#really any mega huge ship tag that is now mostly dead
gibbearish · 8 months
btw the way you curb the "worlds most enticing button" urge is to give into it by feeding it red herrings. filter a few boring tags and a few tags for things that are dumb/funny so that the button isnt always as enticing, sometimes its just holding some post abt characters you dont care abt. and sometimes it is a fun surprise and that satisfies the beast enough that the actually upsetting ones arent as enticing either
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stonystonysto · 6 years
Some thoughts on the potential (lack of) future for this blog. Spoiler for Avengers 4 (a big one), do not enter if you don’t want to know
So in some magazine G. Paltrow spolied a very spoilery thing that’s gonna happen(?) in Avengers 4. It has to do with That Scene. 
She says something like: Tony and Pepper have come a long way from her being his secretary to having a child together. 
As you well know that’s super mega, hugely opposite of what I want wrt the direction of MCU. And now I’m thinking what to do. Because this is the kind of thing that would usually make a canon dead to me. I don’t ship married people and I especially don’t ship married people with children. 
Right now I realize I’m super angry, so I don’t want to make any rash decisions. But my mental process atm is this: MCU in this case is out, other canons aren’t out. But, DO I want to spend my time on tumblr where a lot of people, some with whom I’m in contact through mutuals etc. are ok with this? Who will be casually discussing it and it’ll be inescapable? Short answer, no. 
If this spoiler is incontrovertible truth, then spending time here on tumblr in the following year or so would be really hard on me. I’d probably have a very irresistible urge to rant about this... thing, and adjacent issues, and with that I’d reflect badly on stevetony as a ship itself. 
It’s actually been pretty hard for me not to rant on the daily since I watched IW. But the initial idea of this blog was to mostly reblog stuff by stevetony artists and other creatives, who’ve over the past week been doing a gr8 job making me less salty. But I can’t really count on that for an entire year. I definitely can’t count on keeping my cool. And IW did nothing to help tide me over.
I never really talked about this too much but I really really hate this idea MCU apparently decided to go with. I’m strongly against it for both Steve and Tony. The hate is strong. From like... meta standpoints that I can’t really explain without whipping out all my “documents”. In short, it’s very much a dealbreaker.
This in no way means I’m gonna stop shipping it, just that instead of doing this blog, I’ll do what I did for years before starting it, ship it by myself, try my hand at fanworks, sometimes lose hours on youtube searching for just the right stony+song combo, pixiv, google search even - when too desperate for some new arts... and so on. 
Anyway, I’m not really sure yet what I’m gonna do. A year or more off tumblr is a big thing, you know? You leave for long enough, you never come back. But I wanted to tell you guys that I am now seriously considering it. Just in case I see something in the tags that makes me rage quit. :)
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thatdanishchick · 7 years
@like-the-direction heeeyyyyyyy you tagged me for a thing !! and the few times i am tagged for things i forget to do them but Not Today ! ! !
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 some blogs you would like to know better
1. Nickame: I used to be nicknamed ‘Bette’ which i still love but i don’t get called nicknames anymore. sad
2. Gender: Female/It’s A Mystery
3. Star Sign: Leo, baby !!
4. Height: 165-ish cm
5. Time: Right now, 15:44
6. Birthday: August 13th, ‘96
7. Favourite Band(s): ah geez. there are so many but yeah; Florence + the machine, Queen, ABBA, Spandau Ballet, Daft Punk, Hot Chip, Kraftwerk, the show goes on and on
8. Favourite Solo Artist(s): Gaga, The Weeknd, RuPaul, Frank Ocean, Marina & The Diamonds, Lorde, Ben Folds, Annie Lennox, Tom Jones, Donna Summer, Olivia Newton-John, oh god so many more
9. Song Stuck In My Head: i almost always have a song stuck in my head except for today apparently !!
10. Last Movie Watched: In theaters, Black Panther(me too!!). at home, Archipelago(fulfilling a long standing promise to watch this kinda boring movie bc Tom Hiddleston is in it. it’s .. i mean, go see it for yourself)
11. Last Show I Watched: RPDR All Stars 3 (finale. i have thoughts about this, i applaud the winning queen but i was kinda banking my money on a different horse if you know whaddamean)
12. When Did I Create My Blog: i was in the 8th grade, 2010... i had just watched X-Men First Class twice in theaters and found tumblr bc i wanted to ship Cherik. yes, really
13. What Do You Post: things from fandom that i find funny. rn it’s Thor Ragnarok mostly, i think. the rule is, if a post can either make me laugh or baffle me, it goes on here. also if it has an important PSA. but generally my blog is a de-stress space for me.
14. Last Thing I Googled: i think it’s googling where in denmark i can purchase the wet n wild mega cushion foundation. my search was unfruitful
15. Do You Have Any Other Blogs: i have an art/writing blog(active), a weeb blog(dead), a moby dick portfolio(sleeping) and a nail blog(active)
16. Do You Get Asks: not so much anymore. which i think is great, bc i think the messaging system is way better for contacting me, so i get all my asks and IM’s from friends through there
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: in 2008 i started watching thatguywiththeglasses and i was such a huge fan(and still like his stuff today). i wanted so badly to be a critic(although i didn’t, like, film or write any reviews). and i thought about how would i brand myself, and i couldn’t come up with anything better for my name. and for some reason i haven’t changed my url in nearly a decade. i also use it for so many other platforms 
18. Following: 86, but not that many are actively posting
19. Followers: 831. and it’s pretty much been stuck around that number for two years i think lmao
20. Favourite Colour(s): Greens and purples ! also if gold and silver where colors
21. Average Hours of Sleep: my perfect window of sleep is precisely 7 1/2 hours. i can almost never sleep past that. 
22. Lucky Number: 13 has been mine since i was a kid, it’s literally just my birthday. also bc most people think of it as an unlucky number, and i was an edgy little brat
23. Instruments: i played the violin for 3 years. i’m too lazy to pick it up again even though i’d like to
24. What Am I Wearing: mom-made Finnish-style sweater, h&m jeans that are a little too big and therefore comfy, winter socks, mismatched earrings(you’ll never catch me in matching earrings)
25. How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With: one big duvet, a thin fleece blanket to wrap my second pillow in
26. Dream Job: if we’re talking a realistic dream job, teaching(my goal is highschool english but rn i’m teaching middle school arts & crafts which i am really enjoying doing atm). if we’re talking dream dream job, i’d like to just. live in a windmill maybe. or a lighthouse. i know it’s not a job but if it’s a job then it’s not really a dream for me yaknow
27. Dream Trip: i went to Nantucket and New Bedford last autumn and i would really love to return and see more of the area bc i was only there for two days. i’d also love to come back to Japan and see more of the islands and experience more of the cuisine, bc i loved it so much.
28. Favourite Food: i can always eat some variation of mac n cheese. i’m the least picky person alive. also i could eat BBQ/sour cream+onion crisps every single day if i didn’t know better
29. Nationality: Danish to the bone
30. Favourite Song Now: it varies from moment to moment. agh and it’s too hard to choose !! i’m not gonna get into it. all songs are my favorite songs.
i tag my buddies @emizu @mud-muffin @nubb @mintcondition-shellfish if any of you wanna do these, i just think they’re so fun
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