wlw-grapefruit · 5 years
redwhip bi pride,,,,,
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bi rights,,,
bonus: i didn’t realize that you said bi rights at first so i did another version before making that one
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ballet is harder than it looks but its easier with a supportive partner!
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asperamusae · 5 years
✬ @redwhips clicked the ♡
Heavy steps echoed through the corridor as Magnitas left a meeting with the Supreme Leader. He needed to take some time to clear his head; to think about the assignment he'd been given. His fists clenched open and shut as he made his way toward the training room. He didn't notice anyone that he passed on his way, or that Nova's silhouette stood within the room when he entered. His brooding glare was directed steadily at the floor.
A new assignment was something he would anticipate eagerly on an ordinary day, but this time it had fallen outside of his comfort zone. Infiltration was nothing new to him; he was used to boarding large cruisers and eliminating everyone inside without an accomplice. He could assassinate single targets in a crowd without being seen as well, but gathering intel and taking prisoners alive for interrogation was another story. Subtlety and restraint were not his greatest assets. It was clear that the Supreme Leader was testing him.
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At last Nova's presence caught his attention from the corner of his eye. “I've been given an assignment.” He spoke as if answering a question, even though she hadn't asked. “One better suited to your strengths. I begin to wonder if he remembers your value.”
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heinstigates · 5 years
& @redwhips !
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“yeah,  of  course  not!  you  know  my  dad  would  kill  me.  not  to  mention  frank.”   he  says  his  older  brother’s  name  with  only  the  slightest  hint  of  disdain;  he  loves  frank,  he  really  does  ------  but  the  guy  can  be  such  a  square  sometimes.  he  definitely  wouldn’t  approve  of  this  current  activity.  so  it’s  with  a  nervous  smile  and  crossed  legs  he  watches  the other  from  the  edge  of  his  bed.    “you’ve  done  this  before,  right?”
☞      ›     continued from here.
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heinvestigates · 5 years
& @redwhips !
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      “was  it  better  with  him?”  his  jaw  is  tensed,  a  firm  crease  settled  between  his  brows.  his  voice  is  low  as  he  speaks,  gaze  focused  on  the  hard  ground,  on  the  soles  of  his  shoes, on  anything  but  her.  “not  just  the  sex.  i  mean,  everything.  being  with  him.  around  him.  was  it  better  than  being  with  me,  minerva?” 
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liightforce-a · 5 years
“ i’d say we make a pretty good team. ”
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“ I couldn’t agree more. “ Blake is grinning at Nova, despite her lips being covered in blood. She’s sporting a few bruises and her nose is bleeding, but other than that, she’s fine. Better than the headless fool that was laying on the floor in front of them.
“ So, what should we do with the head ? Maybe deliver it to his boss ? “ She jokes, as she kicks the head away from her, watching it roll across the floor. 
the last of us prompts | @redwhips
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killshope · 5 years
@redwhips .
he rolls his eyes , the imperial drones keep speaking , and he can hardly take another second , curling a finger at nova he summons her to follow him out into the hall, ignoring the curious eyes of the first order .
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    ❝   i tire of their conversation .   ❞    
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jenjidaii · 5 years
❛ If the price is my life, I will give it. ❜
reign sentence prompts                                                                status: accepting                                                                                           @redwhips
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                         ———-to him the answer seems dry in response. she may have meant it in her heart but the repetitive nature of these loyalties seem to fall flatter on his ears. not that he doubts her, no. not that he suspects anything outside of her truth. all of their truths, the Knights of Ren sort of truth of calling and duty. something shifts in him, and he can’t quite put his finger on it. a gentle worry for her, now extended to the rest. of course he hoards it. wouldn’t dare show that maybe… just maybe there would be something better than this life.
he nods anyways, trying to muster the same appreciation he’s given to her all the times before. it was just his own doubt, clouding judgment. sometimes he misses that guidance, the cold hand always resting on his shoulder. sometimes Kylo still feels it. maybe ignorance is bliss, but he isn’t all too sure how blissful this allegiance had come to be.
“And yet, let us be sure to use the most of it before we relinquish such a cost.”
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rouqehair-a · 5 years
“Where am I?” 
𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐄𝐍 , 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐗 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 . none of the officers in first order would want , there was an unspoken truth between them ; the force users and military didn't match well . 𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐍 ,, the last thing armitage hux wanted was another pesky force-user that wanted to take revenge on his family . the man needed soldiers . his polished boots , glinting faintly under the reddened light of the torture room as he stepped inside . a brief signal to the stormtrooper to leave , then , his gaze fell on the woman . slowly opening her eyes . . . 𝑺𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑺 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑮 , he thinks to himself . as the doors hiss close behind him . ' where am i ? ' ─ is definitely what he was expected her first words to be . the general doesn't respond for a long time ,, before letting his tongue wet the pale lips , and speaks in a monotone voice , filled with promises ; promises that she won't be having good time in here again .
   ❝ nova ren , espcaped first order at a younger age for the relatives . correct me if i am wrong anywhere . ❞
there was only the datapad that illuminated his sharp features ,, 𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 . the man glances at her restrained hands , before bringing the datapad behind himself . posture stiff , eyes older than his age . his imperial accent thick , and perhaps a tinge of pride to be carrying this accent too .
   ❝ you are currently in the finalizer of FIRST ORDER , back to where you belong . by force . i believe you can guess our policies are much different than this in times of peace . ❞
he pauses , a light twitch of his brows .
   ❝ . . . can you hear me ? ❞
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asperamusae · 5 years
"NO!" @ magnitas
〚 ᴍᴇᴍᴇ 〛 my muse dies on a battlefield.
✬ always accepting ✬
It's a civil war; a full-on battle between the Knights of Ren who will continue to follow the newly-turned Ben Solo, and those who will stay on the dark side. Magnitas might have joined him if he hadn't killed a Knight who lashed out in anger. It was self-defense, yes, but Magnitas cares more for the Knights than his so-called master, and Lord Ren has now betrayed them. He feels the rage of ten years filling his body. Any Knight that dares reach for the light is his enemy.
Magnitas catches sight of a Light Knight approaching Nova from the corner of his eye. He takes a moment to finish off the traitor he's fighting and looks again. Nova still hasn't noticed the threat behind her.
The forest echoes with the sound of splintering wood as Magnitas force-pushes the Knight through a tree. In the midst of the flying fragments, Magnitas finds it hard to see. He lifts his arm to shield his eyes and turns away, but in so doing leaves himself open to attack. The difficulty to see soon becomes a difficulty to breathe or even stand.
His knees hit the ground hard. From his chest he can see a red flaring projectile: a lightsaber has impaled his lung. He can't see which of the Knights stabbed him. All he can see is Nova Ren, running towards him as she screams. The power of her voice sends the enemy Knight behind him soaring, and causes Magnitas to lose consciousness.
He comes to seconds later, a need to cough rising as his own blood fills his lungs. He is slowly drowning– a familiar feeling. His mind flashes back to the night he discovered his true nature. He had thrown his sister against a wall, killing her much like the Knight he threw to the tree. In fear and anger, his mother took him away, on a boat down the river. He remembers sinking into the water, the light above the surface growing brighter as the boat's shadow drifted away.
This time he isn't alone. Nova is at his side, leaning over him with a look that reflects what he already knows. He is dying. Funny— he had always thought her volatility would get her killed first. There had even been times when he was tempted to kill her himself, and now he lay dying in her stead.
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A spurt of blood comes from his mouth as he struggles to breathe and a numb feeling creeps over him. It starts at his legs and moves upward as if he is being slowly submerged in cold water. The feeling makes him smile. It is peaceful; a familiar embrace.
“Thank you, Nova. For stay— staying by me.” He gasps in pain, one hand moving to cover his wound. It won't stop the bleeding or the sharp pain that pulsates through him as he inhales. His other hand raises slowly, reaching for Nova's face. “You fought well... sister.”
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Eyes close and his hand falls away from her cheek. The cold feeling has finished its journey and he no longer struggles to breathe. He is now one with the dark corners of the Force.
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heinstigates · 5 years
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* sent  in  by  @redwhips!
‘ i am not a good person. don’t pretend i am. ’
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she  says  these  things  to  him,  but  he  doesn’t  believe  her,  could  never,  not  once,  believe  that  his  minerva  would  be  anything  but  good.  “you’re  back  in  town.  this  is  a  good  thing,  minnie.  i  want  to   see   you  and  hold  you  the  way  i’ve  been  dreaming  about  for  all  these  years.”  he’s  got  this  tired  smile  on  his  face,  palm  pressed  against  her  cheek  as  he  revels  in  the  warmth  of  her  skin.  “i  don’t  wanna  ruin  it  with  cryptic  dialogue.”
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heinvestigates · 5 years
“He wants me all to himself, but I’m the one who gets to make all the rules.”
& @redwhips !
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             “ oh,  minnie     ——     what  am  i  gonna  do  with  you,  huh? “  the  words  come  out  of  his  mouth  with  a  grin,  soon  accompanied  by  a  chuckle  as  hands  wrap  around  her  waist.  “ what’s  that  thing  they  say?  something  about  not  being  able  to  own  the  night? “  he  pulls  her  to  him,  chin  resting  at  the  top  of  her  head.  “ it’s  hard  to  be  in  love  with  the  prettiest  girl  in  town. “ 
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liightforce-a · 5 years
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“ I remember when I was younger, I never thought I would grow to be as tall and strong as you and Master Ren. “ Blake muses from her spot beside Nova. Her slender fingers dance over the hilt of her saber, while her dark hues watch the other Knights spar. “ You used to tell me I would be strong, that I would be able to knock anyone on their ass without lifting a finger. “ The corners of her lips turn up into a small smile, as her gaze shifts to Nova. “ Do you still think I’d be able to do that ? “ 
@redwhips | starter call 
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nowithout · 5 years
“  i already made my decision, you’re not going to change that.  ”  
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he blinks, confused and just staring at her. A quick glance from his shirt and back to her further emphasized his confusion. He pulls the shirt by the collar and then turned to face the mirror. 
    “ I thought this shirt screamed secret junkie and we’re trying to change that? “ He asked although he’s not sure how some faded old metallica t-shirt he stole from a thrift store could in anyway make him seem any less put together than he actually was, he couldn’t be sure. Nonetheless, for some reason, he trusted her opinion enough to listen. —— @redwhips / a confused boy.
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killshope · 5 years
"please don’t do this."
childish girl , you stare at her wide eyed . she pleads but it falls on deaf ears . long before you knew your place , she was at your side . but now , to hear this dissent . it creeps into your chest , makes your lungs heavy with dispair .
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    ❝   if you won’t join me , i will go alone .   ❞    
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jenjidaii · 5 years
nonverbal venting starters                                              status: no longer accepting                                                          @redwhips
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                   ———-it was well past the beginning hours of the night shift. most officers, troopers and personnel had retired and yet, Kylo had made his efforts to securing his privacy within one of the gyms to release tension. it seemed to build so easily. lightsaber had been left on the weapons table, using one of the metal rods instead, only to refrain from slicing the equipment and having a stable target to hit in practice. maybe it was pouring out of him… the frustration. the doors had opened and he half expected it to be security making their rounds. instead, he momentarily stops and turns to see Nova, watching him. 
there was little consideration in it. he reached for another iron rod to toss over to her. it was easier with a partner. Kylo was willing to form a mutual agreement of refraining from asking why the other wasn’t sleeping if they’d properly distract one another. “Drop your coat by mine, set up.”
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forcesheart · 5 years
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         ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ sʜᴇ ᴡᴀs ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʟɪғᴛ ɪᴛ, revan held a tight grip to her lightsaber. only one– gripping both would be a little too obvious. although, her jaw was clenched and it was pretty clear that she anticipated some sort of hostile interaction. but just then, she feels the other woman’s hand on her back as she guides them away. ❛ what the hell are you doing ?! ❜ there must be some reason for this, she just wasn’t sure what. all she knew is that she was ready to take on whatever threat before them, but clearly nova had other plans.
MEME. // ACCEPTING. // @redwhips
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