#why are they so s m a l l
wimbledon2008 · 9 months
many books may try to be captive prince but there's only one c.s. pacat
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Being the eldest kid is tough. Being the eldest kid of 10-14 ish kids? That's on a whole 'nother level baybee~
Do you know how stressful holidays are????
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pastelaspirations · 1 month
So, u h.
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I also like. Make really angsty, ungodly long fanfics that I do absolutely nothing to promote on this dumpster fire of a blog, but that's besides the point- ANYWAY. HAVE SOME REALLY SKETCHY DOODLES THAT I DID TO THANK YA MAD LADS ;_;
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Thank ya, thank ya, you absolute mad lads. I will uh... continue to do what I do. Thank you for joining the ride, even though it's less of a ride and more that I found an abandoned theme park ride and decided to ride it as a prolonged death wish and you inexplicably strapped yourself in next to me with the moldy seatbelt-
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marxistgnome · 3 months
"you better not be a cunty therapist when i get there"
My unruly ass:
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
I don't know if you've answered thus but... why is Error so BIG?? He's completely massive compared to all the other dragons!
His size makes for more damage! He’s literally built for destruction. Thick tail for smashing into things, flat head to use like a ram, large wings so he can still fly, sharp claws, lots of spikes, and a whooole lot of weight to throw around!
He usually destroys AUs from the outside, especially nowadays when he can just rip up a piece of paper in the Doodle Sphere, but sometimes it’s nice to let out that extra energy and just tear up a city or two Godzilla style. :D
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
g. good meoto morning guys…
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scrawnytreedemon · 1 year
What stupid names? Can I know the names?
Ghirahim, Sephiroth, Zant, Kirby... I'm blanking but I know I have so many more.
(shout-outs to Cris!!! love ya buddy xoxo)
Micolash is a perfectly respectable irl name(a Hungarian variation of "Nikolas", iirc), but on him it has such a Vibe but then again I am writing Him. The name is the least outrageous thing here lmao.
In general, I tend to like villains, and villains tend to have "stupid-as-fuck-on-a-real-person" names. They might be perfectly serviceable with titles, but the moment you take them into a more intimate setting it's just... Bro. You're getting called that, on a day-to-day basis?
God, so sorry for blanking out on the more ridiculous names, I know I have more... But I think the grandiosity of the first two should do plenty well.
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yandere-monoma · 9 months
So, Jade Strider, huh? What’s her deal? She still seems very Jade but like more vulgar and definitely dealing with some shit.
YEAH jade strider is very jade. imo the strilondes are very malleable when it comes to switching their guardians around versus all the prospit bitches who tend to retain so much of their 'original' personalities and i base that largely on the fact that dave and rose seem to be incredibly impressionable while john and jade tend to be more rebellious with their guardians. dave engages in the irony bullshit, rose engages in the passive aggressive mind game war, john complains and bitches about his dad's lame bullshit constantly and jade.... U_U jade.
so yeah, jade strider is dealing with some SHIT. in the killswitch universe, all the guardians are fixed points that force whoever they're with through the same plotline. so bro strider will always train the kid that lands on his doorstep and that training will always grow into something twisted as hell, just like mom will always drink and neglect her kid, and dad will always do his best to nurture his kid to the best of his flawed ability, and jake. U_U JAKE........................
it's so fun thinking about rose strider vs jade strider because ultimately, rose is playing a mind game with herself, and is actively sand violently self-harming on top of everything bro is doing to her, and that's why she ends up so ultimately fucked. meanwhile, jade copes by just going into brain empty mode. 100% ID, impulsive as hell, probably got some stunted emotional and social development that she is just NOT going to think about ever. so she honestly seems like. so well adjusted in comparison but :) can a strider ever be mentally well the answer is no HAHA
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87dvhnk · 4 months
"i read the wiki and i saw the pages/panels already, why do i need to read the comics?"
because a) some those comics fuck with awing dexterity and stamina b) there's a good chance shit is out of context or simply misrepresented (innocently, humorously, ignorantly or maliciously) and c) you know the beats/endings of tons of shit, but it doesn't impede your enjoyment of it, now does it? sure it's nice to go in spoiler free, but if the gimmick of spoiling material is all a piece of media has, then that piece of media is meritless. you knew who luke skywalker's father was before you saw the movie. is it still worth watching? you knew romeo and juliet died before you read the play. is it still worth reading? do you not want to go on a journey? do you not want to feel something? do you not want to commiserate about the human experience through art? a wiki will never be comprehensive enough to cover everything you would have read or seen yourself--it can't be, not without being the thing itself. even then, you still miss the things not on the page/screen, the things that are only implied, the things that go unstated, or else conspicuously omitted. don't talk to me about shit haunting the narrative if the only haunting you've ever been apart of was your passing despite your dogshit analysis skills haunting the conscience of your eng 101 adjunct professor in perpetual fear of losing their contract and being relocated from their car to under a bridge by demanding college students demonstrate basic reading comprehension, critical thinking, and coherent argumentative skills. boast about killing the author? my friend, you are cain advancing in the fields, skulking, stepping in abel's footprints, filled with murderous intent, with nothing but the chinese telephone-equivalent of a description of a weapon cutting into your soft palms.
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coquelicoq · 2 months
i'm now looking at my list of least favorite french words to pronounce and going "too many r's" for about 40% of them and "skill issue" for most of the rest. some of these are actually very fun to pronounce i just couldn't wrap my tongue around them a year or so ago, but now i can i guess??? so that's very exciting. makes me hope that someday i'll be able to pronounce the rest of them. this is a bit pie in the sky because i really don't see myself ever getting there with procureur du roi but you never know. and luckily the french abolished the monarchy so it's not like i'll ever have to use that phrase in modern conversation.
anyway here are the words i actually love pronouncing now: décaféiné diététicien filleul pneumonie
i now feel normal/neutral about these words that used to be hard for me: automne, condamner douloureux électricité, énergie inférieur, supérieur, etc. itinéraire lourdeur salmonellose sclérose subodorer succincte
words that are definitely within the realm of my current capability but i haven't practiced them enough: bugle hiérarchisation méditerranéen phtisie
words that are still the bane of my existence but i live in hope: [yʁ] plus at least one other r or [y] sound: chirurgie, fourrure, marbrure, moirure, nourriture, ordures, peinturlurer, procureur du roi, prurit, purpurin, sculpture, serrurerie, structure, sulfureux, tournure all words beginning with ur-, hur-, or sur- other difficult sequence of r's and vowels: construire and other -truire verbs; lueur and sueur; utérus too many r's: marbre, martre, meurtre, opprobre, proroger, réfrigérateur, rétrograde, rorqual difficult sequence of vowels and/or semivowels: coopérant, extraordinaire, hémorroïdal, kyrie eleison, météorologique, micro-ordinateur, micro-organisme, mouillure, quatuor, vanillier not pronounced the way i would expect from the spelling: indemne, penta-, punk just hard for some reason: humour
#girl you didn't like filleul????? get well soon damn#the french love writing about linden trees (tilleuls) so i've now had tons of practice with that sequence of sounds and love it#all the words that are hard for some reason other than r sounds is just a skill issue. and it makes sense because a lot of them are#not common words so when would i even be practicing them?#the words that are hard because of r sounds is also a skill issue but that's one that i don't know i will be able to fix through practice#i think i have maybe plateaued with my r sounds lol. but you never know!#bugle is a funky word. i want to love it. someday i will.#you'd think i would have méditerranéen down by now since it is a pretty common word. but it still trips me up. i'll get there#sur- words are bad because i just end up whistling the s?? i think i'm pronouncing the [y] too forward in the mouth#i just looked at my ladefoged and he's like 'rounding lowers the second formant so [y] sounds like it's between [i] and [u]'#but i think i'm trying too hard to get it really close to [i] and maybe overcompensating for the formant drop#and actually pronouncing [y] MORE forward in the mouth than [i]? that's my guess#french#fun with pronunciation#my posts#i deleted a couple words from the list if i couldn't remember why they were hard. filtre? what's so bad about filtre...#yeah folklore is a little weird in french but it's not like putting an l before a k is phonotactically illegal it's just unusual#and not at all difficult for an anglophone ultimately#lubrifiant? idk why i would have felt strongly enough about lubrifiant to go back in my drafts several pages to add it to the post#the rest of these though i can explain. électricité and énergie were hard because my mouth just automatically wanted to pronounce#the second vowel as é as well#automne and condamner were hard because you don't nasalize the vowel before the m AND you don't pronounce the m#these are now so normal to me that i can't get myself to remember the pronunciation of indemne (in which the m IS pronounced)
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ladyseidr · 4 months
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@florietiae asked: ❝ do you wanna kiss me ? / mike @ rory ! 👀 ❞
There was no sense of personal space with Mike—not when they were alone, at least. Rory was sat so close that their legs were touching, shoulder to shoulder. Prior joking around had settled into a comfortable silence. Rory, never usually one to sit still, didn't mind the quiet if it was with Mike. Because they were best friends, of course. It didn't matter that Mike's presence left a warm flutter in Rory's chest, or that Rory had never felt that way around anyone else. He leaned his head back against the headboard of Mike's bed, glancing over to catch his gaze. It always felt strangely tense, though he had little time to linger in that thought before Mike asked his question. For a moment, Rory just blinked at him. Then. . . "W-What?" For all the incredulity in his voice, the word came out as a squeak. His usual false confidence gave way, cheeks lighting up red. "I'm— I don't— We're both guys." For some reason, that didn't feel relevant right now, with his pulse in his ears and his stomach tightening. Nerves or excitement? ( Both, if he were honest with himself. ) "Why would you want to. . ." He tore his deer-in-headlights gaze away from Mike, although not for long. "Me?" Is there anyone else here, Rory?
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He should have been laughing it off, blowing off the question. Instead, his tongue darting out over his lower lip, he nodded faintly. "Y-yeah. Okay." His eyes darted down to Mike's mouth, heart hammering in his chest. This didn't mean anything, right? Just like how it didn't mean anything when he turned on his hip to better face Mike, despite not having the guts to truly make the first move. He chose not to announce the fact that this would be his first kiss, although he was sure Mike already knew that. Instead, he took a breath and quietly spoke: "Kiss me."
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twxins · 6 months
What kind of catharsis do you need?
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A Long Hug
You are not alone. Sometimes life and all its troubles can be so isolating, but there is comradery in that, too. Slow down, catch your breath. Reach a hand out when you need one. Offer yours in turn. Feel the warmth of those around you like a home, and know that the world is full of good people, too.
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Tired, aren't you? That's okay -- it's been a long, long day. Can you even remember the last time you've had a nice rest, when you were truly at peace? How long have you been running on empty for, anyway? Please, sit, drink something warm, close your eyes. There will be time in the morning to do everything that needs to be done.
tagged by: @redlips-blooddrops-deux <33
tagging: @ssatxr @thelittlestdemon @metalheaduo @honorbound-deathdealer
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theissuewithred · 7 months
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stressed miyazaki is me rn
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thegoldenelite · 1 year
The number of times I've watched bte 348 is ridiculous, but i can't stop watching it...
#it's like c ocomelon to m e#the part that really kills m e tho is when k enny a pologizes to h angman. wondering if h angman could ever forgive him#because i know for a fact that k enny doesn't forgive himself for what he did.#it's part of the reason why he took so long to make up with h angman. he was anger too but also#the guilt. he did the same thing with i bushi. he couldn't talk about him for very long without wanting to change the subject#but also he couldn't face i bushi (in the hallway) bc of the guilt he felt for betraying him#(as well as other thing of course but i'm focusing on the guilt)#like we know k enny STILL hasn't forgiven himself for that. When h angman betrayed the b uck#(grabbed nick's leg so the b ucks would lose their chance to c hallenge for the tag belts)#k enny was asked what he thought about it and he said something like: this is something h angman will have to#live with for the rest of his l ife.#this implies k enny STILL feels remorse for stopping i bushi from winning the i wgp belt 5 years later(8 now). Even tho i bushi forgave him#well before their reunion at new y ear's d ash#what i'm saying is that he did so much to h angman. i can understand why this reunion took so long. how could k enny face him after that.#probably in that time believing he didn't deserve h angman back in his lifetoo. As well as his forgiveness/etc(again did the same w i bushi#i could see k enny never fully forgiving himself for the things he did to h angman :(. (he did sign a contract in h angman's b lood)#he also didn't forgive h angman which is so v alid too. their tag run is s ad/tough to watch. k enny trying everything to make#their tag t eam work cause he c ares about h angman and tag t eams but h angman just not being there for it. oof#the thing that surprised me tho was that k enny a pologized first. i thought it would be a while till either did but no.#i believe k enny learned from the past. a pologize now. talk it out. and work on the r elationship TOGETHER. that's g rowth :').#oh man didn't mean to r ant about k enny's guilt and how he's done this all before do you still think im h-#no but i l ove over a nalyzing w restling m en lol. this ep was full of interesting#i nteractions. i know we were all focused on the nod but this ep delivered on so much more than that.#rin posting#i thinks it's why i couldn't be mad at k enny not mentioning h angman throughout this feud. it would just be too p ainful for him to do so#he l oves/c ares about his ex s too much. a ctually#does any of this make sense. shrugs.#anyway lol.
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so, it's been a while since i've thought-dumped/rambled, so here we go!
i'mma put this under the cut. this is gonna be long.
highschool is ridiculously fucking busy, and i have no idea why- but now i have theater. lots of theater. in fact, theater has taken up my entire life.
dancy dance dance- i got new tap shoes, so now i have five different pairs, and i'm so goddamn happy about it--
guess who wrote a new thing? me. me wrote new thing. and hkjlSDL:JKF ITS SO CHAOTIC-
i drew seveVERAL new refs for different things, but i refuse to post any of them until they actually look gOOD
dry pastels are freaking messy. it's kinda weird, but fun.
i'm still a simp, just a bit more hardcore now!
i've been scrolling through my google docs for days and i still can't find a single wip from forever ago that i understand--
taylor and tach. holy shit. i forgot about them.
so i made this new girl, rei. she's. she's scary.
i think i've improved?? a little?? i'm still not as well trained as any of my friends (COUGH COUGH MUTUALS COUGH COUGH) but now i use refs!
i broke. three pairs. of glasses.
ajr kinda slaps bro-
beatsaber kinda slaps bro-
douglas adams more than complete hitchiker's guide to the galaxy. say that five times fast. >:D
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
it still amuses me that this is still the only non-mona idol series cover, which was covered in a completely different language, no less
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