#real rdr facts discord server
real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #151:
Arthur has a pet cockroach named Lil' Critter who always sits on the rim of his hats. They are best friends.
Thank you to @argonianhammerperson for submitting today's fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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norafike · 4 years
Hello, this is a post for the people in the @real-rdr-facts discord server.
I love you
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scarfacemarston · 4 years
GAME TIME: What personality trait/negative would make dating your favorite RDR character difficult?
I brought this question up after receiving an ask about Abigail and I asked the question in my discord server.  If this question is cringey, oh well.  Formatting is screwed up on mobile but it should show a keep reading thing For the question - I don’t mean stuff like “They’re not real. They died.”. I mean a personality quirk, habit, a situation etc. Compatibility with YOU is optional. What about your ships!? Either Reblog or Tag me with your answer.
I’m predictable as fuck. I chose Abigail or John.. Ot3 would be nice but I’m talking separately for me. TLDR for both - both are stubborn and fiery and I wouldn’t know what to do with an older Jack disrespecting them. I’d alo worry about John’s drinking. Pros: Both romantics, good cuddles, loyalty.  If you want me to explain. John:
 John needs boundaries. Dating anyone ever needs healthy boundaries. He has a temper and is stubborn af. If he gets nasty and unhealthy - then that’s not okay. Younger John is sometimes willfully ignorant and a little arrogant. He has times where he is a man child. Then there is the problem with Abigail and Jack. If this an amicable breakup - no problem. If it wasn’t, then there would have to be minimum contact.   I could deal with John during RDR 2′s timeline, but I would be far happier dating John older. Rdr 1 John is perfection. We’d run to Canada. Could be a pro or a con - but he wants another child. For me - it’d only work if we adopted because....health. However, I think he is kind of easy to date? He has a lot of trauma and that cannot be ignored not just with him, but any of the gang members.  I think someone who is kind, affectionate - but doesn’t allow him to get away with bullshit is the way to win him over. Encourage him. Tell him he did a good job. Say he’s handsome, intelligent, etc. Feed him. That doesn’t make trauma go away, of course. I would also struggle with what to do with Jack as the step-parent. I wouldn’t let him disrespect John or I.  Another problem for me is the same as if I dated most male characters. I don’t like traditional gender roles. I do not want to cook and clean and serve all day. I’d want to be like Sadie and Jake where it’s split and from what I can see - John does NOT want to do ANY cooking or cleaning. In fact, he seems kind of mean/demeaning about it at times? I  understand he does a lot of hard work and I would do the same with animals. I would need it to be equal. I don’t think he whores around or drinks like Abigail implies he does. I just don’t believe it - but I would worry if he drank too much.
For Abigail:  First - same as above - if John and Abigail split amicably - no problem. If not amicable - minimum contact.  Like John, Abigail can be fiery and emotional. Boundaries. I don’t see Abigail fighting with anyone else. She usually only fights when she wants Jack to be treated well or if she is scared that YOU are going to hurt yourself.  For the most part - she’s reasonable with what she expects from John. (Except helping Mr. Geddes - I’m bitter about that.) I think being logical helps - but stepping away and letting both cool off is smart ,too.  Abigail needs an equal that she can feel safe around.Make her feel intelligent and that she is more than just a mother or her past as a working girl.  She wants to love and be loved. She knows she doesn’t have as much to offer as some might, but she’s a hard worker. She loves fiercely. She put up with so much shit and anyone who shows her even the smallest bit of kindness is rewarded.I think she can be very cute and girly. She and John are both romantics. She’s very loyal to the point it hurts her. Make her feel heard and loved and I think you’re good to go. Also gives 10/10 cuddles. The only thing that would suck is that you’d have to teach her to cook. However, I think I wouldn’t have to worry about splitting chores with her. She does all the house work AND leaves the house to work at a doctor’s office. I think if I didn’t have an outside job, then my tasks would be different? I don’t think she is as willing to adopt a child, but she might.
FOR BOTH:  Again, I would struggle with what to do with Jack. I think Abigail is overall a good parent, but she seems to be at her wit’s end by the time Jack is a teen. This is normal - but she does cry a lot about some of the disrespect she gets. That would really hurt to watch and I wouldn’t put up with it easily. Same with John. Yes, he’s a teen and it’s understandable he’s angry. As the step-mother, that’s really hard because I technically don’t have the right to discipline? Out of curiosity - For those who have been in this situation - what do you do?
I’d be happier with either one - or both. ;)  What about your ships!? Either Reblog or Tag me with your answer. 
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balletcoppelia · 4 years
I participated in the secret Santa for the @real-rdr-facts discord server, and had the mvp @bucketofcowboys !
This was actually pretty fun to write, despite procrastinating on it terribly.
Summary: Here’s a fic I wrote for a Secret Santa, that has nothing to do with Christmas.
Tilly and Kieran go out looking for some plants to use back at camp.
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #131:
The real reason why Hosea divorced Dutch is because Dutch wouldn't stop kissing him with Mountain Dew chapstick
Thank you to @pseudonym89 for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #121:
While Sean usually gives out the most hugs to fellow gang members, most agree that Arthur gives the best.
Thank you to @argonianhammerperson for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #83:
Dutch keeps needing more money because he and Hosea keep spending it on lavish dates in Saint Denis
Thank you to @sebbiter for submitting today's fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #82:
Arthur didn't actually die, he just passed out and Charlotte found him and helped him recover. Later he went to Canada he and Charles lived out a happy life together in a log cabin deep in the woods.
Thank you to @thebirdtm for submitting today's fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #64
Dutch has a burnbook
Thank you to @sebbiter for submitting today's fact through the real RDR facts discord server!
Here are a few of the pages from that burn book:
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #142:
Charles doesn't get changed, he just wears all of his clothes on top of each other and takes them off when needed
Thank you to @arthurcallahan for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #149:
2020 was the year of the Rat, which is why its been so bad. 2021 is the year of the Buffalo, so let's hold on to that...
Thank you to @sebbiter for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #146:
Arthur is physically incapable of perceiving ice. He just goes along with what everyone says about it.
Thank you to @argonianhammerperson for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #144:
John holds the world's fastest speed running record for losing at Tetris
Thank you to @sebbiter for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #116:
John once sent Abigail a letter saying "I can b ur angle. Or ur devil."
Thank you to @wynkenblynken for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #114:
Hosea is a beautiful, smart and perfect man who shouldn't divorce his husband and leave with the kids
Fact definitely not submitted by Dutch Van Der Linde
(Thank you to @comrade-enjolras for submitting todays fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!)
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real-rdr-facts · 4 years
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Real RDR Fact #93:
After Arthur dies Charles adopts all of his horses and takes good care of them
Thank you to @wynkenblynken for submitting this fact through the Real RDR Facts discord server!!
(Special thanks to my shire named Sugar who modeled for the background photograph)
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