#red/dark speakerman
pink088 · 1 year
You guys cant tell me that this song isn't these there
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You just can't it's the vibes that tell me
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caffeinehevsuit · 9 months
Team Fortress 2 has finally captivated me after numerous times i've seen it way back
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enderguardiangt · 1 year
How about the alliance members of your choice finding the way the resident human eats to be kinda interesting? Or maybe you can do something where they're interested in their biology?
OMG Thank you for the request (BTW, love your fanfics on ao3)
Colour codes for the Object Heads because I wanna switch my writing style on tumblr :)
Cameramen: Blue
Speakermen: Orange
TVmen: Purple
Titans: Red
Object Head Women: Pink
There we go.
Now, first skibidi fic, lets gooooo
Speakerman (OC: Oliver) x Reader
It is late in the afternoon, where the sun is starting to set. The units came back from their mission, some wounded and some had a few scratches and dents.
(Y/n), the human survivor that now resides in the Alliance base, sat in the mess hall, eating their meal. Just a simple recipe for mac and cheese they remembered back then... Before the toilet creatures took over.
Beside them, sat a humanoid figure with a dark grey speaker for a head. Yes, this object-headed figure is in fact one of the members of the Alliance. A speakerman, dressed in a fancy suit. He sat with his head propped up by his hands, curiously watching his human friend.
His curiosity didn't go unnoticed, the human stopped eating to look at the speakerman. "Oliver? What's up, bud?", (Y/n) asks him. Oliver, the speakerman in question, moves his hand and points towards their mouth and tilts his head. "You're wondering about my mouth?" A nod confirms it. "Oh, so you're wondering about that! Well, us humans need to consume food and water to keep ourselves alive. Our mouth isn't only just for speaking and sometimes breathing, it is used to take in the necessary things to survive." They explain briefly before resuming in eating their meal. They stop to continue, "The food goes in, our stomach processes it, then the needed nutrients are delivered to everywhere in our body through our blood. If we don't get enough food or water then, well, we die."
Oliver nods, as if saying 'Ahhh, so that's how it works.'
Fascinating, he thought. He watches the human finish their meal. The grey speaker headed man scratched the back of his neck. Being around the object head for a while, (Y/n) learnt what some gestures mean, "Oli, no need to apologize. You're more than welcome to ask me anything, whether it be about my biology or the way we do things. Please don't feel embarrassed!" The human threw themself at Oliver and wrapped their arms around his waist, giving him a hug.
His shoulders bounce slightly, his version of a chuckle, as he wrapped his arms around his friend. Oliver is just glad that the human doesn't find his curiosity annoying.
Short and sweet, but hopefully you like it! ^^
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skibidimadness · 2 months
Part 1
(Pls ignore the red stuff. Those were mistakes I made)
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Ok so I kinda decided to make her half of old technology and half of new technology.
Her lore: Camille the CameraKid, last of her kind, and special for she was created with unnatural strength that can match a titan. Plus, she can feel and has her own personality... how odd...
So I'm too lazy to add color but here's her arm as an example of old technology.
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So above the two robot bodies are the arms, inside of her shoulder, and upper arm (idk what I said) are filled with wires(multiple colors) that connect not only her endoskeleton but the lower arm that connects to the solar panels, the solar panels are protected by a bulletproof glass and an extra one.
If the solar panel ends up heating Camille arm it will automatically activate a cool down, stopping closing the solar panel.(the dark blue the surrounding the light blue)
Camille body looks similar to the new technology but her arms are the only thing that looks similar to the old technology
That's why Camille is more active in broad daylight. The only thing that keeps her from being alive at night is her chest, which I'll explain in another time.
Also the two robot bodies your seeing are before and after(execpt the war, they were already extinct before the skibidi war was a thing)
Fun fact: before the war, speakerman will sometimes play music infront every single CameraKid(I haven't given them a proper name) and the CameraKids heads will automatically bob their head while working, like a parrot in minecraft
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lensman-arms-race · 8 months
Episode 70 part 2 spoilers and speculation
I definitely had to rewatch this a few times to catch everything that happened - several bits happen so fast that I missed them on first viewing! Also, it doesn't help that there are 2 cams who look very similar (both black coats, one with plain black tie and one with lozenge-y patterned tie).
Let's follow along with @gamie99's bingo card!
The toilet bursting into the lift uses a dead cam as bait (so we think a friendly cameraman was the one who opened the lift ceiling at first). The bait-cameraman has a black coat and black tie, looking very similar to one of the living cameramen in the lift - and that cameraman dies first to the toilet (by being impaled). Only they're not quite dead - they pull the toilet down the hole with them (the hole blasted by the bomb strapped to the dead bait-cameraman). That confused me until I worked out the sequence of events!
We can tick off heroic sacrifice because of Black Tie's actions. Also, holy crap, how strong are cameramen?! They pulled that big-ass toilet down with them!
I think we can cross off jumpscare too, because we thought 'yay, a friendly' then OH NO.
Something else that happens so quickly I didn't clock it at first: Assassin Speakerman then ferries Salmon Shirt and Lozenge Tie out of the lift (through the hole blasted in the ceiling) one at a time using their jetpack.
That means they could have saved one of the Mint Twins!! D: Waaaa! All this time I thought that that wasn't possible because the jetpacks can't carry passengers. They can!
Plunk uses their spikes again - I'm still baffled by how these work - to climb the walls of the lift, rather than accept Assassin's help. (I think Plunk gets the spikes from a toilet in the previous episode, but it happens so quickly, and Plunk appears to be able to retract and deploy them at will like Wolverine claws? I don't quite get it.) I think Plunk might have just had the same realisation I did - Assassin could have saved at least one Minty! Plunk is angry at Assassin all over again.
Assassin makes a metallic 'honk' sound when Plunk slaps their hand away. It sounds a bit like 'what?', haha.
Walking through the corridors in the dark feels rather videogames, haha. It's interesting that Assassin turns off the red light on their driver - what's that light for? Is it just so other units can see them, or does it grant them some optical sensing ability?
Mildly interesting that the night vision is green. Human-made night-vision apparatus is green because human eyes are attuned to green more than to red or blue - we can see more shades of green than any other colour. It wouldn't necessarily be the same for cameras. Presumably DFB just did it that way so that we the audience would understand it was night vision; maybe that's all there is to it. Maybe it hints that the cameraman were human-made or they modelled themselves after human-made tech on purpose?
Animation error! Salmon Shirt's trouser arse clips through their coat! Bwoo ha ha ha haaaa!
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It's not that there's a big hole in their coat; the arse disappears in the next few frames.
Then we get to that room.
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Is that Titan Camera's arm?! Looks like one of Titan Speaker's knives and the body of a camera strider too.
I think this is further proof that DFB adjusts the size of the models depending on what looks good, and the Titans have no fixed size other than 'big'. Compare the hand above with Plunk and TCam in episode 51:
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There's just no way the hand in episode 70 is that big!
Then we see that piece of paper. (Skibidi Toilets are Greek?) Well then. What is the connection between the Scientist and McMagnets??
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Maybe we can tick off insane fucken lore drop? No lore has actually been dropped, though - just Implications. In which case we can probably tick off "WTF??"
And some plain English! Is this anything from Half-Life? I barely played those games. The two in the middle would appear to be the same models as Freaky-hands McMagnets and the Secret Agent. Which of them is the 'new administrator'? I'm not sure if the other figures are significant. Or the date - it might be just to establish a timescale, or the specific date might have relevance later.
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Possible background: the two dudes above created the Astro Toilets and the Alliance hardwares respectively and are waging a proxy war against each other with their creations. (That doesn't explain where the Skibidis came from though - maybe a failed creation of the Astros.)
Book! Why didn't they open it to look inside?? The book has the TV symbol on it, which I couldn't see when I viewed the episode on my phone. Here's a screencap with a brightness-boosted inset in case you can't see it on your screen either.
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Salmon Shirt shrugs and puts the book back on the table! Why don't they look inside??
Then... RIP Salmon Shirt. That's kinda gutting - not just because another friendly unit died but because it feels unsatisfying. It's not a poignant death, it's just a bummer! Now we'll never find out their connection to the Secret Agent! (Well, we probably will, but it doesn't feel like it at this stage.)
We get to see a POV shot of the Red Screen of Death!
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I'm disappointed that it just says 'end yourself' instead of something more brutal. Feels like pissbaby TikTok-level self-censorship.
I've always been intrigued by why DFB has the TVs speak backwards. It sent me down a rabbit-hole of looking up how CRT screens work, to find whether there was anything in a CRT that can be said to run 'backwards' before it reaches the viewer, but I couldn't find anything. I concluded that DFB did it for Rule of Cool and to give viewers an Easter egg if they chose to reverse the sound. Could it be that the RSOD text is backwards because it looks the right way around to the TV displaying it (imagine wearing goggles with some text on them) and they're such proud idiots that it doesn't occur to them that it's the wrong way around to everyone else? Ahahaha.
Assassin Speaker saves the day! Along with the lens protector given to Plunk by the dying large cam. (I want to see Plunk wearing it - I bet that looks silly!) RIP Lozenge Tie though. It seems Assassin did try to save them too but the toilet simply impaled them. Plunk immediately returns the favour to Assassin by rescuing them right back! (Something else I didn't see on first viewing because everything happens so fast.) Hopefully they will become pals again eventually.
Assassin goes squeak and it sounds kind of like 'wow'. Heheh.
Plunk has Salmon Shirt's mysterious doohicky now, and we get a proper look at it. Looks kind of like Winamp, haha.
Wiju Bi Gojze!! :D
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So, where did that toilet come from? The red and black mechanical arm was in plain sight, but where was the rest of it??
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cosmica-galaxy · 7 months
Hey, its a me again, i just wanna know some imagination i have
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How would your oc's feel with the silent trio? Aka my three old oc's that now has a redesign, meet DJ ((red)), Ongaku ((normal blue)) and disike ((dark blue))
DJ - is the tallest and oldest being 31 y/o and his height is 7'4, is stern in every single assassination or spy job, its a rare occasion to see him all humbled and relaxe, his weapon lf choice is a sniper and a katana
Onganku - his age is 28 y/o and his height is 6'8, is occasionally seen stern and hostile every single time he is scouting or fighting, only ONCE he was seen calm and relaxed in his office, his weapon of choice a knife and a pistol
Disike - his age is 26 y/o, his the shortest only being 6'0, his alway's seen as a kind and humble fellow speakerman, but he alway's seemed to hide his rage and hostility behind a kind facade, his weapon of choice a katana and a electric knife, he love's close combat
I wanna know their opinion on my trio and their opinion in the battlefield, the three are very much skilled alway's knowing where the next attack is gonna hit them even with their back turned, because of their special horn's on the side's of their speaker head, it make's their hearing and echolocation sensitivity jump to the max, that's why their called the silent trio
((Anyway's this is gonna be my last submission because me and my family are going to manila for a two day vacation, so bye bye!)) --- SPEAKER LADS!! I LOVE THEM!! :DD
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love-draw-fanart · 5 months
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When I complete the SFM course, I will make a 5-minute clip of Dark Speakerman pole dancing to the music Give it to me - Matt Sassari 🥹
TVman will sit and watch him dance in a luxurious chair, holding a glass of red wine (actually red oil) in his hand.
He's Speakerman, of course he must know all the dances in the whole world
Damn, I want to see Dark dance soooooo bad
Pole dancing in a vest is the bestttttttttttttt
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Now that i think about it, maybe the special units are siblings. Dual and Survei are both overpowered, wear grey undershirts, and have a blue spotlight. dark speakerman and speakerwoman both have red undershirts and black suits, and they also have the glowing speaker and headphones. Maybe TV woman and large TV man are also siblings, but I can't find any large similarities between them, other than the skill and maybe the age of their TVs
Ieh, I don't really see them as siblings, but I like the concept!!
Also you can't call Dual overpowered, he dies like seven times
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