#reddit atheists version of a gotcha
tiny-huts · 1 year
I'm just.... Kind of tired of like a ton of fantasy worlds having like the gods are bad, every church is corrupt, faith means you're dumb and gullible plots. Like regardless of a ton of authors and such refusing to engage with how polytheism differs meaningfully from like... The fucking Catholic church.. it's just such a dismal way to think about things. Like I like fantasy for the hope and the sense of wonder and such..
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automatismoateo · 1 month
I got watchmakered today. via /r/atheism
I got watchmakered today. I live in Ohio, so not exactly in the bible belt, but close enough. Lots of christians of different denominations around. I work at a department store, and while it isn't a religious store perse, we do sell some jesus-y bible-y stuff. I don't know if this makes the clientele feel empowered or what, but I am constantly having people tell me about "someone who loves you more than anyone else can" and given tons of jesus pamphlets. It kind of baffles me how people can think "yeah, this guy that works in a semi religious store and has soaps with bible verses directly across from his register has definitely never heard of christianity" but I digest. Normally, I just smile and nod, and throw the pamphlet away after they leave and that's that. Today, this 70 year old man decided to ask me follow up questions after his little spiel. I've noticed whenever they have follow up questions, it's never enough to just say "oh yeah, I believe in god and go to church all the time" because they have to make sure you believe the "correct" version (i.e. the one they subscribe to) of the fairy tale. I decided to be honest. Went like this: Do you go to church? "no" do you believe in god at all? "no" can I ask why "because I've read the bible and know a fair amount about religion and it just doesn't seem to comport with reality." Dude starts chuckling, assuring me he's not laughing at me, which means he definitely is and tells me about the prototypical apologist conversation that has never actually happened. He said he was talking to a guy and he pointed to his watch and said "no one made this" at which point the hypothetical atheist says "what are you talking about? Of course someone did!" Old man says "exactly" and smugly walks away leaving Atheon McStrawman to question everything he believes. Dude then has the audacity to claim "I don't even know where I got that from, it just came to me." Sure guy, we all know exactly where you got it, the same apologists that failed to make it a valid or compelling argument in the first place. Look, I'm more than happy to spend an hour or two explaining why that's a shitty argument if this was anywhere else, I'd even suggest better arguments to use and tell you why they're better for your position, but I'm at work and I have a ton of shit to do. Go feel self-righteous somewhere else. Not that I could have actually said that and kept my job. I find it baffling that anyone, even one of the old guard like this guy, can still think this is some kind of great gotcha argument. I don't really have a point here, I just wanted to share. Maybe you'll find some humor in it. Submitted August 20, 2024 at 03:38AM by sameguyinadisguise (From Reddit https://ift.tt/xwc0BSb)
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