magma-mouse · 3 years
Should've grabbed a can of Twisted Tea too
“To be fair, it was because I was grocery shopping, they tried to sneak up behind me, and I pretended not to see them, and fucking swing that grocery bag around as hard as I could it just happened to contain a 6 pack of beer. Then I fucking tackled him.
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Long story short, stitches suck but I was in no mood for shit”
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klarazy · 4 years
@rebornmenace​ sucks to be you.
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   ・゚☠ ━ “ ...Don’t be gross. ”
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loveyrina · 5 years
She's only spent five minutes watching this shmuck, and she already wants to smack em up the head for their belief that they can just take over Orre. This place had literal war machines for pokemon at her beck and call and still the shit head thugs and goody two shoes brat managed to foil her plans! Yet this punk thinks they can just up and take over?! What a load of shit!! Her fist is shaking with rage, the wine bottle in her hand with it.
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poppytheprincess · 5 years
rebornmuses replied to your post: “You can’t season things with JUST salt! Use some...
“I mean, some things really only need salt. Steak for example.”
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“Pepper! Garlic! Butter! Rosemary! Steaks need that too!”
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eldunea · 5 years
rebornmuses replied to your post “so originally i was going to have pokéverse lotor be a double agent...”
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      “i would, but my bitch of a mun had the nerve to lose my ico--oh there they are…”
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      “Remake me, Tian. You have no choice.”
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hisvanity · 5 years
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      “hello, my name is sawyer harris, and i’m so insecure in my sense that i’m the strongest trainer on earth that i want to kill anyone who says they’re my equal.”
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I DID WARN YOU ► accepting
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“ Yes your Honor I really do believe that I am, and I quote, ‘ the baddest of all bitches ’. ”
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o26 · 5 years
"I dunno who you are and you remind me of a guy I work with back home, but I'm totally down with whatever you got going on." Never mind that he has NO clue what's going on, he just wants to fuck some people up.
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“ ⎅⍜ ⏃⌇ ⊬⍜⎍ ⍙⟟⌇⊑. ⟟'⎐⟒ ⟒⌖⊑⏃⎍⌇⏁⟒⎅ ⏃⌰⌰ ⋔⊬ ⟒⋏⟒⍀☌⊬. “
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unovacrownprince · 5 years
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     “You who complain do realize that Pokémon eat other Pokémon? Some species even partake in cannibalism and even self-cannibalism. Such is not at all uncommon among my brethren the Zorua for example. The real question isn’t would they notice, it’s is it healthy. As Slowpoke are proven omnivores.... It’s actually fine to do such. “
      Pauses, sighs.
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      “It’s healthy for them even.” he finally adds. “You can yell about your moral justice all you desire, but over-all it doesn’t matter. They’re not HUMAN and you shouldn’t force a human’s morals and judgement on them.”
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       “On top of that, their tails grow back. So you can quit judging.”  stupid humans.
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itsraiyninmeteors · 5 years
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“....the fuck am I lookin’ at?”
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Fancy dress
Mommy will get better photos of me in it later
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skulldxddy · 5 years
@rebornmuses​ replied to your post:    “Don’t you even fucking talk to me unless your...
“Does owning my Volcarona give me any points?”
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   “You get nothin’ ‘til you let your boy see ‘em.”
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gladionsgrownup · 5 years
@rebornmuses replied to your post: Is it Fuck Up Gladion time yet…
sawyer vc: look i would but he’s an amazing lay and those are hard to find
i mean i said Fuck Up gladion but you could also just straight Fuck Gladion
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poppytheprincess · 5 years
@rebornmuses​ is invited for dinner!
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“I hope this’ll convert you from eating your steaks well-done.” She chirped. “But if you still don’t like it then I guess I’ll just have to accept you for who you are.”
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eldunea · 5 years
🔥 🔥 🔥 - @rebornmuses​ 
you get……two IC opinions and one OOC opinion!
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      “given all the trouble leagues have caused, i can’t help but wonder what the world would be like without them. would it be the same? would it be different? would it be better? now, i’m not going to go and try and destroy all the other leagues tomorrow. but the more i watch them fuck things up, the more i think the world might not need leagues as much as it thinks.” 
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      “before he was corrupted by quintessence, my father was actually a better ruler than king alfor. at least he managed to question whether what he was doing was wrong, instead of pig-headedly plowing ahead thinking he was right.”
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if someone jokes about being a nazi or makes any claims to “ironically” support nazism, I WILL BLOCK THEM. no, this is not me being sensitive. no, this is not me being an sjw. this is me reacting to actual tactics that actual nazis use to prevent people from taking them seriously. the daily stormer, american neo-nazis’ main news website, literally tries to suck people into their ideology by playing off everything racist that they say as a joke. there is also proof that neo-nazis in general do this as well, hijacking meme culture and saying “i’m not actually racist, it was just a meme!” i’m sure there are still occasions when tasteless jokes are really just that, tasteless jokes, but more and more often in this political climate, “it’s just a joke” is used as a cover for actual malice. given that i spent most of my early tumblr days surrounded by white nationalists who passed themselves off as ordinary people, and given how much i fucking hated them after i saw them for what they were, i’m not taking any chances.
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hisvanity · 5 years
🔥 - @rebornmuses 
      “people who look down upon contests and their participants are wrong and must be corrected. i prefer to correct them by sweeping them 6-0 with contest techniques in the span of less than ten minutes.”
he crosses his arms and gives a self-satisfied huff. 
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