#really like so many artists i like i couldnt pick an album because. the songs i like of theirs are scattered across like four diff albums
steelycunt · 1 year
favorite book, favorite album, favorite item of clothing/accessories
giovanni's room / james baldwin ! be the cowboy / mitski or sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band / the beatles ! and probably my big bulky brown corduroy jacket that used 2 be my dad's !
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rheaweary · 2 years
beyond the fleeting gales by crying is no joke the best album i have ever heard in my entire life, like both for personal and objective reasons. the album art is somewhat crude and might put people off about the quality of the music but it seems to be an ongoing joke the band members have going on bcs Look at this shirt lmfao.
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the first tracks honestly the only one that I initially did not like listening to because it takes a while to pick up, but over time I’ve come to appreciate it as part of crying’s ability to have a setup and a payoff that’s unpredictable and unbelievably euphoric when it hits you. There are several microexamples of this within every single track on the album, my favorites being in ‘well and spring’ and ‘wool in the wash’, by foreshadowing the final chorus with 2 or 3 lush choruses before it that showcase a new direction in the sound pallet, but leave a bit more to be desired. this is no problem though because that desire is WAY more than met by the end of the song with an explosive final chorus that can only be described as being continuously pummeled by a professional boxer and peaceful waves on a beach at the same time. this method crying uses sticks with me personally because as a musician myself i often find myself making things that i wish i had a way of expanding upon more because i know they have potential, but im just a weak little thang though so it takes a lot of time and effort to make any kind of progress and i usually end up scrapping things. i think that’s one of the common struggles associated with being a musician, but crying’s riffs consistently flesh out their ideas and fully realize them in every single song in BTFG. And they *know* that they can because of the intentional foreshadowing to the epic ending chorus with the little mini choruses. it’s awesome and fresh even after countless listens because the pacing in every concept is so expertly built up to, and none of the grand choruses feel like a truck hitting you in a bad way. its definitely still a truck. but you know youre abt to be hit by it, and know itll feel good. what even is this analogy anyway. im gonna return to the album cover i brought up at the start. have you ever like looked at a piece of art for so long u start seeing things that might not be there? i feel like the album cover for BTFG does this because the painting kinda sucks but i find it to be full of life and revitalized by the music; im finding qualities of it that i like because the music gave that extra dimension to it by association. in a way i think the album cover is like one of those prechoruses that leave more to be desired but are inevitably met by the bandmembers’ artistic vision and confidence plus Skill cos i cant undermine how freaking technical every single moving part of every song is, even the minimal parts bring out a new component. the vocals take the spotlight and turn the vibe knobs to 10 whenever the synths dwindle to the little analog bweep bwoop thingys, and the syncopation with the keys and the guitar is absolutely nuts, especially in solos like the one in wool in the wash. i read a comment once that that song made the OP straightup cry and they couldnt understand why, and that’s exactly the beauty that the songs i BTFG consistently pull through on. I have this thing where i really struggle piecing lyrics/movie dialogue together without captions and even then I really *feel* the passion and vision that the bandmembers wanted to convey. it oozes out of every single second, and so many ideas are packed into each section. sometimes it does feel busy but idec cos it sounds good and thats also just a statement to how much these people love their craft. they put all this time and crammed it into every second, like it all HAD to be there at once before they lost it or something. im kinda the same with my writing style lol but no english teachers grading this so 🖕the lyrics are also some of those poetic interpretable kinda deal, or maybe theyre not and im dumb but Idc. I interpret them to conflicts in my life and they r a nice place to go to to swim in some of my less nice thoughts comfortably, and i think the only other album that’s ever done that for me is vdc by sweet trip. i can keep going but ya this is what happens when nobody responds to me spam posting songs on twitter LOL. thanks for reading
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penultimateapogee · 4 years
hey dude for the music challenge u should do ALL OF EM
heh heh heh... such was my plan ALL ALONG. i will now use this ask as the place to do it (here’s the post btw)
1. A song that reminds you of your childhood: anything from Fiddler On The Roof (the original Broadway cast recording)... my dad loves Fiddler On The Roof and he used to play it all the time
2. A song to sleep to: heh, anything at 2am. but really New York And Back by Leanne & Naara
3. A song that your best friend loves: oh god, really? cmon i cant just know that...! ummmm mazie and i had a really in depth running conversation about her favorite music about two years ago but im forgetting it all. im PRETTY SURE Venus Ambassador by Bryan Scary & the Shredding Tears was the inspiration for her OC Stuart who we both love and occasionally develop
4. A song that hypes you the fuck up: HEH ANYTHING....! oh my god this is a haaaaard one because of how many options i have!!! but also: Awaken by Riot Games feat. Valerie Broussard, because WHEN THE DEVIL IS KNOCKINGGGGGGGGG... SO ALL YOU RESTLESS
5. A song you like to daydream to: i can only say “heh anything” so many times!! literally i daydream to basically every single song; its foundational to how i consume music. i’ll bring out the real heavy hitter now and say Follow You Down by Zedd feat. Bright Lights. ive got some REAL good daydreams for that one
6. A song that’s on at least 3 of your playlists: *breath in* no just kidding, i do my best to make sure my playlists arent too similar. the day you stop me from putting I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers on every character playlist is the day i die tho
7. A song that you love from a genre you don’t usually like: this should be easy; lemme just flip through my catalog of “songs i bought independent of their albums because i was building an 8tracks playlist in iTunes”... actually no, Planetary (GO!) by My Chemical Romance! i dont usually like whatever subgenre of rock MCR is all that much but this one GOES (fittingly shjfdis)
8. A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps: Der Kommissar by Falco. no fucking hesitation. i can thank my fluent-in-german mom for this one
9. A song that makes you want to go on an adventure: Zero by Imagine Dragons! ive daydreamed some poppin’ space adventures to that one
10. A song you’d want to dance with your partner to ( or future partner ): so, so much... NOT Jenny by Studio Killers because i just wanna make out to that one; maybe I Go Crazy by Paul Davis
11. A song to stomp around and pout to: difficult, because when i pout, i pout like grimbark jade, in that i go “actually im better than everyone and you can all smd.” then again, having made that clear, Roman Holiday by Nikki Minaj (shoutout: @floralmarsupial for killing me with that lyricstuck)
12. A song to listen to whilst you lie in a meadow: Folding Chair by Regina Spektor. TOO EASY
13. A song that reflects your views on love: uhhhhh. huh. polyam moments? no songs about polyamory moments? being polyamorous fundamentally affects my views on love in a way im not sure ive ever heard a song capture moments? Hot Air Balloon by Owl City because i’ll be out of my mind, and you’ll be out of ideas pretty soon, so let’s spend the afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
14. A song to sing to the sun: i feel like its probably not the intended spirit of this question, but Coming Over (feat. James Hersey) by Dillon Francis & Kygo. im usually more of a nighttime girl but honestly? call me xoxo
15. A song you like that sounds like its on the soundtrack to an indie coming of age film: ohhhh my gooooddddd literally any fucking Bastille song. any of them. thats like their whole angle and i LIVE for it. im picking Snakes because snakes are biting at my heels, the worries that refuse to let us go; ive been kicking them away and hoping not to let them take control
16. A song that you like that romanticises being a teenager: i would love to say Teen Idle by MARINA for the irony but i cant bring myself to. (ill still link it tho.) real answer is Centuries by Fall Out Boy, because whether or not it actually romanticises being a teen i just feel it yknow
17. A song that makes you want to grab your friends jump up and down dancing and screaming the lyrics: why did they write a question to which the only answer is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen? i dont get it. just kidding another acceptable answer is Toxic by Britney Spears (my white is showing im sure)
18. A song that you like that the lyrics are just so beautiful they’re practically poetry: well actually i have such good taste that every song i listen to is poetry. (trying to remember the lyrics i cried to out of nowhere yesterday. oh right it was The Draw by Bastille but most of it doesnt fit the question as much) ANY Hozier song. im linking his fucking artist page because im NOT KIDDING. ANY HOZIER SONG. i toyed with picking a specific song as an “also, it’s this one haha” but no, im dead serious. i cant pick just one
19. A song that you can imagine listening to in an abandoned church ( if it isn’t hozier im judging you, but whatever ): ironic! to pick a specific Hozier song this time (because op is right, he’s the only choice), Talk
20. A song from the soundtrack of a film that you like so much after the film finished you immediately looked for it: hm, i feel like i have done this before, but i cant recall when... well i didnt go “oh fuck bop [blacks out]” but Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin. remember Thor: Ragnarok? that was a good movie
21. A song for when the sun has gone down and you are feeling absolutely buck-wild with exhilaration!: Lost In Japan (Remix) by Shawn Mendes & Zedd, because no song hits my city-hotel aesthetic quite like this one does
22. A song that makes you feel like you’re strolling through Ancient Greece living your best life: ancient Greece...! that throws a fun twist in it; Don’t Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas) by Regina Spektor
23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains: Shots (Broiler Remix) by Imagine Dragons feat. Broiler. i glanced at this question early on and have been sitting on it the whole time. just LISTEN to it
23. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a europian city whose language you don’t speak): Evelyn by Kim Tillman & Silent Films. it just called to me here
im a little sad that i couldnt put every song ive ever listened to in here so heres some more good ones that i didnt choose: Citrine by Hayley Kiyoko (this is actually a whole EP), Lone Digger by Caravan Palace, Safe And Sound by Capital Cities, Absentee by Jack Campbell, River Flows In You by Yiruma, Instant Crush by Daft Punk, Link by Jim Yosef, Poke Bowl by Radiant Children, Optimistic by cehryl, Quiet by Lights, Superposition by Young the Giant, Far Too Young To Die by Panic! at the Disco, The Good, the Bad and the Dirty also by P!atD, Whatever It Takes by Hollywood Undead, LUNARIA (instrumental) by Chouchou. i know thats easily enough to make your eyes glaze over but mutuals especially it would mean a lot to me if you listened to at least a few of the songs i linked in this post because music means a lot to me and sharing it with other people is one of my favorite things :]
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eagleslouis · 6 years
No it's not an asshole move because their contracts were coming to an end. Why would Harry continue doing something because other people want it? What kind of idiot do you think he is? The only thing Louis carried were water and twitter fights. Legend! Harry is a better singer than Louis, he's better looking and he's classier. That is why he has a solo career and Louis is a judge on X factor. Get it? There's zero debate regarding Freddie's paternity. Babygate can't end because it doesn't exist.
this ask singlehandedly made me want to choke myself but uhh okay lets go piece by pieceIT STILL IS AN ASSHOLE MOVE. its fucking selfish. if he was suffering so fucking bad he literally couldve pulled a zayn before zayn did and left, especially since hes had the azoffs literally in his back pocket since 2013 (irving was literally named the most powerful person in the music industry in 2012, remember?). HE WOULDVE BEEN FINE. and 'doing what he wanted'!!! we know why though, right? he needed to keep his image squeaky fucking clean. even though it is all coming out now, probably didnt expect that one, harold. none of them planned a solo career and louis literally said he expected to be back in 18 months and once that hit and there was no contact, it was like, wow.. its really official. FUCK HARRY. and honestly? i think hes a huge idiot, we know this. he doesnt know who the fuck he is, the 1975? prince? david bowie? idk! is he a singer? an actor? whatever gives the most money i guess! and he doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about it, 'umm yeah i mean umm sott is kinda like about my response to blm and all that, you know? umm yeah just like.. shut up stop crying.' the kid was NOT meant for fame. he couldnt even answer a question without hesitating or having bad word choice, the boys literally teased him. damn, god forbid louis to interact with his band members in a fun way that engages his fans (during times that he didnt have to sing). hes such a dick. hes had fucking dumb scraps on twitter, who hasnt? afawk he did talk to zayn after jay said he should and i highly doubt either of them hold such a grudge for something said over social media. better for louis to actually use social media and admit it than to say he doesnt use it because he doesnt see the point (completely ignoring that when not on tour thats the only way to interact with fans) but then proceed to be liking posts on instagram nearly 24/7... like someone we know. now.. everyones entitled to their own smelly onions so i wont go too deep into this but uhhhh harry can stop straining his voice by fucking yelling in all his songs if he doesnt wanna lose it by 30. he can maybe pick like one fucking genre to stick with??? hes very gio from x factor, who louis coincidentally hated lol. i GUESS beauty is in the eye of beholder, even though harry is fucking ugly. they were right when they said his hair was always greasy, i dont know why everyone was pressed! also i think its pretty damn clear harrys cupcake image is all fucking fake now, hes not fucking classy at all lmao what are you on? real fucking classy move to write a song about an underage girl he met and probably fucked for one night without telling her but including her name so her dad could call her and say that he wrote a song about her :) real fucking classy to slut shame girls for how they dress in his songs but then again play it off that he has the utmost respect for women. too many more to say. his solo career is going well yeah i guess right? honestly a good move to pick tiny tiny venues so they would sell out quickly and people would pay attention to the time sold out versus the size. even though he did fuck over the fans with that whole ticket fiasco beforehand. i suppose!!!! my only criticism is i hope this next album is more cohesive :). dont exactly see whats so horrible about louis as a person regarding him doing x factor? he again went back to his roots and is helping people achieve their dreams which is something he said he would like to do anyway!!! i want his music so fucking bad (and we're getting it in like a month anyway hopefully) but i mean... ill be... patient. i dont think his solo career is normal so far at all lmao and its due to syco because other artists came out and said the same!!!! that they wouldnt let them release music or would give them NO promo. not the same situation at all for multiple reasons. harrys been planning a career w his best friend whose under guidance of his dad, one of the most powerful men in the industry whereas louis wasnt planning a career and is with a well known awful company. also i mean theres ton of debate about freddies paternity lol and if its real anyway, then there HAD TO BE A LOT MORE with the situation he wouldve been in. if 'babygate' will never end, the conspiracy will never end either so get used to it i guess.
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spaced-out-cats · 6 years
i was tagged by @latineglimmer ^u^
nickname(s): irl, none. online, spoops, rain, and spacey ^^
gender: genderqueer
sun sign: cancer
height: 5′4, 1.62m for those who use the metric system!
time: 12:23am (00:23)
fave band(s): panic!, make out monday, and imagine dragons; i also enjoy broadway musicals!!
fave solo artist(s): this is gonna be basic GayTM, but hayley kiyoko. i also like hozier and bruno mars (his first album is a mega fave)
song stuck in my head: bullet for your sweetheart by make out monday (cause they just released that music video yesterday today!
last movie i saw: hmm i think bruce almighty (my brother put it on lolol)
last show i watched: hilda! 
when did I create my blog: the summer of like... 2015 i think
what do i post: cartoons, homestuck, gay, social justice, cats, and funny stuff pretty much sums up my entire blog lololol
last thing i googled: cat smile meme 2018. i have no regrets.
do i have any other blogs: i had one when i was obsessed w astrology for like a summer and then it just sat there untouched for like two years because i didn’t know how to delete sideblogs and didn’t think to look it up uwu
do i get asks: yea!! i didnt used to get them very often but theyre more common now, which really makes my day better ^u^
why did i choose my url: since this blog is a main/multifandom i wanted something that would encompass all my interests. and also i like space and its a pun on ace cause i is ace. and i combined nerd and dork cause i couldnt pick which one to use. im trying to come w a different url but im kinda struggling x.x
following: 557. there are probably dead ones but im way too lazy to go through them all so its just piling up lololol
followed by: 282 followers that have all my uwus
average hours of sleep: usually 5-7 depending on if im lucky or not
lucky number: 3
instruments: uhhhh does a voice count? ive been told i have a nice voice by a couple actual musical people but....... ehhhh. either way does a recorder count?
what i am wearing: my nasa sleep shirt and my favorite black sweatpants  
dream job: a scientist doing conservation work (that’s what i’m studying for rn uwu)
dream trip: theres a lot of trips id like to do. definitely road trip the us, go to japan, go to france/italy again, go to england/ireland/scotland, uhhh egypt... also hawaii lolol oh and quebec
fave food: oh my god this is gonna sound bad but sugary stuff (cookies, candy, cake, brownies...) and pasta 
nationality: american (unfortunately) 
fave song: i have a lot of favorites but... ill pick one from each of my favorite bands/solo artists
panic!: oh god too many, but if i had to pick one... nearly witches
make out monday: hnnnnggg i have two that are absolute faves: sunset blvd and fear and loathing
imagine dragons: amsterdam
hayley kiyoko: maple and wanna be missed
hozier: in a week and nfwmb
bruno mars: count on me and talking to the moon 
last book I read: i havent read in a while and its so sad but i think i read percy jackson sea of monsters
top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: hmmmm...... atla/a:lok definitely (id be a firebender), uhh.... the hilda universe, i really like it so far, and......... either maximum ride or x-men. i fucking love x-men and always fantasized about being part of the team, and my favorite part of maximum ride was that they had wings and could fly and that was always a dream of mine x.x
i tag @aaronalive, @cherrisilk, @rhapsodic-blue, @princecallumsscarf, @demoniclaudias, @saphours, @iidabooberry, @geekyglow, @spookyspacedyke, @sheisthearsonist, and anyone else who wants to do it!! ^u^
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toezi · 7 years
Hello friends so I went to KCON this past weekend……… Here’s my story.
HELL ON EARTH i made a cute kcon vlog and made vanessa sit down with me for a kcon chat about the first day but its too long and do i have time to reedit that? No. so here’s my kcon experience my bros.
Wowie so we had like p5 tickets so we kinda just walked around the convention. We sat in on Joan and Edward’s panel for a while and then we stayed for GoToe and Sunny’s panel and GOTOE IS SO CUTEEE I honestly only used my camera to record him he was…. Adorable. But the panel was so quiet and awkward bc of the language barrier and Sunny wasn’t even talking she was just quietly doing his makeup. And there were only… like 30 people there? It was interesting. Then we bought a few albums (Vanessa bought 2 svt albums and a poster and I got Eclipse and we got AL1 for a friend). We went to this photobooth where you could take a picture with a drama background and they had this wall to vote for your fave dramas and leads and INNOCENT DEFENDANT DESERVED BETTER IT HAD HARDLY ANY VOTES. Anyways we were in line for the picture and we chose the Strong Woman background. As we were walking towards the green screen for our turn we were cut by a bunch of Korean businessmen and they turned around and apologized “I’m so sorry. He’s the president of __” and we honestly didn’t hear what company we kinda blacked out from the shock of these men talking to us. Anyways we were at the green screen to take out picture and I motioned to the photographer like “I am going to pick her up like a baby” and his eyes got so big he was like “Y O U?”. now let me tell you, Vanessa is 5’8 and I am 4’8….. He was like “There’s not much time…. How long can you hold?” anyways we took the worst/best picture ever and he was not amused at all lmao he looked so done with us. So we sat down at food street to wait to be picked up and I opened my EXID album to look at it. Two girls were sitting at our table and were like “Did I hear EXID?” so we started talking about the gorls then they asked if we were here to see VIXX (I was wearing a VIXX shirt) and we were like “No, seventeen” and one had an epiphany and said “WAIT i have a seventeen audience pass” AND WE WERE BOUTTA CRY she only had one tho bUT she also had a red carpet pass so I Took svt and vanessa took redcarpet for $20 each (People had been selling them for $200….) AND WE WERE SHAKING SO MUCH it felt so unreal we were both going to SEE SVT and honestly Eclipse it… the bible… a sacred album tbh, blessed. Then we got some FOOD and ended up sitting with these 3 ladies and they liked my pants and BECAUSE THE LIKED MY PANTS they offered us a bunch of free passes!! They had like 2 oh my girl, 4 Astro, 2 SF9, 1 Kard audience passes and this was literally like 20 minutes later we were SHOOK. We took Oh My Girl and gave them to Mely and Vanessa :^) But honestly we went in expecting NOTHING and the day was so crazy Its been a few days and I still can’t believe how kind people are and how lucky we were it all feels like a dream.
I MET KAYLA WHAT A SWEETIE HI KAYLA IF U SEE THIS UR CUTE AND YOUR DRESS WAS CUTE!! ALSO I MET MELY LIKE UUUHHHHHHHHH ITS BEEN 5 YEARS AND VANESSA DIDNT FIGHT ME THANK GOD. SO we didn’t have many workshops we were planning to attend so my Vanessa and I watched Mely and her Vanessa learn how to dance DWC and Mely was talking up how she wanted to do all these dance workshops AND SHE DIDNT EVEN TRY Mely u looked like a limp noodle. Vanessa was better than u. Then Vanessa and I got some food with Kayla and Sophia (HI SOPHIA NICE MEETING U) and we noticed that it was about 12:30 and the line for SVT’s artist engagement was already forming so we waited a bit and ate as we watched that damn line grow. We eventually got in line and waited for an hour in the sun and it was abuse KCON im suing u. But Vanessa waited TWO HOURS in her line for saturday’s red carpet but she’s got more melanin than me. AND we talked to some really nice people in line IDK who ya’ll are but I lvoe you!! Anyways. We were like? In the 3rd row in the audience and there were a few people letting me get in front of them because I’m TINY and one really nice girl who was just a bit taller than me was trying her best to help me get by tall people and she was so sweet I wish I could have thanked her a million more times ;-; So there were like 3 people from a fansite to my left that wouldn’t let me by (of course) and then THESE TWO LADIES who when we asked they just looked down on me and shook their heads AND THEY WERE SO EXTREMELY TALL I WAS EFFENDED. I didn’t tell anybody this but they were playing DWC mv and i actually almost cried bc after all that anticipation I thought I wasn’t even going to be able to see them and I was so hurt. BUT After a few minutes I decided it wasn’t worth being so hot to not even be able to see SVT so I went to the back and watched from the projectors and WOWIE were they beautiful. Everybody was screaming so much /literally/ the only thing I heard was Joshua say “number two!”. But Scoops was so bubbly and had such prominent dimples, Vernon was a sweetie pie, Blond Jun looks better irl, Mingyu: an angel, Jeonghan????? BEAUTIFUL and dainty he really did look like an angel, Joshua is fkn pretty boy nerd he was just happy to be in LA. DK was his sunshine self and Mingyu…… is so cute?? I wish I coulf give much more descriptions on all the boys but I didn’t have a very good view :^( But let me tell you…. Lee Jihoon…………….. The most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on like he honestly made it all worth it he’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous and I felt bliss amongst the chaos he’s truly a walking miracle on this earth. And omg he’s so tiny.
While we waited for Vanessa to finish the red carpet we got some bomb ice cream i loved that man. And OH BOY WAS VANESSA ZAZZED WHEN SHE RETURNED.
And now here are Vanessa’s thoughts about the red carpet: Ok so the red carpet was really GOOD but I was talking to the girls I met while waiting in line we all kind of agreed its kind of not worth it if you’re in the way bc fansites (I think I saw Jihoon’s fansite mintbreeze there). Also it was really cute seeing all the different fans there. I had a VIXX stan standing in front of me and she was just adorable. SF9 were really cute and one of them said “ITS LIT” before they left and I was like wow same. Donghae and I made eye contact for like 1 second and it was so awkward I had to look away. Cosmic girls were ADORABLE and Xuan Yi kept smiling and waving at fans which made all the fangirls scream and that made Xuan Yi smile even more. When VIXX greeted they greeted and all of them bowed except for Leo who had his hands together as if he was praying and I was like wow that is the most Leo thing i’ve ever seen. Girl’s day…. When I saw Minah’s outfit the girl I met while in line offered her hand for emotional support and i took it so fast bc oooooooh man I lost it. Minah kept posing so….. Suggestively like she knew what she was doing. Also I was super gay for Yura. When SVT came out ho boy I almost fell to the floor bc Jun was first and he was fcknin handsome and really tall????? Vernon is a work of art and Seungkwan is an actual baby. Mingyu was gorgeous I legit couldnt take my eyes off him man. I witnessed Wonwoo be a meme. He just looked at Minghao and had his hand on his shoulder, nodded a few times and looked away and Minghao just laughed to himself. Woozi saw some girls next to me who kept going crazy for him and I could tell he tried so hard not to laugh out loud and looked kind of embarrassed or shy about all the fangirling they were doing for a few seconds it was so cute. But tbh out of everyone except for Mingyu and Jun, Woozi kind of stood out to me the most. He was just so?????? Unique looking??? Idk how to explain it but he was beautiful. Chan was almost the last one to leave the stage bc he kept waving at the fans and doing the finger heart thing and he just looked so happy :’)))) Like Jun had to push his arm a little to make him go forward since Chan was the second to last. Also I had my banner up while they were about to leave and I saw Woozi look up a bit when I did and did a half-smile laugh mainly bc of the way I was holding it and doing a :| face ya know what I mean. So he basically laughed at me and it was an honor.
So the concerto. He was a good man. The venue wasn’t as huge as I thought it was going to be so our seats actually felt really close! Preshow: Of course Jun Curryahn was a good man when isn’t he. Then Korean Effects did some BEATBOXING and he was SO GOOD I felt the bass of that man’s voice in my chest. A girl that I do not know the name of came and sang blood sweat and tears to his beatboxing and that was the first time that night that Vanessa turned to me and screamed “IM SO GAY”. The show: Leo and Minah sang a song from Lalaland and it was beautiful. THEN JOSH VERN AND MINGYU came out as the MC’s and I was SHOOK I didn’t expect those boys. I don’t know SF9 but they were good I was amazed they got the stunts! Cosmic Girls were OF COURSE adorable and amazing. Then the screen was showing 17’s intro and we were like “OH SHIT BOY” but THEN it said “special unit performances” and we SCREAMED We didn’t think they would perform unit songs!! It was sad seeing Swimming Fool without Hosh but they did very well those boys. Habit OF COURSE WAS AMAZING I CRY THINKING ABOUT HOW I ACTUALLY HEARD THOSE ANGELS. And OHHHHHHHH BOYYYYYYYYY the day came. As soon as the first notes of Check in played Vanessa and I held on to each other and started screamiING. Check in is oUR JAM OOOOOOHH YEAHH. Then Girls Day performed and they were T H E hottest group there honestly these girls were RUDE. During their stage vanessa informed me 3 more times how gay she is. She was so angry at Minah for doing that^™. Then Cosmic Girls performed I Need U (boy) and SF9 & Cosmic girls performed Sorry Sorry AND GUESS WHO WAS NEXT THE KINGS EUNHAE. Now let me tell you a story. Super Junior was the first group I ever learned and I became friends with Vanessa and Mely because of them. Oppa Oppa? Vanessa and I have been dancing to that for 5 years and u bet we went HARD when they performed that. I’m still so angry that Eunhyuk made us say “LA oppa”. AND THEY PERFORMED I WANNA DANCE I WANTED THEM TO PERFORM IT BUT I DIDNT THINK THEY WOULD SINCE IT WAS A JAPANESE TRACK!! But the whole time they performed I was screaming about how much I hated their hair. Then Vixx performed and I could tell that a lot of fans were there for them (as well as Eunhae) they got the loudest screams. HYUKS ENGLISH WAS SO CUTE I HAD TO HOLD VANESSAS HAND MY BABY BOY. Im really lowkey glad they didn’t perform chained up tho I was blessed that night. And then………...it was SVT’s stage. I had no idea they were the headliners and OH BOY did those boys rock it. There was one VERY RUDE FOCUS ON JIHOON DURING DWC AND I CRIED INTO VANESSAS SHOULDER. I never didn’t think I was going to scream during this concert… but wow did I surprise myself. Even Vanessa was like “WOah”. But SVT performed a super sick remix of Rock and AND they had a little random play dance time which tbh they didn’t even try that hard but then they shot some tshirt cannons and I saw Jihoon rush over for one and honestly I was terrified for my life. He exudes such a different aura on stage that Jihoon really is “El Woozi”. AND HE STANDS WITH ONE HAND ON HIS HIP BOY WHAT IS THAT SASS FOR. During their ment Boo was being his lil Diva self he was so funny and Dino……. A man? He was so handsome I can’t believe. And Minghao got so many screams I was so proud and happy he deserves them all!! Really all the boys Looked amazing and performed so well I could go on for hours. I heard Seungkwan do the Boo airhorn sound effect and i shed a single tear. Dino was so stunningly handsome like??? He really actually does look older than Mingyu he does not look like the youngest at all what are they feeding him. At one point Vernon was like “Wow Josh, I can tell why you hype up your hometown so much” And JOSH gave him THIS LOOK it was so funny he looked offended, disgusted, and sassy I don’t even know who that man is. Good news: I personally caught no signs of butt touching but I /could/ have missed something. But really the whole concert was absolutely amazing, even if you don’t know all the groups the stages are all so great and I think it was just an excellent concert overall. And the next day we dropped off Mely and Vanessa at 11 for their Oh My Girl audience.. That started at 11. Im sorry Chicas but I’m glad u made it in time. ANYWAYS this has been my kcon experience I had a very good time and TBH I would probably consider going again if Seventeen never fkn comes to california.
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earl-the-dwarf · 7 years
A year with BTS
WOW IT’S BEEN A YEAR GUYS I will be in church camp on the day I found the boys so I am writing this in advance. (no cell service)
A year wow.. it seems so short. If you told me a year and 2 months ago that I would be head over heels with not only one but 3 K-Pop groups i would have laughed and said “what even is K-Pop.” Yes i knew what K-pop was but i wasn’t actually into it. PSY was a kpop star but i didn’t really listen to him that much.
I came in on the tail end of HYYH after being introduced in December of 2015 to the boys. I watched a Teens react to K-Pop on TheFineBros youtube b/c all of my animes were over and SNK wasn’t updating anytime soon and was jut browsing. My first BTS MV was Dope. I was snatched quickly by Jungkook and Namjoon as they were the first two that really stood out to me and their names were easier to learn. It took me a month to learn all the members names. I went on from there to watch Fire. Now, i watched all the MV’s for about 3 weeks before i looked up any other songs. One day I was watching boy in luv and in my recommended videos was this song called Silver Spoon Dance Practice Eng subs, I was like what the heck might as well watch. Little did i know at the time that it would be my first favorite song and be my deciding point on who I biased.
Their music was something i never listened to. I didn’t like rap, hip-hop was a joke to me but BTS changed my view. I can actually listen to american hip-hop and rap now with less distaste. I listened to RM’s Mixtape and i liked it which shocked me because I never ever liked rap. It was different from what i was used to, more real. So namjoon became my bias. Hobi likes to try to wreck me but nah. I came to this group 2 months before yoongi released Agust D. Thank you sir because I cannot write my own birth month now. I biased namjoon, but the rap line, i decided, was my line. I add in Jin and just make my focus the hyung line but i love them all the same.
I told my best friend all about BTS during the fall term, as she wasnt a fan at the time. I fangirled constantly over the boys and sent her many pictures of namjoon and freaked out b/c i was head over heels for his k-pop group. I fought and fought to make her an army, with Lexi’s help, and the night WINGS released she was converted over skype.  WINGS as been the only K-pop album i have physically. Everything else is digital. WINGS was art. All the members did such a good job and their voices are amazing. Later on we met Anna through mutual followings and now we have a group chat together. Honestly if it wasn't for kpop I am not sure Anna and I would have ever talked to each other and I am glad that we did. (Sometimes...) I have 3 really good friends and I love them to death. Hey are supportive and nice and we all can freak out about BTS together, we are thirsty. 😂
so back to he boys.... From that night I have seen successes that amazed me. They broke their own records in no time flat and won so many awards. I was proud. I was amazed at the fanbase. I had only been in in the fan base for under 5 months and i felt that I had been with them from the start. BTS is so so so connected with us ARMY’s and i love that. Namjoon tries so hard to connect with us english fans and I love him for that. I want to learn korean for them. For their music. For an understanding. They do so much for us i want to do something for them. 
Then we had YNWA. I didn’t buy the full album just the new songs. I never would have believed that this little K-pop group from a little company would ever grow this big, this global. The WINGS tour sold out pretty much immediately in America and wow. BBMA’s. I was so PROUD. My boys. On an AMERICAN AWARD SHOW. BEATING AMERICAN ARTIST. SLAYING WITH THEIR LOOKS. BEING THEM. I voted everyday for them without missing a day. I had to. I felt that was the least I could do as a fan. I wanted them to win and win they did. I screamed so loud when they won that my mother got pissed at me. (i was watching it on my phone in the car on the way home from church) I was in such shock that i didnt cry at first. After i got home and sat for a while i just cried. I’ve never been this invested in a group before. I’ve never felt emotions like this. What makes this group so different i asked myself and this is my answer.
BTS is an idol group. Yes that is a given BUT unlike most artist they are not just for the fame and money, BTS connects with us. They are genuine with us. I will probably never get to go to a fansign but seeing the videos i can only imagine how nice they are. We know more about these boys than most artist we are fans of and that is just from them answering our questions and talking with us. Their music is about things that we face. That anyone could face and they tell a story. It’s not just mindless words. Why did i cry my eyes out with Agust D’s ‘The Last’, Namjoon’s ‘Voice’, ‘Reflection’, and ‘Always’, Tae and Namjoon’s ‘4 O'clock’, Jungkook’s ‘Begin’, Jin’s ‘Awake’, I connected and felt the words, they related to me. I can't think of a American song that the words made me cry. I know everyone probably has the same story but this is what makes BTS, BTS. No matter the language their music is global. I couldnt pick another group to stan if i wanted to. I listen to others but BTS has a very special place in my heart.
I cannot wait to see what else they have in store for us and I really cannot wait for J-hope’s Mixtape.
So to 2017 and years to come. Fighting! BTS forever!
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