#reggie gdh
beesinspace · 8 months
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Doodles practising Reggies new look along with this simpler art style!
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
For the trope mashup: 6 & 58 for Juke 👀
(not me fully forgetting i reblogged that gdhs) 
1. Bookshop AU &  58. Accidental Eavesdropping  
but oh my gosh okay so!! i’m seeing julie who’s got a lil part-time job at a second hand book shop that doesn’t really get much foot traffic so she spends most of her shifts sitting at the front counter doodling or doing homework or idly singing. she’s got a co-worker, reggie, and they have like an hour each shift where their shifts overlap and one day he says ‘my friends gonna come back later to pick this book up, is that okay?’ and he puts a random, possibly embarrassing book behind the counter and julie agrees without much thought. then like, an hour after reggie has left, luke wanders on in, wearing one of his cut-offs and a beanie with a notebook in his back pocket so immediately julie is like ‘pick a vibe dude’, but she doesn’t say that out loud. she smiles politely and asks if he needs any help and luke bless his ‘love at first sight’ heart, stutters out a nom trips over something and then stumbles straight to the little music section like he’s been there hundreds of times before.  and then it’s been like, 40minuets and he hasn’t left the shop or even reappeared and julie gets worried he’s maybe died or something so she puts her book down and quietly makes her way over to where she thinks he is and overhears him on the phone saying something like ‘you didn’t tell me she was cute!! dude i can’t say that...what? no! oh my god i can’t ask for the book now i’ll just wait or something.’ and julie bites her lip not to laugh and makes a sound as she gets closer so he doesn’t think she’s been listening even though she has, and eventually he gets the courage to ask for the book and julie gives it to him, along with her phone number. 
for context: send me 2 of these + a ship for a story mash up. 
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beesinspace · 1 year
He is finally here 💀💀💀
Will probably be a while until my next redesign post, as I'ma be busy over the holidays (shocker lol) but in the mean time please enjoy the bestest boi~
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Say hey to Reggie Moonshroud, the best boi with the worst posture, lover of all things sci-fi and sci-fi adjacent with dreams of exploring the stars like his hero Space Rat!
(Click for better quality)
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beesinspace · 8 months
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Playing around with Reggies design pretty much since my first take on him, much happier with this direction from the colours to the shape language lol
may play around with the markings some more tho~~
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beesinspace · 1 year
Skating lesson :)
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The only way for Reggie to wear any kind of shoe, is for there to be as little shoe as possible lol
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