kifu · 3 months
I have this problem where I want to DM a campaign or simply run a simple role play, but I have no one to do so with. Instead of accepting this fact, my brain continues to build a workable forum-based D&D platform that I could feasibly use in lieu of something like Discord. Honestly, the forum idea is incredibly complex and it would probably take a pretty minute to build, but I think I've worked out a lot of kinks that a normal forum would present as limiters.
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linnoit · 2 days
Optimize sus operaciones: Eleve la eficiencia con nuestro servicio de simulación de procesos comerciales
Utilizando nuestro servicio de simulación de procesos comerciales de vanguardia, descubra el potencial de sus operaciones comerciales. Usando técnicas de simulación avanzadas, analizamos minuciosamente sus procesos de trabajo para encontrar fallas y diseñamos procesos optimizados adaptados a sus necesidades únicas. We provide actionable insights by simulating various scenarios, which empower you to make informed decisions, minimize risks, and maximize efficiency.
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group-50 · 14 days
Process reengineering consulting services to maximize value from business operations and achieve optimization
Process reengineering consulting focuses on analyzing and redesigning business processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance performance. Group50’s experts streamline workflows, implement innovative solutions, and drive operational excellence, helping organizations achieve sustainable growth and long-term success.
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wahetech · 6 months
E-commerce Development Services USA
Sure! Wahetech is a notable option when looking for the top ecommerce development services in USA. Wahetech is known for its amazing ability to provide customized solutions to companies seeking to build a strong online presence. The company specializes in the building of eCommerce websites. Wahetech is a leading eCommerce development company in India thanks to its talented staff and innovative approach. It also provides a wide range of services. Wahetech’s dedication to excellence and client satisfaction establishes them as a dependable business partner for companies hoping to prosper in the ever-changing eCommerce market.
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We always have a good advisory team to educate about the knowledge of eCommerce for business executives, and we also provide this service on eCommerce to various business vendors and stakeholders in the industries.
Our Solutions:
Project Manager in USA
Ecommerce development company
Ecommerce web development agency
E-Commerce Development
Full Stack Development
Data Science
Ecommerce development services
Our services:
Managed Services
Professional Services
Support Services
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notecapn · 11 months
oh i now know why i dont remember that thing
it wouldve been more poetic if i said i was blackout drunk (even if it says the image was saved at 4pm and im not that stupid), but i was actually very stressed at the time, i think i had several big projects coming up
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souldcompany · 1 year
Tech Talk
Advertorials are often unjustly stuck in a grey area of communication: if they are well done, they can be more informative than classic advertising. And if they are properly labelled as "advertorials", the reader also knows that he is reading the view of the sender - i.e. the company. Nevertheless, the facts have to be right, because if there is one thing we have learned in recent years and decades: A shitstorm quickly arises and can be very damaging to a company's image. Here's our latest copy for client PURAGLOBE:
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And don't miss the video (done by TBD Media):
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autumnwood · 1 year
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Re-engineering involves recognizing and rejecting some of the old rules and then finding imaginative new ways to accomplish work. From the redesigned processes or work spaces, new rules emerge that fit the changing times and needs. Only then we can hope to achieve quantum leaps in business performance.
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krisrampersad · 1 year
Say Cheese! Small Island at International Chemistry Olympiad Congrats To Our LiTTle Geniuses
Small Island joins 300 at Chmestry Olympiad You might not think that Cheese has the Chemistry to foster togetherness, but the International Chemistry Olympiad thinks it does ..Read More
You might not think that Cheese has the Chemistry to foster togetherness, but the International Chemistry Olympiad thinks it does and with samplings of chocolate, too, is challenging this years’ participants to find solutions. Some three hundred of them, along with coaches, educators and guardians are gathered in Zurich for the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad and among them out little…
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tvsnext · 1 year
How To Reengineer Data To Make Better Decisions
What is Data Reengineering?
In any organization, data’s primary purpose is extracting insights from it. Insights drive the decisions of management for progressing the company. Since businesses started digitalizing rapidly, data generated from business applications has also snowballed.
With these changes happening to the way of doing business and data coming in various forms and volumes, many data applications have become outdated and hinder decision-making.
So, the process of changing existing data applications to accommodate the vast volume and variety of data at a rapid velocity is called Data Reengineering.
Why Data Reengineering?
There can be several scenarios where we need to reengineer the existing application. Here are some:
How to Reengineer Data Projects
Here’s how you can reengineer data:
Choose the Right Infrastructure Setup
This is an important decision that the engineering team has to make. Choosing the right infrastructure will make the newly reengineered application capable of storing and processing data more effectively than the legacy application.
AWS, Azure, and GCP provide Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) so that companies can dynamically scale up or down the configuration to meet the changing requirements automatically and are billed only for the services used.
For example, we have an Azure Data Factory pipeline that populates about 200 million records into Azure SQL DB configured to the standard service tier. We observed that inserts took a long time, and the pipeline ran for almost a day. The solution for this was to scale up the Azure SQL DB to the premium service tier and scale down when the load completes.
So, we configured the rest API in the pipelines to dynamically scale up to the premium tier before the load starts and scale down to the standard service tier once the load is completed.
Select the Right Technology
Technical software stack needs to be chosen based on the reengineering your company is doing. You can choose from various technologies based on the type and volume of data your organization processes. Below are some examples:
If the change is from mainframe to other technology, you can choose Oracle on-premise or cloud. Here Informatica or similar tools can enable ingestion and orchestration, and Oracle’s in-house language PL/SQL can be used for the business logic.
If the change is from on-premise to cloud, AWS, Azure, or GCP provide Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Design the Right Data Model
During this reengineering phase, you must determine how best the existing data model can accommodate the new types and volume of data flowing in.
Identify the functional and technical gaps and requirements. When you analyze and understand your data, it can result in one of two scenarios.
You will identify new columns to be added to existing tables to provide additional value to the business.
Identify new tables and relate them to the existing tables in the data model. Leverage these new tables to build reports that will help your business leaders to make more effective decisions.
Design the Right ETL/ELT Process
This process involves reconstructing the legacy code to be compatible with the chosen infrastructure, technology stack, and the redesigned data model.
To populate data to the changed data model, your development team needs to incorporate appropriate extract and load strategies so that data can flow schemas at a high velocity and users can access reports with less latency.
Designing the ETL/ELT is not just a code and complete job; You must track the development progress and versions of code properly. Create some information sources to track these, like the ones shown below:
Milestone Tracker: The reengineering project needs to be split into development tasks, and these tasks can be tracked using any project management tool.
Deployment Tracker: This can be used to track the physical changes of schema and code changes.
Once the development efforts are complete, plan a pilot phase to integrate all code changes and new code objects. Run end-to-end loads for both history and incremental loads to confirm that your code is not breaking in the load process.
Validation and Verification
This phase ensures data origination from existing and new sources is populated according to the business logic.
Every micro-frontend application must have a Continuous Delivery Pipeline (CDP), so it can be built and tested separately. It should also be able to get into production independently without any dependencies. Multiple smaller micro-frontend applications in the production can then be composed together into one large working application.
Once all the above steps are completed, you will get to Day Zero. Day Zero is when you take the reengineered solution live to production and do your sanity checks. If everything is working as expected, sunset the legacy solution. Now you can rest assured knowing that your data infrastructure empowers your leaders to make the right decisions on time and accelerate the growth of your business.
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maximoesolution · 2 years
Business process re-engineering is a concept that involves extensive rethinking to come up with an approach that fits the new goals. Sometimes, people confuse business process re-engineering with business process optimization, but they are two different things.
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managerapproach · 2 years
Organization's True Potential with Organizational Development!
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How to Get the Most Out of Business Process Reengineering
Business Process Reengineering is a process used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization's business processes. This is done through the process of analysis, designing, and improvement of business workflows.
Business process reengineering can help your company stand out in the competition and meet the demands of your customers. It will also make your employees more efficient and help you cut operational costs. You can also take advantage of the process to find growth opportunities.
Getting the right people to work on your reengineering project is important. Often, there are documentation issues that need to be addressed. In addition, you need to train your team.
One of the most important components of a successful reengineering effort is technology. There are dedicated software solutions that can automate processes with a few clicks. These tools also allow your team members to securely store their information.
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Business process reengineering requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. If you don't do this, your reengineering efforts may not be successful. The process is a long-term commitment.
In order to get the most out of the reengineering process, you must have a well-defined plan. You should have a timetable for the project. Your reengineering efforts must be sponsored by top executives in the organization.
A specialized team should be designated for the reengineering efforts. The specialized team should be able to identify critical success factors. They should also define clear goals.
Before embarking on a reengineering project, it's helpful to discuss the project with outsiders who have already gone through reengineering. Spending time with people who have experienced the process and have positive attitudes is a good way to start.
Also Read : reengineering effort
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linnoit · 2 days
Mejorar la excelencia del proyecto con el servicio de gestión de programas de Linnoit.
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En Linnoitcomprendemos el papel fundamental que desempeña una gestión eficaz de programas para lograr el éxito empresarial. Nuestro servicio de gestión de programas está diseñado para ofrecer liderazgo estratégico, garantizar la ejecución perfecta de los proyectos y maximizar el retorno de la inversión para su organización. Ya sea que esté buscando implementar iniciativas de transformación a gran escala, optimizar las operaciones o introducir nuevas soluciones tecnológicas, nuestros experimentados gerentes de programas le brindarán la orientación y la experiencia necesarias para convertir su visión en realidad.
¿Por qué elegir el servicio de gestión de programas de Linnoit.?
1. Enfoque holístico de la gestión de programas
En Linnoit., no solo gestionamos proyectos, sino que adoptamos un enfoque holístico de la gestión de programas. Un programa es una colección de proyectos relacionados y nuestros gerentes de programas se centran en alinear estos proyectos con la estrategia empresarial general. Nuestro enfoque garantiza que cada proyecto contribuya a los objetivos más amplios de su organización sin salirse de las limitaciones de alcance, tiempo y presupuesto.
2. Soluciones personalizadas para cada negocio
Reconocemos que no hay dos empresas iguales. Es por eso que nuestro servicio de gestión de programas es altamente personalizable y está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de su organización. Ya sea que trabaje en el sector de TI, fabricación, venta minorista o atención médica, nuestro equipo de profesionales experimentados trabajará en estrecha colaboración con usted para comprender sus desafíos únicos y desarrollar una estrategia de gestión de programas que brinde resultados mensurables.
3. Gerentes de programas expertos con experiencia en la industria
Nuestros gerentes de programas no solo son profesionales certificados; aportan años de experiencia práctica en varias industrias. Este profundo conocimiento les permite prever riesgos potenciales, implementar estrategias de mitigación y ofrecer resultados de alta calidad. Ya sea que se trate de metodologías ágiles, en cascada o híbridas, los gerentes de programas de Linnoitson expertos en utilizar el enfoque correcto para garantizar una entrega fluida y eficiente del programa.
4. Gestión de riesgos y garantía de calidad
Un programa exitoso requiere más que solo supervisar los entregables del proyecto. Exige una gestión de riesgos proactiva y una garantía de calidad constante. El servicio de gerente de programas de Lionit enfatiza estos dos aspectos críticos, asegurando que se aborden los desafíos antes de que se agraven y que todos los entregables cumplan con los más altos estándares de calidad.
5. Optimización de recursos
La gestión de múltiples proyectos bajo un programa a menudo puede agotar los recursos de una organización. Nuestros gerentes de programas se destacan en la optimización de recursos, lo que garantiza que los recursos humanos, financieros y tecnológicos se asignen de manera eficaz y se utilicen de manera eficiente en todos los proyectos. Esto garantiza que todos los proyectos dentro del programa se completen a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto, sin comprometer la calidad.
Servicios clave que ofrecen los gerentes de programas de Linnoit.
• Planificación estratégica y desarrollo de la hoja de ruta: ayudamos a las organizaciones a definir objetivos claros y desarrollar una hoja de ruta para la ejecución exitosa del programa.
• Gestión de las partes interesadas: nuestros gerentes de programas mantienen canales de comunicación abiertos entre las partes interesadas, lo que garantiza que las expectativas estén alineadas y se cumplan los objetivos.
• Integración de proyectos: al supervisar las interdependencias entre varios proyectos, nos aseguramos de que funcionen en armonía, lo que da como resultado un mayor éxito general.
• Monitoreo y generación de informes de desempeño: con evaluaciones de desempeño periódicas e informes en tiempo real, nuestros clientes se mantienen informados sobre el progreso de sus programas.
• Gestión de cambios: administramos las transiciones y los cambios de manera eficaz, minimizando las interrupciones y asegurando la adopción sin problemas de nuevos procesos o sistemas.
Industrias a las que prestamos servicios
El servicio de gestión de programas de Linnoit es versátil y adaptable, y se adapta a una variedad de industrias, entre las que se incluyen:
• Tecnología de la información (TI): los gerentes de programas supervisan el desarrollo de software, las actualizaciones de sistemas y los proyectos de transformación digital para impulsar la innovación tecnológica.
• Manufactura: ayudamos a las empresas manufactureras a optimizar las cadenas de suministro, introducir la automatización y mejorar los procesos de producción.
• Venta minorista: los servicios de Linnoit. garantizan la ejecución perfecta de nuevas inauguraciones de tiendas, lanzamientos de productos y campañas de marketing.
• Atención médica: nuestros gerentes de programas trabajan con organizaciones de atención médica para implementar programas de cumplimiento, nuevas tecnologías médicas y mejoras de procesos.
Compromiso con la excelencia
Linnoit se compromete a brindar excelencia en todos los aspectos de la gestión de programas. Nuestros gerentes de programas no solo se centran en completar tareas, sino también en brindar valor y lograr el éxito a largo plazo para nuestros clientes. Desde las etapas iniciales de planificación hasta la ejecución del programa y el análisis posterior al proyecto, nuestro servicio está diseñado para crear un impacto duradero en su negocio.
El éxito de su organización depende de una gestión eficaz de programas, y el servicio de gestión de programas de Linnoit es la solución perfecta para garantizar que sus iniciativas se ejecuten sin problemas. Con nuestro enfoque personalizado, gerentes de programas experimentados y compromiso con la entrega de calidad, puede estar seguro de que
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group-50 · 2 months
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Process Reengineering Consulting
For expert Process Reengineering Consulting, visit Group50. Our team specializes in optimizing business processes to enhance efficiency and performance. We offer tailored solutions to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve overall productivity. Transform your business with our proven methodologies.
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efficientcfo · 2 years
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effortssolution · 2 years
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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations or reengineering your existing applications!!!
When you need any service regarding ERP software, please reach us https://effortz.com/ 
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