lastxdragon · 3 years
" at least i've got you here to take care of me, right? "
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╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
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Daenerys had heard enough of the argument between sister and brother, but the moment Asha had come before her to insist that Theon return to the Iron Isles with her, Dany had simply appointed him as her court liaison and Asha’s grimace told her all she needed to know about that decision. The Iron Fleet left harbor later that afternoon though not for long. The Ironborn were the new ship builders for Daenerys’ court. From their ranks would be the new captains protecting the coastline of Westeros and escorting merchant ships. A far cry from when they raided such vessels.
She expected Theon’s visit and Dany poured two glasses of wine as he paced the floor in front of the fireplace. Calmly, she handed him a glass. “You will always have a place at my side, Theon, should you want it. If you desire to return to the Iron Isles, you need only say so and I will have a ship bring you home with the honors you deserve.” Dany gestured to the settee. “Asha suffered under your uncle’s care. Not as much as you did with that monster, but she just needs time.”
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@reekcd asked: ❝ i don’t want to die. ❞ @ ramsay
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Oh, the poor bastard. Hadn’t he learned anything? Death was too final; Reek would be of no use to him dead. Alive, he was a faithful servant. Besides, it was fun to see him transform from a man of cockiness and sarcastic remarks to the shell of a man, barely even a man anymore since his... transformation. Ramsay knew how sadistic he was, and he prided himself in being a Bolton, not a Snow.
“You’re not going to die, Reek,” Ramsay reassured him, a harsh hand coming up to grip his shoulder, both to intimidate him and to see him flinch. A smirk came across his face; a sadistic, evil smirk. “I’ve sworn to protect you as my most valuable servant.”
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swanode · 3 years
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@reekcd​ asked : “you look tired.”
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“Is it that obvious?” Of course it’s obvious. She’s been yawning much too often, and she’s been looking like she’s seconds away from dozing off. Can one really blame her though? It’s hard to sleep in a new place. Winterfell isn’t her home, and she’s surrounded by strangers. Her brother sent her here for safety, but how safe can she really feel when she doesn’t know anybody here? “I just haven’t been sleeping well. That’s all.”
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zcldrizes-a · 3 years
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» @reekcd​ asked :  ‘i forgot my name again.’
SHE’S NOT ENTIRELY SURE HE’S TALKING TO HER – not so rare that these moments come, though perhaps usually void of her own presence, in those quiet moments when demons take hold and loneliness settles in. Not too different to thoughts that cross her own mind, perhaps, though her own monsters form and birth from memories so very different. Still, mutter is heard and amethyst hues flicker across to where he stands ; and gently, does she speak in turn.
Chin raises in a manner that comes naturally, almost a demand for him to peek her way. Not cruelly so ( there’s a gentleness that she has when it comes to broken things, because she knows what it is to shatter ) and yet her head cants at the slightest angle now, a brow raising as she dares to prompt him.
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“Theon Greyjoy. No matter who you have been, and what you have been called – you are Theon Greyjoy.”
She stands now, and her movements are gentle as she steps closer – before a hand reaches out and catches one of his boldly, her gaze roaming over his features as her voice lowers now.
“No one can take that from you. Not ever again.”
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archivedazmenka · 4 years
@reekcd​ / "You're the only one I can rely on."
     HOW STRANGE IT IS TO HEAR THESE WORDS. something he would have deemed impossible a mere few years ago, now indeed happening; a small, soft little start to feelings of trust, loyalty       perhaps even something like love between brothers who once could barely stand one another’s company. over the past few weeks Maron has ventured deep into the realms of introspection and while he has figured that it’s a place he doesn’t like very much, the journey itself perhaps was quite necessary. a quiet voice in the back of his head at least keeps on whispering that Theon perhaps could have always loved him, if he had only given him the chance to do so.
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      approaching his brother is strangely easy; what used to be tedious and strained now feels like a stroll across the sand, and just as easily does he wrap an arm around Theon’s shoulders to pull him into a brief, but remarkably loving embrace. contrary to what Theon may have ever believed, Maron is rarely one to shy away from physical touch. especially when it concerns family. the hug, brief as it may be, is tight, supportive almost. a quiet reassurance that yes, he can be relied on. he’s made a promise, after all. a promise to help his little brother become what he was always meant to be.
      “if you start crying I will have to slap you, you know that.” words that once may have been a threat are nothing but teasing now. some weakness and wavering remains in Theon’s voice and body. a shiver that has become a constant companion it seems. something to work on, to say the least. he releases Theon but keeps a hand on his shoulder; quiet support perhaps, he’s not quite sure either. and the look he then gives his brother is warm but quite determined. “you know I still believe Ramsay Bolton needs to die.” they’ve had the conversation before          no need not to drag it back up again.
netflix’s barbarians / accepting
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fifthbornforrester · 3 years
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@reekcd​ said: Smooches Talia. (i signed on here just because theon needed to smooch)
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HIS LIPS HAVE BECOME MORE LIVELY THAN PREVIOUSLY, pressing against hers with such vigor yet so gentle at the same time. Some strength was returning to the both of them. She notices he keeps his mouth tightly shut, perhaps in fear of cutting her lip with a chipped tooth. She would let her lips bleed for him, Hells, SHE WOULD LET HER ENTIRETY BLEED FOR HIM. 
Talia responds quickly, her lashes resting against her cheeks before she realizes. This is what they have now. They are FREE, they are safe (for now). Her hand lays upon his mangled fingers, another sense of unity besides their joined lips. If Royland knew of this, she would not hear the end of it. There are times she wonders if he is still alive, if any of them are still alive, but Royland is a fighter and will not go down easily. Now is not the time to think about him. This is about THEM -- about THEON. Let the word BURN for now if their lips are able to remain joined. 
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@reekcd said: ❛ My place is here. ❜ @ ramsay
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Ramsay’s expression turned into a sadistic smirk at these words. He started to advance towards Theon like a tiger pursuing its prey. “That’s right,” Ramsay replied in a low voice, not stopping until he was a mere foot away from the other man. “Your place...” His hand suddenly shot out to grab Theon’s hair. He yanked on it, making the broken Greyjoy’s head fly backwards. “Is with me.” He let Theon go with a small chuckle. “Forever and always, you will be loyal to the Boltons, because that’s who you are. You are Reek, and you are mine.”
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tymptir · 4 years
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the witcher 3 prompts ¬ not accepting. @reekcd​ for Euron ¬ ❛ d-don’t treat me like a ch-child.  ❜
MISMATCHED EYES FIXATE ON THE YOUNG MAN, THE BLUE ONE SHINING WITH CURIOUS FASCINATION, THE BLACK ONE MALICIOUS AND DARK. around them the halls have grown quiet; Pyke fallen in slumber and swallowed by the night. somewhere out on the sea drifts a raft with his brother’s dead body atop and here he sits, legs comfortable rested on a table, feasting, drinking, and enjoying the quiet cracking of the hearth and the ever resounding drip of water down the thick, cold walls of the keep. Victarion has long disappeared to bed, riled by Euron’s sudden appearance and entirely unhappy. there is only him and the boy left. when had he last seen Theon? a boy of what, nine? before the stags and wolfs had come and dragged him away. truly that child must have been Balon’s pride and joy, the way he stands before him now.
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“d-don’t st-stammer like a c-c-craven,” does he mock his nephew, before a broad smirk spreads across Euron’s face, and the Crow’s Eye barks a laugh that echoes from the walls around them. malice suddenly disappears, his arms spread open in a gesture that is almost inviting. briefly does he wonder if Theon remembers him at all. back in the day Euron had rarely spent time on Pyke, and if he did he would pay attention solely to Balon’s elder two. Maron in particular; a pest of a child, but quick to learn. unlike that oaf right there.
“oh come now, nephew. don’t give me that look. last I’ve seen you you were perhaps          this tall?” Euron vaguely levels his hand at a height a little above the table, before reaching forward and filling another cup with ale. “here now, sit. sit. have a drink with your uncle. hm? a drink to your old man, may our god bless him, what is dead may never die, and all that.”
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thencrtherngirls · 4 years
@reekcd replied to your post: ros deserved better.
ros is married to theon and they have a lovely child named robbertina
you know...at this point, i accept this as canon.
even robbertina.
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rxdwclf · 4 years
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@reekcd​   asked:   “ so why do you trust me now ? ”
            TRUST.   As   a   child,   she   had   known   so   little   of   the   true   meaning,   the   true   power   of   such   a   simple,   short   word.   She   trusted   so   many,   she   had   known   nothing   but   love,   nothing   but   tender   care   &&   comfort.   She   trusted   her   family   the   most,   but   she   had   also   trusted   her   septa,   the   maester,   even   soldiers   and   peasants.   She   had   trusted   the   royal   family   to   be   kind   to   them,   until   her   father’s   head   was   rolling   down   the   floor   &&   hanging   on   a   pike.   She   had   trusted   Joffrey   to   be   tender   with   her,   until   his   words   turned   to   knives   and   his   hands   hesitated   not   to   find   her   skin.
      She   had   once   trusted   the   man   before   herself,   to   keep   her   family   safe,   to   help   her   brother   win.   Instead   he   had   turned   to   them,   eager   to   prove   himself   to   a   father   that   never   loved   him.   Had   take   her   home   and   made   it   his   own,   killed   the   people   she   had   once   cared   for.   So   his   question   wasn’t   uncalled   for.   She   had   many   reasons   not   to   trust   him,   and   so   few   to   do   so.
      But   she   was   broken,   tore   apart,   piece   by   piece   &&   she   had   lost   so   much,   so   many.   &&   she   was   tired   of   being   alone.   Of   fighting   alone.   &&   this,   this   one   a   fight   they   could   face   together.
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           “   you’ve   known   me   your   whole   life,   Theon.”    blue   eyes   looked   around   frantically,   as   if   afraid   just   the   littlest   of   sounds   could   bring   back   the   monsters.     “   I   know...   there’s   still   some   of   that   Theon   in  there.   I   know   you   care.”    the   lump   on   her   throat   coming   back   full   force   &&   suddenly   it   was   hard   to   talk,   to   breath.     “   you   have   to   help   me,   please.”
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lastxdragon · 4 years
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In honor of the people who still adhered to the Old Gods, most of the people on Dragonstone as it seemed, and her visitors to the island, Daenerys had had the seasonal ritual décor placed around the massive castle. She was leaving the celebration in the dining hall to return to her rooms in the upper towers, winding up the stone staircases along the intricately carved obsidian walls, up and up. 
Daenerys could no longer hear the laughter and chatter when she turned the corner at the top of the landing and saw Theon a few feet away under the green foliage someone had fastened overhead. Smiling, she closed the distance, her amethyst gaze lifting then dropping as her hands cupped his jaw, tipping his head down as Dany pressed her lips to his in a hungry kiss.
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songdreamt · 4 years
@reekcd​ started following you
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snowmcid · 5 years
“ i’d never lie to you . ”
Meme || Accepting || @reekcd
——–Mostly angsty drabble starters
“I know.” she said, after a moment of soft consideration. She had trusted Theon inexplicably, since the day they jumped from Winterfell, but it hadn’t been until those words left his lips that Sansa realized how far that trust went. he spoke, and without thought or hesitation - Sansa believed him. “We’ll hold a full inquiry on the morrow. Thank you Theon, for bringing this to my attention.” 
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asongoftasandfire · 5 years
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The midwife had insisted on putting down a sheet. It didn’t help, she could still feel the straw and dirt under her, but at least dirt wouldn’t get on the baby when it came. If it came. It had been hours already, laying on this filthy stable floor, like an animal, while Ramsay watched. The midwife said he should send his filthy servant away, but Ramsay insisted Reek stay in there, though Theon was relegated  to the shadows. 
The contractions were bad, waves of pain, but she wasn’t yet open enough to begin pushing out the future Lord of Winterfell’s son, not quite yet. Ramsay grew bored of watching her cry miserably, and hungry- Jeyne was hungry too, but told not to eat, she’d just vomit it up during the birth anyway- but Ramsay got to go back into his warm home to eat. 
Reek stayed, with the instructions to go fetch his master if the baby was crowning. The midwife sat on a chair nearby, knitting, waiting, ready to check on Lady Arya every few minutes. Jeyne reached her hand out to Theon. “Please.” she whispered. 
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wolveshonor · 5 years
@reekcd liked for a starter
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A cat and a mouse--that was all they were now. Ramsay had done quite a number on Theon, that much was clear, but Robb’s greatest regret was not that he’d come too late, but that he’d not had the chance to ruin the man himself. The Robb Stark that had grown with this boy, fought with him, ate with him, cried with him, was long dead. And so, it seemed, was Theon. Two new men stood across from each other in the snow: Reek and Lord Stoneheart. If he was a kind man, he’d have gotten this over with quickly.
He was not a kind many any longer. 
“Brother.” Robb smiled. It was not a comforting thing. He had the memories--memories of playing with Theon in this very keep of Winterfell, of throwing snow balls, of promising each other a forever. But they were cold and empty things, visions he saw from the outside. “Now and always. Do you remember when you said that?”
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fifthbornforrester · 4 years
mutual checker took a while to load and so i thought for a second you weren't following me and legit almost had a panic attack what would i even DO omg
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oh hime
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