animehime94 · 2 years
Dear mutuals,
I haven't been able to use Tumblr lately because it got blocked in my country.
I don't know how to feel about this change. I mean I already knew the people in charge would be doing whatever they want. But this is just too much.
Tumblr was and still is my favorite social media platform. I get to interact with my fandoms and see so many fanarts. I get to be myself too.
No, seriously. I get to be myself here because I don't have to use my real name. Unlike other platforms, I feel no pressure to be perfect, or keep my "public image". I really love being here. I hope I can keep being here. And I love all of you 🥰🥰🥰
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kingleedo · 9 months
really wanted to gif oneus stage from G.A.T.E but holy shit they had the worst lighting ever
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ovyy-pvcure · 1 year
Book 6 clear. Now the wait for Book 7's english release.
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vivalasthedas · 1 year
like. On one hand I'm with people who hoped the teased 'pool kit' would be like slides and new build options for pools and stuff because it should probably have been that
but on the other
the only time they've released actual gameplay in a kit was bust the dust which was so fucking broken, and is still really fucking broken, and they never fixed it and it was such an embarassment to them they decided to pretend it doesn't exist
did you really think it was going to be anything interesting like a pool slide or diving boards? Do you actually think it would've worked if it was?
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askagamedev · 7 months
So hey, about ten years ago there was basically a phase in video game development where manual saves were disabled in place of (often far apart) automatic saves. It (mostly) passed in its own time, but... what was up with that?
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The big problem with manual saves is that players can potentially save in a situation where the game is in an unwinnable state (e.g. save before the player is about to die). For players who like to overwrite their own saves instead of rotating save files, this can result in a really bad feeling and hours of lost progress. One major guiding principle in game design is "make it easy to do things right and hard to do things wrong". It's a lot easier to ensure the saved game is in a good state under controlled situations, such as with established save points and automatic saves. Since then, we've reallowed manual saves with attached conditions so that players have a harder time saving in a broken state, but the reasons for the progression should be fairly clear.
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whoiwanttoday · 9 months
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Sydney Sweeney is pretty much everywhere at the moment promoting Anyone But You, which I'll be honest, looks awful. Maybe it isn't but it sure does look bad. I don't think I am alone in this assessment and it feels like a throw back to a very uninteresting sort of Romcom of a different era that is full of awful rich people and why do we care? I guess that's true of Hollywood in general, a lot of movies and shows are about rich people now in a way that makes me uncomfortable. But these rich people are the types who think someone else's wedding is all about them from what I have seen of the trailers and if the movie isn't about what awful narcissists they are then why would I want to see it? Just because they're hot? I mean, I guess that is the answer. Either way, the fascinating little game I will play over the next year or so is, "Would this movie always have been promoted this hard?" Because this movie is certainly getting a lot of promotional power thrown at it and while Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell are both potentially rising stars I think lots of people think they are really going all in on this and we're pretty sure it's because there is nothing else to promote. The strikes mean Hollywood is out of stuff to show us for a bit and they are going to have to restock. This movie rushed into reshoots as soon as work was reallowed and reshoots a month before a movie comes out are not a common thing. It's just that something has to come out in December and you have what you have. Maybe this movie always would have been hyped but I have my doubts. I absolutely think we are due for a reassessment by the studios on what makes money, I think the world is hungry for midbudget movies. Not even good ones, though those are always welcome, but there is a market for the Pope's Exorcist and Anyone But You, not because they are all time classics but movies that are cheap enough you don't have to worry about universal appeal or big spectacles. Variety I guess. So maybe this makes a lot of money cause the romcom is all but dead and people might really, really want one. And I get that. I would be fine with a world where Sydney Sweeney becomes a steady star of movies of that ilk, it gives her steady work and gives people something to watch other than giant attempts at cinematic universes (I hope. I mean, Nick Fury could show up in the post credits of this movie). Anyway, all that said, the press push has been good because Sydney Sweeney has looked nice so here she is. Today I want to fuck Sydney Sweeney.
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alittaclever · 11 months
are you reallowing me dear?
Message me
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haveihitanerve · 5 months
in case none of you have noticed or done research on it-
when singing Secret World, during the chorus Roland sometimes sings a few lyrics that dont belong "somebodys knocking on the door" those are the words to a Paul McCarteny song called Let 'Em In and personally i just think that is so fucking cute because Roland has already said that Secret World was his song @ curt to prove they were going to be okay, that they could make this work, that they were together again, and adding Let 'Em In as part of the song, saying reallow my friend into my life, my home, my heart, is too cute
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the-traitorous-prince · 7 months
Nezha, what exactly do you plan to do once you become the Jade Emperor?
My immediate plans? Or the more long term ones?
I have some ideas in mind, but things are going to be... Messy at best. Like I have expectation for things to go to shit for awhile.
I'll only really be able to act until years, so don't expect any major changes for a bit. Even when I do start to act, it'll be slow.
I'll use the power to make the world a better place, but if I attempt to act to fast it may get destructive. That's where the Brotherhood will go wrong; they have no patience. They'll force the world to bend to their will, which will end up doing more harm than good. One of my many virtues has always been my patience, so I won't have the same issues.
First thing first is food production; There is no need for mortals to starve in the world.
Then I'll be revoking the exile of many Heavenly Spirits. The punishments of Heaven have always been harsh, too harsh. The entire legal system of Heaven will be changed to be far more lenient.
I will also reallow demon kind into heaven. For around 900 years all demons have been disallowed from Heaven, merely for there status.
Even the mortal world has stopped criminalizing their existence, so there is no reason for the Heavenly Realm to be lagging behind.
The army also needs some serious improvements; Most of our soldiers are completely untrained.
There are some more details I need to figure out, and some more minor flaws in the system that need to be addressed, but I cannot predict that far in the future yet.
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More selfishly, I do want my Godson to be allowed into the realm, and to restore Princess Iron Fan's Heavenly status. When she married the Bull Demon King she was exiled, and therefore is only considered a princess because of her marriage, not her original birth.
But that's just a small, personal matter. You probably have no intrest, so I won't prattle on.
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neoncherryblossom · 1 year
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
For Metal Sonic?
From this.
Hello! Ohhh Metal Sonic, this'll be fun!
★ - sad headcanon
Metal disguises sadness with anger for as long as he can. He'll go a far enough distance from Eggman (even going so far as to leave the base Eggman's in, depending on how upset he is) and just go on a rampage, breaking walls, ripping apart any Badnicks that are in his sensors, destroying tables, ripping wires, you name it. After all the anger burns he just stands there before he finds a suitable place to sit and replays his failure, over and over, scratching his arm plating all the while. Only hours later does he get up and clean, so Eggman doesn't get disappointed upset with this show of weakness. He knows he shouldn't do this and it is something he stews on as he's repairing everything, but he doesn't know what else to do to ensure his failure does not repeat itself, so he never changes.
☆ - happy headcanon
I HC Metal likes to build (seeing how in Heroes he rebuild himself as Neo Metal Sonic and Metal Madness/Overlord). I think he's happiest giving himself an upgrade, or designing, building and repairing Badnicks, just tinkering and using his hands for stuff. It's one of the only quirks of his coding Eggman deemed different enough from Sonic that he's been allowed to continue and he has recently been reallowed to do so without permission! (He has designed Orbot and Cubot battle modes and is just waiting to grab them to implement it into their systems.)
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Oh, I see. When will the higher memberships be reallowed, because I really wanna check out Seduction?
It's gonna take a while.
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myonlypen · 1 year
When I fullscreen an image or video in the tumblr app I expect swiping up to close it and return me to the view of the post I had before fullscreening it.
Apparently now swiping like that now takes me to "more from tumblr TV". I cannot explain how much I Do Not Want That. There is a reason I went into settings and hid the tumblr TV tab as soon as I was aware it was a thing.
@staff this is an awful """feature""". You're one step closer to getting me to abandon this webbed site for good.
Accessing the site via web browser works finee, so maybe I'll just stop using the app. If you're going to make the the app unusably bad you may as well reallow all NSFW content since nobody wanting to use the app has the same effect as being banned from the apple app store anyway.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 1 year
🦕i’m not 100% sure if i did or didn’t already ask this in your box so if i did im sorry (╥﹏╥) i just recently (as in yesterday) sort of reallowed myself to age regress. i had tried it with an ex girlfriend but then sort of repressed it afterwards. when i first slipped i felt just really happy and carefree and it’s something i want to continue doing. i want to have a cg or babysitter and call them mama and be cared for like a baby. i have a long term gf and we’ve been together for over a year and i tell her everything but this is the one thing i really am scared to tell her. i’m scared she’ll think i’m weird or that this is weird and even worse i’m afraid she’ll find being a cg weird and i won’t ever be able to be cared by her. could you offer some advice on how i can open up to her about agere and the community as a whole?
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
i completey understand <3.
first of all, i just want to wish you a happy welcome into the community from me <3. i wish all those things for you come true! and you get to be the happiest little in the world! <3
regarding your issue, i would first wait until you're both in a safe & secure enviroment. i would then slowly bring it up, maybe watch a video that contains agere, or leave your phone open on an agere page or website? then discuss how it affects you personally and how it helps you a lot. explain that it's a healthy coping mechasim agreed on by therapists all over the world and it's a healthy way to battle trauma.
also explain that little you won't affect the relationship you both have now, that will continue on and nothing will ever change that. regression will have it's own relationship completely. if she's not okay with it, then that's okay too- that's her personal boundry, there are plently of platonic caregivers around that can help, as long as she's okay with that <3.
whatever happens, i just want you to know that you have the whole community behind you. addressing this topic is never easy, so i wish you a happy ending!, just know we'll all be supporting you from the sidelines! <3
super duper big hugs! <3
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tailschannel · 2 years
The Sonic subreddit to reallow Sonic Speed Simulator discussion after a month-long ban in response to alleged crunch
The /r/SonicTheHedgehog subreddit community announced that they will reallow Sonic Speed Simulator content on their platform, following a discussion with a Gamefam representative.
"If any further controversy erupts regarding Gamefam's treatment of their employees, though, we will reinstitute the ban," read the message.
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Last December, the subreddit were among the first to respond to concerns about the alleged "crunch culture" at Gamefam Studios, the developers behind the official Sonic game for Roblox.
The studio claimed no wrongdoing, but the subreddit mods enacted a complete ban of Speed Simulator content anyways. It was the first time in its decade-long history that such a ban was in place.
The developers did not respond to Tails' Channel's request for comment.
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ryukyuan-sunflower · 2 years
Hey, don’t want to pressure, but when are you planning on releasing the update for FTFESWY?
Please excuse the ridiculously late reply!
Chapter 51 Lingering Lamentations of Finding the Four-Eyed Samurai...WITH YOU?! has just been updated on Fanfiction.net today! (Dec 11th, 2022)
However, I noticed that I did not get a notification email for the update, nor did some of my readers. Apparently, Fanfiction.net has a new service that now requires readers to click the tab on their profile to "allow notifications." If you have been following this story but did not get a new email, please go into your account and reallow notifications! My updates can be pretty sparse, so it really pains me to know that most of my followers now have no idea I've updated, and will be updating again in a few weeks, because of this stupid thing they've changed.
Anyway, this chapter is very short by comparison to my others, only around 10,000 words. This is because the next chapter that goes in-depth into Fuu's childhood spans a whopping 30,000 words now, just as Chapter 49 From Hell to Heaven did for Mugen's past. Please look forward to it!
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notahorseindisguise · 8 months
have u tried changing ur url to corn? i cant find a corn blog so maybe it will work
yes ive tried a million times i cant, the blog name rules are weird, like when they reallow a url to be taken
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