#extremely funny to see out and about and the posts contained are a complete gamble as to whats in there its so funny
gibbearish · 8 months
btw the way you curb the "worlds most enticing button" urge is to give into it by feeding it red herrings. filter a few boring tags and a few tags for things that are dumb/funny so that the button isnt always as enticing, sometimes its just holding some post abt characters you dont care abt. and sometimes it is a fun surprise and that satisfies the beast enough that the actually upsetting ones arent as enticing either
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
hi!! it’s me again the Luffy lover hehe i thought of something really cute/funny. lets say luffy’s s/o is usually the calm/mature one in the relationship, imagine if the roles reveresed once luffy’s s/o is drunk for the first time with the strawhats at like a bar & luffy is the one that has to be the mature one and make sure she doesn’t do something out of control it would be so cute and funny!! do you think you could do something like that? if so, thank u! i love ur writing
Luffy + His Fem! S/O - Role Reversal
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a/n : ah, this was actually pretty cute, thank you for requesting again! :)) hope you enjoy!
note : I literally could not think of another title. I didn’t want it too long but I couldn’t come up with any creative.
Summary : Luffy, who is goofy and immature, ends up having to look after his female significant other one drunken night.
Dragging out his name with a slur, Luffy smiles softly at the sight of you sprawled against the bar counter, next to him and Zoro, the latter drinking to his hearts content.
Nami was gambling away in the corner with Franky and Robin watching, Sanji somewhere surrounded by the women in the bar, Usopp was on the verge of passing out, Chopper was outside relaxing and Brook was playing his violin and singing.
The whole bar was a chaotic, loud and crazy mess but it was all fun regardless.
Honestly, Luffy didn’t think you were such a light weight, but he found it pretty funny when you were drunk.
First of all, you tried to out-drink Zoro, which resulted in your drunken state in the first place, and Zoro laughing his ass off at you for trying.
Second of all, you kept embarrassing yourself in front of the bar by singing along with Brook and screaming the lyrics to your hearts content.
And third of all, you were quite the emotional drunk.
Hearing you call his name once again snapped him from his thoughts and watched as you sniffle and rubbed your nose.
You then latched yourself onto him and clung onto his arms tightly. “Luffy, this place doesn’t have cookies!” You wailed out, completely uncharacteristic of you.
You lost all strength in your limbs and was now just flailing and all your weight was onto Luffy.
Luffy blinks at you and your cry before a laugh erupted from his lips. “Shishishi!~ You’re so drunk, [Name]!” He was entertained from just watching you.
“Captainnn! Can you get me some cookiesss?”
You drag out in a pleading tone, looking to Luffy with the best pleading expression you could muster, quivering lips from your cries.
Luffy chuckles softly at you and wipes your tears away, exhaling a bit as he shook his head at you. “There’s no cookies, [Name].”
Now, Luffy wasn’t really one to get drunk, and this bar didn’t have any meat for him to eat either so he was kind of just hanging around.
But now that you, the one who was always looking after him and the crew during their adventures and troubles, was drunk as hell and couldn’t even stand up straight, Luffy couldn’t help but be amused and find this all too entertaining.
Of course, since he was the only one nearby that wasn’t drunk, it was also his duty as captain to look after you this time.
And boy, you were quite the handful.
“But Luffyy, I want cookies!”
You childishly pout, hugging his arm tighter and nuzzled your face against his skin.
“Get me cookies now! I order you to!” You demanded, pulling back from Luffy and gave a small glare to Luffy.
“Oi, I’m the captain!” Luffy then sighs, almost in disbelief at how different you were drunk and just grins to himself a bit. He found it extremely adorable and cute of you.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the ship, okay?”
Luffy suggests, getting up from his stool on the counter and dusted off his clothes, before holding out a hand for you.
Luffy stared blankly at you turning away with a huff, planting yourself straight onto the counter with your back facing him.
Luffy then smiles to himself and stretches his arms, wrapping them around your torso and pulls you towards him with ease, a small shriek escaping your lips.
“Oi, Zoro! Watch the others, you hear me? I’m heading back to the ship!” Luffy calls as he began making his way out of the tavern, Zoro nodding. “Roger.”
“Oi! let me go!” Tears began to stream down your eyes at Luffy’s grip, you squirming around.
“Oi, [Name]! It’s me, Luffy! Im carrying you!” Luffy quickly remarks, walking through the quiet street, watching as you suddenly became quiet in his hold.
“...oh..” suddenly feeling weak, you snuggle closer into Luffy since he was carrying you bridal style in his arms.
Luffy carefully moves one of his hands and wipes your tears away and stares down at you closely.
“Hey... Luffy?”
“Yeah, [Name]?” Luffy questions as he glances from you to the pathway, the moonlight as his guide of vision.
“... did I ever tell you how much I fucking love you?.. you’re so lovable... caring about others and.. being there for your nakama... and positively thinking about everything..” Slurring your words a bit, you continue to drag on your explanation for your love of him.
Luffy could feel his heartbeat picking up a hit, his cheeks unknowingly pink as he grins warmly to himself and chuckles.
“I love you more, [Name]!” He hums cheerily, which made a sleepy smile form across your lips. “Yay..! You love meeee....!”
Feeling content and satisfied with how peaceful you were feeling, you sniff the air randomly before leaning closer into Luffy.
“...you smell like meat.”
You blurted unexpectedly, Luffy unable to contain his laughter from your comment.
“Shishishi! And You smell like alcohol.” He grins at you, seeing the small curl of your lips as you close your eyes.
You could sense your vision darkening as you eventually closed your eyes and your consciousness fading away.
A slow exhale escaped your lips.
“..Thank you, Luffy..”
Seeing you slowly relaxing and the steady and slow breathing from your lips being heard, Luffy’s expression softens as he sighs gently towards you.
He tightens his grip and pulls you closer into his chest, making path to the coast to arrive at the ship.
“Of course, [Name].”
“Ugh.. my head..”
The throbbing headache seemed to worsen as you slowly sat up, feeling weight and a pair of arms wrapped around you.
Rubbing your eyes, you glance down to see your familiar rubber lover laying on top of your legs and hugging your waist, fast asleep.
You glance beside you to see the time but instead found a glass of water and a shot glass of medicine to ease headaches, along with a note.
Gladly taking the shot glass and water, you gulped both down with ease before exhaling out in satisfaction.
Then turning to the note, you pick up the card and read it aloud.
“To [Name]. You’re funny when you’re drunk. It’s cute! - Luffy. Ps. You’re a bit of a pain to take care of tho”
Glancing from the note to Luffy asleep on the bed, you only smile slightly and shake your head.
“I wasn’t even that drunk..”
Sure, you couldn’t remember a thing, other than partying with the crew and then suddenly waking up in bed on the ship, but you knew you weren’t THAT drunk.
Turning your attention to the sleeping Luffy on you, you smile to yourself and pat his head.
“Thanks for taking care of me, Luffy.”
As if he heard you, Luffy’s snoring seemed to have quieted a little bit and a small smile began forming on the boy’s lips.
a/n : ahhh, I hope you liked this! :))) 🤍 I wanted to get at least one post out so I apologize if this seems rushed!
I apologize if it’s not what you expected either, I had different ideas for this but I couldn’t really come up with as specific one 😅
It sucks I only have free time / motivation late at night and I’m exhausted too ;-;
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StackedNatural Day 166: 1x21, 7x20, 11x19, 12x19
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
April 27, 2022
1x21: Salvation
Written by: Sera Gamble & Raelle Tucker
Directed by: Robert Singer
Original air date: April 27, 2006
Plot Synopsis:
Meg turns to killing John's friends in order to get the Colt. Sam and Dean stakeout the Demon's next target; a family with a six month old baby showing signs of special abilities. John heads off alone to confront Meg.
A hunter priest, Sam’s guilt complex, John learning about Sam’s visions, a call from Meg, lots of throat-slitting, the demons calling John’s bluff, Sam missing his shot on the yellow-eyed demon. 
My Thoughts:
Stacked wobbles back and forth between being a chore and being super fun, but we’re in finale territory now babey, and that means episodes are on a quality upswing. 
I love Meg 1.0, she really kills is with the line between flirtatious and threatening, she steals every scene she’s in. The opening scene and the meeting with John in particular are awesome. 
One thing I really miss about the first few seasons are Sam’s visions - they’re such a great plot point, they really set him up as fundamentally different from other people and it adds a lot of tension between him and Dean. Also, I love his sweet puppy dog eyes any time he has a vision and gets concerned about the person he sees in danger. 
Do NOT come for me on this but John Winchester is a badass in this episode. The holy water move is great. It’s very obvious that he loves his kids, but like I’ve mentioned in other posts, that doesn’t necessarily make him a good father. He wants Dean to have a home, but he isn’t capable of providing one for him. He wants Sam to go to college, but he kicked him out and cut contact when he did. 
Dean saying that this revenge quest isn’t worth dying for is the fundamental difference between him and his family. I like following Moriah with this episode - because when the chips were down, he did throw away a chance at revenge that would kill himself and Jack. 
Notable Lines:
“The other day I met this man. A nice guy, you know? We had a really good chat, sort of like this....then I slit his throat and ripped his heart out through his chest. Does that make me a bad person?”
“Call you? Are you kidding me? Dad, I called you from Lawrence, all right? Sam called you when I was dying. I mean, getting you on the phone? I got a better chance of winning the lottery.”
“I want to stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school, I want Dean to have a home. I want....I want Mary alive. It's just....I just want this to be over.”
“That's funny, John. We're going to strip the skin from your bones, but that was funny.”
“If hunting this demon means getting yourself killed then I hope we never find the damn thing.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.5
IMdB Rating: 8.9
7x20: The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Written by: Robbie Thompson
Directed by: John MacCarthy
Original air date: April 27, 2012
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean discover that Frank's hard drive, containing everything on the leviathans, is now in Dick's company building. To retrieve it, they ask for help from one of the employees, a young computer hacker.
Another visit from Bobby, a slaughterhouse for human cattle, Charlie walking on sunshine, Sucrocorp, nerds bonding, Bobby sneaking into Richard Roman Enterprises, Charlie’s Leia D&D tattoo, Dean flirting Charlie’s way out of trouble, Sam and Dean diving through glass, a fight between a ghost and a leviathan, a successful heist.
My Thoughts:
This is hands down the best Charlie episode. I still think she’s fun in later episodes, but she’s in a perfect niche in this episode that they try to spread from rather than digging deeper into what makes her extremely skilled. In this one she’s scared but still brave, extremely smart and tenacious, and thinks well on her feet. I love a hacker with a heart of gold. 
The directing on this episode is also extremely fun, and it fits well with the heist style. They’ve tried to do a heist episode since, with The Scorpion and the Frog, but it fell flat. Of course we have the ICONIC scene of Dean flirting with the security guard via Charlie. The fact that she specifically says she can’t flirt with him because she isn’t into men and then Dean very competently flirts with him… I can’t believe they maintained that he was heterosexual for a full 8 years after that. 
Notable Lines:
“If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, then you simply cannot score.”
“15 minutes ain't a lot of time.” “She said if it took longer to hack his desktop, then she deserved to be eaten.”
“He's not my type.” “You're gonna have to play through that.” “As in he's not a girl.” “Oh, oh. Pretend he has boobs.”
“She’s kinda like the little sister I never wanted.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.7
IMdB Rating: 9.1
11x19: The Chitters
Written by: Nancy Won
Directed by: Eduardo Sánchez
Original air date: April 27, 2016
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean are visiting a small town in Colorado where people are mysteriously disappearing every 27 years. While they are investigating, the boys encounter a pair of hunters seeking revenge on the monster causing the disappearances.
A naked green-eyed monster, a generational curse, the hottest sheriff in the series, parasitic cicada spirits, Jesse and Cesar, philosophical debates over revenge, some light body horror, beheading with a shovel, hunters making it to the finish line. 
My Thoughts:
This episode had everything I like in a good monster of the week episode: a cool new monster, interesting and empathetic secondary characters, moments with big Sibling Energy, and a thematic link to the overarching or upcoming plot. Plus, gay hunters! The only thing that actually disappointed me is we didn’t even get to see Jesse and Cesar kiss. 
I do think that the transitionary stage of the monster, when they just stand in the woods and shake, is scarier than the full transformation stage where they jump you in an alley. I wish the alley scene had been filmed at night to preserve a little of the mystery, but whatever.
The first scene with the cold open helps drive home that Dean’s motivating factor this season really is Cas and not Amara. Despite his “connection” with her, he’s staying up all night trying to figure out how to kill her so he can get Cas back. 
I really like Jesse and Cesar - so often when other hunters are introduced to the boys the moral of the episode is that they can’t be trusted - think of Gordon and Lee. I was so scared that one or both of them was going to be killed, but they actually got their happy ending. Plus if they settled down in New Mexico and spend most of their hunting years in that area then I can very neatly fit them in DTA as part of Alpha, so love that for me. 
There was a lot of emotional intelligence in the writing of this episode. Not just Jesse’s grief, but the old sheriff's as well, not to mention Dean and Cesar’s conversation about revenge and closure, which reminds us of Mary and neatly seeds her return at the end of the season. Dean got his revenge, and it didn’t fix him, and soon he’ll get Mary back, and that won’t fix him either. And then Dean and Sam make the decision not to ask them to help when they would have, because they deserve to retire. (It does make me wanna riot about Dean not getting to retire with his partner, but that’s not this episode’s fault.)
Notable Lines:
“Dude, I was eighteen.” “Sinner.” “It was college. It was probably oregano anyways.”
“when someone loses someone when they’re young. It never heals over.” “No, it doesn’t.”
“And the insane thing is, how many hunters have you seen over the years get their revenge? [...] And they are never fixed, are they?”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.2
IMdB Rating: 7.7
12x19: The Future
Written by: Robert Berens & Meredith Glynn
Directed by: Amanda Tapping
Original air date: April 27, 2017
Plot Synopsis:
Sam comes up with a way to stop Lucifer's baby, but Castiel has something else in mind for Kelly. Dean is furious when he finds out someone stole the Colt.
A big suicide TW, Cas finally returning to the bunker, Thee Mixtape, fetus Jack saving Kelly’s life, Dagon’s parenting plan, Cas stealing the Colt and then Kelly, cas googling how to fix his truck, Cas feeling Jack kick, Kelly stealing the Impala, Dagon destroying the Colt, Cas switching to Jack’s team. 
My Thoughts:
I need to repent my sins, because the last time I watched this @weedsinavacantlot was dragging me back into the show kicking and screaming and I was in full irony mode. I can’t believe I missed how much this episode absolutely fucking rules. 
First of all, Amanda Tapping as a director my beloved. There are a lot of great shots - obviously the entire mix tape scene, the broken arm healing, Cas feeling Jack kick - but one I didn’t remember was Kelly looking at herself in the cracked mirror before attempting suicide, and the cracks cutting her face out of the image so that all the remains of her reflection is her stomach. Gorgeous symbolism. 
And the mixtape scene…. Boy oh boy. There are so many reasons to call that romantic, but suffice to say that Ledd Zepplin was what Mary and John first bonded over, which we learned about at the beginning of this very season. And then Cas steals the Colt not to hurt Dean, but to prevent him from getting innocent blood on his hands, to prevent his guilt, and to give him a win. AND we get the intimately framed shot of Dean shoving cas against a wall this episode, thank you Amanda.
When Cas and Kelly were talking after stealing the Impala and she said that he would have faith, I got shivers remembering 1x12 Faith.
This episode loses 0.1 points for cutting the visions that Jack shows Cas and thus not showing us post-orgasmic Dean thanking Cas.
Notable Lines:
“Dean, I just keep failing. Again and again. [...] And I just wanted I needed to come back here with a win for you. For myself.”
“Your child could bring the universe to its knees.” “Or lift it to its feet.”
“His power, his soul surged through me, and it was good. Pure. I feel- I know he is good.”
“He chose you, Castiel. [...] You asked me who would protect him, guide him when I'm gone. I know now. It's you.”
“I wish I had your faith.” “You will.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.9
IMdB Rating: 8.2
In Conclusion: EXTREMELY STRONG STACK TODAY, Y’ALL. I get stressed about 4-ep days because I have to work and commute and take care of my dog but this one was a straight up pleasure. 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 21 Review: Source Code
This POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERS review contains spoilers.
This episode was a huge gamble for Power Rangers Beast Morphers. As I wrote about last week, invoking a plotline from Power Rangers RPM could have blown up in their faces. The cliffhanger with Venjix in the morpher has gone unresolved for over a decade and fan expecations for it being paid off were sky high. If even one detail was wrong or out of place, the whole episode would have collapsed.
But Beast Morphers did the impossible. They followed up on Venjix cliffhanger perfectly and delivered the best team-up episode in well over a decade. How did they pull this off? Well, very smartly, the episode knows its following up continuity from over a decade ago but only uses that as flavor for the episodes real focus, Nate.
It might seem odd when you say it out loud. Why bother focusing on Nate at all when you’re bringing back a villain from ten years ago and Dr. K? Who cares about the Beast Morphers team? They’re just window dressing for resolving some continuity! No, Beast Morphers made the smart decision of centering this episode on Nate because that needed to be the emotional core to drive everything else.
We learn that years ago when Nate was just a kid he experimented on old Ranger tech hoping to find new ways to morph. In the process though he experimented on the RPM morpher that had Venjix in it and accidentally released him into the Grid Battleforce computer system. Venjix became Evox! It instantly sends Nate into a spiral. His actions caused all the destruction from the past year. 
He beats himself up for his actions and the show doesn’t quickly resolve it as they have in the past. Nate is given the proper time to lay all the blame at his feet. Venjix wipes the floor with him and constantly needles him with what he did. It’s no wonder Nate just throws his hands up and refuses to do anything; afraid he’d mess up again.
It’s extremely relatable. It’s easy to be harsh on our younger selves with the knowledge of today. It’s not fair but it happens. Doubly so for Nate since he was hit with the crushing weight of what he’d unintentionally done all at once. He had no time to process it, the only thing he could do was blame himself. Plus the kid has lived alone all his life! He probably deep down blames himself for his parents being away all the time so it’s easy to imagine him blaming this on himself as well. He shoves everyone away, including Zoey, and just wants to be alone.
It’s only then the show brings in Dr. K. She’s not here to catch you up on what all the RPM Rangers are doing. She doesn’t tell you her team says hi. She’s there to help Nate but critically, unlike Jason in the big dino team-up and pretty much everyone in ‘Dimensions in Danger’, she feels like she did in RPM. She’s not exactly the same, we can tell some time has past, but from the jump she’s written like she was in RPM. She doesn’t sound like a generic Power Ranger which was critical because Dr. K had a very specific way of speaking and relating to others and we get to see that on display here.
Dr. K was called in by Zoey not just because of her history with Venjix but because she went through the same thing Nate did. In RPM we saw her wrestle with how she’d unleashed Venjix on the world and had to come to grips with it. She’s now helping Nate do the same thing and that is perfect. It’s bringing in continuity but not just for needless pandering to the fans. It’s there to help Nate get through his problem and deal with the emotions around it. Nate is also acting different than Dr. K did so it doesn’t feel like a retread. 
Dr. K tells him, “you want to feel sorry for yourself. Ok. You want to feel guilty and unsure of your ability. I completely get it.” She knows what Nate is going through but doesn’t allow him to stew in it. That’s perfectly in character for her but unlike in RPM where she might have just yelled at him or done the work herself, she simply says, “no matter how you feel, the world needs you.”
She’s grown so much and the episode doesn’t need any exposition to convey it. We simply see it through her words and actions. I love it! Nate doesn’t just roll over either. He really thinks he’s worthless but she finally manages to convince him by saying the only way to solve the problem is by starting with the first step.
That’s a fantastic lesson for anyone watching the show and it’s the most earned lesson we’ve gotten in Beast Morphers. Others have been good but this was beyond perfect. It’s a beautiful synthesis of plot, character, emotion, and callbacks.
Nate works through his guilt and is able to make a counter measure to Venjix which the team tests on Robo Blaze and take him out. It’s wonderful just to watch the Rangers get a call from Dr. K during the fight. It’s a small thing but having her be involved in solving the problem of the day in a cool way does so much to help the episode feel bigger. It ups the threat because these Rangers can’t do it alone and that makes what are usually mundane fights compelling.
Dr. K leaves before Venjix is taken out with the very understandable reason of wanting to go back to Corinth to check if the virus is still there. While I’d love to see her show up in the finale this was more than enough to explain it away. Before she leaves she tells Nate that, “You are guaranteed to face challenges in life, but you don’t have to face them alone. Not when you’ve got such good support around you.”
It’s the perfect lesson for Nate but there’s subtext there that’s a nice callback to what she learned in RPM. She couldn’t do it all on her own, she needed to be closer to the Rangers to accomplish her goals. She then leaves with the killer line of, “you have a beautiful world. Keep it safe.” Chills. With everything that happened to her Earth, that has an incredible depth. 
This episode was perfect. Perfect. Every single moment played off each other and forwarded the overarching story of Beast Morphers, gave Nate some time to shine, or let Dr. K have the spotlight! She doesn’t take over the episode but they do let her interact with the world of Beast Morphers which is half the fun of a team-up. Her bits with Ben and Betty were not only in character but also genuinely funny. When those two aren’t given over the top slapstick they’re pretty charming! The little mission she sent them on was pointless but wasn’t totally dismissive and the compliment she gave felt genuine.
Considering how little she thought of the RPM Rangers at the start but still grew to love them (including the wacky Gem and Gemma) I can believe she wouldn’t mind having Ben and Betty around. Dr. K’s come a long way since she hid away from the RPM Rangers and only referred to them by their Ranger color.
The focus on Nate was also incredible and showed off the bond that’s been built up between him and Zoey. We get a nice nod to her need to solve big problems and Nate admits he’s learned to count on her. Which leads to the adorable reply from Zoey, “feels good to be counted on.” Growth in a relationship! A male character learning it’s okay to open up about his emotions and be able to share them with his significant other. I love it!
And how about that scene where Evox revealed himself as Venjix? That was damn intense! The way his voice slowly morphed from the Evox we’ve heard all season to the old Venjix voice? Glorious and a real surprise, which is rare in the age of social media. (Well, until the Power Rangers twitter account spoiled it but those watching in the UK got to see it unspoiled.)
I could say more about this episode but then I’d just be recapping the entire thing. It’s a triumph and easily the best thing Beast Morphers has done. That isn’t just because of Dr. K showing up (although it was nice) but it struck that balance I’ve wanted of incorporating a good lesson into an emotionally engaging story. It just used Dr. K and the revelation of Evox as Venjix to push that character story. Beautiful.
I guess you could nitpick and wonder why Dr. K handed over the Morphers to Grid Battleforce in the first place but when the rest of the episode is so good I can ignore that. They at least set up the Ranger Vault before now (but they really should explain how that thing came into being.)
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And so now we’re heading to the finale! Venjix is getting ready to use all the Morph-X! This is thrilling! I can’t wait to see where this goes! I haven’t been this excited for a new episode of Power Rangers in a long time. I really hope the finale nails it because this episode showed just how great Beast Morphers can be. They took a gamble and won BIG. Let’s see how they use their winnings.
The post Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 21 Review: Source Code appeared first on Den of Geek.
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