#reginald ii barber
whibleysims · 28 days
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"Sir Reginald Barber dead at--"
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"Oh my god!"
The phone began to ring.
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"Oh, I wonder who that could be," she muttered to herself.
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"Hello, Rhonda. How are the twins?" Lilibet answered.
"Hi, Lil," a gruff voice replied.
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"Have you heard the news yet?" he asked coolly.
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"I-I saw it in the paper just now!"
"You read the paper?"
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"You called me just to insult me?" she asked.
"No, no! I--I'm sorry. I only meant that, well, when we were kids we'd make fun of--"
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"Why did you call me, Reg?" she dreaded the answer.
"I wanted to tell you about Dad myself, but I guess the press beat me to it."
"Is that it? To tell me your dad died?" There had to be more, she figured.
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"Well, a-hm," he cleared his throat. "As you can probably imagine, I have a lot of work to do at the university now; a lot of unaccounted and unaccompanied time that I will be excused as busy."
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"So you'll go on a lot of lonely walks around campus. Why did you call me?" She refused to play coy with their history.
"I want to see you," he finally said it.
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"I miss you, and I've been missing you ever since--"
"Reg, look, you just lost your father and I know better than anyone that your relationship with him was complicated at best, so naturally his death will stir up old--"
"If not dinner, then how about lunch?"
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"Reg," Lilibet was buckling.
Reginald II inhaled deeply before conceding: "Fine. What about coffee?"
"I just don't know if thi--"
"I'll send a car tomorrow at 10AM. See you soon." He hung up.
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Lilibet slowly moved the phone from her ear and turned again to the kitchen table where the headline and her morning coffee suddenly made her stomach drop.
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Then she sat and shook her head and sighed, and she would spend the rest of that morning frozen looking at the phone she let fall to the floor.
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nikkiwriteswords · 3 years
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts/predictions/hopes for s3, now that we got the episode titles :D
Hey Nora!! Let me go grab my tua theory hat real quick. Spoiler alert, it looks exactly like the umbrella hat on the 3 right here:
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Full disclosure, I've only got like a pinky toe in the tua fandom right now, but I'm still going to see what BS I can spin from these titles.
1. MEET THE FAMILY. The description on imdb is "The siblings get to know some more of the 43 children in an alternate timeline." So, I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Netflix likes to start things off with a bang, so s3 of TUA will probably be no different: we'll probably get a vague flashforward/flash-sideways to a "what if" scenario that will make sense by the last few episodes, and the rest of the episode will be sowing seeds for the s3 plot. The big question is, what family are we meeting? I think this episode will revolve around themes of family (no-brainer) and redefining the relationships between our Umbrella siblings in light of the season 2 finale, as well as their new Sparrow 'replacements'. To that end, initial Sparrow sibling parallels will be presented and subsequently complicated in this first episode. I also predict we'll see varying reactions to this alternate Reginald, as the Umbrella siblings are thrust into an outsider perspective that follows on from season 2.
2. WORLD'S BIGGEST BALL OF TWINE. This is going to be a multi-layered metaphor. I can feel it. It will no doubt refer to the plot that's about to unfold (is it an outside threat to both parties - the Umbrellas and Sparrows - from, say, the Commission, or is it more to do with the two rival Academies?), but I wonder if it also refers to the Wizard of Oz type scenario the Umbrella siblings find themselves in: they aren’t in Kansas anymore. (But you know what is in Kansas? The world's current biggest ball of twine.) Also kind of want to see Klaus knitting again in this ep - perhaps as a way to subtly re-address his ongoing addiction issues, especially now Ben is gone.
3. POCKET FULL OF LIGHTNING. This probably has to do with powers. Sparrow powers, Umbrella powers. There'll be a lot of new flexes in this season, so who this refers to is anyone's guess.
4. KUGELBLITZ. Here's where it starts to get interesting, because this title carries forward the subject of lightning from the last one. According to a very quick internet search, kugelblitz literally means "ball lightning" in German, and refers to both a) a glorified WW2 tank designed to take out aircraft (a certified Big Boi), and b) a theoretical black hole made from light/radiation rather than matter. So this is absolutely going to be a new, unseen power - probably from the Sparrows. Hopefully from Christopher because a cube executing a move named after a sphere just makes me chuckle. Ah, fun with shapes... But in addition, this power is probably going to pack a huge, debilitating punch to whatever narrative is underway at this point in the plot. I'll bet money that whoever wields this power is the tank character in their party or they are after this at least.
5. KINDEST CUT. This throws me back to the barber shop meta, I'm not gunna lie. Someone's going to get hurt, either physically or emotionally, and it's going to be the lesser of two evils. If it's a follow through on the barber metaphor, then Reggie will be the one to orchestrate it. Or, in a surprise twist, will he be the one gTetting hurt or being silenced? (Remember that cutthroat allegory that chases the siblings through the first season, particularly Allison and Klaus. It was about becoming voiceless.) 6.MARIGOLD. Big shout out to this post for spreading the word on the marigold symbolism. I'm pretty sure this will be Reginald backstory, which ties in with the creation of the Umbrella Academy. Also, because I'm a sucker for flower symbolism and reading into things, consider that marigolds:
a) fall into two families, the calendula which means "little clock" and the tagetes, which is named after the Etruscan prophet Tages. The Etruscans believed heavily in predestination - some events are set in stone, and cannot be changed. (Consider the way the apocalypse seems to always come for one set of siblings...) b) are named as such colloquially because they were offered in place of money to the Virgin Mary. (More divine imagery, and reference to a pure mother figure...) They are Mary’s gold. So maybe it’s a reference to Reginald’s wife, which would fit with the flashback scene we see in 1x10.  c) are a flower of duality. They have strong connections with the sun and resurrection, yet the marigold is thought to be a flower of grief because it blooms in autumn. Again, think about that flashback in the first season. At the end of the world and a wife dying, there was the promise of rebirth. d) It's also a very common flower. Remember, there's actually 43 siblings out there. We've only met 14.
Also Netflix loves to do this thing around the halfway point (usually episode 5/6) in a season they're producing. They'll switch up the narrative with a twist or turn that provides a new perspective. 7.AUF WEIDERSEHEN. Once again, a German connection. And, obviously, a goodbye. Considering the last season focused on Kennedy, are we going to get some earlier Cold War time-travel shenanigans? Or maybe WW2? I think Blackman has said something about the Berlin Wall, which is interesting. A country divided... Umbrellas and Sparrows allegory? But as an aside, I'm also kinda lowkey hoping it's a nod to Auf Weidersehen, Pet. If you don't know the show, here's the wiki summary for the first season:
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet is a British comedy-drama television programme about seven British construction workers who leave the United Kingdom to search for employment overseas. They find work on a German building site in Düsseldorf but despite promises of hostel accommodation, are forced to live in a small hut that reminds them of a World War II POW camp. The rest of the series is driven by the interactions and growing friendships between the various characters.
In episode seven, three of the “Magnificent Seven” visit an intercontinental hotel. Just saying. If s3 was to go this route, my money would be on Luther, Diego and Five getting up to shenanigans in this one. I miss 125 shenanigans.😢
8.WEDDING AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Honestly, I’m holding out hope that one of our fave siblings gets married. I feel like that’s a trap though... Actually I feel like it might actually be a trap. As in, this is when the rising action really kicks it up a notch. But also remember the title of 1x01: We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals. Maybe the siblings get split up, possibly in episode 3/4, and they’re trying to reunite through episodes 5-7. Also thinking about hotels and apocalypses...  There’s something very fatalistic about these titles so far. I have a feeling that the B-plot or the subtext is going to reveal a lot more about Reginald’s history and the destruction of his world.
9. SIX BELLS. This makes me think of church bells, which is some nice continuity with the wedding of the last title. But church bells are rung for all sorts of reasons - as a call to worship, or in celebration or mourning, or to tell the time. (Thinking back to those marigolds suddenly.) But why six? Now I’m thinking of bell ringing (change ringing), and the way different bells have different cord lengths to control the time of their chimes. It’s a highly mathematical process. Will this episode be Five’s time to shine? Will he coordinate his siblings through a large attack? 10. OBLIVION. Does anything even need to be said about this one? Hotel Oblivion baby ✌✌ Any further theorising would require more knowledge of the coming plot tbh.
Edit: I wrote most of this at 2am, so I’ve just tidied it up a little. Thank you for the ask, Nora! This was fun to think about. 
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winsonsaw2003 · 4 years
I'm looking for descendants of Major General Henry Stuart Man (1815-1898)
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Major General Henry Stuart Man,Resident Councillor of Penang from(1860-1867).Major General Henry Man was born in 1815.Son Of Henry Man & Elizabeth Thompson. He served in the 49th Madras Native Infantry. He was the captain in 1848, serving in the second Anglo-Burmese was 1852-1853 later becoming executive engineer and superintendent of convicts at Mulmein, Burma. In 1858, he was the officer-in-charge of the detachment that secured the British landing at Port Blair and formally annexed the islands to the British Crown.He was promoted to Major-General in 1881. He died at 2 Palace Road Surbiton, England, on 10th April 1898 was buried at Thames Ditton, Surrey. Man was married to Emma Martha Thompson on 14 July 1842 in Madras.Their children were:-
> i)Harry Charles Hannam Man(1845-1918).
> ii)Edward Horace Man(1846-1929).
> iii)Arthur Charles Man(1847-1872).Unmarried.
> iv)Georgiana Emily Man(1849-1927) who married to Arthur Frederick Laughton.Their issue -
> ai)Herbert Furnell Laughton(1869-1954) married to Annie Kate Warner.
> aii)Arthur Lionel Laughton(1871).
> aii)Violet Evelyn Laughton(1872-1954) married to Charles Edward Lewis Heath.
> aiii)Eustace Harold Laughton(1875-1935)married May Orr.His issue:-
> bi)Evelyn Marquerite Laughton(1907-?)married Gordon Elphinstone.
> bii)Arthur Laughton married Madge Hutchinson.His issue:-
> ci)Kenneth Laughton.
> cii)Keith Laughton.
> biii)Winifred Laughton married Herbert C. Dean.
> aiv)Daisy Christine Laughton(1877).
> av)Kenneth Heath Laughton(1878-?)married to Helen Mitchell.His issue:-
> bi)Gwenda Elizabeth Laughton married Robert Johnstone Donaldson.Their issue:-
> ci)Peter Donaldson.
> cii)Christopher Heath Donaldson.
> ciii)Ian Donaldson.
> civ)John Donaldson.
> cv)Ann Donaldson.
> cvi)Michael Donaldson.
> cvii)Simon Roderick Donaldson.
> cviii)Bronwyn Mary Donaldson married Timothy James Barber.
> bii)Dorothy Laughton.
> avi)Grace Winifred Laughton(1880-1957)married Frederick Arthur Lowry Barnwell.Their issue:-
> bi)Frederick Reginald Lowry Barnwell(1907-1984)married Norah Manning Powell.His issue:-
> ci)Elizabeth Ann Lowry Barnwell married C.H.C. de Montfort.Their issue:-
> di)P C.L. de Montfort married Kate Elizabeth Huntington-Whitely.His issue:-
> ei) Guy Alexander de Montfort.
> eii)Charles Nicholas de Montfort.
> eiii) Sean Thomas de Montfort .
> dii) John Henry William de Montfort married Emily Jane McDowell.His issue:-
> ei)Frederick Loftus Tottenham de Montfort.
> cii)Katharine Grace Lowry Barnwell.
> ciii) Lionel Michael Lowry Barnwell married Augusta Wileen Wood.His issue:-
> di)Jessica Louise Barnwell married Robin Banerjee.Their issue:-
> ei)Lyla Banerjee.
> bii)Charles John Patrick Barnwell(1914-1998)married Elizabeth Mary Shore.His issue:-
> ci)Patrick Hugh Lowry Barnwell married 1stly Julia-Anne Charnley and 2ndly Barbara Claire Patricia Pestell.
> cii)Robin Charles Lowry Barnwell(1953-1970).
> avii)Gwendolen Edith Muriel Laughton(1890-1957) married to Archibald John Buchanan Atkinson.Their issue:-
> bi)Frederick John Buchanan Atkinson(1924-1994)married Joan Valerie Hunt.His issue:-
> ci)Rosemary Joan Buchanan Atkinson married Kevin Galway Bennett.Their issue:-
> di)James Galway Bennett.
> dii)Anthony Derek Galway Bennett.
> cii)Diana Rose Buchanan Atkinson married Barry Toby Davies.Their issue:-
> di)Nicola Leigh Davies.
> dii)Cheryl Ann Davies.
> ciii)Andrew Jonathan Buchanan Atkinson married Caroline Carey-Smith.His issue:-
> di)Christine Oena Buchanan Atkinson.
> civ)John Michael Buchanan Atkinson(1960-2003)married Julie Hinton.His issue:-
> di)Bradley Derrick Buchanan Atkinson.
> dii)Derrick John Buchanan Atkinson.
> bii)Elizabeth June Buchanan Atkinson married 1stly David Husband and 2ndly LLoyd Howell.Their issue:-
> ci)Angus James Buchanan Husband.
> cii)Gregory David Husband.
> biii)Christine Margaret Buchanan Atkinson married Clarence William Stalham.
> vi) Edith May Man born in 1851.Married to Thomas Grenfell Vyvyan.Their issue -
> ai)Irene Victoria Vyvyan married to John Sextus Matthews.
> aii)Beatrice Edith Vyvyan(1876-?).
> aiii)Richard Norman Vyvyan(1876-?)married to Mildred Tawney.His issue -
> bi)Constance Christina Vyvyan.
> bii)John Michael Kenneth Vyvyan(1907-?)married to Elizabeth Mary Lauder.His issue -
> ci)Caroline Mary Louise Vyvyan(1942-?)married to Stephen Charles Archibald Pryor.Their issue -
> di)Henry Charles Pryor(1965-?).
> dii)Rachel Elizabeth Pryor(1966-?)married to Montague John Erskine.Their issue -
> ei)Iona Nancy Erskine(1998-?).
> eii)Honor Caroline Erskine(2002-?).
> diii)Charles James Pryor(1971-?).
> div)William Tawney Pryor(1973-?).
> dv)Richard Charles Pryor(1976-?).
> dvi)James Charles Pryor(1979-?).
> cii)Charles Gerard Courtenay Vyvyan(1944-?)married to Elizabeth Frances Paget.
> ciii)Jane Elizabeth Vyvyan(1949-?).
> civ)George James Tawney Vyvyan(1951-?)married 1stly to Diane Elizabeth Hill & 2ndly to Venetia Ruth Turner. His issue -
> di)Charlotte Elizabeth Vyvyan(1996-?).
> aiv)Kenneth Man Vyvyan(1878-1900).
> av)Dorothea Margaret Vyvyan(1879-?)married to Arthur William Bernard Perceval.Their issue -
> bi)Gladys Beatrice Marie Perceval(-1950)married to Charles Henry Norris.
> bii)Leonard Spencer Perceval(1890-1963)married to Effie Eileen McCullock.Their issue -
> ci)Daphne Ann Perceval married to Graham.
> cii)Thomas Leonard Bernard Perceval.
> biii)Arthur Reginald Paul Preceval(1899-1965)married to Constance Irene.
> avi)Vyell Kingsley Vyvyan(1881-?).
> avii)Maurice Courtney Vyvyan(1891-?)married to Hilda May Bradbury.
> vi) Amy Frances Man born in 1853.
> P/s contact me at :- [email protected]
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tuseriesdetv · 6 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Adiós a los hermanos Winchester
ABC ha renovado The Conners por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Distrito salvaje por una segunda temporada
Sky Atlantic ha renovado Tin Star por una tercera temporada
HBO ha renovado High Maintenance por una cuarta temporada
CBC ha renovado Schitt's Creek por una sexta y última temporada
La decimoquinta temporada de Supernatural (The CW) será la última
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Lizzy Caplan (Masters of Sex, Mean Girls), Elsie Fisher (Eighth Grade), Tim Robbins (Mystic River, The Brink), Garrett Hedlund (Mosaic, Tron: Legacy), Yusra Warsama (Our Girl), Barkhad Abdi (Captain Phillips, Blade Runner 2049) y Matthew Alan (13 Reasons Why) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de Castle Rock, que se centrará en la historia de Misery. Serán Annie Wilkes, su hija Joy, Reginald 'Pop' Merrill, John 'Ace' Merrill, Nadia y Abdi Omar y Chris Merrill.
Miranda Richardson (Sleepy Hollow, Harry Potter) se une al piloto de la precuela de Game of Thrones. Se desconocen detalles.
Jack Davenport (Smash) será el marido de Simone (Lucy Liu) en Why Women Kill. Sadie Calvano (Mom, The Package) será April, una joven camarera de espíritu libre que forja amistad con Beth Ann (Ginnifer Goodwin).
Kate Mulgrew (Orange Is the New Black, Star Trek: Voyager), Brett Gelman (Fleabag, Camping) y Natalie Paul (The Sinner, The Deuce) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de Mr. Mercedes.
Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey, Good Behavior) y Jaeden Martell (It, Masters of Sex) serán la esposa y el hijo de Andy Barber (Chris Evans) en Defending Jacob.
Leslie Odom Jr. (Hamilton, Smash) se une a The Many Saints of Newark, la película precuela de The Sopranos.
Anthony Mackie (Captain America, Altered Carbon) y Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (Aquaman, The Get Down) protagonizarán un episodio de la quinta temporada de Black Mirror.
Josh Charles (The Good Wife, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) será recurrente en The Loudest Voice como el marido de Gretchen Carlson (Naomi Watts).
Chris O'Dowd (The IT Crowd, Get Shorty) participará en un episodio de The Twilight Zone.
Colm Meaney (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Hell on Wheels), Paapa Essiedu (Kiri, Press) y David Bradley (The Straing, Game of Thrones) se unen a Gangs of London.
Matias Varela (Narcos) se une como regular a Raised by Wolves. Será Lucius, un soldado leal que pretende revertir el legado de su padre.
Michael Michele (Star, Queen Sugar) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Dynasty como Dominique Deveraux.
Bridgit Mendler (Undateable, Good Luck Charlie) y Brent Morin (Undateable) serán Emmy y Matt, una nueva pareja de novios, en Merry Happy Whatever. Ashley Tisdale (High School Musical, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody) y Hayes MacArthur (Angie Tribeca, Go On) serán Kayla y Sean, hermanos de Emmy e hijos de Don (Dennis Quaid). Adam Rose (Veronica Mars, Santa Clarita Diet) también se une a la serie.
Alba Baptista (A Impostora, Jogo Duplo) protagonizará Warrior Nun. Le acompañarán Tristán Ulloa (Fariña, Lucía y el sexo), Toya Turner (Dead Women Walking), Thekla Reuten (Lucky Man, Red Sparrow), Kristina Tonteri-Young, Lorena Andrea (Papillon, House on Elm Lake) y Emilio Sakraya (4 Blocks).
Chelsea T. Zhang (Andi Mack) se une como regular a la segunda temporada de Titans. Será Rose Wilson AKA Ravager. Chella Man será recurrente como Joseph Wilson AKA Jericho, el hijo de Deathstroke (Esai Morales).
Dan J. Johnson (Switched at Birth, Underemployed) y Tyler Lepley (The Haves and the Have Nots) se unen como recurrentes a P-Valley.
Pêpê Rapazote (Narcos, Shameless) y Alimi Ballard (Numb3rs, Queen Sugar) se unen como recurrentes a la cuarta temporada de Queen of the South.
Denny Love (Empire), Jay Lee (American Vandal), Sofia Vassilieva (Medium, Supergirl), Landry Bender (Fuller House, Best Friends Whenever), Uriah Shelton (The Glades, 13 Reasons Why) y Jordan Connor (Riverdale) se unen como regulares a Looking for Alaska. Serán Chip Martin, Takumi, Lara, Sara, Longwell y Kevin.
El rapero Stormzy será Kolawale, un papel creado para él, en Noughts and Crosses.
Donna Air y Ben Bailey se unen a la segunda temporada de The Split.
Emma Paetz (Final Girl, Gentleman Jack) se une como regular a Pennyworth. Será Martha Kane, futura Martha Wayne. Jessica Ellerby (Lovesick, Living the Dream) será recurrente como The Queen.
   Nuevas series
Netflix encarga seis episodios de The Queen's Gambit, limited series basada en la novela de Walter Tevis (1983), sobre una huérfana que es un prodigio del ajedrez durante la Guerra fría. Protagonizada por Anya Taylor-Joy (Split, The Witch) y escrita por Scott Frank (Godless, Logan).
HBO encarga la limited series Perry Mason protagonizada por Matthew Rhys (The Americans, Brothers & Sisters). Basada en el personaje de Erle Stanley Gardner, se centrará en una etapa anterior a las novelas y la serie de CBS (1957-1966), en 1932, con un caso de secuestro infantil. Producida por Rhys y Robert Downey Jr.
OWN ha encargado Cherish the Day, antología producida por Ava DuVernay (Queen Sugar, When They See Us) que narra el romance de una pareja con cada episodio centrándose en un día.
Netflix encarga diez episodios de una comedia creada y escrita por Mindy Kaling (The Mindy Project, The Office) y Lang Fisher (The Mindy Project, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) sobre la complicada vida de una adolescente india viviendo en Estados Unidos. Inspirada en la niñez de Kaling.
La quinta temporada de Line of Duty se estrena en BBC One el 31 de marzo
Black Summer llega a Netflix el 11 de abril
Gentleman Jack se estrena en HBO el 22 de abril
La película de Deadwood se estrena en HBO el 31 de mayo
La segunda temporada de Yellowstone se estrena en Paramount el 19 de junio
The Politician llega a Netflix el 27 de septiembre
Tráilers y promos
Stranger Things - Temporada 3
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Temporada 2
Black Summer
Gentleman Jack
Godfather of Harlem
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whibleysims · 7 months
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"First time in Feverfew?" Reginald II asked.
"Yes sir, it is," Kathleen answered, staring at her fingernails.
"Oh, don't do that -- don't call me sir."
"Sir Reginald is granddad," Reginald III explained.
"Oh, sorry, my mistake."
"That's alright. You'll be learning a lot of names and customs today," Reginald II replied with a short chuckle.
Kathleen swallowed.
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"We're here. Reg, son, maybe you should, um, debrief Kathleen before heading inside; I'll prepare the others."
"That's not necessary, we'll come in with you."
"If you say so."
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whibleysims · 2 months
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"Sarah?" Kathy greeted.
"It's raining," she replied absentmindedly.
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Then Sarah turned to Kathy and said, "Oh, hello."
"Reg wanted me to find you."
"Which one?" she snorted. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. Come on, we can sit in the car."
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Once the women were inside Sarah sighed loudly. "This family," she shook her head.
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Kathy wasn't sure what to say exactly but she silently agreed with her new mother in law. Reginald III was being controlling and dismissive lately, but Kathy was set on giving him grace for that in light of his grandfather's sudden passing.
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"You know, I think this is the first time we've been alone together," Sarah interrupted Kathy's thoughts. "I know you can't be fully honest with me about this, but I have to know -- why?"
"Why, what?"
"All of it. This family, my son, Feverfew -- why? You're not from here, didn't you have plans of your own?"
"Oh, well, sure. There was a plan, I guess, but things change."
"Are you happy about that?"
"Of course I am," Kathy answered instinctively. "I married for love."
"I thought I did too," Sarah confessed.
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"Kathy," Sarah continued. "You have to watch out for these Barber men. They don't respect us, not really. And before you say my son is any different, I know he's not. He has my eyes, but that's it."
"No, don't tell me anything. I'm not your confidant, that's not my role here. God, I'm far too sober for this."
"O-oh, um--"
"I do love my son, you know."
"Yeah--I mean, yes. I understand."
"Good. Good..." Sarah sighed again.
The rain picked up and the sound filled the car.
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whibleysims · 2 months
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"Goodnight, Granddad," said Reginald III.
"Say hi to Mom for us," said Reginald II.
Kathy placed flowers on his grave.
Sarah concentrated on her breathing.
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whibleysims · 2 months
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"Reginald? Are you listening?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, dear. You said the press has agreed to stay out of the cemetery grounds while the ceremony is in progress."
"Right," but Sarah wasn't convinced.
"Thanks for taking care of that for me," he mumbled.
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"Of course," Sarah answered walking towards him. "But--"
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"Are you okay? I'm worried about you," she said.
"Yeah, you and everyone else," he spat.
"Are you sure you're ready for--"
"I've been ready for a long time, long before you stepped foot into this family," he barked.
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"I'm so very glad we're on the same page," Sarah grumbled.
"Good. Let's go then."
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whibleysims · 5 months
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"So Reginald II, his father, and I--well, you know. We were young, too young."
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"His parents tore him a part, they were so full of shame and anger. I thought his dad would never stop shouting, and his mom couldn't even look at him. Frankly, I don't know which side was worse for Reg."
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"They didn't think much of me, or you for that matter. The Barbers have always been far more concerned about their name, their reputation, and their dumb university; I don't think they see anyone who doesn't serve them, y'know? In the end, his parents gave me more money than I knew what to do with and told me to figure it out on my own. So that's exactly what I did."
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whibleysims · 7 months
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"And all it took was for me to get a measly little death sentence in order to get some affection from this man," said Mariam Barber.
"Oh, now; don't be like that, buttercup," Sir Reginald cooed.
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"I agree, please keep the death jokes to a minimum," Sarah Barber replied.
Reginald II walked steadily ahead of his son Reginald III and Kathleen, stood next to Sarah, then placed a reassuring hand on the back of his wife's neck. "Mom," he said, addressing Mariam, "I'm sorry we're late, traffic in the core was--"
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"Who's this?" asked Sir Reginald, who jumped up eagerly to meet the young couple standing awkwardly in the doorway.
"Your grandson and his fiancee," Sarah answered. Reginald II nodded 'yes' to his father, confirming what Sarah said was true.
"I see," Sir Reginald replied.
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"Well, let me have a look at you," he said approaching Kathleen who smiled brightly in his direction. Kathy found the old man's quirky demeanour genuinely endearing.
"Hi, Granddad," Reginald III began. "This is Kathleen Rose, my--"
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"Ahem!" Mariam commanded the room's attention.
Sir Reginald spun around quickly. "Yes, buttercup?"
"Have you all forgotten why we're here today?"
"No, buttercup," he smiled at her. "Of course not. You're the star of the show!"
"She's all bark," Reginald III whispered to Kathy, who stood stiff at Mariam's command.
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"Perhaps it would be best if we continued this conversation in the dining room."
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The family filed into the attached sun room accordingly without protest. Amidst the movement, Reginald II neared the couple and offered, "I tried to warn him, a debrief probably would have been the right--"
"It's fine--" Kathleen tried to say, but Reginald III cut her off:
"Dad. Can you give us a minute?"
"You're the boss," he said shaking his head, then he followed Sarah into the dining room.
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"Reg, what's going on?" Kathleen asked quietly.
"I know, I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what this all must look like to you."
"Fiancee? I don't remember you proposing."
"Oh, yeah, about that--I can't propose until you meet my family and they give me the green light. It's tradition, it's--never mind. Fiancee right now really means 'serious girlfriend,' and trust me when I say that this wasn't my idea. Things are escalating quickly because of grandmother's declining health."
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"Oh! Mariam's sick?"
"She's fine, for now -- we think? -- it's complicated, but today is her will hearing."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry to drag you into this, but my family insisted that if there's even a chance you become my future wife that you must be included in this."
"Well, I guess that chance must be pretty high if I'm here, right?"
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"Yes it is!"
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whibleysims · 7 months
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"Dad, listen, I may have found someone."
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"Why would it matter if it was Sophie Clarke?"
"Well, she's not Sophie so you can stop right there. Her name is Kathleen Rose."
"I'm not sure, but she fits the build you're looking for."
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"That's out of the question, we only started dating--"
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"Oh--well, is she--"
"How much time do we have then?"
"Okay, I'll figure something out. Kathy and I will visit as soon as possible. Tell granddad I'll be there soon."
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whibleysims · 11 months
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The next morning, Lydia was stirred awake by the sound of men talking in the next room. Their voices were hushed but not whispering.
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Lydia focused; she couldn't make out everything they said, but the tone was very serious. She recognized Carl's voice, and eventually Reginald II Barber, Dean of RBU -- he was the one who approved Lydia's thesis work and the idea of living with Carl. Only now did it occur to her that the situation may actually harm Reginald II's reputation more than hers.
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"The timing of this is actually not terrible, with everyone excited about the Nancy Payne case we can very likely keep this under tight wraps," explained Collin. His private law practice opened up to more high profile clients recently, including the Barber family, with his wife's mayoral connections.
"Really," Reginald II sighed. "What luck."
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"Can we not simply explain that we love each other?" asked Carlyle.
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"With all due respect, Minister Abraham, we're not talking about love here. Love is not the issue," replied Reginald II.
"Yes," Sir Reginald painfully agreed. He worried his friend was playing naive on purpose to distance himself of any legal liability.
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"Collin, tell it to me straight: how do we make this go away?"
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"You could privately approve her thesis, granting her the degree, then have Carl retire in three months time to avoid suspicion, and be ready to pay her a large settlement to sign a NDA to prevent future legal messes."
"She wouldn't do that," a concerned Carl interjected.
"Great," smiled Reginald II, ignoring Carl. "Sounds easy enough. What kind of settlement are we talking?"
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"Carl's salary."
"I'll have the papers drawn up tomorrow."
"Thank you. And the NDA? When will that be done?"
Carl, eyes shut tight in frustration, muttered, "She deserves to defend her research properly, she's worked hard--"
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"Carl," said Sir Reginald, commanding silence from the other men.
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"The whole reason we're here is to give you and Miss Williams a fighting chance. Why can't you understand that? Why are you choosing to not understand that?"
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"As your friend, as your colleague, as your--" he sighed before saying, "Boss. I must request you follow our legal advice now, lest further harm come your way that we cannot protect you, Miss Williams, or your future child from."
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"I think that's enough for today, hey?" offered Reginald II. "Collin, you'll be in touch with the details soon?"
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whibleysims · 1 year
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The Barber Family
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whibleysims · 1 year
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[I haven’t properly introduced this couple yet, but here’s Sarah Barber and Reginald II Barber; the Barber family is the newest addition to Whibley, they were created for RBU backstory. They’re good friends with Gordon and Maggie and have been ever since college.]
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whibleysims · 4 months
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"Are you ready, Kathy?" asked Sarah Barber.
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"Everything's all set, dear," Sarah continued. "All you have to do is look pretty."
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"I'm ready," Kathy answered.
"I'll let the boys know."
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