#reformed christianity
faeriefully · 2 years
Also, sorry for the allcaps but I'm so happy right now. And I see you mentioned Ligonier Ministries so that's a double win!! Steve Lawson, R.C. Sproul, Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, and Justin Peter's are my fave preacher teachers. Gotta love those 5 point calvanist reformers! ❤
Reformed peeps !! 💜
I also like Derek Thomas and Sinclair Ferguson and Alistair Begg, and books by Packer, Pink, and Spurgeon.
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spokanefavs · 1 year
Reformed #Christianity has nothing to do with ultra-right-wing politics writes Andy Pope
"It is sad that Christianity has become associated with an ultra-right-wing social movement. Jesus would have nothing of the sort."
Read more of his column.
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battleforgodstruth · 1 year
Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility - Charles Spurgeon Audio Sermons (Romans 10:20-21)
“20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me. 21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.” Romans 10:20-21 Sovereign Grace and Man’s Responsibility – Charles Spurgeon Audio Sermons (Romans 10:20-21) ▶️Charles Spurgeon Sermon…
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rolkientolkien · 2 months
As Christians, we shouldn't be surprised when the world mocks Jesus or us. The world hated Jesus because He convicted people of their sin, the world will hate us for the same reason. One of the oldest depictions of Jesus is a piece of Roman graffiti. It shows Jesus, crucified with a donkey head and captioned, "Alexamenos worships his god." To quote Martin Luther, "They gave our Master a crown of thorns, why do we hope for a crown of roses?"
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apenitentialprayer · 5 months
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You're using Catholic iconography in both pictures
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New Apostolic Reformation.
Evangelical Christian supremacy movement. Authoritarianism based on Old Testament bullshit that is preached by non-affiliated local southern and rural churches (and Mega-Church televangelists) that is not connected to mainstream, establishment, hierarchical religions.
These for profit, start your own, local evangelicals are easy to manipulate as is any grouping without an established hierarchy and a code of rules. This is how dictators and terror movements have high jacked Islam. Find a cleric that is sympathetic, or can be bribed and then use them to rubber stamp your agenda.
Evangelicals truly are the Americans Taliban. Anyone who labels themselves as simply Christian is likely to be one of the most un-Christian people you could ever meet. Their goal is to stomp out all established religions and create a Taliban style authoritarian dictatorship. Republican politicians are riding their coattails. Both sides are playing a dangerous game. Republicans and their oligarch puppet masters think they can manipulate and control all these evangelical terrorists, Neo-Nazi, Neo-Confederate, armed militias, and other hate groups. But there is the chance that these Theocrats could seize control of those very un-Christian groups and eliminate them first. This is Dominionism on steroids.
Do you want to return to Puritan times with an un-healthy dose of racism/bigotry/misogyny/xenophobia/ and the Crusades tossed in for good measure? Republicans are always playing with fire and will risk any consequence in their insatiable lust for greed and political power.
The far-right Republicans have been highly organized with nearly unlimited dark money from Neo-Nazi oligarchs since the 1960’s. Their goal has been to restructure America into a conservative dystopia where commerce has no restraints and workers and citizens have no rights.a dystopia where everyone is of European ancestry and is kept in line by an Old Testament based form of evangelicalism run by the oligarchs/aristocracy a plutocracy with draconian authoritarian powers.
They now control so many states that it is unlikely we will be able to stop their restructuring of America in our lifetimes. Republicans control 60% of state legislatures. If they can get it to 75% they can change or even scrap the Constitution and write a new one. Republicans control just over half of the seats in the House of Reps and the Senate. If they can move that number up to 66% they could change or scrap the Constitution.
Remember that many Republican voters rejected Trump personally in 2020 but not MAGA Republicanism. They actually picked up a few seats which allowed them to seize the House. Meanwhile the Senate is tied with the Democratic VP necessary to pass most bills wanted by us on the Democratic side of the aisle.
The next time you’re dragging Biden remember you are giving the keys to the kingdom to a Theocratic totalitarian government owned by Neo-Nazi oligarchs. Trump next year followed by Dominionist bastards like Ted Cruz and MAGA Mike Johnson.
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forwheniamweak · 24 days
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“When we are out of the way of our duty we are in the way of temptation…Idleness gives great advantage to the tempter. Standing waters gather filth.”
— Matthew Henry; Commentary on 2 Samuel 11
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anistarrose · 5 months
I think when a lot of queer people who aspire to marriage, and remember (rightly) fighting for the right to marriage, see queer people who don't want marriage, talking about not entering or even reforming or abolishing marriage, there's an assumption I can't fault anyone for having — because it's an assumption borne of trauma — that queers who aren't big on marriage are inadvertently or purposefully going to either foolishly deprive themselves of rights, or dangerously deprive everyone of the rights associated with marriage. But that's markedly untrue. We only want rights to stop being locked behind marriages. We want an end to discrimination against the unmarried.
We want a multitude of rights for polyamorous relationships. We want ways to fully recognize and extend rights to non-romantic and/or non-sexual unions, including but not limited to QPRs, in a setting distinct from the one that (modern) history has spent so long conflating with romance and sex in a way that makes many of us so deeply uncomfortable. And many of us are also disabled queers who are furious about marriage stripping the disabled of all benefits.
We want options to co-parent, and retain legal rights to see children, that extends to more than two people, and by necessity, to non-biological parents (which, by the way, hasn't always automatically followed from same-gender marriage equality even in places where said equality nominally exists. Our struggles are not as different as you think). We would like for (found or biological) family members and siblings to co-habitate as equal members of a household, perhaps even with pooled finances or engaging in aforementioned co-parenting, without anyone trying to fit the dynamic into a "marriage-shaped box" and assume it's incestuous. We want options to leave either marriages, or alternative agreements, that are less onerous than divorce proceedings have historically been.
I can't speak for every person who does not want to marry, but on average, spurning marriage is not a choice we make lightly. We are deeply, deeply aware of the benefits that only marriage can currently provide. And we do not take that information lightly. We demand better.
Now, talking about the benefits of marriage in respective countries' current legal frameworks, so that all people can make choices from an informed place, is all well and good — but is not an appropriate response to someone saying they are uncomfortable with marriage. There are people for whom entering a marriage, with all its associated norms, expectations, and baggage, would feel like a betrayal of one's self and authenticity that would shake them to their core — and every day, I struggle to unpack if I'm one of them or not. If I want to marry for tax benefits, or not. If that's worth the risk of losing disability benefits, in the (very plausible) possibility that I have to apply for them later in life. If that's worth the emotional burden of having to explain over and over, to both well-meaning and deeply conservative family members, that this relationship is not one of romance or sex. (Because, god, trying just to explain aromanticism or asexuality in a world that broadly thinks they're "fake" is emotional labor enough.)
Marriage is a fundamental alteration to who I am, to what rights an ableist government grants me, and to how I am perceived. I don't criticize the institution just because I enjoy a "free spirit" aesthetic or think the wedding industry is annoying, or whatever.
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rabbitprayer · 5 months
No desire to convert to catholicism but the desire to kind of pretend that no schisms ever happened.
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
Wishing a very special serpent a happy World Snake Day🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
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RIP Ushari you actually deserve the world 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
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battleforgodstruth · 2 years
Calling Ex-Christians: What Did Jesus Say About You? - Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast
“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. [27] And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. [28] For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it– [29] lest, after he has…
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cupcakegalaxia · 5 months
To my fellow Christians, continue to be good Bereans. Many false prophets and teachers have gone out into the world -- distorting the Gospel, bringing reproach upon the Name of God and twisting Scripture -- and they do not care about your spiritual health and development.
If someone gives a false prophecy, or says they have a word from the Lord and it does not come to past -- do not listen to them. Doctrine and lifestyle must be used to determine if the teacher is a good teacher or a false one. Avoid the false teachers and call them out. It isn't loving not to call them out because if we do not call false teachers out, they will destroy people. Pray that God will give them mercy and repentance.
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faeriefully · 1 month
people say they understand that we are not saved by our good works all the way until you tell them that having faith is a work that you’re crediting to yourself
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apenitentialprayer · 3 months
Christian Classical Texts: A List of Resources
CatholicLibrary.org: Contains 27 centuries worth of mostly Catholic Christian, but also influential pre-Christian, texts. Many are provided in English translation.
NewAdvent.org: Contains non-canonical scriptures, writings of the Church Fathers, Council documents, and liturgies, all in English translation.
CCEL.org: Contains writings from the Church Fathers, Protestant Reformers, and other prominent Christian writers from the first century to as late as 1990.
EarlyChristianWritings.org: Contains a variety of non-canonical scriptures, Gnostic texts, writings of the Church Fathers, and at least two reconstructions of theorized sources for canonical Christian Scripture.
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emotboyswag · 2 years
I’m yet to meet a convert to judaism who’s not transgender. There’s something so trans in the conversion soup. Does judaism not allow cis converts? Did I not know that?
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forwheniamweak · 3 days
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