#really anyone Definitely Kissing in my dreams are some of the like rarest occasions
description of a substantive billions dream
a typical [school problems] genre thread of assigned fiction reading became a book about winston as an elementary or middle schooler, and how there was a new girl who, i guess to sort of change the conversation around herself from [being the new girl] instead established the topic as her having a crush on someone, this being winston who she’d already interacted with more often than others / was closest to friends with. but he was kind of uncomfortable with this and so there was a scene with them talking about it and her explaining it seemed like the kind of thing she was supposed to do, with mutual genuinely liking each other but not necessarily so far as [let’s declare mutual crushes or bother with that framework at all at the present]. and yet there was a sort of dramatic irony tone conveyed for the audience that, not that this was incorrect / inaccurate or anything, but naturally that anything associated w/that framework might not be off the table forever, especially what with having a whole discussion about things really here just cementing that they do both want to be / consider themselves like friends proper. there was a little illustration like so:
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i don’t remember my dream supplying a name for the girl, just like how it didn’t supply any particular design for elementary or middle schooler winston than “smaller, i guess”....despite things only featuring this small winston at the start, it then became a) about regular billions b) directly observable as An Event as well as being relayed through reading the book still and c) about winston and taylor and others, including the older unnamed dream oc girl, having a pleasant day outdoors in a meadow by water and sometimes in a cave with water, as a helpful offshoot of another prior typical dream thread.
more granular and vivid details: one scene being observed half directly as a real event, half through reading about it, ended with philip and taylor at a distance (winston keeps the pov) sitting in a field by water, and philip being playfully affectionate with taylor like 😉 and holding their hand and calling them “baby” while taylor is like 😳 like so:
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i read this part like :o ! and turned to noted blogger nothingunrealistic like “omg what page/chapter are you on” and they had not yet reached it so i was like “omggg...” expressions to the [honey you’ve got a big storm coming (positive)] effect
and another scene specific enough to have drawn was that, after having enjoyed a swim (philip constantly appearing in usual canon-type business suits despite the outdoors activities, even this one) winston kind of [tag you’re it]’d philip out of the water and they had this drenched like wrestle embrace ft. winston pressing his face to philip in as close to a kiss as anything else that happened. had as much or more as a like lighthearted playful energy as anything as well despite the [intricate rituals] and [sounds like a sexually charged kind of situation perhaps] lol like well once again it needn’t Not be that, but things are casual and spontaneous And homoerotic. everyone simply being comfortable enough despite tensions of [discuss that you’re nervous abt there being hot gossip abt you as a Crush] or [flirtation ft. the recipient being flustered] or [plenty of physical touch plus affection] like so:
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let’s go boys! and of course, relevant as well that winston was Deeply Affectionate and Closely Aware/Attentive towards taylor the whole time, sometimes conveyed simply through how again taylor scenes were seen through him as the pov character and myself as the pov beyond that, like, of course there’s tayston and of course there’s plenty of like, well anyone here may be liable to kiss anyone and everyone else. tl;dr everyone enjoying this refreshing outdoors excursion and being comfortable in the marinade of any of that tension re: potential increased emotional and/or physical intimacy with each other out there, like, as a metaphor, having a stretch and despite the element of [!] there it can also be unthreatening, welcome, pleasant and it can be like “well i’m glad for the greater flexibility this can yield. and/or being warmed up for something. and/or easing an uncomfortable physical sensation. etc” lol. good for them
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hungline · 5 years
the first and, hopefully, the last
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pairings: junghope, minor namyoonjin  genre: fluff, teenagers au, rated t  warnings: mentions of weed, underage smoking  words: 2000 
summary: Hoseok is seventeen years old, has known Jeongguk ever since the bunny-looking kid was born, and he has never been kissed. Luckily, his dongsaeng knows exactly what to do. 
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“I can’t believe you’ve never been ki-” Jeongguk’s outburst was cut off when Hoseok clamped his hand down over the younger’s mouth.
“You don’t have to announce this to the whole world, Gukkie-ah,” Hoseok hissed, looking around warily as the other kids at the skatepark slowly looked away and returned to what they’d been doing beforehand.
Jeongguk struggled a bit to pry Hoseok’s hand off his mouth, and when he finally managed it, he kept his voice low in order to appease the elder. “Hyung, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t know why you’re acting like this.”
“It’s just embarrassing, alright?” Hoseok sighed, ducking his head as a group of sophomore girls walked past, giggling and shooting the two boys looks as they did. “It’s not like I really have a ton of options to choose from when it comes this anyways.”
“Because you’re as straight as a curly fry, hyung?”
Jeongguk laughed. “Look, hyung, it’s not like you’re the only gay guy in the entire world. Once you go off to the university, I’m sure you’ll be kissing dozens of guys.”
Hoseok hunched in on himself further. “What if I’m not good at it?”
“Good at what? Kissing?” Jeongguk chuckled. “Hyung, I’m sure that doesn’t matter.”
“And how would you know?” Hoseok asked, his voice marred with irritation. “It’s not like you’ve kissed anyboーoh my god, you have! Why didn’t you tell me before?”
The younger boy laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as he did. “I didn’t think it was important news to share, hyung.”
And suddenly Hoseok was invading the younger’s personal space, like he usually did when he wanted a clear answer from Jeongguk. “Why? Did the kiss not go as planned?”
Jeongguk felt his face flush, because yes, the kiss hadn’t gone like he’d planned at all and he was barely at the stage where he could look Seokjin in the eyes again without wanting to vomit. To be fair, Jeongguk hadn’t really been in the right state of mind when he’d kissed his hyung. He had looted Jimin’s weed stash an hour before and when he stumbled downstairs to see Jimin’s older brother present, he’d been absolutely baked. He didn’t have a clue as to what had happened until Seokjin was pushing him away with a frightened look on his face because god damn it, Jeongguk was a fucking minor and Seokjin was barely a year over age and he had that weird thing going on between him, Yoongi, and Namjoon. And fuck, Yoongi was going to murder him when he found out that Jeongguk had kissed one of his boyfriendsーor whatever the hell they were since every time anyone asked, Seokjin would vehemently deny that he was dating neither Namjoon nor Yoongi.
So when Jeongguk had cleared his head, he returned to fervently apologize to Yoongi first before he begged for forgiveness from his other two hyungs, Namjoon and Seokjin. All three had easily dismissed it and Jeongguk breathed a little easier. Still, his first kiss wasn’t something he really wanted to share with Hoseok, his longest and closest friend. Hoseok had been in Jeongguk’s life ever since the younger was born (both their parents had the baby pictures to prove it) and it had really only been recently that Jeongguk realized he was crushing big time on his hyung.
“Hello! Earth to Gukk-ah!” Hoseok’s hand waved in front of the younger’s face, drawing his attention back to the present and to the gangly, long limbed dancer beside him.
Jeongguk blushed. “Sorry, hyung. I was just remembering it and yeah, it was pretty lousy for my first kiss.”
“And why was that?”
“I had no idea what was I doing,” Jeongguk twisted his fingers together anxiously.
“See! That’s what I mean!” Hoseok’s outburst surprised the younger. “I don’t know how to kiss. What if I screw up my first time and the guy never wants to see me again?”
And while Jeongguk’s heart twisted painfully at the thought of Hoseok kissing another boy, his gut clenched when he saw just how much this was bothering his hyung.
“Then he wasn’t worth your time to begin with, hyung,” Jeongguk sniffed, not really comprehending how someone could want to never see Hoseok again because he didn’t know how to kiss.
Didn’t everything else about the elder make up for it? Didn’t the way that when Hoseok blushed or laughed too hard, and his whole face turned a light shade of red, the freckle on his cupid’s bow became more apparent make up for the elder not knowing how to kiss? Didn’t the way he seemed to levitate off the ground thanks to his feather light footsteps make up for it too? And didn’t the way that Hoseok looked so cute when he wore his thick-framed glasses because he’d forgotten to get more contacts make up for it? Or didn’t the way that Hoseok had the kindest heart Jeongguk had ever seen do the trick? Didn’t Hoseok being a complete and total angel in both appearance and personality level out the fact that he didn’t know how to kiss? Hoseok was amazing, regardless of whether he could kiss properly or not. But if it really bothered the elder that much, then Jeongguk supposed he could just teach his hyung how to kiss. It was for Hoseok’s sake, after all. Definitely not his own. Nope, not all. Jeongguk was solely going to do this for the elder and totally not for himself. Yep, all for his hyung.
“I could show you how,” Jeongguk muttered aloud, before he could change his mind about his decision.
“Show me what, Gukkie-ah?” Hoseok asked, leaning into Jeongguk’s personal space again to hear the younger better.
Here goes nothing, Jeongguk gulped.
“How to kiss. I could teach you how to kiss, hyung,” Jeongguk said, his throat dry, hands sweaty, and body cold as he did.
“And how would we go about doing that? You teaching me, I mean,” Hoseok pondered.
Jeongguk visibly swallowed, wiping his hands on his shorts as he spoke. “Well, we could kiss until you get it right, hyung.”
Hoseok arched a brow at that. “And what if I never learn how to kiss someone properly, Gukkie-ah?”
“Then I guess you’d be stuck kissing me for the rest of you life, hyung. And I’m sure that isn’t what you want.” Jeongguk bit his lip because it was exactly what he wanted, to have Hoseok as his for a very long time, kissing the elder whenever he wanted, holding hands and going on silly dates together as a couple and not just as best friends.
“I don’t know. I think kissing you for the rest of my life wouldn’t really be that bad.”
Hoseok laughed as he caught sight of the younger’s expression. “Oh, come on, Jeongguk-ah. You’re not a bad catch. You’re funny, you’re sweet, you’re very supportive, and you’re cute too. You’re my best friend and I don’t really think that anybody who got the chance to kiss you for the rest of their life would be upset with the fact. Honestly, Gukkie-ah. I thought you were smart.”
Jeongguk was five shades of tomato red and was surprised he hadn’t spontaneously combusted yet because Jung Hoseok had just said he wouldn’t mind kissing him for the rest of his life and then had praised him afterwards. Him. Jeon Jeongguk, the knobbly, bunny-looking kid with a weird haircut, mild acne, zero social skills, and was really only decent at dancing and sometimes, on the most rarest of occasions, singing. He was average-looking, he wasn’t as handsome as his hyung, but that was fine. No one was as handsome as Jung Hoseok, save for G-Dragon, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Hoseok wasn’t all too opposed to the idea of kissing Jeongguk and Jeongguk had probably died because this just had to be heaven and Hoseok really was the angel that the younger had always thought he might be.
“So do I kiss you or do you kiss me?” Hoseok asked.
Jeongguk sputtered. “Here?”
Hoseok shrugged. “We’re best friends. It’s not like it matters if others see us kiss, Gukkie-ah. Some people already think we’re dating and it’s not like they’re wrong.”
“What? Who thinks that?” Jeongguk was at a loss with the income of the new information that Hoseok was giving him. “But hyung, we aren’t dating. We’re just best friends.”
Just best friends. Nothing more and nothing less. The thought made Jeongguk’s heart thump painfully in his chest.
The elder just chuckled and beamed at Jeongguk, gifting him with that megawatt smile of his that outshined the very sun. “Jeongguk-ah. We are not just best friends. I’ve known you since you were born and yeah, at first, you were like a brother to me, but now…it’s different. I don’t see you like a little brother nor as just a friend.”
“Hyung, what are you saying?”
“I, Jung Hoseok, like you, Jeon Jeongguk,” the elder smiled. “So can I kiss you now or what?”
Jeongguk nodded. Of course he did. Why would he tell the elder no when kissing Hoseok had been something he’d wanted for the longest time? And then Hoseok’s face was close enough to his own that Jeongguk went cross-eyed trying to look at him and then holy fuck. Fucking hell. Jeongguk just had to be dead. Dead or dreaming because Hoseok was kissing him. Jung Hoseok was fucking kissing him and the elder’s heart-shaped lips against his own were so goddamn soft and warm and Jeongguk was practically melting. Their kiss was sweet and gentle, just lips against lips, but Jeongguk heard both of their breaths hitching anyways.
Then Hoseok pulled away and Jeongguk felt warm all over because holy shit. Jung-motherfucking-Hoseok had just kissed him. Kissed him after confessing to him. And alright, maybe Hoseok wasn’t perfect. He had strong mood swings, sporadic anxiety attacks, and sometimes severe bouts of depression when he felt he wasn’t good enough. But that was fine. It was all okay. Nobody was perfect and Jeongguk had gone through a lot with the elder. It was fine if they went through more challenging things together in the future. It was cool because Jeongguk wanted to go through more things together. Hoseok was an angel and Jeongguk was smitten.
“Hyung, I like you too.”
“I know, Gukkie-ah. I’ve always known.”
Hoseok pulled Jeongguk into his lap. The younger felt his face flush when he realized that the other kids were staring at them again.
“People are staring.”
“Let them. They’re jealous cause you have such a handsome and amazing boyfriend that they will never have.”
“Boyfriend?” Jeongguk asked, but then he laughed because holy fuck was Hoseok conceited. “I wouldn’t say amazing. Your kissing skills still need work, hyung.”
“Oh, yeah? Yours aren’t great either, y’know. I bet Seokjin-hyung cringed when you kissed him.”
“You knew?”
“Obviously. Seokjin-hyung apologized for it when he came to see me awhile ago. He, and everyone else, thought we were dating.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Jeongguk asked as he tucked his head into the curve of Hoseok’s neck.
“I wanted to wait until you were ready to tell me how you got fucked up and baked like a goddamned cake after rifling through Jiminnie’s stash and then tried to stick your tongue down Seokjin-hyung’s throat afterwards.” The elder grinned a fond smile that the embarrassed and mortified Jeongguk couldn’t see. “In other news though, I guess I’ll just have to keep kissing you until I get it right. Even if it takes an entire lifetime.”
And so, they did just that. Their lips grazed against one another gently in a way that set Jeongguk’s veins on fire. He smiled against the elder’s lips, so inexplicably happy that he just couldn’t stop grinning.
Jeongguk was certain he’d finally found his own personal heaven, courtesy of the angel named Jung Hoseok.
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