#rebeka icon
saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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“Do you know why I am the best? Because I never settle for less.” -Montesinos, Lucrecia
“I’m quite lonely, and I think you are too, so we can be lonely together.” -Rosón, Carla
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carladuquette · 2 years
The ties were black, the lies were white: Taylor Swift/ Elite series
Ch. 2: Lu/Rebeka 🎵 Cornelia Street
They've been in the car for ten minutes and neither of them has said a word since Rebe mumbled she was still looking for her hotel key card so Lu could put in the name of the place she was staying at, which she'd forgotten in a sudden memory lapse, as a second location for their Uber driver. Lu hasn't brought up the fact that Rebe stopped digging through her purse a good while ago without ever giving her a name. She's too busy remembering how to breathe while Rebe's fingers keep grazing the insight of her wrist.
"You told everyone you'd won the lottery when I first met you," Lu says. Rebe looks slightly confused because she's missing the connection, but Lu doesn't feel like wasting time on explaining. "The lottery! You were such a bad liar. I'll never forget your face that first night at Barceló when I called you out."
"Oh yeah?" There's a challenging tone in Rebe's voice that sends goosebumps up Lu's legs as well. Or they're from the AC. Probably the AC. She should really tell the driver to turn it down, but right now Rebe is talking and it would be rude to interrupt. "Well, you were a bitch that night. And you looked like a Disney villain with that stupid tiara."
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elysefz · 3 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i was in college! april 2018. but i was looking for something new to join. i liked the political aspect of the rp, it was still a pairs rp with the alliance system that seemed fun. i was in the middle of my political science major so i liked the idea of using what i was learning. also the main was very pretty. a lot of it was new to me, that's when we were all using icons and i didn't know what the heck small text was.
which characters have you written over the years ?
oh no, let's see: elyse, aslan, michael, daisuke, roxanna, stella, rebeka (i think was her name??) (stella part 1 kinda), ester (remember the pons?), domas (daisuke part 1 lbr), there was a daniel bruhl fc early on rip to him, ming fa (jianguo part 1), jianguo (my sweet boy, i did you dirty), queen of nambia i don't remember your name but you were fun, duchess of brittany i think?
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
andorra! also layslan my beloved.
what about other people's plotlines ?
the russian plots were always super sexy and the zulus were so good. also england. just all of it.
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
elyse, my little nightmare. she grew up with me it feels like. i was studying nationalism and populism in my undergrad degree and i wanted to play with those styles of politics. she's so screwed up but i love her. her insecurity and the way that makes her clings to her choices, even when they are clearly bad. i think we all do that sometimes, we fear something and the create the situation that we fear. honorable mention to my baby michael and my favorite villain domas/daisuke who would just plan fun.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
i wish i could live in farnauld forever. novel version when?
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
probably my early ones, like early prussia. i learned so much in this half decade about writing, storytelling, and working in a group. i am entirely grateful to all of you for teaching me with kindness and love.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
i'm not going to lie, i've had kalyse on my mind recently. but we had a whole thing with michael planned out and northern ireland which would have been fun. and we had some stuff planned for daisuke too that would have been interesting. also, if we had done it, you would have screamed at the mexico/cuba plot
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
all of them but hshqmas is always a delight. also all the april fools admin announcements which got me every year and now this *weeps*
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'm on discord as ladyjane and my rph is @abbydoesrph. maybe i'll up a 1x1 someday. idk hmu.
what else would you like to say ?
i'm not going to say everything i want to say because i'm in my feelings. i feel like i grew up in hshq; as a person and as a writer. i've joined and left a lot of groups in this time but i always come back here. come home. i want to say thank you. and thank you for your patience and communication and still loving me when i know i screwed up. i can only hope i've left you with as many good feelings as you all have left me with. and thank you in particular to the admins for your care, attention, and dedication to the group. honestly, you're outstanding. i wish i had bosses who would asked for and provided feedback as well you three. all of my love, and i mean all of it, to hshq. xoxo.
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emziess · 2 years
Lu or Rebeka? <3
Thanks so much for the ask! Had to go with Lu, she's always been my favourite of the elite girls. I have feelings, bitch was iconic.
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thesiouxzy · 1 year
Maaaaaan! Of course there would be a Sex & the City pop up in NYC the day I leave 😤 I would have LOVED that! 😫
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virginheaven · 1 year
Favorite musical artist?
Rebeka Warrior I think, especially what she does in her 2 bands, Kompromat and Mansfield.TYA, she's iconic love her
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editfandom · 3 years
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rebeka icons
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credit gagalacrax on twitter if you use
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dobhems · 3 years
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agentsofedits · 4 years
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she deserves the world.
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© marvelphoria on twitter.
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thewildseuphoria · 3 years
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Elite wallpapers.
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cookiecollors · 3 years
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➛ ᯫ ( 끝 . ) ◜﹫: Menbeka Headers ᭡ 🤍 ٬٬
︎ ︎ 🎻 ─ 吝 ﹏ 🎬 : Elite s4 ◟▢ ⟆⠀ ̈ 🥀
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trufflezitas · 3 years
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[...] 丛 𝙼𝗲𝗻𝗯𝗲𝗸𝗮 𝙼𝗮𝘁. 𝙸𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀 ¡ ⵦ 💬𖡎
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ᨓ 斘 ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷🪰𖡎ⵓ䨻 ᭣ ᥒᩚɘw) ᖘᩚ𝗼𑂙𝘁?通。˚★ᩝᐩ. ⊹🕸💭 ̫슪✿! 䵳。°˖ 𝗅𝗂𝗄ᦕᩚ ☓ 𝚁𝖾̲𝗯̲𝗹𝒐𝗴. ̄ ̄ ̄𓍊𓋼𓍊 ◟▓ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷䩞ໂ 𝗰𝗿ᦸᩚ𝗱!𝘁ຮ 𝕞𝗲. 䨻᯾❜🧦(๑´³`(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)˚!﹎
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saintlopezlov3r · 3 years
Matching Icons
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Rebeka de Bormujo🥊, Cayetana Grajera🛍 & Guzman Nunier💳
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ecnmatic · 3 years
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sabssett · 3 years
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sapphicsicon · 2 years
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Rebeka Parrilla Icons
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