#re8 cris redfield
vivern-of-nosgoth · 2 years
Litsen, I don't really care about this new RE8 DLC but
Why does Rose go to a usual school? Chris told she is not dangerous or infectious blah blah blah, so bullying isn't a problem? For a teenager with not fully explored powers and features? For a teenager whose Miranda took from Megamycete?
(super cruel and powerful bitch and super dangerous mold, you know, those kids, always catch all deseases and lice from lycans haha)
Did B.S.A.A were really THAT stupid and don't expect new Silent Hill / F.E.A.R. shit in their town, if Rose freaks out? Or.. did they.. with dependent Mia… With loyal as dog Redfield.. in absolutely natural way.. raise a little good girl under every day pressure of self doubt.. who will do anything.. to heal or to save someone, cause she IS a special girl, right, Rose? All what any child want to hear "We need you", "we believe in you", "you will be accepted IF..."
"My daughter is not a weapon!" You're right, Ethan, she is not. She is a puppet. Same as your wife.
P.S. Ethan will raised from his mushroom grave and shit go feral I swear to God
P.P.S. Hey hey imagine what uncle Karl could done or teach Rose how to deal with bullies? We could have new Junior from Problem Child 2 (1991) but mixed with Saw (2003)
P.P.P.S That why I feel deep disgust to Miranda - she don't give a fuck to poor Eveline, her own blood part, just another failed experiment, she didn't care about Moreau's condition - her loyest servant, she did't help Alcina in castle - her best lieutenant, Miranda promised to heal her blood deseas, not to make her addicted to blood and became a monster. Miranda is sick heartless bitch, without any affection or just simple human care. I doubt she wanted her daughter back, as a mourn mother. She wanted her as a symbol of unlimited power, same as Virgin Mary is nothing without a baby Jesus. She wore religion clother, she was not just Mistress Miranda, she was MOTHER Miranda. Holy mother. Who could be more dominant than mother of god himself? I'm sure she planned to push her Eva to be a Little Goddess on Earth, aaaaaand we could get another Eveline but unstoppable and under Miranda's control lol.
P.P.P.P.S Miranda and Wesker just had to go to a date and make their super-kid in natural way lmaooo. Nah, they'll fight each other like two roosters.
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RE8 | Wintersberg | Romance, Slow Burn | Action, Sci-Fi
Sequel of Winters and the Beast, a Resident Evil: Village Story
Table Of Contents
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Ethan’s Journal
September 10
What a week. 
That could probably be said for any week this entire year, now that I think about it.  
But, Moreau is now building a windmill and cabin down by the former lake, which is getting a lot more water from the falls lately.  I guess the old mills were originally water pumps.  Karl said that it would be a good thing to have while they wait for the sluice to be rebuilt, to help guard against flooding in the winter.  He also wants someone down there to keep a watch on the municipal workers in case Miranda tries anything.  
I worry about Miranda influencing Moreau if he’s living in the middle of that nothingness, but I’m also fine with him not being here.  He cries a lot.  Maricara is sending some of the young men from her village to help; they will learn how to build cabins and later, wire them up with Karl’s help.  I’m happy for them.  It’s a good opportunity for money and experience.  
Donna is also leaving.  She wants to go back to her house, which is just insane.  I worry about her.  Maricara is going to drop her off today, and then they will go back to their village too.  It has been a lot of running around and packing all morning.  It will feel strange to just have the four of us in this big house again.  
The mystery of Donna’s memories returning was solved–Moreau knows a lot about the Mold, as it turns out (from being Miranda’s first assistant, a long time ago.)  I guess Eva’s will, and maybe mine?--are affecting the actions of the collective consciousness.  Whether or not this will help us get rid of Miranda, we have no idea.  
I’ve tried to make myself and Rose scarce, to be honest.  We’ve spent a lot of time in town, buying a whole new wardrobe for both of us, and a bunch of fabric for Eva.  Karl bought a ton of lumber and supplies for the cabins and the mill.  Being in town is really great, it makes me feel normal while all this insanity goes on at home.  
I saw a golden leaf today in the backyard.  I know summer is pretty much over, but it made me uneasy. I feel melancholy and nervous about autumn.  Part of it is what comes after; some of the worst moments of my life happened down in that village in the dead of winter.  I don’t know how I’ll get through it again.  
There’s another reason I feel uneasy that has nothing to do with the village.  I can’t really explain it.  Maybe it’s just a side effect of not being in denial after six years. It’s like seeing everything through a dark filter.  It’s funny, if I were this moody or quiet around Mia she’d get upset at me, so I keep trying to hide it.  But I don’t even know if Karl notices my mood.  He hasn’t said anything about it.  
I would say “that’s men” but I think that’s just Karl.  
Time to go see Donna off. 
Rosemary was napping; Ethan tiptoed out of the darkened bedroom and met the crowd at the parlor doorway.  One of Maricara’s sons was driving their  large pickup truck, and it idled out in front of the manor.  Ethan had mixed feelings about everyone leaving; on one hand, he was a poor host when the fog of depression was settling around him.  On the other hand, he wasn’t sure it was in his or Donna’s best interest to be alone with their dark thoughts.  She didn’t even have a phone, as Karl pointed out after going on a very long anti-Chris-Redfield rant.  He would have to repair the phone lines around a whole mountain before they could communicate.  Eva promised weekly Sunday lunches, which seemed to satisfy Donna, but Ethan was still skeptical.  
The blond picked up some of the luggage near the door and eyed a strangely ornate box amid the pile.  It had a navy blue ribbon wrapped around it.  With another glance he moved out the door toward the truck. Maricara’s daughters were the next to leave, giggling happily about something as they walked behind Ethan and spoke their own language.   
Ethan turned after he’d put the bags away to see Eva and Donna saunter out, speaking Romanian and looking like fairy tale opposites; Donna was raven-haired, donned a black silk dress, and seemed to be wearing simple, but striking, black eye makeup.  Eva was almost white-haired, dressed in white, and had a very ornate, colorful shawl around her shoulders.  
They congregated at the truck by Ethan, and after them came Moreau and Karl, each carrying another suitcase.  Moreau and Karl were another odd, mismatched pair.  Karl wore his coat despite the warmth of the day, hat and glasses covered his face.  With his wide frame, dark skin and long, untrimmed hair, he resembled a werewolf in disguise.  Moreau’s clothing and frame were thin, and his hair looked as unhealthy as his pale skin.  His wide, doe-like watery eyes and a very readable expression were visible, perhaps too visible.  
Ethan had to give the man credit though; he was starting to look a bit healthier since his return.  He was almost even standing upright and not flinching when others spoke.  Almost.  And his skin was slowly moving from a sallow yellowish color to a more olive tone.  Maybe a project spent with Karl nearby would be good for him.  Ethan couldn’t believe he’d ever consider Karl a good influence, but it was pretty obvious that anyone other than Miranda was a step up for Salvatore.  
Maricara was the last to exit and she beamed as she held out the box Ethan had seen earlier; the group parted as she approached Donna.  Eva moved aside and Ethan saw the familiar hesitancy, fear, on Donna’s face.  She looked so timid.  He marveled again about what Miranda must have put all of them through.  
The older woman snapped something quick to Karl, and he strode forward obediently, pulling out an item to hand to Donna.  Maricara addressed Donna directly, but Ethan had no hope of understanding their words.  
Karl, who usually fumbled his way through any meal requiring silverware, was suddenly dextrous and quick with his hands as he opened the music box.  Her eyes immediately welled up with tears and Ethan remembered seeing it upon his and Maricara’s first meeting.  It was the box her father had made, he realized.  How long ago that meeting had seemed, how emotional Donna looked.  Her pale hands were shaking, nowhere near as steady as Karl’s as she took the item and held it to her chest. 
Ethan couldn’t help but smile at this, even though the sad tinkling notes from the music box settled the dread in his chest further.  Karl planted a very un-Karl-like kiss on Donna’s forehead, and she blushed.  It seemed the engineer was eager to leave, as he moved back toward Moreau, but he folded his arms and waited as Maricara approached with the box.  
“We all have a long way to go before we are healed,” she said with a loving pat to the arm, as Donna uneasily pulled the ribbon.  “But it is nice to have a reminder of what life can be like.” 
This riddle didn’t make sense to Ethan.  The lid was opened and Donna gasped, Eva exclaimed.  The ‘sewing project’ that Maricara and her daughters were working on became clear, as Donna picked up the item from the box.  Ethan almost didn’t recognize it until Donna said in a choked voice, “...Angie!”
The doll had been repaired to pristine condition.  Its dress was now white and flowing, the silk flowers in its hair new and shiny.  In fact, its hair, which had previously looked burnt or rotten, was also replaced; now Angie had long golden ringlets and looked rightfully Victorian.  
Donna held her up and turned her around, looking at all angles; Ethan could see that the doll’s porcelain face was refinished and repainted.  She looked serene–still creepy, he decided, and did not make eye contact with the doll again, staring instead at its ornate dress and veil.  
Donna hugged the doll tenderly, and began to cry as Maricara moved in for a hug.  She too seemed to shrink away from the long marionette as she embraced the emotional woman.  Eva was beaming behind the pair.  
Even though Ethan felt happiness for, dare he say, his new friend, he couldn’t help but feel doleful as everyone continued their goodbyes and farewells.  Eva would ride with everyone and then stay to help Donna get settled.  As the truck loaded up with everyone in it, and Karl and Moreau headed down to the new job site to leave Ethan alone, he felt even more lonely.  
Maricara had not yet piled into the very over-filled (with items, and people) truck.  She seemed to consider Ethan for a moment, and then waved to her son, signaling a pause, before she approached the father who stood in the driveway, arms crossed.  
“I have a job for you,” she said to him almost mischievously, and Ethan smiled at her despite his melancholy.  
“Oh yeah?”
“The young people in my village, my daughters and their friends.  They would like to open a business.” 
“But it seems that everything now is done on the internet.  We know nothing about internet.” 
Ethan’s eyes lit up.  “You mean you want help with…selling things?  Marketing? Online?”
“Selling things, writing things.  Photography, which you are so good at.  A whole world of things.”  She waved her hands as if she knew her vague descriptions did the idea little justice.  “They would need practical help, as well as–”
“The software, the programming,” Ethan finished, so excited that he interrupted her.  Her dark eyebrows rose and she nodded, chuckling.  
“See?  This is why we need you.  Karl tells me you work with computers.”  
“I can definitely help,” he echoed, excited at the very mundane prospect of creating systems; whether he was just doing the design, or teaching others programming language, it was something he was great at.  Ethan realized, as his heart fluttered, that he’d not given a thought to any kind of his own work for over a year.  The transition from systems engineering to military training was not one he had particularly enjoyed, and the one positive about his current life is that he was no longer the BSAA’s contracted errand boy.  
Ethan felt as if someone had taken a cloth from his mouth; he could breathe more easily, and he was animatedly speaking in a way he hadn’t done in a very long time.  “Let’s set up a time, we can go over everything they want to do and how deep into the info they want to get.  Whatever they need, I am happy to help.  I can talk to Heisenberg about getting us internet, how many people are interested?--” 
She was laughing, and patted Ethan’s chest heartily.  “Ethan Winters…there you are.” 
His animated smile softened as he considered her meaning.  A finger poked into his chest.  
“You are a full person, you know, with your own dreams and passions.  And you are helpful and kind.  Do not forget it.”  
When she moved back to the truck, Ethan’s smile slowly returned.  She said farewell with a promise to call him soon about the job. He waved to the departing group with less trepidation than he’d felt in awhile.  
After the sound of the truck faded as it left the gravel road, dipping down into the moor of the once-village, Ethan’s gaze tracked over the valley and landed on the tower spires of Castle Dimitrescu.  
He wondered again about the strange dream, shared by he and Eva.  Why did the voices want him there?  Was it more of the “influence” they shared?  Was it related to awakening Alcina?  That didn’t seem quite right.  But, he made up his mind that he would find out for himself tonight.  
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dammjamboy · 3 years
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sorry for being inactive i caught resident evil brain 
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rammsteiner-dazai · 4 years
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Look at this beautiful man
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cinnamonrusts · 3 years
-- "sorry, ethan" [ WARNING: LIGHT SPOILERS FOR BEGINNING SCENE OF RE8: VILLAGE - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ] [warnings: mentions of violence]
you check in on the winters family in europe and when the evening is interrupted - you come face to face with a face that you’ve not seen in a long time. [chris redfield x reader]
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                                                  ✧.* ✧.* ✧.* ✧.*
The BSAA gifted you the task of ensuring that the Winters family was adjusting well to their new lives in seclusion. The alliance uprooted their everything they knew and placed them in a cold area in Europe where snow covered each corner of the ground. Ethan and Mia were initially troubled by this idea but you promised them that it was the best thing for them to do. It wasn’t your idea, though. Chris Redfield, your ex-boyfriend, was the one who orchestrated them to move -- for their own safety.
But you didn’t hear from Chris since then. He disappeared from your life and it had been a long, long time since you’d seen each other. Where was he? What was he doing? You weren’t sure if you’d ever see his handsome face again...
It was your first ever visit to their home in Europe and you could smell the aroma of Mia’s new learned cuisine that were native to the local area. “Will you be the taste tester for Mia, while I put little Rose to bed?” Ethan asked as he held his sleeping infant close to his chest. Her chubby face was soft and content as she drifted off into another realm of slumber. “As long as she doesn’t poison me for helping to bring you guys here!” you joked as you followed the brunette woman into their large kitchen.
“Now, [Y/N]. How many times do I have to tell you?! We’re adjusting here quite well,” she walked directly to the stove and hovered over a boiling pot, then took a deep breath in. “Well, I’m glad to hear that...” you sighed in relief - you couldn’t imagine how it felt to move across the ocean. Mia smiled as she took the ladle in her palm and stirred the orange liquid, which caused the steam to roll into the air and then to your face. You too took a deep inhale and your stomach growled loudly as a result. Mia chuckled, “Sounds like someone is hungry.” Your hand went to your belly and you groaned, “That’s an understatement. I have the worst jet lag on Earth right now and that smells amazing.”
Ethan soon returned and informed the two of you that Rose was “sleeping like a baby”. Mia brought over the boiling pot to the kitchen island and when Ethan tried taking a bite before she was ready, the back of his hand got a whap from her metal spoon. “It’s Ciobra de Legume. It’s a local recipe. But it’s not ready yet,” Mia let the pot to cool before the three of you would eat and took your hand in hers to lead you to the dining room that was attached to the kitchen, “Please, sit.” she instructed as Ethan brought three wine glasses to the table. “If Ethan’s going to sulk all night. Maybe we should enjoy the wine instead.” You obeyed her request and took a seat to her left.
Not long after an argument brewed between the two of them. Ethan was insistent that they needed to talk about what happened in Louisiana, but Mia firm on her opinion that they just needed to forget about it and move on. You sat in silence across from Ethan as you watched Mia grow frustrated with his behavior. She raised her hands, “I don’t understand why you are so --,” just before she could finish her sentence, a bloody hole formed in her shoulder. It was no “hole” but a bullet wound. As it dawned on you what it was, you immediately pushed your chair back with all your might and hit the deck just as Ethan yelled to get down. However, Mia did not in time and soon was full of holes from the many weapons that fired into the home from outside. The flashes from the muzzles light up the dark house house like a macabre strobe light show and the sounds of Ethan’s yelling was muffled out by the roar of the automatic firearms.
The initial panic that enveloped your mind soon faded and when you reached for your own weapon -- it was apparent that your handgun was nowhere nearby but in the room in the upper floor, so, Ethan and yourself were defenseless against whoever it was that attacked the Winters home. You looked into Ethan’s panicked eyes as they darted from you to his most likely deceased wife on the floor. As quickly as it started, the flying bullets ceased and you could hear the sound of heavy boots on the wooden flooring, then followed by silence.
The table that was once your shelter was pushed to the side and you were exposed to a man in black. Despite all the years of your BSAA training, you were frozen in your tracks, your eyes did not move from the black shoes of the person who stood before you. “Chris!? What the hell!” Ethan yelled. When you heard the name, your blood ran cold and you went from afraid to confused. Your eyes moved from the floor upward and met the cold stare of the man that you once found yourself to love. “Sorry, Ethan.” was all he said, he didn’t even acknowledge you, but instead he pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Mia’s unmoving body. “No!” you screamed as you leaped toward him to smack the weapon from him to spare her. The two of you struggled over dominance of the weapon for a brief amount of time, but Chris pushed you out of the way with barely any effort. It didn’t hurt when you hit the ground because he did not use his full strength but you were still stunned. You tried to get to your feet fast enough to stop him again but just when you were able to be in arms length, Chris released several rounds quickly into Mia’s limp body.
Your knees felt weak and buckled from beneath you. Mia, Ethan, and now Rose were the three people in the world that you were supposed to keep safe but now -- now Mia was dead and anything you tried to do was useless. Even worse, she was taken down by the one person you believed would do the right thing -- someone you trusted with your life, but now he took the life of someone you cared for. 
Redfield caught you before you could go down to the floor. His arm was wrapped around your waist and his palm was flat against your pelvis. He looked into your eyes and they held you in place. They were the same eyes that you remembered and adored, but -- you didn’t think you could forgive him for his actions. A silence held in the air between the two of you but your attention was stolen from Chris when Ethan let out several curses and yells in the direction of your former acquaintance.
You proceeded then to shove Chris away from you and once you did so, you took several steps back to only bump into one of the cronies dressed in black that helped murder Mia. The man placed a firm hand on your shoulder which you shrugged off, and Chris attempted to do the same but you stopped him with a pointed finger. “Don’t.” you sneered, “Not now.” Chris complied and walked toward the entrance to the ruined home. You allowed Chris’s teammates to take you under their custody...
Chris’s guards pushed you and Ethan in the same direction but sectioned you off away from the poor man. “What’re you doing, Chris?!” you yelled as you tried to grab for the blonde but Chris pushed you back to the wall beside the staircase. The sound of Rose’s cries grew louder as a masked guard brought her down the stairs, then placed the infant in Chris’s arms. “Doing what I need to”, he paused before he gave a nod, “take Ethan away.” Winters was not about to let Chris and his goons take Rose away from him, especially after just murdering his wife. So, Redfield instructed one of his men to knock him out with the butt of his firearm once he showed a struggle. You watched Ethan hit the floor with a thud and be dragged away. How could Chris do this? Treat the people he helped take care of so cruelly?
“Come on,” Chris said as he turned to leave. “What makes you think I’m going with you?” a scoff left your lips. He grew silent before he cornered you in the doorway, baby still crying in his arms. “You’re welcome to stay here then,” Chris turned away again but you pulled him back with force, your eyes fixated on Rose. “Where have you been? You left me without a word and now-now, this!?.” he didn’t answer but walked toward the caravan that he arrived in, you followed after him quickly with anger, your gaze returning to the distraught infant and asked the same question several times.
Chris raised his voice at you to silence, “I will explain it all once we arrive at our checkpoint.” His tone dropped, maybe he felt bad for his reaction to your questions -- so, he proceeded to place his gloved hand on your bicep and gave it a squeeze.
Unfortunately for everyone, no questions were able to be answered because the caravan was never able to reach said checkpoint according to plan.
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halcyon-writings · 3 years
so idk if this was a request for hcs or a fic so i kind of just did a combo of the two
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warnings/notes: canon typical violence, some mentioned re7 + village spoilers, gn!reader
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It starts off how stories like these always do, a man has no need to go into a terrifying yet quiet town or farmhouse, but he does anyway, because he has a big heart to make up for the lack of rational sense. He knew something was wrong about Mia’s final video call, that her message was showing anything but the fact that she was safe. So he loaded up his car and got to driving.
And now who would’ve thought that it domino’d into Ethan Winters, currently hoisting up his teenaged child into a farm house’s window to unlock it from the inside so that a group of bloodthirsty lycans would not tear them apart, being here?
He wishes he could tell what you were thinking. When he had found you back at the Baker’s home, you were quiet, skittish, and scared. But unharmed for the most part, molded and the infected family alike seemed to avoid you. Well not Lucas, but he was the textbook example of homicidal, so Ethan supposed he didn’t count. Sure with the time passing, you had gotten comfortable, and the therapy Chris and his group had provided helped too. But you were still quiet for the most part.
Until something changed. Rather spending time with Mia, you kept to yourself in your room. Otherwise you kept around Ethan himself or baby Rose if the parents needed you to look after her while they worked during the day, or at least when Mia had strangely not wanted to keep Rose with herself at all times. At meal times you had made yourself scarce too, quickly finishing what you had on your plate and cleaning your dish, returning to your room. Mia’s behavior was strange and he had ticked it off as being concerned but wanting to give you your space.
“You know how teenagers are,” She would say with a simple shrug. “I’m sure whatever this phase is will end soon.”
And then it didn’t.
Because now you were being dragged out of your room by men in all sorts of gear with weapons pointed at you, Rose’s cries echoing throughout the dark house while you fruitlessly struggled against them. You hear Ethan call out for you, righteous anger and worry in his voice. You try and reach for him, but only feel a sharp pain at the back of your neck. Your vision goes dark and so does your consciousness follows soon after.
And that’s how you both end up here. The truck meant to transport you somewhere crashes. You ignore the bad feeling as you step out, snow crunching beneath your shoes. At least they let you put on decent shoes, your fuzzy slippers surely would’ve been soaked by the snow.
Ethan calls your name and you look up, he begins to take off the large jacket from the bodies, the bodies, left of the soldiers meant to take you to wherever Chris had wanted you to go. And your shivering form doesn’t help, a small and thin sweater only doing so much for you. It should’ve felt wrong to disrespect the dead like that but your mother- guardian was dead, and your baby sister was missing.
The village was an experience from hell, memories of the Baker House were quick to rear its ugly head. You try and cover your ears, eyes shut tight as you crouch in an attempt to make yourself smaller. From those, creatures almost mauling you and Ethan losing his fingers, to Luisa and those villagers, they did not deserve the gruesome end they got.
Ethan kneels beside you, hands cupping your head as he brings you close into an embrace, quiet assurances that you both will be leaving soon, finding Rose and going home. “I’ll protect you kiddo,” He swears, and you believe it. Your head is tucked under his chin, and Ethan remembers that you’re still a child too, his words to protect you weren’t just that, as he swears to himself. He would tear those things apart for both of his children, to make sure they could go home and live in peace. His heart clenches however, when his mind trails to Mia and how she would not be with them.
And then you reach a wine cellar of all places. Before you meet a mysterious man that makes goosebumps rise on your skin. And then a metal pipe goes through his leg, and the pair of you are encased in metal scrap, being dragged to who knows where. Finding yourselves in a cold chapel, in front
Although the worried look you send his way makes Ethan think maybe it was better off to be back in the wine cellar. As the man- Heisenberg- forces him to run while you’re dragged back. You try to run at least, but you don’t make it far. The Very Tall and Dangerous Looking Lady peers down at you from underneath the brim of her hat. But rather than malice, it’s... warmth?
And once more your poor head is a victim of a sharp hit, losing consciousness again. The last bit you see is your father-figure all but being pushed down a hole as he flees the lycans that surrounded him, continuing to look back at you in worry. You shake your head, hoping it conveyed that you wanted him to go.
But now you can’t say in particular that you’re having a bad time, since you’re inside, the fire from the castle’s several hearths keeping the place warm. The Lady of the house introduces you to her daughters. You can’t help but shrink behind her when they all seemingly surround you both.
Lady Dimitrescu only laughs behind a gloved hand. And allows you all to mingle. If you could call it that by being locked away in a spare room. You couldn’t even stop them, they had the ability to lose a physical form by turning into flies. You wished you had some kind of power like that. You don’t hear much from any of them after that. Occasionally you hear the tall woman’s steps around the corridor, but that’s it.
You chew your lip nervously, a bad habit that you thought you had gotten rid of since Louisiana. You can only stare out the window hopelessly, being on a tall floor, the fall would’ve grievously injured you or worse. The smooth brick was not good for climbing. You tried at least attempting to break the door down, but whatever it had been made off was practically impossible to break. (Your poor shoulder still aches from trying to ram it down). Gun shots echoing through the mansion don’t sooth your nerves either, maybe Redfield was here too, either to finish the job he started with-
The click of the lock makes you jump, quickly grabbing a glass vase, hiding behind the door. Your eyes close as you look down, you tremble. Before throwing it all to the wind and just tossing the large vase in an attempt to make a run for the unlocked door. Only to be stopped by a face you thought you’d never see again.
“Dad?” Your voice is raspy, from the lack of use, but you can’t manage say anything else as you’re brought into a tight hug, almost falling to the ground from the sheer relief you had felt seeing him alive. He quickly checks you over, chin in his hand as he inspects you for any obvious injury, quickly hugging you once more. 
“It’s okay, I’m here now,” You notice his hands, bandages bloodier from before. “Let’s find get out of here,” He says with finality and you nod. You carefully take his hand, the one that actually did have all five fingers, giving it a squeeze. Now it was time to escape and find your little sister. 
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resident-leevil-old · 3 years
RCW: Biohazard
in the re7 continuity of Raccoon City Winters i feel like Mia was more sympathetic towards Eveline considering her and Ethan had strikingly similar upbringings; minimal socializing, constant tests ran on them, the needles.
I feel she was torn between taking Eveline away and staying with the Connections in order to help Ethan and it made her feel like shit the entire time. Especially when she had been lying to Ethan about working with the Connections.
She justifies it in her head, saying it would hurt Ethan more if she told him she had been working in a similar place his father had been working in, for a reason almost the same. She knows it's a shit thing, to lie to him like this, but she really wouldn't be able to stomach the look he would give her, and maybe that's selfish but she hates to see him hurt.
And then Eveline, who was young and only wanted a family ("like Ethan did," her brain yelled at her) to grow up with. Eveline, who smiled up at her even after going through the worst tests imaginable and finds comfort in her presence, like Ethan did, every time. Eveline who cries because she knows she's too dangerous to have a real family, but wants to try- hopes she could anyway, like Ethan did.
Mia considers it, running away with Eveline, back home to Ethan and Kyde and stay as far away from California as they could. She planned it out, the whole situation, down from the moment she got Eveline out of that basically a cell for a room to buying a house under a different name in god-damned Romania if she had to.
She accepts her plan as half-baked but the overwhelming guilt and sympathy in her heart allows her to forget about that.
Then the ship, sprung on her that they would be moving Eveline somewhere. The hurricane, Eveline's freakout, Mia's promises of taking Eveline with her and being her mother, the mold.
That night, before the two of them were knocked out of that ship, Eveline cried in Mia's arms for the destruction she caused, and Mia held her and cried for the feeling of failure weighing on her soul.
And when Mia hits the water, when she starts to fall unconscious, she only thinks of how Eveline said she hated storms before, just like Ethan does.
And Mia wakes up at the Baker's, and they tell her they rescued her, she deliriously asked if they also found a young girl, if they found Eveline. They tell her not yet, tell her to rest and they promise they'll help find her little girl. She rests, but wakes up again later, unable to keep her eyes closed. She writes on a paper she found just about everything she knew about Eveline and herself, trying to recollect her thoughts when she noticed them fading.
She falls unconscious again before finishing the paper, and she's unable to defuse Eveline's fear and anger before the Baker's are under her control.
The years that pass, Mia spends trying to convince Eveline that they can leave the Baker's and start anew. Eveline refuses, too scared that the Connections will come for them if they leave this house. She compromised with the shots that slowed her aging, why couldn't Mommy compromise with her? Did she hate her? Did she secretly want to abandon her? Whenever Eveline asked the answers were always, "No, no Evie I don't want to abandon you but we can't stay here forever, eventually we'll run out of resources for your shots, I don't want you to die, and you'll die after too long without them."
Eveline is content with it, with dying, if she gets to stay with Mommy the whole time. When she told her that, Mommy cried and apologized to her. Eveline never knew why she kept saying sorry, but she stopped saying she would be okay with dying because Mommy crying made her cry.
As the Baker's become cannibalistic and murderous under Eveline's control, she becomes more prideful of herself. Mia doesn't know what to do, how to stop these people from dying, falls under a state of depression. She tries to talk to Eveline, tries to tell her to stop, though Eveline only tells her that she wants to find her Mom someone to be with since she was so sad all the time. Mia knows its a part of Eveline's powers, but the look of innocence in her eyes breaks her down and she stops opposing.
Eventually, Mia tells Eveline about Ethan. Talks about how Ethan loved her more than anything in the world, laments that she shouldn't have lied to him when she only wanted to help him, tells Eveline she only wanted to leave this house so they could be with him. Eveline listens, asks her if she misses Ethan a lot, latches on to the reason she gave for wanting to leave.
Mia tells Eveline she did, that she missed Ethan more than anything in the world, and before she knew it she was unconscious again.
Ethan's arrival sparked something in Eveline's soul. She felt angry, at first that this man was the reason Mom would be willing to risk herself and her freedom to be with. She makes Mom fight him a few times, so angry at him for being the reason her family almost broke apart.
Then she watches him cry. She watches this man sit next to his wife each time they fought and cry, even holding her at the risk of her waking up again and hurting him. Eveline sees a man who loved her Mommy so much he would risk dying to mourn her hurt.
And, the final time Mom falls because of Ethan, he didn't move at all, crying on his knees as he held her in his arms. He hardly looks away from Mom when Jack attacks him and even when he kills him.
Eveline realized, when he woke again, his thoughts now shared with hers due to their new connection through the mold, that he loved Mom just as much as she did. She tests him, makes him fight with Grandmother and Grandfather, watching over him as he stumbled through Lucas' puzzles.
Eveline starts to like this man, who loves her Mom so much he'd died and came back to life with her as the only thing on his mind.
They nearly escaped, in that stupid little boat. Eveline cried when they both fell in the water. She hadn't mean to do that, hadn't meant to hit the boat directly. She panicked, pulled them both out of the water. She may be angry at Mom and Dad for nearly leaving her but she didn't want them to die.
She helps Mom remember things she forgot, everything that lead up to this. Mom cried again, and Eveline cries for her too.
She talks to Dad, in his head, and she scared him but he doesn't let that get in the way of talking to her. He shows her kindness, sympathy, tells her he doesn't want her to hurt.
Eveline cries to herself, as Mia frees Ethan and pushes him away, afraid she would hurt him. Eveline doesn't make Mom do anything except sleep, lets her rest for all that these years and this day has troubled her.
She talks to Ethan in person again, cried because he was so much more than nicer than he had to be. Cried because she understood now, why Mom wanted to be with him again, cried because she kept them away from each other for so long. Ethan convinces her to let her control of the house go, and she collapsed into the hug he gave her, so so tired.
Ethan held Eveline protectively in his arms when he met Redfield, not letting this child who has been through so, so much out of his sight. He doesn't trust these people, but they're helping Mia despite what she'd done so he held back his hostility.
He refused to let them take Eveline from his arms, she was tired and none of them looked like they knew how to carry a tired child.
They have to do check-ups every month during the first year, but they're allowed to stay together. They have to move to Europe, "Romania, huh?" Mia thinks to herself when she heard it, realizing that she'd gotten her wish- just differently than she expected, and no one could know where they lived but otherwise they would be fine. They keep in contact with Zoe, and Kyde (who doesn't wait to say "I told you so," to Ethan but still shows he's happy Mia was found and well,) throughout the years.
Eveline gets a final shot that was able to stabilize her aging process, and she's able to go with no more needles unless absolutely necessary. Mia tells Ethan everything she had been there for, promising to never keep another secret from him again, and he forgives her (he would do it either way). The three of them live happily in Romania, for all of three years.
And Eveline doesn't tell anyone that Ethan isn't Ethan like he used to be, waits for everyone to notice by themselves. They never do. And Re8 begins.
And that, my friends, is the RE7 Continuity of Raccoon City Winters; Raccoon City Winters: Biohazard!
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