a real goodbye. Everyone close to you seemed to suffer the same fate of leaving and you feel desperate to hold onto those you have left.
 How were you just previous fighting each other and now have the possibility of fighting a super titan from across the universe?
 “Tell me his name again.”
 “Thanos.” Bruce repeated, stepping towards where you stood and Tony paced. “He’s a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki.” Tony became frozen. Hearing the name of an old enemy again. “The attack on New York, that’s him.”
 “..This is it.” he whispered. You can’t help but frown in confusion. “What’s our timeline?” he asked shortly after.
 “No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones. That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony..”
 “He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.” Stephen included.
 Tony reached out for a vase before him, using it to stretch out his hamstring while he responded to Stephen. In his sardonic fashion of course. “Did you seriously just say hitherto undreamt of?”
 “Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?”
 Now you can’t help but step forward, confused by the vases’ grand title. The cap draped around Stephen’s shoulders lifted up and slapped Tony. Causing him to stumble forward a bit while you took in the fact that this man’s cape just moved on its own accord.
 Tony looked a bit shocked, looking over at the man before he calmly became reserved again. “I’m going to allow that.” He said, before a thought came to mind. “If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick this one down a garbage disposal?”
 “No can do.” 
 “We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.” said the other male whom you found out was simply named Wong.  
 “And I swore off dairy.” Tony volleyed. “But then Ben & Jerry’s named a flavor after me. So.”
 “Stark Raving Hazelnuts.” Stephen mumbled, sounding even more irritated.
 “Not bad.” Tony shrugged.
 “A bit chalky.” 
 Wong shook his head quickly. “A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite.”
 Bruce gaped over at that, already becoming more fidgety about the situation. “That’s a thing?”
 “Whatever,” Tony said, bringing the focus back to him. “Point is, things change.”
 “Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change.” Stephen said simply. “And this stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos.”
 “Yeah, so conversely, it may also be his best chance against us.”
 You can’t help but snort, feeling the emotions suddenly hit you. The two men snapped their gazes in your direction. “So, you’re here with us.” Stephen said sarcastically. “Care to enlighten us with your views? I’m sure the other Stark, has one.”
 You’re trying to hold back the real anger coming in. The one that hit you when Bruce revealed Thor's death. It was another loss in your life. You just couldn’t believe that someone as powerful as Thor was gone because of this Thanos. 
 Crossing your arms, you move past Bruce to stand by Tony. He catches your eyes, giving you a knowing look before you face Stephen. “Well, for starters, Raspberry Thorbet is the superior flavor.” you shrugged. “And I think Tony is right.”
 The taller man scoffed a bit, raising a brow at you. “Seriously?”
 “What good is a sworn oath when he’s powerful enough to just take it?” You glanced over to the other wizard (sorcerer?). “If he has two stones powerful enough to wipe out half of the Asgardians. Some of the most valiant and powerful people. Then why the hell are we wasting our time giving him the chance to get another stone?!” Your chest is rising and you have to pinch at your arm secretly to keep from bursting like you want to. “Take out the damn probability before I have to lose another damn friend in this!”
 “That’s only if we don’t do our jobs.” Stephen countered, now irritated by you. 
 “What is your job exactly?” Tony asked. “I mean, besides making balloon animals.” 
 “Protecting your reality, douchebag.” 
 You can help but roll your eyes at the two. They’re oddly similar and two egos in one room is already far too much. Bruce, seeming to feel the same, stepped forward. 
 “Okay, guys. Could we table this discussion right now?” The two put off the stare down to turn to Bruce. “The fact is we have this stone. We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone and we have to find him now.”
 Tony glanced over at you with a winced look. All you could do is merely turn away from Bruce, trying to cover up the discomfort. This was going to be a lot to unpack for him in such a short amount of time.
 “Yeah, that’s the thing.” Tony started. 
 “What do you mean?”
 “Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He’s offline.” he shrugged, arms crossed over his chest. You remembered back to how upset Tony got. Unsure why Vision would cut all ties immediately and while you helped try and find him, you knew it wasn’t going to work. Not when Vision knew both your techniques well enough. 
 Vision didn’t want to be found. He did not want to come back home. And if that didn’t add salt to wounds..
 “What?!” Bruce asked, brows furrowed in the confusion. “Tony, you lost another super-bot?”
 “I didn’t lose him. He’s more than that. He’s evolving.”
 “Some parents would call it a rebellious phase.” you added, getting a small glare from Tony. Bruce ignored your words, following after your brother.
“Who could find Vision then?” asked Stephen as he attempted to bring back the situation into focus. But he was completely unaware of how much of a loaded question that was. There was a possibility that Vision had gone off to find Wanda. Something about their bond during their stay in the compound. But the only one who would have an idea of her whereabouts was the man that helped free her from the raft.
 “Shit.” Tony cursed under his breath. “..Probably Steve Rogers.”
 “Oh great.”
 “Maybe. But..” Tony dragged out, sighing a little bit in defeat.
 “Call him.” Bruce suggested.
 “It’s not that easy.” Bruce only stared over at Tony even more confused. “God, we haven’t caught up in a spell, have we?” he said, almost too casually.
 “The Avengers broke up,” he said simply. “We’re toast.”
 “Broke up? Like a band? Like..like the Beatles?”
 You cover your tired face, not having the mental capacity to deal with another detouring conversation. 
 “Cap and I fell out hard. We’re not on speaking terms.” he said, shaking his head.
 Bruce turned to face your direction, holding his hands out confused. “Boyfriend? Or?”
 Shaking your head, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Broke up with him a little after you and the green guy went AWOL.” 
 Bruce’s whole face fell, looking around the room incredulously before he returned back to the two of you. “Tony, listen to me.” he said, stepping closer. “Thor’s gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to or not.”
 That  seemed like enough to convince Tony. Making him let out a sigh before he reached into his pants pocket. You followed after him, watching as he pulled out the flip phone he showed you just shy over a year ago. 
 “You carry that around with you in your pocket?” you whispered, slightly amused. 
 Tony closed his eyes, letting out a long exaggerated sigh. “I swear to God-”
Waving your hand, you step away and allow Tony to make the phone call. He’s about to press down on the keypad when a rumbling sound filled up the noise in the room. Tony turned around to face the rest of you. 
 “Say, Doc, you wouldn’t happen to be moving your hair, would ya?”
 “Not at the moment, no.”
 You follow his gaze to Strange’s head, noting that it was indeed moving on its own. In fact, the hair framing around your face began to move as well. Looking up, you stare up at the gaping hole in the roof of the building.
 “Someone’s here.” you whispered, ready for the worst.
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 Stepping out on the outside proved you right. All around were strong winds and citizens of the city running away from one direction. Pushing on the button of your earring, you turn on the connection to FRIDAY. 
 “FRIDAY, connect me to Tony.” you yelled, helping pick up some of the people tripping over the debris. Already he was stalking off ahead of the group, trying to find the source of the commotion. 
 One turn around the corner has you coming face to face with the source of the noise. A large wheel-like shit was currently descending down to Earth. Causing the air to turn foggy and thick with its exhaust. You catch up with Tony, looking up at the beast of the machine.
 “FRIDAY, evac anyone south of 43rd Street.” Tony ordered. “Notify first responders.”
 “Will do.”
 A burst of orange glow waved past the two of you, going forward towards the ship in the sky. At first it didn’t seem like it did anything, but when the wind died down, you figured that Strange must have done something to stop it from dropping down further. 
 You took a glance at Tony and shared a look of strange amusement before turning back to the main problem. 
 The ship aimed a bright light down on the ground, beaming down two individuals. After all these years of fighting against Gods, Hydra, and murder robots. You shouldn’t be so surprised to figure out that Aliens would join the list of enemies now.
 The small group slowly walked over towards the two. You can’t help but take notice of their appearance. They were drastically in contrast to each other. But you focused your gaze on the smaller one who appeared to be the calmer of the two.
 “Hear me and rejoice.” started the thin one. “You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos.” The giant beside him barked out in agreement, adjusting the weapon in his hands. “Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing–”
 “I’M SORRY! EARTH IS CLOSED TODAY.” Tony yelled, thankfully interrupting the annoying creature’s speech. “You better pack it up and get outta here.”
 The gray creature moved his gaze over to Strange, ignoring Tony’s comments. “Stonekeeper,” he called out, getting Stephen’s attention. “Does this chattering animal speak for you?”
 “Certainly not. I speak for myself.” he answered, stepping up to the plate. He clapped his arms together, balling up his fists as the orange magic wrapped around his hands again. “You’re trespassing in this city and on this planet.” Wong behind you pumped his arms in the same way, ready for the fight.
 “He means get lost, Squidward.”
 “God,” you gasped under your breath. “That’s perfect.” you said to Tony. Glancing at your brother with an approving nod. He only gave a small smirk before he looked back to the two aliens.
 “He exhausts me. Bring me the stone.”
 The giant gave one hammer to the ground in response. Tapping at the bands on your hands, you pull the gauntlet over your hand, powering up as you readied yourself for the creature’s attack.
 “Banner, you want a piece?”
 “Mmm no, not really. But when do I ever get what I want?”
 “That’s right.”
 “Okay, push!” Bruce grunted. 
 “It’s been a while. It’s gonna be good to have you, buddy.” said Tony, unaware of the complete failure of a transformation happening behind him. 
 “Okay shh.” Bruce grunted, vein protruding from his neck as the green attempted to creep up on his skin. “Let me just..I need to concentrate here for a second.” The lack of action caused Tony to slowly turn around, eyeing his friend curiously. “Come on, man, come on.”
 “Where’s your guy?”
 “I don’t think he’s coming, Tony.” you muttered, raising your hands up as the fidgety creature began to step towards your direction.
 Bruce tried grunting back into Hulk mode again before he sighed. “I don’t know. We’ve sorta been having a thing.”
 “It’s performance issues!” you hissed, trying to hopefully piss Bruce off that the Hulk will come through.
 “Please don’t word it like that.” sighed your friend.
 “It’s no time for a thing.”
 “I know.”
 “That’s the thing right there. Let’s go.” Tony urged.
 No matter how hard Bruce cried and worked, there was no way for him to change into what you needed. Strange peered over from Tony’s other side. Looking at him with an astonished glare before Tony leaned forward. 
 “Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”
 “Don’t make him feel bad, Tony! He’s trying his best.”
 “He’s barely even breaking chartreuse!”
 Bruce let out another grunt before turning to your brother. “Tony I’m sorry. Either I can’t or he won’t.”
 “It’s okay.” Tony assured him, placing his hands on Bruce’s shoulders. “Hey, stand down. You two keep an eye on him.” He caught your gaze before turning to Wong. Pushing Bruce closer to him. “Thank you.”
 You moved to stand in front of Bruce alongside Wong. “We have him.” Wong nodded.
 The large creature began to run now, gaining closer distance to the group. A small panic began to build up inside you, making you wish for more help. Tony pulled the straps to his chest, cinching up the trap suit as he activated the nanobots on his chest.
 The beast instantly set out on the attack, running even faster now as Tony pulled out the shield from his suit. Blocking the hit before he throws a solid punch to the creature’s jaw. It staggered him back enough that gave Tony a chance to activate his cluster canon that he recently added to the Mark L suit. 
 Its power sends the beast flying all the way back to its partner. 
 “Where did that come from?” Bruce exclaimed, shocked to see such power from one of Tony’s suits. 
 “It’s nanotech. You like it? A little something I-”
 The ground from beneath Tony shot up, sending your brother up in the air. “Tony!?” you yelled into your ear piece. “Are you okay?”
 “Shit, didn’t see that coming, kid. I’m okay.”
 The gray squid-man tore trees from the street way, shooting them over at the group. Wong instantly threw out his magic, putting up a solid glowing wall to stop them from reaching to where you guys stood. 
 “Doctor Banner, if the rest of your green friend won’t be joining us..” He held his hands up, opening a portal behind Bruce before allowing the man to fall down the circle. He nods at you. “Better help keep watch of him.” he pointed out. 
 Nodding your head, you jump through, landing hard on the half car that got torn off with Bruce when he fell in. The wind got pushed out of you a bit, but you were able to balance yourself before hopping off the car.
 “Are you okay?” you asked, helping Bruce off from the ground. He let out a small groan a bit before taking your hand. You wait until he’s settled before taking a look at where you guys were. “We’re at Washington Square park.” you observed, reaching for your phone. 
 Tapping at the screen, you activate the locator to Tony. Trying to figure out if he was able to return back to the fight. But barely links up for a second before Tony is sent flying into the park. Crashing into the root of a tree.
 The two of you quickly rushed over to his side.
 “Tony, you okay?” Bruce gasped. “How we doing? Good? Bad?”
 You rolled your eyes, wanting to point out it can’t be that great if he’s in the ground right now but you bite your tongue.
 “Really, really good.” He said, on the same page as you it would seem. “Do you plan on helping out?”
 “I’m trying. He won’t come out!”
 “Boss, you better move out the way.” said FRIDAY into your ear.
 “Hammer.” Tony said, pushing the two of you out of the way in time from the giant creature’s attack. The push sends the two of you over the ground, making you huff a bit as you hit your back against the ground. 
 Leaving Bruce to fight against a large tree branch, you climb back over the half of the car, aiming your repulsors over at the beast trying to attack Tony. “Shit, these two keep moving around too fast.” you hissed. 
 You only get one blast out at the creature before he’s sending Tony flying back in your direction. Hopping off, you rush over to try and shoot closer at the oncoming beast when a red blur lands before him.
 “Hey, man! What’s up, Mr. Stark?”
 Peter, or rather right now, Spider-Man, had come in the nick of time. 
 “Spider-Man!” you yelled, reaching out to help Tony up from the floor dragging him back a bit.
 “Oh, hey, Scout!”
 “Kid, where’d you come from?”
 “A field trip to MoMa!” yelled Peter as he was thrown across the park. Tony and you aim both your hands over to the boost, hitting him with a sonic blast before you dashed out of the way. With how fast this guy got back up, you couldn’t take your chances to shoot from the same spot.
 “What is this guy’s problem, guys?”
 “Uh, he’s from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.”
 You made a run over towards the heavier treelines, trying to get out of the path of the creature's hammer swing. “You know, on this nice day too.” you added in, aiming another sonic blast. It barely scorched the side of its large leg, giving Tony the chance to attack with another laser shot. But it simply reached for the half broken taxi cab and threw it in Tony’s direction. 
Peter was quick to grab it before it shot off too far and threw it back to hit against the beast. Sending it hard to the ground. 
 It scrambled up quickly, letting out a primal growl before he started to charge for Tony again. He’s about to swing down when you switch to the sonic boom, causing the creature to cry out at the pain to its ears and giving Tony a second to switch back to his shield. 
 It prepares for another throw down when a blurred object rushes between the two of them. You barely get a second to notice that it’s not just an object but Strange himself. 
 “Kid, that’s the wizard. Get on it.”
 “On it!” Peter yelled as he shot his web towards the light posts, shooting his body into the sky and after Strange. You switch it over to a flash attack, blinking the repulsor twice to get the creature to stagger back from his next hit. 
 “We gotta get this guy down!” you yelled, running to ambush from a new spot. “It’s gotta have some sort of weakness.”
 “Towards the statue,” Tony pointed. “Let’s rock his world.” 
 You rolled your eyes at the pun, dashing to run in front of the beast and get his attention into following you. Tony flies through the trees, coming around the back just in time to spring out in a surprise attack. You used your smaller height to quickly sneak out from under the creature’s legs. Rolling through them and over the grass until you were at a good distance again.
 “Uh, guys, I’m being beamed up.” Peter said, making you turn your neck towards the sky. From below you could spot the bright blue beam hitting down on the city again. 
 “Shit, it’s got Spider-Man!” you yelled.
 “Hang on, kid!” Tony yelled, hitting blasts enough that the creature took a swing at him. It’s not until he’s being hit with rocks that Tony mistakenly stays close, giving him the chance to grab hold of his body. He sent Tony back wrapped up in a claw like device. 
 “Shit!” you hissed, aiming your hands back up, running just a little behind the creature as he jumped up to send a stab down to where Tony laid. In the blink of an eye an orange portal opened up just before Tony, sending the creature down in what looked like a snowy land. 
 Wong and Bruce both come up now, the older man holding his hands up as he holds the spell that created the portal. Joining at their side, you peered down to see the giant get back up from the floor. Growling a bit as he looked up in the sky to the rest of you.
 Right as he’s about to jump back through the portal, Wong quickly closes up the seal. But not before one of the creature’s arms came through, being cut off instantly from the seal of the magic. 
 “Oh!” Bruce gasped, watching the limb bounce on the ground before he kicked it away from you guys. 
 You barely had time to register that when Tony pulled up from the ground. Tearing off the claw around him. “Wong, you’re invited to my wedding.” he said simply before shooting up in the sky. 
 “Tony, wait!” you called out, watching as his figure drifted further away from the city. Pulling out your phone, you connect with FRIDAY to ping to Tony’s location, watching as his locator was getting further away from the city.
 A familiar click ticks in your ear and you close your eyes. Bracing yourself for what you know he’s going to say.
 “Tell me you’ll come back. You’ll grab the kid and get the hell out of there.”
 “It’s not just him, Sprout. They’ve got Strange. And if they have him then they have that stone.”
 You gripped at your phone tightly, feeling your heartbeat increase with worry. “Fuck, I’m not gonna be able to help you, Tony. FRIDAY won’t make it past the atmosphere.”
 “I know, kid..” it’s silent for a second before he spoke up again. “Get Rogers..tell him everything. Get everyone..anyone.”
 There’s a second of silence before you speak up again. “Be careful..okay?”
 “You too.”
 You wait for the click before turning to follow where Wong and Bruce were walking towards. Turning on your phone, you quickly shoot out a message to Rhodey, asking him to meet you at the compound. It’s not until you’re back towards the streets of the city again that you turn to find Wong opening up another portal.
 “Where you going?” Bruce asked, looking down at the dusty phone Tony had dropped.
 “The Time Stone’s been taken. The Sanctum remains unguarded. What will you two do?” he asked, after stepping inside. You glanced back to Bruce, watching him hold up the flip phone.
 “I’m gonna make a call.”
With a firm nod, Wong held up his hands and sealed the portal leaving the two of you alone in the abandoned street. Licking your lips, you glanced down at the phone screen. Frowning at the name of the contact as Bruce hesitantly pressed CALL.
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  It’s been roughly towards an hour now that you sat hidden in one of the offices. Rhodey took the lead in communicating with some higher officials while you guys waited for the arrival of Steve. The nerves of seeing him again after so long made it nearly impossible for you to relax. Not to mention with total loss of contact with Tony, things were just running worse. 
 “Hey, kid. If this is too much..no one would blame you for joining Pepper back home.”
 You paused your pacing to look over at the doorway. Bruce had come through looking just as timid as ever. Quickly you waved him off, moving over to sit down on the desk chair. “We both know I’m not gonna do that.” you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest.
 “Do you uh, need to talk about it?”
 Smiling sadly, you look down at your lap as you mulled the suggestion over. “I thought you weren’t that kind of Doctor?” you asked, watching a smile tug on his face. 
 “No, but we can talk about it as friends.”
 “I mean, only if you want to!”
 “There’s a lot that you missed out on.” you sighed, getting back up again. “Steve and I..we fought. And not just verbally. I tried..”
 “You tried?”
 “To shoot him..and his best friend..who I was dating at the time.”
 He let out a big huff, looking wide eyed at you. “That is a lot more than just talking it out.” You nodded in reply, looking a little bit pained at the sudden information Bruce needed to have. “Are you guys gonna be okay today?”
 “We’re gonna have to be.” An alert pinged on the computer and you tapped at the keys to activate the compound cameras. “What am I looking at FRI?”
 “Steve Rogers has just landed on the east hangar, Boss.”
 Clicking the cameras you watch as Steve stepped down from the quinjet runway, making your stomach turn a bit. “Let’s go greet our guests.” you mused, leading the two of you out of the room. The closer you got towards the labs the more you’re able to hear the remnants of Rhodey’s last conversation.
 Bruce is about to step out but you know better than for someone like Secretary Ross to see him, so you stand back, urging him to wait a minute.
 “If it weren’t for those Accords,” Rhodey said, sounding irritated. “Vision would’ve been right here.”
 “I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel.” Ross volleyed, sounding as annoying as ever. 
 “Accords? What Accords?” Bruce whispered, you held a hand shutting him up. It’d have to be another thing explained later to him.
 “That’s right. And I’m pretty sure I paid for that.”
 Your stomach dips as you recalled the events of that year. Rhodey’s accident continued to haunt you after everything. Even if he didn’t blame you, you knew that you were still part of the picture. 
 “You have second thoughts?” Ross asked.
 “Not anymore.”
 The sounds of heavy footsteps entering through the hall came in, and you felt yourself grow fidgety as you waited to hear the familiar voices again. 
 “Mr. Secretary.” 
 It’s been so long since you’ve heard the timbre in Steve’s voice. The last time he spoke to you really was with his confession. “You got some nerve. I’ll give you that.” Ross said, sounding displeased to see a former ally. 
 “You could use some of that right now.” 
 It’s Bruce’s turn to tense up now, and you can’t blame him. With Natasha being back too, well, it would open wounds for everyone. 
 “The world’s on fire. And you think all is forgiven?” Ross continued.
 “I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking permission.”
 You roll your eyes a bit, smiling at the very typical Steve Rogers reply. 
 “Earth just lost her best defender. So we’re here to fight.” Your chest tightened at the small reminder of Tony’s whereabouts. No one is able to locate or reach him and you know the worry is only going to get worse from here on out. But you’d hold out hope for as long as you could.
 “If you wanna stand in our way, we’ll fight you too.” Steve warned. 
 “Arrest them.” Ross said simply.
 “All over it.” Rhodey replied, sounding completely facetious. There’s a moment of silence before he spoke up again. “That’s a court-martial…It’s great to see you, Cap.”
 “You too, Rhodey.”
 “Wow, you guys..really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple years.”
 “Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star.” said the voice you missed most of all. It has you pulling away from the wall and turning the corner. 
 “Didn’t you know? I put reservations under Ms. Stark’s Assistant.” you said softly, watching as the eyes of the room turned to look at you. A smile tugged quickly over Sam’s lips as he gave you a small nod. 
 “How many times do I have to remind you, Scout? I’m not your assistant.” he chuckled back, making your chest feel lighter.
 “Just one more time.”
 You note that Vision is leaning on his side, with a slightly battered Wanda holding his other. It’s not until you finally give your attention to the two blondes in the center of the room that you feel nervous again.
 “Uh, I think you look great.” said Bruce, joining at your side. The group is shocked again to see their old friend appear. You gauge Natasha’s reaction, seeing just how much her eyes sparkled to see Bruce.
 “Yeah, I’m back.” Bruce declared softly, trying to ease up some of the awkwardness that might have lingered since he followed you down into the lab. The two of you stay a few feet apart from the others. 
 “Hi Bruce.” Nat’s voice is calm and even. 
 No one really knows how to progress forward from their greeting. Well, almost no one.
 “This is awkward.” 
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A/N: OK!!! It was definitely time to bring this back. I know there’s only like three people who might like this or even read this. And I hope they enjoy it. I still wanna finish out this story regardless of the little traction it gets. So please enjoy the mini chapters of Infinity War~
Tagging: @justanothermagicalsara​ - my loyal follower/reader 💖​
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Compliments for the Beautiful
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52605013 by madarmy “You are very pretty” Stephen said. Tony’s mind blue-screened. Or On their first Christmas morning together, Stephen compliments Tony and realizes that one compliment isn't enough so proceeds to shower Tony with lots of compliments and kisses! Ft. Iron and Strange fam Words: 3259, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of TONY & STEPHEN IRONSTRANGE GOALS Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Spider-Man - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Pepper Potts, Christine Palmer, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Wong (Marvel), Peter Parker, The Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Friday (Marvel) Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Wong, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Peter Parker & Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer & Stephen Strange, Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, The Cloak of Levitation & Stephen Strange, Jarvis (Iron Man movies) & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Fluff, Tony Stark Feels, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Protective Stephen Strange, Insecure Tony Stark, Christmas Morning, Tony Stark deserves all the love in the world, He is the prettiest, fight me if you think otherwise, shower of compliments, SO MUCH FLUFF, Forehead Kisses, Christmas Kisses, Mistletoe, Partners in crime wong and rhodey, Dorks in Love, Awesome Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Awesome Friday (Marvel), Awesome Cloak of Levitation (Marvel), It's pure fluff, because Tony deserves happiness, and Stephen is gonna shower him with it, You can consider this in any timeline, IronStrange, Couple goals, First Christmas, Christmas Bingo, does this count as christmas bingo?, Fluff and Humor, Attempt at Humor, Christmas has come and I wish to make myself and others happy so here is my gift to everyone read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52605013
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