accustiv · 9 months
Is your character the subject of ‘imagines’ or ‘x reader’ style blogs? 👀👀
if beau was canon (accepting)
oh… yeah.
there are already so many imagines & x reader posts and fics out there for ty, so if he was cast in the canon of whatever – there would be A Lot
i also just think those blogs would just completely mischaracterise how beau behaves in a relationship and turn him into some strange fanon version of himself for the express purpose of x reader fics - even if not in the wider fandom.
i just think beau would be PRIME self insert material but not for any reasons actually related to how he is, he’s just pretty and a criminal and the wattpad girlies simply can’t get enough !!!
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pyreshe · 1 year
@realitybled from here 🔥
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her expression doesn't change, but something about her eyes seems to spark and brighten at the sight of the oreos. she catches the pack deftly in one hand, sitting back on the surface of the fridge and shifting to sit cross-legged with her snack and proceeding to impatiently tear into the plastic with her teeth. olivia is already eating the oreos two at a time by the time his comment registers, at which point she leans over the edge of the fridge toward him, hand held out expectantly for the so-called real food.
she only ever speaks about half the time; some days she'll talk about the pigeons she's taken to feeding in the park or the odd squirrel she sees now and again, pretty dresses in shop windows, almost chatty, and then days like today she is utterly silent. the soldier had affectionately referred to her as a shadow, but others used the term church mouse- quiet like her life depended on it.
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lunarfey · 10 months
" they deserved it, right ? please tell me they deserved it. " ( from bryony )
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff / @realitybled.
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the hybrid looks at the other, fresh blood staining her face & clothing, scent of metallic in the air, & a newly dead corpse at their feet. kenzi wishes she had words to placate the human, but sometimes people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time, & she was so hungry. she drags a hand across her mouth, resisting the urge to lick it clean, lest bryony suffer some sort of heart malfunction. “ you should go home, ” they speak after a lengthy pause. “ it's not safe. ”
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dehlilas · 2 years
the sound of clinking glasses and circumstantial laughs flies over her head and speeds past her, barely dodged, and as she makes her way back to the table, natalya romanova can’t help but think she’d much prefer the screech of flying bullets to this. the art of pleasantires comes second-nature, true, but there is a beauty to the battlefield that can’t be found in glamorous ball rooms. the clear cut line between light and dark — survival or defeat. this crowding of shadows only delivers headaches. “ have i missed much, darling ? ”. plastered smile and an artificial chirp in her voice, as she sits down next to bucky she steps in a different language, lowers her voice, nears his ear though her eyes remain seemingly blissful in scanning the crowd. “ three cameras in the room, two in the hallway, at least another by the stairs — security’s tight. ” a hand reaches for a glass of champagne, though it lingers against her lips, untouched. “ two extremely friendly guys guarding a door past the restrooms, doesn’t really look like a supply closet. ” when she turns, her smirk’s almost playful. “ can i play the drunk this time, or do you wanna do the honors ? ”
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@realitybled​ ( buck ♥ ) / sc.
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deatheless · 6 months
@realitybled sent: what's wrong? cat got your tongue? / accepting.
❛ what? what — stop, don't act like this is, like — something that happens every day, oh my god! i am so within my rights right now to be freaking out! ❜
she's never met another ghost before. if that's even what she is, that is, which — honestly, if anything, meeting willie has kind of proven to her that she isn't one. or at least not a normal one. it's starting to seem like she's something else entirely.
willie is like, dead dead. all the way through, all the time. and she ... isn't. something cemented further by the fact that she's had to duck them off to the side, wedged in the alleyway next to a coffee shop, so other people don't see her standing in the street talking to the air, because people can still see her ( well, most of the time ), and they can't see him ( all of the time, apparently ). the last thing she needs at this point is adriana texting her because someone's posted she's having a mental break on hollywood boulevard or something.
mina runs her hand down her face with a groan before she holds it up in front of her, hopefully quieting willie down in the process. jesus, if it hasn't already, she's pretty sure her heart's gonna stop.
❛ let me just — process this, okay? i'm still barely used to this stuff happening to me. i've never seen it with anyone else, and especially not like ... our deals are ... different, okay? something's different here. ❜
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solarisgod · 9 months
what if….. micah introduced lukas to stargazing 👉👈💖
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To introduce one to the art of stargazing , it's an honor for Micah to do so . In the beginning , they could not figure what their purposes would be , unsure what was there across the universe that they could live for . When Micah had found their endless love in the sky and cosmos and every parts of them , they thought maybe , getting to introduce the dark and starless ones to the stars and celestial beyond , as helping them create their tales and meanings in them , would make a good purpose . To have one love a part of life , it is a purpose they believe is good enough to have , at the very least that , so in sweet response , Micah smiles all warmly at you , Pidge . " I can certainly do that . Teach Lukas the names of the stars and constellations , and help them create their own and place their kindest memories in them , also . " Their eyes gleam in excited joy at the idea of having only the soft nights with Lukas . " I'll be most sure to help them remember when they feel sad , angry , scared — anything wrong , the stars they'll find will be there for and with them . Always . "
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dadukos · 1 year
❝ you’re a good person. ❞ drops buck in your lap and leaves <3 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌: @realitybled. 𝐑𝐄: emotional starters, accepting.
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𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏, like a shard of glass — there’s things breaking all around, and she is one, too. so much for his sharp eye, he’s still missing that one glaring detail. fred rubs a tired hand against her eyes, as if that would vanquish the dark circles, her lack of sleep: she smiles, though she turns away quickly and moves through the space of her apartment, keenly avoiding the line of bucky’s gaze. she still nods, points to the kitchen as if to invite him in — cat lays on the table and seems to nod too, allowing his presence in her space: he is welcome ( so far ). “ nah, not really — all i am is a good actress, buck. ”  she clicks her tongue once, then grins: “ the star of the drama club, you should’ve seen me. ” 
the sun struggles to come up, trapped behind the haze of a cloudy dawn — fred moves to the coffee pot and begins pouring spoonfuls into the filter. she would’ve gotten home on her own too, had he not shown up: but she senses he’d frown at that, protest in a low tone the way he does sometimes, considerate yet never intruding on the privacy of her self-destructing ways. she’s grateful for that, of course, though her ways of showing it might be just a bit callous at times. but a cup of coffee, hopefully that’ll do. while the coffee brews, fred hoists herself up on the counter, grabs an apple, and casts a quietly reprimanding gaze over him. “ what were you doing up, anyway ? ”. the sun begins gently lighting the room. “ bet you didn’t even go to sleep. ”
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accustiv · 8 months
imagine having a mutual as cool as ellis 😎
omg imagine having a mutual as cool as pidge what an honour
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pyreshe · 1 year
@realitybled - "hey, kiddo," james's voice is soft as so not to alert anyone else in the workshops. he holds out his hand underneath the table so it is at her level, fingers unfurling to reveal a round piece of honey candy wrapped in a scrap of fabric. there's a curl at the edge of his lips, encouraging her to take it with a hint of mischief. a little secret between them.
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she likes the semi-controlled chaos of the materialki workshops. for reasons she's unsure of, the buzz of machines and the heat of forging fires never seem to bother her. often, she'll settle under a table with one of the books she's borrowed from the library and read it as the figures in purple pass by discussing metal and stone. they don't usually seem to mind, though some have forgotten she was there and then shriek in alarm when hours later she crawls out from under a table
james passes the candy her way and she swipes it out of his hand with a smile of her own. " thank you, " she says softly
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riverspaat · 1 year
Q : What type of ˢʸᵐᵖʰᵒⁿʸ are you ?
A : the nocturne. the rise
there is a darkness which has tormented you, and the genius lament burdens you, but fear not ... you are the pull of the tide and the light of the moon on a winter path. you are the soft notes which increase in intensity till the pianist pours over the keys with such passion it can only bring tears to your eyes. you cannot do things halfway though you yearn for it, and you envy those blessed with blissful ignorance, but in the end you know you'd not have it any other way — you are the rise they are afraid of till they cannot look away. your song : nocturne in c minor by chopin
tagged : @banschivs & @batfall ( thank you !!! <3 <3 )
tagging : @redjan , @autumnflesh , @realitybled , @wolfehunt , you !
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deatheless · 6 months
holding hands (in public) · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photobooth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favourite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favourite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · grant them the last bite (from meal)
tagged by: @prodition ♥ tagging: @curseplay, @realitybled on whatever blog u want, @thieved, you if u are reading this!
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realitybled · 2 years
revenirance is now realitybled.
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accustiv · 10 months
it was impossible to spend any amount of time in the shadows without hearing rumours about ever. those that believed in e.os claimed he was some kind of avenger evening the odds, those that didn’t claimed he was a vigilante that was a threat to anyone on the wrong side of the law. but no one really knew the truth; the only thing i knew for certain was that he was dangerous.
i certainly had never expected to encounter him, as resolutely human as i was, i’d expected even less to notice the air of uncanny that always seemed to surround e.os.
in hindsight, i could have handled the situation better the first time around. but while i avoided the police, they didn’t scare me in the way vigilantes did. there was never any guarantee things wouldn’t escalate in a way that i wouldn’t be able to control - especially if there was something wrong with him. i had never been one for violence, avoiding it at every opportunity i could, but that didn’t mean that i didn’t know how to use a gun. unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately, i hadn’t been armed, and i had run.
but i was very much someone who liked to know who was in my life, however short term i expected it to be. so when he appeared again, i knew more. nothing i could confirm, which was frustrating to say the least, but enough to suspect that his name was cardale. and i told him as much.
❛ how could you think i'd scare so easily? ❜
my breath caught in my chest, and i shook my head, taking a careful step away from @realitybled - distance, i’d found in my time, was a better defence than most. “ i’m not trying to scare you, i’m just trying to have a conversation. ” i said, as smoothly as i could. “ it’s always better to talk when everyone’s being honest, right? ”
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