#real estate pictures
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We provides Professional Real Estate Photography service in Marin County, Tahoe and San Francisco. Feel Free to contact us at 415.920.3062. Drop a mail at [email protected]
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She Went From Ivy League Student to Having IQ of 6 Year Old - Jealous Evil Classmate?
The Story of Zhu Ling (A story known to 1.4 billion Chinese people)
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Can you make a Christmas comic? It can be about anything you can imagine
I went with the gang from The Present is a Gift for this, and Twig hijacked the intended theme of warm-and-fuzzy holiday feelings and turned it into having hope for the future, even if you miss the past, because you have your loved ones to support you. Hope that's alright; she really wouldn't cooperate during the scripting process until I went with it.
To keep this comic easy to scroll past for the uninterested, I've put the last 9 pages under the cut! I'm trying to be more considerate of those who are going through my blog, haha.
This takes place after the events of The Present is a Gift, where everyone has mostly settled into having Ark in their group.
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wellfine · 5 months
Can I take a wild swing at your Childhood friends AU?
I've had a few people reach out and ask if they can write stuff about that AU (or just straight up say they're going to take it without asking, haha..) so I'm gonna answer this one publicly as a blanket answer that's basically "yes"!
I don't own the concept of a childhood friends AU and I'm sure I'm not the first person to think about Usopp & Sanji meeting when they were young, so already I don't feel right telling people they can't take inspo from my AU. And also, I'd love to read more people's takes and interpretations on this AU and sanuso in general!
Sometimes I can be precious about my concepts in case I'd like to work them into my own comics/stories but I think this one is fair game! If you take direct inspiration from my work in your fic then I would appreciate credit/a link back, but like I said, I can't really claim ownership over such a broad concept.
Let me know if you publish it though so I can read it!
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erik phantomopera when he fucks up shooting his shot with christine:
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jennilah · 10 months
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luminous-orb · 5 months
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live a live Pokémon AU
the intended audience of this is Me, Baby!! but I guess you guys can see it too
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tufnation · 8 months
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wannabecatwriter · 5 months
Weird question:
What does it mean if a house has been vacant for a long time, but when you view it, there's not a spider in sight? Is the realtor company just cleaning meticulously or is there something weird?
Basically, my family went to see this condo for sale, but even though I manage to find spiders everywhere I go (or they find me, lol), this seemed to be a completely spider-free home.
My gut feeling tells me there was maybe some kind of a pest issue before and pest control was called in and did a really good job...
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laurrrelise · 2 months
just had the most random idea of a derek danforth fic (because i never stop thinking about that man, trust) where the reader (who has some pre-established relationship with him?? idk maybe like a past hookup, a fwb thing, idk just something) comes into their apartment late after a long and tiring shift and he’s just sitting there, drunk on their couch, waiting for them
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The first thing house buyers view are photographs of real estate listings. Excellent photography can generate leads that lead to a sale. Nowadays, more than 90% of home purchasers look for their new homes online. Unfortunately, most realtors are unaware of the value a skilled real estate agent can provide. And for the same, we have entailed the reasons that will let you know the importance of engaging with a professional for photography for real estate.
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anonymous-harpy · 5 months
Some random tags;
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My brain;
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leosmasktails · 1 year
Basically how the Discord chat went today
(There was so much going on lmfao I’m exposing y’all with this one)
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And some more:
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(Also lo siento I was too lazy to draw y’all’s sonas forgive me)
(This ain’t even HALF of it-)
@pommigranite @dearestdracaena @pigeonsgrame
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placesyoucallhome · 9 months
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Sycophants on velvet sofas Lavish mansions, vintage wine I am so much more than royal Snatch your chain and mace your eyes If it feels good, tastes good It must be mine Heroes always get remembered But you know legends never die
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boxchewr · 1 year
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concept for young ghetsis, pre- and post-incident that left him with the injured eye and arm as seen in canon ghetsis. more explanation of my thoughts on him below
pre-incident ghetsis i imagine was similar to how silver acted. a bit of a bully, pushing people around, looking to become the best without regards to treating his pokemon well. he differs in that he's a horribly sore loser and makes it known when he does, despite his strategy of an all-out attack being incredibly predictable every time. born with a weaker leg and used his cane his whole life, is insecure over being seen as "weak" because of it. his home life was also probably... not great either. despite it all he still manages to make some friends, and heads off on a journey with them to conquer the pokemon league...
then, the incident happens. all he says is that he tried to catch an incredibly strong pokemon... but it didn't work and nearly killed him in retaliation. despite all odds, he survived... but clearly something changed after that. his arm and eye never healed quite right, leaving his arm very weak and his right eye totally blind. he became very quiet for a while after that, very reserved and distant from others. he developed trust issues, believing that those around him only pitied him and saw him as weak and usable. he'd lash out at anyone showing him sympathy or offering help, believing that in order to not be seen as weak, he had to be able to help himself and couldn't rely on others, even shoving his friends away. his desire to win and be the best turned into an insatiable lust for power, an overcompensation of his own insecurities... soon becoming the keystone of his motivations. he cannot be weak or pitied, he must be powerful. the MOST powerful. feared and revered, incapable of being hurt like that ever again...
and then, one day, he simply vanished. went off on his own and wasn't seen again by anyone from his hometown for a very long time. he became manipulative and cruel, honing his public speaking skills, soon finding n in the woods... and then we know what happens from there
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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Several weeks later...
Rav's hair isn't the only thing that's constantly changing. The summer is quickly shifting into autumn again, and a few drinks deep, after the requisite karaoke session, of course, the girls find themselves in the midst of an unexpectedly serious conversation.
Transcript under the cut.
Rav: "Do you ever think about the future?"
Rowan: "Like... tomorrow, you mean?"
Rav: "No, like the future future."
Rowan: "Not really. I guess I'm just enjoying living in the moment."
Rav: "Yeah, me too. But sometimes I find myself imagining what my life might look like in 10 years."
Rowan: "And what do you imagine?"
Rav: "I like the city, but it feels weirdly lonely sometimes. I kind of miss having a full house."
Rowan: "Really? I always thought you hated it."
Rav: "So did I... But lately I keep having these visions of myself living on this great big farm. It's me, a few chickens, maybe a cow, a small army of children, and hopefully... you?"
Rowan: "That sounds like a sitcom in the making. I can just imagine all the crazy hijinks that would ensue."
Rav: "Yeah. But doesn't it also sound kind of... great?"
Rowan: "I don't think I can answer that question."
Rav: "Why not?"
Rowan: "I'm way too biased. You could tell me you wanted to move all the way to Selvadorada, and I'd say that sounds kind of great too... as long as we'd be there together."
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