#real happy with how the pants in the sketch with the striped shirt came out
deerpun · 11 months
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red/blue /|㇏^•̀ᵥᵥ•́^ノ|\
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myownworldstayout · 5 years
New Friends Ch. 12
Ch.1 / Ch.11 / Ch.13
(Are you ready for more fluff?? you’re gonna get more fluff.) (also, It’s long so warning lol)
“Marinette, I love these dresses!” Aurore sang, twirling around in a sleeveless purple dress, which stopped short just above her knees.
“The casual outfits are quite nice as well.” Kagami complimented, studying her black, ripped jeans and rose red top, matching her black boots.
Marinette blushed slightly at the praise, though it was hardly noticeable since she was still fiddling with another outfit on one of the manikins. 
“Thank you so much! I figured you guys would like those.” 
“I still can’t believe you made these.” Wayhem commented, picking at the collar of his bright green, short sleeved shirt. 
“Do the jeans fit okay?” She asked, turning to get a good look at the three. 
Wayhem grinned. “They’re perfect.” 
Marinette smiled brightly, nodding with satisfaction as she focused on the manikin again.
“It’s a shame Felix couldn’t come to your house with us. He’s missing out on some great fashion.” Aurore giggled, sitting down on the chaise and smoothing out her dress.
“Actually, I already gave him an outfit. He’s gonna meet us at the concert.”
Aurore sat up. “Really?” 
During lunch period that morning, Luka invited them to go to Kitty Section’s concert. They were holding it in the square this time, and the crowd was hopefully going to be big. Aurore and Wayhem were more than happy to go, since they always loved Kitty Section’s concerts, and Kagami promised to work something out in her schedule. Felix was reluctant at first- concerts were always so loud and pushy -but when Marinette excitedly agreed to go, he gave in.
The group became so hyped for the event that they decided to dress up for it as well. That was when Marinette remembered she had some outfits at home that she’d been working on. So Aurore, Kagami, and Wayhem came to the Bakery to try them on while Luka prepared for the concert. 
“The real question is how you convinced Felix to come to the concert in the first place.” Kagami said, shifting comfortably on the chase next to Aurore.
“What do you mean?” Marinette asked obliviously, pulling one of the pins from between her teeth and sticking it into a skirt.
“Felix hates concerts.” Kagami stated bluntly.
“I can’t imagine Felix liking anything loud or crowded to be honest.” Wayhem joked, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“Pretty much. His exact words were, ‘why listen to music at a loud, people-infested park when I could listen to the same music alone in my quiet bedroom?’” Kagami smile.
Aurore and Wayhem laughed at that, but Marinette furrowed her eyebrows.
“Why do you think I convinced him though? Maybe he decided to just try it out on his own.” 
Wayhem scoffed and lightheartedly replied, “You kidding? He was so going to stay home until you said you were going.” 
“He did suspiciously agree right after you did. Even though he said no the first time around.” Aurore joined in, a coy smile spreading across her lips.
Marinette pursed her lips, turning back to her project to hide her embarrassment. Felix didn’t agree just to be with her, right? 
The image of him walking her to her house around the first time they met flashed through mind.
She shook her head.
He just wanted to go to the concert since everyone else was going. They were all friends, after all. It would be silly to stay home instead of hanging out with all of your friends.
Yes, it had nothing to do with her, and this certainly wasn’t going to be another Adrien situation.
Marinette stilled.
“Marinette, are you alright?” Aurore asked, noticing her pause.
She drew in a breath, steeling herself. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine. I was just thinking about..”
“About Adrien?” Wayhem finished, sitting down on the floor next to Marinette’s rolling chair, across from the girls.
Marinette nodded in confirmation, keeping her eyes on the skirt.
The group quietly waited, their gaze soft, understanding. Marinette would speak if she wanted to do so.
“They haven’t noticed my unofficial absence for weeks.” she finally began, more of thinking aloud. “They didn’t care that I haven’t spoken a word to anyone, that they haven’t talked to me for weeks. It wasn’t until I actively ignored Adrien that they got upset.”
Marinette sighed, massaging her temples. “It’s like they don’t even care about me as a person. It’s all about their egos or hurt feelings or something just- just all about them.”
The group nodded along, letting her work through her thoughts. Though Marinette appreciated it, it also sort of ached. Because she had never had something like this before. Not with Alya, or Adrien, or anyone else she knew for years in that forsaken classroom. It was always “Marinette, you’re overreacting”, “Marinette you’re being ridiculous”. It could never be, “you have a right to be angry”, or “your feelings are valid whether they completely make sense or not”.
Come to think of it, even despite Lila’s influence, they’d had trouble before. Mostly when Marinette decided to have any sort of feelings besides pure happiness. Of course, Alya and the others weren’t entirely to blame. Adrien was normally the one to scold her on that front. 
She looked back up at the others. They sat there patiently, waiting for her to either finish her concerns or change the subject. It was her choice.
She reveled in that thought. Her choice. It felt as if this entire school year had flown by without giving her a single glance. She’d been forced into more things than she liked to admit. 
Being ladybug, for example. She loved Tikki with all her heart, but Marinette still found herself a tad bitter about how she got the miraculous. Would she have accepted if Master Fu asked her straight up? Probably not, but it still would’ve been nice to get a say in the matter. 
The point is, choices seemed to be new for her. She was sad that it turned out this way, but if it meant she could make choices, that she was finally free in a sense..
“There, done.” Marinette then smiled, leaning back to check her work.
Aurore and Wayhem gasped.
“Oh, Marinette, it’s beautiful!”
Felix grumbled to himself as he got ready for the concert.
Why did her agree to go to this? Concerts were loud and crowded and everything he despised, really. Why couldn’t he just stay home and watch the concert live at the very least? That’d be much more preferable.
He pictured Marinette’s smiling face, her eyes shining with excitement and anticipation. 
“You’re coming too, right Felix?” She had asked.
Seeing that expectant and hopeful look in her eyes… how could he say no?
He remembered her quietly squealing a “yes!” and pumping her fist in the air when he said he would go.
The group was surprised, though none argued. Especially when Marinette started rambling about “New outfits” and “Fitting sessions after school”.
A frown tugged at the corner of Felix’s lips.
They were all at her house now, getting ready for the concert. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to be there. Unfortunately, he needed to come home first to inform his mother about the new schedule and do a few things.
As expected, she was more than eager to let him go to the concert.
“When are you going to invite them over?” she asked for what felt like the fifth time that week.
“When I feel the time is right.” Felix said, repeating the same answer he always gave. 
His mother put on a pout, but only huffed and left the room to start supper. 
Felix smiled towards his mother’s antics as he straightened his new tie.
Marinette had shown them lots of sketches for clothing designs, but her actually making the clothes was a completely different story.
And she’d done and amazing job. The clothes she made for them not only fit their personalities well, but also seemed like they could be bought from a store.
Felix noticed a few crooked stitches and some loose buttons, usual mistakes that are perfected over time. Considering she was only fifteen, the handiwork was extremely impressive in his opinion.
The outfit wasn’t all that different from his usual one. He still had his black dress pants and dark grey vest. However, his familiar, lighter grey of a button up, long sleeve shirt was replaced by a black one with the sleeves stitched up to his elbows in a quarter sleeve style. Instead of his black tie, Marinette gave him a striped green and black tie to use. How she got the measurements was beyond him, because the clothes fit perfectly.
“Have fun at the concert sweetie! If you need me or your father to pick you up, just give us a call.” His mother cooed as he opened the front door.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Felix said with a small smile, waving and walking out the door.
The walk was longer than what he was used to, but he left earlier than necessary so he took his time. Nevertheless, he still got there about twenty minutes before the concert started. A few people were lingering in the square, either curious about the commotion or waiting for the concert to begin. In the center of the square, right in front of the glass pyramid, Felix spotted Kitty Section preparing themselves for the performance. Luka was tuning his guitar with Juleka, Rose was checking the sound system, and Ivan was testing his drums. 
Felix noted that the others were wearing their normal outfits while Luka was obviously wearing a “Mari original” as they called it. He was wearing a dark-ish blue, checkered button up shirt with black jeans. His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal a navy blue t-shirt underneath. In the middle of the navy blue T-shirt was a white jagged stone, similar to the black one on his white t-shirt he normally wore.
Luka glanced up, smiling when he noticed Felix. 
“Hey! I see you’re wearing your new outfit, too. Mari did a good job, as always.” he commented, setting his guitar to the side and standing up.
Felix nodded with a smile, looking over his clothes once more. He ignored the side glances he received from his classmates. He figured they wouldn’t be pleased of his presence, but he was here for Marinette, not them.
Speaking of which, “Where are the others?” 
“They’ll be coming soon, don’t worry. Marinette wanted to make last minute tweaks on the other’s outfits.” Luka explained, waving off the question. “I didn’t expect you to come. Concerts don’t seem to be your thing.”
“They’re not. I only came because-” Felix cut himself short. Telling Luka his real reason for coming probably wasn’t the best idea.
Unfortunately for Felix, Luka was good at filling in the blanks.
“Because Marinette wanted you to, right?” he finished with a knowing smile. 
Felix gave him a glare in response, not denying or confirming anything.
Thankfully, people were already starting to pile into the square. Therefore, Felix and Luka were quickly surrounded by chattering fans, distracting them from the conversation. 
“I have to go up on stage. Good luck finding Mari in this mess.” Luka chuckled, before disappearing into the crowd as well.
Felix hummed in displeasure, turning on his heel and heading for the back of the crowd. Maybe it would be better to find them if he weren’t so smothered.
“Felix, there you are!” 
He stopped, looking in the direction of the familiar voice he’d come to know quite well.
What he saw brought his thoughts to a screeching halt.
It was definitely Marinette- you could tell from her signature ponytails and unmistakably bright smile -but her clothes almost made her seem like a different person entirely.
She wore a pitch black blouse which was tucked into a bright red skirt covered in black polka dots that hung just above her knees. Her black heels, which were red on the bottom, drew attention to her toned legs. Now that Felix thought about it, Marinette’s arms were pretty toned as well. She was fit in general, to be honest.
A light blush dusted Felix’s cheeks as he pushed the thought out of his mind.
“What do you think?” Marinette beamed, twirling to give him a better look. 
Felix swallowed, briefly at a loss for words. Could you blame him, though?
“Did you make that?” he managed to ask.
“Yeah! It’s not too bad is it?” Marinette said shyly.
Felix shook his head almost vigorously. “No, It- you look-” he paused, taking a second to compose himself. “You look.. Stunning.” 
Now Marinette blushed, a delightful pink that somehow complemented the outfit. 
He pulled a soft smirk, but then it faded as he looked her up and down again and squinted.
Marinette frowned. “What is it?” 
“Do you mind if I try something?”
“Try something?” Marinette repeated, blinking in surprise.
“Yes, with your hair if that’s alright?” He said, reaching up and gently touching one of her pigtails in thought.
“O-Oh, uh- Sure, I g-guess.” Marinette stuttered, her blush deepening.
Without another word, Felix moved around behind her, carefully starting to pull the ribbons out. It might have been his imagination, but Felix thought he felt her shiver when he started combing his fingers through her hair to straighten it out.
“Alright, I’m done.” He stated after a few minutes, stepping around to her side again.
Marinette brought her hands up to her hair, lightly feeling around to figure out what he did. 
“Thank you.”
Felix shrugged. “My uncle is a fashion designer after all.”
Marinette smiled, opening her mouth to respond when someone else called out to Felix.
“Felix! We finally found you! Oh, and you have Marinette that’s even better!” Aurore shouted over the crowds, moving towards them with Wayhem and Kagami in tow.
“Wow, I love your hair.” Wayhem complimented when they caught up to the two.
“Felix did it.” Marinette grinned, absently touching her hair that had fallen around her shoulders.
“Felix did?” Kagami raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk playing at her lips. 
The blonde didn’t respond, keeping an indifferent expression. That might have been more condemning than if he had said anything at all.
“Well, it totally makes the look.” Aurore smiled, pulling a pocket mirror out of her purse and handing it to Marinette.
The hair-do looked much nicer than Marinette expected. Apparently, Felix took out her two pigtails, using the two ribbons to tie her hair into a half up half down style. This caused it to look like she was wearing a big red bow instead of her ordinary ribbons. Having her hair pulled back certainly topped off the outfit as Aurore had said. The red bow brought out the skirt and the hair that fell around her shoulders, along with her bangs, shaped her face nicely. 
“Wow..” Marinette muttered, brushing her bangs somewhat to the side.
“Mhmm~” Aurore hummed with a smile, taking back the pocket mirror. 
“We should get to the front, or somewhere near there. The concert is going to be starting soon.” Felix spoke up.
“Yeah, but there’s so many people..” Kagami said with a frown, standing up on her tiptoes to look over the growing crowd.
“Oh, let’s hold hands so we don’t lose each other!” Wayhem suggested, grabbing Aurore and Kagami’s hands. 
Felix winced, though no one noticed.
Aurore grinned, turning and grabbing Marinette’s hand.
Marinette turned to Felix, holding up her hand.
“So we can stay together.” She smiled.
Felix hesitated. He didn’t like touch. Never enjoyed physical contact with anyone, really. Even his mother, who he loved dearly, was someone he could barely stay around for long due to all the hugs she smothers him with.
There wasn’t a specific reason he hated being touched, he just did. Felix assumed it was mostly from his father, but he couldn’t tell for sure.
That was why he was surprised when he took Marinette’s hand. Because he.. He actually didn’t mind her touch. It wasn’t all that bad. Her hand was warm and her grip gentle, loose enough that he could let go if he wanted, but tight enough that they shouldn’t be separated.
Her grip then tightened suddenly to keep from losing him when they got deeper into the crowd.
For reasons unbeknownst to him, Felix squeezed her hand back. 
He caught a glimpse of Marinette glancing back at him in surprise, before turning her attention back to the crowds.
“Alright, Paris, are you ready!” Luka called over the microphone.
The group stopped. The crowds cheered.
Marinette didn’t let go of Felix’s hand. Whether she was distracted by Luka or just didn’t think about it, Felix found that he was okay with it. 
The music began, causing Felix to look at the stage as well. Half way through, Marinette and the others started dancing. He didn’t join in, but his hand swung around with Marinette’s occasionally. That was when he noticed she was still holding Aurore’s hand as well. In fact, they were all still holding hands. To stay together.
That’s right. To stay together, nothing more. Felix reminded himself, even if he wasn’t sure why he needed to remember that.
The concert lasted for about an hour, along with a few added encores.
“And now,” Luka began, wrapping up the show. “I’d like to make a special shoutout to the girl who not only made my outfit for tonight, but also designed Kitty Section’s costumes and album covers from the beginning. Mlle. Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”  
Felix saw Marinette’s eyes widen as the spotlight landed on her.
Luka grinned, walking to the edge of the stage and holding out his hand.
Marinette, still in shock, slipped her hand out of Aurore and Felix’s grasp and took Luka’s hand.
He ignored the sudden coldness he felt from Marinette’s absence as the girl was pulled up on stage.
“This is also a ‘Mari Original’.” Luka announced eagerly, gesturing to Marinette’s outfit.
The ravenette smiled sheepishly, fiddling with her skirt a bit to contain her nerves.
The crowd gave a hearty round of applause. Her friends clapped the loudest, of course, and Wayhem whistled. 
“That’s all I’ve got folks. Thank you and goodnight!”
Marinette’s heart pounded against her chest even half an hour later. Luka did love his surprises, she just wished they didn’t involve so many people.
“Where does this go?” Wayhem asked, holding up a box of sound equipment. 
“Over there is fine.” Luka answered, pointing to a few other boxes nearby.
Wayhem nodded, hobbling off in that direction. Marinette giggled at the odd posture.
It was nice though, she thought, being appreciated. Getting the credit she deserved for her work. What did she do to deserve these wonderful people?
“I~ think that’s everything?” Aurore more of asked, looking around the now empty stage.
“Yes, I believe so.” Felix agreed, crossing his arms and searching for any lost or forgotten items as well.
Marinette smiled towards the blonde. He’d been full of surprises that evening. Since the first week she met him, actually. She was also happy to say that the outfit she created looked good on him.
“Thanks for helping out guys.” Luka said appreciatively, setting the last few boxes onto their stacked pile. 
Juleka, Rose, and Ivan mumbled their “thanks” as well- Rose being as cheerful as ever. Marinette and Felix might rival Chloe in low popularity at school at the moment, but they still helped out.
“You don’t have to thank us.” Kagami insisted. Her phone then buzzed in her pocket, and she sighed when she saw the message.
“My driver’s going to be here in a few minutes. Anyone need a ride home?” 
Luka scratched the back of his head. “Actually.. Can you take Juleka and I home? It’d be hard to take all of the boxes home and mom doesn’t have a car..” 
Kagami smiled. “Of course, it’s not a problem.”
The exchange seemed to remind Felix of something, and he turned to her. 
“What about you?” He asked, glancing at her as he took out his phone and pressed on his mother’s contact icon.
“Sorry?” Marinette blinked, looking at Felix and standing up on the stage.
“Do you need a ride home?” he elaborated, waving his phone slightly.
“Oh no! I’m alright, thank you-” 
Marinette then paused, and looked to the streets. It was getting a bit dark. 
“On second thought, that would be nice.” she smiled.
Felix returned the smile, before walking away to call his parents.
Marinette yelped as she stumbled down the steps of the stage, right into a firm pair of arms. 
“Are you alright?” Felix asked, concern lacing his tone.
“Ah, y-yes. I’m so sorry..” she sighed, struggling in his arms to stand back up.
Felix lifted her to her feet. “It’s fine. As long as you’re alright.”
Marinette blushed, suddenly noticing how close they were and Felix’s lingering arms around her waist. She lightly touched her right cheek, which she somehow managed to scratch on the way down.
“Honestly, I don’t know what possessed you to where heels. You can barely walk around in your usually flats.” he then added, frowning at the injury. 
Marinette chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. Though his tone was sarcastic, she knew he meant it as more of a joke than anything. It was hard to read Felix when they first met, but after a few weeks of hanging out with the group so much, she managed to figure him out a little.
For one, he wasn’t as stone cold as he appeared to be. Felix might be brutally honest and strongly opinionated, but he did care. She’d seen it over the past few weeks. He just had a hard time expressing his emotions.
Not to mention that ever since he arrived at school, Lila hasn’t bothered Marinette as much- if at all. She couldn’t begin to explain how thankful she was for that. 
“The car’s here. Are you ready to go?” The blonde in question interrupted her thoughts, gesturing to a grey car that had just rolled onto the street. 
Marinette nodded, saying a quick goodbye to the others and following Felix to the vehicle. 
Felix opened the back door for her, which she found sweet. When she got into the car, though, Marinette was a tad surprised to see Felix slide into the seat next to her and close the door.
She looked to the floor to calm herself. Taking deep breaths, smoothing out her skirt, fixing her hair. The car pulled onto the street and started towards the bakery.
“T-thanks for the r-ride.” she finally said, wincing at the stutter.
Why was she nervous? It was just Felix.
Just Felix. Marinette mentally repeated. 
“It’s no trouble.” Felix assured, brushing off the comment. 
“I didn’t know you had a chauffeur.” She commented thoughtfully.
Felix glanced at her from the window. “Well, I would certainly hope so. My family does own and run several banks around the country.”
Marinette’s eyes widened. “Wait, really?”
“You didn’t know?” Felix raised his eyebrows, straightening in his seat.
Marinette shook her head dumbly. Then again, how did she not know Felix’s family ran the banks? She’s known him for weeks hasn’t she?
The boy stared at her for a moment, then simply hummed and turned back to the window. 
Silence filled the car. Marinette found it frustrating. Usually, she could talk about anything or everything with Felix. Now, she was at a loss for words. Why was that?
When the car stopped in front of her house, Marinette shuffled out of the vehicle, Felix following behind her.
“Thanks again for the ride home.” she said, throwing him an appreciative smile. 
“Any time.” Felix replied softly. 
A frown suddenly flickered across his face and he lightly touched the side of his lips. “You’re lipstick’s a little messed up.” 
Marinette blushed, bringing her hand up to fix the error. 
He was looking at my lips? 
The thought nearly gave Marinette a heart attack, and she shoved it to the back of her mind. That didn’t mean anything. Felix was just observant like that.
“No, wait- you missed- here let me do it.” 
Before Marinette could respond, Felix was in front of her again. He tilted her chin upwards, gently grazing his thumb across her lips.
Marinette’s heart skipped a beat at the gesture and her eyes flicked to his.
His eyebrows were knitted together as he focused on fixing her makeup. It was all too obvious that he wasn’t trying anything.
“It’s such a lovely shade of red..” he murmured absently, stroking her lips one last time for perfection.
Oh, if Marinette thought she couldn’t blush any deeper..
The poor girl was about to blabber out some sort of reply when a car horn blared next to them, signaling for Felix to hurry up. The two jumped apart, glancing at the impatient chauffeur. 
“G-Goodnight!” Marinette nearly squeaked, holding back another cringe of embarrassment. 
Felix gave a small smile, though, not seeming to mind. “Yes, goodnight.”
With that, he got back in the car and left. 
Marinette went back inside as well, hand on her lips and thoughts racing about the night she just had and the new feelings she might have just experienced.
Tag list: @unabashedbookworm @bluerosette23 @minightrose@kuroko26@im-here-for-the-content @angstyrastuff @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanboy7794@choaticneturcl @bigcheeseyboi @burntnugget-tae @ayuchan07@honorisfortheweak @knightrose15 @mjisntme@rhub4rb @simplythebestbug@wilhelmares@zebrabaker@dargeon-lissa @kristycocopop @alumneia @kaydenth3gayden @thornangelic727 @flirtshobi @whatamessofwords
814 notes · View notes
rowanartist · 5 years
Fan fiction quotes 2019:
"with great foods, came great emotional baggage"[X]extra funny since I just saw Into the Spiderverse
"Just get together every couple of weeks, without Stark, and you guys can pass Steve around like a bong."[ch2]whaat? And chapter three is a dirty parody - worth a read for the humor of it
"he just hopes Tony has the sense God gave concussed baby sheep "[X]interesting phrase
"“Science,” Jane says, drawing his face to hers, “Does not require pants "[X]fun series of short fics
"Never something so hot; not like a flame is hot, but the strength of something bathed in summer sun. "[X]interesting view on attraction
"(He'd been sketching when he thought that through; now there's a page that has a little cartoon of himself, ducking, with the caption "the spoons are attacking!" although he'd ended up finishing his latte before he actually drew any flying spoons.) "[X]Steve upon learning about spoon theory
"Can you think of anything that symbolizes the eighties better than David Bowie’s crotch in tights? "[X]giggle out loud! "You drink once if someone whines, if Sarah says something isn’t fair, or if we get a shot of Bowie’s crotch. "[Same]comment
"“Like you’re going to vibrate out of your skin?” Natasha finished for him, understanding. Sometimes, after what they’d been through, it was hard just to be in your body. Easier to dissociate, to let whatever was going to happen happen while the part of you that was you floated far away. Natasha had been there before, and she knew James went there sometimes. "[X]ponder?
"They’re each wrapped up in their own blanket burrito, lying side by side in the dark, sharing one pillow. "[X]dual blanket burritos
"For most of his life he learned the safest option was to repress his emotional responses as much as possible, and over time he forgot how to access them when he actually needed to. "[X]relatable to a small degree
"Nothing too special but I’m pretty much Michael Bay’s wet dream "[X]to describe bakugo lol
"Most people," Midoriya continued gently, "don't need to be told they have a crush by the person that they have the crush on."[X]my boyfriend can relate to Midoriya here...
"about how if Midoriya could go this long talking without breathing in any new air, he'd probably be really good at kissing. "[same]lol
"God, fuck off. You look so freshly screwed that it hurts me. "[X]Bakugo ;p
"After all, shodō is one of Shouto’s hobbies. For Midoriya’s birthday last year, he made a beautiful poster of UA’s motto that is now displayed prominently above Midoriya’s bed. "[X]draw? If i can? "Please don’t use your All Might voice when we’re making plans to have sex. "[Same]lol
"He’d known for a while that his boyfriend internalizes, that he still struggles with a lot of insecurities and periodic depression from his years around his dad "[X]comment
"Shouto you’re worth more than anything. And you deserve happiness. I don’t care what micro-dick has said to you in the past or any shit he spews out of the mouth that’s somehow more obnoxious than Present Mic "[same]dam it Endeavor :/ "You’re a dork,” Izuku mutters in a break for breath. “Your dork,” Shouto says quietly "[Same]awww
"But if you ever forget your phone again I will use you as an advertisement balloon for a day, and that’s a promise."[X]lol
"First of all, I challenge you to find a dress that can fit that shoulders to waist ratio.” Shouto replied, matter-of-factly, pointing at Izuku’s entire body. “Secondly, you absolutely lack the manners to be a princess, you brute.” "[X]part of a series
"Another young woman that couldn’t be older than Shouto and Izuku looked up at the call. She had a round face and long, brown hair with little orange streaks every now and then collected in a braid. The red rimmed glasses she wore made her yellow eyes look bigger, behind the lenses. She lit up, when she saw them. "[X]need to try to draw
"You’d die of embarrassment— Either that, or Aizawa-sensei would kill you. And I kind of like you alive, thank you very much.” "[same]LOL
" is standing there in grey sweats and a loose Totoro hoodie he got him on one of their first dates "[X]draw
"It definitely didn’t help that Izuku stretched lazily, something akin to a cat just waking up from a nap, one of his legs stretching against the wall as the opposite arm reached towards Shouto with fingers spread wide-open. "[X]DRAW!
"What? They’re really short, all my boxers showed and it was weird. "[X]...
"Just because he isn’t as obvious about it, doesn’t mean Shouto isn’t beyond anxious too. "[X]comment
"He doesn’t treat Shouto like he is fragile, but he treats him like he is precious, and that is an important distinction"...."Something precious, however, doesn’t necessarily break easy, but it warrants the utmost care. It’s meant to be cherished. "[X]relationship advice
"One of the national dishes has no meat in it, but it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever tasted. I thought we were all going to die and T’Challa was going to succeed in eliminating us. Then I heard him yelling at the chef, saying none of us were used to Wakandan peppers.” "[X]https://archiveofourown.org/works/8688724/chapters/19918951#workskin
"All Tony was supposed to do was fix the alternator. Instead he built me a Jeep that tells me I have to initiate a proper launch sequence before I’m able to turn it on and drive.” "[Same]comment
"I’m sorry,” Midoriya retracts his hand, and Todoroki misses it instantly. “It’s not something I can fix, and that makes me sad. You don’t deserve to hear the things he tells you.” "[X]reread comment. Relatable to a degree personally
"But he has to admit the Docs greener side is awfully useful in a brawl; and his less menacing side has a wicked sense of humor, not to mention awfully good with a med kit. "[X]i like Bruce having a sense of humor
"That's what friends are for anyway, having your back when times are tough, and amusement for when times are peaceful. "[X]amusing
"Bucky didn't think he was being rude, but if Captain America said so, it must be true. "[Same]comment
"Steve’s always been a fan of cuddles, even if he doesn’t like to admit it, admit how much he needs that physical contact. "[X]I'm a fan of this concept
"Which in Steve-speak means that you’re feeling guilty as all hell over things you can’t control – again, mind you – and you can’t rest because you can’t shut your brain up.” "[Same]relate "There’s power in this act, Darcy thinks as she sucks and licks up and down his length. To be able to take someone apart with just her mouth and a few touches of her hands. Reduce them to tears or send them flying upwards into the heavens. And the knowledge that she wants to do this for him – for them – makes the feeling all the more potent. She doesn’t have to do this, but it’s her choice, and she wants to give this to them. "[Same]ponder more
"She may not come from it, but the closeness and the intimacy is far more important than any orgasm. "[X]remember
"He knows better, knows that Bakugou’s punches of greeting and movie nights at Yaoyorozu’s house with Mina, Hagakure, and Tsu, and that baking with Izuku are all love. That’s love, not the villain sat behind the desk. "[X]dark fic, author warns in notes. But this line is sweet
"Natasha Romanoff is a world-class spy, yes. But she’s also a potato chip thief who makes dumb jokes and uses emoticons (she had been very adamant that Steve learn the difference between emoticons and emojis), and Steve adores her for it. "[ch5]she's human
"Bucky flopped onto it rolling around like a dog on the soft surface, Natasha quietly responding by taking out her phone and videoing his nonsense. "[ch2]Mr. Kate style rug cuddle but solo
"“First of all, just because someone is good looking does not mean I should have sex with them. There are attractive serial killers Nat, do you want me to get murdered? Second of all, I don’t know him. Third of all, he’s not looking at me like I’m chicken wings, also Clint, seriously? Chicken wings?” "[same]lol, but I'm with you Bucky
"Even in just plain sweatpants, the American icon without a shirt was an image that would have anyone seeing stars and stripes, regardless of sexual orientation. "[X]:)
"Agent Bishop was hit with a biological weapon today that has a ninety-two per cent chance of ending in fatality within three days unless proper care is administered to disperse the chemical compound through natural methods. Meaning, in the case of humans, sexual release. As in, orgasming."[X]a legalese description of "sex pollen" ...
"Do the horizontal contra dance, yes," Darcy answered. "Well kind of, I mean there's only three of us and a contra dance is four to a group, but tango is just for two and I had to think of something fast. Come on, Stevie, this isn't the first time we've hooked up. "[X]lol
"He wanted something just for him again, even though he felt like a selfish asshole for even thinking it. So he would do whatever he could to chase after that feeling. Even if it was stupid. Even if it was silly. "[ch2]advice, remember "Tony must never read these, Steve thought. Bucky’s arm would never be safe. "[ch3]Steve Discovers FanFiction "Steve stayed focused on the screen, sticking out his tongue a little while he concentrated. It was unfairly adorable. "[ch4]Jarvis knows how to motivate Steve: a Bucky themed typing game "Good things would happen. Funny, clever jokes would be told. Sexy adventures were always available, no matter what was happening in the real world. "[X]relatable "There was even a page of ‘Bucky Approved Sex Words and Phrases’. The name alone never failed to make Steve smile "[ch7]lol "He wasn’t really writing this stuff for the money anyways; mostly he just wanted to see that other people liked and enjoyed what he was doing. "[Same]relatable: my redbubble rowan-artist
"Darcy’s eyes widened. “Oh god, I just imagined you naked, dusted in gold, on a satin-sheeted bed. My mind is a dangerous place.” “Hey, there’s always Halloween.” "[ch6]you being Steve
"Jane was rapidly nearing the angry-bear stage of sleep deprivation (there were seven levels on the Dr. Jane Foster Sleep Deprivation chart; angry bear was number five, between 'genius-level insane productivity' and 'sugar high five-year old'), "[X]also Dean Fury ... "Then you come to me, we'll kill a bottle of Jameson and make Thor carry our drunk asses home while we sing Les Mis horribly off-key," "[same]amusing
"This is why you should always read end-user agreements on friendships. "[X]not the fic but the start notes, lol. Also, Maria's entry is adorable, and Pepper potts!! "(“So what you’re telling me is you spent a week building a glorified roomba,” Rhodey says the first time he sees it, and Tony lets out an undignified huff and makes JUNK-E destroy and clean a grand piano.) "[Same]hahha
"And it’s better to be an asset, which at least sounds like something you value, than a glorified action figure. "[ch3]comment "Steve’s friendship is stronger than even Steve’s shield, and protects them both just as much "[Same ch9]awww
"Bucky actually is, but she knows well enough not to ask. Instead, she has started braiding flowers into Natasha's hair while the other girl of the group is busy making a flower crown for Thor. This is what it must be like to have real friends, Bucky thinks, lounging in his camping chair, trying to eat with one hand while Steve is holding his arm, drawing on the inside of his forearm with a black pen. "[ch2]flower crowns "I heard a lot of things I kind of projected on myself. It's probably stupid, but… it's always crazy to hear things that apply to oneself somehow." "It's the magic of music. Sam once told me about the Mr. Brightside effect–" "[ch4]yes "Bruce is on his own so much that he probably doesn't even notice that he has friends "[ch5]relatable, high school me
"The most beautiful thing however was the wall right next to the bed-- while all the other walls were the same off-white color, this one sported stripes of different colors down. Blue, red, green, purple, black, another shade of lighter blue. In the middle of these stripes, the Avenger signs were painted by a meticulous hand; Cap’s shield, Tony’s arc reactor, Mew Mew, and so on-- Darcy didn’t notice she was crying into Mara started wailing in solidarity "[ch1]draw?
"He knows it, like Steve and Bucky know that Tony needs praises and affection, not commands. "[ch8]...
"She thanked Sif (a habit she had started lately, thanking the Asgardian warrior instead of some non-present God, because really, if there was a god she wanted to follow, it would totally be Sif) "[X]nice Darcy "Even if she wasn’t an Avenger per say, she got to be on the team, both super and nonsuper alike. "[ch2]awww
"Elizabeth is going to make coffee happen, and in Darcy’s eyes that makes her a goddess. "[X]comment "By the end, Steve had been right in the thick of it, using a frypan as a shield and hurling pasta like nobody’s business. "[same]comment "Agent Hill’s bad ass levels are through the roof, but put her in front of a powerpoint and the result is coma-inducing. "[Ch3]lol "JARVIS, my man, I need some fat beats up in here. Help a sister out?” "[ch3]comment
"She knew now that it was almost certainly to do with her personal level of comfort and how hard both Steve and Barnes had worked to make her feel good. "[middle chapter]comment
"A video clip of the Asgardian scientist Tadeas and Neil Degrasse Tyson singing a scientific ballad of their own composition was one of the most viewed Youtube videos of all time "[X]lol "He grabbed [a muffin] and shoved it into his mouth, belatedly peeling the paper off. "[Same]haha! :D "Darcy put a box of Sour Patch Kids on top, “Those are for Heimdall.” "[X]comment "“No. Damnit, Darcy. You’re stubborn. Of course you’re stubborn! Jesus Christ, I can’t even imagine what it must like to be in the same room as the two of you.” "[X]best friend sass "But Clint is a human with a bow on a team of superheroes. "[X]Darcy's favorite avenger and why Ch4 music note "Apparently Thor is back on Earth. He showed up in New York right after we left and basically deafened all of Brooklyn with his displeased shouting about his missing Shield Sister. So now everyone knows I’m gone and my disappearance is trending on Twitter as #MissingAsgardianPrincess. How is this my life?! I can’t even with this shit.” "[X]mild spoiler? HAHAHA "Try having a conversation with one of them [asgardians]-- 4 to 1 odds it turns into some sort of ballad recitation. "[X]...
"The next day, Izuku Midoriya delivered his eleven page elaborate essay on how ordering sex toys inspired him to be more honest with himself and his boyfriend about what he wanted in life and in bed. "[X]lol
"“Fire for stop, ice for slow, and smash for go.” "[X]comment
1 note · View note
bamby0304 · 7 years
She Howls I: Awaken
Summary: There’s nothing extraordinary about Angela’s life… until she joins her brother and best friend for a walk in the woods at the dead of night. After getting bitten by a mysterious beast, things begin to drastically change. Now she can do things she’s never been able to do before. But with the change comes complications, like hunters, monsters and a whole lot of secrets… 
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Chapter Fifteen: Distractions and Discoveries
Warnings: Implied smut.
"Not to pressure you or anything, but do you think you could drive faster?" Stiles snapped from where he sat in the back seat of Derek's car.
Glancing at the rear-view mirror I looked to the car chasing us down the deserted roads in the construction side of town. Pressing my foot on the pedal, I sped up, feeling the engine rev underneath us.
"This is so not how I pictured my night." I grumbled, shifting gears.
A few days had passed since I found out Derek was alive, and things had actually been running smoothly. The Alpha hadn't shown itself, I'd gone back to school, Derek and I were training again... well, trying. It was hard when all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off all the time. Things were good… until about an hour ago.
When Derek had called me I'd instantly heard the panic in his voice. I knew something was wrong, and I knew he clearly needed my help- or he wouldn't have called, obviously. I'd been with Scott and Stiles, doing some homework, so they were naturally curious, and I had no choice but to bring them along on this little rescue mission.
"Hey, Angie," Stiles poked his head out from the backseat and looked to me, "I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here."
"If she goes faster, she'll kill us." Scott noted.
"Well, if she doesn't go faster, they're gonna kill us!"
Groaning, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. "Then I suggest you hold on."
Knowing our lives- and possibly Derek's- were in danger, I pushed my foot down as hard as it would go and sped off. Scott and Stiles were pushed back into their seats, hands grabbing at anything they could, holding on for dear life.
There was a moment before Stiles spoke up again. "They're gone." Pulling out the walking from his pocket, he turned it on.
His father's voice came through. "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works."
"Shit." Speeding around the corner, I shifted gears smoothly.
Rounding corners, keeping my pace hard and fast, I zoomed through and around streets and buildings, needing to get to Derek as soon as possible- and before whoever had been following us.
"Where did you learn to drive?" Stiles asked, both impressed and scared.
A grin slipped onto my lips. "Derek taught me."
Finally, I reached the iron works, quickly finding Derek as he tried to duck and hide away from Mr Argent- who was currently trying to shoot him with a crossbow. Coming to an abrupt stop, I grabbed Scott's shirt and shoved him into the backseat, as Stiles reached over to open the passenger door.
"Get in!" Stiles called.
Derek got to his feet and made a break for it, running towards us as fast as he could. Chris changed weapons then, picking up a machine gun before he started firing at us. As soon as the Derek was in, without waiting for him to close the door, I sped off, needing to get the hell out of there.
Slamming the door shut, Derek shifted in the passenger seat, taking a breath. I kept most of my attention on the road, but I also glanced his way, making sure he wasn't hurt.
Scott, though, was more pissed than worried. "What part of laying low don't you understand?!"
Ignoring my brother's question, Derek hit his door in frustration. "Damn it, I had him!"
"Who, the Alpha?" Stiles asked.
"Yes!" Derek snapped. I gave him a pointed look, making him calm down before he went on. "He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up." He explained, voice strained but no longer yelling.
"Oh, hey, they're just doing their job…" Stiles noted, only to shrink back into his seat the moment Derek glared at him.
"Yeah," Derek turned his glare to Scott, "thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."
"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott asked, not sounding as guilty as I hoped he would. "I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."
"Okay, okay. Back on track, people." I ordered, glancing at all three of them before focusing on the road again.
"All right. How did you find him?" Stiles asked Derek, referring to the Alpha.
But Derek's only response was a scoff, as if to say, 'like I'm gonna tell you'.
Scott sighed. "Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?"
"Yeah, all of us." Stiles added, until Derek glared at him again. "Or just them. I'll be back here."
Looking away from the road again, I met Derek's stare. "Trust me."
That he was willing to do. "The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris-"
Throwing himself forward, Stiles leaned into the front to look at Derek, his voice as confused and surprised as I felt. "Our chemistry teacher?"
"Why him?" Scott asked.
Derek shook his head. "I don't know yet."
"So… what was the second thing she found?" I pressed, still speeding down roads and around corners.
"Some kind of symbol." Derek answered as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. Unfolding it, he showed as a sketch of what looked like a dog and moon on a shield or something. It looked… familiar.
Scott sighed from the backseat.
"What?" Derek turned in his seat to look at my brother. "You know what this is?"
"I've seen it on a necklace." Scott admitted. "Allison's necklace."
"Well… this just got awkward." I mumbled.
I grinned down at Derek as I used my whole body to hold him down. "You're getting sloppy."
"Or maybe I'm going easy on you?" he shrugged, trying not to grin back. "Maybe I like you like this."
Early morning training was something the two of us had started to do, seeing as he now like to spend his nights looking for the Alpha. Then he'd sneak into my room and slip into my bed so he could get a few hours of sleep, before we both needed to get up for the next day.
His hips shifted underneath me, flaring up the desire I'd been trying to fight since our training session had started.
"Don't do that." I warned, a growl underlining my words.
This time, he didn't fight the grin as he quickly used my distraction to his advantage. Rolling us over, he quickly covered my body with his, pressing his bare chest to my barely covered one.
I'd started taking training more seriously, and had decided to start wearing proper workout clothes, which consisted of black yoga pants, a royal blue and black striped sports bra, and proper runners.
"You should know better." Derek noted smugly. "Don't let your opponent distract you."
"Like I'd let this actually happen in a real fight." I rolled my eyes. "No one I'll ever fight will be as hot and charming as you." I grinned, rolling my hips. "Besides, maybe I let you get the upper hand. Maybe I like you like this." I mocked.
Shaking his head, amused, he leaned down to press a kiss to my shoulder. Grinding his hip, he didn't hide the fact that he was hard, pressing his member to my stomach.
It honestly didn't matter that we were on the forest ground, I wanted him, and I wanted him now… and by how hard he was, I could tell he felt the same way.
"Okay." I breathed, head rolling back. "Okay, I'm done. We're done. No more training." Grabbing his hair, I pulled him to my mouth, smashing his lips to mine.
Starting off the day with a tumble in the woods with Derek was something I could definitely get used to. It felt a little wild, like we were tapping into our more primal sides. It was like our wolves got to play as well. My body was still buzzing, even hours after we'd left the woods and I'd gone to school. I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I left to go to the hospital to drop off some lunch for mum.
"Hey." I beamed.
She smiled back, a little surprised. "Hey. What's got you so happy?"
"Nothing." I shrugged, placing the paper bag of food on the counter for her. "Left over lasagna, and a slice of the brownie I baked yesterday."
"You are the best." Grabbing the bag, she placed it on the counter beside her computer. "I don't know why you're suddenly feeling so much better, but whatever it is, thank God."
Chuckling lightly, I gestured over my shoulder. "I should probably go, but will I see you tonight? Scott's game?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." She assured me.
"Great. Okay." Backing up, I gave her one last smile. "Love you mum."
"Love you, too." She called back.
Turning, I started for the exit, ready to head back to school. I'd borrowed Stiles' Jeep so I could make here and back in time, with a few minutes to sit and eat some lunch myself. But before I could leave, I stopped, right outside a familiar door. Peter's door.
Since Derek had come back I hadn't come to see Peter. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I've been busy. Training, school, looking for the Alpha, being a daughter, sister and friend. It didn't leave a lot of time to come hang out with my comatose friend…
I got some time to spare. Shrugging, I turned to the door and opened it, stepping inside. Peter was there- of course- looking out the window.
Moving over to the seat by the window, I sat down, smiling at him. "Long time, no see. Sorry about that. I don't know if you know, but Derek's back. Still hiding from the police of course, but he's back. Scott, Stiles and I are keeping him safe." I assured him. "We won't let anything happen."
Derek meant something to me now, so I would protect him just like I'd protect anyone else I care about. I'm not exactly sure what we were, but we were at least friends, and that meant something to me.
"Since he's come back, Derek's been helping me. I'm getting stronger, faster… I think." I mumbled the last part. "And I've been going to school again. People stare and whisper, but I don't mind as much as I thought I would."
It was true, people had been staring and whispering. Sure, at first it was uncomfortable and hard, but when I realised I'd never cared about what they thought before, I realised I shouldn't care now. Plus, having Derek as a distraction was a definite bonus.
"Look, I should probably head off, I gotta go back to school. But if I have time I might come by this afternoon. If not, I'll definitely be here tomorrow." I promised, getting up. "See you later, okay?"
Smiling, I looked down at his unmoving and unblinking form, before turning for the door to leave. But just as I left, I swear I heard something… I swear I heard him sniff the air.
That's ridiculous. Shaking the thought off, I continued to leave, needing to get to school before lunch ended.
Groaning, I dropped my head back and against the locker behind me. "Jackson knows? How?"
"I don't know." Scott told me, clearly feeling guilty.
It wasn't his fault, I knew that. Jackson had made it clear he was going to figure out Scott's secret since the first day after we were bitten. Hiding the fact that we're werewolves was not easy. So, Jackson finding out wasn't exactly unexpected… I just wished it wasn't at such an inconvenient time.
"Fine, okay." I nodded, turning to look at him, I shrugged. "We'll figure it out."
"How? He's trying to blackmail me. He says he wants the bite." He added, voice low so only I could hear him.
"Scott, I'll deal with it. For now, let's concentrate on the Alpha. Okay?" When he nodded, I went on. "So, how's the necklace going?"
Sighing, he leaned his own head against his locker. "She won't give it to me. And I tried stealing it, but I can't find it. I don't think she brought it to school."
"Then try her house." I shrugged. "You know she talks to Lydia for a while before she goes home. Get there before her, sneak in, and find the necklace. We need it."
Instead of going home to study, or going to the hospital to see Peter, or going to the woods to find Derek, my free period at the end of the day was spent at work. Even though Stiles was sure Deaton was the Alpha, I wasn't… and I needed the job.
Deaton wasn't acting any differently than he usually did. We both worked like we normal did. We both talked like we normally did. The only difference was the fact that he felt a little confused about why Scott hadn't been around lately. Unlike me, Scott was listening to Stiles and staying away.
"Are you sure your brother is okay? I haven't seen him in over a week."
"Yeah." I nodded, avoiding his gaze as I cleaned the cage of a dog we'd just sent home. "He's just dealing with the break up, you know? He'll get over it soon… I hope. But until then, I'm happy to pick up his shifts." I offered.
"I don't want to run you into the ground, Angela." Deaton chuckled.
"Trust me, you're not." I assured him.
Seeing that my life had suddenly become very busy, I thought I'd be more tired than I was. But I was actually full of energy. I felt like I could do anything. Maybe it was because I was so happy? Maybe it was because of my training? Maybe it was because things were slowly getting back to normal- besides the whole Alpha and hunter issues…
The rest of my shift ran pretty smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I had half an hour to go when my phone began to ring.
Pulling it out of my pocket, I sighed at Stiles' name. "I'm still alive." I assured him, keeping my voice low. "Deaton has not killed me."
"Yeah, great, uh… can you do me a favour and come to my house?" He asked, the tone in his voice worrying me.
"What's wrong?"
"I, uh… I came home and found Derek in my room. Kinda hoping if you're here he won't kill me." He explained. "And with the way he's glaring at me right now, I'm hoping you'll get here soon. Like,now, soon."
Sighing, I looked to the clock before nodding. "Fine. I'm leaving now." Hanging up, I walked out of the back room to give Deaton an apologetic smile. "I gotta go… is that okay?"
"Of course." He nodded as if it was obvious. "I'll see you later, Angela."
"Yeah, see ya." I smiled before turning to head back into the back room so I could grab my things and leave.
Without knocking on the front door, I walked into Stiles' house, up the stairs and to his room. The door was closed, but once again, I just walked in. He sat at his desk, trying to do some homework, but Derek's pacing was obviously distracting him.
Grinning, I gave Derek a pointed look. "You really don't know how to lay low, do you? Coming to the Sheriff's house is, by far, your worst idea."
His pacing stopped as he turned to face me. "I didn't know where else to go." He explained. "We need to hurry up and find the Alpha."
"I know. We all know. And we're doing all we can. Speaking of which." I shifted to look at Stiles. "What are we doing?"
As if on cue, the doorbell rang then.
"Waiting for that." Stiles answered as he got to his feet. "Can you just make sure he behaves? Please?"
I simply nodded as I watched him leave. As soon as he was gone, I turned back to Derek, about to say something, until I saw the confused look on his face. "What?"
Brows furrowed, he moved- more like stalked- towards me. "You smell different."
"I do?"
Nodding, his eyes scanned me as if trying to figure out why I smelt different. He stood close, his chest almost pressed against mine as his eyes searched me, scanning every inch of me, looking for what might be different. I'm not sure if he was aware of what he was doing, or how close we were, but when he leaned in, his breath brushing against my skin, I felt heat flare up inside me.
The change in my scent was bothering him. I could feel it in the way his body had tensed. I could see it in the intensity of his eyes. I could even smell it in his own scent. He didn't like not knowing what had changed, and I had a feeling he wanted to correct it...
But before he could figure it out or do anything, the door opened again.
I pulled away from Derek suddenly, turning to the door as Stiles and Danny walked in. "Hi… Danny." I couldn't hide the surprise from my voice.
"Hey, Angela." He gave a light smile as he followed Stiles to the desk. Neither of them seemed to have noticed how close Derek and I had been moments before.
Shaking my head and taking a deep calming breath, I moved to take a seat on the bed, grabbing a book out of his backpack to give myself something to do. I wasn't sure why Danny was here, but Stiles seemed to have a plan. I just hoped Stiles knew what he was doing.
Following my lead, Derek grabbed a book and sat on the edge of the bed, not saying a word as he began to read. Lying on my stomach, my head at the end of the bed, I pretended to read as I listened to Stiles and Danny.
"So, what are we doing?" Danny asked.
"You're going to trace a text for me." Stiles answered, as if it was that simple and totally not illegal.
Danny's jaw dropped. "You want me to do what?"
"Trace a text."
"I came here to do lab work. That's what lap partners do."
Stiles let out a groan of frustration. "And we will, once you trace the text."
"And what makes you think I know how?"
"I… I looked up your arrest report, so…"
Danny sighed, shaking his head, annoyed. "I was thirteen. They dropped the charges."
"Whatever." Stiles shrugged, honestly not caring.
By this point I was fighting off a laugh which was bubbling in my chest. What was my life like before werewolves, hunters and the threat of death?
"No, we're doing lab work." Danny wasn't giving in. Grabbing a stool, he pulled it over to sit next to Stiles, before pulling out his books. As he did, his eyes drifted over to Derek and me. "Who's he again?"
"Stiles' cousin." I answered without missing a beat.
"Uh, yeah…" Stiles nodded. "Miguel."
"Is that… blood on his shirt?" Danny asked, concerned and a little freaked out.
Eyes wide, Stiles turned to Derek, seeing the blood on his shirt. "Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds." He explained, rather smoothly.
Grinning, I rolled of the bed and onto my feet. "Why don't we find you a shirt?" I gave Derek a wink, feeling my amusement grow at the sight of his very annoyed glare.
Still, he stood and followed me to Stiles' drawers, watching silently as I started to pull some shirts out. While I piled them onto top of the drawers, he pulled his shirt off.
I felt myself flush, seeing his bare chest in the corner of my eyes. "You're killing me." I mumbled under my breath so only he heard.
"Pay back." He grumbled back. Reaching over, he grabbed one of the shirts before sighing. "Stiles?"
"Yes?" Stiles turned in his seat, annoyed that Derek was interrupting him.
"This." Derek lifted the shirt in front of him. "No fit."
"Then try something else on." Stiles told him before turning back to Danny.
It was at that point that I noticed the way Danny was checking Derek out. If he was a girl I probably would have ripped his throat out. But seeing as he was a guy, and no threat, I found his ogling eyes amusing.
Stiles must have noticed Danny staring as well, because his attitude suddenly changed. "Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh?" He gestured to the brown and blue shirt Derek had thrown on. "What do you think, Danny?"
"Huh?" Danny was trying so hard not to stare.
Biting back my grin, I leaned against the dresser. "The shirt. You like it Danny?"
"It's… it's not really his colour." He stammered.
Locking eyes with Derek, I let my grin fall into place. "You heard him."
Glaring, hard, Derek pulled the shirt over his head before he started rummaging through the drawers for something better. Which he didn't find. "Stiles! None of these fit."
Danny's eyes roamed his chest, which seemed to break the last bit of his moral compass. "I'll need the OPS, the phone number, and the exact time of the text." He told us, turning to the computer, giving in.
"There." Danny gestured to the computer, having traced the text. "This text was sent from a computer. This one."
Stiles leaned forward in his chair while Derek and I peered over their shoulders to look at the screen. The name on display was the last I ever would have expected.
"Registered to that account name?" Derek asked, sounding just as shocked as I felt.
When Danny nodded, I shook my head. "No, it can't be… my mum?"
Shrugging, Danny stood from his chair, grabbing his things. "That's the computer the text was sent from. Doesn't mean it was her." He noted. "Look, I'm gonna get out of here before you ask me to break any more laws. I'll see you tonight, Stiles."
None of us turned to watch him leave. We were too focused on the fact that the text Allison had received might have been sent by my mum.
"It wasn't her." I told them. I believed it, too. There was no way it could've been her. "Danny's right. Someone else sent it."
"Of course it's not her." Stiles nodded, agreeing with me. "But someone from the hospital sent it."
Carrying some popcorn, I followed mum onto the stands before taking a seat in a spot where we'd both be able to get a good view of the game. The smile on my face was half forced, trying not to give away the fact that I wanted to be somewhere else.
As much as I wanted to help Derek and Stiles they made it clear that I couldn't be there. Even though we were sure my mum had nothing to do with this, there was still a chance that it was her. If it was, someone had to be there to tell Scott face to face. He deserved that. Plus, I had a feeling if I was there with them I wouldn't actually be much help. In that situation I'd be too bias to do the job properly.
"You okay?"
I jumped at the sound of my mum's voice, before quickly nodding. "Uh, yeah. Yeah. Just distracted."
"I noticed." She chuckled lightly.
"Trust me, mum. I'm fine." I offered a more genuine smile and some of my popcorn.
Smiling, she reached over to take some popcorn, before she looked to the players gathering on the field. "So, where's Stiles? Isn't he playing tonight."
"Oh, uh, yeah." I nodded. "He's just running a little late."
Shrugging, she popped some of the popcorn into her mouth. "Who's the guy with Scott? On the bench?"
Turning to follow her gaze, I spotted Scott sitting on the bench… next to Jackson. Oh, that can't be good. "He's Jackson. The asshole I complain about sometimes. He's the pain in the ass that's been pushing Scott around."
Frowning, mum looked a little insulted. "He told me they were friends."
I scoffed. "Far from it."
The team all stood and gathered then, getting ready to start the game. Mum and I fell silent, waiting for the action to begin. That's when I overheard a conversation in the crowd.
"Chris, you remember how we were talking about a second Beta? A younger one?"
"Can you get turned by a scratch?"
"If the claws go deep enough. Maybe."
"Wonder how deep those went."
Looking through the crowd of people sitting on the bleachers, I spotted Chris and Kate Argent, their eyes fixed on the gathered team. Following their stare, I felt everything inside me tense, seeing three distinctive clew marks on the back of Jackson's neck.
My eyes continued to look over the team before locking onto Scott's. The look on his face told me he'd overheard the Argent's as well.
We might not like Jackson, but this was the last thing we needed. Two things could come from them thinking he's a werewolf. One, they kill him. Or two… they press him for information and he tells them everything.
Great. Just great.
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Forever Tags:
@kellyn1604 @bunnymelodies @ask-kakashihatake​
Teen Wolf:
She Howls:
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