#ref: starters
whispercddesires · 24 days
Open to: males; boyfriend, fiancé, husband (mun/muse/fc 21+)
Plot: my muse surprises yours with a date night at home
Muse: katelyn (33) is an elementary teacher
"You seemed a little off on the phone, so I wanted to make sure you had something nice to come home to.”
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gavidaily · 1 year
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FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid 05.04.23
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brassclaws-of-oddworld · 10 months
Nolybab was always a place that Kyung had mixed feelings towards, and even after scouting the streets of such a metropolis on missions, she never knew what to expect from it at times. However, the day had gone accordingly thus far, with only a few odd encounters with the locals due to how she stuck out among the many khanzumer-class inhabitants. Although, it worked to her advantage since her whole facade relied on being nothing but a frequent tourist to Mudos; and just like any typical foreigner going sightseeing, the Jimseomi looked like she was doing nothing but roaming around and sightseeing. Rather than being dressed in her usual all-black and rather tattered field attire, Kyung wore a much more trendy red ensemble as her disguise. All she had to do was not give away too much, stay walking on her two back legs no matter how much she wanted to sprint on all sixes, and act natural.
During that day, the Jimseomi had picked a popular spot to visit in order to take pictures, and gather more information on it. At the forefront, her thoughts were on her objective, as they normally were. On the other hand, ever since she had her phone call with Pat about him being in the Nolybab area, the impulse to look around for any signs of the dancer persisted wherever she went.
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writermuses · 5 months
Open to: Females (Mun/Muse/FC must all be 21+) Plot: Based on this Muse: Micah Cartwright, 37, general surgeon from an impossibly long line of doctors. Comes from old money. Has PTSD from his time with MSF.
This was probably a mistake, but as he read her texts again it still hurt him to know she was upset. That hurt was far less of a sting than the pain Micah would feel in the morning when he woke up to a cold, empty bed. Every time someone hurt her she was back and he was reminding her how she deserved to be worshipped. Every time he gave her a part of himself. Micah Cartwright had long since lost interest in anyone else and yet she always left, a quick 'thanks for being such a good friend' text some time the next day. Her texts came in and, like every time, he replied simply: Want me to help you forget him? With no immediate reply, he was about to quietly head to bed when there was a knock on the door to his Chicago penthouse. The cocky smirk on his face as he pulled it open, "Now I'm beginning to think you knew how I'd respond, Darling, or were you just in the neighborhood when you texted me?" He hadn't even showered off the long hospital shift, but one look at her face and he was pulling her too his chest, wrapping her in a hug as he kicked the door shut with his foot to rub her back. "What's this face for?"
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radicheart · 22 hours
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Alastor is stripped down to just his sleeveless white shirt and matching shorts that make up his undergarments. This leaves his scarred forearms, red stained hands, and dainty but overgrown hooves on display, along with a hint of his chest fur poking out over the collar of his top.
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He's sitting in front of a large floor fan on full blast, whipping his sideburns and long ponytail back like a red and brown-black flag. His eyes are closed as he enjoys his personal breeze.
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thegirlwondcr · 7 months
Open Starter
This was her first ever group raid, in fact it was all the girls first ever group raid—and it showed. Everything was completely disorganized, there were only a few moments in the night that it appeared that the group of young teen girls had some sort of system. Emma kept more to herself, focusing more on what she individually could get rather than the entire group. Time and time again she was warning them what cases they should avoid break into as it would trigger an alarm…but it did not take long for the ear piercing alarm to go off. Everyone began to scramble, some completely abandoning all the things they managed to get out of cases—but not Emma. She was determined to get as much as possible, so if it meant trailing behind to grab the abandoned items so be it.
Like a kid out on Halloween, she stuffed her pillowcase but not with candy, instead with hundreds of thousands dollars worth of jewelry. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel, for herself. All the things she would get out of this. There had been hints that if she had returned to the girls home with enough things, she may actually get a photo of her parents. That seemed well worth the risk.
The teen rushed rushed to get whatever else she could, even if it meant going through cases where glass was shattered and covered the luxury items. A few cuts from glass seemed only to be a minor inconvenience to her. Just as she was about to leave, with her pillow case full of an assortment of jewelry—there at the entrance stood another. Without hesitation, Emma took a mannequin head and threw it at the stranger.
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the-diamond-command · 2 years
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Spinel Fusion
If you recall, this hibiscus-colored Spinel has been through so much. Members in Purple’s Diamond’s Colony Starters, they are in charge of scouting out potential planets for future colonization and analyzing base soil samples for gem production.
Spinels work in pairs and often fuse during the course of their missions to complete their tasks faster and more efficiently. When finding a partner, one “Fast” must be paired with a “Smart” to complete an acceptable Spinel permafusion during their mission. This fusion cuts the time it takes to complete their missions considerably.
To refresh, we have different cuts of Spinels:
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uprisingnuzlocke · 10 months
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Jester [they/them], our main character, recently had their memories eaten
careful and strong-willed
they were born with an odd birthmark of the mythical Pokémon, Mew, on the back of their shoulders
all they seem to remember is their name and the basics of who they are
Starter: ???
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solarpunkani · 4 months
Saw your tags on that post about swamp milkweed about having trouble getting it started--you may already know this, but milkweed seeds need light to germinate! They only need a light dusting of soil on top of them (and putting them somewhere with a lot of light helps!); if you can't see the seed through the soil, it's buried a little too deep. They basically want to be laying flat on the surface of the soil rather than poked down into it, with just enough soil on top to help them retain moisture. Yes this does make it kind of annoying to manage moisture because you don't really want them drying out either (sorry 😭) but I hope this helps!! I mention it because this is the most common issue I see with people trying to grow milkweeds from seed. They also want 4 weeks of cold stratification (cool temperatures like in a fridge while also being in contact with moist soil; you can plant your seeds, pop the whole pot in a ziplock/cover it with cling wrap, and just refrigerate it for a few weeks) so don't forget to do that!
You know
it's really funny
because i like to call myself the self-proclaimed milkweed queen of tumblr (at least on my gardening blog but still)
And yet
constantly fucking forget about the light thing
IDK if that'll fix all my problems (the soil at my house is pretty sandy so I think that's the problem when it comes to transplanting at least) but regarding getting those little shits to germinate??? that might be the ticket
(one of the other problems I face sometimes is the seeds deciding to mold when they're in the fridge cold stratifying, i lost a good chunk of seeds to that last year but i don't see any signs of it happening yet this year so fingers crossed everyone)
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whispercddesires · 23 days
Open to: males; close friend, boyfriend, bodyguard (mun/muse/fc 21+)
Plot: your muse is watching over mine to make sure they stay safe after a scary encounter, but add the feels
Muse: mei li (27) is a famous pianist
"I get you’re doing the whole protective thing— and I appreciate it. I do, but there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night. Might as well come to bed."
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blaineandrsn · 1 year
It’s always a bittersweet feeling when everyone takes their last bows on the stage as the curtain comes down for the final time. On one hand, I’m sad that the show is over, but on the other, I’m glad to finally have some rest and be at home more. I might need some new Netflix suggestions later on, but for now, I think I’ll just make myself comfortable on the couch and do nothing for a while. 
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orez-suke · 6 months
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Maho reference sheet
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lindscys · 6 months
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♡ for a short thing while i get myself together on this blog ?
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writermuses · 6 months
Open to: Anyone (Mutuals Only; Muse/FC must be 21+) Plot: Lark is dating your muse's child (bonus points if they met them through your muse on set). After overhearing them bickering after everyone has gone to bed, your muse checks on whomever went out the front door, finding Lark. Muse: Lark Warren, 21, is an actress (career mirrors Sadie Sink) and daughter of a famous actress and tattooist.
All of this was too much, too soon. Lark had been hesitant to join her partner at their family's Christmas dinner because this was so new and she took this to be a cuffing season fling. What she hadn't expected was jealousy over how she interacted with their parent at dinner. Rather than having a screaming match in a bedroom, she walked onto the porch, phone in hand, trying to decide if she should go back in and fix this or call an Uber. It was Christmas Eve, after all. In the dim twinkle of the Christmas lights hung along the porch, she couldn't immediately tell that the person that had come out wasn't her partner and she cleared her throat. "Sorry, did we wake you up? You should probably go inside. It'll be more trouble than it's worth if we're seen together out here."
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emre-avsar · 1 year
When: Feb 28th (or around there...) Where: Pick a bar, any bar - probably better if it’s in the Haringey or nearby area. Who: Whoever! @mobscene-starters​  Type: There’s an altercation... argument... physical fight... something. (Your muse can be part of it, and need Emre’s help. You can be on the sidelines providing commentary, whatever ya like... get creative?)
When Emre had gone out that night, without Zehra, he had been anticipating a relaxing evening of drinks. Instead, Emre was in the middle of a sip when he heard raised voices causing a stir. Rolling his eyes, and sighing, his attention was drawn to the commotion.
Oh, for the love of God. Can’t people just drink and stop acting stupid? Emre thought to himself. Who was he kidding? He was at a bar.
Muttering under his breath, “Someone clearly needed to drink a little less tonight... and it’s not even nine yet...”
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rayhantochtli · 7 days
I get annoyed at people that praise pokemon for putting mexican references in their Spain game
"skeledirge having day of the dead references makes it feel more connected to paldea" day of the dead isn't spanish
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