#rebecca everpetal
voxmilia · 1 month
I know they're not a part of the parents polycule for obvious reasons but frankly?
Frankly I think Jawbone and Sandra Lynn should swing with Karl Cleaver and Rebecca Everpetal Nightingale
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c-k-mack · 11 months
Rebecca Everpetal continues the Elmville tradition of being a better stand-in parent than most students’ actual parents
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embraceyourdestiny · 8 months
i love rebecca everpetal and sam's relationship so much <3
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wolfsongrevival · 6 days
here’s a list of characters there aren’t currently any blogs for ! there can be multiple blogs for one character, but if you want to rp someone that there is no blog for, here’s a list !
Ajax Jones
Alistar Ash
Alston Hughes
Alyria Hempstock
Arcturus Grix
Athena Jones
Baby Baby
Biz Glitterdew
Bobby Dawn
Bud Cubby
Carie Zatrial
Cathilda Ceíli
Corsica Jones
Dayne Blayde
Eugenia Shadow
Gavin Pundle
Hector Jones
Jem Peppercorn
Johnny Spells
Kalvaxus / Goldehoard
Karl Cleaver
Laertes Astrindarius
Logran Soulforger
Lola Embers
Penelope Everpetal
Porter Cliffbreaker
Prospero Jones
Rebecca Everpetal
Shellford Turtleson
Skrank Douglas
Tectonya Karkovnya
Terpsichore Skullcleaver
Tiberia Runestaff
Ulysses Jones
Winona Barksdale
Yolanda Badgood
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zimmbzon · 8 months
Does anyone remember that Brennan Lee Mulligan quote that went something like:
“The healthcare you receive is as good as your ability to advocate for it”
Where was that from? Please hivemind, and thank you!
As payment I present to you Mama Brennan (Rebecca Everpetal) being just lovely to adopted trans daughter Sam Nightingale.
Honestly, Dropout is the only platform that I consume with my guard down.
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18catsreading · 4 months
The hand fan reactions by the other characters in the Seven is *on point* ❤️
Sam Nightingale: Can we revisit setting things on fire?
Rebecca Everpetal: there are a few things that I would like to be ash.
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jewfrogs · 1 year
knowing that sam nightingale is trans makes everything with her in fantasy high ten times richer. sam moved in with the everpetals after she came out, and she’s been best friends with penelope since middle school, and she was so small when she came out, and the everpetals must be the only people who can see the connective tissue between pre-transition and post-transition sam, right?
penelope knew sam’s dead name. penelope might’ve been the first one who ever called sam her real name. penelope keeps a picture of sam when she was ten or eleven in her locker. was baby sam growing her hair out for the first time? pinning her bangs back with a butterfly barette penelope let her have? did baby sam and penelope pretend they were long-lost sisters? was penelope the one who did sam’s makeup for the first time that wasn’t for the cameras? did she hold her cheek and say hold still, sammy, stop blinking, and when she was done, sam, look, you’re so pretty?
and they grew up and sam started dating a creep, and did rebecca and gideon know? there’s no way rebecca knew, because rebecca everpetal would’ve killed johnny spells personally if she knew he was dating her underage daughter, which means sam kept that a secret, which means sam knew this wasn’t a good relationship. and when penelope said that sam was mad about johnny’s chastity curse, i can’t imagine she wasn’t lying to cover for her friend, because i can’t imagine sam wanted to be that vulnerable with johnny spells. and penelope knew he was a creep, too, but she kept that secret.
and penelope’s best friend is a trans girl, and penelope’s been best friends with her since middle school, and penelope’s boyfriend is a homophobe and a member of a militant cult, and what was that like when sam found out? how angry was she? how scared was she? how often did penelope make sam hang out with a dude who wanted her dead? how often did penelope say babe, stop, and nothing else, when dayne said something bigoted in front of the girl penelope slept in the same bed with for weeks after sam’s mom said she wasn’t welcome at home anymore?
how much shit did sam put up with, before her best friend put her in a palimpsest and she decided she was done putting up with anyone’s shit?
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themoonsmywife · 3 years
penelope everpetal was seventeen years old and yes she was evil and yes she was doing a terrible thing and yes she was a cruel mean person. but also she was only seventeen.
and i think about alewyn, who was that same cruel, mean, and often evil person for so much of her life. but who wasn’t evil, not really, she just needed to grow.
and i am thinking of rebecca nightingale (formerly everpetal) who lost a daughter. and i wonder what their relationship was like. i wonder if it is hard to mourn your child after they’ve done terrible things. and i wonder what it is like to gain a daughter, too, and feel that joy and growth in your sadness.
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penguinpanic · 3 years
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Can we revisit setting things on fire?
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conteur-reveur · 3 years
I was absolutely not prepared for Rebecca Nightingale, and I am S O B B I N G. I love Sam and Rebecca's relationship so much.
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punkfistfights · 3 years
sam is canon trans and camille sucks but like. sam has a good mom anyways who loves her a lot and that’s making me sob!!
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filibusterphil · 3 years
When characters take the last name of their chosen family it just hits so different.
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grasslandgirl · 3 years
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th3b4dk1dzz · 3 years
Rebecca Everpetal is too good for this world. ILY.
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matt-mercer-wannabe · 3 years
I love Rebecca Everpetal so much omg
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modernvetherature · 3 years
started watching the seven ep 1 (terrible terrible decision bc i haven’t gotten dropout yet and if i do i will not be able to resist completely abandoning my college essays in favor of watching every d20 ep ever) and dnd is so magical bc there’s no other medium where i instantly fall in love with every single main character. and i totally get what people are saying when they think this is the best season of d20 so far bc the instant each character gets a scene focused on them i’m hooked. not to even mention their incredible chemistry w each other
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