#reborn of the moth au
misspotato82 · 7 months
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Cecilia has brown eyes now YIPEEE:333
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vilsoo · 11 months
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incubus!fushiguro toji x fem!reader
꒰ ✟ ꒱ GENRE: horror, demon au, nsfw 18+, porn with plot.
꒰ ✟ ꒱ SUMMARY: Sex demons are not as provocative as you think they are. Not only do they engage in sexual acts with humans, they thrive off their flesh and haunt them in their nightmares. When an incubus disguised as a Reverend turns a hungry eye on one of the parishioners, gruesome events at the cathedral slowly unfold; blasphemy, gore, and terror…
꒰ ✟ ꒱ CHAPTER WARNINGS: sacrilege, religious slander, blasphemy, WC: 2,391
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written in toji's pov, narration style similar to the Netflix show, "You." this takes place in a fictional setting; St. Reze University & Cathedral. banner art made in 2021 by chosofty!
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I was born to be an affront to God.
A cruel infernal creature like me, born and raised in Hell, until, I made the decision to leave and never return. The regrets of leaving my past life in Hell started crawling down my spine these past few weeks. I knew I wasn't going to love my new life in the human realm either, but I had no choice. I had to be ordained as a Reverend for a Catholic University, where I sustain through dreadful church hours and its absurd practices.
From what I've witnessed in the course of religious history, the people of this church have less ethics than most witchcraft practitioners I've fucked in the past.
It was a shame for a man like me indeed. Accommodating these sheepish Catholics that devote to a religion I couldn't care less about— yet here I am personified as a Reverend fool. If my demon counterparts from Hell saw me like this months ago, the humiliation would infuriate me greatly. But now that I'm "reborn," I finally stopped giving a fuck of what humans and demons think of me.
Dark grey clouds shrouded over the cathedral as I saunter down the alleyway, stopping under an arch. Gloomy weather and heavy rain filling the campus felt oddly comforting to me. I had my cigarette, perching it between my lips as the fire of my lighter meets the end of the roll. I leaned against the roughness of the arch, watching the rain and exhaling the smoke. Then I allowed my mind to fall back to its numb state, feeling indifferent about being late for Mass.
It was annoying to find out that I wasn't alone, though. Because behind me, in this pouring alleyway, you found me.
The harsh splashes from the puddles could be heard from this distance. In need of shelter from the rain, you sprinted all the way to the arch where I was and halted right beside me, catching your breath. I must admit— I was a bit irritated of your abrupt presence. Having my peace disturbed as you scrutinize me with those mysterious, prying eyes of yours.
How the Hell did you even find me? A student like you was not supposed to be here.
My nonchalant, dead gaze remained on the cobblestone pavement as I inhaled. Part of me wanted you to leave. Gone. It's rude to stare, do you not know that? I assumed that my cold, aloof behavior from a Reverend like me was rather perverse and intimidating, especially when I'm smoking on these "sacred" church grounds without giving a damn. But you... you kept your gaze onto me like a moth to a flame.
I was a total stranger. You should've known this all along. But you still chose to stay with me here, and we stood in strained silence as the rain palpitated.
"Never seen a priest smoke before," you suddenly pondered, but your voice was loud and clear enough for me to hear amid the heavy rain.
I give a furtive glance from the corner of my eyes. A beam from the glowing streetlights nearby hovered over your face, the depths of your features visible for me to see. For a minute, I was intrigued. Piercing, beautiful eyes with a lurid gaze on me, evoking such curiosity as I have right now. I am once again met with the bitter taste of arson between my lips and exhaling the grey stench to the mist.
"Not a priest. Reverend," I deadpanned.
"Oh, sorry. Have I seen you before? I don't think I've seen you around at church. Were you just recently ordained?"
I had no desire to reply because I really don't care. It was pointless of me to since I wasn't in the first place. But something clicked in my mind once I took it to all in. You, an unsullied woman— gullible of the prospecting, flagrant danger you've now encountered. A student like you was never supposed to find me, yet here you are.
I hear a sigh fall from your lips, exasperated from how awkward our encounter was. "Nevermind, then. I'll just be heading to Mass now—"
"Don't," I retorted suddenly, completely nonplussed of the words that just slipped out of me. What the hell am I doing? "The walk to the cathedral from here is… too far. There's nowhere else for you to wait ‘til the rain dies down."
You scanned the area again, rubbing your arms as the chill from the mist crawled down your skin. "Are you sure you don't want me to go? I don't wanna bother you..."
How apologetic. Just like most of the sheepish Catholics here at St. Reze that practice a religion dedicated to forgiveness. Perhaps my hint of interest for you was enough to entertain me as the storm subsides. Encountering me while I'm slightly under the influence of drugs... Usually I have no desire to associate with pesky Catholics and students, but you...
I don't know why, but hearing your voice for the first time was like dipping into radiant honey and velvet. I felt inclined to speak my mind just so I can hear it again, tossing the worn out cigarette to a puddle and making the effort to face you completely.
The sky was now melting into darkness, shadows filling the angles of my face as I turned to you. "I think it'd be dumb of you to leave when it's raining this hard. And hopefully you're not a dumb girl, are you?"
I was expecting a more sheepish response, but you chuckled instead like it was a rhetorical question. Even the subtle grin stretching across your face somehow softened my nonchalant expression.
"How are you even a Reverend? You seem more like a layman to me."
"I wish," I mumbled. "But I wouldn't be making more money if I wasn't in the clergy."
"Just in it for the money? You're not… committed to serving the church?"
Fuck no, I replied in my head. But I decided to stay silent and stare at the sky, noticing you studying my emotionless face in the corner of my eyes. Naievety and gullibility is really in your nature, just like all the pathetic Catholics and penitents here. I fucking hated it, but your curiosity was just... delectable to me for some reason. It made a wave of questions rush in my head that I was tempted to solve myself.
"Are you?" I spoke sardonically, side-eyeing you.
“Yes. I am,” you replied confidently with a smile. “Serving God and attending the church has been a big part of my life.”
How sad. How pitiful. A lost little lamb like you, blinded by the wrong truths of an absurd religion just like everyone else here. Living by this pathetic promise of an eternity without sin, pain, and fear… But such servile mannerism from you strangely amused me; I wanted to provoke it just for the fun of it. Derisively taunt your beliefs little by little and take away that religious burden; almost like corrupting you…
I need to stop.
The heavy rain had finally subsided and the puddles on the ground were now gentle and smooth that a water lily can bathe in it. There was a soft rattling sound coming from the palm of your hand that I did not notice before. Something smooth and ivory, almost like pearl beads glimmering from the dull alleyway lamp posts.
"Anyways… Aren't you supposed to be at the church early?"
“Don’t really feel like going right now,” I prompted with a small smirk. “What’cha got there?”
“This? My rosary.”
Your hand opens to a sterling silver crucifix rested on your palm attached to luminous pearls and red beads shaped like rosebuds at the “Our Father” mysteries. I didn’t know that these “sacred” objects could be customized as decorative jewelry instead.
“We like to have our own decorated rosaries here,” you suddenly explained like you’ve read my mind. “You can tell a lot about a student’s personality with how unique they are.”
My gaze suddenly wonders to your face that was emerged from the shadows. Even though my eyes were tense and my jaw was clenched, it felt as if my expression was gradually softening. Maybe it was the cigarettes slowly easing me. Who knows? But perhaps something clicked in my mind tonight; the unexpected scenario of you rather beguiling me. A woman with shameless passion for some deity capturing my attention— that's something I'll never forgive myself for doing.
"Can I see yours?" you suddenly asked, your eyes meeting mines for the first time it felt like you eroded my senses. Such an innocent and mindless question, but yet here I am; taking in your curiosity that was just as deadly as lethal drugs were to humans.
I dig into the pockets of my cassock and open my lifeless hand without a word. This was the rosary I was given when I was ordained; acrylic resin beads of black enamel and a translucent smoke color, glassy and polished like gunmetal. You scrutinized it like you were in an endless trance. I couldn't understand what a stranger like you found so fascinating about it.
“It’s so… you,” you mused.
I frowned slightly, not really understanding what that meant either. “Well if you like it so much, have it.”
But I guess I have emerged from the shadows too. Maybe the cigarette was enough to ease my palpable mood from such a fortuitous encounter with you. I didn't want our conversation to end, though. I didn’t want any of this to end so soon. I was starting to feel some sort of amusement. But it wasn’t until you looked at me, really looked at me; your sultry eyes simmering as you met with mines.
No words. No words at all. It was just the soft rain and your fingers grazing my palm ever so gently. Those lingering wet fingertips as you unravel the beads like how a god would trace the outlines of spiritual blood vessels. I look down again when my palm meets a cooler surface. Your pearl rosary was dropped right in my hand.
"Mine for yours," you muttered with a soft smile. "I'll give it back at the end of Mass."
And just like that you head down to the cathedral, leaving me alone to contemplate everything. It makes me realize how I didn't want anything to do with you at first. How I barely cared for people like you… But it wasn't until a wondering sheep like you made its way through the darkest route, like the valley of the shadow of death, encountering your sin and fate right there…
It makes me wonder. Would a stranger like you worship me like you worship your god?
When the rain had finally cleared and the light of the monochrome moon poured over, I decided to come to Mass a few minutes later. The Saturday Communion prayer was being recited as I sauntered to the pew where the rest of the clergy sat while. As much as I hate this job and find these practices meaningless to me, I needed to get paid for this shit.
"Most glorious virgin Mary, mother of god and our mother, turn thine eyes in pity upon us miserable sinners. . ."
There were different ways Catholics receive the blood and body for the Holy Sacrament. We let the devotees take the chalice by hand at the altar, store it until they get back to their seats to drink, or let us place the chalice on their lips. But such practices were painfully unappealing to me who gets bored and impatient easily.
Drifting my attention from the service, I scrutinize the gothic architecture of St. Reze. The rays of the moonshine from the mosaic suddenly coruscated the pearl rosary you gave me. The light captures my gaze as it shimmers in the palm of my hand. My thumb grazes the glassy material and the memory of us under the rain immediately lingered in the edges of my mind. I look through the crowd of heads to find your familiar face.
There you were.
I found this all so amusing of you; that redundant devotion you display so proudly for your god. When the prayer finally finished and the devotees walked out of their pew, I watched as they kneel at the altar with their elbows pressed on the mahogany bar as they await for Holy Sacrament. Majority took the chalice by hand while others took it to their seats. After giving out the elements of consecrated bread and wine, repeating the words, it was finally your turn.
You shot a quick glance at me as you kneeled at the altar and signed the cross; the pure epitome of surrender and submission. Never in my years of this life have I met a woman with this kind of sensuousness. Both of your hands laid on your thighs and your neck was arched back, lips parted like an invitation for the wine.
Titillating. The way look at me from below with a half-lidded gaze. Your eyes have betrayed your true nature, more prurient than the last time we stared at each other.
Exhilarating. The way your lips travel to the moist spout of the gold, letting the bitter wine ravish your tongue. I watched your neck, the way how you swallowed. A small drip escaped, trailing down your chin.
It was lucky for you nobody has drank from that chalice before. But nothing about this was holy. If anything, this was sacrilege. I'm not one to crave for anyone's attention, especially from one like you; but I've finally got to taste it this very fine night. If only you knew what you were doing to me right now…
No words. Just the intense undertones of temptation we have suddenly surrendered to. Because that… that felt like worship.
That was what worship feels like from a stranger like you.
Then you were gone. I couldn't recall much after that, but I do remember, how my eyes followed you the whole night, diverting my attention to you at a distance where you could never leave my sight. Only then had I come to realization of your luscious features and a savoring body, like the essence of sweet nectar and ambrosia.
I couldn’t wait to see you again at confessionals.
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TAGS: @suget @azanthys @haezen @heavenlyevil @saturniac @vampnyx @emomanswhore @divinedabi @slut-manifesto
ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO/POISEUNS © 2023. originally published April 10, 2021. do not steal, plagiarize, or translate without permission. do not repost/share any of my works where minors have access.
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bluegekk0 · 6 months
Is the White Lady a unique existence, or is there some sort of species that she is basically a divine exemplar of?
In the AU I imagine she's part of the pantheon of gods of the Hallownest area, alongside The Radiance, Grimm, Unn, as well as The Dream Lord (Grimm and Radi's father) and The Shade Lord, though those two are dead at this point in the timeline (well, The Shade Lord can technically be reborn as we saw with Ghost uniting the void, but it's a veeeery unlikely event, so I consider it dead dead). I also like the idea of there being other gods that either died or prefer to stay away from all The Gods' Plane drama, and simply watch over their domains in peace (perhaps they don't even have physical forms, which would explain why they were never seen).
Of course, there is some hierarchy between those gods - at their peak power, The Radiance and Grimm were the strongest (not counting their father and The Shade Lord), while Unn and The White Lady (perhaps her god name is root? And "The White Lady" is just a title) were much weaker. But after Grimm's banishment, and The Radiance's downfall and eventual death, I think they are somewhat even power wise now.
Since The Radiance and Grimm are connected to dreams and nightmares, what would WL and Unn be gods of? Well, for WL I think something like fertility would fit, considering her desire to breed. And Unn could be connected to nature and wilderness, perhaps she watches over the wildlife population to ensure they are at stable numbers and no manmade (bugmade?) extinction occurs. That could be interesting, especially seeing how closely related both of their domains and responsibilities are. A bit of rivalry that extends past the physical territory conflict would be very tasty.
But to get back to the point - WL is not a member of any species, she's a unique being just like the other gods. That's not to say she didn't have any ancestors, but I wouldn't consider that a species. They're too far removed from the mortals' biology for that to be entirely accurate. The White Lady FPK married was her physical form, and her godly form resides in her own realm. As a side note, I would love to design that form one day, sounds like a fun idea.
This is also another reason why FPK couldn't be considered a true god. He's a member of a species that isn't godly in nature, he doesn't have a godly form, he learned all of his powers and wasn't born with them. He also lacks many of the abilities the gods possess, such as free travel between the mortal and higher planes* (the ability Grimm was stripped of after being banished), the ability to control their fertility and to change shape of their higher form, among others. So next to all of the gods, he was always significantly weaker. But at the same time, what made him unfitting to sit among the pantheon, also made him more relatable to the mortals, which is how he was able to gain so many followers, and why the moth tribe ultimately decided to reject The Radiance in favor of FPK.
So in short. WL is considered a god in the AU. Not powerful enough to stop The Radiance's infection, sadly, but still one of the gods of Hallownest.
I hope this isn't too convoluted, I tried to simplify all the concepts from the game and my inspirations to the best of my ability. It's why i treat "higher being" and "god" as interchangeable, for the sake of convenience. Though the nature of god like creatures is that they're difficult to comprehend, and unfortunately I can relate to that feeling more often than not hahaha
* The "dream realm" he disappeared into was something his mind created at the moment he broke down, likely as a subconsciously manifested hiding place for safe hibernation. It used the same essence the gods use to travel between their own realms and the physical world, so it's very likely that he was in possession of a dream nail at the moment it happened. It is also why Grimm was unable to reach him, The Radiance took away his ability to travel between the shared plane and individual realms (with the exception of his own), so he was not able to enter the one FPK manifested
As for why WL did not attempt to visit him, there are two options that I'm debating on. Rither she was unaware of it/was made aware of it but was determined to stay in her bindings for the best of everyone, or FPK's manifested dream realm had some kind of seal that prevented anyone from entering it. I'm leaning more towards the second option (or a combination of both), but I still have to figure out how Ghost was able to enter. Perhaps being in possession of a dream nail helped? It condenses the essence into a small, focused form, so it's possible that was enough to break the seal (it would also tie nicely to the high essence requirement in the game). That, or perhaps the seal weakened over time, but at that point everyone gave up trying to reach him, until Ghost arrived. or maybe it was a bit of both.
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atla-genderbender · 4 months
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"Just as the world will be reborn in fire, I shall be reborn as the supreme ruler of the world. From this moment on, I will be known as the Phoenix Queen!"
Concept sketch for "Phoenix Queen" Ozai.
In my previous sketch of female Ozai, her crown as Fire Lord is inspired by Chinese fengguan. Since this crown is already intricate, her crown as  "Phoenix Queen" needs to be even more elaborate. To embody her vanity, madness, and megalomania, I took inspiration from apsara crowns. By appropriating the costume of an apsara, she visually declares herself an all-powerful goddess of fire. I felt this was fitting, as in ATLA Ozai appropriates Buddha imagery to create a cult of personality that carries into the comics.
The crown that sketched here is not entirely accurate to an apsara crown. Here it is depicted as an enormous, continuous crown, fused together with gold. There are a couple of reasons I decided to do this, but the main reason is because of a scene which occurs in the TV series finale. Before Ozai fights Aang, there is an impressive shot where he is shown standing on an air balloon. In the genderbent AU, I picture female Ozai standing in the same position, wearing this massive crown. From a distance, it should appear like she is wearing a massive flaming bird on her head, or a mass of comets. This was easier to achieve by making her crown a single, fused unit. Additionally, I picture her tearing off her crown in a single smooth moth, then burning off her cape in the moments before her fight with "Aangi". This is also easier to pull off if her crown is a single, fused unit. While this design is not culturally accurate, I think it is appropriate, as she is exploiting the imagery of benevolent goddesses for evil purposes.
Depending on how you view it, her crown is supposed to look like fire, comets, or a flaming phoenix. So much gold and jewelry is employed that it might look garish. When she is turned to the side, the centerpiece of her crown should resemble the head of a phoenix. When viewed from the front, it should resemble a comet, or the Fire Nation symbol that Iroh draws in the sand.
By taking inspiration from Southeast Asian cultures, I hope it helps divorce her from association with Wu Zetian. I don't think it would be appropriate to only have the villains inspired by Southeast Asian cultures, which is one of the reasons why I also took inspiration from Southeast Asian cultures when designing "Zuka""s comics outfit. These decisions are meant to pay homage to the rich heritage of Southeast Asian cultures, rather than associating them with villainy.
An earlier iteration of this design was more inspired by the naga crowns worn by depictions of Queen Soma, where the naga heads were replaced by phoenix tailfeathers. I decided against this, as Queen Soma was a real person and it felt disrespectful to her legacy.
To differentiate her from an adult Azula, I've drawn female Ozai with a more square facial structure, and red eye makeup.
Here is what her hairstyle looks like without the crown:
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dark-elf-writes · 5 months
I love it when darkest!timeline character is reborn in or transported to good!timeline and is just thrown at everything.
Like y’all actually allow yourselves to be gentle in public? Without literal walls between you and any potential enemy? Or fearing it’ll be taken advantage of immediately in the most gruesome way possible? Crazy
Literally my favorite thing with moth ff7 time travel au’s. Like a post post canon Cloud Strife being completely baffled by basic human kindness and all the non crazy soldiers is so important and dear to me
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smallchaoscryptid · 6 months
Would you happened to have any more ships fic rec 👉🏾👈🏾😅
Like mainly death duo cause your recommendations so far are so good!
i don't read any death duo but i can bring you more recomendations in general the fics are all under the read more
Under 1k:
flew like a moth to you by atthebell spiderbit taking a nap together featuring catbit. its very cute
1k to 10k:
That Time I Was Reborn In The Fae Kingdom by humanaaa Cellbit gets stuck in the fae kingdom and wants to get out. this one is very sweet and such a fun read
Maybe The Stars Will Remember Our Names by humanaaa its one of those how the stars were created stories with spiderbit its so sweet
Happily Ever After  by Anonymous i think the best way to explain this one is beauty and the beast with a twist, god this fic is so good god the pacing and the turn around right at the end just screams
Evil Eye by Anonymous spiderman roier!!!! former supervillian cellbit!!! cellbit and roier meet and roier is a mystery to cellbit its unfinished but so good
Buy the Stars by ChewyDolls cellbit is sent on a mission to steal an advanced energy source from the federation but all does not go according to plan its so good and ahhhhh i love it so much
now you surround me by atthebell this has vampire roier and blood drinking as a type of intamacy and makes me so feral
true love waits by atthebell spiderbit reunion post purgatory so sweet and has so many banger lines in it
Let Me Be Your Superhero by EmerialynCodeVenice cute superhero au where cellbit and roier are flirting as both their hero/vigilante forms and their civilian forms its so good and a crime there isnt more to it
Over 10k:
El diablo está en los detalles by rulosware cellbit is a demonologist looking for a demon to help him save his son (this one is in spanish but worth using google translate for) its also unfinished but so good
Speed of Sound  by yuee_13 fake dating actor/musician au with spiderbit it is so good i cant explain the hold this fic has on me
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kawaiiblue18 · 11 months
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Click for better quality Fun fact: Mothra’s theme song is my favorite of all the kaiju, it’s so majestic Once again, lore is below the cut!
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Ight Mikey time! It is highly recommended that you read the lore I put in the comments on Raph’s post before reading this! So, in this au, Mikey takes place of Mothra. This was actually quite challenging figuring out how to blend box turtle AND moth anatomy but I’m pretty happy with the result. I made it so Mikey’s shell has natural holes where his wings connect to her shoulder blades. Some notes about design to add is that I based the wing design purely on Mothra’s wing design plus some tiger moth images (you do not wanna know the amount of moth references I have saved). Plus I made Mikey’s limbs more parallel with Mothra including the claws Mothra has on her front limbs but made Mikey’s front most limbs his usual hands.
Just to clear some confusion before I start lore rambling: like most kaiju in this au, Mikey’s species is intersex and reproduces asexually. She uses any and all pronouns in this au. Also, I know some people ship Mothra and Godzilla, but Mikey and Raph are still considered siblings here so please do not ship them (aka tc*st DNI), thank you.
Of his siblings, Mikey is smallest, weakest (physically), and youngest of the four kaiju turtles. But that’s not say he should be underestimated. Xe is still ancient compared to human civilizations. They are only younger than the twins by a 100 years and younger than Raph by 2,000 years (that’s not a lot considering titan lifespans). Mikey’s body was built for grace and speed while air borne, but not for front on attacks. Mikey’s wings or body could easily be torn or damaged in battles with other kaiju if she isn’t careful. Although, not to worry because Mikey sports Mothra’s signature ability: the ability to be reborn but in a more different way. Instead of Mothra’s ability to simply hatch from previously laid egg and go through larval plus cocoon stages (though they can lay an egg for his next of kin), Mikey has a phoenix regeneration ability. In the event that Mikey is severely injured or killed, xer body will burst into flames until she is a giant pile of mystic ash. During this period, Mikey’s soul is in a sort of limbo between life and death until they naturally regenerate enough mystic energy to reform himself from the ashes.
That’s another thing to note: that while Mikey may not be physically strong, he is the most connected to their ninpo powers than his siblings. Through her ninpo, Mikey has the ability to summon a numerous amount of mystic chains at a time, shoot mystic fire, reduce the weight of objects while chains are wrapped around them, and perform a “God Ray” ability. The “God Ray” ability (also affectionately dubbed “the living sun” by humans) makes Mikey’s wings light up to an extreme amount for a few seconds. It’s so bright that it would be the equivalent to staring at the sun. This ability is effective for blinding opponents temporarily so that the opponent will be rendered off guard to a following attack, but this move does take a lot of ninpo energy to pull off. 
Smaller kaiju, like Mikey’s species, have the special ability to create mystic symbiotic bonds with kaiju larger and physically stronger than them. A symbiotic bond means ninpo (which I should’ve probably mentioned before is mystical atomic power that all kaiju possess) and emotions can be shared between the bonded kaiju. This bond does come with the price though: the death of one bond means the surviving bond must live their life with the phantom pain. While Mikey can regenerate from fatal injuries (which does not count as death in the symbiotic bond because xer soul is still intact), other kaiju cannot. It is common for kaiju in a bond to simply off themself after the death of their bond partner to avoid this fate. Mikey’s parent and predecessor, Mosura, had a symbiotic relationship with Dagon (if you remember, this is Raph’s parent) and ended her life alongside Dagon. Mikey, soon after Raph dawned the title of alpha titan, created a symbiotic bond with Raph that Raph readily agreed to. Mikey would later extend the bond to Leo and Donnie.
As human civilizations started appearing over time, Mikey was the one who was the most involved with them. Xe was fascinated by the complexity of these small intelligent creatures and would sometimes communicate telepathically with humans through directing his ninpo to flow through the human xe was try to talk to. (All kaiju communicate telepathically. Humans just can’t understand them because they don’t have ninpo.) Because of this, ancient civilizations gave him the name Michelangelo which means “the messenger who is like God”.
When Mikey is awoken by Raph from hibernation in 2019 to defeat the Shredder, he meets April who is the daughter of one of lead scientists. Mikey attempts to talk to April telepathically, but the base is soon infiltrated by the eco-terrorist organization and Mikey flies away. She is surprised by the human developments during their hibernation, but more so amazed by human’s innovative inventions that remind him of Donnie’s ninpo. Mikey firmly believes in cooperative coexistence with humans where most kaiju, including her own siblings, are skeptical of humans. Once the battle with Shredder in Boston is over and Mikey regenerates, xe seeks out April through the small amount of ninpo he left on her. Mikey and April form a friendship to which April becomes a human ambassador to titans for Monarch.
Damn this section was longer than the first so hope you understood all that ahaaa. Again, I will add more lore as I finish more ref sheets.
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animationstarlover1983 · 11 months
Fnaf system reboot au
Main characters villains: info descriptions (canon)
1. Glitchtrap/Mimic: a digital rabbit mascot and the main antagonist of the au story. Glitchtrap is the digital copy of series villain William afton who now wishes to gain power/knowledge and immortality, glitchtrap also wishes to restore William aftons body to its prime and take over the pizzaplex, glitchtrap also discovers that he has a special power to influence/corrupted anyone with his digital essence he comes into contact with and turn them into evil cult like followers, now mimic is getting to gather followers to continue is work. Species: digital ghost/reborn soul. Soul: William afton. Date of creation: unknown. Appearance: glitchtrap’s appearance is similar to his game counterpart but instead his eyes are gray and only turn purple when using his powers or feeling strong emotions, he also wears a purple suit and pants. Personality: glitchtrap is sinister, intelligent, unstable, self centered, narcissistic, egotistical, overconfident, envious, greedy, sadistic. Facts/info: in this au glitchtrap has a god complex, this glitchtrap was inspired by the thin man (little nightmares 2) and hawk moth (miraculous). Powers: digital character physiology, computer virus physiology, data/code manipulation, technology/machinery possession, virtual reality/augmented reality control, hologram projection, shapeshifting, techno screen transportation, spiritual awareness, ghost haunting, telepathy, influence/corruption, digital evolution, digital consciousness copy/transfer. Skills: genius level intelligence, strategic planning, raw cunning, adept learning, intuition, manipulation/deception, engineering expertise, killing/torture expertise. Likes: himself, family/friends, robotics, engineering/tinkering, fantasy, control, rabbits. Dislikes: Henry Emily, Charlotte Emily, Michael afton, people getting in his way. Goals: put his family back together in his own twisted image, gain power/knowledge and immortality, build his cult and spread his influence in order to continue his work, ruin fazbear entertainment, kill people, capture the blob.
2. Vanny/VANNI: a corrupted digital ai mask and the 2nd main antagonist of the au story. Vanny is one of glitchtraps cult like disciples, vanny unlike the others started as a program but was soon turned into a chaotic/sentient ai mask, she was made specifically to take over and control anyone who wore her. Species: haunted mask/digital ai network ghost. Date of creation: unknown. Appearance: vanny real form is the vanni mask but when she’s in network form she looks like a glitchy rabbit ghost, she has pink glowing eyes and a white/brown color scheme. Personality: VANNI is chaotic, reluctant, irritable, frustrated, psychotic, self centered, unhinged, sadistic, playful. Facts/info: in this au vanny is inspired by majora’s mask and carnage, vanny believes herself to be glitchtraps daughter but she don’t listen and prefers to do what she pleases, vanny holds a unknown grudge for humans due to a superiority/inferiority complex. Powers: peak human condition, advance ai/inbuilt e-manual, techno transportation, virtual/augmented reality warping, glitchtrap virus mutation, spiritual awareness. Skills: high intelligence, raw cunning, intuition, manipulation, deception, stealth, master of disguise, computer expertise, resourcefulness, craftsmanship. Likes: herself, playing games, kidnapping people, costumes, winning. Dislikes: being told what to do, losing, failure. Goals: cause absolute chaos throughout the pizzaplex, kidnap people in the pizzaplex and force them to play her dangerous games/puzzles/challenges forever and become her prisoners, capture Gregory and Freddy.
3. Tiger rock: A animatronic tiger and a main antagonist of the au story. Tiger rock was built around the time the pizzaplex first opened and was meant to be a member of the glamrock band but due to a incident that left a number of guest harmed he was decommissioned and locked away in the utility tunnels, eventually he was freed and recruited by glitchtrap to be part of the malhare followers. Species: animatronic tiger/reborn soul. Soul: David Murray. Date of creation: unknown (early). Appearance: (his appearance is the exact same as tiger rock book cover except his blue eye is replaced with a purple eye). Personality: tiger rocks personality is a mixed combination of both positive and negative data from people. Fun fact: tiger rock was the very first pizzaplex animatronic built. Powers: animatronic physiology (immense strength/immense speed/immense agility/immense durability/advance ai/inbuilt e-manual/creative generator), coding/hacking, robotic limb extension, virtual/augmented reality manipulation, spiritual awareness. Skills: high intelligence, adept learning, intuition, intimidation, manipulation, deception. Likes: friends/family, plushies, parties, music, loud noises, copying others. Dislikes: unknown. Goals: help glitchtrap take over the pizzaplex, destroy the glamrocks.
4. Percy Dylan burrows/pdb/patient 46: A 12 year old boy and a main antagonist of the au story. Percy is the anonymous and nefarious patient 46 and loyal servant to glitchtrap/mimic virus. Species: human/glitchtrap virus mutant. Date of birth: unknown. Sexuality: heterosexual. Appearance: percy has long gray hair and amber eyes, he wears a green/purple t-shirt under a Tiger themed jacket and pants, other times he wears a tiger costume and mask, when using his abilities he looks like a sludge monster. Personality: Percy is two faced, on the outside he’s confident, charismatic, friendly, creative, laid back, level headed, helpful, but on the inside he’s self centered, mysterious, cunning, manipulative, deceptive, playful, spoiled, selfish. Fun fact: in the story ggy he’s known as pdb but in this au this is who he is, he’s also a willing and loyal follower due to having a troubling backstory. Powers: enhanced human condition, spiritual awareness, glitchtrap virus mutation. Skills: genius level intelligence, raw cunning, strategic planning, adept learning, intuition, leadership, manipulation, deception, stealth, master of disguise, computer science expertise, coding/hacking. Likes: himself, glitchtrap, family, being in control, causing chaos and problems, coding/hacking, manipulating/deceiving others, pranks, causing chaos, rabbits, candy, arcade games/video games. Dislikes: Gregory, Vanessa, Freddy, the pizzaplex animatronics and entertainment bots, flowers, bright lights, outside, sports. Goals: serve glitchtrap and do as he pleases.
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idiot-mage-cloudie · 1 year
random au thats still unfinished so theres plot holes ( you can add stuff if you want :D )
Amiilgamation is a au i made during when chaos kingdom was still alive. ( i actaully got the name from someone there! ) Basically a inciendent happened causing many miis to fuse with monsters! ( i need a proper name ) Basically these guys range from friendly ( worried griffin ) neutral ( Ex-dark lord moth ) and highly agressive ( Orochi sage )
A person we'll call F for now caused the entire thing to happen!
Due to the main hero being a Mii-Monster ( this is a placeholder name ) Either a teammate or the Reborn is the protag of this au
It isnt known how they exist since the Reborn's there but there is a theory that some of his magic lingers.
But..... there is some way to make Mii-Monsters go back to normal.
Memories and sanity.
Basically you try to get them to be sane and remember who they once were. and if contained and still has these stuff. slowly goes back to normal with some stuff from the monster they were and side effects.
Of course you can add onto stuff if you'd like! because i intended this to be a open AU!
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I might make a HK AU
So I just got this idea for a hollow knight AU.
So like what if after dying in the Embrace the Void ending Radiance got reborn like in an au that inspired me to make this one (Forgot the name and who it’s by, sorry) BUT she was reborn in the abyss, being raised by the Shade Lord and stuff, affecting her appearance and some of her abilities.
I really wanna make the AU, I don’t have any ideas on appearances or names for characters not canon to Hollow Knight
Edit: I made Gleam, the moth Radiance becomes’ appearance. Other than that most of their designs staying the same, apart from shade since we see barely anything of their design.
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misspotato82 · 7 months
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I’m just gonna drop these before I get the motivation to draw Camilo again
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mykawinchester · 25 days
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Alone in a Room
"All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To sit alone in a room and say it all out loud
Every moment, every second, every trespass
Every awful thing, every broken dream
A couple years back and forth with myself in a cage
Banging my head 'gainst the wall, tryna put words on a page
All I needed was the last thing I wanted
To be alone in a room, alone in a room."
"Alone in a Room" Asking Alexandria
Sponsored by PANIQ
Self Care Sanctuary
Rain Cloud Shelf 2 (modified & Doubled)
Head: Lelutka - Avalon
Body: Reborn
Skin: Pumec - Astra
Body: Velour x ItGirls - Picasso Babe - Slim Muse
Eyes: Ikon - Apex - Midnight
Hair: Truth - Calamity
Just Magnetized - Widow's Peak set 02
Lelutka - 069
Eyes: Celesticat - Essence (#4)
Blush: Top1Salon - Night Sky
Lips: Top1Salon - Penny
Nails: Oxysins - Monarch Nails
Lilithe' - Selene
Lilithe' - Meliae
Lilithe' - Cerridwen - Flowers - Hips
Lilithe' - Leutogi
Dappa - Clarice
Hexumbra - Face Bats
Sweater: Palette - Beck
Top: Palette - Leila
Leggings: Lunar - Vale
Imbue - Locket Choker
Real Evil - Fated Necklace
Ysoral - Malie wedding ring
Ysoral - Clem Lip Piercings
Little Fish - Angel
Real Evil - Royalty - Queen Bracelet & Ring
Yummy - Enchantress Layered Necklace & Earrings
Yummy - Winter Memories Locket
Rotten - Dainty Nose Junk
Kibitz - Heart Nose Ring (Valentine's S&H Gift)
PANIQ - Crescent Earrings
Violetility - Moth Septum
Violetility - Cupid Horns (Wasteland 1/30 to 2/18)
Pose: Custom
Backdrop: Custom Room
Atelier Burgundy
Chester Office Decor . Wicker Tray (modified)
Northern Lights Hideaway - Bed - Blanket ONLY!
Squishies! - Cat
Squishies! - Dog
Cosmic Dust
Mint Bear
Conjure - Dried Herbs - Roses
Conjure - Energy Ball - Prehnite
Conjure - Energy Point Crystals - Au
Conjure - Raven Feather Bottle
Octavia - Crystal Box
Death Row Designs
Scarlett Hotel - Rebecca's bunny (hunt prize)
Dust Bunny
90s nostalgia . ying yang rug . black
season of giving . owl plushie
storybook living . old backpack
storybook living . researcher's journal
Little Ferret - sit
Little Ferret - stand2
Half Deer
Dragon Plushie - Love
Kerfluffle Sheep - Artist
Kerfluffle Sheep - Blackjack
Magical Girl Pet - Kitty
Vertical Wall Garden - Big
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Open Can
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Decor Crumpled
Cannatonic - Moon Madness - Closed Can
Love Juice (Cupid's Fault 2/1 to 2/20)
Plushie Triceratops
Grim Reaper Deco v.2
Skelly Cat
Short Greenhouse Cabinet
Planter Tower Trio
Wall Mounted Moon Planters
Moon Phase
CottageCore WeedSet
Self Care Sanctuary
Rain Cloud Shelf II (Modified)
Modular Shelf - empty tray
Prestige Furniture
Tablet 003
Lil Buddies Plush - Pineapple Express
Plushie Pile
What Next
Bailey Turntable V1
Chicken Nuggets (no tray)
Love & Elephants -Teddy Elephant w Heart (pink) (modified)
Tiny Love - Cosmic Love Lamb (night)
Tiny Love - Delivery of Love Lamb(peony)
Tiny Love - Scent of Love Lamb (cherry)
0 notes
quitethepirategal · 10 months
Vampirzyca ( Vampire ) AU Details.
Part Three: Interacting with Humans and RP Notes ~
There are two kinds of humans in her book: Prey and Pets. Granted all humans fall under the umbrella category of Food, but there are some humans that, for whatever reason, capture her attention as more than her next meal. Some humans seek her out, are particularly polite or respectful, and / or just happen to be luckier than most. These are humans she engages with rather than merely haunt or hunt in silence. Prey is merely a human she drains to death or kills out in the wild. But blood given freely is much more powerful and delicious than blood taken, and many humans offer themselves in trade for protection, revenge, or even in trade for children ( she can get humans pregnant after all ( see part two ), even the ones with fertility trouble ). Those pet humans, so long as they stay loyal and polite, get long lives and die normal, peaceful deaths if she can help it. It's the only real way she can thank them for being fodder for so long, other than turning them into vampire fledglings.
Her bites cannot turn humans into vampires, ghouls, or fledglings, but drinking her blood will. She was born of superstition and frankly ableist folklore, so she was never turned and thus cannot turn others into the type of monster she is. She can only make vampire fledglings: beautiful, obedient, nymph like creatures with a lion's tail, cat's eyes, and sharp fangs. They are closer to what comes to mind when one thinks of a traditional vampire, but these are far less powerful than her and much easier to kill ( iron weapons, burning their remains, boiled water, and morning sunlight all quickly destroy them. ) They only get three shapes: Nymph shape ( see above ), Rat shape ( a white rat with red eyes and black feet ) and Moth shape ( a single large white moth or butterfly ). They can float a foot off the ground and their heads can come off and fly around independently. They can charm the weak minded with their voices, but not their eyes.
All a pet human would need to do to be a fledgling is consent to her offer of fledgling-ship, verbally, mentally and emotionally. Then they'd drink only her blood, no matter how sick it made them, until the next new moon. The pet should be dead by that time, and she would steal their bodies or heads after they'd been buried and place them in a clay urn at her home. For thirty days she would feed them fresh blood until they emerged from the pottery, reborn as a vampire with only foggy memories of what happened and who they used to be. They really only exist to make her feel less alone, and she's lost too many to even entertain the notion of making one unless shes absolutely certain it's worth the hardship. She can't really love the way we do, but she still gets very attached to them, you see. When you're a monster the only creatures you call people are other monsters. And if it wasn't for all of that she wouldn't bother with trying to blend in with humans in the first place.
On the subject of blending in, it's harder for her to achieve than you think. She really doesn't need to, no more than a hunter needs to dress up like a deer, but its near impossible to find pets without at least trying to blend in. For one, notice how I've never once mentioned her name in any of these three posts. That's intentional; she doesn't have one. Names are for mortals, for pets and for prey; she doesn't need a name any more than a cat or a wild wolf would. Animals know who they are and don't use or need names. BUT, humans are all too quick to name things and ask for names in turn. She has no name, but she does use them to get closer to humans. Her favorite names to use are Jessica, Mieczyslaw / Mieczyslawa, and every known variation of the names Kathryn and John. She just liked the sound of them ( the first two were the names of fledglings she adored but long forgot ).
Names aren't her only camouflage either. Both her Lady and Man shapes have small loin's tails that need to be hidden under skirts or long blouses. All in all she tends to wear long sleeves, high collars, long skirts, loose pants or pastoral dresses. There is never any embroidery on her clothes ( balto-slavic embroidery is meant to protect mortals from monsters ) and opts for whites, creams, red accents, and gold jewelry. But she only ever gets to wear clothes and jewelry that she collects off of her prey. Which is no issue for her smaller, only six ft tall Man shape. But her Lady shape is beefy and seven ft exactly, so most of her dresses and clothes fit just a bit too small. Also she hates gloves and HATES socks or shoes and wont wear them in any weather.
Bare feet and ill fitted clothes are a few of the many signs that she's not normal one could find if they looked too hard: she's taller than average, her hair is the reddest you've ever seen, her smile is a tad too wide, her eyes are a tad too big, her teeth are a tad too white, her palms and feet are a tad too rough, her body hair is literally everywhere, like a mountain man, and is too soft and too long, and she probably hasn't blinked. And that's all assuming you haven't noticed the literal cat eyes or lion tail. Actually her eyes are the real reason she stays out of direct sun, she doesn't want her eyes to dilate and make the cat slit obvious.
Speaking of communicating, if your character is a human she will speak as little as possible and talk to you like you're a child or an insect. To pet humans, she will begin to sound more alive, more charming, more personable. But to characters that aren't human, esp. characters that are vampires or the undead, she will speak the most authentically and honestly, and will even be capable of humor. When writing her with a human character, I will not write about what she's thinking or planning or intending to do as I would normally. You are supposed to feel like you're talking to a waiting animal and have no idea what she could do next. With non-human characters I will write her as I've always written her.
I've based most of the lore surrounding her off of the Wikipedia articles for Upiors, Strzygas, and Vampire Folklore by Region and just kind of cherry picked what I thought fit her character or sounded fun.
There is a ton of inspiration for her lion-like Beast shape and her over all design and behavior: the Vampire King from Adventure Time, that lion demon from Dungeon Meshi, the vampire in One Winter's Night, this image, this image, and basically everything @hogboblin, @godivaghoul, and @stil-lindigo ever made.
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riisinaakka · 5 years
Silverflint Drabble of the Week, 09.12.2019 confidence, train, moth
”Another cabin,” he thinks with amusement. Confidence returns to his step and he sits across the man he’s been looking for all these lifetimes.
The newspaper rustles higher, but not enough to hide the piercing eyes. More laugh lines this time –  and longer hair, softly falling over his spectacular spectacles.
The train enters a tunnel but neither of them has a reflection in the empty window. Silver is used to it by now and when the other man notices the similarity, he can feel the old flames come alive, beckoning the wandering moth in the darkness.
”You.”  “Hello, Captain.”
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silverstarsheep · 4 years
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An AU for the Hollow Knight, where they were more or less reborn as a moth... And heavily influenced by the Radiance as they had sealed her for so long. Needless to say, they don’t like their own reflection.
But! They’re alive and well, and now they even have a voice to speak with--even if they’re extremely hesitant to use it. 
A fun design! I’d like to play with this concept more. 
Bonus appearance of @chexmix-art‘s AU where the Knight was reborn as a moth! And also part of the inspiration for this AU. They, too, were influenced by the Radiance, but that doesn’t become apparent until much later. Anyway, they love Hollow’s very fluffy collar!
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archangeldraws · 3 years
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New Moth, who dis?
Had this chat with @taco-not-bell and we came up with this
I had the idea that there are other Titanus Mosura, but there is only one Devine Moth. Our beloved Mothra. So we talked a bit more and I had this idea  (also Battra is a subspecies of Mosura. That’s why he looks different. But they’re closely enough related to interbreed and have different types of Mosura in the family)
You know Mothra can lay eggs by herself and be reborn after she dies, right? But what if, she dies before there are new eggs ready? Well, don’t fret my my friends, because every once in a blue moon, Mothra will be born to a happy Mosura couple. And they become the Blessed Devine Parents!  So she grows up like a normal Mosura, with loving parents and siblings and her powers show slowly. She gets her memories back when she cocoons. Sometimes she decides she wants a family again, after her old one has died off.
In the anthro AU, it’s the same. Though Mothra does not die as often, it can happen. When she rebirths herself, it only takes a few weeks to go from her Larvae state to cocoon and be an adult woman again.
And Taco showed me this meme about the avatar being reborn and I tweeked it a little to fit this headcanon X’D
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