digglesgiggless · 2 years
and some deathglitch 😳
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digitalvoidheart · 1 year
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an old doodle of nah bb girl when I was trying to make a PNG for darling by maretu
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valeriavionics · 4 years
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got lazy and didn’t finish it /v\
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whoopsymother-blog · 6 years
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New Child.
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:D my OTP
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bengallemon · 3 years
As soon as I saw it I knew I must do something for @bluepalleteuniverse 's DTA
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I had to change the child to a human because from this day forward I refuse to draw skeletons anymore until I can actually draw them with confidence. I did a few minor outift changes and alterations, but the scarf and gloves do give me mega Swap vibes.
I would change Pine's name to Asphodel. They're a Destructivedeath kid, and in Greek Myth the Fields of Asphodel are a place in the Underworld where souls that weren't really good enough for Elysium or bad enough for the Fields of Punishment. The Fields of Asphodel are also home to black poplar trees and the River Lethe, the "River of Forgetfulness". (In this essay I will-)
As you can probably tell I fixated on Greek mythology a few years ago and I can retell as much of the story of creation that I can from the sources I had.
I just really like the kiddo's design and went with silvery wings and hair. The eyes I just changed to a heterochromatic whitish-silver and charcoal, sorta like for the duality of good and bad.
I especially went with Asphodel as a name alternative since Reaper is the god of death, and his opinion of his job and Error's opinion of his own job do have a duality that I like. Also the colour scheme is mainly monochrome (blandness, fitting the roaming souls in Asphodel) with hints of red for the EDGE.
Basically this child is coming close to reviving my love of just reading about Greek myth oh gods no
Pine is by @bluepalleteuniverse
The changes and entry by this crazy child who had to get up early
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years
What is your thoughts on erroreaper/reaperror? If there was a spin-off in TTS where reaper loves error (cuz he's geno) what would their child look like?
Okay first off, I love DestructiveDeath. It’s such a great dynamic, but also just. The potential tragedy of it, with the bittersweet reunion that can either be good or nah. Mmnnyesh. Although I’m sure my opinion’s fairly obvious given my SketchedAfterDeath pics o-o
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I scoured the internet for a semi popular DestructiveDeath ship child, and Extinction popped up a few times huehuehue. I believe he was created by A-V-J on Deviantart, but if I’m wrong please correct me so I can properly credit the design!
I instantly fell in love with him cuz he was freaky. His whole look was just creepy without him even having to do much and I really wanted to try and incorporate that into a dragon design. Plus, the reference sheet I based it off of said he enjoyed being destructive, so that’s a huge plus.
The only thing I changed was the detail of his mouth being sewn closed! Instead of being formed with it, he had a kind of deadly screech (for his specific “dragon breath”) that was causing too much damage to the multiverse. Reaper didn’t really agree, but Error stitched his mouth closed till they could figure out a way to make him, y’know. Not do that. It wasn’t painful of anything, just very annoying.
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h4z-being-dum · 3 years
Reaperror Heat - Overcoming (For Noza)
-- NSFW, Angst, Body Praise, Fluff, Heatfic -- Error always hated being touched, but he wanted to feel the pleasure of sex. His haephephobia prevented him from being touched. Today was the day that changed. He wanted to end this stupid phobia, he wanted to be touched. He stopped himself... what was he thinking? Why did he want this? He looked down noticing he summoned his ecto. What was happening?! He was scared and ran to his room, locking his door.  The world moved slowly around him, each second turning into a minute, each minute turning into an hour, it felt like decades had already past. He finally realized, he was in heat. He let out a small noise as he felt something behind the door. It was Reaper. “Glitchy? Whats wrong? You slammed the door.. Are you upset?..” Reaper had a worried tone in his voice. Error felt terrible, causing all this worry for him. “I-I-I-I’m o-ok.. h-h-hun.. j-just a-a-a f-feeling o-o-odd..” His stuttering had gotten worse. “May I come in?-” Reaper asked. “N-N-NO! I-I’M I-I-I-IN H-HEAT!” Error screamed.  He immediately covered his mouth slightly starting to cry. Reaper opened the door with one of the extra keys looking down at a crying Error. The glitch ran full force into him hugging onto his legs. “R-r-reaper I-I’m s-s-s-so s-so-” The god cut him off “Shhhh its ok.. we can fix this..” Reaper hushed. Reaper picked the glitch up and placed him on his bed, slowly stripping him of his dis-colored clothes. Error shivered, the cold air cutting into his bare body, looking down as he saw a small pussy, he didn’t summon his chest however.  “Do you want to summon your chest?-” Reaper asked. “Y-you w-w-w-won’t l-l-like it..” The glitch responded. “I will, I really will” Reaper promised. Error reluctantly formed two small breasts which on sight, left Reaper smiling in delight. “So.. beautiful..” The god remarked as he lower his head and started to suck on one. Error let out a shaky moan, “R-reapy- t-t-thats- A-AH!~” The glitch was startled by something. He looked down slightly to see that Reaper plunged one finger in his pussy. “So sexy~” Reaper remarked, he pulled his finger out and licked the precum off of it. “So tasty too!~” The god exclaimed. Error was now a blushy mess, leaking his milk as he felt something rumble inside him. He exclaimed as he felt himself cum all over the bed. Reaper grinned licking Error’s even wetter pussy. Error let out a gasp as he saw Reaper take out a long blue cock. “T-t-that w-won’t f-f-f-fit! A-asshole!” The glitch exclaimed. “Maybe~ But I know you can take it.~” Reaper replied. Error glitched more as he felt Reaper’s dick push into his delicate pussy. Reaper thrusts against his walls, leaving Error to cry out, beg for more. Reaper continued to thrust into him as his cock moved close up to his womb, Error’s eyes were filled with glitching, tears turned into rivers, rivers of pleasure. He shrieked as he felt something else enter him, it was warm and thick, it tickled his insides and fizzled along with his glitching. He let out a strangled moan of relief. 
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oreomochi · 5 years
Fanchild List
Twyla -> Solo x Drop
Calypso and Mao -> Dance x Bird
Maiko -> Ink x Dance
Orpheus -> Nightshade x Nightwave
Loralei -> Shattered!Cream
Aicusa -> Errink
Hynala -> Genink
Hoon -> Reaperror
Collibe and Phobus -> Reapermare
Kalama -> Bruhde
Dawn and Nihal -> Drink
Jade -> Errobyss
Alora -> Dreamyss
Amai -> Colorelta
Dash -> FellDust
Akash -> Birdouter
Kira -> Kream
Kurai -> Dustmare
Amell -> Bad Sanses (Fusion of Fragments of magic from the bad sanses' souls)
Efiláris -> Inkmare
Nyx -> Crust
Akuma -> Killermare
Hayal -> Cream
Sero -> Crerror
Kettei -> Crelta
Nari -> Nalogue
Parody -> ErrorDream
Phoebe -> OuterBerry
Oleander -> Inker
Kurosu -> Crink
Sayal -> Diller
Alaska -> EpicFresh
Blakemore -> AfterDeath
Leo -> Shattered!Drink
Deirdre -> HorrorDust
Alaia -> Kustard
Prochorus -> SoloDance
Kenji -> CrossMare
Jeong -> DS!Drink
Coy -> DS!CrossMare
Euthalia -> Fatal_Lavender
Das -> ErrorMare
Sloane -> Korror
Kala -> TemPale
Somi -> Karror
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romandraconics · 5 years
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a bunch of new Undertale characters I’ve made recently!! I’ve been on a fuckin roll with these designs.
From Left to Right:
Night Terror - Nightmare, Error
Reaperror - Reaper, Error
Stained Glass - Dream, Ink
Facade - Ink, Cross
I fucking. Love these guys a lot yall.
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zenyattabreathes · 7 years
Minis’ messy and long friggn mobile-made and un-formatted rec-list here for your Dash Cluttering Pleasure (sorry)
I love my cats and felt the need to share them today. Well, one of them. Audio is not clear!!!! Hopefully this brightened yalls days some ;u; and if it might benefit a freind don’t be afraid to mention them!! Let’s also call this a
@hanzo-motivates This is one of the oldest freinds I have since starting an ovw blog and I love them and they are wonderful and kind with a fantastic blog, a motivational!!! Go and follow every motivational and aesthetic while you’re at it they’re all so good okay just. So good.
@embrace-tranquility Do I even need to explain anything??? Go follow gav, if you haven’t already.
@whitetigermondatta FANTASTIC Monte, I haven’t interacted with them directly yet but they’re wonderful with good skill!!!! Brownie points for also shipping Zendatta, I have yet to find another Monte blog that did before them
@littlelonelykitsune SUPER CUTE OC!!! And well written too!! Aliyana is this zens basic daughter and she’s definitely gonna work her way into yalls hearts too my guys,,, boi I die
@zthegameroftazamilly, Aliyanas main and a fantastic artist!!!! A wonderful blog overall! Very kind person as well.
@anisocoria (I know I haven’t gotten to our replies in a huge bit, but I still admire your skill and character a lot! Please don’t take my lack of response as dislike! I’ve been trying to make myself come up from a low point and there for have really tried to stick to sweet, shippy, sappy things to cheer myself up. Feel free to ooc talk with me at any time!! Even if you wanna rant about your oc to Me! I love hearing about those ;u; ((mine is my special interest, so I really mean it when I say I love ocs!!!!)) This main blog is wonderful with a good aesthetic and dark but relatable humor honestly. You’d have to look at it to understand what I meant h a h, Milos a good. Just a good. With varied fandom. And a discord. And Xbox overwatch. I promoed them before too!
@robots-wow a sweetheart, used to do a genji but is just a wonderful person to follow!!
@eightyeight-papercranes a good blog, a wonderful oc, led by a fantastic mun @platonicallyinlovewithtrees
@cnlightncd (you’ve already got the video percussion but now you also have a promo bc u are just the sweetest bean. Kudos to whoever finds out their art blog ;3 they’re quite lit and have fantastic aesthetics and ocs)
@indigopersei (I love them ok just go my chilren go to this wonderful blog of wonderful ocs and art and also the main to crossdera)
@reaperror because, yes, okay, just yes,
@delasair, really lovely oc here fresh from the oven with a chill mun, gooooooooood
@fauxcowpoke & @fauxsamurai , who I love???? Both???? I’ve only ever interacted with hanzo (If memory serves me right) but I’ve looked at both blogs and definitely give these guys a look. Their ooc posts are adorable too!
@quickdraw-deadeye, who I think I’ve only ever interacted with via a request but it was a fantastic one, good taste in ships and!! Has a reaper somewhere in the woodwork! I love this Jessie though based on the blog so totally give them a look - I know I’m interested as all bananas!!!!!!
Bonus, my ocs blog, because I’m selfish,
@bones-and-bumbles My omnic oc/artsona gone wrong.
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aoiryuujinshimada · 7 years
Arranged Marriage
@reaperror It had only been two days. Two days since his father's untimely death and he was in yet another meeting with the Shimada elders. His wantes to scream at them. Tell them to stop their squabbling and just leave him to mourn with his brother. Yet his years of training told him other wise. "Your engagement the Yumiko is here by dissolved..." the eldest of them spoke. His voice shaky with age. Hanzo furrowed his brows. "I have been engaged to her since I was six. The arrangement made by our fathers...have they withdrawn..." He shook his head. "No we have found a more suitible match. You shall wed one...Reyes Gabriel of Overwatch." For the first time his mask shattered. "I am to marry the commander of the men trying to bring us down? How will the Shimada lineage continue if we can not conceive?" what were they thinking? "We need only you name and seed my lord. Nothing more. You will take the name Reyes-Shimada. Still by all matter a Shimada. You child can be by a surrogate, it has been done before." He had no choice. If he wanted to take his place, to be what he was born to he had no other option but to marry this man.
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wolfrisk-blog · 8 years
@reapertale ( or @reaperror? ) liked your post
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        “ ... I don’t understand. Gaster’s a good         guy; he helped me escape from my old         family. He’s not u s i n g me. ”
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