#regina george but make her Drow
azrithart · 8 months
hihi i’d like to know all about silaril if you please!!
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Hey Des! Silaril is one of four sibling OC's made for Sarith 🕷
As the oldest, she ranks first under their Matron and serves as lead priestess of House Kzekarit. She follows Lolth in the way she's expected to, but her ambitions lie in gold and business. House Kzekarit doesn't hold the highest rank in Menzoberranzan. They're nobles in a loose sense. Silaril works to change that! She presents herself as cool-tempered, unbothered, sly, and prefers a scathing word to a weapon. Even with a superior attitude, she will readily forge alliances with "lesser" Drow Houses, Duergar merchants, rogue guilds and more where she sees value. Silaril is my Regina George. She can hold her own in a fight just fine, but prefers the intrigue of wielding everyone's secrets to her advantage. She'd sooner grab a drink and watch the chaos unfold. Yet beneath the queen bee attitude and gaslight/gatekeep/girlbossing, she is deeply frustrated with her station. Image is everything. She never gets a break to herself, can never show weakness in any capacity - even thought. Her own web is her cage. To examine this too closely would break her :C So she keeps going! She shares no particular bonds with any of her siblings. As Matron Kzekarit's heir, Silaril resolves to surpass her. However, murder is not her thing - she gets pretty dizzy at the sight of blood! It's a wonder she survived Arach-Tinilith. Thanks for your ask and interest in my silly little guys! Since campaign events from our OOTA group inspired Sporeblood, Silaril will feature in the comic as well with Sarith's siblings! 🖤
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