#regrettably I am Far too cozy for that!
chiropteracupola · 5 months
awoken at half past six by my broken bugle banging against the window-frame in the wind… really not an enthusiast of this new thing where I wake up too early with so much energy, go back to sleep, and wake up again The Most Sleepy.
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lunaraen · 4 years
A Jesse Surprise
Written for Spirit, who requested Aiden/Jesse/Lukas, as part of the 2020 mcsm discord secret santa
Some uncharitable mornings, when Aiden is deep within the warm and dark embrace of slumber, he thinks he preferred the early dawn stirrings in New Sky City (he also personally prefers its unofficial name, Ground City, but it’s not like he’s winning these battles).
Even though sleeping on his cot, and then later his bed, was like sleeping on gravel, even though the guards who woke him had no interest in letting him have a smidgen of comfort they could steal and were themselves likely culprits who chucked bricks through the windows of the Blaze Rods’ shack of a home, even though his waking mind and the crash of reality remind him of how grateful and lucky he is to have the love and comfort he does now, the security and safety he could never count on in a city full of people he’d almost killed.
After all, back there and back then, he didn’t have Jesse and Lukas coaxing him out of sleep, sweetly and gently tearing him from that slumber, with sweet kisses and soft prodding.
He loves them with all his heart, but he’s not a morning person and they make it hard to scurry back into the cover of unconsciousness the way he wants to.
(Living in the Order’s temple has its ups and downs, even if it’s mostly ups with few downs.
Sappy wakeup calls on his days off fit into both categories.)
So, eloquently, he tells them exactly what he thinks about their loving plotting.
“Mmf. Stoppit.”
And alright, maybe it’s halfway muffled by the pillow his cheek is currently smushed against, but it’s not a whine.
“Ooh, somebody’s grumpy.” And he can hear Jesse’s grin, feels it a second later when they kiss his not-smushed-into-a-pillow cheek while Lukas nudges at Aiden’s ribs again with his cold fingers. Jesse’s eyelashes flutter against his skin. “I thought you didn’t want to sleep until noon again.”
Winter days may be shorter and generally darker, thick cloud cover and snow more often than not working as a dense curtain to block out the sun, but there’s no way it’s noon.
A little past nine, maybe. Ten, tops.
“Changed- grhg, changed my mind.” His groggy, groggy mind, which is more than happy to latch onto the luxury of sleeping in as much as he wants on days like today, days when he isn’t working and gets to stay snuggled up inside as much as he wants. His prodded body, crying out for mercy, has other ideas, and Aiden slaps at Lukas’s wrist, only halfway missing as he bats Lukas’s hand away and twists himself upright. “Ghk- Lukas, if you poke me one more time, so help me-!”
(He’s generally much better with his temper now than he used to be, taking a number of cues from Lukas, but sleepy-Aiden still needs to work on it.)
“Oh, good, you’re up!” The dual smirks he’s getting are utterly shameless, and Aiden groans as he slumps against the headboard, bitter taste of defeat impossible to ignore.
How do they manage it?
He’s not sure, but they always do.
(Maybe he should’ve just crashed with Maya and Gill at their place.)
“Yeah, yeah- alright, I’m up, I’m up.” Despite himself, Aiden can’t hold back the beginnings of a toothy and tilted smile. “What is it?”
“Jesse’s got something to show us.”
Aiden snorts, elbowing Lukas’s side as he slips out of bed onto the regrettably chilly floor.
“Like you don’t already know what it is.”
“He doesn’t! I made sure of that- it wasn’t hard, when I just had to get him focused on messing with you.” Jesse, still sitting on the bed, kisses Lukas on the cheek and smiles so sweetly, like honey in tea and a field of flowers on a sunny day and the inviting glitter of an enormous rainbow, and Aiden’s grumpy heart melts just a bit more.
Oh, they’re not innocent- far from it.
Jesse’s crafty and sneaky and absolutely pleased with themselves for how snugly they’ve got Aiden wrapped around their finger, but it’s always hard to stay mad at Jesse even when he knows all of that so well.
“Thanks for that, by the way.” Aiden saves his toes from the frigid floor, putting on his slippers as he brushes his bedhead back with still-sleepy fingers. “You know, there have got to be better ways to wake somebody up- shove some snow down my back next time, maybe, or just get me with a bucket of water.”
“Aw, but then I don’t get to let you know how much I love you!” Jesse’s tone is outright teasing before it drops into something more mischievous, practically cheeky. “And besides, we already know you’re a total sap.”
“I am not-”
“Aiden, I’ve known you for just about forever.” Lukas plays with the silver comb from Aiden’s nightstand, touching up his already-perfect hair as he gives Aiden a far too knowing look and wry smile. The wind continues its steady beat against the window as flurries flutter past. “I’ve seen you at your best and at your worst. Yeah, you totally are.”
That’s a bit of an understatement, all things considered- Aiden’s willing to make the argument that Jesse and Lukas bring out the best in him, and his worst was pretty bad, given that in involved chucking them into the void.
They’re willing to make the argument that Aiden, far more humble and reasonable as well as just smarter now than he was back then, is even more of a sap than words can say.
“And you’re totally letting me fix my hair before you drag me to gods know where.” Aiden’s not giving up on the tatters of his thrashed dignity, though, and he’s not admitting it any time soon. He snatches the comb out of Lukas’s fingers, already aware that there’s no way they’re going to wait and let him gel his hair the way he likes to after already waiting for him to wake up and then deciding to do the job themselves.
Is he bitter Lukas has clearly had the time to go through his own hair care routine? Maybe, but it’s Aiden’s own fault for sleeping in.
(He’s grouchy and anything but happy to greet the morning, but he can recognize that.)
“Yeah, definitely not happening.”
“I love you.” Aiden tosses the comb back onto the nightstand as he yanks his jacket off the bedpost he last threw it onto, rolling his eyes as he shoves his arms through and shrugs it up on his shoulders. His cozy sleepwear doesn’t quite match with his jacket the way his usual outfits do, but it’ll work for a Jesse-trip. “So much.”
“We know!”
“Cool.” His fingers are clumsy, from sleep and cold alike, as he attempts to yank up the zipper before deciding to forgo it altogether. He doesn’t need to hide his nightshirt. They’ve seen him in far worse conditions, far crueler and horrendous states, than in his sleepwear. “Can’t wait to bump into somebody in the hall and have an awkward conversation about how I look like I just rolled out of bed.”
(They’d be right.)
Lukas laughs, light and loud, and it captures Aiden’s attention instantly, enthralling as ever.
(What’d Petra say- stupid, perfect Lukas? Fitting.)
“Trust me, we’ve all seen worse- everybody’s bumped into Ivor in the middle of the night.” Aiden winces. The less said about his sleepwear and how it ‘breathes wonderfully’, the better.
Half the time, Ivor’s wearing his robes during those chance encounters.
The other half of the time, not so much.
“Yeah, okay, fair enough.” He adjusts his jacket, and not for the first time since moving in wishes it had a hood he could flip up to hide his not-yet-right hair. “Is it in the backyard, or are we going further than that? Because if I need to get my boots, they should just be by the door.”
His coat should too, and it would be plenty warmer than his jacket.
“If Petra hasn’t stolen them.” Aiden has, rather unfortunately, ended up on the wrong side of the latest prank war, something Jesse’s endlessly amused by. They’re kind enough to help him out when he begs- if Petra has taken his boots, he’ll just beg Jesse to have a talk with Petra about forgetting the chorus fruit incident.
“Oh, she definitely did.” Lukas waves off his look of alarm. “You’re good- apparently Jesse’s surprise isn’t even outside.”
Better Petra than Axel, anyway, and if she didn’t, he would’ve.
“I can try something snow-related next time.” Jesse’s eyes just about sparkle as they toy with one of Aiden’s errant bangs, calloused fingers brushing against his skin as their other hand cups his cheek. “Remember that deal I struck? For that room in the basement?”
“Barely.” He leans into Jesse’s touch before leaning back, not deterring Jesse or their mischief in the slightest. His bangs don’t usually get the chance to be in the way like this, rather than neatly slicked back, and Jesse’s milking it for all its worth. “It wasn’t like you let us know a whole lot about it, other than that Cassie’s good at negotiating.”
Cassie Rose, a different sort of enemy Jesse and the others have helped and taken in even when most people would never consider it, spends much of her time in the sprawling and labyrinthine basement.
“Shrewd. I believe I said shrewd.” Jesse gives the bang one last flick before their expression softens. Aiden doesn’t know exactly what they traded or had to promise Cassie, but Jesse’s more than decent at negotiating themselves. “But yeah, she’s pretty good. Anyway, she’s been letting me mess around in that part of her domain, and that’s what I want to show you guys. After you have some breakfast, of course- Axel made the best pancakes.”
Axel makes good breakfasts the way Jesse worries about everyone not eating enough- as surely as the sun sets and rises.
“Jesse, it can wait.” Aiden holds up his hands, palms facing outward and fingers slightly curled, when Jesse narrows their eyes. “I promise I’ll have a good breakfast and enjoy those pancakes after you show us what you’ve been up to.”
That placates them, Jesse beaming as they grab his hand.
If Aiden remembers correctly, Cassie’s not the only one Jesse’s been working with on this, terrifying a thought as that already is.
He’s pretty sure their alchemist got roped into things.
It’s an interesting thought, if not a necessarily pleasant one, to be entertained by as they make their way through the temple, weaving through hallways and past busy rooms to the basement stairs.
Cassie and Ivor may be the ones directly involved, but the knowing looks and waves they get suggest that Lukas and Aiden are the only ones in the dark.
Harper’s grin at her workshop table is as impish as it is (probably) accidentally intimidating, thanks to the dark and glinting lenses of her goggles hiding her eyes entirely while reflecting sparks from the iron she’s cutting into.
Aiden’s always been a sucker for mysteries.
It’s not until they start descending, shoes and slippers silent against carpet before clacking against cold stone as the stairway becomes less and less like the hallways they were just in, that he nudges Lukas, slipping his free hand into Lukas’s to hold it loosely.
“So, what can we expect from Ivor and Cassie that’s not an inventive death trap?”
Lukas chuckles, lightly pressing his shoulder against Aiden’s own.
“Ivor’s not that bad.” Not to Lukas, maybe, but Aiden got a number of intimidating talks from the other Order members when he first moved back to this world. Ivor’s was the most… creative. “And Jesse’s involved too- it could be anything.”
They take a turn, moving away from the more used areas of the basement to the series of corridors and rooms Cassie’s claimed as her own.
“Pet witherstorms?” A year ago, when they were figuring this and so many other things out, Aiden wouldn’t even think of joking about the behemoth that hurt them and their world in so many ways, his spiraling scars aching even now under his jacket at the mention and Jesse’s less physical scars making it so that thunderstorms more often than not lead to panic attacks. They’ve healed in a lot of ways, though, all of them, and monsters of the past are more and more easily used for lighthearted jokes.
He himself is something of a monster of the past, and they’ve done an incredible job of letting him back into their lives and then some.
“Enchanted endermites.”
Another turn, this time to the right, the yellow-orange glow of regular torches switched with the gentler light of redstone ones.
“Talking cats.”
The back-and-forth reminds him of guessing games he and Lukas would play to pass the time, before, ages ago, back when it was easy to be bored and when having the most outlandish guess was as good as anything else.
“A tap-dancing-”
“Alright, alright, you can stop guessing.” Jesse pauses at a dark oak door, fingers resting on a handle that’s a lighter color than any of the ones they’ve already passed, and gives them a look that’s trying very hard to be exasperated and failing. Jesse loves with all their heart; it’s hard for them to not look adoring. “If you want to just go in and find out for yourselves, that is.”
First, he asks the question that’s been on his mind since they brought up the surprise.
“What’s the occasion?”
Aiden’s been keeping a close eye on every important event and celebration he can think of; all he knows about today is that it’s supposed to be an average Saturday.
“I just wanted to surprise you guys.” The door creaks as Jesse nudges it open, just as likely in genuine need of oiling as it is intended to make sounds for dramatic effect (Cassie has a penchant for the theatrical), and Jesse’s given up on hiding that small smile when they look back to him and Lukas. “With something we didn’t have to leave the temple for, or risk our lives over- we have plenty of adventures and things to do normally. This is just… something for us.”
Inside the room, likewise dimly lit with redstone torches, three plants Aiden has never seen before are growing from decent sized pots up and along the dark walls towards the even darker ceiling. They’re almost vine-like, with ruffled leaves that actually glow along the edges and symbols along the dark stems that look natural to the plant rather than carved or printed- looking again, Aiden can see that the symbols glow too, different colors.
Symbols that are more than interesting lines and curves, actual letters tilted this way and that as they spell out each of their names.
The one that reads Jesse has a red sword symbol at the base of its stem, while Lukas’s has a teal book and quill.
It takes him a third look to make sense of the image on the one spelling his name.
Instead of a book and quill, it’s a green book and sword, with the book placed over the sword- even if Aiden wasn’t a writer, he thinks he’d see the meaning pretty clearly, the focus on peace and positive changes.
He’s long since given up waving swords around recklessly, though he trains with Jesse and Lukas. He’s capable, but it’s not his first instinct when his temper flares anymore.
Aiden glances at Jesse, whose smile has somehow gotten even softer.
He’s a sap and he’s not crying about it.
(A quick glance at Lukas proves he’s in a similar boat, eyes shining with unshed tears and his hand over his mouth as he crouches in front of the plant spelling his name out in blue and purple characters.
If Jesse can give a bad gift, Aiden has yet to see it.
Lukas is more used to seeing the odd assortment of plants in Ivor’s lab than Aiden is, on account of having been there more, and even then he doesn’t seem any less surprised than Aiden feels.
Jesse’s ideas are often like that, born from looking at the same thing in a slightly different way.)
He clears his throat and brushes away the welling tears that aren’t there.
“Jesse, this is amazing.” Despite having cleared his throat, his voice wobbles just a bit, and Jesse open arms are too inviting to ignore. Even with as silly as he probably sounds and looks right now, their gaze stays warm. Aiden hugs them, tight grip only relaxing briefly when Lukas joins the hug in order to wrap an arm around him too. “Thanks. Looks like we’ll just have to find our own ways to surprise you.”
“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” Jesse squeezes them, feeling every bit the strong hero that they are, and gives a contented hum. “Just being able to do these things with you is more than enough.”
“I don’t think we could ever give you enough, Jesse.” Lukas presses a kiss into Jesse’s hair before doing the same to Aiden, his voice doing a slightly better job of staying strong despite the tear tracks shining on his cheeks. Aiden gives him a kiss in return, the quick peck on the lips making Lukas’s smile widen.
A fourth voice, one that perhaps shouldn’t be so unexpected, interrupts before they can get too cuddly.
“If you’re going to be sappy, take it anywhere upstairs.”
Cassie Rose leans against the doorway, her partner in crime meowing from where he winds between her legs, purring as he rubs against her pants.
Though not quite the senseless killer she once was, she’s certainly an efficient mood killer.
Winslow, not so much, even if there’s a playful glint of his own in his eyes.
The hug breaks, though no more than necessary, the three of them still standing close together even as Aiden shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Thanks, we’ll keep that in mind.”
“I’ve got a strict no-PDA policy.” She smirks, gaze shifting to Jesse as she points a thumb towards the nearest plant- Lukas’s. “Remember, the deal’s off once you take these upstairs and do whatever you’re going to do with them.”
“Got it.” Jesse’s thumbs-up placates Cassie enough to get a short hum out of her, and their smile stays bright as they turn their attention back to Aiden and Lukas. “Ivor said they should be fine as long as they’re kept out of direct sunlight. Even then, they’ll be alright for a while, but you won’t be able to see the glow very well.”
While Jesse explains and they nod, Aiden keeps an eye on Cassie out of the corner of his eye.
In spite of that close watch, even though he glances away for barely a moment, as soon as he opens his mouth to thank her, he finds she’s already vanished, her feline friend likewise missing.
Oh well.
He’ll thank her and Ivor for their part in this later.
“Well, if we’re taking things back upstairs anyway, I guess we could head back to your room and cuddle properly.” It wouldn’t be hard for Lukas’s voice to be mocking, but it does a good job of riding the line between joking and being genuine, and it oozes affection regardless as he wraps an arm around Aiden’s shoulders. Aiden takes a second to appreciate how lucky he is to be here, to be with them, while his heart soars. “You know, let you get some more sleep.”
“Maybe do breakfast in bed.” Jesse’s voice is just as affectionate, and the idea of getting something to eat as well as some more rest doesn’t sound half bad.
Of course…
Aiden lets his head rest against Lukas’s shoulder, huff somewhere between a fresh groan of defeat and a laugh.
“Could’ve started with that.”
Jesse, in flagrant violation of Cassie’s policy, squeezes his side and kisses his nose, startling a lopsided smile out of Aiden.
“Less exciting that way.”
If there’s something he can count on here, with them, it’s always excitement, one way or another.
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azurika-writes · 4 years
When I First Saw You
Destroyer!Chris x Reader
Summary: your friend sets you up on a blind date
Warnings: Flirting, fluff
Words: 1,069 (okay, I’m so sorry this is so short you guys!) 
Authors notes: This is a drabble written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club and I’ve included some kinks for their 2k Follower Celebration. CONGRATULATIONS HBC!!! Kinks used: rings, goatee, tattoos.
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You were feeling nervous when the taxi pulled up outside of the place your friend had sent you to for your blind date with one of her friends. It was a bar that served delicious home cooked food and it was a place you were familiar with, you have been here only once before, and if your memory serves correctly, you quite liked it. And according to Erin, this was the place your date had chosen. 
You paid and thanked the driver as you stepped out. Your heels click-clacking booming in the otherwise quiet night. There no was nobody around, which wasn’t unusual for a Tuesday night. 
The double wooden doors opened and a couple of guys came out with their beers, you exchanged smiles with them as one guy kept the door open for you. With a quiet thanks, you walked in.
The mood lights surrounded the bar area in an orange setting, the atmosphere was cozy and light, as you suspected, there wasn’t too many people here tonight. You instantly relaxed and scanned around, looking for the man Erin had described to you in great detail, your eyes stopping on the gentleman you were sure was him sitting in the booth in the far corner.
He was wearing a short sleeved Tee Shirt which showed off his amazing arms and tattoos that he had up that arm. Erin had told you he has gotten a few tattoos since he learned you loved a man with tattoos, you found it really flattering and you were already liking him. 
With confidence, you strolled across the floor, offering a small smile to the waiter as you passed and stopped by the booth. When he noticed your lingering presence, he looked up and you were mesmerised by the intensity of his blue eyes. 
“Hi. Are you- are you Chris?” your voice was quiet over the soft music in the background. He was really good looking even with his buzz cut hairstyle and goatee. 
“I am. Are you Y/N?” his eyes wandered down the full length of your body and licked his lips. 
“Yes.” you cleared your throat and sat down opposite Chris. He didn’t stop looking at you, and you wondered briefly if there was something on your face.
“Is there something on my face?” you wiped at your cheeks anyway, just to be sure. Chris laughed and shook his head, propping his elbow on the table and resting his head on the palm of his hand.
“Only beauty.” he replied after a few minutes. You hung your head down towards your lap to hide the blush that was sweeping across your cheeks. 
“No I’m serious.” Chris cleared his throat, “Erin didn’t tell me you were so beautiful I’m quite stunned. Usually when I’m on these things, my dates never show up.” your eyes met his once again, your story was similar.
“Um well thank you. I’m so flattered and it’s the same thing with me.” you exchanged smiles, only his didn’t quite meet his eyes by your confession. 
“Well, they are idiots. So, thank you for coming. Can I get you a drink?” He pointed towards the bar, the light bouncing off the many rings that he had on his right hand, you didn’t notice until now but holy shit you loved them. 
“Yes please, a white wine would be perfect.” you blushed when he winked and stood to walk over to the bar. You took the opportunity to check out his ass and boy, you was not disappointed. You sucked your lip between your teeth when he blindly reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet, the silver bracelets sat loosely on his left wrist and more rings littered his fingers. The tattoos you recognized as new on his left arm looked hot, and you wanted to trace each one with the tip of your fingers. 
Chris looked over his shoulder for a moment, you looked away quickly with a blush, missing the knowing smirk Chris was giving you right now. He felt you staring at him, his years of experience as an undercover cop heightened his senses. 
He returned to the booth a couple of minutes later with 2 drinks. 
“Thank you.” you said bringing the wine glass to your lips. 
“My pleasure.” he replied after a while, shifting in his seat when your tongue came out to capture the excess liquid that had escaped when you pulled the wine glass away. “So, tell me about yourself.” Chris wiped the foam beard his beer gave him with his hand and crossed his arms on the table. 
And so you did, you told him your whole life story, as far back as you could remember anyway. In between, he would ask questions and you’d answer. 
You asked about his life, and Chris told you everything too from the beginning. You also took some opportunities to ask him some questions in return. Chris didn’t seem to hesitate to answer anything you asked. He was naturally very funny and made you laugh more times than you could remember. 
Sometime during your conversation, the two of you ordered some food from the bar and the conversations flowed naturally and more easily. It actually felt like the two of you had known each other for longer than a couple of hours. 
By the time you checked the time on your watch, it was close to 10 p.m. and the bar was more or less empty. 
“I should really get going.” you said regrettably, not wanting the night to end but knew it had to at some point.
“Will I see you again?” he asked, running his fingers over his goatee.
“I hope so.” you bit your lip teasingly as you stood up and smoothed down your shirt. Chris walked you to the door, the chill in the air making you shudder. 
“Can I walk you home?” he asked, sticking his hands in his front pockets of his bomber jacket.
“No no! I don’t mean anything like that. It’s just late and I won’t sleep tonight if I don’t make sure you’re home safe. Sorry I’m just protective like that.”
“Please don’t apologize, it’s very sweet and yes please, I’d love it if you could walk me home.” Chris smiled and bent his elbow out slightly for you to hook your arm around it. 
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ificouldau · 4 years
Section 3 - Chapter 25
47% of you chose to do laundry with Woozi.
 > 53% of you chose to go grocery shopping with Woozi.
You head into the kitchen while you wait for Jihoon to wash up.
In the fridge sits a few bottles of water and orange juice, assorted vegetables, and a half-eaten pudding cup. Opening the cupboards, you spot microwave rice and two small cups of ramen.
You don’t have to turn around to know that Jihoon’s standing in the kitchen doorway. “Ready to go?”
“Yup. I’m guessing we’re getting groceries?”
“No shit. If we do laundry now, we’ll starve before we’re in danger again.”
You bound out of the kitchen and into the front doorway, slipping on your new shoes given to you by Uncle. “Guys, we’re heading out!”
The few guys still inside echo farewells while Jihoon slips on a pair of loafers.
You skip ahead of him and into the elevator, excited to get out of the house again. Jihoon cruises in right before the elevator door dings shut.
“You seem happy.” He drones.
“Of course. After hiding for so long, I regret never going out when things were… normal.”
“You didn’t go out?”
“I just never had the time. Between work and school, I was always busy.”
“What about your parents? Aren’t they worried about you working so hard?”
You feel yourself flinch, saddened by the sudden reminder of your situation. “I live alone. My mom doesn’t like how much I work, but… at least I can pay bills.”
“What about your da-”
A ding sound rings throughout the elevator walls, signaling that you’ve reached the lobby floor.
“Ah,” You say, “Let’s go!”
The two of you walk together out the door, past the fountains in front and right into the city streets. The sun seems to smile down on the world as you move. You haven’t felt this safe in so long.
Holding a cozy conversation, you and Jihoon take your time passing by small shops and cafes. A small stand ahead of you is selling cheese corn dogs. The smell makes your stomach rumble.
You glance down in embarrassment, looking up to see Jihoon laughing to himself. “You’re hungry?”
“Maybe I am,” You scowl, looking at him in mock anger, “Maybe I’m not.”
“Come on,” Jihoon laughs, dragging you in front of the food stand, “Any toppings?”
“Hm… Can I get ketchup?”
Jihoon pulls a small wallet out of his jacket pocket, filled with only a few bills. Uncle insisted on an allowance, handing each of you leather wallets as if he’d had them ready for ages.
“Of course. That’s the only way to eat a cheese corn dog.” Jihoon says matter-of-factly, before turning to the man running the stand, “Two with ketchup, please.”
You smile as you continue your walk, glancing over the city with bright eyes and a fuller stomach. After almost getting killed a dozen times, the feeling of taking a grocery trip with Jihoon, corn dogs in hand, is almost unreal.
The two of you reach your destination in no time, turning into a small grocery store filled with shelves upon shelves of food and snacks. You pull a basket into your grip before handing a folded slip of notebook paper to Jihoon.
“This is our list. We shouldn’t forget anything.”
“Got it. Let’s look for the vegetables.”
For the next long while, you and Jihoon stroll through the shelves, picking out fresh produce and filling your basket with the best you find. As you glance over boxes of herbs, you mentally check off every item on your list, eager to get errands done yet enjoying the peace of the moment at the same time. As you turn, you see stacks of microwavable rice and ramen. Behind you, Jihoon’s arms are filled with soda.
“There’s a lot of us.” He drones, as if that sentence alone is enough of an explanation.
“All fifteen of us would have trouble finishing that.”
“We actually eat a lot more than you know.” Jihoon insists, adamant.
“Alright, alright. Keep your food, but who drinks that much soda? There’s clean water at the house. Maybe put a few bottles back?”
Seeing as Jihoon remains silent, you sigh, feeling like a mother telling her child to put back a toy. “Fine, fine. Keep them.”
The two of you drift around the store, each of you with two baskets in hand before trotting up to the register. As you pull out your wallet and pay for the food, Jihoon bumps your arm with his.
“Hey, did Soonyoung tell you?”
“Hm? When does he ever tell me anything?”
“God, I knew he wouldn’t tell you.” He sighs, rolling his eyes. “Seungkwan and Chan were looking around outside yesterday. There’s a huge beach nearby.”
As the boy helps grab grocery bags, the two of you thank the cashier and head out.
“Ooh, cool!” You grin, “Is that what Soonyoung was supposed to tell me?”
“Seungkwan said we should hang there tonight.”
“We could do a barbecue. The beach is safe, right?”
“Uncle said it’s a private owned beach, and he talked to the owner. Nobody else will step foot into there except for us tonight.”
“We should hurry home, then!”
The two of you rush home in excitement, spotting Vernon and Seokmin near the elevator. The two boys are carrying three large baskets full of clothes. Seems like they’re the ones who ended up doing laundry.
You both greet the two with wide smiles, and they’re quick to ask how the market trip went. The four of you chatter as you enter the house, where you see Chan with a backpack slung over his shoulders and a foldout chair wrapped tightly in his arms. “Welcome home! Can one of you help Seungkwan with the barbecue, please?”
The fourteen of you spend the next hour running around the house, packing and preparing for  your night at the private beach. You end up with the responsibility of pulling the cooler, full of the soda you’d regrettably let Jihoon take home.
“Is everyone here? One, two, thr...” As Seungcheol counts heads, you feel a wave of peace wash over you. This entire moment feels like a dream… the joy of a family vacation you’ve never had. When you first met the guys, it felt like a hundred strangers dragging another unknown victim about… but now, looking at the way they squish together waiting to be counted, it feels as if your dream of having siblings is finally a reality.
“Kids,” Uncle calls with his glasses resting comfortably on his nose bridge and his gloved hands folded, “Don’t stay there too late.”
“We will. Bye, Uncle!” the fourteen of you call out before exiting the house. As you wave your goodbye, you watch the loving smile fill Uncle’s face, making his eyes crinkle in joy. The more time you spend with these people, the more you feel happy… and at home. Hoping to return his kindness, you give Uncle your biggest grin, waving both arms in the air to say goodbye. He laughs, nodding you all off as you file out of the apartment door.
The walk to the beach was wonderful. Fourteen of you dressed head to toe in clean jeans and sweaters as the sun settles warmly in the sky. Between Joshua pretending to push Seungcheol into the empty streets, Seokmin struggling to inflate a giant beach ball, and Seungkwan singing songs at the top of his lungs until the whole group joined in, there was never a dull moment.
You feel bliss as you step barefoot onto the cushiony sand. Jihoon stands by your side with a smile, watching the boys scream and run around without a care in the world.
After a few minutes, everything is set up and ready to go, everyone settling in with ease as if the sand and ocean were their own. Hours pass, and soon the group sits scattered about the beach in peace, quiet conversation and gentle waves filling your ears.
“Can we go play over there?” Chan asks Seungcheol. You turn to see him standing in between Seungkwan and Hansol, Vernon holding the ball that Seokmin took forever to inflate just before.
“Hey, we’re going in the water now!” You hear in the opposite direction. You turn to see Mingyu waving his arm in the air, Myungho and Seokmin chattering away at his side.
“Just don’t go too far!” Seungcheol waves off all six of the younger boys, a baseball cap resting over his face despite the sunrise setting into a soft gray night.
“Anyone wanna come with us?” Minghao shouts, Mingyu and Seokmin leaning forward as they roll up the cuffs of their pants.
“How about catch? Anyone wanna play?” Seungkwan calls a ways away, tossing the beach ball up and down a few times.
The rest of the group shakes their heads, gentle smiles on their faces as they opt to rest while they have the time.
Glancing over at the six standing eagerly, you feel like a child again. They look so happy, squinting over at the waves and laughing loudly amongst one another, making you want to play along too.
You throw your hand in the air, hopping up to your feet with a bright smile.
“You coming to play?” Vernon calls from your left.
“Going swimming with us?” Seokmin asks from your right.
You glance over the darkening sky for just a second, pondering the choice before turning to both groups with an excited grin.
- Hangout with Dino, Vernon, and Seungkwan.
- Hangout with DK, The8, and Mingyu.
( Vote now on instagram.com/ificould_au. You have 24 hours. )
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bookenders · 6 years
🍃💐 for whoever you wish! And. You can't not've expected this. 🌵
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🍃 Who of your ocs would love to travel? Who has traveled the most/farthest?
Mel loves to travel! She’ll go anywhere! What she did before she came to Linsay involved travel, sometimes. And she’s so good at Running from Her Problems, which is basically traveling but like, all the time.
She’s also technically traveled the farthest. But if we’re not talking technicalities, Jill’s been all over and Harry was adopted from China, so that’s pretty far.
💐 What flowers would be used in a flower crown for your oc? Why those choices?
I know this is your favorite question, and I’m gonna deliver. I am gonna twist this a little bit, though. 😉
If Gemma made a flower crown for Mel: Fern fronds, pale pink roses, and stock, all tied together with a ring of woven ivy. She’d put a variegated tulip behind her ear, the same colors as her hair.
(Fern is used for treating blood disorders and deficiencies. Roses are used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, anxiety and heartbreak. Rose tinctures are also used to fight infections. Stock is sued as an antidote to poisonous bites when mixed with wine and infusions have been used in cancer treatments [also used as a famine food when there is nothing else left]. Ivy helps with nerve pain and burns. Tulip flowers make excellent poultices for bee stings, bug bites, rashes, and burns. They’re very soothing plants.)
[And how fitting, Mel’s favorite color is pale rose pink. D’aww.]
If Mel made a flower crown for Gemma: Purple azaleas, heather, iris flowers, a few sweet peas, and a single sprig of Lily of the Valley.
(Azaleas are a sedative, an analgesic, and anesthetic. It’s root is used to treat arthritis and traumatic injuries. Also toxic in certain doses. Heather has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. It’s a good urinary antiseptic, used for treating chillblains when used in a hot poultice, and is also used to tread rheumatism and arthritis. Iris is mostly used for perfume, but has been used to treat battle wounds in the past. It’s used for weaving and making ropes, nets, and snares, as well. Sweet peas have no known medicinal uses, but its seeds are toxic. Lily of the Valley is commonly used for heart ailments, such as arrhythmia, and regulates one’s heart rate.)
I did not choose and these for the medicinal uses, but WOW they all extremely symbolic with both meanings. Hot damn. Thanks, fate.
 🌵 Who’s the prickliest of your characters? The softest?
🌵🌵🌵 My man. My stubborn fool. My cactus. Good ‘ole Oz is the prickliest, by far. He doesn’t make it easy for people to get close to him, or for people to stay close to him. But those who do find a steadfast friend. Like cactus wrens. (I see them all the time, they’re so cute.) Harry is his #1 cactus wren.
[Editing to add an Oz fact! Mel calls him Officer Melbridge no matter how many times he tells her to call him by his first name. It was annoying at first. Now he’s regrettably used to it. He doesn’t like being professional.]
The softest? It’s a tie between Mel and Mary. While Mel has her sharp points, overall, she’s pretty caring and compassionate. She’s always looking out for people around her and making sure they’re comfortable. If they’re not, she’ll do whatever she can to fix it. She teases, but it’s all for fun. Mel is very gentle with all of Gemma’s plants, too. And with Gemma, because that woman is a jostle away from doing something rash.
Mary is the aunt who comes to all your soccer games and brings you snacks. There’s always a cozy blanket and pillow available at her house to curl up with. She’s kind and caring, and if you need her to be strong with you, she has an iron core that is unshakable. Mary is also the huggiest.
Thank you @quilloftheclouds! These are some lovely questions you made and I love answering them. You’re amazing. 💜
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jolienjoyswriting · 4 years
Electrical Distubance, Ch. IV
Chapter 4 of "Electrical Disturbance," a Rockman (Dr. Chou Numbers universe) fan fiction story.
I sure do love worldbuilding. I'm also a big fan of world-wrecking, it seems.
Word count: 3,296 – Character count: 19,020 Originally written: July 18th, 2020
Kaitlin quickly finds herself on the wrong end of gun as she tries to figure out what's going on.
Elecman, Thomas Right, Roll, Blues/Breakman, “Rockman,” and related characters and concepts created by various people and © Capcom Co, Ltd. "Dr. Chou Numbers" concept and related characters and concepts created by and © Jussy Kaitlin/Thundergirl created by and © KaitlinEXE
[ ↶ Prev. Story | ← Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter → | Next Story ↷ ]
    The room fell silent.  Well, silent… apart from the maniacal cackling that filled it.  Kaitlin had just dropped a bombshell on the room by announcing herself as a Wily-‘bot.  Dr. Right and Roll were positively agog with surprise.  Elecman, however…     “I know what’s going on!”     He went full-aggro on the girl!
    “Elecman, no!” Dr. Right shouted as the robot charged an electrical attack.     “I must have infected her with a time-release program during our regrettable skirmish in Nevada!  She thinks she’s one of Wily’s machines – I must make this right!”     Elecman took a fighting pose and put his hands over his chest, one above and one below, both pointing opposite directions.  As he slid the two across each other, a loud crackle of energy sparked to life between them.  In the next second, his hands went over his head in preparation…     “This is for your own good, Thundergirl!  Thunder Beam!!”     Then, he threw them outward in an open-clam position, sending a powerful bolt across the room and…     “Nooooo…!!”     Straight into Roll’s waiting chest.
    Once again, the room went entirely silent.  Even Kaitlin, who was completely convinced she was going to be zapped, stood in awe of what had happened.     “Roll…” Dr. Right weakly called to his creation as she awkwardly lay on the floor.     “You dear, sweet child,” Elecman whispered, looking away, “what have you done…”     “She…  She saved me.  She saved me?!  Why did she save me?!”     Indeed, just as Elecman had prepared to disable Kaitlin with a Thunder Beam… Roll had run in as fast as her feet could carry her, screamed in rejection, launched herself between the two, then crashed into the closet door, clutching her chest and trembling in agony, her body surging, crackling, and smoldering from her younger brother’s attack.
    “She saved me…”     Kaitlin couldn’t make heads-or-tails of it.     “A Right-‘bot saved me from gettin’ zapped…”     She fell to her knees, her eyes filling with tears of confusion and another emotion she didn’t quite understand.     “I…”     “Get away from her!”
    Just as Kaitlin was about to pull Roll onto her back… Dr. Right came in swinging!  Even though she was only stunned by the coat rack that was smashed against her full-metal head… it was more-than-enough to get her back onto her feet and scurry right out the front door!  She didn’t want anything to do with those crazy Rights!     “Gotta get outta here…” she panted as she ran even faster than before.  “Gotta find a radio…!  Gotta call Papa Wily and… and have him save me…!  Gotta– ooph!”     But, that was going to have to wait…
    After being bounced to the ground, Kaitlin looked up… then she shivered with fear.  Standing in front of her was a man in a gray jumpsuit with a yellow scarf and red boots and gauntlets.  He had a shield on his back and… one very large arm-cannon pointed right at her head.     “You have exactly five seconds to explain yourself, Thundergirl,” he told her in a cold voice that lacked any mercy.  “After that… I’m going to blow your head off.”     A lot of words came out of the frightened girl’s mouth as she stared down the barrel of his glowing plasma weapon.  She could feel it scorching her face as it gathered energy for a powerful attack.  Naturally, seeing that sort of thing was enough to keep her from saying anything coherent, but when she realized she couldn’t get a word out…     “Aaaaahh…!!”     She curled into a ball, covered her head, and hoped for a miracle.     “Okay.  That will do.”     And, that’s exactly what she got.
    The girl dared to peek through her arms, violently shaking and hyperventilating out of pure, unrestrained fear.  Twice, today, she was sure she was going to die and twice, today, she was saved by some unexpected circumstance!  If her luck held out… maybe she could be back in the cozy comfort of her papa’s latest castle before sundown!  She hoped, anyway…
    “Get up.”     The sharply flinched, drawn from her thoughts by the man-in-gray.     “I said…”     A kick to the leg made her yelp.     “Get up.”     She was quick to follow directions, then.  The kick didn’t hurt that much, but it was pretty clear that this man… robot?  This person wasn’t screwing around…
    “Now…”     Kaitlin stood at full attention.  Whatever his next order was… she planned to follow it!     “Explain… slowly… why you decided to make a mess of my family’s house after the doctor took time out of his day to save your worthless life.”     For some reason, the urge to turn it around and call him worthless boiled up inside her.  Thankfully… she decided not to act on it.     “I-I-I didn’t know he f-fixed me…” she openly admitted with a stutter.  “I j-j-just woke up in a s-strange place, s-surrounded by people my dad hates!  I was s-scared…”     “Liar!”     She shrieked as he shouted at her.  A second later, she noticed him cross his arms.     “Let’s try this, again…  Why did you make a mess of my family’s house?”     “I… umm…”  She hesitated before admitting, “I did it in the name of Dr. Wily…”     “Are you one of his creations?”     She shrunk before answering, “Y-yes…  I… I’m a Special Wily Number.  L-like Big Bro Forte and Lost Bro King!”     The man in the red helmet and black visor hummed.     “Has this always been the case?  Wily tends to… ‘find…’ a lot of ‘his’ robots.”     “A-as far as I know…?”  Unfortunately… she really didn’t know.
    “Hmm…”  The unnamed man looked to one side as he thought out loud, “You told us you were an amnesiac, but you never told us you were a Wily Number.  Why the change-of-heart?  Why the change-of-alliance…?”     “What?”  Kaitlin blinked in confusion.  “I-I’ve always been a Wily Number, M-Mister…”     “Breakman.”     “M-Mister Breakman,” she corrected without hesitation.     “Did your… creator… ever specifically tell you of your creation?”     “Um… no.  B-but, a lot’a my brothers don’t remember bein’ created by Papa Wily, either!”     She looked down at the ground, rubbing her arm.     “He doesn’t tell us stuff like that ‘cause, even though we think of ourselves as a family, he just sees us as tools… moving from one ‘project’ to the next…  B-But, that’s okay, ‘cause we kind of are just tools!  People who get attached to ‘tools’ are stupid and wrong!  I mean, that white-haired beardo got all freaked-out when Elecman zapped that dumb, blond maid, and–”     All positive emotion – not to mention color – brained from the girl’s face as she found her eyesight obscured by the faintly-glowing end of Breakman’s weapon.     “Watch your mouth, Thundergirl…”     She thought about keeping quiet.  However…     “W… wh-why?”     A question found its way out of her mouth, instead.     “I happen to like that Right Number.”  He lowered his gun as he added, “She’s the only one who isn’t trying to change me…”     “Ch… ‘change you?’”     “Never mind.”
    Breakman crossed his arms, again, before turning to the side.  Even though Kaitlin couldn’t see his eyes through the visor, she knew he was looking at the Right House.  She figured he was probably thinking, too, considering how quiet he got…
    “Thundergirl.”     “Wh-why does everyone keep calling me that?”     “What?”     He turned her way.  She was scowling and looked annoyed.     “Why does everyone keep calling me ‘Thundergirl…?’” Kaitlin repeated.  “I dunno who that even is!  My name is ‘Kaitlin!’  I guess it’s technically Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin… but ‘Kaitlin’ is way less of a mouthful!”     Though she was smiling… Breakman was not.     “Say that, again,” he half-demanded.     “Say what again?”  She tilted her head.  “‘My name is Kaitlin?’”     “Your full name.”     “My full name… my… designation, ugh.”  She scowled.  “It’s Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin.  I’m a Special Wily Number just like–”     “Again.”     Her eyes narrowed with suspicion.  “I’m… Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin.”
    “Thundergirl.  Kaitlin, rather…”  Breakman leaned to one side, tilting his head.  “Are you aware of what you’re saying?”     “Of course I am!”  She huffed.  “What kind of stupid question is that?”     The other robot smirked.  He liked it when her true personality out-shined her fear.     “Say your full designation one more time.”     Kaitlin stomped her foot and threw her hands down, losing patience.     “I’ll say it five more times if it’ll get you to stop asking!” she shouted.     “Okay.”  He continued to smirk as he told her, “Go ahead.”     So, she did.
    “I am Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin, I am Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin, I am Special Wily Number error: Kaitlin, I am… I… w-wait…”     A look of fear and confusion came to her face as Breakman’s smirk became a smile.     “Why… why don’t I have a number?  Why can’t I find my number?  Breakman…!”     Her anxiety grew into panic and she grabbed the other robot by the shoulders.     “Wh-why can I find my Special Wily Number?!  Wh-what does that mean?!”     “It means…” he started as he knocked her arms away, “you don’t have one.  Wily never gave you a number.”     “No…  No, you’re wrong!” she cried, shaking her head.  “I have a number!  I-if Big Bro Forte is 1 and Lost Bro King is 2, then… then I’m 3!  Zero-zero-three…  I am Special Wily Number error!”     Her eyes shot open.     “I’m Special Wily Number error,” she repeated without meaning to.  “No, I’m Special Wily Number error.  I-I’m Special Wily Number error!  Error!!  Eeerr-herr-rooor…!!”     “I think that pretty much sums it up, don’t you?”     “You…!”
    All-at-once, Kaitlin’s confusion, fear, and anxiety turned red-hot and she took a swing at Breakman!  To her utter surprise…     “Ah…”     It connected.
    “I… I…”     The girl whimpered as she pulled her fist back.  Breakman didn’t even so much as flinch when he was struck.  Even after-the-fact, all he did was stand there, his head jerked back in the position she’d forced it into and his body in a neutral position.  There was one other thing, though…
    He wasn’t smiling, anymore.
    “Oh, god!!”     For some reason, the girl curled into a ball, hugging her head and whimpering in fear instead of running.  She was far too panicked to even consider leaving the area.  It took her a good minute of cowering before she looked up… but when she did…     “Ahh– aah…!”     She found herself pulled by the collar of her hoodie.
    “Well?”     “W… w… w-well…?” the girl stammered, almost too afraid to answer.     “Did you get it out of your system?”     There was a long pause before she asked, “A-aren’t you mad at me?”     “I don’t get mad.”     She blinked as he let go of her… only to make a horrible choking sound as his fist forcefully found its way into her stomach.     “I get even.”
    When he withdrew, she doubled over in pain, tears welling up in her eyes.  She hissed and growled, huffing as she pain kept coming.  He hadn’t even hit her with that plasma gun, but it sure felt like he did!     “You… you sonova…!”     “That’s right, Kaitlin.”  He grinned.  “Get angry.”     “You hurt me…!”     “You hurt Roll.”     “Elecman hurt Roll!”     “She got hurt saving you.”     “You… you…!”     “Me.”     “I’ll kill you!!”
    A few things happened in the instants that followed Kaitlin’s outburst.  Firstly, she found herself on the ground, several paces away, laying there in more pain than before.  Secondly, Breakman had pulled his shield around and, as best as she could figure, used it to whack her over to where she was.  And, thirdly…     “Wh… what…?”     Her hands were sparking and crackling with white-hot plasmatic electricity.
    “Did I– ow!”     Kaitlin tried to get up… only to fall right back down, clutching her mid-section.     “Careful,” Breakman warned in a mocking tone.  “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”     “What… what did…”  She looked at her hands.  “What did I just do…?!”     “You just lived up to your name, Thundergirl.”
    After reeling for a minute, Kaitlin finally got back to her feet.  When she did, she noticed… there was a large, veiny sort of scorch mark on Breakman’s shield, as well as something similar on the ground.  Between that, the tingling and crackling of her hands, and the constant nickname everyone kept using, she could only come to one conclusion…     “Did… did Papa Wily upgrade me into a ‘battle android…?’”     For some reason… she started beaming.     “This is the best-worst-best birthday, ever…!!”     Then, when she tried to pump her fist in the air…     “Ow…!!”     She collapsed back on the ground, her aching stomach telling her that it wasn’t going to happen.
    Several moments passed after Kaitlin made her discovery, in which time, she started playing with her newfound power.  For example, she spread her fingers and made a current arc from-one-to-the-next…  She created a series of small sparks that crackled like fireworks…  She even wrote her name in the air with a lovely cursive font!  Just as she was starting to enjoy herself, though… Breakman broke in.
    “What’s up, Breakman?” she called, still full of mirth despite her head and stomach aching from his counter-attacks.     “You’re probably not going to believe this…” he told her, “but, before today, you were galavanting around, passing yourself off as a ‘superhero’ named ‘Thundergirl.’”     “Me?  A superhero?”  The girl blinked her brown eyes.  “I could never…  Well, maybe…!”     As she clapped her hands together and formed a ball of lightning…     “Don’t get any funny ideas.”     Breakman gave her pause.     “I wasn’t doin’ nothin’…” she said, feigning innocence as she popped the ball and started drawing in the dirt with a sweet smile.
    “In any case… this isn’t your first visit to the Right Labs compound.”  Breakman stepped over as he told her, “A couple of months ago, Dr. Right invited you here to study you.”     “That doesn’t sound right!”  She slowly got to her feet, hugging her stomach.  “Ow…  Uh, why would Dr. Right invite me, a Wily-‘bot, to his place?  That’d be like Dr. Wily asking Rockman to come over for cake and punch!”     She winched from her stomach ache, suddenly wishing she’s said “cake and soda…”     “At the time,” he continued, slipping his shield onto his back, “you didn’t announce yourself as a Wily Number.”     “What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense, Breakman…”  She frowned a little, wincing as her head throbbed.  “I’ve always been a Wily Number since… since… why… um… why are there these huge gaps in my memory?”     “You’re an amnesiac.”     “Don’t get smart with me, Scarf-Boy!”     He smirked as she scowled.
    “You came back here after fighting a Wily-controlled Elecman, five days ago,” the robot said.  “He was simply out-of-commission while you had severe internal damage.  Once he was fixed-up, it was your turn to go under-the-knife, so-to-speak.”     Kaitlin tilted her head, listening to the story with a doubtful look.     “My best guess?  The doctor couldn’t help himself and took at peek at your brain.”     “My brain…?”     “Yep.  And, if I had to guess… he screwed something up and set you back to your factory defaults… or at least somewhere around the time Wily first activated you.  The question is… whose side are you really on?”     “Papa Wily’s, of course!  And, with my new electric weapons…”     She gave another mean smile before mimicking Elecman’s pose from earlier.     “I can be a hero for justice!”
    There was an awkward moment where Kaitlin continued to charge and play with her electricity.  She kept tossing Breakman glances, hoping for a reaction of some kind.  When he didn’t give her one, though… she stopped her movements, put her hands into her hoodie’s front pockets, and sighed, looking away.     “Couldn’t you… ya know… at least pretend t’ be scared?”     “Scared of what?” Breakman replied.     “Of me!”     He was grinning when she snapped back… which only made her angrier.     “You’re no threat to me,” he told her with that same grin.     “Oh, yeah?!”     When he nodded, she pulled her hands back out and charged an attack.     “You’d better run!” she warned.  “I mean it!”     Rather than run, though…     “Wh… what are you doing?”     “Calling your bluff.”     Breakman did something crazy.
    As Kaitlin held her attack, Breakman nudged his shield off of his back and… to her continued surprise… tossed it some distance away.  Then, he held his arms out, away from his body, and made the girl a promise.     “If you plan to attack me, Wily Number, then I won’t stop you.  I won’t even try and avoid it.  I’ll stand right here, with my arms out, and I’ll let you hit me.”     “Are… are you insane?!” the girl cried, her face showing anger and befuddlement.     “No.”  He smirked.  “I just don’t think you’ll do it.”     “Of course I can!”     Her smile returned and she hunkered down.     “The Rights are your family, right?  So, that makes you my enemy!  I’d be doin’ Papa Wily a favor by destroyin’ you with my fancy, new upgrades!  He might even reward me!  So, why wouldn’t I?”     “Because…”     She gritted her teeth.  Somehow… she knew he’d narrowed his eyes at her.     “You’re no threat to me.”     “I am too a threat!”     “You aren’t.”     “I am!”     “No, you aren’t.”     “I am, I am, I am…!!”     “You really aren’t.”     “I… I am, though…!”     Even though she seemed ready to strike… her resolve was starting to crack.
    “I’ll do it!” she told him, sounding less confident than before.  “I’ll… I’ll shut you down!”     “Go ahead,” the grey-suited robot said in a calm voice.     “I’ll… I’ll zap you from-head-to-toe and make you hurt!”     “I’m waiting.”     “I’ll… I’ll… I-I’ll…”     She sighed, canceling her attack.     “O-oh, alright, fine.  I won’t attack you.”  The girl kicked a rock and pouted.  “Happy?”     “Almost.”     “Wha–”     “Blues Strike!”
    Time stood still as the girl felt something… odd.  Her eyes went open and the world seemed to turn to gray.  She didn’t know what was going on or how it had happened…  All she knew was that she felt kind of a sharp pinch… but only for a second.  Then, after what seemed like forever… she felt herself collide with the ground.     The instant the touched down, time resumed and color came back to reality.  She heard herself gasp then, all-at-once, felt a burning… seething pain.  When she could finally bring herself to look, she noticed a massive, burning scorch mark covering most of her chest and part of her belly.  There was a little trail of burnt dirt leading up to her, as well.  She followed that line with her eyes… only for another feeling to overtake her.
    Her brown eyes filled to the brim with tears and overflowed down her warm cheeks.  She genuinely couldn’t believe that the robot… who had been so nice to her… could have been the one to attack her!  Yet, the proof was right there, pointed roughly where she was a few seconds prior.
    Breakman stood up straight, looking at his target with contempt and holding his smoking weapon upright.  Even if she could see his eyes… she knew she’d see no mercy, whatsoever…     “Because…”     She flinched as he spoke, expecting him to fire, again.  Thankfully…     “You hurt my family.”
    The man whistled a little tune as he retrieved his shield.  Shortly after, he cast the wounded girl another look… then, he huffed with a smirk.  Without another word, a pinkish-red glow overtook him and he disappeared in a beam of light, leaving the girl to lay there… dying.
    “I’m ho– oh, my gosh…!!”     “Kaitlin…?!  Kaaaitliiiiin…!”
    Kaitlin grunted at the new voices.  Both sounded concerned, but one sounded absolutely grief-stricken.  They both seemed to know her, so she tried to ask for help.  However, she couldn’t hear her words… When she tried to turn toward the voices, she could only catch glimpses – her optics were starting to fail.  As her systems powered down, though, she thought she saw two things:     A boy in a blue helmet… and some sort of wild animal with glasses…
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high5nerd · 5 years
Alone Together---Chap. Twenty-one
Shit how the fuck did Pitch bang-diddly-bang in a goddamn air pocket. Logic, past self? Where it be?
When in doubt, sand tentacles.
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Thinking gets me places I don't prefer to trespass. Thinking is when you let your brain wander at it's own leisure, sometimes against your will or you allow it to happen. Thinking could be simple and by your command, like plotting how to destroy the Guardians like I once did, or thinking of something basic like how to get the girls home without shadow traveling into the wrong area. Other times, thinking could be worrying...and those worries turning into literal thoughts that made you question what you've been doing wrong and what you should do instead.
It's hard to explain this thoroughly, so I shall try my best. The following days after our little break at the quarry, my mind clicked back into the darkness that it once was buried in. Not permanently, no, of course not. Just visiting, so to speak. I wondered...because I've been away from my home, my real home, for so long. Were the nightmares doing their duty without my command? They were trained to do so when I wasn't around, but after that incident where they turned on me, such trainings could've been forgotten. I missed the darkness, the feeling of shadow-traveling and being away from total light. I've gotten so used to bright lights, I felt the yearning for darkness become stronger.
But how were Sadie and Alice supposed to understand that? They understood my duties as the Boogeyman, but I don't think they really grasped the concept that I put fear in children. Not just children, everyone. I made people realize their fear and cower at the thought. I am naturally a man of the dark. Alice nor Sadie has ever seen me in action, where I sneak into a child's room as they sleep soundly, taint their dreamsand with my own creation of their fear, and see them wake up spooked and shaking. It was amusing for me, pleasing. But for them? Alice would hate it. She's too good natured, she'd feel guilty that she couldn't stop it.
Not that there's anything wrong with her being good natured, but that blinded her at times when I needed her to see who I really was.
But nonetheless, the withdrawal of darkness and the lair I once revelled in started to physically make me fidgit. I couldn't sit still. Sadie noticed how I would avoid the brightest lights in the house and immediately turn them off when they were done using them. Alice even walked into a dark living room only to see a pair of eyes watching her, and to my own fault it scared her half to death. Though it makes me laugh to this day, she doesn't find it amusing one bit. She still thinks I was playing a trick on her despite numerous apologies.
Regardless of that scare, I didn't notice how Alice had growing curiosity. I must've let the fact that I wanted to go back to the lair slip through my mouth, because she came in one Friday night with determination on her face.
"Could you take me with you?"
I turned to her, confused at her question. "To where?"
"Your...um, the dark lair. Whatever you call it." she timidly looked away, crushing her fingers in her left hand.
That surprised me. Alice normally wasn't a very surprising person-no offense-but that question threw me off guard. I had mixed feelings about this. I felt both honored and concerned. Honored because she wanted to see my world like she has generously shown me hers, but concerned on how she would take it. Alice wasn't a very….dark person. You know, she's not a person that would become instantly at ease to the dark. When I was just starting to get to know her, she used to jump at every move I made in the shadows and always cautiously looked over her shoulder as if my nightmares would pop out and scare her at any second. But now that she's grown more accustomed to it by having me around...maybe she earned the right to see the lair.
I touched her cheek gently, looking into her eyes seriously, "Are you sure? It's not...a location you would find comfort in."
She shyly smiled in reply, "I'm comfortable with you around."
"What if the nightmares attack you?" I asked without thinking, and that made her eyes widen in fear.
"Will they?"
My hand glided down from her cheek to the back of her neck, pressing her forehead to mine, "Only if you're afraid."
"Then I won't be if you're there." she whispered, her hand touching my free one.
She sounded serious enough for me to allow her to trespass into the lair. Still, a feeling that we shouldn't leave crept into my mind, some sort of warning that what I was about to do was something regrettable. Maybe it was just my worries, one could never know. But keeping that thought in mind, I bidded her to close her eyes tightly and relax. She did just so, appearing as if she slept standing up. The shadows swallowed us quickly, and we were whipped through the shadows of the world towards the lair. Images flipped behind her and her hair flung back from her neck from the impact once we landed in the center of the lair.
She kept her eyes closed until she felt my hand slip away from hers, and immediately I saw the look of awe cross her chocolate brown orbs. I stepped a bit back from her a few paces, letting her get the full view of the place. As her eyes trailed over the many black cages that hung from the ceiling, I allowed myself to really soak in the darkness this place held. I felt like I was being wrapped in a blanket, cozy and snug. Safe...but not at home like I thought I would feel. My mind slipped back to Alice's home...why couldn't I just make up my mind? One minute I'm missing my beloved lair and now I yearn to go back to Alice's home. I was conflicted, found in a tough spot once more.
Still, I did in fact miss the comforting shade and the minimal dashes of light. The soft creaking of the cages above reminded me of the ticking of a grandfather clock, steady and in rhythm. Everything was clean and tidy, well, besides the few crumbling pillars here and there. Let's just call that decoration. Everything was at a cool temperature away from the blazing sun, it felt so nice resting one's back against the smooth surface of a stone wall to feel a chill lovingly run up one's spine, and not in the fearful way.
"It's like the ancient ruins of Italian churches…" her soft voice echoed throughout the lair as she walked around, staying within the area where she could see better but nonetheless getting a good look of the place.
I smirked at that as I freely shadow-traveled around, letting my voice bounce off the walls in response, "We're located under Venice, that's why. Fascinating, isn't it?"
"Yeah...what are the cages for?" she pointed to the lowest hanging one with the cage door still swinging open.
"Well, they originally housed things I used to capture in order to get the Guardians back, but...the last time I used them was holding the tooth fairy's helpers hostage."
Alice's wondrous smile fell at that, looking in the direction where my voice came. My eyes locked with hers, and I could see the disappointment in her dark orbs. "That's horrible."
"I never said it was a smart move, Alice. I was desperate...enough said." I made it clear it wasn't to be discussed again.
She made a low noise of discomfort as she glanced back at the cages, and then her eyes caught onto something else that drew out her breath. The look of wonder returned to her eyes as she quickly walked over to the bronze globe of the world, tiny lights flickering all over the many countries. She touched the surface, grimy and rough to the touch. Still, despite it being covered in a light layer of dust, it still shone in the minimal sunlight.
"What's this?" she asked, not jumping at my sudden appearance by her side.
I softly smiled as I watched her brush away the dust over the European continent, trying to get it to sparkle more along with the miniscule lights that clustered in certain areas. She looked up at me, a curious grin on her face.
"The lights represent a child that believes in the Guardians. Back when I was trying to destroy them, I wanted all of them gone."
"Then if they only represent the Guardian's believers, why don't you have one for yourself?"
Good question. An inquisitive one, she is. That was one of my favorite things about her, one of many to say the least.
Unable to directly look her in the eye, I responded lowly, "Because I knew I would have less than theirs...far less...close to none."
Her hand found mine, fingers lacing with my own in encouragement and comfort. She knew how to lift me up from thinking sourly like that, I give her full credit. "To be honest...I probably would, too. I don't blame you."
I softly chuckled at that, grinning at her. She cocked an eyebrow, "What?"
"I was just thinking...what it would be like if you lived here with me...you know, as my queen."
Alice laughed at that, releasing my hand, "Ooh, like a Queen of Darkness? That has a nice ring to it."
I smiled and gently held her shoulders, "Think about it, though. Just you and me, all I could ever want. I'd give you everything you've ever asked for, and the world could be your oyster. The nighttime would be our time, and your loyal subjects would take the form of fearlings and nightmares to do your bidding."
Alice lightly laughed at that, bowing her head a bit. I took her hand and twirled her around, allowing the nightmare sand to curl around her and form a dress of darkness, glittering in the dim light in tones of black and purple. Her eyes widened at the sudden magic, and touched it gently.
"You'd be my queen, the warrior of the night, leading my army into battle against the light-" I started to sing, wrapping her into an embrace as she laughed.
"And we'd dance among the stars, never letting go of each other, just us...just us lovers," she chimed in, much softer than my own voice.
She laughed as we danced around, and after a while I started to feel the eyes of the nightmares watching us. Surprisingly, Alice was very calm and collected around them. When they started to draw out closer to us, smelling their master along with the unknown smell of a stranger in their home, they didn't dare bite her or threaten her with a snarl. They instinctively knew she was mine, or as they would put it, my mate. Alice held her hand out towards one of them, and the nightmare actually licked her hand before nudging it's nose to her palm, a sign of approval of her presence in the lair. Most humans would be frozen with fear at the sight of them, but Alice shockingly took it quite well.
She was right, because as I treated her for dinner there in the lair with the cuisine of Italy I knew so well, she told me that since I was there, she had nothing to be afraid of.
She had that amount of total faith in me? Wow…
I guess...I guess right at that moment something told me that...I wanted to marry her.
Knowing Sadie would be alright at home for the night, Alice and I slept there in the lair. It felt nice returning to the master bedroom I had, the sheets still nice and cool and open for my return. Alice slept soundly once it hit midnight, as did I, but by two in the morning I started having trouble sleeping. That never happened before, at least, not in this way. A bad feeling kept telling me to wake up, that something wasn't right. Thinking someone was in the room besides us, I instantly woke up and surveyed the area. Nothing.
But I couldn't go back to sleep, I just laid there with my eyes open, staring at the rock ceiling. I couldn't shake this feeling of...intuition, for a lack of a better term. Something was just out of place...and I couldn't go to sleep without knowing everything was okay and it was just me worrying myself to death.
I looked over at Alice, her back turned to show off the love marks I gave her hours ago, sprinkled down the back of her neck and all over her back, like stars that make a constellation. She's here...so why would I be so concerned over something that probably doesn't exist? Sadie's safe at home, Alice is fast asleep...why would I be so conflicted right now?
My fingers touched her marks, gently as to not wake her. My mind travelled from wondering what I was awake for, to the thought of marrying her I had during dinner. It's been five years...wouldn't that be long enough? I guess some part of me wanted that to happen sooner than just four years. She mentioned her parents waited a year before getting married, yet I had to drag it out for five. If she was around in the past, with the Kozmotis Pitchiner I used to be, my parents would've been so furious at me for waiting this long. Probably after a couple of months they'd demand we get married.
She'd be beautiful on our wedding day, if we ever got married. It didn't matter if she wore the traditional wedding robes of the Golden Age or what is customary here. In the Golden Age, the bride would be decked out in color, jewels, and flowers. White was only worn during the births and christenings of infants and black at funerals. The future husband would wear his armor, along with the robes passed down from his generations before him…
If I married her, I would always wake up to see her lying there next to me, asleep and happy. If I married her, she'd carry our children, show me how to be a proper father that I've almost forgotten how to be over the centuries...she'd be the world's most wonderful mother and wife…
I licked the back of her shoulder, running my tongue from her love bruise up to the tip of her shoulder. Knowing that she was real...that she was right there and not just a fantasy in my mind...it calmed me down a bit.
She moaned in her sleep, making me grin. She turned over, slightly awake at the disruption.
"What was that for?" she groaned, curling her naked body close to mine.
"Dunno." I chuckled, kissing her forehead.
Her eyes were watching me, looking for something as she stared back. She was wide awake now, and leaned up when she asked, "Are you okay? You look troubled."
"I am."
"You want to talk about it?" Alice rested her head on my chest, her leg wrapping around my hip.
"...No, I think I'll be okay," I murmured, touching her hair, "something just...doesn't seem right."
"I'm getting that feeling, too." she whispered back, before falling asleep once more.
Intuition is a feeling one gets where we think something bad is going to happen, and then it does….
We should've listened to that.
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poetspade45-blog · 5 years
If you were to ask me what my favorite city in the world was – besides, LA, of course – Mexico City would be somewhere in my top 3 choices. I have always loved visiting Mexico, but Mexico City is on a whole other level of culture, fun, and beauty. The Mexico most of us are familiar with are the typical beachside towns, where you hardly even get to experience the actual towns outside what ever resort you might be enjoying. Mexico City is bustling, it’s sprawling, it’s eclectic and its popularity amongst travelers only seems to be growing. It may be another big city – in fact, it’s the largest city in the world – but there is absolutely no where on earth quite like it in my opinion.
I cannot tell you how many friends I have that unanimously didn’t just enjoy Mexico City, they loved it. Friends of all types from all backgrounds. I honestly thought that there was absolutely no way this city could possibly live up to all of these insane expectations, but alas, they did. And then some. I am not a paid Visit Mexico spokesperson, but I will say with complete confidence that if you go to Mexico City – and you do it right – you will without a doubt fall  in love. (And it wont even cost you that much!)
I did my fair share of research before my recent trip to Mexico City, I have had several friends go before me who gave me the full rundown. If you’re looking to visit Mexico City soon, here’s what you need to know:
Arguably my personal favorite restaurant we went to in Mexico City – a very likely story it turns out. Contramar is known for its incredible seafood spread (think ceviche, fresh grilled fish, etc) and their primo people watching scene at lunch time. You cannot visit Mexico City and not go to Contramar – I demand it. Make sure you make a reservation and make sure you order the tuna tostadas!
Máximo Bistro
Another restaurant that came highly recommended was Maximo Bistro Local. They’re open for lunch and dinner and from what I’ve heard you’re fine either way you choose. I happened to go for lunch (couldn’t get a dinner reservation in time) and it was everything everyone said it would be. Did I know it had a lot of Italian influence, nope, did it make it that much more fun and interesting, yep. Their known for their ox tail gnocchi – split at your own risk because it really is that good.
YES! I can now say I’ve been to one of the top restaurants in the world! Pujol is the crown jewel of Mexico City. Chef Enrique Olivera truly helped put Mexico City on the map in terms of the city being a desitination for distinct food and dining. So as you can imagine, Pujol is realatvely difficult to get into. Most people book quite far in advance. Sometimes you get lucky like we did but it’s definitely advised to book as far in advance as possible. Pujol is an absolutely stunning space, the experience is as you’d expect – different and incredibly special – the staff is out of this world, and it truly exemplifies and amplifies fine Mexican cuisine. I will say, Pujol is as expensive as you’d imagine it to be so come prepared for that.
Lorea was our first dining experience in Mexico City and it completely set the tone for the rest of our trip. Mexico City is quickly becoming one of the top dining destinations in the world and restaurants like Lorea truly put it on the map in terms of fine dining. Fine dining in Mexico City is a trip though, Lorea for example offers a 14 course tasting menu at just $70 per person. If you’re a foodie traveling on a budget, your one splurge should be Lorea. You’ll never forget it.
Taqueria El Califa
Did someone say tacos? Finally? Yes. If you are in the mood for tacos and a sit down restaurant type of situation, El Califa is your destination. Not only is it your destination, it will also totally blow your mind. I think I ate about 8 tacos that night and I regret nothing. They are open all day long but their late night scene seems to be where it’s at. The one thing absolutely worth trying here are their “costras” – which are like tacos but the tortilla part is made of cheese… #mindblown. And I’ll just let you in on a little secret, the best tres leches cake I’ve ever had in my life is at Califa. It was also my favorite treat I had in Mexico City period – I said it!
La Capital
For Mexico City being a city of late diners, a lot of the restaurants close surprisingly early! La Capital was somewhat a happy accident while we were trying to find a restaurant open past 10pm, but it ended up being quite a number of our favorite restaurants in the end. La Capital is a great “happy medium” restaurant – it’s not too fancy, not too casual, but the food and the ambiance is absolutely fantastic. They offer truly incredible and what you’d think of as “authentic” Mexican food, so if that might what you’re looking for, you’ve found it.
El Moro Churreria
Is it really a trip to Mexico if you dont eat a churro? El Moro isn’t just any churreria though, it’s the OG of churrerias. They’ve been dusting delicious carb sticks with cinnamon and sugar since 1935, and today they have 9 locations all over the city. I visited the location at the Mercado Roma, which is a fun place to go for all kinds of things, it reminded me a lot of the Grand Central Market. But it’s better because… churros. Duh.
El Cardenal
This is the only restaurant on my list that I sadly did not have the time to go to but want to recommend regardless. I have a few friends who cannot visit Mexico City without having a traditional Mexican breakfast from El Cardenal. When I requested something that had some history, something that had stood the test of time and was still beloved by all, El Cardenal was always the answer. I cant wait to go myself on my next trip, but if a big Mexican breakfast speaks to you, white table cloths and all, please try El Cardenal (and tell me what you think!).
OTHER RECS: Yuban, Lardo, Rosetta, Zoku, Lalo!, Quintonil, Casa Virgina, Tori Tori, La Docena, Huset, Mero Toro, Bravo Lonchería, Dulce Patria, Azul Historico,
King Cole Bar
King Cole Bar to my delight was located inside of our hotel, the St Regis. Much like its New York City counterpart, the King Cole Bar is an absolutely stunning work of beauty, style, and class. We were at this bar more than I’d like to recount – shout out to Alejandro and Pepe – but it’s because it was consistently fantastic. Definitely the local meeting place for big timers, I fit right in obviously, but not at all intimidating or unwelcoming. The opposite in fact. Ain’t nothing wrong with a classy joint here and there, especially one with indoor/outdoor seating, great cocktails, live music, and decor fit for royalty.
La Azotea De Barrio Alameda
This place was recommended to me by a new friend on Instagram who’d been kind enough to message me her Mexico City favorites. She lives there after all so she was definitely one to be trusted. La Azotea is located in Centro, and is just a 5 minute walk from big sites to see such as the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Climb about 100 steps (which is like 300 steps at sea level) to the rooftop to find an absolute GEM of a little hangout – fresh air, views, cocktails, delicious food, friendly faces and all. My friend instructed me to order a Carajillo  and if you’re like me and love a good espresso martini when desperate times call for desperate measures… then you are going to love a Carajillo.
Fifty Mils Four Seasons
If you thought the King Cole Bar at the St Regis sounded bougie, Fifty Mils at the Four Seasons might have them beat there. Between the absolutely stunning courtyard setting, the fancy “a-la Four Seasons” cocktails, and the fitted waitstaff, it’s definitely an experience. And I was so here for a bougie moment – and a solid Instagram post of course.
Condesa DF
Who doesnt love a good rooftop situation right? Located in the heart of Condesa, CodesaDF is one of the areas most popular boutique hotels. Their rooftop is open to the public and definitely caters towards the young more hip crowds. So naturally I went, and naturally I loved it. If it’s a nice day or night out, stop in – it’s usually open.
Hanky Panky
Per my previous confession about basically never leaving the King Cole Bar… I dissappointingly did not make it to a number of bars I had intended to visit. Hanky Panky being one of them. I cannot speak from personal experience but I can say with quite a bit of confidence that this bar IS an experience. First off, you have to have a reservation – it’s that kind of bar. Secondly, it’s a speakeasy. Lastly, it sounds so “LA” it hurts my feelings I cannot wait to come back and see what this place is up to.
La Clandestina
I am a huge fan of Mezcal, in fact it is easily my spirit of choice. La Clandestina was another bar that came highly recommended that I regrettably did not get to, but I am told if you too are a fan of Mezcal then this is one place on earth you need to experience to confirm your appreciation for the beverage.
Loup Bar
For my fellow wine lovers… meet Loup Bar. Loup Bar is known for their incredible list of natural wines, as well as for their great food menu to pair. You know I will travel for wine and food, so Loup came highly recommended by several friends; I love that this a more low key yet chic spot. A great place to go when you’d love a glass of wine with a side of warm and cozy ambiance.
OTHER RECS: El Bosforo, La Lavanderia, Limantour, Pata Negra, Cicatriz, Gin Gin, Felina Bar, Aurora, Xaman, Baltro, La Ópera,
Lucha Libre
What about men in fringe, tight pants, and colorful masks doesn’t already sound appetizing as hell? Throw in spotlights, a hugely enthusiastic crowd, cheap cold beer, tacos, and you’ve got yourself a night at LUCHA LIBRE! I am not kidding you when I say Friday night Lucha Libre was my favorite part of the entire trip, and arguably one of the best nights of my whole life. Take that and do what you will.
I honestly barley know how to begin trying to explain the experience that is Xochimilco. It’s hands down one of the wildest, strangest, most unique experiences I think I’ve had in all my 30 years. What I want to say wont really make sense, but Xohchimilco doesn’t really make sense either, so here goes nothing. Xochimilco is a place you go *with a group* to float down canals on very colorful gondolas that are all packed like sardines on the water  where there is zero traffic regulation, there is a lot of booze, there are mariachis on boats for hire, delicious food and trinkets on boats for buying, and a lot of other strange yet entertaining activity.  Here’s the deal. It was cool… but it was wild. If you’ve got kids, or if you’re just a couple without a guide, I actually would not recommend Xochimilco. But if you’ve got a group, or a friend/trusted individual who knows the ropes, DO IT. Be careful, I would personally hire a driver to get you there and back (it’s about 45 minutes outside the city center), don’t be an idiot and you’ll have an absolute blast.
Chapultapec Park
Unsurprisingly so, Chapultapec Park is one of the largest city parks in the world. Really though – this park is never ending and it’s absolutely GORGEOUS! Chapultapec Park is very central, and the best of what it has to offer – including the Chapultapec Castle and the Museum of Anthropology – are very easy to access. Besides museums and the castle, Chapultapec Park includes a zoo, botanical gardens, walking trails, vendors, several man-made lakes with pedal boats, and so much more. You could spend a whole day strolling through these gorgeous grounds, and so you should – with some stops along the way.
Castillo de Chapultapec
One of those stops should definitely be the stunning site that was once the home to Mexico’s one-time emperor, Maximilian. Chapultapec Castle, now the Natural Museum of  History, overlooks the entire city below and it’s an absolutely fascinating and beautiful place to visit. It’ll take you a minute to hike up the hillside, and you will run out of breath thanks to that altitude, but boy is it worth it! (It’s also not literally a hike, it’s a walk uphill, it just seems to go on for forever when you’re out of breath.)
Museo Nacional de Antropología
If you have an interest in learning about the history of pre-hispanic Mexico (Aztec, Mayan, etc) the Museo Anthropolgia is an absolute must. We spent hours walking through each time period if you will, looking at pieces of history you can hardly fathom being as ancient and beautiful as they are. This was one of my personal favorite parts of the trip, so if you have time on your walk through the Chapultapec Park, stop in at the museum.
Mercado de Artesanías la Ciudadela
There are a couple of amazing Mercados to visit in Mexico City, but the one we ended up visiting was Mercado de Artesanías la Ciudadela – a market known for it’s more locally crafted and more traditional goods. They offer all kinds of Oaxacan textiles, blankets, silver, jewelry, bags, leather, housewares – anything “Mexico” you can think of they have. I have to admit, I typically hate the idea of “things” or “trinkets” but this market was incredible! I ended up with some beautifully embroidered bags, and so wished I’d had enough room in my suitcase for some of the glassware and housewares. Next trip. 
Palacio de Bellas Artes
Whilst meandering through Historico Centro you will find it damn near impossible not to run into the massive architectural masterpiece that is the Palacio de Bellas Artes. It’s here inside the marbles walls that you will find gorgeous and expansive murals from several artists including Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, and Rufino Tamayo. Wether it’s a new exhibit, a concert, or an event, there is always something fun and interesting happening here.
Want to see those mysterious pyramids you learned about at the Museo Anthropolgia IRL? You can! Teotihuacan is admittedly a pretty far drive outside the city center (about an hour), but it’s another absolute “must” according to most if not all who have visited. This was another spot I didn’t personally make it out to this trip, but I am told it’s worth noting to go early in the morning while the sun isn’t too hot and the tourists are at a minimum.
Museo Frida Kahlo
The Frida Kahlo Museum is kind of a non-negotiable. It’s a completely one-of-a-kind experience, and I promise you will be glad and grateful to have gone. The Frida Kahlo Museum, aka Casa Azul, was Frida’s beloved home for twenty years. Located in the colorful and charming neighborhood of Coyoacan, you immediately get a sense of the appeal. When Frida passed away, Diego Rivera donated her house to the government and turned it into a museum. The home has been in the exact condition she left it in since the 50’s, and it’s a surreal thing to experience in person. I personally loved seeing her clothes that were put on display (that were just discovered in an untouched room in 2004!), and how so many designers today are still inspired by her stunning style.
OTHER RECS: Museo Soumaya, Museo Tamayo, Museo Franz Mayer, Palacio Nacional, Museo Jumex, Casa Barragan, Museo del Tequila y Mezcal,
St. Regis
Just going to call it like it is, the St Regis Mexico City is the best hotel I’ve ever stayed at. The truth is I probably wouldn’t be able to afford a stay at a St Regis in most cities, but in Mexico City rates at this property start as low as $269 a night. For the St Regis. If you want to do a bougie hotel stay, with unparalleled service and accommodations, stay with the St Regis.
Hotel La Valise
Hotel La Valise is THE hip/chic/expensive spot to stay in Mexico City. They have a very popular property in Tulum as well, and their Mexico City location is just as stunning. It’s also located in a great part of town that is accessible to fun restaurants and areas to walk.
Hotel Condesa DF
Hotel Condesa DF is one of the best boutique hotels is one of the best parts of town – Condesa. I have had a few friends stay here who loved it, plus their rooftop – as mentioned – was one of my favorite stops on the trip.
Four Seasons
The Four Seasons Mexico City has a similar story to the St Regis; if you want to do a bougie stay, this is another great option to consider. Especially if like me, there’s no way in hell you’d be able to afford a Four Seasons vacation anywhere else. Why not do it in Mexico City!
OTHER RECS: Hotel Carlota, Four Points Roma, Roma MX, Hippodrome, Downtown Mexico, Casa Nuevo 120, Los Alcobas, Hotel Habita, Camino Real
consider taking a street food tour! I’m actually quite sad I didn’t go on one myself, as the street food was the one thing I feel like I missed out on, but you’ve gotta have something to go back for right? My friends recommended this one to me: Club Tengo Hambre
prepare for the high altitude. Mexico City is about 7500 ft above sea level, and it can affect you if you’re not used to it like most us Angelenos!
take Ubers! For convenience, safety and reliability reasons.
get money from a bank ATM for a lower exchange rate. Most people/places will take American dollars, but try not to use them if you can avoid it. Pesos or credit cards are definitely best.
if you plan on visiting the Frida Kahlo museum and you want to take photos, be sure to purchase a photo pass in the coat check room! This is not advertised, but it’s available and it is affordable. Als0 – buy your tickets online ahead of time, save yourself the time you’d have to wait in line.
there are two airports in Mexico City, make sure you remember that when scheduling your flights and pickups/dropoffs
getting reservations at the popular Mexico City restaurants like Pujol, Maximo Bistro, Quintonil, Contramar, Rosetta, etc are difficult on short notice. Try to book the ones you really want to go to as far in advance as possible. This can be done directly on their respective websites, and you have the option to waitlist should your first choice not be immediately available.
lastly… don’t try to do too much. Pick 1-2 “must-see’s” a day, let the rest fall into place, and enjoy yourself!
Source: http://loveandloathingla.com/2018/10/angelenos-guide-mexico-city/
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cooney60rafn-blog · 6 years
How you can Learn Any type of New Sporting activity Without Sucking.
Human organs are a sparse commodity, as well as practically 80,000 people are currently waiting for one in the United States alone. Which is why our company established Fitaide, a freshly launch that motivates folks with no time for health and fitness to switch their day-to-day activities right into high intensity exercises. Donald Trump as well as his administration ought to quit cozying up to tyrants as well as begin having human rights truly. Its web site was back up and also operating Saturday, if little by little at times provided the number of individuals were trying to secure info coming from the institution. Historically, that only have not been worth trying to do in a feature film, considering that the sources, be this making time or the human work had to attain this would certainly be astronomically pricey. This's improbable that these guidelines would be actually applied to someone attempting to making a living cross between an individual and also an animal for some mad science reason. My worry is actually that our company're specialized individuals, as well as our experts don't like to assume that individual emotional state can govern science, national politics and modern technology. Wu as well as Izpisua Belmonte are presently exploring strategies entailing CRISPR genetics editing and enhancing to figure out where precisely the human stalk tissues need to be actually introduced and also what body organs can be expanded. A lot of works are going pleading and also a lot of people can't acquire works or they are actually under-employed, suggesting it is driving down incomes. Firstly you need to understand that the video games were actually assessed through various individuals that may effectively not coincide one another. Currently, Mount Sinai as well as other mentor medical facilities are actually making use of the BioDigital human to train their medical others, which currently perform on 3D human beings in addition to remains. That makes me believe, as an ordinary gamer just how forgotten some games would certainly be for people with a handicap generally. For example, decide on the Series Image Examine possibility to make the Finder display a thumbnail of reports' components (for data types it's familiar along with). However the iphone and also Android beta applications have been actually slow to remove due to the fact that they are actually attempting to educate folks an absolutely brand-new method to outlet. A speaker off Singapore's Health Sciences Authority, which moderates wellness products in the nation, claimed typical implantable energetic health care units include cardiac pacemakers and also cardiac defibrillators for clients along with conditions relating to heart fee or even rhythm. The World wide web from Points (IoT) creates average factors around our team intelligent" and also gathers big amounts from information that may be processed to define human cleverness. Just because you understand that, doesn't indicate others do. And, that's handy to find that all positioned out, some individuals only are actually too careless or hectic to possess time to mess around on their phone, thus this helps. While an amazing feat in itself, robotically producing a neuron is sunlight years away from fixing an entire individual brain, a naturally, definitely complex framework-- let alone understanding ways to integrate human consciousness as well as cleverness. I am actually therefore fed up with folks publishing about Pokemon fucking Go. Poke-this, Poke-that. This would certainly likewise give all of them along with far better wellness throughout their lifestyle, as the testicles are actually a major cause of health problems in guys as they grow older. For recent twenty years we've acquired so utilized to keyword hunt that google.com came to be a genuine verb. These are actually the people that supervisors want to tap the services of, however those workers understand their worth as well as will not be dealt with like cogs in a well-oiled device. http://healthblog-vn.com/ 's a complimentary spin by spin path application and also it will certainly communicate the paths to you as well! Rather notoriously, he traded SEGA exclusive legal rights to Actual Sound for the components firm giving away 1,000 Saturn units to the visually-impaired. Of the themes you've selected for recently's PD, I find pair of very most intriguing, namely the Apple Watch as a health care gadget (shockingly), primarily a bio-med laboratory, as well as 2nd the interaction in between robotics and Artificial Intelligence, exclusively the capability of a robotic to decline a human command. Our company receive this: you're an immature baby that intends to disregard REAL LIFE while you provide all your private information to a huge enterprise in exchange for the possibility to playing around seeming like a half-wit with your eyes glued to the monitor like some form of individual lamb. I will say regrettably that this facet from human resources, like training as well as correct expert growth, appears to have actually taken a significant alternate route in the course of the economical recession. In addition, at Construct: Data on March TWENTY, I'll be talking about the relationship of big data and medical with Aetna innovation scalp Michael Palmer. Saifullah pointed out studies have presented that it is actually human nature to reply to familiarity and also kind connections, as well as Mitnick made use of this trait and deployed social planning to get sensitive info. The resources and workers to successfully finish a professional little one design task would demand so much more compared to a trained hereditary developer and some lab room. When betting the 1st boss in Human Revolution's Director's Slice version, I was struck by exactly how he always seemed to be in one location, although I could plainly find him veering all around. In the documentation, 11 heirs of sex and also labor trafficking, which were actually appointed through President Obama to the very first U.S. Advisory Authorities on Individual Trafficking in 2015, deliver referrals on effective ways to improve federal government trafficking policies-- ranging coming from laws to public understanding initiatives to targets' solutions. Our experts are trying to produce a Wii-like adventure on the apple iphone in order that individuals could exercise when they possess opportunity and enjoy yourself together. Woolworths engaged along with SAP to deliver an end-to-end human resources control device on the SuccessFactors platform. But its own activity to update man-made owning intelligence to folks status just underscores only what does it cost? we must shed on a raw, individual, stirring level when we surrender our automobile tricks for the incredibly last opportunity Microsoft wants to be actually a lot more engageded in the personnels application food cycle.
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marblelight7-blog · 6 years
Introversion, Extroversion and the Extremely Sensitive Particular person
Highly Sensitive People According to the documentary Delicate: The Untold Story, there are 1.four billion extremely delicate individuals (HSPs) in the entire world (15-twenty% of the populace). As Elaine Aron’s investigation has proven, thirty% of that fifteen-20% of the HSP inhabitants are delicate extroverts – or roughly 420 million HSPs. Regrettably, because of in excellent element to social media and latest textbooks released on introversion, these 420 million sensitive extroverts are typically mislabeled or lumped into a common category of extroversion. They are usually referred to as the “extroverted introvert,” the “outgoing introvert” or the “contemplative extrovert.” It is crucial to differentiate in between the introverts and extroverts who are HSP and people who do not self-determine as HSPs. All HSPs, whether introvert or extrovert, have 4 primary traits as recognized by study psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron in Psychotherapy and the Highly Delicate Man or woman (2010.) These 4 are: D.O.E.S. 1) Depth of Processing two) Above Stimulation three) Psychological Responsiveness & Empathy four) Sensitive to Subtleties The other eighty% of the population, who are not extremely delicate, do not possess these four attributes, nor the implications connected with them. It is simple to see why the strains among introversion, extroversion and high sensitivity have turn into blurred. I imagine this confusion initial started when two extremely useful books on introversion were revealed: The Introvert Gain (Laney 2002) and Silent: The Electrical power of Introverts in a Globe that Won’t End Chatting (Cain 2012.) Equally of these textbooks have been especially useful not only to introverts, but also to extremely delicate folks as well. The Introvert Benefit has accomplished an excellent task of bridging a gap between introverts and extroverts. I specifically favored her ebook simply because Laney advocates for these who have frequently felt disregarded, unseen or like “something was wrong with them.” These sentiments are virtually identical to the kinds shared by the highly delicate men and women I have had the honor of functioning with considering that 2000. Susan Cain’s effectively-written, researched guide, Quiet, includes seven-ten pages describing Elaine Aron’s investigation. Maybe it is below that the definitions among Sensory Processing Sensitivity and introversion start to merge? Any hoped for discussion about correlations or overlaps amongst the two are regrettably omitted. Cain does endeavor to explain or prevent achievable confusion by sharing that she intentionally chose a broader definition of introversion, drawing on the work of a lot of, which includes Jerome Kagan and Elaine Aron. (p. 269, Silent.) Susan Cain attended the tenth HSP Accumulating Retreat at Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County in 2006, and I was delighted to study a detailed account of her retreat knowledge in Tranquil, (pp. 133-134.) It was at this retreat that Susan shared her fascination in the relationship amongst introversion and sensitivity. Later on, I was honored to be interviewed for her guide, together with Dr. Aron. Nonetheless, when her book was revealed, I identified myself baffled and a little bit dismayed when reading through the description of “introversion.” I was baffled largely simply because my non-HSP introvert husband or wife was nowhere to be found in Peaceful, but I saw myself, the delicate extrovert, during. I soon recognized Dr. Aron shared a related reaction of dismay. In reality, from Aron’s Psychology These days weblog (2012) article she states: “…Her (Cain’s) discussion of “introversion” throughout (her guide) is virtually identical to what has grow to be the standard definition of high sensitivity—deep thinkers, preferring to procedure slowly and gradually, sensitive to stimuli, emotionally reactive, needing time by itself, and so forth, all as described in the first scientific paper exclusively on sensitivity, revealed in 1997…” See full Psychology Nowadays site here. The confusion is easy to understand given Cain’s wide definition of an introvert: “…a man of contemplation ~ one particular who is: reflective, cerebral, bookish, unassuming, delicate, considerate, serious, contemplative, refined, introspective, internal-directed, mild, calm, modest, solitude-searching for, shy, danger-adverse and slim skinned…” (Silent, p. 270) Below is Cain’s definition of the extrovert, described in Silent: “…a guy of action, one who is: ebullient, expansive, sociable, gregarious, excitable, dominant, assertive, lively, risk-getting, thick-skinned, outer-directed, lighthearted, bold and cozy in the spotlight…” (Silent, p. 270) A lot more Confusion There are many a lot more conflicting definitions of introversion and extroversion, and these abound in many social media websites on introversion as nicely. The Myers Briggs Personality Assessment, and other folks like it, include to the confusion as they rightly verify: “extroverts get their power renewed by shelling out time with people, included in a extensive selection of activities or social activities.” And that introverts: “get their energy renewed by shelling out by itself, using time to inwardly, process and think about ideas, and to take part in quieter, much more thoughtful routines.” But we do have to inquire: What about the sensitive extrovert? We also pause to check (mirror) have deep, complex internal lives (introspective) thrive when connecting deeply with other individuals and want additional downtime to procedure the activities of our working day (interior directed). We also need far more slumber than other people and we require solitude or downtime to recover from overstimulation. See how straightforward it is to confuse the qualities of extremely delicate folks with a broader definition of introversion? It is this confusion that motivated my investigation with the sensitive extrovert which encompassed the pursuing: a lot more than one hundred written study responses more than 10 many years 37 in-depth semi-structured interviews with delicate extraverts in between the ages of 35 and 70 and my personal ethnographic observations more than sixteen a long time gained from observing HSPs at 33 HSP Collecting Retreats. This investigation was increased by 20 many years as a Licensed Professional Counselor, 17 of these operating solely with HSPs. My operate has also included administering and interpreting the Myers Briggs Persona Evaluation to a multitude people given that turning out to be certified to use this tool in 1991. Even though I am a wonderful supporter of the Myers Briggs, obtaining been certified in its use considering that 1991, it is essential, specifically in the context of this perform, to note it was conceptualized lengthy before the research into our trait of SPS Sensory Processing Sensitivity. This hole in expertise influenced the development of my class: Myers Briggs with the HSP Overlay. This course will help, alongside with several other insights, will help to differentiate HSP introversion and HSP extroversion from the general groups of introversion and extroversion. Knowing the Very Sensitive Extrovert – Truths and Misconceptions The extremely delicate extrovert (HSE) fulfills most if not all of the conditions Cain utilizes to explain the introvert in Quiet. We are contemplative, introspective, variety, light, empathetic, innovative, visionary, intense, and perceptive. Several of us are social justice activists, lecturers, humanitarians, poets, non secular academics or counselors, and choose a significantly less stimulating surroundings more than a more “random” social one particular. The HSE does require to go “inward.” It is in these quieter environments where we retreat for the deep, inside processing that comes in a natural way to currently being an HSP. This inward condition is also where our religious existence resides and where we rest and recharge from an often harried external globe. The HSE also wants to achieve vitality from the exterior planet, due to the fact if we spend way too much time in this internal entire world, we can grow to be, lethargic, restless, unmotivated or even slightly frustrated. It is then we know we need to have to get out of our interior entire world and find “novel” stimulation which will inspire or energize us. Discover the phrase “novel” — our excursions in the outer entire world need to be novel, and chosen by us, based on our person wants, or else the activity can turn out to be just as overstimulating for us as the introvert HSP. And even when we are out, very considerably making the most of ourselves, we can frequently return home overstimulated, physically tired, and in need of further sleep or processing time. The HSE is not the identical as the ambivert. Why? Due to the fact ambiversion implies a single can select to go out, engage in social routines and take pleasure in by themselves without the kind of above stimulation, deep processing, or awareness of subtleties that HSPs encounter. Ambiversion also does not take into account the other attributes in the D.OE.S. acronym pointed out over. When in much more optimistic environments, as individually described by the HSE, we can be hugely responsive and our natural joy, curiosity and enthusiasm may be considered as normally extroverted. Our extremely sensitive enthusiasm can be contagious, but if we are not cautious, we can turn into effortlessly overstimulated, and might overstimulate other folks as effectively. In much more unfavorable environments, the HSE can seem to be introverted. We can also turn out to be tranquil, reserved or withdrawn. A further explanation of this can be found in the “differential susceptibility” function of Belsky & Pluess (2009.) Unlike the introvert, the HSE seems to be ahead to generating meaningful time out in the entire world, and are usually catalysts for other folks to sign up for in our special adventures. Nevertheless, we can increase tired, and depleted of vitality, becoming the only one particular to initiate actions with our more introverted companions. Because of our inclination toward overstimulation, it is not strange for the HSE to leave an celebration early. Even when experiencing an action, we can usually return property emotion “wired and tired” simply because the really picked activity that energized us, can also make us exhausted and in want of by itself time or a nap. The HSE can usually be found engaged in fascinating, novel, creative activities outdoors the house – and we often get pleasure from these actions more with 1 or two others. When out and about in their decided on routines, they are warm and partaking, usually experiencing or initiating conversations with strangers they fulfill, and/or at times creating a new friend. Some study (Laney 2002) indicates the neurotransmitter dopamine energizes the extravert mind leading to, them to seek out external benefits in the kind of position, income, sex, social affiliation or a promotion at operate. It is essential to know the HSP, introvert or extrovert, is not determined by these external societal benefits. In simple fact, quite the opposite is accurate. The very sensitive individual, extrovert or introvert, demonstrates much more about the “way the planet is going” is much more anxious with deep, significant relationships and the exploration of the which means of daily life, social injustices, and why things are the way they are. In truth, Barrie Jaeger’s e-book, Generating Operate Function for the Extremely Sensitive Person tends to make it distinct that the HSP is a lot more in need to have of “psychic income” and will typically get a place decrease in income if the job gives chance for meaningful engagement in the world. HSEs vary according to their age. The more youthful HSE is likely to be quite social, in no way turning down an invitation to do something with their friends. This may be simply because they possess much more bodily energy which allows them to take pleasure in a lot more extroverted routines. The a lot more mature, or more mature HSE, is not rewarded by social pursuits, nor by interacting with friends or strangers, except if it is an atmosphere and interaction based mostly on trust, openness, and authenticity. Our passions manifest outwardly and we will easily risk our ease and comfort zone for brings about that are essential to us. Many HSEs are social justice activists, speaking out passionately for what we believe. Several of us are leaders, not due to the fact we want to be, and not simply because we appreciate the spotlight (we don’t), but due to the fact our compassionate convictions have placed us in management roles, frequently since no 1 else has stepped up to the plate. You will find a lot of HSEs passionate and expressive about what they do to make the planet a much better place, particularly when reciprocity and mutuality are in location. Unlike the HSP introvert, we go inward (i.e., we “introvert” as a verb) largely to get well, rest and renew – not necessarily because we “prefer” to be by itself. Soon after our bodily and psychological energies are recharged by being “in,” we go “out” to manifest our visions, our passions, or our perform in the planet. We appreciate sharing our concepts with other like-minded individuals. The HSE extravert is heat, engaging, expressive, and easy to know, and can make and maintain pals without way too a lot trouble, even though they are typically effortlessly fulfilled with only small circle of near, loyal and true friendships. It is always easy to recognize the sensitive extrovert who attends an HSP Collecting Retreat. I by no means have to ponder if they are making the most of themselves for their smiles, openness and discussions go away no issue that they are content they came. Introverts are a lot more hard to read, at least for the very first two times. Then, the introvert HSP exhibits up just as engaged as the sensitive extrovert. The HSE can frequently unconsciously problem the position quo, by basically stating something they are passionate about in an off-handed way. This then attracts focus to them selves, which is some thing we find extremely awkward, hence we withdraw, and can seem as introverts. Nonetheless, if our values are in jeopardy, we can be passionate, outspoken and will tolerate overstimulation and interest in buy to make our point of see comprehended, or to obstacle an injustice. The bulk of HSEs are most very likely substantial sensation seekers (HSS), (http://hsperson.com/take a look at/higher-feeling-seeking-test/) though not essentially in a bodily difficult type of way. We are seekers of novelty and do not shy absent from powerful activities, if decided on by us. The same could be mentioned for introverts who are higher sensation in search of. For the HSE/HSS, being underneath-stimulated can be just as anxiousness-producing as becoming overstimulated. Thus discovering one’s “optimal degree of stimulation” is usually challenging …yet gratifying, energizing and nurturing when recognized, skilled and preserved. Several HSEs uncover great satisfaction in work that let them to instruct a subject issue they take pleasure in. For instance, one sensitive extrovert liked being a productive mentor of a girls’ volleyball team, nevertheless she dreaded “recognition night” when she had to use a microphone to bestow awards, and communicate to a crowd of parents. Other sensitive extroverts, when allowed to manage their possess time, have discovered parenting to be a fantastic joy. Others identified teaching to be extremely gratifying, nevertheless have been drained by community faculty environments. The HSE thrives on deep meaningful connections with other folks. We usually perform greatest when collaborating with others, especially when emotion secure to share our truest feelings and feelings. We are innovative, visionary and influenced by frequent interests we share with other folks. We thrive on mutuality, reciprocity and empathy, and can wither with out it. Just like the HSP introvert, feeling misunderstood, excluded or invalidated is a recurring topic for the sensitive extrovert as nicely. The HSE recognized as experience factors deeply, being emotional, caring deeply about others and the world at large. More from a Myers Briggs Viewpoint My study, like deciphering Myers Brigs final results with scores of HSPs, has demonstrated the bulk of HSPs are of the “NF” temperament, particularly: INFP, adopted by INFJ, then ENFP, ENFJ. Then will come ISFJ, and much less regularly, ESFJ. There are many HSPs who are “Ts” and can be identified within the “NT” temperament, this kind of as INTP and INTJ. Less HSPs are ISTJ, ISTP. I have achieved only two HSPs who discovered as ESTJ. A lot of delicate extroverts mistakenly believe they are introverts since their (Myers Briggs) raw scores between the E (extraversion) and the I (introversion) are very minimal. This normally leads to the misconception that they are possibly ambiverts, or that they are well-well balanced among the two tastes. This is not precise. According to Myers Briggs idea, a reduced rating in between preferences implies some type of transition or turmoil in between the two functions. Case in point: the HSE is often overstimulated and harried when in the exterior entire world, however they can become very easily bored, lethargic or knowledge a minimal grade despair if “introverting” (as in a verb) for too lengthy, therefore there frequently is a perception of transition or turmoil amongst extroversion and introversion for the HSE. Numerous HSEs can be led to believe they are introverts because of their avoidance of crowded, noisy locations, their require for on your own time and their general misunderstanding about the distinction in between the HSP extrovert and the non-HSP extrovert. Below is what one particular participant, pretty new to the HSP trait shared following her participation in my Myers Briggs/HSP Overlay class: “…It is thrilling to recognize far more about my HSP trait and the Myers Briggs. This has served me realize my sensitivity, and some of my extraversion desires that or else have constantly felt so contradictory. I lastly know I’m not a “contemplative extrovert,”, or an “outgoing introvert” ~~ I am a extremely sensitive extrovert. I simply cannot inform you how significantly sense this can make to me… It helps me find out what stability appears like in my existence inside of the E and HSP context – a harmony which has eluded me for several a long time. I seem ahead to consciously picking to honor equally my extraversion and my sensitivity and to discovering a a lot more nurturing and significant balance between the two…” So are there any variances in between the HSP Extrovert and the HSP Introvert? Of course, there are. However, my research plainly exhibits the distinction among the delicate extrovert and delicate introvert to be quite small. The better difference was in between the HSP populace, and the other eighty% who do not self-identify with the Sensory Processing Sensitivity Trait. Even so, here are a handful of variations in between the delicate extrovert and delicate introvert. We do desire to share our thoughts and feelings out loud rather than create them. In simple fact, when baffled or looking for clarity, we may very first jot down a couple of notes, but are most relieved and obtain the most clarity when speaking with a trusted friend. We do not like to share our personalized life or routines by way of social media, however, we do simply share our private life in man or woman with individuals we know, like and have faith in. In contrast to what social media tells us about the introvert the HSE does not thoughts chatting on the phone. In truth, the telephone has nothing at all to do with it – it is the particular person we are speaking to and the context of the discussion that signifies the most to us. So, yes, we will allow the call go to voicemail if we do not acknowledge the caller. But, if it is a phone from a person in our “Inner HSP Circle” or an individual we know and believe in, we joyfully acquire their get in touch with, and are most very likely enriched, or energized, by the context of our discussion. Neither the HSE, nor HSP introvert enjoys little chat. However, observations made about two days into the four working day HSP Collecting Retreats display that after the chance to “go deep” and share our “authentic” selves, the HSP can and does have interaction in little chat typically a lot to their surprise. Summary The HSE is not the “man of action” described in Quiet. It is also not precise to presume the non-HSP introvert, like my spouse, (who can make up the bulk of the introvert population as noticed in the graph on p. one) is the “man of contemplation.” Last but not least, it is precise, and only reasonable, to differentiate among 4 temperaments: the HSE, the HS Introvert, the extrovert who is not an HSP, and the introvert who is not an HSP. To comprehend these differences, it is crucial to overlay any discussions of extroversion and introversion with the D.O.E.S. ~ (one~Depth of Processing 2~Overstimulation threePsychologicalEmotional Intensity, Empathy and Responsiveness, and four~ Sensitive to Subtleties) simply because as previously talked about, these use to all extremely delicate people. The D.O.E.S. does not use to all introverts or extroverts, especially people who do not self-discover as hugely delicate individuals. Elaine Aron closes her write-up in Psychology These days (2012) pointed out earlier with this assertion: “…Well, whatever we identify this trait, the most current investigation implies that the standard strategy of getting far more delicate is determined by several genes, and these do not occur with names on them. We researchers are producing the names—introverted, inhibited, shy, delicate, and responsive. As we understand more, we will become more accurate. For now, if you are socially extroverted but feel issues deeply, ponder the that means of lifestyle, replicate just before performing, and need to have a good deal of down time, make sure you, be patient. If you are socially introverted but not particularly bothered by loud sounds, are not very emotional, and make conclusions fairly effortlessly, remember to also be patient. We’ll get it correct about you, too…” It is my hope this write-up will assist grow the conversation, and encourage a lot more correct definitions amongst introversion, extraversion and the extremely delicate man or woman. It is also my hope that the 420 million delicate extroverts could much more easily and easily identify as the extremely delicate person they are, so they can far better strategy for the sort self-treatment that empowers all HSPs. Warmly, Jacquelyn Jacquelyn Strickland, LPC, is a delicate extravert (ENFP) who has a very well developed introvert facet which she thoroughly enjoys and needs. She has been married to a non-HSP introvert (ISTP) because 1978, and is the mother two grown introvert sons, a single of whom is an HSP, and the other who is fairly kind and considerate, however does not possess the SPS trait of more finely tuned nervous method. She is virtually specified her eldest granddaughter, born in 2014, is a delicate extrovert. She explains this more completely in the chapter on delicate extroversion in her guide on empowerment and the extremely delicate person ~ the ebook that, regardless of her resistance, has been producing alone. She has been a Accredited Skilled Counselor given that 1993, functioning exclusively, and quietly, with HSPs since 2000. She has been certified as a Myers Briggs skilled since 1991, and has shared the Myers Briggs with hundreds of HSPs given that 2000. She is the co-creator of the HSP Accumulating Retreats Since 2001 with Dr. Elaine Aron. Notice: I would be remiss if I did not publicly accept Dr. Leslie Dodson, a pal, colleague, sensitive extrovert and international humanitarian extraordinaire, for her gracious mutuality, reciprocity and collaboration as she aided me clarify the final results of my analysis. Thank you dear Leslie.
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caredogstips · 7 years
The latest ‘Survivor’ castaway descends to the second blindside in three chapters
Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X came to an end on Wednesday darknes for the 33 rd season’s oldest castaway, Paul Wachter.
A loud but friendly chairman around clique, the barge auto-mechanic and musician was a amiable spirit in the early days of the rivalry. Regrettably, the six-strong partnership that he was a part of unraveled when Paul’s no-BS disposition led him to make a distressing comment.
SEE ALSO: Post-tribal drama controlled the millennial clique on ‘Survivor’ tonight
While chatting with Jessica, one of the six, Paul announced outright that he’d give the women in the alliance know if the people got together and decided to form a boy’s guild. His apparent willingness to throw in with the people if such a possibility originate caused Jessica to turn things around.
Mashable caught up with Wachter the morning after his removal to chitchat about his unfortunate early exit from the game, his health scare in the previous escapade it was not a heart attack and his approach to the game as a whole.
Hi Paul, how are you doing ?
Wonderful! Though not as good after last night’s indicate; I can’t think that they voted me out. I was hoping I’d go all the way to the end.
I’m so sorry. So before we get to last night’s depict, I just want to ask you about the week before. Was that a heart attack ?
No , no no no. I didn’t have a heart attack. I had heatstroke. I got truly dehydrated. Just super dehydrated, malnourished, I was just down. It was one of those things that rose on very quickly.
Jeff Probst and Dr. Joe assess Paul Wachter’s condition on the second episode of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen. X.
I detected a bit dehydrated the previous day, but we had been through a lot[ with the] tornadoes and evacuations. It was like the games times two. We had to is not simply construct our shelter but rebuild our shelter, then we had really bad weather.
So a lot of things came together and it took its toll on me.
You clearly rebounded back in the last chapter .
I got rehydrated. And I can’t credit the Survivor team enough Jeff Probst and the crowd to have had such a fast reaction. To have parties there immediately to check me for everything. Doctor Joe checking my mettle was…I’m 52 years old and I’m in a very stressful place, and he was genuinely concerned that we should have a look, and he did.
Well, I was definitely glad you did bounce back. Unfortunately it came to an terminate very quickly afterward. Did you have any inkling going into tribal that this was coming ?
None. None. We were very solid in our partnership. Not exclusively did I not know it was coming, it shouldn’t have happened. Even if it was taken literally, what I said about the boys going forward and so on, that little snippet with Jessica and I talking.
Jess and I were friends, Sunday and I are friends. I know it’s a tough tournament but they knew I was in it for the long haul to get to the mix and keep us together. We had a very easy method. So to do what they did and climb ship like that … I don’t know if it was good gamesmanship, but it was emphatically unnecessary.
There’s apparently so much we don’t accompany at home. We just got that little snippet. Was that blindside, that betrayal, did that all arising as a result of that mention? Was there anything more that we didn’t identify ?
I think what you did see you hear Ken talk a lot. And we didn’t insure Ken talk a lot. The girlfriends getting together like that, and get paid great attention to such an early place in the game … it was way too soon to have to worry about that.
So Chris was comfy, Brett was comfy. I wasn’t the only one blindsided. I was the one that got sent home. But Chris was blindsided and so was Brett, and I consider I hope they learned a very valuable lesson that the girls[ are untrustworthy ]. Especially Jessica. She was always worried that somebody was scheming, but it always discontinued up being her.
Paul Wachter and Chris Hammons on Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen. X.
They did what they find they had to do. It’s nobody’s fault but my own. I payed them a missile for their handgun and once I sided them that missile, they used it. I shouldn’t have said what I pronounced; it’s me and my big mouth.
What are you gonna do? It’s Survivor . You sit at home and you yell at the screen, and you go ‘What an stupid! Why would you do that ?! ‘ And there I was, stand in my underwear like an moronic reading concepts I would yell at the screen for. It’s my own fault. They played a great play, they are only didn’t “re going to have to” do it. They didn’t “re going to have to” do it like that.
It does seem very early to turn us-led coalition forces in that way. Do you feel the chapter painted you as kind of a rogue ?
They decorated me as a bossy kind of person. But I didn’t start the alliance. I wasn’t even the leader of the coalition forces. Chris is in charge of the coalition forces. They returned me into the alliance.
When you watch the show it looks like I started this whole stuff and I did all this, but what they don’t demo you is how many times I tried to get Ken to join.
David the reason David was on the outs all the time was because he was constantly in the timbers trying to find an idol, from the time we got there. He taken away from, extending, to try to find an idol and it pee-pee everybody off. Dude, is impossible to please get some shelter fixed? There’ll be spate of time to go scour small island developing for this.
For Gen-X, some of the peoples of the territories are currently in hyper-speed when they didn’t have to be. They were playing the game like it was the fifth or sixth week, and it was like the first day.
We interpreted it last-place night with the summit, but beyond that do you feel that David determined more with the millennials, seemed more like concoction of the millennial gang ?
David’s a screenwriter. He writes for TV. He was willing to do anything to winning the game. That being said, he’s a wily person. He has a space about him.
Once we had that six-person confederation, there were no choices actually. It was simply[ a case where] we were going to pick them off one by one, are going to the merge, and we all knew it was activity on from there. But I didn’t get that far.
Going in, what was your programme going to get? For the long term .
I said this before I even started, I added I hope I can escape somebody making a quick decision in the beginning. Because a lot of seasons you see it on Survivor where you look a really good musician get voted out. It was a snap decision, everybody’s various kinds of brand-new , nobody’s really sure what to do.
I anticipate my strategy “goin ” was to try not to be as big a personality as I am. And you can’t do it. You can’t do it. I can’t not be me. Sooner or afterwards, I’m coming out. It precisely happens, I can’t cook it. Sooner or afterwards I’m gonna tell you what I think.
With all that mentioned, it’s nobody’s flaw but my own. I get voted out. The children did what they needed to do. They’re all kids to me because they’re all younger than me.
Paul Wachter, Chris Hammons, David Wright, Justin Starrett, Ciandre Taylor, Taylor Stocker, Will Wahl and Jessica Figueroa on Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen. X.
I think Chris and David are playing a very smart recreation. I believe Chris has the ability to really go to the end. And I see David’s conspiring enough to perhaps do the same thing.
You’ve got to remember, it was so early. Maybe it was just me loosening too much. I was surely loosened at Tribal Council. Talk about blindside. If I had an idol, I perhaps wouldn’t have played it. Because I had no clue I was going home.
Your group, or at least the men in your group, certainly seemed cozy . It’s been 2 weeks in a row that evidence your point about those early play fatalities, and how it’s often amiable people like you and like Mari .
Mari! Talk about an awesome person that should still be in that play. I could not think it is. I find her get voted out and it was the same precise occasion. It was a kneejerk action. They made a intention, just like we did. The millennials had a game plan going in, this is how we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna broken off Figgy.
Will Wahl and Paul Wachter on SURVIVOR: Millennials vs. Gen. X.
They had this large proposal and we had the same situation. We were gonna take out CeCe, she’s the weakest relate. And then they got there and they all changed their thoughts. It’s nonsensical. It’s a great time though, it’s awesome.
What a errand it must be to go from viewer to competitor .
It’s certainly surreal. I’m not a Hollywood guy. So it’s so weird to see yourself up there, and your spokesperson clangs different. You don’t think you act or do like you are.
Would you do it again ?
Oh yeah. If they asked me to do it again, I would sure do it differently. But oh, utterly, I are certainly go after it again.
You tell people you’re prepared and I guessed I had prepared really well to leave, but good luck.
There is no preparation. It’s been going on for 17 times, 33 seasons … and you still have parties getting blindsided and forming no appreciation. That’s what draws the evidence the show.
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The post The latest ‘Survivor’ castaway descends to the second blindside in three chapters appeared first on caredogstips.com.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/nba-playoffs-2017-how-the-bucks-other-rookie-changed-game-1-against-raptors/
NBA Playoffs 2017: How the Bucks' other rookie changed Game 1 against Raptors
The Milwaukee Dollars trailed the Toronto Raptors 51-forty six at halftime on Saturday, however it have become clear early inside the third sector that they had been now not going to head down without a combat. Spurred on by using an not likely hero, they held the Raptors’ elite offense to 32 points on 20 percent taking pictures inside the 2nd half, taking a 1-0 lead in the series with a 97-eighty three victory.
Heading into the playoffs, Bucks rookie Thon Maker’s function turned into an open query
He ended the season as their beginning middle, but in lots of the one’s video games he changed into a starter in name most effective: he’d play the primary six minutes or so of every half of, and that become it. Before Game 1, Milwaukee educates Jason Kidd told journalists he wasn’t concerned approximately beginning two newbies — Maker and Rookie of the Year candidate Malcolm Brogdon — and, later on, it regarded stupid that this becomes even a query.
Milwaukee’s run started whilst Toronto protects Kyle Lowry drove to the basket less than minutes into the 0.33 area. He used a display screen from Jonas Valanciunas, however Maker stayed with him all of the ways to the basket and used his 7-foot-3 wingspan to swat it away. This started a fast wreck that ended with the not possible-in-transition Giannis Antetokounmpo making a layup.
Some possessions later, the Raptors made a mistake of supporting off of Maker on a force. Despite in no way having performed on a level like this, he showed no hesitation whilst creating a midrange jumper. He needs to have that self-belief: already, he is one in every of Milwaukee’s satisfactory shooters.
Pre Playoffs 2013 and Outlook for Next Season
What a surprise – the remaining suit occurred to be the vital spot in the season 2012/2013; that time the opponent grew to become out to be the champion of remaining season, the Eisbären Berlin. This changed into a difficult group to overcome for the Tigers, in view that most effective a victory should have led to acquiring rank ten, which was the prerequisite for the pre-playoff video games. Another time, my older son, Tobias became part of this historic triumph, similar to the year earlier than, when we have been tales of the implausible victory versus Adler Mannheim resulting in the direct participation of the playoffs.
This exciting sport against the reliable champion of 2012 changed into
Extraordinarily thrilling, but the Tigers carried out sensationally nicely, preserving the top players far away from their goalie or even scoring six instances whereas the protection only allowed two dreams which were pretty outstanding in this case. If the Tigers had scored one extra aim, the Eisbären Berlin would not have even obtained the proper to play their first sport at domestic; besides they were lucky that way.
Overdue afternoon, the gang inside the stadium become astounded once more having performed the pre playoffs this season. Who has to have been the crew to be overwhelmed that time? Soon it became clear, that the Augsburg Panthers had been the opponent.
Sooner or later, I used to be proper to overlook about all the ones different games earlier than and start out at zero – besides, it becomes apparent that the Tigers had to play their satisfactory hockey.
First of all, the Tigers needed to head to Augsburg; almost 6,500 crazy spectators accompanied this sport, a huge fan network of Straubing changed into in amidst this crowd of passionate people. Ultimately, after the second overtime which basically lasted approximately 20 minutes, the Tigers set the fortunate punch and lead 1: zero within the collection.
Then, I attempted to understand a treasured price tag for the subsequent home game taking region days later on the Pulverturm, while I was followed with the aid of a near friend who had already killed lots of pretty emotional games.
In fact, we were a part of an incredible recreation of my liked Tigers
They were intensively cheered via nearly 6,000 fanatics. Subsequently, we gained 4:1 and reached the quarterfinals versus the sharks of Cologne, whose head educate Uwe Krupp became no longer too glad approximately this constellation.
It goes without announcing that I attempted to get each ticket for the house video games which changed into now not easy in any case. considering the fact that Cologne received the primary fit pretty easy with a 6:1 victory the Tigers had to chunk again Soon. Their first domestic game turned into an actual spotlight once more because our gamers controlled to beat the sharks 5:2. At that second, the whole lot changed into possible again and also you constantly firmly accept as true with for your team besides.
Next match in the big Lanxess arena changed into proven on Television and i watched it, there was absolute confidence.
Why Biomass Energy Is Better Than Other Types of Renewable Energy
There are many special kinds of “green” or renewable power available these days and those are usually searching out greater energy-green resources of green strength as the concern about global warming and greenhouse gases involves the vanguard. For those trying to break out dependence on overseas oil and for those inquisitive about decreasing their impact on the earth, one sort of power stands out many of the rest: biomass strength.
Biomass strength is electricity derived from natural materials, usually waste substances.
Biomass power is, of direction, not the only sort of green or renewable strength that exists in the marketplace. Other famous alternatives consist of sun strength and wind electricity. But, while these Other alternatives get a number of attention within the media, biomass is substantially higher than these picks for numerous exclusive motives:
* Biomass enables preserve waste out of landfills. even as solar electricity makes use of the energy of the solar and wind energy harnesses the wind, biomass power makes use of natural waste merchandise to create electricity. About 70 percent of the waste merchandise disposed of in landfills in the Usa include biomass and plenty of organizations produce a good sized quantity of biomass that provides to this number each day. Biomass continues the waste out of landfills and harnesses it into something useful.
* Biomass strength has a totally long music record of achievement. Biomass power has been used in a few shape or another since the days of the caveman burning wooden for fireplace. Biomass isn’t always a brand new generation or a passing fancy however is as a substitute a long-set up supply of strength.
* Biomass strength is a very dependable supply of energy.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
* Biomass power would not require a wholly new machine or system to paintings. With co-firing, you can use your present boilers and use biomass in conjunction with coal so one can reduce the quantity of coal used by up to twenty percent. That is plenty easier in many instances than trying to completely transfer your energy plant to solar or wind energy..
My Spouse Believes I’ve Changed, And Not For The Better
There may be no question that a lot of us are not the same man or woman who we had been while we met after which married our spouse. This could be especially actual when you have been married for quite a while. And that is due to the fact maximum of us mature and revel in things that shape our personalities so that they tackle a slightly specific look. There’s not anything wrong with this adulthood as it usually manner that we’ve grown and evolved. Regrettably though, it can become an problem if our partner feels that the changes suggest that we’ve outgrown them or are no longer compatible with them.
To demonstrate what I mean, I would listen a comment like:
“once I met my husband, I was a young, naive female who hardly ever spoke to someone except they spoke to me first. I was painfully shy so it becomes most effective natural for me to allow my husband take care of maximum matters. My husband was very cozy with this because he became a good deal extra assertive than I was. So, for a while, this worked very well for us. However, while we had been first married, I took a task that allowed me to stay in the shadows. It was a terrific fit for me then. However,
I have grown with the organization over the years. And now
I am in a control position with a number of responsibilities. I have to take a great deal more of an upfront function. And in the beginning, I wasn’t completely secure being so assertive However after some time, my character advanced so that I now am. As an end result,
I can deal with pretty a lot the whole lot by myself. My husband now not needs to do nearly as plenty for me. And he obviously resents this due to the fact the alternative day, he came home and commenced collecting telephone numbers to call humans to get costs to update our home. I advised him that I had already sorted it. In reality, my assistant took care of maximum of it, However I failed to see the want to tell him this.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/nba-playoffs-2017-how-the-bucks-other-rookie-changed-game-1-against-raptors/
NBA Playoffs 2017: How the Bucks' other rookie changed Game 1 against Raptors
The Milwaukee Dollars trailed the Toronto Raptors 51-forty six at halftime on Saturday, however it have become clear early inside the third sector that they had been now not going to head down without a combat. Spurred on by using an not likely hero, they held the Raptors’ elite offense to 32 points on 20 percent taking pictures inside the 2nd half, taking a 1-0 lead in the series with a 97-eighty three victory.
Heading into the playoffs, Bucks rookie Thon Maker’s function turned into an open query
He ended the season as their beginning middle, but in lots of the one’s video games he changed into a starter in name most effective: he’d play the primary six minutes or so of every half of, and that become it. Before Game 1, Milwaukee educates Jason Kidd told journalists he wasn’t concerned approximately beginning two newbies — Maker and Rookie of the Year candidate Malcolm Brogdon — and, later on, it regarded stupid that this becomes even a query.
Milwaukee’s run started whilst Toronto protects Kyle Lowry drove to the basket less than minutes into the 0.33 area. He used a display screen from Jonas Valanciunas, however Maker stayed with him all of the ways to the basket and used his 7-foot-3 wingspan to swat it away. This started a fast wreck that ended with the not possible-in-transition Giannis Antetokounmpo making a layup.
Some possessions later, the Raptors made a mistake of supporting off of Maker on a force. Despite in no way having performed on a level like this, he showed no hesitation whilst creating a midrange jumper. He needs to have that self-belief: already, he is one in every of Milwaukee’s satisfactory shooters.
Pre Playoffs 2013 and Outlook for Next Season
What a surprise – the remaining suit occurred to be the vital spot in the season 2012/2013; that time the opponent grew to become out to be the champion of remaining season, the Eisbären Berlin. This changed into a difficult group to overcome for the Tigers, in view that most effective a victory should have led to acquiring rank ten, which was the prerequisite for the pre-playoff video games. Another time, my older son, Tobias became part of this historic triumph, similar to the year earlier than, when we have been tales of the implausible victory versus Adler Mannheim resulting in the direct participation of the playoffs.
This exciting sport against the reliable champion of 2012 changed into
Extraordinarily thrilling, but the Tigers carried out sensationally nicely, preserving the top players far away from their goalie or even scoring six instances whereas the protection only allowed two dreams which were pretty outstanding in this case. If the Tigers had scored one extra aim, the Eisbären Berlin would not have even obtained the proper to play their first sport at domestic; besides they were lucky that way.
Overdue afternoon, the gang inside the stadium become astounded once more having performed the pre playoffs this season. Who has to have been the crew to be overwhelmed that time? Soon it became clear, that the Augsburg Panthers had been the opponent.
Sooner or later, I used to be proper to overlook about all the ones different games earlier than and start out at zero – besides, it becomes apparent that the Tigers had to play their satisfactory hockey.
First of all, the Tigers needed to head to Augsburg; almost 6,500 crazy spectators accompanied this sport, a huge fan network of Straubing changed into in amidst this crowd of passionate people. Ultimately, after the second overtime which basically lasted approximately 20 minutes, the Tigers set the fortunate punch and lead 1: zero within the collection.
Then, I attempted to understand a treasured price tag for the subsequent home game taking region days later on the Pulverturm, while I was followed with the aid of a near friend who had already killed lots of pretty emotional games.
In fact, we were a part of an incredible recreation of my liked Tigers
They were intensively cheered via nearly 6,000 fanatics. Subsequently, we gained 4:1 and reached the quarterfinals versus the sharks of Cologne, whose head educate Uwe Krupp became no longer too glad approximately this constellation.
It goes without announcing that I attempted to get each ticket for the house video games which changed into now not easy in any case. considering the fact that Cologne received the primary fit pretty easy with a 6:1 victory the Tigers had to chunk again Soon. Their first domestic game turned into an actual spotlight once more because our gamers controlled to beat the sharks 5:2. At that second, the whole lot changed into possible again and also you constantly firmly accept as true with for your team besides.
Next match in the big Lanxess arena changed into proven on Television and i watched it, there was absolute confidence.
Why Biomass Energy Is Better Than Other Types of Renewable Energy
There are many special kinds of “green” or renewable power available these days and those are usually searching out greater energy-green resources of green strength as the concern about global warming and greenhouse gases involves the vanguard. For those trying to break out dependence on overseas oil and for those inquisitive about decreasing their impact on the earth, one sort of power stands out many of the rest: biomass strength.
Biomass strength is electricity derived from natural materials, usually waste substances.
Biomass power is, of direction, not the only sort of green or renewable strength that exists in the marketplace. Other famous alternatives consist of sun strength and wind electricity. But, while these Other alternatives get a number of attention within the media, biomass is substantially higher than these picks for numerous exclusive motives:
* Biomass enables preserve waste out of landfills. even as solar electricity makes use of the energy of the solar and wind energy harnesses the wind, biomass power makes use of natural waste merchandise to create electricity. About 70 percent of the waste merchandise disposed of in landfills in the Usa include biomass and plenty of organizations produce a good sized quantity of biomass that provides to this number each day. Biomass continues the waste out of landfills and harnesses it into something useful.
* Biomass strength has a totally long music record of achievement. Biomass power has been used in a few shape or another since the days of the caveman burning wooden for fireplace. Biomass isn’t always a brand new generation or a passing fancy however is as a substitute a long-set up supply of strength.
* Biomass strength is a very dependable supply of energy.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
You aren’t dependent upon the solar to polish or on the wind to blow for you to use biomass. This indicates it can be utilized in extra places and through extra human beings in a completely dependable manner and bring the power necessary for plenty exceptional applications. Many people are reluctant to switch to solar or wind power because of troubles with regular electricity being to be had but this worry is removed while you make use of biomass. In truth, some agencies produce sufficient biomass waste to offer all that they need for his or her energy production without relying on a third-celebration provider, increasing reliability even further seeing that there is usually a equipped source of biomass.
* Biomass power would not require a wholly new machine or system to paintings. With co-firing, you can use your present boilers and use biomass in conjunction with coal so one can reduce the quantity of coal used by up to twenty percent. That is plenty easier in many instances than trying to completely transfer your energy plant to solar or wind energy..
My Spouse Believes I’ve Changed, And Not For The Better
There may be no question that a lot of us are not the same man or woman who we had been while we met after which married our spouse. This could be especially actual when you have been married for quite a while. And that is due to the fact maximum of us mature and revel in things that shape our personalities so that they tackle a slightly specific look. There’s not anything wrong with this adulthood as it usually manner that we’ve grown and evolved. Regrettably though, it can become an problem if our partner feels that the changes suggest that we’ve outgrown them or are no longer compatible with them.
To demonstrate what I mean, I would listen a comment like:
“once I met my husband, I was a young, naive female who hardly ever spoke to someone except they spoke to me first. I was painfully shy so it becomes most effective natural for me to allow my husband take care of maximum matters. My husband was very cozy with this because he became a good deal extra assertive than I was. So, for a while, this worked very well for us. However, while we had been first married, I took a task that allowed me to stay in the shadows. It was a terrific fit for me then. However,
I have grown with the organization over the years. And now
I am in a control position with a number of responsibilities. I have to take a great deal more of an upfront function. And in the beginning, I wasn’t completely secure being so assertive However after some time, my character advanced so that I now am. As an end result,
I can deal with pretty a lot the whole lot by myself. My husband now not needs to do nearly as plenty for me. And he obviously resents this due to the fact the alternative day, he came home and commenced collecting telephone numbers to call humans to get costs to update our home. I advised him that I had already sorted it. In reality, my assistant took care of maximum of it, However I failed to see the want to tell him this.
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