#real estate photographer websites
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Perspective Photo Group is the Best Real Estate Photographer in Marin County, Tahoe and San Francisco. Our experts will shot your home at it's best. Showcase your property with us. Visit our website https://www.perspectivephotogroup.com/ for more details or call us at: 415.920.3062.
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notbecauseofvictories · 11 months
Halloween Week of Horror (Games)
It’s that most horrible time of year, and I've decided to explore the spooky world of text-based games. My list of games is cribbed from this post and this post.
DAY 2: 13 laurel road, unbecoming, what girls do in the dark, the open house, return
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13 laurel road 
an interactive fiction game about the relationships we have with places and reconciling with trauma. You play as a young man named Noah who has been tasked with picking up some things from his cousin’s old house.
This one was surprisingly affective, given that there is no objective horror—no jumpscares, no mysterious noises, no ghosts beyond the perfectly ordinary ones that plague all of us.
Still, the set up (a young man, tasked with grabbing some things from the old family house) and the conclusion (coming to terms with the intergenerational cycles we fall into, giving you the chance to break free from them) worked wonderfully for me. In particular, I liked the way the game conveyed Noah's internal conflict---the refrain of "I won't think about that," and the way that you as a player aren't quite clear who is still alive as you move through the abandoned family home.
...I am a little disappointed that there weren't ghosts though.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 1/10, mostly for ambient horror and decay
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a sonically-textured interactive horror fiction exploring cycles of trauma and unspeakable forces of nature in a mythic rural American landscape.
Well, damn. I think that’s the second time I’ve put that in my notes, but also—damn. Damn does this game deserve it. Despite the lack of images (just text, white and sharp except when bleeding into red) it felt extremely well-realized, lived in. Maybe it's just because I know these places, have been to these farms, have looked at Dust Bowl photographs of children on buckling front porches, but the scenery was its own character---which is amazing when there's no actual scenery.
Not to mention that the story gets into one of my soft places and digs---the fraught ritual and cycles of repeated harm; the kind of blurry boundaries that make such effective horror. Family as obligation and a horror story you can't always escape. Not to mention how the gameplay makes you complicit in continuing that horror...
SPOOKY LEVEL: 5/10, not necessarily overtly, but uh. There is a giant hungering pit, and corpses in beds.
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what girls do in the dark
This little game is based off one of the greatest fears they had as a teenage girl: showing up late to a stranger’s slumber party.
Of all the games on this list, this was the first one that—as soon as the credits rolled—I immediately wanted to play again. I wanted to see if I could get a different ending, if I could somehow "win." There’s just something about those haunting scraps of “maybe you could have saved yourself...” that tantalize you, and make you want to try for a happier ending.
....not to mention that I have a well-documented weakness for deals with the devil.
I'll also add that the almost MS DOS style prompts ("TAKE [ITEM]" "OPEN DOOR") were devastatingly effective; a way of narrowing your choices while also giving you the illusion of choice.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 3/10, given the blood and the creeping horror
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the open house
We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator!  Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollow Oak Lane, a familiar and comfortable showcase home in one of our premier developments!
This particular game is just cool as hell. As someone who (like many millennials) has been addicted to Zillow and other house-hunting websites, this landed with immediate effect. What if scrolling through virtual walkthroughs on your local house hunting website opened up a portal to the unknown? What if it showed murders immediately after they were committed? What if, as you go further and further into this virtual house, you were going out---into something vast, unknown, and chilling?
Amazing, clever, wonderful.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 5/10, largely for unreality and a couple creepy images that still linger with me.
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a text-based horror game about coming home
The more of these games I play, the more it becomes clear that what I like is horror that verges on the inexplicable—dream logic and images that refuse to resolve into reasonableness. I loved that here: the static, the mycelium, the pier with its strange dead-already fish, the self that guides you through the next cycle. What does it say about our horror stories if there is no going home? If it's just cycles of returning and rebirth and horror we can't escape?
(Sidenote, I am in love with Carver, and the little bit woven in about cybernetic/android assistive devices was tantalizing.)
Again, it's amazing how these text-based games manage to convey so much, so richly, with just words. Or maybe I just have an overactive imagination.
SPOOKY LEVEL: 7/10, just because the sense of unreality is so strong, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone who doesn't enjoy that
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xxscarletxrosexx · 2 months
I spent 6 grueling hours researching how to protect one's photos/scans so you wouldn't have to--And these are my findings:
As the title states, I spent 6 grueling hours researching how to protect one's photos/scans in case other collectors want to protect and/or receive credit for their photos.
Once more let me emphasize THEIR PHOTOS.
It's not a secret that I'm quite a big collector of official Spy x Family merchandise, specifically clear file folders, stationery, and acrylic stands. I own so much, in fact, I have a tendency to own a handful of duplicates and had the crazy idea to start a small business selling these duplicates via Ko-Fi. A thought came to me that since I had already invested in a light box and a scanner for selling my merch, why not also use them to share pictures of my collection for other fans to view and appreciate?
And that was when I had sought the opinions from my good friend, @yumeka-sxf. Yumeka has been kindly posting high-resolution scans of her SxF merch (clear files, pages, etc.) on Tumblr. She is someone I also deemed as an expert when it came to uploading merch on the internet. She gave me incredible advice with awesome foresight when it came to watermarking high-resolution pictures and scans. She easily predicted what disrespectful people would do if I hadn't moved my watermarks to certain (albeit not really appealing) spots. And, just like she said, someone did attempt to remove my watermark using AI. You can read about it here. @yumeka-sxf also provided her own insight to watermarking merch here--if ya'll are interested to read.
I won't go into too much detail, but essentially they're long posts meant to educate people on why fans, who own the official merch, put watermarks on their pictures. The bottom line is, we're claiming the picture for ownership, NOT the merch.
Second, did you know that people have found ways to remove watermarks?
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That gives me enough incentive as to why I want to take it a step further to protect my photos/scans.
"If I take a picture of something do I own the picture that I took?":
Yes and no. Yes as in, the picture is yours. No, because depending on your subject, it falls under numerous jurisdictions of copyright. You can find all the details in this insightful post from veteran photographers.
But since we're focusing on the topic of photos and scans of merchandise, I'd like to provide these screenshots:
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And so, to re-iterate, the only thing you'll get out of copyrighting your photo is just the right to the photo--which is all I want.
The Findings:
6 grueling hours of research for protecting one's picture led me to several insightful directions--one of them amusingly brought me down a rabbit hole of how to protect one's real estate pictures. They did have some wonderful tips if you guys would like to read them!
Unfortunately, I do not own Photoshop so I could not make any edits on the metadata or create a layer that will prevent downloading the content of the picture. Preventing screenshots/right-clicking is limited to control on a website and/or can easily be canceled by plug-ins. So that just leaves me with finding something creative solutions the only tool I have: Canva (more on this later).
I spent some more time reading more journals and visited USCO (United States Copyright Office) and, finally, Pixsy.
I'm gonna be honest, USCO is THE BEST way to protect your media (merchandise, art, etc.) IF you have the money to support it.
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Not only do I not have the funding for this type of service, but my photos don't exactly meet "originality" especially when the subject of the photo is copyright-protected merchandise, which means there are severe punishments for those who pursue any commercial purposes (such as selling my photos to make money rather than directing people to purchase the official work from the licensing site). And at the end of the day, I just care about the photo, itself, and receiving credit and source.
It's ridiculously simple to just credit and source a picture, and yet, it'll surprise you how many people just can't do that. This is why, I must take these extra precautions to ensure credit and sourcing.
So, I opted for Pixsy for its free plan that includes 500 images being monitored.
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There's no doubt that I'll most likely invest in a monthly subscription if ever I amass beyond 500 pictures for monitoring.
Currently, it has already done an impressive job of identifying pictures I've posted with my watermarks on Ko-Fi, Twitter, and Tumblr. It has even identified reblogs/retweets.
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For some odd reason, it uploads my pictures horizontally when it's normally vertical ^^; but it still gets the job done. Interestingly, it hasn't picked up my pictures from Mercari yet. I assume that if I were to upgrade to the subscription plan, Pixsy might be able to find it by then.
I'm sharing my procedures for protecting one's photo (and content, if applicable of course).
Step 1: Register on Pixsy. As I've addressed earlier, it's free.
Step 2: Upload HIGH-RESOLUTION pictures (no watermark) to Pixsy's database. This is probably the most accurate way for Pixsy to identify pictures of the same (or similar) "blueprint". In the picture below, I provided a screenshot of my picture without the watermark (left) with a picture they found of my picture with my watermark on it from my ko-fi shop (right).
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Step 3: If you plan to upload a photo/scan with or without watermark, it is recommended to upload your image at 550 pixel image and at 72 dpi. This makes it good for the internet (see first image below). But once you zoom in, you can tell the difference in quality (see second image below).
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I mentioned before that I don't have photoshop, so I experimented with what I do have: Canva.
Since I have a premium membership (indicated by crown icons), I just use the following settings:
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and it gets the job done.
I am planning to upload my photos without watermarks to the Spy x Family wiki quite soon, so I did all this research to prepare for possible theft and/or the lack of crediting and sourcing--just in case. A friend of mine told me that s/he can try to ensure crediting through the file name, which is a ridiculously kind gesture, but I'm not ignorant of people who change/completely ignore file names. That's unfortunately just the way it is on the internet.
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Hopefully, I've curated enough research to help protect photos/scans from possible theft (if reposting is not allowed by the owner).
I don't mind if my photos are used for reference AS LONG AS they credit me and link the source directly to the image itself (not one of those cut-corner kind of way and just link my Ko-Fi gallery). I won't tolerate laziness when it comes to sourcing considering I invested a lot of money to purchase merch and invested hours--even days--to get the best photo/scan + researched information on the merch for public access.
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dubairealestate24 · 3 months
The Best Marketing Techniques to Sell Your House Fast
Effective marketing is crucial for selling your house quickly. This guide provides the best marketing techniques to attract potential buyers and achieve a fast sale.
1. Conducting a Market Analysis
Understanding the current real estate market is essential for creating an effective marketing strategy.
Market Trends: Analyze recent sales in your area and compare similar properties. Identify trends that could impact your sale and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
Seasonal Patterns: Real estate markets often have seasonal patterns, with spring and summer being peak times for buying and selling. Adjust your marketing strategy to align with these patterns.
For more insights on the real estate market, visit Dubai Real Estate.
2. Setting a Competitive Price
Pricing your home correctly is one of the most critical factors in achieving a quick sale. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while underpricing can lead to a quick sale but at a financial loss.
Competitive Pricing: Set a competitive price based on your market analysis. Consider pricing slightly below market value to attract more buyers and create a bidding war.
Price Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust the price if you’re not receiving the desired interest. Regularly review the feedback from showings and adjust accordingly.
For assistance with pricing strategies, visit Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
3. Enhancing Curb Appeal
First impressions are vital in real estate. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal can attract more buyers and help you sell your house quickly.
Landscaping: Keep the lawn well-maintained, plant flowers, and trim bushes. A neat and attractive yard can significantly boost your home’s appeal.
Exterior Maintenance: Ensure the exterior of your house is clean and in good repair. Paint the front door, clean windows, and fix any broken fixtures to make your home more inviting.
For tips on enhancing curb appeal, visit Mortgage Brokers UAE.
4. High-Quality Photos and Virtual Tours
In today’s digital age, high-quality photos and virtual tours are essential for attracting buyers.
Professional Photography: Hire a professional photographer to take high-quality photos that showcase your home’s best features. Good lighting and angles can make a significant difference.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to give potential buyers a detailed view of your home. This can be especially useful for buyers who are unable to visit in person.
For marketing tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
5. Staging Your Home
Staging your home can make it more appealing to potential buyers by highlighting its best features and creating an inviting atmosphere.
Decluttering: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a clean and spacious look. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in the space.
Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and simple decor to appeal to a broader audience. Consider hiring a professional stager to enhance your home’s appeal.
For staging tips, visit sell house quickly.
6. Online Listings and Social Media
Online listings and social media are powerful tools for marketing your home to a wide audience.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos. Ensure your listing stands out with compelling headlines and accurate information.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your listing. Share posts with attractive photos and virtual tours to generate interest.
For online marketing tips, visit Dubai Real Estate.
7. Hosting Open Houses
Open houses can attract multiple potential buyers and generate interest in your property.
Event Planning: Plan and promote your open house well in advance. Ensure your home is clean and well-staged for the event.
Engagement: Engage with visitors during the open house and provide detailed information about your home and the neighborhood. Collect contact information for follow-up.
For open house tips, visit Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
8. Leveraging Real Estate Agents
Working with a real estate agent can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.
Agent Network: Choose an agent with a strong network and a track record of successful sales. They can market your home to a wider audience and provide valuable insights.
Marketing Expertise: Real estate agents have access to marketing tools and platforms that can increase your property’s visibility. They can also help with pricing strategies and negotiations.
For agent recommendations, visit Mortgage Brokers UAE.
9. Utilizing Print Media
While digital marketing is crucial, print media can also play a role in attracting local buyers.
Flyers and Brochures: Create high-quality flyers and brochures with detailed information and attractive photos. Distribute them in your neighborhood and at local businesses.
Newspaper Ads: Consider placing ads in local newspapers to reach a broader audience. Highlight key features of your home and include contact information.
For print media tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
10. Networking and Word of Mouth
Personal networks and word of mouth can be powerful tools in marketing your home.
Networking: Inform friends, family, and colleagues that your home is for sale. They might know potential buyers or spread the word within their networks.
Community Involvement: Participate in community events and engage with local groups. Building relationships can lead to valuable connections and potential buyers.
For networking tips, visit sell house quickly.
Effective marketing is essential for selling your house quickly. By combining digital and traditional marketing techniques, enhancing your home’s appeal, and leveraging professional expertise, you can attract more buyers and achieve a fast sale.For more information and assistance with selling your house in Dubai, visit Dubai Real Estate.
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Marketing Your Home: Innovative Techniques to Sell Your Property
Marketing your home effectively is crucial to attracting potential buyers and selling your property quickly. This blog explores innovative marketing techniques to help you sell your property.
For more information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
High-Quality Photography and Videography
Professional Photos: High-quality photos can attract more buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer to capture your home's best angles. Ensure the photos are taken during the day when natural light is abundant.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers. Use a 360-degree camera to create a virtual tour that showcases your home's layout and features.
Drone Footage: Use drone footage to capture aerial views of your property and its surroundings. This can provide a unique perspective and highlight features like large yards or scenic views.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Luxury Property in UAE.
Social Media Marketing
Facebook: Create a dedicated Facebook page for your property and share regular updates, photos, and virtual tours. Use Facebook ads to target potential buyers in your area.
Instagram: Share high-quality photos and videos of your property on Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and engage with users who show interest in your posts.
YouTube: Create a YouTube channel to showcase virtual tours and highlight features of your property. Share the videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
For mortgage services, consider Dubai Mortgage Advisors.
Online Listings and Real Estate Websites
Detailed Descriptions: Create detailed and attractive online listings with high-quality photos and descriptions. Highlight key features, recent upgrades, and unique selling points.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor.com. These platforms can help you reach a larger audience and generate more leads.
For rental property management, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Hosting Open Houses
Virtual Open Houses: Host virtual open houses using platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live. This allows potential buyers to view your property from the comfort of their homes.
In-Person Open Houses: Ensure your home is clean and welcoming, and provide refreshments to create a positive experience. Make sure all lights are on, curtains are open, and the temperature is comfortable.
For property sales, visit sell house quickly.
Innovative Marketing Techniques
3D Floor Plans: Create 3D floor plans to give potential buyers a better understanding of your property's layout and dimensions.
Augmented Reality (AR): Use AR technology to allow potential buyers to visualize how their furniture and decor would look in your home.
Home Staging Apps: Use home staging apps to virtually stage your property and showcase different design options.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Emily, who successfully sold her home in Dubai by using innovative marketing techniques. Emily hired a professional photographer, created a virtual tour, and used drone footage to capture unique angles of her property. She also leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach a wider audience. As a result, she received multiple offers and sold her home quickly and at a great price.
Future Trends in Home Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can be used to analyze buyer preferences and tailor marketing strategies accordingly.
Chatbots: Chatbots can provide instant responses to potential buyers' inquiries, improving customer service and engagement.
Virtual Reality (VR): VR technology can create immersive experiences for potential buyers, allowing them to explore properties in detail without physically visiting them.
By using innovative marketing techniques, you can attract more potential buyers and sell your property quickly. High-quality photography, social media marketing, online listings, and virtual open houses are effective strategies to reach a wider audience. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Efforts to sell ‘Anglo neighborhoods in Israel’ at LA synagogue erupt in protests
Pro-Palestinian protesters accuse companies of trying to sell stolen land in the West Bank, and question legality
Efforts to market homes in Israel and stolen land in West Bank to Jewish Americans are continuing to spark protests across North America, with the latest angry confrontations happening outside a synagogue in one of Los Angeles’s most prominent Jewish neighborhoods.
The Los Angeles demonstration was the latest in a series of heated demonstrations outside similar Israeli real estate events heldat synagogues across North America this year, including in Toronto, Canada; New Jersey; Baltimore, Maryland; and North Hollywood. Pro-Palestinian protesters have accused some of the companies involved in these events of trying to sell stolen land in the West Bank, and questioned the legality of the marketing efforts. One of the real estate companies named in an advertisement for the Los Angeles event, My Home in Israel, has listed high-end properties for sale in West Bank settlements on its website, including boutique apartments in Ariel and luxury villas in Efrat. Israel’s settlements in the West Bank are widely considered illegal under international law. The US recently restored its position that they are “inconsistent” with international law. Previous US events involving My Home in Israel have prompted calls for law enforcement investigations from Palestinian American and pro-Palestine groups, and denunciations from some local Jewish residents.
Protesters on both sides of the conflict described an out-of-control situation where people were targeted with bear spray and scuffling in the streets, and criticized police for failing to stop the violence. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators shared video of pro-Israel counter-protesters yelling racial slurs, and said that the counter-protesters had punched them, kicked them, chased them, ripped hijabs from the heads of Muslim women, made rape threats and followed some demonstrators back to their cars in an attempt to photograph their license plates. A pro-Palestine protester who lives in the area said the intensity of the harassment and violence from the pro-Israel counter-protesters was frightening, with “people who came up to me screaming, telling me to get out of their neighborhood”.
Sean Beckner-Carmitchel, a Los Angeles journalist who specializes in protest coverage, captured footage of pro-Palestinian protesters “pleading with officers for help” as they were “being shoved and hit” by pro-Israel demonstrators with the officers standing by. Several journalists covering the protest were also assaulted, Adam Rose, the secretary of the Los Angeles Press Club, tweeted on Monday. Among then was Beckner-Carmitchel, who said he filed a police report after being assaulted by pro-Israel demonstrators. A reporter for CalMatters said that one pro-Israel protester knocked his phone out of his hand as he tried to film, and later another demonstrator told him “you shouldn’t be here” and snatched away his phone.
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mananbroti · 6 months
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I'm a web developer & CMS expert like Wix, Editor X, Velo, SquareSpace, WordPress, WebFlow, Unbounce, Click Funnels, Shopify. Also handy with Software Quality Assurance, Software Manual Testing, Software Automation Testing.
I can develop any kind of Websites, like:
✔️ Agency/ Business Website ✔️ Online Store / eCommerce Website ✔️ Dropshipping Website ✔️ Personal/Portfolio Website ✔️ Sales Funnel/Landing Page ✔️ News/Blog/ Magazine Website ✔️ Government Website ✔️ Real Estate/Realtors ✔️ Art Gallery / Photographer Website ✔️ Crypto/ NFT Website ✔️ School/College/University(Education Website) ✔️ Doctors/ Appointment Website ✔️ Gaming/ Product / Landing
If you are interested in my services, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to help you and will show you my previous work.
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heartsoftruth · 5 months
I’ll admit I’m super confused when people bring up the ig “escort” thing because like, I looked up the two girls that anon mentioned and one has a website as a real estate agent and the other is a photographer (at least that’s what her ig says). They have a sizeable ig following but I’m assuming it could be justified if they work in the celebrity sphere. And Juliana, as clout chaser as she is, seems to do actual model work with fashion magazines etc. So are these jobs just cover-ups lol? Why do people automatically call them escorts? And also, I remember people talking about this girl Camilla (not Cabello lol, her last name was Kendra I think) that Lewis was seeing in 2021 and people said Lewis family followed her on social media and she was seen with them on a boat or something like that. Maybe Lewis’ family is weirder than I think but why bring an escort that he’s hired around family trips? Maybe they were just normal friends with benefits or had a casual relationship? Or are we just calling escort any girl that he pays a trip for? Because if I’m dating a millionaire who travels the world I would “expect” him to pay for my plane ticket or hotel when I travel to see him, I don’t think it’s enough to call people sex workers. In that case we should call “escort” all the wags 🤷‍♀️ I’m curious to know what you and your anons think about this. After all we know he uses raya, and we also know that it’s an “exclusive” app that u need to have a big social media following to get access to, so it’s kinda natural that these are the type of women that he meets. The theory that he needs spinz to “find” girls for him is sooo weird I don’t get it 😵‍💫
Yeah I think that's a fair point. tbh I havent said much about those 2 new girls. I don't find them too interesting or the topic of them if i'm honest haha 🙈 But I think it's a valid point you're making. Of course we don't know 100% for sure what's the deal between them (insta girls in general) and Lewis. What we do know however that with a certain amount of followers - and pretty face/body - can also come different type of offers to those girls. I don't feel like all of them are those type of girls I do feel there's quite a few haha. But I of course can't 100% for sure say: she is this and she is that. No one of us can.
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What Legals Should I Use in My Photography Business? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Here are the legal forms that we recommend you use in your photography business: - Adult Model Release Form: This ensures you own the images outright and do not owe royalties to the subject of the photographs when you sell or use them. Also called a Photo Consent Form. - Child Model Release Form: This ensures you have the permission of the child’s parents/guardians to use the images commercially. Also called a Parental Consent Form. - Photo Licensing Agreement: This provides your client with an understanding of how they may use your photographs. You can give them private licensing rights to use only for their own use; commercial licensing rights with/without royalties paid to you to reproduce the photo on commercial goods; or other licensing restrictions can be provided for in this agreement. - Photography Contract: This clarifies the details of a photography shoot, including date, time, location, payment terms, cancellation policy, etc. Different types of photography need slightly different terms (e.g. portrait, wedding, event, baby, pet, real estate, school portrait, sports teams). - Copyright Infringement Notice: This is an official notice advising someone to remove your copyright owned photograph or derivative images. Also called a Copyright Infringement Cease & Desist Letter or DMCA Takedown Notice. In addition, your website needs Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions notices.
Source: legal guide photographers
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vignellicenter · 2 years
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Open Houses are back!
Please join us for our next series of Open Houses which will focus on three aspects of the Vignellis’ design practice highlighted in the archives: architecture, typography, and photography.
Jan. 25-26, 2023 Architecture
Lella Vignelli came from a family of architects and both her and her husband Massimo Vignelli studied as architects in Italy. Although they were never licensed to practice in the USA, architecture and architects play a key role in their work. To celebrate the Vignellis connection to architecture we’ll display: books and magazines on architecture; graphics for architecture organizations, architects and real estate developers; architectural graphics on buildings, and interior designs.
Feb. 22-23, 2023 Typography
Massimo Vignelli was never shy about expressing opinions about type. But he also would say “today I say it, tomorrow I deny it.” The sheer number and variety of typefaces found in the Vignelli archives might come as a surprise. On February 22, 1991 the exhibition “A Few Basic Typefaces…” opened in NYC and featured Vignelli designs using only four typefaces: Bodoni, Century, Garamond, and Helvetica. We’ll revisit this exhibition showing many of the original designs on its 32nd anniversary. We’ll also be showing just how much variety there is in typography in the Vignellis’ work including creative uses of type and custom typeface designs.
March 22-23, 2023 Photography
The Vignellis’ archives is full of examples of photography. They partnered with photographers again and again in their designs for the artwork in posters, catalogs, and numerous monographs on nature, culture, and even photography itself. Vignelli Associates created graphic identities for photographers and photography exhibitions. We’ll display marketing photographs alongside their actual design artifacts and see for yourself how their thoughtful use of images showcased their designs. The archives contain numerous examples of photo formats from vintage Polaroids to digital images. In some cases, photography is all that survives as record of a design. Join us in highlighting the importance of photography and the Vignellis.
As always, our galleries are open to the public and feature the greatest hits of the design work of Massimo and Lella Vignelli. But for the Open Houses, our archivist will be digging deep into the archives to show you one-of-a-kind original sketches and other artifacts of the Vignelli design process. You can see the designs that you know and love, but expect many surprises even if you are a Vignelli “superfan!” Please drop in and stay for a few minutes or stay for hours.
Be sure to check our events page on our website for more details https://www.rit.edu/vignellicenter/events and stay tuned for more teasers and details. We can’t wait to see you!
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giftedphotographyca · 9 months
Website: https://www.gifted-photography.com/
Address: Victorville, California 92392, USA
Gifted Photography specializes in capturing significant life moments, offering services in Southern California and beyond. Founded in memory of Ajani (AJ) Wilson, the business emphasizes preserving memories through photography. Services include weddings, events, family portraits, maternity, newborn, and professional headshots, available both in-studio and on location.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GiftedPhotography/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GiftedPhotography_
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-wilson-984872234/
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Ready for Burns Nights! His whisky has a limited approach in the UK market and the impossibility of guaranteeing the EU market 🇪🇺 However, he keeps continuing to call to get his Sassenach Blended Whisky 🥃
Sassenach blended whisky has a high price tag and is only of interest to SH’s fans, but the market is not particularly concerned about that. The market wants to know: how is the liquid inside the bottle?
It's a blended scotch, so we can assume there's a mixture of malt and grain whisky here. There's no reference, however, to the source of the spirit there's no transparency at all, unlike many of the new whisky brands that have been launched in the last five or ten years.
The only real information we get on the brand's website is a bunch of marketing jargon like you might expect: lots of 'awards' have been won, it has a 'distinct character' and 'smooth flavour,' and it's inspired by that rugged highland landscape. It's supposedly a limited edition of some sort, but it first became available more than three years ago, and it's still hanging around shelves somewhere.
It’s not a particular recipe for success. Everything that glitters isn't gold!
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Charlie Gray’s photo taken at Mar Lodge Estate (Braemar) during his whisky campaign in June 2021 🥃 Charlie’s photographs never came to light.
It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled......Mark Twai
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World
Welcome to the gateway of financial liberation — welcome to “Passive Income Paradise: How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World.” In an era where autonomy and flexibility reign supreme, the pursuit of passive income has become a journey towards unrestricted financial prosperity. This blog delves into the multifaceted realm of passive income, offering you insights into diverse avenues that enable earnings without the shackles of constant effort. Join us as we explore traditional investments, online ventures, real estate, and intellectual property, guiding you on a path to financial freedom that transcends geographical boundaries. Embrace the art of making money effortlessly, and let’s start on a journey to the paradise of passive income together.
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Types of Passive Income
Passive income refers to earnings derived from a business, investment, or other sources with little to no effort on the part of the recipient. While it often requires upfront work or investment, the goal is to generate income with minimal ongoing effort.
Here are some common types of passive income:
Dividend Stocks: Investing in stocks that pay regular dividends allows you to earn a portion of the company’s profits.
Rental Income: Owning real estate and renting out properties can provide a steady stream of passive income.
Real Estate Crowdfunding: Participating in crowdfunding platforms allows you to invest in real estate projects and receive a share of the profits.
Peer-to-Peer Lending: Platforms that facilitate peer-to-peer lending allow you to lend money to individuals or small businesses in exchange for interest payments.
Create and Sell Intellectual Property: This could include writing books, creating music, designing software, or developing other forms of intellectual property that can be sold or licensed.
Create an Online Course or e-Book: Sharing your expertise on a particular subject through an online course or e-book can generate passive income.
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting other people’s products and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link.
Automated Online Businesses: Building and automating online businesses, such as dropshipping or affiliate marketing websites, can generate passive income.
Royalties from Intellectual Property: If you own patents, trademarks, or copyrights, you can earn royalties from others using or licensing your intellectual property.
Stock Photography: If you are a photographer, selling your photos to stock photography websites can provide ongoing royalties.
Create and Monetize a Blog or YouTube Channel: Building a blog or YouTube channel and monetizing it through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing can generate passive income.
Dividend-Generating Funds: Investing in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on dividend-paying stocks.
Automated Investing Apps: Robo-advisors and automated investment platforms can help you invest in a diversified portfolio with minimal effort.
License Your Art or Designs: If you’re an artist or designer, licensing your work for use in various products can generate passive income.
Create a Mobile App: Developing a useful or entertaining mobile app and earning money through ads or in-app purchases.
The Pros and Cons of Passive Income
Venturing into the world of passive income brings both promises and challenges. Enjoy financial freedom, flexibility, and diversification, but be prepared for the initial effort required and potential market volatility. Navigate the landscape wisely to unlock the true potential of passive income.
A. Advantages
Financial Freedom: Attain the freedom to live life on your terms.
Flexibility: Enjoy a flexible lifestyle with more time for personal pursuits.
Diversification: Spread your income sources, reducing dependency on a single channel.
B. Challenges
Initial Effort: Many passive income streams require substantial effort upfront.
Market Volatility: External factors may impact income, especially in investments and online ventures.
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Getting Started with Passive Income
The route to passive income begins with self-reflection. Determine your hobbies, investigate prospective revenue sources, and develop a strategic strategy. This first step is critical for building the groundwork for future financial success by aligning with your abilities.
Traditional Investments
Traditional investments offer a stable route to passive income. Dive into the dynamic world of the stock market, bonds, and mutual funds. Learn the art of strategic investment to secure steady returns and create a robust financial foundation for the future.
Online Ventures
Online ventures offer a dynamic path to passive income. Engage in affiliate marketing, promoting products for commission. Transform passions into profit with blogging, leveraging ads and sponsorships. Explore YouTube for ad revenue and e-commerce for a digital storefront that generates income while you sleep.
Start your journey of online entrepreneurship.
Affiliate Marketing: Identify products that resonate with your audience. Build a dedicated following for sustainable earnings.
Blogging: Choose a niche you’re passionate about. Monetize through various channels, gradually turning your blog into a passive income powerhouse.
YouTube: Craft engaging content, optimize for search engines, and let ad revenue and sponsorships contribute to your passive income.
E-commerce: Select the right platform, products, and marketing strategies. Build a brand that continues to generate income with minimal oversight.
Real Estate
If you want a safe way to make money while you sleep, get into real estate. If you want to make a steady income from rentals, you should buy rental homes. Check out real estate crowdfunding. When people pool their money and time to work on bigger projects, you can get a piece of the income without having to do any work yourself.
Explore the realm of bricks and mortar for long-term, reliable passive income.
Rental Properties: Invest in properties that attract tenants. Enjoy a steady rental income.
Real Estate Crowdfunding: Pool resources with others to invest in larger real estate projects, sharing the profits.
Intellectual Property
Unlock the potential of intellectual property as a passive income source. Write and publish, earning royalties from books and articles. Create online courses to share expertise globally. License innovative ideas, turning creativity into a continuous stream of income in the dynamic world of intellectual property.
Monetize your creativity and knowledge.
Writing and Publishing: Write books or articles and earn royalties. Leverage digital platforms for wider reach.
Creating Online Courses: Share your expertise through online courses, reaching a global audience.
Licensing Ideas: Turn your innovative ideas into passive income by licensing them to businesses.
Overcoming Challenges
Journey through the inevitable challenges of passive income. Embrace failures as invaluable lessons, adapting and growing stronger. Navigate market changes by staying vigilant and flexible. Overcoming these hurdles is integral to carving a resilient path to financial freedom through passive income.
Acknowledge and overcome the hurdles in your passive income journey.
Learning from Failures: Treat setbacks as learning experiences. Adapt and grow from your failures.
Adapting to Market Changes: Stay vigilant and adapt your strategies to navigate through market fluctuations.
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Scaling Up Your Passive Income
Improve your passive income game by intelligently scaling up. Profits should be reinvested properly, compounding earnings for exponential development. Automate procedures to lessen your hands-on engagement, enabling your revenue to grow with less work. Investigate new enterprises to diversify and improve your financial situation.
Move beyond the basics and elevate your passive income game.
Reinvesting Profits: Compound your earnings by reinvesting in your existing ventures or exploring new ones.
Automating Processes: Streamline operations to minimize hands-on involvement, allowing your income to grow with reduced effort.
Exploring New Ventures: Stay dynamic by exploring new opportunities and expanding your passive income portfolio.
Case Studies
Set off on an inspirational adventure via real-life case studies. Dive into success stories to learn about the techniques and tactics people used to attain financial independence via different passive income sources. Take away key lessons from these situations to help you on your journey to success.
Learn from those who have successfully mastered the art of passive income.
Success Stories: Explore real-life examples of individuals who have achieved financial freedom through passive income.
Lessons Learned: Understand the challenges faced by others and gain insights into overcoming obstacles.
The Future of Passive Income
Peering into the future of passive income unveils exciting possibilities. Stay ahead by embracing emerging trends and leveraging technological influences. Constantly adapt and innovate to navigate the evolving landscape, ensuring sustained success in the dynamic realm of passive income.
Stay ahead of the curve by anticipating future trends.
Emerging Trends: Stay informed about new opportunities and technological advancements in the passive income landscape.
Technological Influences: Embrace technology to enhance and diversify your passive income streams.
As we conclude our exploration of Passive Income Paradise, reflect on the diverse avenues unveiled. Align your passions with profitable ventures, overcome challenges, and witness the evolution of your financial strategies. This journey isn’t just about earning; it’s about creating a lifestyle that affords freedom and fulfillment. Stay committed, learn from experiences, and watch your passive income flourish, providing the key to unlocking financial independence and making money easily from anywhere in the world. The possibilities are limitless, and your path to prosperity begins now.
Q1. How much initial investment is needed for passive income?
The initial investment varies based on the chosen income stream. Some require minimal investment, while others may demand a more significant upfront commitment.
Q2. Can passive income replace a full-time job?
In many cases, yes. However, the transition depends on your financial goals, chosen income streams, and the effort you invest initially.
Q3. What are common mistakes to avoid in passive income ventures?
Avoid the mistake of expecting instant results. Patience is key. Additionally, thorough research and ongoing learning are crucial to success.
Q4. Is passive income suitable for everyone?
While passive income is a viable option for many, it’s essential to assess your skills, interests, and commitment level before diving in.
Q5. How long does it take to see significant returns from passive income?
The timeline varies, but it’s common for significant returns to take time. Be prepared for an initial period of effort and learning before experiencing substantial results.
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World
Thanks for reading my article on “Passive Income Paradise How to Make Money Easily from Anywhere in the World“, hope it will help!
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dubairealestate24 · 3 months
Secrets to Selling Your House Quickly in Any Market
Selling your house quickly requires strategic planning, effective marketing, and flexibility. This guide reveals the secrets to achieving a fast sale in any market.
1. Conducting a Market Analysis
Understanding the current real estate market is crucial for selling your house quickly. A thorough market analysis will help you set a competitive price and determine the best time to sell.
Market Trends: Analyze recent sales in your area and compare similar properties. Look at the average time houses stay on the market and identify trends that could impact your sale.
Seasonal Patterns: Real estate markets often have seasonal patterns, with spring and summer being peak times for buying and selling. Understanding these patterns can help you time your sale for maximum impact.
For more insights on the real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
2. Setting a Competitive Price
Pricing your house correctly is one of the most critical factors in achieving a quick sale. Overpricing can deter potential buyers, while underpricing can lead to a quick sale but at a financial loss.
Competitive Pricing: Set a competitive price based on your market analysis. Consider pricing slightly below market value to attract more buyers and create a bidding war.
Price Adjustments: Be prepared to adjust the price if you’re not receiving the desired interest. Regularly review the feedback from showings and adjust accordingly.
For assistance with pricing strategies, visit Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
3. Enhancing Curb Appeal
First impressions are vital in real estate. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal can attract more buyers and help you sell your house quickly.
Landscaping: Keep the lawn well-maintained, plant flowers, and trim bushes. A neat and attractive yard can significantly boost your home’s appeal.
Exterior Maintenance: Ensure the exterior of your house is clean and in good repair. Paint the front door, clean windows, and fix any broken fixtures to make your home more inviting.
For tips on enhancing curb appeal, visit Dubai Property Mortgage.
4. High-Quality Photos and Virtual Tours
In today’s digital age, high-quality photos and virtual tours are essential for attracting buyers.
Professional Photography: Hire a professional photographer to take high-quality photos that showcase your home’s best features. Good lighting and angles can make a significant difference.
Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours to give potential buyers a detailed view of your home. This can be especially useful for buyers who are unable to visit in person.
For marketing tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
5. Staging Your Home
Staging your home can make it more appealing to potential buyers by highlighting its best features and creating an inviting atmosphere.
Decluttering: Remove personal items and excess furniture to create a clean and spacious look. Buyers should be able to envision themselves living in the space.
Neutral Decor: Use neutral colors and simple decor to appeal to a broader audience. Consider hiring a professional stager to enhance your home’s appeal.
For staging tips, visit Property For Sale in Dubai.
6. Online Listings and Social Media
Online listings and social media are powerful tools for marketing your home to a wide audience.
Real Estate Websites: List your property on popular real estate websites with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos. Ensure your listing stands out with compelling headlines and accurate information.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your listing. Share posts with attractive photos and virtual tours to generate interest.
For online marketing tips, visit home loan dubai.
7. Hosting Open Houses
Open houses can attract multiple potential buyers and generate interest in your property.
Event Planning: Plan and promote your open house well in advance. Ensure your home is clean and well-staged for the event.
Engagement: Engage with visitors during the open house and provide detailed information about your home and the neighborhood. Collect contact information for follow-up.
For open house tips, visit Buy Residential Properties in Dubai.
8. Leveraging Real Estate Agents
Working with a real estate agent can significantly enhance your marketing efforts.
Agent Network: Choose an agent with a strong network and a track record of successful sales. They can market your home to a wider audience and provide valuable insights.
Marketing Expertise: Real estate agents have access to marketing tools and platforms that can increase your property’s visibility. They can also help with pricing strategies and negotiations.
For agent recommendations, visit Dubai Property Mortgage.
9. Utilizing Print Media
While digital marketing is crucial, print media can also play a role in attracting local buyers.
Flyers and Brochures: Create high-quality flyers and brochures with detailed information and attractive photos. Distribute them in your neighborhood and at local businesses.
Newspaper Ads: Consider placing ads in local newspapers to reach a broader audience. Highlight key features of your home and include contact information.
For print media tips, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
10. Networking and Word of Mouth
Personal networks and word of mouth can be powerful tools in marketing your home.
Networking: Inform friends, family, and colleagues that your home is for sale. They might know potential buyers or spread the word within their networks.
Community Involvement: Participate in community events and engage with local groups. Building relationships can lead to valuable connections and potential buyers.
For networking tips, visit Property For Sale in Dubai.
Effective marketing is essential for selling your house quickly. By combining digital and traditional marketing techniques, enhancing your home’s appeal, and leveraging professional expertise, you can attract more buyers and achieve a fast sale.
For more information and assistance with selling your house in Dubai, visit home loan dubai.
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harvardfineartslib · 2 years
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Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese – Part 3
The 10-volume Imperial edition of Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese in the Fine Arts Library at Harvard University is one of the “better” sets. Limited to 100 numbered copies, the FAL copy is number 31. It was “imported and printed” for Alexander S. Porter, a prominent Boston real-estate agent. Each volume of the Imperial edition is bound in decorated silk brocade with silk cords and tassels. Overall, this edition includes 60 large format hand-colored albumen prints mounted in window mats; 200 small format hand-colored albumen prints mounted on the text pages; 1 platinum print photographic reproduction of an 1888 portrait of the Emperor Meiji by Italian painter Eduardo Chiossone; 10 hand-colored collotypes of flowers by Ogawa Kazumasa mounted in window mats; 10 xylograph (woodblock print) reproductions of Japanese paintings mounted in window mats (of which three are missing from FAL’s copy); and 20 examples of original Japanese artworks.
We hope you enjoyed this series of posts from Japan: Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Today’s post ends with the front and back cover of the album X, the last volume of the edition.
Visit the collection website from our bio.
Image 1: Seq. 947 from album X Image 2: Seq. 828 from album IX Image 3: Seq. 881. Front cover of album X Image 4: Seq. 972. Back cover of album X
View the entire set as an album.
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mattrobertsphotous · 11 months
Matt Roberts Photography, LLC.
Categories: photography
Address: 816 Camaron St Suite 2.09 San Antonio, TX, 78212
Phone: (210) 722-0713
Website: https://www.mattrobertsphoto.com/
Business Email: [email protected]
Matt Roberts Photography: Headhosts are more than just a photo - it's your virtual handshake. In an era dominated by digital presence, your image is often the first impression you make. Hi, I'm Matt Roberts. Every day, I encounter professionals who understand the need for a standout headshot but are overwhelmed by the process or dissatisfied with typical results. Too many settle for "good" profile photos that blend in, failing to capture their unique essence. This sea of sameness in social media feeds, business cards, and company profiles can lead you to be overlooked. Your journey, your achievements, and your aspirations deserve a headhost portrait that captures not just your face but your spirit. You deserve a business headshot that prompts people to pause and think, "That's exactly who we need!" My mission is to elevate you beyond the ordinary. Let's collaborate to create images that showcase you as captivating, unmistakable, and the game changer in your industry.
Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am-5pm
Social Link: https://www.facebook.com/mattrobphoto https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattrobphoto/
Payment method: cash, credit card, cashiers check, money order, invoice
Keywords: headshot photographer, headshot photography, corporate headshots, professional headshots, real estate headshots, actor headshots, business headshots, doctor headshots, lawyer headshots, dating profile headshots, CEO headshots, VIP headshots
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