#redeemed and that henry is meant to be a villain and everybody gets it so nobody actually stans them or smth
disdaidal · 2 years
Argument made by antis: but all the other characters you mentioned are unrealistic while Billy is grounded in reality. It's more rare running into someone like 001 irl. Stanning Billy is harmful.
I block them on sight tbh. Thanks for making that list though was super fun seeing your faves!
I see. As long as the character isn't too realistic, it's okay to stan them. Noted.
Don't let them find out about Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer. It would break them.
I block antis on sight, too. I don't care reading about the same, boring verses being recited to me at least five times a day. Reminds me too much of religion (and I'm an atheist who doesn't belong to church lmao).
And aww, thanks! <3 It was fun making that list and talking about them via notes. Stanning problematic characters = my biggest sin *le sigh*.
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Regina’s redemption arc is ridiculous
The character from season 1 was so clearly set up to be a villain and it actually in itself feels strange that she would find redemption.. I don’t think the character works as a hero really.
I mean the very idea of a queen who abuses, murders, kidnaps, rapes and tortures her own people... For such a long time suddenly seeing the error of her ways? It... doesn’t feel right to me. It doesn’t feel logical.
I also find it unbelievable that everybody in town has forgiven Regina. Everybody is cool with the curse now and just forgave her... No. I’m sorry but that’s too much of a stretch. I’m not buying it.
While Snowing forgiving Regina is sort of believable, not realistic but believable as Snow and Charming are meant to be pure of heart, becoming friends with her after all she did? Nope, not buying it. Tolerating her because she is the mother of their grandson? Fine.
Same goes for Emma. No way can I see Emma befriending Regina after everything. At most I can see her tolerating Regina as she is Henry’s mother. 
I think the beginning of season captured the most realistic outcome of the situation but then threw it away: Regina gets locked up in a cell and is closely monitored so she doesn’t hurt anyone anymore. Henry can visit her and they can spend time together, after all she is his adoptive mother, but she is closely monitored like I said. After her cell was broken by that monster Rumple created I don’t know why they didn’t lock her up again? Yes Charming was preoccupied with getting Emma and Snow back but I think locking away the murderous, cursing rapist evil woman should be priority? You let her free and who knows what horrors are going to happen? 
Then Regina gets her magic back and I don’t exactly remember how that was explained, and I think the possibility that Regina could redeem herself and grow a heart of gold is just laughable. No way after everything can that happen. In the end I think Regina having magic and stuff would mean they would just need to execute her in the end. Yes Henry will be disappointed but are they really going to sacrifice Storybrooke for Henry? 
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