#recommendation for medical cannabis
harmcityherald · 2 years
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grow west md mother of pearl untrimmed flower🌴🌱🌼
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theworstpodcast · 1 year
Welcome to the podcast where I smoke then start talking to my phone. Their is no rhyme or reason to this words just come out of my mouth.
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Marijuana Card in California | Marijuana Recommendation
Online Medical Card Offers medical marijuana recommendations for people suffering from health conditions. Our objective is to help patients get the best healthcare services. A Medical Cannabis Card allows you to bypass many high state and local taxes. Cardholders can enjoy exemption from sales and use tax on Cannabis. You can also apply for a Cannabis card online. for more detail, you can visit our website by clicking on Marijuana Card in California.
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brightlotusmoon · 3 months
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Year
1. Belgium approves four-day week and gives employees the right to ignore their bosses after work
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Workers in Belgium will soon be able to choose a four-day week under a series of labour market reforms announced on Tuesday.
The reform package agreed by the country's multi-party coalition government will also give workers the right to turn off work devices and ignore work-related messages after hours without fear of reprisal.
"We have experienced two difficult years. With this agreement, we set a beacon for an economy that is more innovative, sustainable and digital. The aim is to be able to make people and businesses stronger," Belgian prime minister Alexander de Croo told a press conference announcing the reform package.
2. Spain makes it a crime for pro-lifers to harass people outside abortion clinics
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Spain has criminalized the harassment or intimidation of women going for an abortion under new legislation approved on Wednesday by the Senate. The move, which involved changes to the penal code, means anti-abortion activists who try to convince women not to terminate their pregnancies could face up to a year behind bars.
3. House passes bill to federally decriminalize marijuana
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The House has voted with a slim bipartisan majority to federally decriminalize marijuana. The vote was 220 to 204.
The bill, sponsored by Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York, will prevent federal agencies from denying federal workers security clearances for cannabis use, and will allow the Veterans’ Administration to recommend medical marijuana to veterans living with posttraumatic stress disorder.
The bill also expunges the record of people convicted of non-violent cannabis offenses, which House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said, “can haunt people of color and impact the trajectory of their lives and career indefinitely.”
4. France makes birth control free for all women under 25
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The scheme, which could benefit three million women, covers the pill, IUDs, contraceptive patches and other methods composed of steroid hormones.
Contraception for minors was already free in France. Several European countries, including Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway, make contraception free for teens.
5. The 1st fully hydrogen-powered passenger train service is now running in Germany. The only emissions are steam & condensed water.
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Five of the trains started running in August. Another nine will be added in the coming months to replace 15 diesel trains on the regional route. Alstom says the Coradia iLint has a range of 1,000 kilometers, meaning that it can run all day on the line using a single tank of hydrogen. A hydrogen filling station has been set up on the route between Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervörde and Buxtehude.
6. Princeton will cover all tuition costs for most families making under $100,000 a year, after getting rid of student loans
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In September, the New Jersey Ivy League school announced it would be expanding its financial aid program to offer free tuition, including room and board, for most families whose annual income is under $100,000 a year. Previously, the same benefit was offered to families making under $65,000 a year. This new income limit will take effect for all undergraduates starting in the fall of 2023.
Princeton was also the first school in the US to eliminate student loans from its financial aid packages.
7. Humpback whales no longer listed as endangered after major recovery
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Humpback whales will be removed from Australia's threatened-species list, after the government's independent scientific panel on threatened species deemed the mammals had made a major recovery. Humpback whales will no longer be considered an endangered or vulnerable species.
Climate change and fishing still pose threats to their long-term health.
Some other uplifting news from last year:
A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient
California 100 percent powered by renewables for first time
Israel formally bans LGBTQ conversion therapy
Tokyo Passes Law to Recognize Same-Sex Partnerships
First 100,000 KG Removed From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
As we ring in the New Year let’s remember to focus on the good news. May this be a year of even more kindness and generosity. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2023!
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mariacallous · 4 months
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Thursday formally moved to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, a historic shift in generations of U.S. drug policy.
A proposed rule sent to the federal register recognizes the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledges it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s most dangerous drugs. The plan approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use.
The Drug Enforcement Administration will next take public comment on the proposal in a potentially lengthy process. If approved, the rule would move marijuana away from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. Pot would instead be a Schedule III substance, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids.
The move comes after a recommendation from the federal Health and Human Services Department, which launched a review of the drug’s status at the urging of President Joe Biden in 2022.
Biden also has moved to pardon thousands of people convicted federally of simple possession of marijuana and has called on governors and local leaders to take similar steps to erase convictions.
“This is monumental,” Biden said in a video statement, calling it an important move toward reversing longstanding inequities. “Far too many lives have been upended because of a failed approach to marijuana, and I’m committed to righting those wrongs. You have my word on it.”
The election year announcement could help Biden, a Democrat, boost flagging support, particularly among younger voters.
The notice kicks off a 60-day comment period followed by a possible review from an administrative judge, which could be a drawn-out process.
Biden and a growing number of lawmakers from both major political parties have been pushing for the DEA decision as marijuana has become increasingly decriminalized and accepted, particularly by younger people. Some argue that rescheduling doesn’t go far enough and marijuana should instead be treated the way alcohol is.
Democratic Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York applauded the change and called for additional steps toward legalization.
The U.S. Cannabis Council, a trade group, said the switch would “signal a tectonic shift away from the failed policies of the last 50 years.”
The Justice Department said that available data reviewed by HHS shows that while marijuana “is associated with a high prevalence of abuse,” that potential is more in line with other Schedule III substances, according to the proposed rule.
The HHS recommendations are binding until the draft rule is submitted, and Garland agreed with it for the purposes of starting the process.
Still, the DEA has not yet formed its own determination as to where marijuana should be scheduled, and it expects to learn more during the rulemaking process, the document states.
Some critics argue the DEA shouldn’t change course on marijuana, saying rescheduling isn’t necessary and could lead to harmful side effects.
Dr. Kevin Sabet, a former White House drug policy adviser now with the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said there isn’t enough data to support moving pot to Schedule III. “As we’ve maintained throughout this process, it’s become undeniable that politics, not science, is driving this decision and has been since the very beginning,” Sabet said.
The immediate effect of rescheduling on the nation’s criminal justice system is expected to be muted. Federal prosecutions for simple possession have been fairly rare in recent years.
Schedule III drugs are still controlled substances and subject to rules and regulations, and people who traffic in them without permission could still face federal criminal prosecution.
Federal drug policy has lagged behind many states in recent years, with 38 states having already legalized medical marijuana and 24 legalizing its recreational use. That’s helped fuel fast growth in the marijuana industry, with an estimated worth of nearly $30 billion.
Easing federal regulations could reduce the tax burden that can be 70% or more for marijuana businesses, according to industry groups. It also could make it easier to research marijuana, since it’s very difficult to conduct authorized clinical studies on Schedule I substances.
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zooophagous · 7 months
Can I smoke weed before a tattoo
It won't do anything to inhibit the actual process of adding ink to skin but if you're giggly and silly you're probably going to sit poorly. If you're impaired you also can't give continuous consent and you may be less inhibited and may end up with a piece sober you is less than enthused with.
I recommend saving all recreational substance use for after the tattoo. If you take cannabis for medical purposes you can take your usual therapeutic dose. Always double check with a physician if you aren't sure if your medications of any kind would make you a poor tattoo candidate.
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Lydia O'Connor at HuffPost:
President Joe Biden’s administration said Thursday that the Justice Department is officially moving forward with reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. With the White House’s approval, the DOJ will now publish an official notice that opens a two-month public comment period on the proposal to recategorize marijuana from a Schedule I drug ― which includes heroin and other drugs considered to have “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse” ― to a lower Schedule III drug, which includes substances with “a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.” “This is monumental,” Biden said in a video posted to social media.
“Far too many lives have been upended because of failed approach to marijuana. And I’m committed to righting those wrongs,” he continued. Following the public comment period, the Drug Enforcement Administration, which falls under the DOJ umbrella, will be able to assign an administrative law judge to make a final recommendation on rescheduling. A Schedule III classification would not make marijuana legal on the federal level, though dozens of states have taken matters into their own hands and legalized the substance at a state level, citing evidence of the drug’s medical properties and the absence of any deaths linked to the drug. Drugs listed under the Schedule III classification include ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone and some substances with a limited amount of codeine.
The Biden Administration announced Thursday that the DOJ is set to reclassify marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III, a much less restrictive tier.
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spooniestrong · 4 months
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keplercryptids · 1 year
Hey, I sent an ask earlier asking about help with medications for migraines and I now see a bunch of your past resource posts. Thank you for taking the time to write and post about your experiences.
I was prescribed sumatriptan a few months ago, but haven't taken it often because it makes me feel dizzy, fatigued, lightheaded, and gives me brain fog. But I've been taking 50mg and never considered decreasing the dose! I plan to try 25mg now. I've been relying on ibuprofen, excedrin, and cannabis to treat pain which isn't great for my long term health. If you have any more suggestions, they are more than welcome and very appreciated
I guess I have 2 new questions, if you'll have em :)
1. So far I haven't found any of your posts that discuss preventative options. Do you have experience with these? What was your experience like?
2. Healthline says that one shouldn't cut or crush the tablet. Based on your posts, I assume your experience with doing this is fine, but I wanted to make sure before trying it.
Genuinely thank you for any help you may be able to give me. I downloaded the keeler method because of your recommendation.I appreciate it🐝
hi! some folks definitely get some gnarly side effects from sumatriptan. i was told by my physician that cutting the pill in half is fine, and i've been cutting the pills for 10 years without issue. but take that with a grain of salt, i'm obviously not a chemist lol. you may also want to ask your doctor about other triptans (rizatriptan, zolmitriptan, etc). it's possible that you'll react similarly to all triptans, but maybe there's an option that you'll tolerate better.
there are many options for migraine preventatives, which i have been exploring for 7 or 8 years now. keep in mind that my experience comes from living in the US with private health insurance. i can't speak to how you'd go about this in a different country or if you're uninsured, etc. also keep in mind that health insurance might not approve you for preventatives (especially the newer, better ones) unless you've been diagnosed with chronic migraine (meaning, 15 or more migraine days per month).
something i highly recommend to everyone suffering from regular headaches is to start taking magnesium. start at a lower dose (200mg daily), which you can increase to 400-600mg. magnesium is affordable, accessible and well-tolerated by most people, and is shown to be effective at preventing migraines. the main side effect is a laxative effect, so proceed cautiously if you have problems with that.
as far as prescriptions go, older migraine preventatives fall into three classes: antidepressants (usually amitryptaline), anticonvulsants (topiramate is a common one), and blood pressure medications. newer (and better, but more expensive) preventatives are: botox injections and CGRP inhibitors. in most cases, you'll need to jump through hoops to get these better preventatives. health insurance usually requires that you try and fail two of the three classes of old-school preventative before approving you for botox or CGRPs.
i've tried amitryptaline (did nothing; also, i don't tolerate antidepressants well) and three different anticonvulsants (topiramate, gabapentin and lamotrigine). i had horrible reactions to the anticonvulsants, with side effects like constant brain fog, tingling in my extremities, changes to how food tasted, increased headaches, and a full-body rash, to name a few. i don't say this to discourage anyone from trying these preventatives--in fact, many folks have great results with them. but they're medications used to stop seizures. they're heavy duty and the side effects should be weighed against their benefit.
botox (injected every three months by my neurologist) worked amazingly for about 6-8 months, and at its best i was only getting one or two migraines a week (which for me is great). but over the last six months, it stopped working as well and i was back to getting 10-15 migraine days per month. i would have liked to keep getting botox while pursuing other options, but insurance wants you to try monotherapies first. so i stopped botox and i'm in the process of getting approved to try aimovig (a CGRP inhibitor that you inject yourself once a month). there are other CGRPs that are in tablet form, like nurtec. CGRPs work remarkably well for lots of people, so i'm hopeful.
as a final note to this very long post lol, if you're able to get a referral to a neurologist or, better yet, a neurologist with a migraine/chronic pain specialty, i highly recommend doing so!
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brightlotusmoon · 8 months
The 252 pages of documents explain that cannabis “has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States” and has a “potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in Schedules I and II.”
Federal health officials said their review found that more than 30,000 healthcare professionals “across 43 U.S. jurisdictions are authorized to recommend the medical use of marijuana for more than six million registered patients for at least 15 medical conditions.”
“There exists widespread, current experience with medical use of the substance by [health care practitioners] operating in accordance with implemented jurisdiction-authorized programs, where medical use is recognized by entities that regulate the practice of medicine,” HHS said.
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ohyeslawd · 5 months
Updated 10:21 AM PDT, April 30, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, The Associated Press has learned, a historic shift to generations of American drug policy that could have wide ripple effects across the country.
The DEA’s proposal, which still must be reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget, would recognize the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledge it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation’s most dangerous drugs. However, it would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use.
The agency’s move, confirmed to the AP on Tuesday by five people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive regulatory review, clears the last significant regulatory hurdle before the agency’s biggest policy change in more than 50 years can take effect.
Once OMB signs off, the DEA will take public comment on the plan to move marijuana from its current classification as a Schedule I drug, alongside heroin and LSD. It moves pot to Schedule III, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids, following a recommendation from the federal Health and Human Services Department. After the public-comment period the agenc
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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“If cannabis were discovered in the Amazon rainforest today, people would be clambering to make as much use as they could of all of the potential benefits of the plant. Unfortunately, it carries with it a long history of being a persecuted plant.” ~ Dr. Donald Abrams, Chief of Hematology Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital
Approximately 106,000 Americans die yearly from prescribed medications, according to the American Medical Association. Even more frightening, preventable medical errors account for a staggering 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year — and is considered the 3rd leading cause of death. “It’s equivalent to 2,000 commercial jets taking off each year knowing that they don’t have enough fuel to complete their journeys,” notes Peter Edelstein M.D. “Would you allow your spouse to board one of those planes? Your friend? A stranger?”
Good question. Increasingly, people in the West are seeking out treatments that work harmoniously with the body, instead of against it — in other words, they’re walking away from the medical establishment and all its mishaps, mistakes and pharmaceutical drugs. A case in point is cannabis, especially in its raw form.
A Rich History
Marijuana is one of those plants that, to many, conjures visions of Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) raids and hippies in a drugged-out daze. But it wasn’t always this way.
“The ancient Chinese knew of marijuana’s pain-relieving and mind-altering effects, yet it was not widely employed for its psychoactive properties; instead it was cultivated as hemp for the manufacture of rope and fabric. Likewise, the ancient Greeks and Romans used hemp to make rope and sails. In some other places, however, marijuana’s intoxicating properties became important. In India, for example, the plant was incorporated into religious rituals. During the Middle Ages, its use was common in Arab lands; in 15th-century Iraq it was used to treat epilepsy; in Egypt it was primarily consumed as an inebriant. After Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt, Europeans began using the drug as an intoxicant. During the slave trade, it was transported from Africa to Mexico, the Caribbean and South America. Marijuana gained a following in the U.S. only relatively recently. During the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, cannabis was freely available without a prescription for a wide range of ailments, including migraine and ulcers,” Roger A. Nicoll and Bradley N. Alger remind us in Scientific American.
Even American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson declared: “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”
So what happened?
In 1937, the United States Congress decided — against the recommendation of the American Medical Association — to pass the Marijuana Tax Act. The legislation essentially banned the use of marijuana by making it excessively expensive and difficult to secure. It has been downhill ever since. That is, until the last few years where legalization of marijuana has exploded in the U.S., for both recreational and medicinal uses. For our purposes here, we’re going to look at the health benefits of the plant — which are quite impressive.
An Essential Vegetable
“It [cannabis] has captured these molecules that help our bodies regulatory system be more effective. The bottom line is it’s a dietary essential that helps all 210 cell types function more effectively. I don’t even refer to it as medicine anymore, strictly as a dietary essential.”
~ Dr. William L. Courtney
It may be a stretch for some to recognize rawcannabis as the next in-demand superfood, but Dr. Courtney, a physician with extensive medical training who specializes in the dietary uses of cannabis, presents a provocative case.
When you heat or age cannabis, Dr. Courtney believes that you lose 99% of the benefit cannabis provides. In contrast, if you consume it raw, you’ll reap the full value of the plant. Plus, raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, so you won’t experience a high — an important point for those who would like to utilize the healing aspects of cannabis without feeling drugged or off-center. This means you can also consume a much higher amount of health-promoting compounds with raw cannabis juice compared to if it was smoked or extracted as an oil, according to Dr. Courtney.
Terpenes, essential oils found in cannabis which give the plant its unique aroma, are particularly compelling.A study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology states that terpenoids are “pharmacologically versatile: they are lipophilic, interact with cell membranes, neuronal and muscle ion channels, neurotransmitter receptors, G-protein coupled (odorant) receptors, second messenger systems and enzymes.”
The researchers explored the powerful effect terpenes exert in animal tests. Limonene was found to increase serotonin in the prefrontal cortex and dopamine in the hippocampus region of the brain — both of which help fend-offdepression and feelings of stress. Moreover, limonene induces apoptosis (cell death) of breast cancer cells and demonstrated exceptional radical scavenging properties. It’s also remarkably bioavailable, rapidly metabolized and is highly non-toxic and non-sensitizing.
Myrcene is anti-inflammatory and an effective sleep aid, while pinene acts as a bronchodilator and broad spectrum antibiotic — including the destruction of lethal MRSA bacteria. Pinene also curbs inflammation. Linalool is a sedative and anticonvulsant. Caryophyllene is antimalarial, anti-inflammatory and useful in treating duodenal ulcers. Nerolidol inhibits fungal growth and protozoal parasites. Phytol increases GABA expression, resulting in a calming effect. These are just a handful of the 200 varieties of terpenes found in cannabis.
How to Enjoy More Raw Cannabis in Your Life
For a daily dose, Dr. Courtney advises juicing fifteen cannabis leaves and two buds, which is then added to a small amount of fruit or vegetable juice that is consumed throughout the day. If you would like to learn more about juicing cannabis, this article offers tips and suggestions. Keep in mind that juicing improperly may create heat, which will cause THC to form. Jeffrey C. Raber, Ph.D. also recommends having the strain of marijuana you’re using tested at a reliable and accurate lab so you know exactly what you are getting.
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agentmidnightrider · 2 months
Trump Made Marijuana Legal with THCA Flower
Summary for Each Section
Part 1: Introduction
The introduction sets the stage by providing historical context for marijuana legislation, tracing its roots from early uses and legal status to eventual prohibition. It also outlines the purpose and key provisions of the Farm Bill, highlighting its relevance to agriculture and hemp.
Part 2: Understanding the Farm Bill
This section delves into the historical context and evolution of the Farm Bill, with a focus on the 2018 version. It explains the specific sections addressing hemp and cannabis, and how these differ from previous versions, laying the groundwork for understanding the legal framework established by the bill.
Part 3: Legal Framework for Hemp and THCA
Here, the report explores the legal definition of hemp under the Farm Bill and the distinction between hemp and marijuana. It provides a detailed analysis of THCA, its chemical structure, properties, and legal status, along with the federal and state regulations governing hemp cultivation and compliance requirements.
Part 4: Impact of the Farm Bill on Marijuana Industry
This part examines the economic, agricultural, and market implications of the Farm Bill, highlighting the growth of the hemp industry, changes in farming practices, and the introduction of THCA products. It also looks at consumer trends and market acceptance.
Part 5: Scientific and Medical Perspectives
A comparative analysis of THCA and THC is provided, focusing on their chemical differences, effects, and therapeutic potential. The section also explores current medical applications of Wholesale THCA, ongoing research, and potential future applications.
Part 6: Social and Cultural Impact
This section discusses the changing public perception of cannabis, cultural shifts resulting from legalization, and ongoing legal and social challenges. It examines how cannabis is becoming integrated into mainstream culture and its impact on social norms and values.
Part 7: Case Studies and Real-World Examples
Through case studies, the report illustrates state-level implementation of the Farm Bill, profiles industry leaders and innovators in the THCA market, and offers a global perspective by comparing international cannabis laws and market trends.
Part 8: Future Outlook and Conclusions
The final part of the report looks ahead to the future of cannabis legislation, economic growth projections, and social implications. It concludes with a summary of key findings, policy recommendations, and suggestions for future research.
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weedx01 · 2 months
Exploring Weed Dispensaries in New York, NY, USA
New York City has emerged as a vibrant hub for cannabis enthusiasts, offering a diverse array of dispensaries that cater to both medicinal and recreational users.
Whether you're a local resident or a visitor looking to explore the city's cannabis scene, here's a curated guide to some of the top dispensaries in New York, NY.
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1. MedMen NYC - Fifth Avenue
Located in the heart of Manhattan on Fifth Avenue, MedMen NYC stands out as a premier destination for cannabis products.
Known for its sleek and modern interior, MedMen offers a wide selection of high-quality cannabis strains, edibles, concentrates, and accessories.
Their knowledgeable staff provides personalized recommendations to ensure a tailored experience for every customer.
2. Columbia Care - Union Square
Columbia Care, situated near Union Square, is celebrated for its commitment to patient care and education.
This dispensary focuses on medical marijuana patients, offering a compassionate approach to cannabis treatment.
Columbia Care provides a variety of strains and products designed to meet the specific needs of individuals seeking relief from various medical conditions.
3. Rise Dispensaries - Midtown
Rise Dispensaries in Midtown Manhattan prides itself on a customer-first approach, emphasizing education and community engagement.
They offer a welcoming atmosphere where customers can explore different cannabis options in a relaxed setting.
Rise Dispensaries stocks a range of products from flowers to tinctures, ensuring there's something for every preference.
4. Etain - West Side
Etain is a family-run business dedicated to producing high-quality medical cannabis products.
Located on the West Side of Manhattan, Etain focuses on providing personalized care and guidance to patients seeking therapeutic cannabis treatments.
Their commitment to quality and consistency has made them a trusted name in New York City's cannabis community.
5. Zen Leaf - Queens
Zen Leaf, located in Queens, offers a comprehensive selection of cannabis products in a friendly and professional environment.
Known for their knowledgeable staff and commitment to customer service, Zen Leaf caters to both recreational users and medical patients.
They provide educational resources and consultations to ensure customers make informed decisions about their cannabis use.
Navigating New York's Cannabis Scene
Navigating the cannabis landscape in New York City requires an understanding of local laws and regulations.
Recreational cannabis use is legal for adults over 21, while medical marijuana is available to registered patients with qualifying conditions.
Dispensaries like those mentioned above play a crucial role in ensuring safe and responsible access to cannabis products.
Whether you're a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or new to exploring its benefits, New York City's dispensaries offer a variety of options to suit every preference and need.
From upscale shops in Manhattan to community-focused dispensaries in the boroughs, the city's cannabis scene continues to evolve, providing quality products and valuable resources to its diverse clientele.
For more information and to explore the latest offerings from New York City's dispensaries, visit WeedX. Discover a new era of cannabis access and education in the heart of the Big Apple.
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