#red velvet headcanon
imninahchan · 5 months
Nina como você imagina uma lua de mel com a seulgi? Eu vejo ela como uma bobinha que está tão deslumbrada com a cerimônia que só percebe que a cobra vai fumar quando tá sendo jogada na cama do hotel caro
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───── 𓏲╰ ᰔᩚ ·# [🍥] : SEULGI + l u a d e m e l
com certeza, a noiva mais emocionada e fofa do mundo;
o casamento de vocês foi ao ar livre, no finalzinho da primavera, num parque, pertinho de um lago, local onde ela te pediu a sua mão. Você até perde a conta de quantas vezes a viu chorando durante a cerimônia, o que também acabou te roubando algumas lágrimas. Mas foi do altar direto para o aeroporto, porque a lua de mel de vocês duas seria onze dias peregrinando de cidadezinha histórica pra cidadezinha no exterior;
e SEULGI está tão animada, mas tanto, que ela nem se lembra que na lua de mel os casai costumam transar também. O assunto, então, nem surge. Você curte a viagem, também gosta das visitas aos castelos, aos museus, as comidinhas gostosas nas confeitarias de esquina. Fotos e mais fotos são tiradas, onde ela vai, leva a câmera digital. Tantas imagens suas são clicadas que dá pra montar um book;
é quando vocês estão de volta no hotel, porém, que o tal assunto surge. Depois de uma tarde toda fora, você toma um banho de banheira e encontra aquela lingerie que comprou só pra lua de mel. Veste, e encontra a sua mulher sorrindo feito boba ao te ver retornando para o quarto;
SEULGI saca a câmera, claro ───── olha pra mim, hm? olha aqui... uau, tá tão linda, amor... Te pede pra posar, molda o seu corpo de uma posição pra outra, sem dúvidas você é a modelo queridinha dela, não? Mas você não quer só ser apreciada de longe, pede pra ser tocada, ser amada além dos olhos por trás da lente;
A deita na cama, engatinhando por cima, e pedindo, com a voz baixinha, me fode, vai. E é aí que ela se lembra que, agora, você é esposa dela, e que estão numa lua de mel, na qual você comprou lingeries só pra poder se exibir pra mulher que colocou um anel no seu dedo. Foda-se os museus, as confeitarias, as bibliotecas, os parques, SEULGI passa a preferir as tardes cansativas quando é porque o pulso está latejando de tanto enfiar os dedos dentro de você, ou o maxilar magoa com todos os movimentos repetitivos da língua vindo de cá pra lá, chupando todo o seu sabor;
Mas as fotos não cessam, no entanto. Muito melhor do que os quadros antigos, o seu corpo retorna aos holofotes, agora, porém, completamente sem as lingeries. Deitadinha sobre o colchão grande, as têmporas suadas, a carinha de cansada, a expressão de prazer em êxtase, a bagunça melada que fica entre as pernas.
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mixierupperc20 · 1 month
I forgot about this when I finished my exams earlier
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chaoticas-hell · 5 months
Aaron is a red velvet kinda guy I will not explain further
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yvesette · 1 year
RED VELVET in BED (nsfw)
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★ genre: headcanons, wlw
★ warnings: minors dni
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🐇IRENE - irene is a romantic at heart. she loves the intimacy and privacy of sex and loves to be pleasured and pleasure you the best she can. she’s supet passionate and prefers love making to quickies. when she tops, she’ll get so focused on making you come and listening to your moans that she’ll get quiet and forget to talk dirty lol. she fingers you very gently and presses light kisses down your body and up your thighs before giving attention to your core- lovingly swirling her tongue slowly where you need her and smiling against your center when she hears you moaning her name. she’s the definition of a switch. she gets so loud and sensitive when you eat her out, you have to hold her hips down while she mews and moans your name. she loves scissoring and it’s like heaven with her- the two of you rubbing against eachother skin on skin while she throws her head back, lips parted. she loves grabbing your ass btw - she’s an ass girl fs. after sex she’ll get so sleepy and tired poor thing is worn tf out. you’ll hold her and press kisses to her forehead - bare chests pressed together. she passes out pretty quick in your arms and wakes up first in the morning, playing with your hair and pressing a kiss to your nose. she loves to buy you lingerie (gift giving is her love language)
🎧SEULGI - sex with seulgi can be rough she’ll grab your neck with both hands and do it from the back. she’s a god at fingering you, with her long fingers and sultry gaze that makes you scream her name. she pants and groans as you both face each others cores and suck eachother off. she doms most of the time but can be romantic and giggly when it’s unserious. she fs owns a dildo to use on you and the two of you try a bunch of toys - she presses the bullet to your clit and overstimulates you until tears come out of yo eyes. she gets super clingy and affectionate afterwards and props her head on your shoulder while grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to your wrist. you both look at eachother and smile - her eyes turning into crescent moons and her cheeks rounding.
🦢WENDY - she’s such a pleaser and a huge flirt. tops mostly. she adores pleasuring you and could spend her whole day between your thighs. “yeah- mhmm keep being loud for me.” ugh imagine her hair all messed up and her lips shining with your wetness. she loves sucking your tits and circling her tongue around your nipple while curling her long fingers inside of you. she’ll make you come a minimum of 2-3 times and loves to overstimulate you. “you can take it love, just one more.” she praises you sm - calling you beautiful and perfect and tight and how well you’re doing, how lucky she is to have you. such a cheesy romantic after - spooning you and pressing kisses to your shoulder from behind while her arms wrap around your waist. she’s probably shorter than you (girly is like 5’1) but still is the big spoon lol.
🎱JOY - she’s a lowkey pillow princess when she bottoms but when she tops she’s such a dom. she gives you attitude and teases you constantly - sending you pics of her in lingerie rubbing her clothed clit or wearing short skirts and bending over in front of you while she bites her plump lips. she’s a brat fs but when you give her the same attitude she fucks it right out of you. her mouth spewing all types of curses and your name all drawn out. she fucks you hard with her fingers and kitten licks at your clit. loves 69-ing with you. she sucks at your core and kneads your ass with her hands, she hisses as you blow on her clit before eating her out like you’re starving and slipping your middle finger inside of her tight walls. after sex she’ll be such a sweetheart - cuddling you and holding you hand/dragging you into the shower where she’ll end up pinned against the wall with one leg thrown over your shoulder while you eat her out again. she’s open to fucking in any location and loves the risk of getting caught + quickies.
🥥YERI - super giggly and sweet sex the first couple of times. she sweetly presses her lips to yours and licks your bottom lip before letting her tongue in- eyes shut in bliss. she can’t help but giggle as she struggles to unclasp your bra. she clenches around your fingers as you curl them inside of her and a high pitched mew comes out of her mouth as she begs you to go faster. she gently kitten licks your clit, eyes on you the whole time - watching your face contort in pleasure. the sex gets more intense through your relationship and you find yourself in showers, pools, closets, and cars moaning eachother’s names. yeri cuddles up to you after- smelling like sex and lilies and pressing a kiss to your cheek and grinning, she falls asleep in your arms and you wake up with her hogging all the covers.
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┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙ @yvego 2023
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nanawritesit · 1 year
Irene Girlfriend Headcanons!
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She prefers that you call her “Joohyun” rather than Irene. She wants to feel like you know the real her instead of her stage presence.
Speaking of which, she often slips into her Daegu dialect around you
You were never intimidated by her like everyone else was, you were warm and loving regardless of how “scary” she seemed
It took her a while to open up to you about her inner thoughts and feelings. She’s so used to bottling it all up in order to be a good leader that she doesn’t stop to think when she might need help
But you help her with that, constantly reassuring every single one of her insecurities. Even when she doesn’t ask, you’ll always be the first one to tell her she’s done well!
She cooks you seaweed soup every year for your birthday just like she does for the members 💚
Ordering her tea for her whenever you’re at a coffee shop because she’s too afraid of being judged by the barista for not liking coffee
Eating her vegetables for her (if you like them ofc)
Finally convincing her to stop dying her hair and stick with her natural black color because it’s her favorite and it suits her best
It took her a long time to accept it, but Joohyun is a lover of the simple things in life. You guys don’t need any extravagant outings or fancy gifts to be happy! Things like reading together, watching the sunset, taking walks, listening to music, cooking her favorite tteokbokki… those are what draw you together.
Holding her while she cries watching “The Notebook”
You started keeping perfumes in your car and carrying essential oils with you everywhere since she’s so sensitive to smells
You also help bring her back down to Earth when she starts spacing out, waving a hand in front of her face and never making a huge fuss over it. You just remind her what she was talking about and continue on with your conversation
Joohyun is also a lover of solitude. However you’re the only one she makes an exception for. She loves taking you to Ttukseom Island or the Folk Museum in Bukcheon. They’re her happy places and she wants to share them with you!
Because of her, you started keeping a journal. The two of you have nights where you just sit in silence and write together 🥰
She won’t hesitate to correct you on your spelling and grammar, even over text 😑
You feel like you learn something new about her every day. She’s always so reserved, and her mind runs at a mile a minute, so every once in a while she’ll just drop this huge piece of Joohyun lore that takes you by surprise
Always giving her your fortune cookies and lottery tickets because she just has so much good luck
If you play video games or do puzzles, and you just can’t get pass a certain stage, she’ll just walk over and figure it out for you in seconds, and it leaves you baffled every time
Making her show you how the heck she can draw a perfect circle (you still can’t understand after a thousand times)
She has a tendency to “mother” you. (Doing your laundry, making you go to bed early, telling you take your vitamins and drink water…) You’ll have to explain to her that while you appreciate her trying to help, she doesn’t need to worry about you so much!
She’s still going to do your laundry though. She just loves doing it too much not to.
I hope you don’t mind having a high heat bill, because Joohyun cannot handle the cold! (If not, you’ll have to loan her several of your hoodies and blankets!)
Comforting her whenever she encounters heights, water, or loud noises
Her manager tried to tell her to avoid PDA with you to protect her image and avoid a scandal, but she just can’t stop herself from holding your hand or clinging to your arm!
Once word gets out that the two of you are dating, she really has no problem telling the fans that while she hopes they can be supportive, she’s going to be with you whether they like it or not.
She would give up everything if it meant she could stay with you, and you would do the same for her in a heartbeat 💜
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fullsunised · 5 months
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❝ 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚, 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙡𝙮 ❞
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chapter two. masterlist. chapter four.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ; @vangoes @replayenthusiast @scinclaitnoir @bloomyroses @prettyjae
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; brev I'm going back to uni 😔 I wanna stay home longer 😔😔😔😔😔. warnings still apply gang.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 6 months
NaRene HCs
A/N: At the request of my biggest inspiration and one of my favorite people here @slowlydifferentbluebird 🥰
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They met at ISAC and that’s when their friendship began. Irene was a Twice fan and TT was one of her favorite songs and danced to it along with Nayeon.
They kept in touch and over the next few months become close. Irene during that period at some point developed a tiny crush on her. And to her utmost annoyance, Yeri began to suspect that and teased her about it not knowing it was actually true.
Nayeon realized she liked Irene when Irene once stopped her from blindly crossing the road and almost being hit by a bike.
Irene however didn’t want to act on her feelings, she was somewhat embarrassed about having a crush on someone younger than her and also thought Nayeon would not be interested in her and probably already is dating someone else. Nayeon on the other hand wanted to convey her feelings because she hoped Irene would reciprocate, if she didn’t then atleast she would get it off her chest. The sexual tension between them was so intense you could practically physically feel it.
While watching a romantic scene at Nayeon’s place, Irene was totally caught off guard when Nayeon said she wished they could do that, followed by a quick kiss from Nayeon. What Nayeon didn’t expect was Irene throwing herself on top of her and them making out.
Nayeon was pleasantly surprised to see Irene being very playful at times. She likes it when Irene spoils and smothers her.
They like to go on cafe dates and long walks in the park or at the beach.
Nayeon’s favorite way to tease Irene is to call her a good girl out of the blue. The way Irene stares back at her, dumbfounded and red faced, stuttering shyly makes Nayeon giggle helplessly and she feels proud of the effect she has on her girlfriend.
Irene is the big spoon whenever they usually cuddle. Her motherly nature just can’t help it, Nayeon is more than happy to be cuddled, however occasionally she does want to be the big spoon, especially if she thinks Irene is going through a tough time.
They both like each other’s look when they have their glasses on. Irene teases Nayeon about being a nerd and Nayeon huffs indignantly because she can’t even deny it.
Nayeon leans towards being the more dominant one but both are pretty much a switch.
Irene had never been one to show any interest in any form of PDA but after a few interesting moments with Nayeon, she had become more open to the idea.
Nayeon loves to eat out Irene, she likes to show off her skill and likes the control she has over her while doing it.
Irene prefers to finger Nayeon mercilessly rather than eat her out because she likes to talk dirty to her.
Nayeon very quickly showed Irene that her long fingers and big hands were just for show.
They both are constantly groping each other’s ass.
When Irene takes charge she isn’t satisfied until she has Nayeon squealing and completely out of breath.
Irene was already into talking dirty to Nayeon but once she realized Nayeon has a praise as well as a degradation kink, she took it to a whole new level.
Nayeon wants to do some role playing but Irene has yet to agree to it.
Yeri had been suspecting that these two were dating for a while now since they both seemed to disappear at the same times and always looked at each other like they knew something no one else did. Curiosity got the best of her and she decided to ask Irene once and for all. She didn’t expect to walk into Irene’s room to see Irene practically crushing Nayeon’s head with both her hands and legs, saying some of the most insane things Yeri ever heard while Nayeon was going about her thing, unbelievably loudly and sloppily like she was making a big show out of it. Irene’s heart almost stopped when she heard someone scream and turned to see a traumatized Yeri. The thrill of being secretive and being caught along with Nayeon knowing exactly what to do was too much and before Irene could react, she ended up cumming, right in front of her Maknae. It wasn’t until Irene got down from her high that Nayeon even realized they had been caught by Yeri but her lack of an embarrassed reaction, half guilt and half smile, face half covered with Irene’s juices didn’t help at all and Yeri stormed out of the room. It took the two girls a lot of explaining, convincing and apologizing why exactly one of Yeri’s best friends had her face buried in Yeri’s unnie.
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queen-rainy-love · 10 months
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Because I know I didn't made it clear (which I don't blame anyone for. It's a big tree.)
Each panel is the families of Red Velvet, Madeleine, and Clotted Cream.
Madeleine and Espresso adopted Snow Sugar and co-parented with Frost Queen. Red Velvet and Pastry adopted Capsaicin and Pond Dino (pretty sure there will be more). Wildberry adopted Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, and Strawberry Crepe before Clotted Cream and Custard III moved in and became family.
And that's without creating some OCs.
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imninahchan · 5 months
Nina, faz um hc de threesome com a Joy e Seulgi?
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───── 𓏲╰ ᰔᩚ ·# [🍥] : JOY, SEULGI + threesome
a única dinâmica aceitável é você como sub, JOY mean dom e SEULGI fazendo ambos os papéis;
embora JOY seja extremamente docinha, manhosa do tipo até chata, ela não é do tipo que abre mão do controle. É tão controladora, inclusive, que faz de SEULGI gato e sapato também;
a kang é versátil, pode ser aquela que comanda ou que obedece, dependendo das ordens que recebe de uma sooyoung muito mandona;
mas, pra você, só resta a submissão mesmo. Você é bobinha, a garota delas, como JOY gosta de dizer, com aquele maltido tom debochadinho, não serve para ti ser a parte dominante;
JOY também é a mais exibicionista e voyer. Gosta de observar você e SEULGI, assistir a kang te foder com um strap ou com outros brinquedinhos. E é ela quem também estabelece o quadrinho de punições;
SEULGI é mais calorosa, romântica. Acha as punições com tapinhas a coisa mais sexy, mas ela mesma não consegue de dar um tapa que seja, por mais leve.
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uselessalexis165 · 2 years
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i just realized he’s using two eyepatches to cover his eyes
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unoreversecowgirl · 1 year
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don’t get me wrong, i’m a little hype but cOME ONNNNNNNN!!! GIMME THE CHEESE!
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vxlentinescookies · 20 days
Ok, if you don't mind me I have an idea for another Cookie
Red Velvet's first meeting with Reader Cookie, here's some points
1. Red Velvet decided to take Chiffon for a walk, bad idea, Chiffon escapes and he has to to catch him
2. Chiffon disappeared I what looks to be a rose's bush maze, Rev Velvet decided to try and short cut THROUGH the bushes and ends up a bit cut at the end
3. He finds himself in a little heaven of a garden, colorful plants everywhere and a nice, little cabin
4. And then there's Chiffon, the little traitor just came here following the smell of the snacks made a simple cookie living peacefully there, and that now Chiffon was enjoying
5. Love at first sight, and BOI he becomes a shy, flustered mess now
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→ ❛The Garden❜
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→ Pairing ; Red Velvet Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛Oh, you mean this little guy?❜❜ → Genre ; Headcanons → A/N ; Here you go! Sorry for the wait
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It was a calm morning, he had taken Chiffon for a walk to enjoy nature and take a breath of fresh air,  when it happened, the little hound ran through the place quickly,  before swiftly running away from its owner, making Red Velvet worry and start chasing him. The hound was agile, just like how he trained them which didnt make things easier, especially as he promptly ended in a maze bigger than he was.
It’d take him a while to catch his breath, but meanwhile he did that, he’d walk through the maze. 
At first he was mesmerized, completely enamored with the sights he was seeing, but as he grew the more worried for his hound he’d chose the next totally logical option.
Thats right baby, hulk time!
Im jesting, but he would indeed use his weapon to ease his way through the maze, cutting his way through until he’d arrive at his destination.
Still, it dosent save him from a few cuts here and there in his dough, which prompts a mysterious voice to call him.
“Excuse me, are you ok?”
As he looked up after cleaning the leaves out of his body, he’d gaze into your eyes, a sight to behold, capturing him and taking him by surprise, not focusing on the garden nor the cabin, but you.
“Y-Yes…” He’d say, shyly out of the sudden “Just, been looking for my hound… Chiffon”
“Oh, you mean this little guy?”
It was love at first sight, looking at you like you were some kind of angel coming from the skies.
He’d then gaze at Chiffon, who was in your arms, eating one of the snacks you had made. 
Dosent even focus on the garden anymore, instead focusing on you for long moments, but not letting it be noticeable (you still notice)
Will leave after a few moments with Chiffon and some snacks, thinking heavily about what had just happened, truly, a sight to remember.
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nanawritesit · 10 months
Playing Truth or Dare with Red Velvet (NSFW/ 18+/ MDNI) 🔞
Trigger Warnings: making out, groping, undressing, kissing body parts, lap dances, grinding/dry humping, hickeys, mentions of handcuffs, fingering, use of vibrator, master kink, lingerie, kissing while asleep, nipple sucking, nipple play, oral sex, getting walked in on, cursing
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She was one of your best friends in the entire world. Things had only ever been platonic between you. Sure, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have the tiniest crush on her. But how could you help yourself? Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat anytime she grabbed your hand or flashed a smile at you. But, there was always so much doubt that she’d felt the same way about you. That was, until tonight.
You were having one of your usual sleepovers at her place, lying next to each other in bed as some movie played on the TV in the background.
“Y/N, this movie sucks.” she suddenly exclaimed, rolling over to face you. “Let’s do something fun.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you asked, doing the same.
She flashed you a mischevious grin. “Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Okay, you go first.” you instructed, sitting up.
The two of you went back and forth for a while, asking simple questions like “what’s your most embarrassing story,” or “what’s your biggest fear.” The dares were pretty tame as well, being things like “break dance for one minute,” and “do an impression of your favorite celebrity.”
“Alright, we broke the ice. Now it’s time to take things up a notch.” she proposed, leaning forward expectantly.
You raised an eyebrow. “Fine, I was getting bored anyway. I pick dare.”
“I dare you to kiss me.” she demanded.
A light pink blush spread across your cheeks, and your mouth fell open the slightest amount. You swallowed the hard lump that was forming in your throat before looking back up at her. “A-are you sure?
“I absolutely am.” she replied with a cheeky grin. “I’ve been dying to know how good of a kisser you are.”
You exhaled to release some of your nerves, then got up on your knees and scooted closer to her. You flipped her hair over her shoulder and tucked a strand behind her ear, gazing into her eyes affectionately. For a second, she looked really flustered. You glanced down at her soft pink lips, running your thumb over them delicately. You put both hands on her cheeks, then leaned down to press your lips against hers. It was soft and sweet, your lips just barely ghosting over hers, but with enough firmness that she knew you were there. She seemed to freeze underneath you. You pulled back slowly, and both of your eyes fluttered open. You looked at her with an apologetic gaze.
“Irene, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
That was all you got out before she had pulled you back down by your shirt and devoured your lips in a much rougher kiss. Your eyes sprung wide open at first, but soon you turned yourself over to the pleasure of kissing her. Your lips were crashing against each other desperately, and soon her tongue was pressing its way between your lips as if asking for an invitation. You granted it to her by sliding your own tongue along hers, now totally enmeshed together.
As the kissing grew more heated, you slowly pushed her down against mattress. She began to tangle her legs with yours and run her hands up along your lower back, tugging up your shirt to run her fingers delicately across your skin. You brought a hand up to her breast, groping it lightly until she pushed you off so she could sit up straight.
“Oh I’m sorry, was that too mu-“ you were cut off once again when she whipped her shirt off over head, now clad in just a tiny pair of pajama shorts.
Your mouth fell wide open at the sight of her bare chest. “Irene… you’re so beautiful.” You told her, leaning back in to kiss her again. She grabbed a fistful of your hair and fell back down onto the mattress, wrapping her legs around your waist to pull you closer.
You momentarily pulled back to take off your own shirt so you could have skin-to-skin contact, then went back down to kiss her lips once more. Soon, you began trailing the kisses down to her jaw, then her neck, then her chest, and then her stomach. You finally stopped right above her clothed core, gripping the waistband of her shorts. You looked up at her with a playful smirk. “Well I think it’s safe to say our friendship is ruined.”
“Tch, we were never really ‘just friends’ anyway.” she giggled, ruffling your hair affectionately. “Now why’d you stop? I was just getting excited.”
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“Baby, I want to play truth or dare.” your girlfriend told you while you were both sitting on the couch next to each other.
“Okay, we can do that Seul.” you told her with a chuckle, setting down your phone to turn towards her. “But let’s only do dares. We pretty much know everything there is to know about each other.”
“Sounds good to me.” she replied with a mischievous grin. “But I want to add a rule to make it more fun.
“Oh?” you asked, curious as to what she was planning in her head. “And what might that be?”
“Every time one of us refuses to do the dare, they have to take off a piece of clothing.” she challenged. She bit her lip at you as if she was imagining the outcome, and you had to admit, you were doing the same as you raked your eyes over her body.
“Okay, you’re on.” you responded. “I’ll go first.”
The two of you started throwing the worst possible dares at each other. Things that neither of you would do even if someone paid you. Before long, you were both in your underwear, sitting across from each other laughing.
“Was this your plan all along? Just to get me undressed?” you giggled, grabbing her hand and shaking it playfully.
“No, absolutely not!” she laughed back at you, slapping your hand away. “I only want to give you one more dare though.”
“Okay, what is it Seul.” you asked, settling back down.
She held back the huge cheshire-cat grin that threatened to creep its way onto her face. “Let me give you a lap dance without touching me for five minutes.”
You gasped in surprise, but you were smiling nonetheless. “Fine, but that means I don’t have to take off another piece of clothing.” you teased.
“That’s fine by me.” she chuckled, shifting to straddle your lap. You put your hands underneath your thighs in preparation. She quickly set a timer on her phone before gripping onto your shoulders tightly to begin her dare.
She began grinding down against your core, rolling her hips back and forth in a mesmerizing way. You bit your lip at the sight before you, gripping the couch cushion beneath you in restraint. She tousled her hair a bit, then reached her hands behind her back to unhook her bra. The straps slid delicately down her shoulders before revealing her breasts.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of them. “God Seulgi, this is harder than I thought it was going to be…”
“Hang in there, you’ve only got two and a half minutes left.” she giggled, running her hands over her breasts to grope them. She squeezed them against each other and pinched her nipples between her fingers, still grinding down on your lap in perfect rhythm.
“One minute left. You gonna make it?” she asked, glancing down to the mess of your lower region. You gulped and nodded, throwing your head back in frustration. She leaned forward at your gesture and began nipping and sucking at your neck, leaving a few hickeys. You moaned in desperation, squinting your eyes together at the immense pleasure. Just when you thought you were going to break, the timer went off.
“Well, you win Y/N.” she sighed, sitting up straight. “I suppose I should-“
You cut her off by pinning her down on the couch beneath you, kissing her ravenously. “You like teasing me that much? You like getting me all worked up?” You looked down at her with a dominant glare and a devilish grin. “I get one more dare too you know. And mine is to put you in cuffs for five minutes while I do whatever I want to you. Let’s see if you can handle your own game, Kang Seulgi.”
She looked up at you with doe eyes and a shocked expression. But it was soon replaced with a satisfied smirk that let you know she had accomplished what she originally set out to do. She had already won. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t have some fun too.
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Irene was hosting a small birthday party for Wendy at her place, and you were one of the guests. Everyone in the group knew about your enormous crush on her, except the birthday girl herself. Similarly, everyone in the group also knew about her immense crush on you. But you were totally oblivious. With neither of you ever daring to make a move, your friends decided to take matters into their own hands.
It was late at night, and the party was winding down. Wendy had already opened up all her presents, the dinner had been served, and now everyone was strewn about the living room finishing their cake.
“Everyone done? I’ll throw away the plates.” Irene chirped, getting up from her seat.
“Yeah, I think so. Thanks Rene!” you replied, handing your plate to her with a smile.
“So, what are we going to do now?” Seulgi asked.
“Well, Yeri and I were talking about playing truth or dare!” Joy exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
Wendy clicked her tongue at the suggestion. “You maknaes. At every get together you two say we should play truth or dare, and every time, it ends in disaster.”
“Oh come on, it doesn’t go that badly.” Yeri whined, hitting her on the arm lightly.
“Really? I’d say having to apologize to the entire apartment building for pulling the fire alarm in the middle of the night was pretty bad.” Irene huffed, returning from the kitchen.
“I don’t know, I think it could be fun.” you suddenly chimed in.
Wendy glanced over at you, her eyes twinkling. She thought for a moment, seemingly fixed on the hopeful smile you had on your face, then sighed in defeat. “Alright, but just for a little while. And no one can leave the apartment!” She shot a glare towards Joy.
“How many times do I have to say I’m sorry? You know I’m too proud to turn down a dare!” the younger girl cried out.
And so the game began, and things were going pretty much as expected. You all found out who Seulgi’s mystery girl was, Irene sent a risky text to her crush, and Joy and Yeri had kissed once. Finally, it was the birthday girl’s turn.
“Alright Wendy, truth or dare.” Joy asked.
“I feel like I’ll be screwed either way, but dare I suppose.” the older girl said begrudgingly.
Joy smirked evilly. “I dare you to go in the closet with Y/N for seven minutes.”
“Ah, a little seven minutes in heaven action?” Yeri teased, clapping her hands together.
“Hey, that’s too much Joy.” Irene scolded, crossing her arms. “We don’t know Y/N would feel about that. They might be uncomfortable with-“
“I’ll do it.” you interrupted, a little too eagerly. Everyone whipped their heads over to look at you. Seulgi and Irene looked shocked, Joy and Yeri were grinning like little devils, and Wendy had that same twinkle in her eye from earlier and a rosy pink blush dusting her cheeks. You coughed at the sudden awkward feeling of everyone staring at you. “Uh, that is, as long as Wendy wants to.”
Wendy blinked, snapping out of her daze. “I mean, I’m okay with that. After all, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
“Alright, let’s go!” Joy shouted, jumping up from her seat. She grabbed both of your hands and tugged you up, then led you over to the closet at the end of the hall and shoved you inside.
“Okay, one of you set a timer on your phones! Don’t have too much fun in here.” she winked, then slammed the door in your faces and scurried back to the living room.
Wendy sighed, turning towards you. “I’m so sorry about her. I hope you’re not too miserable in here.”
“Oh don’t worry about me, I’m good!” you reassured with a chuckle. “After all, I’m with you aren’t I?”
She glanced at the ground bashfully, letting out a small giggle. “That’s true, we rarely ever have bad times together…”
“You look beautiful tonight.” you told her, glancing at her outfit. “I mean, you look stunning all the time, but I just meant that this outfit looks really cute on you.”
“Oh thank you so much!” she beamed, straightening her blouse. “I don’t really wear skirts too often, but I wanted to be bold for once.”
“Well you’re rocking it.” you bit your lip, trying to contain your lust for her. “I don’t know how you could ever be insecure.”
“Oh come on Y/N.” she rolled her eyes with a small smile. “I’m not that pretty.”
“Are you insane?” you exclaimed, turning to face her completely. “You’re absolutely gorgeous Wendy, everything about you is. Your hair…” you reached forward to fiddle with some of the strands falling over her shoulder. “Your eyes…” you gazed into them, realizing how her pupils had dilated. “Your skin…” you brushed a finger along her cheek delicately. You felt her breathing heavily in anticipation at where you would go next.
Somehow, in this moment, you felt brave enough to make a move. Maybe it was the dim lighting in the closet, or your forced proximity to one another… actually, it was the way she was looking at you. She seemed to be pleading for you to take things further, titling her chin up a bit as if to push her lips forward.
“And how could I forget, your pretty lips…” you finally concluded, in a voice barely above a whisper. You leaned in painfully slow, then after what felt like ages, you kissed her. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and after a few seconds, her arms came up around your neck to push you closer.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” she confessed as she pulled away from you panting.
“You have no idea.” you laughed, shaking your head before crashing your lips against hers again, much stronger this time. Her tongue slid into your mouth eagerly, wrestling with yours as you began to run your hands up along the curves of her waist. Her own hands were sliding into your hair, gripping and tugging at the nape.
Suddenly, the alarm on your phone went off. You groaned, pulling away from her to silence it. “Well, I guess our time is up.” you sighed, reaching for the door knob.
She hastily grabbed your wrist, making you freeze. “Y/N, can I ask you for something?” she inquired.
“Anything, birthday girl.” you smirked.
She seemed nervous all of a sudden, brushing some of her hair behind her ear. “Could you… could you please put your fingers inside of me?”
Your jaw dropped open in shock. Wendy was always so shy and reserved, at least when it came to you. You never in a million years expected her to initiate something so dirty.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s too much. God I really ruined this didn’t I- ah!” she ended her thought, clasping a hand over her mouth to contain her moans. You had slid a hand up her skirt and began rubbing the pad of your thumb in circles against her clothed clit.
“Well of course I can, since you asked so nicely.” you practically purred into her ear, pressing her up against the wall. “Gosh, you’re so wet already, this won’t take long at all. I’ll just set another timer real quick. I mean, it’s only seven minutes right? How much could happen?”
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“Oh come on Y/N, it’ll be fun!” your girlfriend whined, tugging on your arm. She had just come back from a bachelorette party where she had won a dice game of NSFW truth or dare, and she really wanted to try it out.
“It just seems kind of silly Joy…” you chuckled, looking at the box that had tons of cartoon kisses and hearts all over it.
“Please honey? Don’t you want to play with me?” she asked, running a manicured hand over your chest and looking up at you with huge doe eyes. She was pushing her chest forward, cleavage on full display in her tight black dress that hugged her hips and waist, leading down to her long legs clad in sheer black tights, and ending with her highest black red bottomed heels. She was absolutely irresistible right now.
“Okay honey, we can play.” you gulped, shaking your head to regain your composure.
She squealed, then opened the box excitedly. The game was pretty simple. You would each take turns rolling the dice, which would either give you a truth or a dare. Then, you’d pick a card from whatever category you rolled which would tell you what to confess or do.
“I’ll go first.” she declared, rolling the dice. “Dare!” she exclaimed, drawing her first card. She cleared her throat before reading it out loud. “‘Put on your sexiest lingerie.’ Well, that’s easy, I already have it on.” she giggled, standing up. She unzipped her dress and slid it off down her legs, revealing the black lace teddy and garter set you had bought her for valentine’s day.
Your eyes went wide at the sight. Other than the lingerie, the only other thing she was wearing was a choker. If you weren’t turned on before, you certainly were now. Her ample breasts and perky butt looked ungodly good in that set.
“Y/N? It’s your turn.” she chuckled, waving a hand in front of your face.
“Right!” you exclaimed, reaching for the dice. “Truth.” you announced before grabbing a card. “Let’s see… ‘what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but never suggested to your partner?’” you set the card down, thinking to yourself for a moment. You bit your lip hesitantly.
“Come on baby, you can tell me. I won’t judge.” your girlfriend reassured you, grabbing your hand.
You looked up at her. Her smile was so warm and comforting, and her eyes were sparkling with intrigue. You exhaled, then sat up. “Well, I know you like to get off with your vibrator… I was wondering if, well, you’d let me use it on you?”
Her lips curled up into a devilish grin. “Oh yes, you can absolutely try that on me baby. Wanna do it now?”
You nodded eagerly. She snickered at your actions, then got up to get her vibrator out of her dresser. Once she had retrieved it, she laid down between your legs, back flush against your chest. “I’m all yours honey.”
You turnt on the vibrator and began running it lightly along her slit. The only thing separating her core from the device was the thin layer of black lace decorating the teddy she was wearing. Her head fell back into the crook of your neck. You glanced down at her pale exposed skin, and impulsively began nipping and sucking at her neck. You knew it was one of her weak points.
“Oh shit, honey…” she moaned, pushing her hips forward to get more friction from the vibrator. “You’re gonna give me a hickey!”
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you honey?” you teased with a cynical chuckle into her ear. “You just love getting marked up by your master, don’t you?”
She nodded frantically, grabbing your wrist to press the device further against her core. You swatted her hand away, then placed it on her chest. “Let me take my time. Get those pretty titties out for me.”
She huffed in frustration, but did as you asked, sliding down the straps of the teddy to fold over the cups, revealing her breasts.
“Oh, look how pretty you are…” you growled, groping one with your free hand.
“Please honey, let me c- ah!” she was cut off by you tearing the vibrator away from her core.
“Hey, you know what my name is baby.” you said sternly, waving the device back and forth as if shaking your finger at her.
“I’m sorry master! Please, please, I need to cum!” she pleaded, tears prickling at her eyes.
“Okay, but you need to be a good girl for me, okay?” you instructed.
“I will, I promise!” she cried, laying back against your chest.
“Alright. Strip down for me and we’ll keep going. Get the dice.”
“You mean you want to keep playing while getting me off?” she asked, perplexed at your boldness.
“Oh come on, you were the one who wanted to play so badly. I know you can take it.” you praised, putting the vibrator back against her clit as soon as she was nude. She had no idea what she was getting into by winning this game. Well, maybe she did. But was she disappointed? Hell no.
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You didn’t know how Yeri convinced you to come to a sleepover at Nayeon’s, but here you were. You hadn’t been to a sleepover since you were 16. You forgot how tiring they were, and decided to take a quick power nap in Nayeon’s guest room. Yeri, Nayeon, Sana, Chuu, and Suhyun all pouted jokingly when you left, but told you to sleep well and rejoin them when you were reenergized.
After a half hour or so, you felt well rested enough to rejoin the party. As you were walking down the hall, you heard something that made you stop dead in your tracks.
“We should play truth or dare!” Nayeon proclaimed. You could hear in her voice that the girls had busted out a bottle of wine shortly after you left. Go figure.
“That’s a great idea!” Chuu agreed enthusiastically, clunking her class down on the table.
“Ugh, didn’t we do this at the last sleepover?” you heard Yeri ask.
Your ears perked up at the sound of her voice. You hadn’t told anyone, because you knew none of the girls could keep a secret, but you had a massive crush on her. No one knew you were awake yet anyway, so what would be the harm in eavesdropping a little bit?
“Yeah, but we didn’t get to ask any juicy questions then!” Sana whined. “We just talked about our lame feelings and stuff.”
“Yeah come on Yeri, it’ll be fun.” Suhyun debated.
“Fine, let’s do it. This is what i get for being the only sober one tonight.” Yeri grumbled. “I wish Y/N was here so I wouldn’t be stuck with all you drunkards.”
You blushed and smiled at the floor at her mention of your name. Part of you wanted to go out there and comfort her, but you were too far into this eavesdropping mission to drop it now.
“Well since you’re so thrilled, how about you go first Yerim?” Nayeon teased. “Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Yeri grumbled.
“BORING!” Chuu chanted, cupping her hands around her mouth.
“Yeah Yeri, don’t be a stick in the mud.” Sana pleaded, tugging on her arm.
“Fine! Give me a stupid dare!” Yeri huffed, throwing her hands up in surrender.
Nayeon smirked evilly. “I dare you to go into the guest room and wake up Y/N with a kiss.”
Your heart stopped. You couldn’t see her, but you knew Yeri was frozen too.
“… are you serious?” she asked meekly. Nayeon must have nodded, because everyone else erupted into applause.
“This is your chance to finally make a move on them!” Suhyun said, encouragingly patting her on the back.
“While they’re asleep? Guys that’s creepy.” Yeri replied nervously.
“Oh come on Yeri, just a little peck on the lips!” Nayeon compromised. “You’ve had a crush on them for MONTHS now. We all know they like you back. Someone has to get the ball rolling.
Your breath hitched in your throat. Yeri liked you? And the girls knew you liked her back? Perhaps they were smarter than you thought.
There was a moment of silence before Yeri slapped her hands on her thighs. “Alright,” she said, “I’ll do it.”
You sprinted back to the guest room with the lightest footsteps you could possibly manage, doing a swift tiptoe run as sound of the girls cheering drowned out behind you. You quickly darted back under the covers and resumed your sleeping position.
You got comfortable just as Yeri clicked open the bedroom door, peering in to see if you were still asleep. You heard her footsteps padding closer to you, until the mattress next to you sunk down a bit.
“Y/N?” she asked quietly, “Are you awake?”
You gave no response.
“Alright, well, here goes…” she sighed, grabbing your shoulders lightly. Once you felt her weight pressing down on you to lean in and kiss you, you sprung up and met her halfway, clamping a hand behind her neck to deepen the kiss.
She pulled back in shock. “Y/N? You’re awake?” she questioned.
You clicked on the bedside lamp so you could see each other. “I like you too Yeri.”
It suddenly clicked in her head that you must have heard her conversation with the girls. She open-mouth laughed at you, feigning disbelief.
“You’re such a little eavesdropper!” she scolded, poking at your sides playfully.
“Shut up and kiss me again.” you demanded, pulling her back down.
Her hips shifted to straddle you as your lips met once again, slowly and softly at first but getting rougher and deeper by the second. Her tongue hesitantly entered your mouth as if asking for permission. You hooked your own tongue right under it, granting her that permission. Now more confident in your intimacy, she began rolling her hips over your core. You matched her rhythm and pushed your hips up for more friction.
She was wearing a thin cotton nightgown, so thin that you could see her hardened nipples pressing against the fabric. You brought a hand up her thigh and trailed your way up to her chest hesitantly.
“You can touch me, Y/N.” she reassured, grabbing your hand and placing it over her breast.
You cupped it and rolled her nipple between your fingers, making her moan at the sensation.
“Do you want them in your mouth?” she asked suddenly.
Your eyes widened. “Well yes, but you don’t have to-“
She cut you off by whipping the nightgown off and over her head, tossing it to the side quickly. Now just clad in a simple pair of white cotton panties, she moved further up your body until her chest was hovering over your face.
It was hard to think logically when the hottest girl you knew was practically naked on top of you, positioning her plump breast towards your lips. You lost all reserve, and took her nipple in your mouth to begin sucking on it.
“Fuck, Y/N…” she groaned, eyelids fluttering shut. Her hips began rutting against your abdomen, obviously trying to get off.
You could feel your own arousal leaking through your pants, but your main focus was pleasuring Yeri. You lifted your hand up to grope the breast you weren’t currently suckling on, flicking the nipple lightly.
“Y/N, please…” she begged, “I need more.”
You released her nipple from your lips, making a “pop” sound. You looked up at her with bright eyes. “Can I taste you then?”
She nodded, and in an instant, you sprung up and pinned her to the mattress underneath you. Now on top, you began trailing kisses down her abdomen until you reached her panties. You tugged them down with your teeth, then dove straight for her clit with a flat tongue. She cried out as soon as the contact was made.
You were interrupted by the sudden opening of the bedroom door.
“Hey are you guys alright in here? I heard screaming and, OH MY GOD!” Nayeon screeched, slapping her hands over her eyes.
“Nayeon!” you both yelled out, scrambling to cover Yeri’s naked body.
“Nope, it’s my fault!” the older girl sighed, turning around. “I should’ve knocked. Continue.”
She shut the door behind you and sprinted down the hall. “Guys! Guys! Y/N was totally just giving Yeri head! Our plan worked!” you heard her chant, causing all the girls to cheer.
Yeri slapped a palm to her forehead. “Why do we have to have such stupid friends?”
“Yeah, but I’m gonna have to thank them one day.” you chuckled, taking her hand. “But since we were interrupted anyway, I think we should go on a few dates before this goes any further. Not that I didn’t love all of it, trust me, I did.”
She giggled, rubbing her thumb along the back of your hand. “I agree. I really loved it too, but I didn’t want this to just be a hookup. I really like you.”
You nodded understandingly. “Great, that’s settled. Now let’s go face our nosy, idiot friends.”
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alcoholfreenayeon · 6 months
Wendy headcannons(SFW & NSFW)
Wendy Girlfriend HCs
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The type of girl people started wars over in ancient times.
She feels you are too protective of her but you tell her that she’s too precious for you not to be.
She likes to help you with your skincare routine, recommending various products, helping you use them etc.
She makes playlists for you and to your astonishment, each time you absolutely love every song in it.
She absolutely hates any sort of disagreement between the two of you.
She makes amazing desserts and it’s come to the point where you cannot end dinner without eating something delicious that she made. She makes especially good cakes.
She likes to lean on you whenever you are close to her. Though she does expect you to wrap your hands around her while she does so or else she’ll pout and pull away.
She always accuses you of cheating when the two of you play games together. It’s because regardless of whether it’s a board or card game or a video game, Wendy always ends up getting the worst possible outcomes. She doesn’t understand how she gets unlucky every time.
She loves to hear you laugh and always tries her best to make you giggle uncontrollably.
Always the little spoon, she loves to be in your arms, snuggling and whispering cute stuff.
You would be surprised by spicy things can get with Wendy.
She’s pretty much a switch, topping or bottoming depending on how you feel.
You didn’t realize until you experienced it but singing was probably her worst oral skill compared to her other….talents
Always eager to make out with you.
She always has a slight blush whenever you two do anything more than kissing.
She’s extremely sensitive and it doesn’t take too much to make her cum.
Despite being a main vocalist, she’s surprisingly quiet in bed. She more often whimpers and gasps, squirming helplessly even than outrightly moaning.
She likes it when you bite her and also likes to be gently choked.
Loves to dress up for sex, always eager to try on different lingerie, dresses or costumes.
She also likes to read erotic novels and literature, it always gets her in the mood so anytime she seems really horny out of the blue, you chalk it down to her reading something.
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starbeamssovereign · 27 days
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Red Velvet Cookie + Butter Roll Cookie x Hearing-sensitive Reader hcs
Summary: "Headcanons about a reader who has sensitive hearing. For example, loud noises hurt your ears more then most Cookies, and it gives you a bit of anxiety as well. Luckily, these two just love helping you 😘 (No this is not a ship between these two I swear)"
TW: None really
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Red Velvet Cookie
Mans been dealing with the cake hounds since he was little, of course he knows how sensitive your hearing and their hearing can get
During thunderstorms just expect to be surrounded by the cake hounds and Red Velvet’s cuddling
Because he also has sensitive ears (don’t tell Pomegranate)
If he accidentally yells too loud while venting about work, he immediately goes and apologizes, giving you kisses and hugging you
He buys noise canceling headphones for everyone during the New Year or in general
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Butter Roll Cookie
I fucking hate him so much but he’s my wife
He obviously knew from the start that you had sensitive hearing
Well, it was a hypothesis until he decided to bring you to the laboratory just to see what he does for Dark Enchantress and for science
All the noise almost made you break down
So yes, his hypothesis was proven correct, but he didn’t want you to cry… D:
And then he took you to a more quiet corner of the lab - his personal study area. Butter Roll asked you if you were okay, before wrapping his arms around you and smiling once you hugged him back.
Since then, he just lets you stay in his study where there’s less noise
He even brings you photos and stuff about what was happening (His infodumping is immaculate)
Butter Roll loves seeing your excited face when he tells you about the new discoveries he and his team made
And while he writes in his journal, he lets you sit on his lap while he whispers about his day and how he missed you <3
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queen-rainy-love · 4 months
Alright. Here's the family tree...part 1. There are so many parts and I'm not doing it all in one post. We're just gonna split them up and slowly get through them. (Also I tend to forget some features in Comic Creator.)
Let's start with some families that have not changed.
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First off, we have the main family, Pure Lily Family. We all know the story: Pure Vanilla and White Lily have six kids (four boys and two girls) and that they have the insane adventures.
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Next up, we have the Custard Family. We have Elder Custard (Or just Custard), his ex-wife Light Cream, and their three sons, Royal Margarine, Clotted Cream, and Custard the Third (Custard Cream). Also, Buttercream is not suppose to be inside since she sometimes brings mud in the house.
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