eddiediaaz · 2 years
hello friend!! for the tswift fav lyrics: forever & always and enchanted 🧡
omg hey eunice!! thank youuuu <3
forever & always: so here's to everything coming down to nothing here's to silence that cuts me to the core
enchanted: my thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
send me a taylor swift song and i'll pick my favorite lyric
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
Prompt #37 (not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out) for Willex? 🧡
omg i didn't realise how long this had gotten djgh there's defo some weird pacing? and i'm not sure about the tone, also lets completely ignore whatever tense im writing it because i forgot half way through i think 😬 Anyway!! enjoy my friend!!
#37 not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out
hand holding prompts!
Luke keeps staring at them, eyebrows wagging and an annoying smirk on his face and Alex is thirty seconds away from throwing a drumstick at his friend's head. Alex and Willie had walked back into the garage to the sounds of a riff he hadn’t heard before while Reggie shouted out adjustments.
None of them had commented, had made a big deal out of it. And Alex loved his friends for that, for how they sometimes just knew when to not make a big deal out of things. There would be time for explanations later, maybe after he’d thrown something at Luke because why was he looking at him like that?
When Willie had rushed out of the garage it had left them all confused. They’d been laughing, joking around about new lyrics and the time Ray had had to come pick them up from the beach because they’d forgotten they couldn’t just magically poof around anymore.
And then Willie had gone still next to him on the sofa, body tense and muttered something about ‘air’ and ‘late’ before getting up and hurrying out. It had left the four of them looking confused at the door and Julie opening her mouth to say something. But Alex hadn’t waited to hear what it might have been. He’d simply gotten up too, said he’d go find out and left.
Willie couldn’t get very far anymore now he was alive again, and Alex knows he hasn’t gone far because his skateboard is still where he’d left it outside the garage and Willie trusted them all, but not enough to leave without his board. So he had to be somewhere nearby.
Alex had found him sitting on the steps half hidden behind bushes and flowers, head in his hands and fingers tangled between his hair. It’s not until Alex is standing almost in front of him that he notices the way Willie was breathing heavily, shoulders shaking and the urge to reach out and hug him had been at the tips of his fingers. The only thing that had held him back was knowing that sometimes Willie needed a little space. That he needed to be the one to bridge the gap first sometimes.
“Hey,” he’d said quietly, slowing his steps and shoving his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie to stop himself from reaching out to detangle Willie’s fingers from his hair.
“I—“ Willie started, not even looking up at first as he sucked in a stuttering breath and Alex had watched his fingers flex against his scalp before they’d relaxed slightly, sliding down until his fingers were around the back of his neck, eyes glancing up at him, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to just— to just run out. God I bet they hate me now.”
Alex had frowned a little, brows drawing together as he’d rocked a little on his feet and the only thing he could think to say was, “Huh?”
Because Alex knew for a fact that his friends thought a lot of things, mostly about music and food and who would win the coin toss on Friday for which film they watched next and in Reggie’s case about when Ray would be home. But thinking anything bad about Willie? He doubted a single thought like that had ever crossed any of their minds.
“Why would they hate you?”
Willie really looks up at him now, eyes wide and it was so easy to see the tears waiting in them that Alex had finally caved, hands tugging out of his pocket so when he sat down in the empty space next to the skater he could easily slip one arm around his shoulders.
“Because they’re all being so nice and I can’t even keep it together enough to pretend that I’m fine,” Willie had leaned into him then and Alex had relaxed slightly, glad he’d made the right move, but while his body had been relaxing his mind had tensed, rolling his words over and over again to try and make it them make sense.
“You don't have to pretend to be fine,” was the only thing he could think to say and had pulled back a little to be able to look into the other boy's eyes, “You don’t. Do you know how many times one of us has walked out of that garage when things aren’t okay? Way too many times to count.”
Alex himself had walked out only last week when he’d been having a bad day, and had walked until he’d found Willie at the park down the street where he’d spent the rest of his afternoon trying (and failing) to learn how to jump over something on a skateboard. And it had been months since they’d all come back to life and gotten re-accustomed to things. For Willie it had only been weeks. He was more then allowed to have a bad day.
“I don't want them to think I’m not— not grateful,” Willie said with a shrug, hands fall from around his neck to rest on his knees, only for him to start twisting his fingers together as he spoke, “You guys are all so tight and I’m in the one who caused you all these problems and then you had to save me and I— I know I’m not worth all that trouble and Caleb always used to say I could be too much, and I don't want to be too much for you. Or for them.”
And now Alex really has no idea what to say. He’d thought that maybe Willie had just been having a bad day, that he’d need to go scream in an empty parking lot or hide out in Julie’s room for a while. He had never even thought that Willie might think he wasn’t worth, well anything they’d done for him. Alex doesn’t know if he’s ever hated Caleb Covington more.
“Willie, hey, you’re never too much,” he moves his arm from around his shoulders to reach out and place one hand over Willie’s twisting fingers, stilling them and carefully pulling them up so he can take both, one in each hand. “Caleb was a lot of things, and a fucking liar is pretty high on that list.”
That startled a laugh out of Willie, fingers flexing against Alex’s before settling linked together.
“He did lie a lot,” he agreed, eyes on their linked fingers as he blew out a breath.
“I’d do it all again, save you, no matter what trouble it might have been,” Alex said, and Willie had looked up at him again, lips slightly parted and if Alex had known where they really stood in their relationship right now he might have leaned forwards to kiss him. Instead he just smiles, head nodding towards the garage, “And they would too. You’re part of the gang now and memberships are very hard to cancel.”
“Oh yeah? Do you leave people on hold with terrible music for hours?” There’s a slight smile playing at the edges of his lips again, and Alex almost sighs in relief.
“Nah worse,” he says, nudging his elbow into Willie’s side, “You have to tell Reggie you no longer want to be friends.”
“Oh that’s mean,” and Willie had giggled, eyes crinkling at the corner and Alex had known he was okay, they’d got through the worst of the Bad Day and was just glad he’d been able to help.
They’d sat in silence for a while, Willie playing with their linked fingers and Alex just watching him, and he could have sat like that for hours and been perfectly content. Something about Willie made his mind feel calm and life (after and more) feel better. The silence is broken by the sound of one of his cymbals crashing and Alex can’t stop the flinch that rocks through his body or the way his brows had cinched together as he pictured Reggie or Luke sitting at his stool and trying to work something out with the song they’d been working on. On his drums. Without him.
“Alright hotdog, let's go save your drums,” Willie says with a chuckle and Alex had tried to speak, to deny it, to say he was fine, but there was clearly something in his eyes that had Willie shaking his head and standing up first, easily tugging at their joint hands to pull Alex to his feet too.
And then they’d walked back into the garage, Julie had been sat his drums, gently tapping away while Reggie hovered over her shoulder and scribbling something down. She shot them a quick smile and Alex had found it hard to hold the same annoyance at her being at his drums that he would have had for Luke or Reggie. And then Luke had looked at them, a small kind smile growing into a wider grin that Alex didn’t understand. Until Willie had started walking towards Julie and Reggie, and he’d been tugged along too. Because they were still holding hands. Heat had quickly filled his cheeks as he’d looked down and then back up, but Luke was still grinning, head bobbing a little as he’d held up a thumbs up before turning back into the conversation happening around them.
And well, Willie doesn’t seem to notice or mind that they’re still holding hands, and Alex isn’t about to ruin the moment either.
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claire8216 · 3 years
23 & 26 for the stay at home ask game?
Sending you love for a better day tmrw 🧡
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Hope you’re doing well! 💙
23. The book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!)
Don’t ask me why but I recently just reread The Giver haha. It’s one of my favorites!
26. The film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again
The Sandlot. I could watch that movie all day, every day.
Send me some stay-at-home asks!
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nottheleastbrave · 3 years
“You look nice today!” he shouts after her, much louder than necessary. Julie’s eyes go wide. “Your dress is...very blue,” he finishes, rubbing the back of his neck.
Thank youuuuuuu
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sunsetcurbed · 4 years
2, 4, 15 for ysmfinb! I must reiterate that I adore your Author’s Notes that you leave in your fics cause it’s like cool little bts and glimpses into your process of writing that chapter, so please keep doing it 🧡
!!!! thank you so much!! i’m so glad people like the author’s notes. there’s so much that i can’t fit in fics that i wish i could, so smashing them into the 5000 character limit AO3 gives me at the end of each chapter is my compromise lmao. 
questions from this post 
2: what scene did you first put down?  the second chapter was the first one written!! all the way from louisa telling alex he’s a prince to alex telling willie about it, that all spilled out at once. 
4: what’s your favorite line of dialogue?  i’m... maybe going to take the easy route out here and choose something from one of his speeches. “So picture: Julie, Reggie, Luke, and Flynn all standing by my side. That's the most important thing you need to know about sixteen year old me.” i really, really enjoyed writing that section of his speech, and i was really happy with how it turned out. i would have liked to have fleshed the overall speech out a bit more, but that line right there, i was really happy with. 
(or, i’m going to take the REALLY easy route out and choose “I’m gone on you” because i love giving my characters little phrases like that and taking them and making them mean so much more than they normally do. like, for willie “i’m gone on you” is saying “i’m so in love with you i don’t even have the words to express it” and for other people it’s just... “i like you a lot”) 
15: what did you learn from writing this fic?  ahhhh, i don’t even know how to begin to answer this question. i feel like this isn’t a good enough answer, but i think the biggest thing i learned from this fic is that writing isn’t meant to be stressful. i had a blast writing this fic, and i loved it. there are parts i want to change now that it’s over, and i think there are things i’ll always dislike about my writing just like most authors have, but overall i’m happy with this fic, and i didn’t stress about writing this at all. i understand that as a writer there will be stressful moments, but i want to write because i love it, not because i feel like it’s an obligation. i loved writing for a long time but when i set a goal of being published one day, it got a lot more stressful and i just stopped enjoying it to the point that i was forcing myself to write and driving myself to tears at times. but this fic reminded me how much fun writing can actually be and showed me that the past few years, my relationship with writing? not good. what i have with it now? good. 
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sunsetscurving · 4 years
Congrats on 2.5k!!! I literally joined Tumblr again just for JATP (after being away from this site for like 5 years) and saw your content in the tags, and was obsessed with how creative it is!! Here’s something for your make me choose: Alex’s “okay...” vs Carlos’ ghost hunting. Congrats again!
omg thank you so much 🥺🥺 i also just came fully back for jatp and i‘m sooo happy i did! thank you for participating in my celebration, just posted my answer here ✨
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sunjaesol · 4 years
Just popping in here to say that every time I get a notification that you’ve updated “We’re Too Young To Know Things Like Love”, I literally whisper to myself and shake my head and say, “idk who you are, but you are an absolute mad lad”, and proceed to enjoy every single word of every new chapter. I absolutely adore your writing ( theroadtrip one I think I’ve reread a couple times already) and the fact that your song inspirations are songs that I have 100% thought about that work for Juke (I mean c’mon... the entire Wonder album is just... made for them) (but also that last chapter... with Ben Platt... I already cry over that song on a daily basis, but you just HAD to associate it with Juke and I am UNWELL). Anyways, tldr, I adore your work and hope you take a well deserved break after pumping out what feels like a billion chapters!
(And yes, it’s true I’m literal insanity wrapped in a pink sweater and always five coffees in, thanks for noticing.)
Your REREAD that monster of a story? mad respect that story is long as fuck
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Ohhhh!!! #9 “i only kissed you because you were talking too much.” for Willex? 🧡
I’m always a little hesitant when writing Alex and his anxiety, because I don’t want to accidentally offend anyone. I hope you like it!
Sent me prompts from this or this list.
Alex knows that he tends to spiral a little in certain situations. He is aware of his anxiety. It’s nothing new and still he is sometimes surprised by the amount of words that can come out of him in a short period when he gets anxious. 
The second he reaches the skate park he immediately spots Willie leaning against a gate on the far end of the park. He’s chatting to a tall, pretty brunette and smiling at her. Alex freezes right in his tracks. He had already been sort of wondering whether his relationship with Willie was going the right way and now looking at Willie and the girl his heart drops into his stomach.
They haven’t kissed yet. They’ve been sort of dating for three weeks and they haven’t kissed yet, that has to mean something right? The reason Willie hasn’t kissed him has obviously to be the pretty brunette girl right? There is no other explanation. So, it’s probably best to just break up right now. Why should Alex wait for Willie to end it when he already knows it’s coming? 
While mentally spiraling his feet have rudely moved him all the way across the park. Willie and the girl are hugging when Alex reaches them and Willie presses a kiss to her cheek before she walks off. And Alex can sort of understand it. She is really pretty. 
Willie smiles when he finally spots Alex. “Hey, hotdog. How’s it going?”
Alex plans to calmly explain that if Willie is not interested in dating, they can just break up. What comes out his mouth however is pretty much anything but calm. 
“I was thinking, if you, like if you don’t want to do this dating thing with me. And like, I could totally understand it, she is a lot prettier than me. So if you wanna break up and date her, I’d be okay. You can totally do that. I’d totally understand. I had been thinking ABOUT how it’s weird we haven’t kissed and like I get it. Why would you kiss me when you can kiss her and-”
He never gets to finish the sentence because Willie manages to shut him up perfectly. Because WIllie just grips Alex’s chin, pulls him closer and kisses him. And Alex’s brain, for pretty much the first time in his life, just shuts off.
When Willie pulls back after a bit, Alex can’t help the little annoyed noise as he tries to follow the other boy’s lips. It takes him a second to open his eyes and look at Willie. 
“I- What was that?” Alex asks breathlessly.
“You were talking too much, hot dog.”
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catty-words · 3 years
Heard it’s your birthday and wanted to pop in and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU WONDERFUL AND KIND AND TALENTED HUMAN BEING!!! Sending you lots of love always 🧡
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menace-y · 4 years
Just to remind the entire BBC Dracula fandom that there’s a Discord Server for us right here:
@alma37 @bang-and-a-blintz @bittenlove @mitsukatsu @gothicdracula @jeonggukieandcream @nosferatvpussy @flutteringphalanges
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feralgodmothers · 3 years
tagged by @hiraeth-doux​ thank you Nadin! 💖💗💖
relationship status: single (does it even need to be asked? Lol)
favourite colour: black 🖤
pets: 3 cats
cats or dogs: cats. I love both, but cats fit my vibe more
favourite food: french toast
coke or pepsi: coke
day or night: night
chapstick or lipstick: neither, but chapstick if I had to choose
text or call: text. I can’t handle being a normal human in real time
last song: this is me from the greatest showman soundtrack x3
favourite band/artist: (DANG IT) we’re sticking with queen, man
hobbies: drawing/painting, reading
Tagging: @crystallinee-waters, @stellaluna33​, @dead--poets, @metuospero, @marektannhaus, @whitters23, @notsomecase, @stopthenrewind, @for-bittenlove (if you want to, plus anyone else who might like to! 💞)
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tangledstarlight · 4 years
You really asking for angsty prompts this morning huh?
#4 for Wille and Alex? (I just love them a lot and think they’re pretty great and there’s smthg about how they’re so soft with each other IT MAKES ME CRY)
i really did, and then i wrote this and honestly, it’s just very sweet not any angst in sight despite what the triggers might suggest gfgdh i just think alex should get to carry willie somewhere 🤷🏻‍♀️ thank you for sending one!! 💕
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts!!
( triggers warnings!! injury and blood mention ) 
4. Can you walk? I’d be happy to carry you.”
“This is a terrible idea,” Alex calls as he watches Willie start walking up the stairs in front of the closed museum, skateboard tucked under one arm and white helmet glinting the street lights. 
“What? Don’t believe I can do it?” There’s a challenge in Willie’s voice as he looks over his shoulder at him and Alex rolls his eyes a little. 
“I didn’t say that,” he blows out a sigh, leaning against the little wall on the side of the stairs as Willie makes it to the top. Alex watches as he checks the strap on his helmet and pats the pads on his elbows –– which sure, okay, Alex had started getting him to wear, but he was just concerned! A broken elbow could seriously hurt! –– and throws a thumbs up down to him.
Alex watches it happen in what feels like slow motion. Willie’s setting his board down at the top, wheels start turning as he pushes off, a few blissful seconds as he moves down the smooth expanse of concrete in the middle, then a wheel hits something, and he’s falling, rolling, tumbling to the ground with a thud that makes Alex wince. 
Pushing away from the wall he runs over to his boyfriend who’s slowly pushing himself up onto his knees (and mentally, Alex adds knee pads to his list of things to buy for the skater) with a hissed breath. 
“Are you okay?” he asks crouching down next to him, a gentle hand on his back as Willie tilts his scrapped palms towards him. 
“Had worse,” there’s a wry smile on his face as he looks up at him and Alex shakes his head. 
“I don’t know who’s worse,” Alex mutters, pulling at the zip on his fanny pack to find some wipes, “You or Luke for getting hurt. 
“Oh you gotta say Luke for that one,” Willie starts, holding his hands out when Alex tears off the top of the antiseptic wipe and carries on his thought at his raised brow, “He’d pick a fight with a lamppost if it looked at one you guys funny and get hurt when he lost, I just get hurt by the ground on the rare occasions that accidentally I fall.” 
“That–– okay,” Alex shakes his head, eyes on his job, “You do remember that the way we met was because you knocked me down right? And you fell off your board.” 
“Who said that was an accident?” 
Alex looks up at him, eyes slightly squinted as he tries to decide if he’s joking or telling the truth. But it’s hard to tell by the growing smile on his face and the gleam in his eye. It could be either. Huffing out a laugh Alex rolls his eyes, poking Willie gently in the cheek while he balls up the dirty wipe in his other hand. 
“You’re impossible.” 
There’s a bin near where he’d previously been standing next to the wall and Alex is all of one step towards it when he hears Willie let out a gasp of pain behind him. Turning around quickly he sees Willie standing awkwardly bent over, both hands gripping the ankle of his right leg slightly off the ground. 
“What? What happened?” Alex is back by his side in a heartbeat, one hand on his lower back and the other on his shoulder to help keep him steady. 
“Think I twisted my ankle,” Willie grits out, glancing up at him with a wince. And it’s not good but it’s also not the worst news so Alex can’t help but sigh slightly in relief. 
“Okay, let's sit you back down then.” Hopping slightly, Alex leads Willie over the stairs he’d climbed up only minutes before and helps him sit down on the third from the bottom. Willie starts rubbing at his ankle, rolling up the cuffs of his jeans to see the slightly swollen joint. 
Chewing on his bottom lip Alex paces –– finally –– towards the bin and throws out the wipe and back over to Willie, eyeing the injured ankle with a minor sense of trepidation about the walk back to their flat. 
“Can you walk?” he finally asks, stopping in front of Willie and bending down so their eye level, “I’d be happy to carry you.” 
The words leave his mouth before he can stop them and he knows immediately by the wide grin stretching across Willie’s face that he’s about to be used as transport. 
“Bridal style?” Willie asks, looking at him innocently with wide eyes that might have worked when they’d first started dating but Alex has been saying no to the combined puppy dog eyes of Luke and Reggie since he was eight, he’s immune.
“Only when we’re married,” he says, dropping a quick kiss on Willie’s hair line before turning around and looking at him over his shoulder, “Jump on.” 
Turning back around Alex doesn’t see him get up, but he does feel as Willie wraps his arms around his neck, and his legs around his waist. With a small grunt, he pushes up from the ground, one hand gently gripping his sore ankle and the other readjusts his fanny pack on his chest. 
“You good?” He asks, turning his head a little so he can peer at Willie slightly who’s resting his chin on his shoulder. 
“Let’s go home,” he says gently, breath ghosting across his jaw that makes Alex suppress a slight shiver before a kiss is pressed into its place. Checking once more then Willie’s secure on his back and that they’ve not left anything behind, Alex ducks his head down to press a light kiss to Willie’s knuckles where they’re linked around his neck and starts walking home.
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madiplusthree · 7 years
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Taz is just so damn handsome😍 #BittenLove #tabbiesofig #TazMoore (at Aurora, Illinois)
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sunsetcurbed · 4 years
Hello! Because you asked for that little push to get down their voices... word prompt: balloon + Flarrie!! 🧡
hi!! AHH i’m so nervous i’ve not written much focused on them so pls pls excuse me as i try and find their voices 
feel free to send me a prompt for thirsty thursday  
Flynn is roped into dance prep yet again even though she’s specifically told Lessa she much prefers to promote the dance rather than produce the dance. Lessa always makes some comment about how drama club will be more than happy to decorate and-- oh, no, Flynn cannot have that. Last year they didn’t do anything but put up a few streamers and balloons and then four signs, one for each quadrant of the gym. Depending on which quadrant you were in you were supposed to act like characters from any of the fall or spring plays or musicals, each one up and labeled. Flynn would like to avoid that, and Lessa would too, but the most important thing is Lessa knows Flynn wants to avoid that. 
“I’ll send a few others to help, of course,” Lessa smiles as she sees Flynn break. “You won’t be alone.” 
Lessa is a filthy liar, because here she is, alone. It was less of a task than last time-- last time she’d taken on the task of five hundred balloons and this time she’s pretty sure there’s only three hundred, but it’s equally as tedious. Pump, draw back, pump, take off, tie. Repeat. Three hundred times. All alone. 
The gym doors open and Flynn whirls around hopefully. That hope comes crashing back down in her chest when she sees the familiar face. “Oh. It’s you.” 
“It’s me,” Carrie sneers, scrunching up her nose as she says it. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m here to help?” She says it as if it’s the most obvious thing it the world, but Flynn thinks it couldn’t be any less obvious. Her face must show that because Carrie scoffs and walks forward. She takes a seat across from Flynn and grabs the extra pump and slips a balloon on the end. “Lessa asked me to help. She said Dirty Candy could be the headlining act at the dance if I contributed.” 
Flynn cocks an eyebrow at her. “You know it’s not a headlining act at a school dance, right?” 
Carrie glances up from the balloon to glare at Flynn. Flynn holds up her hands in surrender. “Anyway,” Carrie says, “she told me to help you today and tomorrow with the set up.” 
“Tomorrow too?” Flynn groans, slipping her balloon off the pump and tying it before tossing it to the side. 
“I didn’t ask for it,” Carrie snaps, sounding overly defensive. She slips her balloon off of her pump and goes to tie it, but her fingers fumble with it and some air slips out. She curses under her breath and tries again, but more air slips out-- again and again, until it’s the size of a baseball, and then she gives up, letting the rest of the air out and throwing her hands up in exasperation. She looks up at Flynn, who pointedly takes the balloon she was blowing up while watching Carrie struggle off her pump, and expertly tie it, smiling sweetly at the blonde as she does so. “Oh-- whatever.” 
Flynn tosses her head back and laughs, and it rings across the empty gym. “Girl, you are thinking way too hard about tying a balloon.” 
“Well I’m sorry balloons aren’t a hobby of mine and I have to think about what I’m doing.” 
Flynn rolls her eyes. She gets up on her knees and motions to Carrie to pick up her pump. “Blow it up again.” Carrie looks hesitant, but does as she’s told. Once the balloon is at the idea size, Flynn knee walks over to Carrie and taps the hand not holding the ballon. “Grab the end with this hand-- these two fingers and pull, wrap it around these two--” she taps the two holding the balloon shut-- “and then open them a bit and slip the top through.” 
Carrie does as she’s told and, while the balloon loses a bit of air, she manages to get it sealed off without further issue. She looks up at Flynn and-- Flynn sits back on her heels, startled at how close she’d gotten to the other girl. She offers a smile and is stunned when Carrie-- Carrie-- offers one back. Offers one back like the smiles they used to share before the falling out, before the Great Divide, before the glares and scowls and snark. It’s soft and small and private, and most importantly it’s real, and it’s Carrie, and it’s everything Flynn has missed about her best friend. It’s everything that Flynn fell in love with all those years ago, and has been searching for ever since. And it’s still there. 
It’s still there, and maybe that means that there’s still hope, too. 
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sunsetscurving · 4 years
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↳ for-bittenlove asked: carlos’ ghost hunting or alex’s “okay”
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🌹 hope I’m not too late 🤭 we’re going to blame timezones!!
All good, you’re not too late and I have tons of wips to go.
She wakes to the sun streaming in through the windows and Luke’s face just inches from hers.
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