#reflections of revenge
cordycepspog · 2 years
God, Ellie has so much anger inside of her. Ever since she saw Joel kill that soldier, there’s been this little spark of revenge that’s slowly been growing bigger and bigger. It comes out in ways that could seem like just her being a kid, like asking for a gun, or the “you get him?” comment when she asks about Joel’s scar. And then comes the scene with the infected trapped under the rubble. You think she’s afraid at first, with the way she freezes.
Then she realizes it’s trapped, and she gets closer. And you’re like, “what? what is she doing?”
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And then you see her face.
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That is not the face of somebody who’s afraid.
Ellie is furious. She lost Riley to these things, and now Tess as well, and she wants it dead. And personally I can’t wait to see where they take it, because this is only the beginning of Ellie’s warpath, and she’s got a long, long road ahead of her.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 1 month
It honestly makes me cry how Padmé in her dying moments and as she’s giving birth was aching and yearning for Anakin to be by her side. Just as Vader was in anguish and pain, and longing to see Padmé, to know if she’s safe.
In the last scene where she’s giving birth she’s in such a haze due to labor, and in such a state of “heartbreak” that she doesn’t recognize her surroundings and doesn’t even realize that people were beside her because she’s so focused on Anakin (+giving birth ofc) we see it clearly in the ROTS novel
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We see here that OW is holding onto Padmé’s hand which he described as being “still and cold” clearly her lack of strength from giving birth, but also because she’s heartbroken and is somewhat becoming numb (as she dies 💔) she’s not at all responsive nor does she react to human contact. Then we see that she’s clearly muddled and completely unaware of her surroundings as it describes that her “eyes rolled blindly” and yet, she’s still thinking of Anakin (as she’s giving birth) when she says what the gender of the baby was, and that Anakin thinks it’s a girl, so Padmé thinks so as well.
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Then, despite her lack of strength and motivation, we see Padmé pick up all the strength she has left to reach up to her newborn son, Luke.
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After she’s given birth, again all of Padmé’s thoughts just round back to her aching and yearning for Anakin. Once again, not even aware of her surroundings or even able to hear anyone in her vicinity due to how heartbroken she is over losing her husband and this precious moment with him (the birth of their babies) OW clearly tells Padmé that Anakin isn’t there when Padmé calls out to him, yet she can’t hear him, Padmé continues to constantly call out to him, telling him she loves him, and that she’s sorry for the misunderstanding that happened between them (even though absolutely NONE of it was her fault.)
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Then we come to this part where it reveals that Padmé with the same hand she touched her new born babies with, was actually clutching onto the Japor Snippet that Anakin had given her this entire time she was giving birth. Part of me believes she was holding onto it as a substitute for Anakin’s hand, hence why she was in such a daze, unable to recognize anyone around her, and kept calling out to Anakin. She desperately wanted him by her side, and holding onto the Japor Snippet was like a solace for her.
It was only in the last minute where the novel describes her eyes to have finally cleared for only a moment, and she recognized OW, and even in that last moment of hers, her thoughts are of only Anakin. And of her undying, unwavering faith, trust, and love for him. Telling OW with full conviction that there is still good inside the man she loves, and she’s putting the very proof of it into his palms 💔
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OW shows Yoda the Japor Snippet Padmé put into his hand, and Yoda can immediately tell right away that it was a possession that was precious to Padmé, and that she must’ve cherished it a lot. He suggests that she should be buried with it, and OW taps into the Force at that moment and can also feel the “soaring echos” of the love shared between Anakin and Padmé to which he describes as “transcendent love” and can also feel what he describes as “a bleak, black despair of an unendurable heartbreak” (clearly referring to Padmé.) He agrees that Padmé should also be buried with the Japor Snippet, so that Padmé can at least go away in peace, with a remnant of the man she truly, deeply, loved, still with her.
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dieselocelot · 4 months
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you're losing a savior and a saint
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He just said to move the mirror up a bit???
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alvindraperzzz · 6 months
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Artemis: “There is a custom in my tribe…you must redeem yourself by fighting the one who bested you! You must vanquish Devastation, to reclaim your honor!” Cassie: “Give me the chance, and I’ll reclaim it! And I’ll pound that smirk right off her face!”
Wonder Woman (1987) #157
Further evidence that Cassie’s training being handed off to Artemis is the (in universe) reason for Cassie’s weird disconnect from Diana’s mission and Amazon culture on the whole.
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justr3adin · 3 months
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| 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕗𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 |
Inspired from the different lives scene from Puss and Boots 2
Reflections (Left-Right, Up-Down)
Stickmin Space Resort, Valiant Hero, Toppat Recruits, Special Brovert Ops, Stealing the Diamond, Triple Threat, Toppat Civil Warfare, Master Bounty Hunter, Pardoned Pals and Revenged. StD is the one in front of the mirror and his reflection is the real one.
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ultfreakme · 1 year
Love how major Jiang Cheng ships are just highly oedipal or highly electra. Like he was crushing on Wen Qing who’s as severe and direct as Yu Ziyuan and then there’s his biggest ship with Lan Xichen who’s as pleasant and polite as Jiang Fengmian. A good chunk of us can agree that Jiang Cheng has some kinda mommy/daddy issues at all times.
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aalghul · 6 months
Something, something, Bruce suspected Jason killed a man, but had more faith in Tim and went into full on denial breakdown mode when given evidence Cass killed.
Like, it could just be that part of him remembers that conflict preceding Jason's death and he dreads it, or maybe something else?
with tim, bruce had worked through the urge to kill in the same situation, had seen dick and jason do the same. he knew it could be done. cass was so unbelievable to him because she's so dedicated to his code and it didn't make sense to him.
with jason, it did make sense. he had been there, watched garzonas call gloria to mock her, had pulled jason back from fighting him. he could understand why jason would have.
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thebirdqueen · 2 months
Gonna be so disappointed if part 3 doesn't play around with Vincent's 2 other limit breaks. (Death Gigas and Hellmasker) They have so much potential for Vincent story wise. I'm always sad to see many ignore them and just focusing on Galian Beast and Chaos....
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woolmasterleel · 3 months
The source of all the problems
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Romirr/ Mirror doodles for his art fight pages (❁´◡`❁)
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hostradio · 3 months
the  first  person  alastor  ever  killed  was  his  father.
and  if  you  were  somehow  able  to  pester  the  truth  out  of  him  (  perhaps  with  a  few  glasses  of  whiskey  in  tow  )  that's  probably  how  he  would  spin  it  —  painting  himself  an  unempathetic  slaughterer  of  his  own  flesh  and  blood,  with  exactly  the  sort  of  macabre  whimsy  you�� would  expect.  from  the  way  alastor  would  tell  the  tale,  he  doesn't  make  it  out  to  be  some  big  grandiose  act  of  vengeance  or  spite  or  what  have  you.  he  honestly  acts  more  enthused  about  the  fact  it  was  his  first  murder  than  the  identity  of  the  victim  in  question  —  like  it  could  have  been  anyone,  but  (  as  an  inconsequential  little  footnote  )  it  just  so  happened  to  be  dear  old  dad.
it's  all  an  act,  of  course.  though  not  necessarily  in  the  way  you  might  expect  —  because  the  first  person  alastor  ever  killed  was  indeed  his  own  father,  but  the  part  he'll  always  conveniently  neglect  to  share  is  that  it  was  a  complete  accident.
yes,  he  has  always  been  a  momma's  boy  and  yes  he  was  never  particularly  fond  of  his  dad  —  but  the  situation  is  not  nearly  so  cut  and  dry.  his  father  was  barely  around  when  he  was  growing  up.  (  long  stretches  of  time  spent  toiling  away  on  a  ship,  or  so  he  was  told.  was  that  the  truth?  who  knows.  he  doesn't  care.  )  his  mother  was  the  person  he  spent  more  time  around  than  anyone,  and  the  inverse  was  also  true  —  so  it's  only  natural  that  they  would  be  quite  close.  she  was  a  kind  soul,  the  sort  with  a  faint  tinge  of  loneliness  only  truly  noticeable  in  those  quiet  moments  when  she  believed  no  one  was  looking.  i  think  there's  a  part  of  al  that  always  felt  somewhat  protective  over  her,  even  when  he  was  just  a  child  —  not  necessarily  because  she  was  fragile  or  helpless,  but  rather  because  she  was  all  he  had.  comparatively,  his  father  was  basically  a  stranger.  he  didn't  really  speak  with  him,  didn't  really  go  out  of  his  way  to  interact  with  him  even  when  he  was  around.  he  quietly  resented  the  moments  his  dad  was  home,  because  children  are  more  intuitive  than  they  get  credit  for  and  he  could  feel  how  the  atmosphere  of  the  house  changed  for  the  worse  whenever  he  was  present.
there  was  always  tension  present  in  his  parents'  marriage.  (  i  don't  think  al  has  ever  really  witnessed  what  a  healthy  marriage  looks  like.  )  it  wasn't  physically  abusive,  but  there  was  a  very  clear  cycle  of  lovebombing,  gaslighting  and  neglect.  things  would  get  bad,  and  then  his  father  would  start  babbling  those  same  old  tired  promises  —  he  can  change!  he  can  get  better!  just  give  him  a  chance!  again,  again,  again.  and  perhaps  there  would  be  brief  stints  of  time  wherein  he  would  try  to  make  good  on  those  hollow  reassurances,  before  inevitably  sliding  back  into  old  habits.  alcohol  and  infidelity  and  verbal  abuse.  there  was  no  love  in  this  marriage,  just  two  people  trapped  in  an  unhealthy  situation  because  clinging  to  the  rotted  planks  of  this  sinking  ship  was  the  best  bet  they  had  to  keep  from  drowning.  frogs  trapped  in  a  pot  of  boiling  water.  (  hand  in  unlovable  hand.  )  and  alastor  was  there  to  witness  it  all.  never  the  focus,  never  subjected  to  the  abuse  directly,  but  still  molded  by  its  presence  nevertheless.
he  intervened  only  once  —  the  single  time  his  father  actually  did  lay  hands  on  his  mother  in  alastor's  presence.  he  was  in  his  teens  at  that  point,  fresh  off  a  growth  spurt  that  left  him  nearly  as  tall  as  the  man  himself  —  and  perhaps  that's  the  reason  why  he  underestimated  his  own  strength.  alastor  really  only  intended  to  get  him  away  from  her,  but  the  force  of  the  shove  sent  him  stumbling  and  his  neck  came  down  on  the  edge  of  the  countertop  at  the  perfect  angle  to  snap  it.
he  can  still  recall  the  sight  of  him  laying  there,  body  jerking,  head  twisted  in  such  a  way  that  just  didn't  feel  right.  a  cold,  twisting  sensation  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach  like  he's  just  swallowed  a  mouthful  of  seawater.  (  no  guilt.  no  fear.  only  numbness.  )  then  a  warm  hand  resting  on  his  shoulder  and  a  familiar  voice  telling  him  it's  okay.  it's  going  to  be  okay.  for  what  is  a  mother  if  not  the  one  to  come  swooping  in  when  her  child  has  created  a  mess?
they  buried  him  together  in  secret.  never  spoke  a  word  of  it  again.  and  as  far  as  anyone  was  concerned,  alastor's  father  just  never  came  home  one  day.
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unspuncreature · 2 years
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“honey, it’s time for your star wars: revenge of the sith - anakin vs obi-wan duel on mustafar - 4K HDR”
“… yes, dear”
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hmmm getting hit by another little "being heartbroken about tp ganondorf" moment :)
#ganondorf#tp#twilight princess#thoughts#he's just........... like...........#and him and fucking ZANT together what a toxic shitshow you guys#extremely repressed psychosis + terminal stage of burnout sure is the combo of all times#both fueled by revenge resentment bitterness and hatred in their own special way <3#I'd eat fanfic that dissect these two being codependant and horrible and untreated open wounds prancing around in hyrule#making it everyone else's problem :)#ganondorf being the most callous god-complexed heartless bitch that will destroy everyone and then himself if you breathe at him wrong#because if he stops to move and reflect on everything he will literally implode probably#and zant really really reaaaaally having it under control and never ever once threatening to fucking lose it terminally <3#holding on to the.... “god” he found for his sense of worth and power and stability (mega lol your man is in shambles zant sorry) going lik#“can we keep the weird angry god from the light world I picked up from the sidewalk midna? no?? okay :D *coups the twilight realm* ”#I used to not get this relationship conceptually or why people shipped it. I get it now.#awful awful time for everybody involved 10/10#not even getting into the Mega Divorce because wow#but seriously it's genuinely sad that two men who were *severely* wronged by fate and gods ended up being each other's undoing#because they were too.... toxic and fucked up to be anything but toxic and fucked up about it#queer infighting :(#girls hurting girls :(#SORRY about the novel in the tags I am unbearably like this everytime :((((
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snackugaki · 2 years
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so normal about this trailer
so normal about turtles
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lord-prey · 28 days
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I rinsed this bitch
Anyways going back to nocturne since im no longer lost but also I’ve procrastinated on beating smt3 for so so long already
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teegeewrites · 10 days
Scent of Revenge
Scent of Revenge
Synopsis: Once Mario and Luigi discovered the playful shenanigans that Princesses Peach and Daisy orchestrated while they slept, they set their sights on crafting a delightful prank to get even.
Scent of Revenge serves as a follow-up to Leaving Their Marks Behind. The notion of writing this sequel crossed my mind not too long after LTMB, but I struggled to devise a fitting plan for Mario and Luigi to exact their revenge on the princesses. I envisioned a scheme that was both lighthearted and expansive and eventually managed to think of one that worked perfectly after a period of brainstorming. Once that was settled, I posted a potential brief excerpt of SoR on my main blog. However, the fic in general collected dust for over a year before I finally brushed the dust off and wrote the entire story. Also, I thought about making this another chapter to LTMB but decided to make it its own fic.
Honestly, this story turned out to be much more extensive than I had planned. My original idea was to finish it with Peach and Daisy finding out what Mario and Luigi had done. But as I thought about it, I realized that leaving it at that would create too many unanswered questions. Thus, I decided to add a few more scenes to wrap things up properly.
I must admit that I was really disheartened by this story’s reception on AO3. I had anticipated it would be much more popular, especially since a few readers asked for a sequel in the comments of LTMB. As it stands, it’s my least popular story at the moment. This was during the time I felt jaded at the lack of reciprocity before my hiatus from Tumblr and my return with a renewed sense of purpose and outlook on how to use the platform going forward. Regardless of its current standing, I had a blast writing this fic and had and am quite satisfied with the outcome. Also, so as not to come across as ungrateful, I want to acknowledge and appreciate the support it received.
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