#rebecca ghilardi/filippo ambrosini
regina-del-cielo · 8 months
Team Italy brought home medals from three categories out of four at the ISU European championships, I'm so proud of them 🥲 💚🤍❤
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gealach-edits · 8 months
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Rebecca Ghilardi & Filippo Ambrosini, “Bram Stoker's Dracula, Blood for Dracula” LP || European Championships 2024
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veritphoto · 8 months
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Rebecca Ghilardi & Filippo Ambrosini — L'Estasi Dell'Oro SP at GPF 2023
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figureskatingcostumes · 7 months
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Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini skating to The Ecstasy of Gold for their short program at the 2023 Lombardia Trophy.
(Photos by Wilma Alberti)
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erinaonice · 2 years
ghilardi/ambrosini success today! that program made me so happy!
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Ellie Kam and Danny O'Shea of the US lead after the short program at the John Nicks Pairs Challenge. Ekaterina Geynish and Dmitrii Chigiriev of Uzbekistan, in their international debut, are currrently in second. Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini of Italy are currently in third.
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gofigureelectra · 2 years
Grand Prix Espoo 22 - Pairs SP Starting Order and Predictions
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1. Rebecca Ghilardi / Filippo Ambrosini - Italy
2. Anastasiia Metelkina / Daniil Parkman - Georgia
3. Alisa Efimova / Ruben Blommaert - Germany
This will be a very exciting event from a developmental standpoint. Much of this field is either making their Grand Prix Debut in this event, or is continuing their Debut season. Personally I’m very excited for the depth and diversity that has been shown in this post Olympic, post Russia season.
Even though there is a very clear path to the podium for some teams, there are SO many possibilities based on cleanliness, and how many points may be given up between the SP and the FS.
For Grand Prix Final qualification, a 🥇 will get either G/A or M/P into the final. A 🥈 with anyone else getting 1st will also get them into the final. Based on this field, it would be VERY hard to turn the pairs field into a 3-way-tie-break between Kovalev/Kovalev, McIntosh/Mimar and the potential 🥉.
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shadowetienne · 2 years
GPF (and JGPF) 2022 Predictions (and Dream Podiums)
I’ve been enjoying this season a lot so far, though I’ve not watched every single competition all the way through the way I have some years. The results have been not entirely predictable (mostly in a good way), and there have been some interesting new faces in Junior and Senior competitions.
I’m going to take a stab at my predictions for the podiums of the GPF and JGPF and also my dream podiums. It will be interesting to see how these competitions turn out as a lead in to the second half of the season!
Predicted Podium
Shoma Uno JPN
Illia Malinin USA
Kao Miura JPN
I really do think that 3rd is wide open and 1st and 2nd will be between Shoma and Illia. I am putting Shoma above Illia in my predictions based on experience and consistency. Any mistake on a big element that Illia makes hits him hard, Shoma carries his scores with a more even distribution. But either order between the two of them wouldn’t surprise me.
Dream Podium
Shoma Uno JPN
Illia Malinin USA
Sota Yamamoto JPN
Overall, I would honestly be happy with just about any arrangement that has Shoma on the podium (preferably in first). There is a deep nostalgia about this field for me of having Shoma and Sota skating together on GPF ice again though, and I would love to see Sota podium. The only way I see Illia not on the podium is if he has a disaster of a skate, and I do not wish that on him at all. He’s an endearing kid, and I’m glad that he seems to be working on improving the artistic side of his skating.
Predicted Podium
Kaori Sakamoto JPN
Mai Mihara JPN
Loena Hendrickx BEL
Honestly, there is so little spread in this field when it comes to top scores this season. So much is going to depend on who has a good day and who doesn’t. Definitely keeps things interesting! I genuinely enjoy the skating of all of these skaters, and I hope that they all skate well.
Dream Podium
Kaori Sakamoto JPN
Kim Yelim KOR
Rinka Wantanabe JPN
Honestly, I’d be pretty happy with any podium. I want to see Kaori win this, partially because I don’t want to see her rattled from her 2nd place at her last major competition. I also just love her skating. Honestly, 3rd I dithered so much between Rinka and Mai, but I have been really deeply enjoying Rinka’s skating this season!
Predicted Podium
Riku Miura / Ryuichi Kihara JPN
Alexa Knierim / Brandon Frazier USA
Deanna Stellato-Dudek / Maxime DesChamps CAN
If you’d told me a few years ago that I would be putting a Japanese pair as my extremely strong favorite for winning the GPF in pairs, I would have been surprised, but Miura/Kihara have been so impressive this season! And I don’t know that there’s anyone in this field who can challenge them if they skate clean.
Dream Podium
Riku Miura / Ryuichi Kihara JPN
Rebecca Ghilardi / Filippo Ambrosini ITA
Emily Chan / Spencer Akira Howe USA
I think that realistically, the Italian and American pair I have here don’t have... that much chance at the podium outside of 3rd, but there’s a big race for third and not a huge amount in the scores after the drop off from Knierim/Frazier. Knierim/Frazier are fine and deserve their scores, but their skating doesn’t really resonate for me, so I’m more excited about some of the other pairs. Honestly though, Miura/Kihara on top of the podium is my big wish, and I think that it’s pretty likely to happen.
Ice Dance
Predicted Podium
Piper Gilles / Paul Poirier CAN
Charlene Guinard / Marco Fabbri ITA
Madison Chock / Evan Bates USA
Honestly, other than Gilles/Poirier having a great season so far, there’s not a lot in the scores between teams. There could easily be a lot of surprises in this podium (and Gilles/Poirier aren’t so far ahead that a single major mistake couldn’t shake things up). It’s interesting for sure! There’s only one team here that I think doesn’t have a huge shot for the podium (Hawayek/Baker, even though they’re one of my favorites here), and even for them, it’s not out of reach necessarily.
Dream Podium
Charlene Guinard / Marco Fabbri ITA
Piler Gilles / Paul Poirier CAN
Kaitlin Hawayek / Jean-Luc Baker USA
My biggest wish is honestly for a 3 country podium! I’d be pretty happy with any arrangement of skaters that gives me that, and I think that there’s a pretty good chance at us getting it (a 2 CAN team podium is probably the biggest possibility between us and that). There aren’t any teams here that I dislike, and I want to see everyone skate their best. I’d love to see Guinard/Fabbri win though because I’ve really enjoyed their skating for a long time, and it’s great to see them doing really well this season!
Junior Men
Predicted Podium
Takeru Amine Kataise JPN
Nikolaj Memola ITA
Robert Yampolsky USA
One of the things about Juniors is that they are dramatically unpredictable. I am not confident at all in this prediction, though this podium in some order wouldn’t surprise me based on their skating and scores so far this season.
Dream Podium
Takeru Amine Kataise JPN
Nikolaj Memola ITA
Shunske Nakamura JPN
Honestly, that first place for Takeru is the one that I really care about; his skating is beautiful, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it! None of the others here were people who hugely stood out to me. I’m putting Shunske in third for my dream podium because he’s the only person here other thank Takeru and Nikolaj whose programs I actually remember watching (even though I know I’ve watched all of them at least once this season).
Junior Women
Predicted Podium
Mao Shimada JPN
Hana Yoshida JPN
Shin Jia KOR
Third seems to be wide open, and no one here is unbeatable, though if Mao Shimada skates her full content, she’s going be very hard to beat. I really liked all of these skaters on the JGP circuit this year, and I think that it will be interesting to see how they progress, especially getting a little longer to spend in Juniors.
Dream Podium
Mao Shimada JPN
Shin Jia KOR
Kwon Minsol KOR
I picked my favorite programs of the set. There’s not that much chance of Minsol making the podium, but she is such a joy to watch, and really what I love about watching juniors (the fun of it, the joy and exuberance of skating that so rarely makes to the senior circuit). Mao’s got a lot of that too, and I am looking forward to both of them so much as they develop as skaters over the next few years. I like ever single skater here though, and I’m not going to be disappointed with just about any podium arrangement.
Junior Pairs
Predicted Podium
Anastasia Golubeva / Hektor Giotopoulus Moore AUS
Sophia Baram / Daniel Tiomentsev USA
Violetta Sierova / Ivan Khobta UKR
Based on scores so far this season, it is very likely going to be these three teams in this order. This is a place where there’s a pretty wide spread of scores qualifying, but also juniors can be extremely unpredictable. Did someone have a growth spurt? That could throw things off immensely? They’re also developing and growing fast, so we could see a huge tech jump from one of the teams that has been scoring lower. This is part of the fun of juniors.
Dream Podium
I’m just going to leave it open here. If there aren’t any major tech leaps, I probably would have it with my predicted podium just because I want everyone to skate well, and that’s probably what it will be if there are no major tech changes and everyone skates clean. I would love to see Sierova/Khobta have the tech jump to put them in first because they’re probably my favorites in this field!
Junior Ice Dance
Predicted Podium
Katerina Mrazkova / Daniel Mrazek CZE
Nadiia Bashynka / Peter Beaumont CAN
Hannah Lim / Ye Quan KOR
This, like pairs, is a field with a pretty wide point spread. Unless there are major tech improvements or someone makes major errors, I expect that one and two will be between Mrazkova/Mrazek and Bashynka/Beaumont. Third is more wide open, but this is juniors, juniors are unpredictable.
Dream Podium
Like with pairs, I’m leaving this open. I like all of the teams on my predicted podium, and I want to see everyone skate clean. It’s always exciting to see juniors with tech breakthroughs though, so it would be cool to see someone place higher than I’m expecting with everyone skating clean.
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"Capolavoro" - Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini perform to @IlVolo...
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Bologna la magia di Bol On Ice all'Unipol Arena di Casalecchio di Reno
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Bologna la magia di Bol On Ice all'Unipol Arena di Casalecchio di Reno Alla presentazione oggi a Bologna con il sindaco di Casalecchio di Reno, Massimo Bosso, l'assessora allo Sport del Comune di Bologna, Roberta Li Calzi, e il patron dell'Unipol Arena, Claudio Sabatini Torna a Casalecchio di Reno (Bo) il grande show del pattinaggio artistico su ghiaccio, con Bol On Ice, domani, sabato 6 gennaio alle 21, all'Unipol Arena. In pista alcuni tra i più famosi pattinatori del mondo: dagli statunitensi Jason Brown e Ilia Malinin, autentiche icone di questa disciplina; ai francesi Gabriella Papadakis e Guillame Cizeron, considerati i più forti di tutti i tempi nella danza su ghiaccio. Passando per le coppie italiane Rebecca Ghilardi con Filippo Ambrosini, vicecampioni europei in carica, e Lucrezia Beccari con Matteo Guarise. Grandi stelle in grado di assicurare uno spettacolo unico che rientra nel cartellone di grandi eventi promosso dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna. Dopo il successo dello scorso anno, con il sold out sulle tribune e oltre 10 milioni di telespettatori nel mondo, tutto pronto dunque all'Unipol Arena a cominciare dalla pista di ghiaccio olimpionica predisposta per l'occasione. "Lo straordinario spettacolo di Bol On Ice è il modo migliore per salutare il nuovo anno. Diamo dunque il benvenuto in Emilia-Romagna ai grandi atleti che con le loro interpretazioni sapranno regalare al pubblico grandi emozioni- ha detto Giammaria Manghi, capo della segreteria politica della Presidenza della Regione-. Quello di domani è solo il primo di una serie di appuntamenti che anche quest'anno la Regione sosterrà, la conferma di un impegno per lo sport che ci vede in prima linea. Da quello di base, per dare a tutti la possibilità di praticare un'attività motoria, ai grandi eventi, sempre più straordinario strumento di promozione del territorio". Alla presentazione di Bol On Ice, anche Massimo Bosso, sindaco di Casalecchio di Reno; Roberta Li Calzi, assessora allo Sport del Comune di Bologna, e Claudio Sabatini, patron dell'Unipol Arena. La magia del pattinaggio artistico Velocità, perfezione tecnica, acrobazia, la bellezza del corpo in movimento. Performance mozzafiato e interpretazione artistica. Questi gli ingredienti alla base della magia del pattinaggio artistico, per uno spettacolo adatto a tutte le età e pensato per un pubblico estremamente eterogeneo: se gli appassionati potranno apprezzare l'abilità tecnica e la capacità interpretativa dei migliori pattinatori del mondo, i non addetti ai lavori saranno trasportati in un viaggio dove la musica, i costumi, le coreografie, i disegni delle luci sul ghiaccio costituiscono un linguaggio universale di immediata comprensione. Per informazioni: 051 6272148 - 335 8244308 - [email protected] - e al link... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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figureskatingcece · 10 months
2023 GPF Thoughts - Sr Pairs
minerva hase and nikita volodin (ger) burst out of nowhere. their clean lines and solid landings are gorgeous, and while they have their elements down, i would love to see them continue to grow in skating skills, connection to each other, and unity between them and the music. two excellent programs, win was very deserved. 1 SP / 2 FS / 1
sara conti and niccolo macii (ita) get better every season, and i love watching them. it looks like they've finally hit their stride, and i am so happy for them it's unreal. that cinema paradiso free skate is incredible. can't wait to see them at euros (repeat pls!!!) and worlds. they can absolutely challenge for a world medal. 3 SP / 1 FS / 2
deanna stellato-dudek and maxime deschamps (can) are still solid, and have gorgeous lifts and extensions as always. however. i am beginning to wonder if it might be time for deanna to re-retire. she's FORTY. which is incredible, and i give her all the props and credit for her hard work and dedication, but... how is her body surviving training. oof. 2 SP / 3 FS / 3
maria pavlova and alexei sviatchenko (hun) were the surprise of the event. since annika hocke and robert kunkel (ger) pulled out, they were the first alternates, and they were surprisingly lovely to watch. skating skills and presentation not at the level of the other teams, to be sure, but solid elements held them up. 4 SP / 5 FS / 4
rebecca ghilardi and filippo ambrosini (ita) are one of my favorite teams to watch. their lines are gorgeous, and their ability to storytell through their choreography and execution is so good. aside from the side-by-sides, their programs were nicely done. can't wait to see them solidify everything for the rest of the season. 5 SP / 4 FS / 5
lia pereira and trennt michaud (can) are STUNNING. i love watching them, and i'm so excited to continue to see how they develop. i was a HUGE fan of trennt with his previous partner evelyn walsh, and watching him with lia is just as good if not better. gorgeously laid-out programs, and can't wait to see them at 4c and worlds! 6 SP / 6 FS / 6
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sportsgr8 · 11 months
Uno Refreshes Season Best In Figure Skating Short Program At Cup Of China
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Figure Skating Series Cup: Reigning world champion Shoma Uno set a new season best score for the men's short program as the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Series Cup of China got underway here.Skating to "Love You Kung Fu" and "Clair de Lune", the Japanese talent, who turns 26 years old next month, hit his trademark quad flip, a quad toe-triple toe combination, and a triple Axel, which was credited for "highlight distribution", to score 105.25 points. He also earned a level four for his spins and a level three for the footwork, reports Xinhua. The previous men's short program best score of the 2023-2024 season was held by US teenage sensation Ilia Malinin, who scored 104.06 points on October 20 at the season-opening Skate America. "I did a good job with the jumps today and the whole package," Uno commented at a post-competition press conference. "At this competition, I don't think about the result or the points, I just want to show my program," he added. European champion Adam Siao Him Fa came second to Uno's strong lead, trailing by 14 points. Kazakhstan's Mikhail Shaidorov stood third further 1.27 points back. Local favorite Jin Boyang, a two-time world bronze medalist, placed fourth with a personal season best of 87.44, beating Italian Gabriele Frangipani and Japanese Kazuki Tomono to the fifth and sixth respectively. Skate Canada champion Sota Yamamoto of Japan only ranked in eighth with errors on his jumps. The ISU senior's GP newcomers, Xu Juwen and Dai Dawei of China, sat on 10th and 11th with scores of 65.57 and 64.25 respectively. World bronze medalist Loena Hendrickx of Belgium led the women's short program with 70.65 points, despite an unsuccessful Axel. Japan's Rinka Watanabe and Hana Yoshida followed in second and third. Niina Petrokina of Estonia was close to the podium in fourth place at 62.58 points, while China's Chen Hongyi and An Xiangyi, another Chinese debutant to the senior figure skating, came fifth and sixth on 62.57 and 61.86 points. Skate Canada champions Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps of Canada and European silver medalists Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini of Italy finished 1-2 in the pairs short program on 70.39 and 66.33, and China's three-time Olympian Peng Cheng and her new partner Wang Lei rounded out the podium with a score of 62.91. Skate America champions Annika Hocke/Robert Kunkel of Germany came fourth, while the other two Chinese pairs, Zhang Siyang/Yang Yongchao and Wang Yuchen Zhu Lei finished fifth and seventh on 58.71 and 49.95 respectively. In the ice dance event, Skate America silver medalists Majorie Lajoie and Zachary Lagha from Canada led the rankings temporarily after rhythm dance, claiming 82.02 points to edge two-time world bronze medalists and compatriots Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier to second place by just 0.98 points. American pair Caroline Green/Michael Parsons, the 2022 Four Continents champions, came out a distant third with 76.07 points. China's youngsters, Chen Xizi/Xing Jailing and Shi Shang/Wu Nan, finished the rhythm dance as the bottom two among nine pairs, after the Olympian pair Wang Shiyue and Liu Xinyu withdrew from the event due to Liu's injury. The Cup of China, the fourth of six events of the ISU Grand Prix Series in which the world's best figure skaters collect points towards the 2023-2024 GP Final in Beijing on December 7-10, continues here on Saturday with the free dance and free programs of men's, women's and pairs figure skates. Read the full article
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Campionati Europei 2023 di pattinaggio artistico, oro agli Azzurri Sara Conti-Niccolò Macii
Campionati Europei 2023 di pattinaggio artistico, oro agli Azzurri Sara Conti-Niccolò Macii Il tandem italiano ha condotto una gara sempre in testa in entrambe le prove, corto e libero. A completare il trionfo azzurro la medaglia d’argento di Rebecca Ghilardi e Filippo Ambrosini source
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years
2022 Beijing Olympics - Team Event Review - Team Italy
In contention for a medal: Not really.
Back in 2018, Italy had a runaway shot at a bronze which made them changes strategy and use their strongest skaters across all disciplines. This time, they chances aren’t as good but they do have a shot to quality for the FS segment and it will depend on how their other competitor for the spot (Canada, China, Georgia) will do.
First Strategy - Two switches (most likely strategy imo):
Men - Daniel Grassl, Matteo Rizzo
Dance - Guignard/Fabbri
Women - Lara Naki Gutmann
Pairs - Della-Monica/Guarise, Ghilardi/Ambrosini
With Grassl being naional champions he is likely to get the SP. However, if team Italy will qualify for the FS I believe they’ll put Rizzo in and give him some need Olympic ice experience while letting Grassl rest for the individual event. In Pairs, because DM/G have been injured this season and G/A already saying at Euros they’ll do the team event, I think DM/G will do the SP while G/A the FS (unless DM/G are too injured for that which I doubt).
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Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini's short program costumes at the 2022 Grand Prix Final, 2022 Grand Prix de France and Grand Prix of Espoo. They skated to Somebody To Love and Another One Bites The Dust by Queen.
(© Wilma Alberti)
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erinaonice · 2 years
oh dear dear dear
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