#regular chimera monster go ahead)))
griftercricket · 4 years
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Information on Kaz can be found under the cut! 
Roya Kazemi
Roya was born on the road. Both of her parents were professional scammers, spending their lives travelling. They made their own rules, living outside of the law and never remaining in one place long enough to get caught. Their specialty was small towns, the kind of places the Emperor and those who serve him cared so little for that they didn’t even bother investigating their crimes. Their only child, Roya, was born on the backseat of their car, pulled over on the side of the road. They were back on their way within the hour, heading towards their next target. 
For as long as she can remember, Roya has been adored. Her parents showered her with praise, constantly telling her how pretty she was, how clever she was, and granted her every request. Despite spending most of her childhood on the road, she never wanted for anything, and knew everything she owned was stolen. Her parents passed their trade on to her, positioning it like a game, and the thrill of taking what was not hers is a feeling as familiar as an old friend to Roya. 
As she grew under her parents tutelage, Roya grew greedy and entitled. She believed that if she could get away with taking something, she deserved to have it. However, petty theft and small-scale operations ceased to satisfy her like they used to. By the time she was in her late teens, newly an adult and unfamiliar with any other life but the one her family had shown her, she was already looking to something bigger and better. The only trouble was, building something bigger was hard to do when you had to start from scratch every few weeks. Just before her twentieth birthday, Roya bid goodbye to her parents, and set off for the first time on her own.
Mystic Roya
Her first few months in the city weren’t easy. She had never even seen an attempt at putting roots down, and had no clue how to do it for herself. That changed when her mark appeared. Every resourceful, Roya had always had a lucky streak. With her mark, her life-long bout of good fortune made all the more sense. Suddenly, the path ahead was clear. 
It was the biggest con of her life, setting up as “genuine” psychic. She assumed there would be a learning curve, a certain art to reading people that she would learn over time. For the most part, people were far less complicated than they liked to believe themselves to be. All it took was a few vague statements from Roya, blanket “predicitions” that could have applied to anybody. It wouldn’t have been enough on it’s own, but when combined with her talismans, created with her powers and sold to desperate believers, it was hard to deny the power of Mystic Roya. When she promised good luck, she delivered. When she promised love, it was found. She laughs about it behind closed doors, delighting in the games she plays with those who reach out to her for spiritual guidance, but at least she’s laughing all the way to the bank.
Casino Kaz
She loves what she does- really, she does, but Roya has never been very good at the monotonous life. Being in one place for so long is stifling enough, without succumbing to something as mundane as regularity. Roya was naturally restless to begin with, but the storm in which she grew up in only exaggerated this trait. The psychic fraud was fun, and she has no intention of giving it up, but the need for something more developed. Having spent her life chasing thrills, she’s never done well when the thrills disappear. 
Having done so well with her first cultivated persona, it made sense to add another deception to her bow. Mystic Roya was one aspect of who she was, not-quite her, but with enough of her in it to come naturally. The second side of the coin was easier still to slip into. Kaz. Unlike Mystic Roya, there was nothing spiritual about Kaz. They gambled, and cheated, and conned and lied, and loved every minute of it. 
The thrill has always faded quickly, but for Kaz, every day is different, every game is different. It’s enough to keep the excitement alive, and something about her double life keeps her even more exhilarated. Though she still chases excitement where she finds it, for the most part, she’s totally content, happy amassing her fortune and revelling in her success. 
Her mark, the Grifter Cricket, appeared on her lower back, to the left of her tailbone (think a typical tr*mp stamp). She doesn’t know how long it sat there before she noticed it. For her, the transition from human to Night Monster was slow and seamless, reflecting the more subtle nature of her powers. It would be very easy for Kaz to lay low, but her own ego forbids it. She’s always been the flashy type, and never one for laying low when she could be taking center stage. A reckless risk-taker, she never fully thinks of the consequences of her actions. She has luck on her side, though, and for her, that’s all the protection she needs. 
Like most things in her life, Kaz doesn’t take her status as a Night Monster too seriously. She knows the danger, but she simply doesn’t believe anything could happen to her. She knows that everything she has is a direct result of her powers, and isn’t shy about using them to get herself out of almost any situation. Though she doesn’t necessarily shout about her abilities (she’s dumb but she’s not stupid), she enjoys using them and is fairly proud of what she is, even if she can’t express that in the ways she wants to. 
Kaz had a good relationship with both of her parents, but never really stayed in one place long enough growing up to form bonds with anybody out of the family unit of three. Though she was loved, being an only child with no opportunity for friends was a lonely experience for a little girl. She more than makes up for it now, though. Kaz loves making friends, but isn’t the best at keeping them. She’s very much the type of person you’d have a blast with on the odd night out, but keeping up with her over long periods of time can be quite tiresome. For those who can, however, she’s quick to embrace them as found family and accept them as one of her own. 
Kaz has a taste for fine things, and wants nothing less than to surround herself with the best of everything. With the money she has gained, she bought a fancy apartment in the heart of the city. It’s not quite Empire Gardens, but the pace of life there suits her better, anyway. Though she paid for the apartment, she didn’t purchase anything in it. It came fully furnished, anyway, courtesy of the previous owner, and all of Kaz’s own additions have been stolen or swindled. 
Kaz is loyal to the Madhouse Renegades, but only because they best serve her interests. She doesn’t really care very much at all about their mission, nor the plight of the other Night Monsters. Her main concern is what is going on in the here and now, how it effects her, and ensuring her own prosperity. As a result of never settling anywhere any longer than two weeks, she doesn’t really realise the extent of the emperor’s tyranny, nor why what she’s doing matters. It’s all a bit of a game to her, and while she loves the thrill of it, she could easily switch sides if she saw enough benefit in it. She’s pledged her loyalty, but her actual commitment is flaky. 
Despite her success in amassing a small fortune, Kaz is terrible at math. Numbers and data are too objective, and hold very little interest for her, doing little but making her head hurt. She can’t tell you exactly how much she is worth- only that she wants more, and there’s no job too small to be below her consideration. 
Character Tropes: Winds of Destiny, Change  Phony Psychic Karma Houdini Born Lucky Hard-Drinking Party Girl Money Fetish
Character Inspiration: Domino (Deadpool) Crickee (Mulan) Oda Mae Brown (Ghost) Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Lando Calrissian (Star Wars)  The Thénardiers (Les Mis)
Personality Type  ESTP
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Enneagram Type 7 - The Enthusiast 
Western Astrology Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Gemini Rising
Deadly Sin Greed
Heavenly Virtue Gratitude
Paper Butterfly - Potential Victim
Cinder Fox - Frenemy
Demon Cat - Mutual intrigue
Carbon Caiman - Found Family
Night Eagle - Dumbass Duo
Sacred Maggot - Client
Ghost Moth - Stole her home/belongings
Cipher Mole - best friend
Severed Chimera - former assignment
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wyrdautumn · 6 years
The Apothetry Ithnomik
So, now that me and Jacqueline were officially a team, I wanted her help with something that’d been bothering me for a while. Given that I am a hacker of dubious moral character, I like to make a habit of breaking into any encrypted linkservs I happen to find myself in range of, just for funsies, and on the off chance I might learn something interesting, or have a chance to quietly beef up some nice person’s network so they’ll be safer from unscrupulous actors such as myself. A few months before everything started I ran into some nodes around the city that had some weird stuff floating around them, and I mean weird, at least by my standards at the time. For a while I was convinced I was looking at some kind of dog fighting ring, but, the stuff I was seeing didn’t seem much like dogs, if you follow my meaning. I had kind of decided to let it go, wrote it off as some hoax, or at least above my pay grade. None of it was cropping up near my neighborhood--and you’d best believe I was checking--so I could let it be somebody else's problem and hope I would find out it was just some kind of ARG someday.
But once I had Jacqueline on my side, I thought it would be worth another look. I took her to the last place I had picked up some suspect LMs and asked her to look around a bit, do her arcana check thing. I was kind of hoping she'd put my mind at ease, tell me I hadn’t stumbled onto some dangerous magical shenanigans, but if I had that kind of luck I wouldn’t be telling you about it. No, once we started digging, we pretty much found what you’d expect--somebody in the city was summoning monsters from demonworld and making them fight each other for sport. Even putting aside the ethical concerns--Jacqueline had a whole thing trying to explain the nature of all this, all I really got out of it was that people expect the monsters to feel pain so they do, which seems like a shitty deal if you ask me--this whole thing was obviously obscenely dangerous and was only going to end with a lot of people dead, and we were gonna have to make it our problem before it became everybody’s.
Once you knew what you were looking for, these guys weren’t too hard to track down. They were setting up this whole big arena, converting an old warehouse into a more permanent establishment for their bloodsport. Aethersport? Hard to say if those things bleed.
Anyway, we knew where they were going to be, so all we needed was a plan. Jacqueline really didn’t like the idea of going somewhere with, like, people. She was wary, didn’t want anybody seeing her, being able to track her down. Fair enough, right? Easy fix: she lives in shadows, she can hitch a ride in mine. She keeps hidden and when she does her thing we just pretend it’s my thing. All we had to do was arrange a meeting with the boss, talk him down or scare him straight, and send anything he already summoned back where it came from. So, I tracked down the ringleader on the underweb, hacked into his deck, and wrote us an invitation in the form of some malware.
It was a harmless little thing, just locked up his deck for a bit, played some spooky music, showed him this magicky sigil Jacqueline helped me design like something he might have seen before, then deleted itself and left him a spoofed “let’s talk” message with no sender. Pretty basic trickery, easy stuff once you have access to the deck, but all the effort went into presentation. Everything we had on this guy told us he didn’t really know what he was doing, and if we made it look like this was a supernatural attack and not just some copy-paste warrior level bullshit hacking he’d probably buy it. If it worked--which, of course, it did--all we'd have to do was show up for the next fight and he’d have to bring us right to him.
They built their arena out where the factories used to be, did up the interior nice and classy like some upscale nightclub from the 20s. They kept the place admirably discrete for how much they put into it, but even if we hadn't stepped in, there was no way they were gonna keep their secret for long. Maybe they thought they could pass it off as a regular speakeasy and buy their way out of prosecution when the time came. But then they probably woulda left a bunch of angry fuck off monsters rampaging through the city before it got to that point, so maybe foresight just wasn’t their thing.
I wanted to look the part, so I borrowed a few fashion pointers from Jacqueline and ran with them. I got this flowy gothy dress and witchy black jewelry, and then I threw on combat boots and a studded jacket to add a little punk touch for me. It was a sick look, honestly, and it did the trick, ‘cause I was barely there two minutes before a few burly-ass toughs dressed up like they thought they were Secret Service came around and brought me to their boss.
They called him Cowboy, on account of his whole affectation. Wide brimmed hat, southern twang, low-key aggro with a genteel frontier greed. We’re talking a guy who missed the point of a lot of spaghetti westerns. He didn’t waste any time once his goons deposited me at his table overlooking the pit. “You’re the one who sent me that message,” he said.
Obviously I was going to play it a little coy. “Maybe. I haven’t seen your messages.” That was a lie. “How should I know which one you mean?”
“The one that damn near broke my deck, of course.” It hadn’t done anything of the sort, but I put a lot of work into making him think otherwise. “You know, I figured this’d happen eventually.” He was sitting almost sideways on his booth chair, holding the neck of his whiskey with the tips of the fingers, and all I could think about was how he would seem even less cool once he inevitably dropped the thing. “Gotta be other folks in on this shit. Somebody had to write the book, after all. I knew I’d wind up catching y’all’s eye eventually.”
“Is that what this is?” I asked him in my best husky witch voice. “A cry for attention?”
“Please, darlin’, I’m not so pathetic as that. This here is just good old fashioned capitalism. Man takin’ his advantages and turnin’ them to cash, like nature intended.”
I couldn’t resist. “So you’re using the powers of the arcane to get rich quick. I suppose it’s less pathetic.”
“Heh. Had a feeling you folks’d be like that.” Cowboy grinned like a jackal. A really smug jackal you wanna punch in the face. “Cuz I’m a businessman, and I knew if y’all were businessmen--or ladies, ‘course”--yes he did say that--”and you had the kind of power I got at my hands now, let alone whatever other crazy shit I can only imagine, the world’d be run by folks like us.”
What a fucking idiot. But I needed to keep him talking. “So you’re going to offer me your business acumen.”
“Don’t get ahead of me now,” he said. He sat up for once and leaned in. He really thought he was a viper. “I still don’t know who you are. Or why you wanted to meet me in the first place. I got my ideas, but I know you have your own agenda. So tell me what you’re here for and let’s see what deal we can cut.”
The thing about knowing you’ve got all the cards is there’s not much point in lying. So I was straight with him, which, believe me, that’s not something I can say often. “I’m sure you realize I’m here to stop this.”
He just shrugged. “I figured it might be something like that.” Then he leaned back with that same punchable look. “So what will it take to change your mind? I know I can. Otherwise you wouldn’t have bothered talking to me.”
This guy thought he was so clever, and he was just ludicrously wrong about absolutely everything. I needed to make him see it. “Think about this,” I told him. “That book of yours, do you even know how old it is? How many hundreds of years, do you think?”
“19th century,” he said. “Had a dealer date it for me, before I figured out what it was.”
“19th century,” I repeated. Jacqueline whispered in my ear. I followed her lead. “Been around a while, then. And you’re right, that’s just the tip of it. Knowledge you can’t fathom, back to the dawn of civilization. Old, old, old secrets. Don’t you think that’s odd?”
“Not especially. Everybody knows magic’s out there now, it only stands to reason there’s people who always did.”
“That’s the point. Some people did always know. And all that time, the entire history of the human race, not one person ever had the bright idea to use that knowledge for personal gain. Nobody ever thought they could take that power and run the world with it. That’s what you believe, right?”
“Well, no, when you put it that way, I’m sure somebody tried. Maybe they just weren’t any good at it.”
He really didn’t get it. “Listen to me.” I looked him dead in the eyes. “It's not gonna work. Whatever you think is different about you, you’re wrong. What you’re meddling with here is dangerous, ‘Cowboy.’” I added the sneer. Couldn’t help it. “You’re playing with fire and when you lose control it’s going to burn a lot more than just you.”
Cowboy almost seemed like he was listening, which surprised me. “Let me show you something,” he said, and he waved his hand to pull up two screens for me, one for each of the monsters he had locked up in the pit that night. There was a mean-looking two-legged coyote thing--I figured it was supposed to be El Chupacabra--and some sort of freaky lion bear snake chimera creature that, I’m gonna be honest, looked a lot grosser in real life than it would have on an album cover.
But the weird thing about them was, they were just kinda… standing there. They were moving back and forth a little bit, but their motions were repetitive, like they were stuck in some sort of idle loop. “That’s always what they do,” Cowboy said, “least til we open their cage and let ‘em at each other. They’re dumb sons of bitches, ma’am, ain’t inclined to go huntin’ for nothin’ that ain’t directly in front of their face. We let ‘em kill each other, then we shut the winner in for a few days ‘til he fades away an’ goes back wherever he came from. Any poor bastard you put in front of ‘em is gonna get ripped to shreds, sure, but it ain’t a problem so long as you don’t let any poor bastard put himself in front of ‘em.”
I’m not kidding you, that was his grand fuckin’ scheme. That was his defense! ‘This is totally safe because everything about it is the exact opposite of safe!’ It really threw me for a god damn loop. I had no clue how to respond to that. So I looked back at the screens, and I almost forgot about all the bullshit I just heard, cuz El Chupacabra was looking back at me.
I guess Cowboy saw it on my face, cuz he glanced at the screen too. “Oh, huh,” he said. “Yeah they do that sometimes. Nothin’ ever comes of it though, it’s just kinda creepy. They forget all about the camera once they catch sight of each other.”
A jingle played over the building’s speakers and an announcer told us bets were closing in 60 seconds. The lights dimmed around the room and a spotlight came on over the pit. At this point I was genuinely pretty spooked, and I looked at Cowboy and told him, “you have to call this off.”
“Relax, darlin’,” he said, and he took a big swig of whiskey. “Why don’t you just enjoy the show?”
It was hard to keep my cool, but I thought freaking out then would ruin all that effort I put into building the facade. We always thought we were gonna have to drop in on the fight and let Jacquline take care of the monsters anyway, so I figured, okay, I guess we can just stick to the plan, why not?
But it didn’t feel right. Somehow I knew we had miscalculated. I looked back at the screens, and El Chupacabra was staring back at me, I swear looking right into my eyes. Like, right into them. Almost like--well. I guess I had a hunch. So I got up. I moved away from my seat. And its eyes followed me.
“Shit,” I said.
Cowboy turned to see what I was looking at. After a few seconds, it clicked. “Shit,” he said, and I didn’t hear what he said next, because the announcer came on again and said there were ten seconds left. Cowboy held a hand up to his ear, looking concerned, and started talking to his staff, but it was too late for them to do anything I guess, because the countdown kept ticking, down to 3 seconds, to 2, to 1…
There was a loud siren. I saw the cell doors open on the monitor and both monsters charged out of the gates. I whipped around, leaned over the balcony Cowboy was using as his perch, and watched with what I would say was an appropriate amount of terror as the monsters leaped straight out of the pit onto the floor below us.
So right away there’s pandemonium, people screaming and yelling and running, tables getting bowled over by the people and by the monsters, Cowboy spilling his whiskey all over the floor. About half of the guards ran for their lives, the other half drew their guns and started firing like that was gonna fuckin’ do anything, but luckily for them El Chupacabra and his buddy weren’t interested in the bystanders. They were coming for me. Or, more likely, for Jacqueline.
Less intelligent demons don’t really know how to deal with Jackie, is the thing. Most of the time they know she’s a threat to them, and some of ‘em try to run away or give her the slip, but you’d be surprised how often they just pick the biggest threat in the room and run straight for it. Normally that suits us just fine, but Cowboy picked the exact wrong time to show some common sense. He jumped right into action, to his credit, running off to help evacuate his customers and barking orders to the staff, and the first thing he did was make sure they threw on the lights. And they had gone all out with them, like full on covering the room with floodlights, I guess for specifically this kind of situation, which is almost an admirable precaution except for how utterly futile it is. But more importantly it just really fucked us over, because a room that bright ain’t got no shadows.
Jacqueline was wavering beneath me, the faint shadow I was casting barely enough to hold her. The monsters were skidding up the stairs, El Chupacabra leaped forward and smashed the seat Cowboy had been using, everything was going wrong and I realized I was going to die. I didn’t have very many options. And I wound up doing the thing I always do when things go sideways, like seriously you’d be surprised how much this comes up--I threw myself off the balcony and hoped for the best.
Bad plan. It’s always a bad plan. I took a hard fall and smashed into the ground. I was lucky I hadn’t broken anything, but I was bruised and hurting and winded. I could feel Jacqueline’s weight shifting around in my shadow. She didn’t have much to work with, to fight the monsters or to keep me safe. I felt paralyzed. I think she did too. And I didn’t… I didn’t like what I was doing to her. I didn’t want her to have to watch me…
Well, I didn’t want to die either. And the monsters had already leaped down. They were closing in on me, cautious, afraid of whatever scent they had picked up from Jacqueline. So I spun up my deck and beamed the worm I prepared to every device I could reach. I’d hoped to do it properly, have time to slip it by anything using more than basic security, leave my fingerprints off of it, but I didn’t have much choice. All I could do was brute force it and hope it got where it needed to.
I crawled backwards as best I could, my deck vibrating madly in my pocket, worried that if I tried to scramble to my feet one of them would take the chance to pounce. The ominous tone I cooked up started playing from somewhere in the distance, then it spread across the room, one device at a time. Then I heard it coming loud, from the monitors above the pit, and the house lights blinked out all at once. I felt a lurch in my stomach and I was gone.
Before I knew it I was back on my feet, somewhere else, still in the building but I couldn’t tell where. I was disoriented, the lights were all off save for a few bright floodlights casting long dark shadows all over the room, and the red glow from the monitors I hacked gave everything this super menacing vibe. Before I could get my bearings I heard a roar and felt something coming up behind me, and I dropped to the ground.
The chimera barreled past me and tried to swerve back around. It skidded into the wall, but that didn’t slow it down. It came crashing back toward me, but I saw the shadows swirling around me and I knew I didn’t have to be afraid of it. We had already won. So I charged right back at it. It swung its paw at my head but I ducked below it, sliding beneath its underside, and I gave it a hard uppercut in its soft underbelly that did absolutely jack shit. But then a thick lance of shadow shot out from beneath me, piercing the thing straight through its middle. It writhed and roared in pain, or whatever living aether feels, and the pillar of shadow lanced out again, stabbing it from the inside with a bunch of big nasty fuck-off shadow spikes, and then the thing just… wasn’t, anymore, and the shadows receded, and the chimera was gone.
Before I knew what was happening, I felt something swinging at my head, and then I was gone too. My stomach lurched and I was somewhere else again, but El Chupacabra must have been catching on, because I barely had time to register it barreling towards me, claws ready to rip my stomach out of my gut, before I was nowhere once more.
You have to understand, Jacqueline does the shadow thing easy. It’s second nature to her, like she knows the dance so well she doesn’t even realize she’s dancing anymore. She’ll shift and shape and reform however she wants and it doesn’t phase her in the slightest. But I can’t do any of that, and I definitely couldn’t do it back then, and being shoved in and out of your entire reality like that really fucks you up when you’re not used to it. So when I tell you I was doubled over on the ground sick to my stomach in just the grossest most pathetic seasick haze, I just want to make sure you know, for the record, that I’d like to see you take it any better, all right?
But, so, okay, yes, I spent the next minute or so shaking on my knees trying not to retch, so I kind of missed the next little bit after that. But I imagine a bystander would have just seen me grappling with my super anime inner demons and exploding in a big jaggy ball of shadow rage that eradicated El Chupacabra before it could try to get another hit off, so that’s the reality I’m gonna choose to live in.
Once I managed to gather my bearings, I took off to track down our friend Cowboy and finally finish the job. Luckily I didn’t have to go far. He was very courteously waiting for me by the bar, surveying his mostly-destroyed club. As far as I could tell everybody else made a break for it. But I guess he realized we still had business.
He tried to keep himself together, but he was fidgeting nervously and avoiding my eyes. “Well. It’s fair to say a lot went wrong here. But, I will point out, those things only had eyes for you, and clearly you had ‘em licked, so frankly I don’t know who you have to blame ‘cept yourself.” I think he could tell I was stabbing his head in my mind. “But I’m not a fool, no, and you’ve made your point, so, maybe it’d be best if we worked something out. I’m not adverse to bringing in an expert when the situation calls, and havin’ somebody who can keep the beasts in check is only a fair precaution, I would think. Obviously you can’t be in the room with ‘em, but--”
“Stop talking,” I told him. I stepped forward. He flinched. He was scared of me. That was Jackie’s cue. The shadows started swirling around me again, and Jacqueline rose from my shadow, half-formed in shadowstuff, shaping herself as a demonic figure towering behind me. We advanced on Cowboy. He staggered back, swearing under his breath.
Jacqueline took over from there. “You don’t understand anything.” She made her voice raspy and deep, a slight echo of Harvey’s cocky drawl underneath it. “This, all of this, this is the misguided workings of a neophyte, dog-paddling in water deeper than the deepest ocean, arrogant and ignorant of how small he is, how dark the waves below.” Cowboy had his back against the wall. “I could unmake you with a thought, and I am a shadow of the beasts you fail to see rising up to swallow you whole.” The shadows swirled and formed into a great scythe that she held in her towering shadowy hands, perched above Cowboy’s head, ready to strike. “This is a mercy.”
The scythe came down and passed through Cowboy. He gasped and shuddered and almost fell over, but I grabbed him by the neck and stared into his eyes. “You won’t be summoning anything again. You can try, but it won’t work. It never will. Let it go and live your life, Cowboy.”
I let him drop to the ground. I’m pretty sure he passed out. So we just left him there, and hoped he learned his lesson. If not, well, at least his next scam couldn’t be any more dangerous.
Nah. It doesn’t work that way. But what Jacqueline keeps telling me is magic shit’s all about, like, faith. And then she walks that back because that makes it sound like she means religious faith, and it’s not that, or like it can be, but it doesn’t have to, or something. I’m not gonna pretend I get it. But I think what it’s really about is, like… the belief that things should work the way you expect them to? You gotta have confidence in what you’re doing, and that’s what she took from him. Lot of work to make a white guy feel insecure, but I guess you can’t argue with results.
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stilescourtesycall · 7 years
things that still bother me after the teen wolf’s finale
disclaimer: this is going to be hella long and i'll talk about everything from season 1 to 6 so bear with me, ok ready steady go - why WHY did they stop with the ugly makeup? i liked how weird it was in season 1 2 and 3 now it makes them more believable and, in my opinion, it kills the mood idk i liked it better before - why didn't anyone talk about void!stiles in season 4? literally everyone acted like nothing happened to him and then in season 5 we hear about it again? i'm sorry but it doesn't make any sense????? like no mention at all, except the small joke he made when liam what he was understanding the bullshit world they all live in - what the fuck is wrong with the desert wolf? why would she want to kill her own daughter????? and her adoptive family at the same time i mean bruh that's not cool solve your shit but don't kill innocent people - also can we give a bit more credit to malia??? i mean stiles broke up with her in the worst way possible, she killed her own mother to PROTECT STILES and everyone is so ungrateful i mean i don't even like the kid i think she's a bitch but still, she's badass, please tell her, she deserves to be happy - why did talia hale steal peter's memory? why would anyone give a fuck that he is malia's dad? was she trying to protect them from the desert wolf? - who exactly is the desert wolf? what is she doing? what is she looking for? >>>>>>>>>>>let me get this straight: peter hale fucked the desert wolf, they had a kid who went to a foster home for whatever reason and then talia hale took away peter's memory for whatever reason and then the desert wolf tried to kill malia's family and failed (sort of) but didn't go after malia and none of this makes sense - what is peter doing? i thought he wanted to take scott down, that was super exciting, what happened to that?? ok you remember the season 3a finale, peter started screaming about how he had always be the alpha anD THEN WE NEver heard from that again and he just stood there in the background as a sarcastic character - also where is peter? at the end of season 4, he was sent to eichen house with valek, but then when we saw the guy again, peter was not there? where is he?? is he coming back??? >>>>> so THAT was explained in season 6 !! ......sort of. all this memory loss thing is too weird for me, plus guys seriously yes we all love stiles more but teen wolf is about scott and his pack, not stiles and his friends, jeff davis (or whatever the guy's called) shoudln't have done fan service and just should've ended the show with something about scott - and by the way, stiles and lydia's kiss? i found it way too weird, i mean it was cute n shit but i didn't like how her hands were all over his face and they just SMASHED together- it looked really bad to me. but then again, i'm french, so maybe i've got all that romantic shit - (i'm still upset about jackson okay) why did he have to leave? I KNOW colton quit the show but still, we got only one little "oh he went to england" what the fuck??? are we ever gonna get a valid explanation? what is he doing there ? he's a fucking werewolf i mean it's not that common - talking about common, is beacon hills a magnet for supernatural forever ? - how the fuck did cora hale survive the fire???? and why did she never told derek????????? i mean girl ?????????,,, + WHERE IS SHE i swear all hales disappear - where did ethan go? were the twins seniors? i thought they were younger than scott?? >>>>>ok so I GUESS his brother's death made him feel sad or SOMETHING AND SO he left but still, that's bullshit - what is lydia doing? this is not clear at all jeff, i thought she had a hole in her head but i don't get it, i feel like some part of it are in the future, some in the past and none in the present. i'm so confused it's ridiculous >>>>yeah about that, season 5 didn't make ANY sense - are scott and lydia ever gonna talk about the time they made out in season 1? - are stiles and lydia ever goING TO TALK ABOUT THE TIME THEY MADE OUT IN SEASON 3B BECAUSE THEY BOTH ENJOYED IT???????????, SEE THAT KISS WAS NICE THAT WAS PRETTY But the one in season 6??? nah - is kate dead (since argent came back) ? and where's isaac? - oh yeah WHAT THE FUCK WAS KATE??? why was she blue?? why was she so creepy? and why did we never get an explanation about her differences with a regular werewolf? - why didn't the pack make some kind of path to lead to the nemeton since they need to find it all the fucking time??? - can stiles and malia have a conversation? they literally haven't talked since season 4 - can malia interact with someone else than scott and stiles in the pack? - is malia leaving and going to live with her dad ? are they...happy ??? she's a wild animal and he's a monster.....they can get along pretty well tbh - yeah a monster: why did peter turn into an awful monster when he was alpha but derek, scott and the alpha pack were just regular werewolves with red eyes and bigger muscles and scarier voices??? - can an alpha become a really big monster like peter use to be? could scott do it? will he? - has derek forgiven peter for killing laura? because i haven't - during season 2, the kanima was supposed to kill murderers, right? isaac's dad, for example, was an asshole, but not a murderer. but the kanima killed it. why? matt just told him "yeah he killed someone go ahead murder the old man" and jackson went with it? is it that easy to bend the rules??? no wonder the dread doctors are creating monsters - are the dread doctors after scott?? because the guy that jumped out of the wall (why was he in the wall in the first place?) wanted to steal scott's power, was that just him or the dread doctors??? - and why was the old guy the only not teenager chimera?? - malia was a coyote for years, she obviously can turn into a full coyote form now as well? why haven't we seen her do it? i'm sure she's able to figure it out by herslef? - can werewolves do it too? derek kinda did but then he disappeared and we have never heard from him again so - is derek coming back????????? - is derek a wolf now? - why is scott so weak? in 5x01 he was badass, great alpha, but it went downhill from there. derek was strong as fuck, why hasn't scott changed? he wasn't even fucking able to control his own beta? derek did it when isaac tried to attack stiles! and then he said "i'm the alpha" and we all died (you know what i'm talking about) // in sixth idk he seemed okay but i feel like liam is way stronger than him it bugs me - if scott killed another werewolf (or any human being?), would he downgrade to a regular alpha from true alpha, would he lose his alpha powers, what would happen? - and if scott killed another alpha, true or not, what would happen? would he become a super alpha? - whAT IS UP with trepanation????? it's disgusting guys, stop - why did (in s5) reading the weird book allow scott, stiles and lydia to revive some non-dread doctors related memories? is the book a general memory booster? how does that work?? - what relation does theo have with the dread doctors? if he knew from the beginning what they were going to create, why would he tell scott that they need to work together to destroy it? it doesn't make sense?? i know most of theo's acts don't make anhy sense but still (yes i am referring to killing his own sister because he needed a heart transplant, kids, hear me out, this is not something we do) - was theo a success? he wasn't a failure because he didn't die, but if he was a success why are the dread doctors failing all their other experiments??????? - can mason turn into the gevaudan beast again ? that'd be pretty cool, if he can control it - also why mason ? i really didn't understand season 5 i'm sorry - why did the really bad werewolf have to be a nazi? and what about the green lights n shit - and why did stiles see the ghostriders before scott and all? - ALSO what about kira i'm still really confused about that - ALSO can someone tell hayden to shut the fuck up thakn god the show is over i'm sorry this is hella long and i still have a shit ton of questions left but i guess that's whatever uh?
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maswartz · 3 years
Power Rider Mystic
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(Logo by Markolios and @riceyhot)
On Earth there exists a mystic energy known as magic, with proper training anyone can learn to tap into and use it. However there are certain people known as Potens who are born with natural reserves of mana, the energy of magic. Many Potens go their whole lives without discovering the power within them, however there is a fatal danger as well. If a Poten falls into a deep despair a monster is formed from their own mana, this Manaster will break out and kill the Poten taking their appearance and memories. Fortunately such despair does not happen naturally.
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Years ago however there was a small family, twin brothers and a sister. All three were Potens. One day the sister fell ill and died from the illness. Her brothers fell into deep despair. One brother named Franklin (45) became the Oracle Manaster while the other brother named Samuel (45) managed to hold onto hope and became the Warlock. The brothers searched the world for a mystic relic called the Philosopher’s Stone which they believed could revive their sister. Indeed they found the relic and learned it could revive her. However the ceremony to do so required the mana of 100 Potens. The process of draining their mana would be lethal to many and those who lived would almost certainly fall into deep despair. Oracle went ahead with the ceremony despite Warlock insisting their sister would not want the blood of 100 people on their hands. The brothers battled under an eclipse but the ceremony proceeded. Warlock/Oracle Face Claim: Sam Trammell Indeed many of the Potens died as their mana was drained and those who lived fell to their own Manasters. All except one man.
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Henry Summers (28) was a street magician who enjoyed making people smile with simple tricks and skills. During the Sacrifice his Manaster, the dragon attempted to break free however Henry held onto his hope and gained the ability to transform into Power Rider Mystic. After the ceremony he was approached by a man in white armor. This Warlock explained what had happened to him and the other Potens, the man also entrusted Henry with a young woman. She remembered nothing of her past due to the ceremony but the Warlock told him her name was Katherine. Heading to town they met a kindly antiques dealer who gives them a place to stay, this man creates the magic rings Henry uses as Mystic to fight against the Manasters. Unknown to the two at the time Katherine was in fact the sister the brothers had lost. The ceremony managed to partly revive her however she now required a regular supply of mana. Each style has a different incantation in the language of magic (spoken by the belt) Face Claim: Oliver Jackson-Cohen Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Incantation: “Fire and flame! Ignite and Burn!” Transformation: The mystic symbol of the Dragon appears and moves over his body forming the armor Finishing Moves: Mystic Rider Kick (in this form charged by flame), Rider Slash (elementally charged slash), Rider Blast (elementally charged blast) Vehicle: Spell Cycle: Mana powered cycle
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Due to Henry’s immense pool of mana he is able to transform into different elemental styles with fire being his default. Each style charges his attacks with the elements of Water, Air, or Ground. Incantations: Water- “Wave and frost! Drown and freeze!” Air- “Lightning and wind! Strike and blow!” Ground- “Stone and dirt! Crush and bury!“
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By tapping deeper into Dragon’s power Henry can transform into Wildfire, Flood, Cyclone, and Quake styles which increase his powers greatly but also risk him loosing control over Dragon. Incantations: Wildfire- “Dragon breath engulfs the soul!“ Flood- “Dragon tail parts the sea!“ Cyclone- “Dragon wings create the storm!“ Quake- “Dragon claws carve the mountains“
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These enhanced styles also allow Henry to call upon the Dragon directly and to even combine these powers into one form. Full Dragon Incantation: “Unite the four! Bring forth the dragon!“
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However even that is not Henry’s final style. After nearing falling into despair once more he manages to hold onto his hope again and gains the Mana Style, giving him the power of magic itself! With the Manax he can cut through even the toughest Manaster. Incantation: “The magic within! The shining miracle!“ Finishing Move: Rider Mana Slash
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An amateur archeologist Keith Nathans (25) discovered an ancient belt that contains the Manaster Chimera. When his life was in danger Keith put the belt on releasing Chimera and becoming Power Rider Primal. However as he is not a Poten he has no natural mana reserves for Chimera to feed on therefore he must destroy Manasters to keep Chimera fed. Face Claim: Chris Pine Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: The mystic symbol of the Chimera appears and passes over his body forming the armor Finishing Move: Primal Slash
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Similar to Henry, Keith can call upon the power of Chimera to enhance his power. The power of the Bison increases his strength and provides horns, the Chameleon gives him cloaking power and a whip, the Dolphin grants healing power, and the Falcon gives the power of flight.
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However like Henry Keith can call upon even more of Chimera’s power to unlock the Chimera Style. This style combines the powers of the beasts that make up Chimera and provides a magical blaster. Finishing Move: Chimera Blast
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Meanwhile the Warlock was finding other Potens who had been attacked by the Manasters spawned by the ceremony who managed to hold onto hope, finally after months of searching he found three. A girl with a gorgon Manaster whose sister was one of the leaders of the Manasters, a boy with the leviathan Manaster, and a man with the thunderbird Manaster. He gave these three the power to transform into Power Rider Sage.
Miley- One of triplets, one sister because one of the leaders of the Manasters, Miley was attacked by them and ended up as a Sage, the third sister has no mana and is unaware of her sisters's activities. Miley held onto the hope that she could bring back her sister, however after a battle with her she realized the sister she loved was gone. She was the first Sage and uses Earth based attacks the most. When on their own she usually acts as leader for the Sages. Her Manaster is a Gorgon. Izzy- A boy in high school seen as a loner by others. He has trouble making friends and connecting with others. When attacked by Manasters he was saved by Keith and held onto hope becoming a Sage. The two men connect over an interest in archeology and a friendship forms. Izzy tends to use Water based attacks the most. His Manaster is the Leviathan. Marshall- A man happily married with young children. He and his family were attacked by Manasters and he held onto hope becoming a Sage to protect them. He would rather stay with his family than fight monsters but he realizes that as long as the Manasters are out there his family is not safe. Marshall tends to use Wind based attacks the most. His Manaster is the Thunderbird. Face Claims: Miley- Stephanie Leonidas Izzy- Brent Rivera Marshall- Morris Chestnut Transformation Devices: Spellcaster Belts Transformation Calls: Let’s Ride Transformation: A mystic symbol appears and forms their armor Finishing Moves: Sage Kick.
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In the aftermath of everything Katherine (20 due to her body being placed in suspension as her brothers prepared the ceremony to revive her) takes her brother’s belt and using the power of the Philosopher’s Stone that now rested inside her she became Power Rider Witch.
Face Claim: Emma Roberts Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: A mystic symbol appears and forms her armor Finishing Moves: Witch Kick Power Rider 4Z/Mystic: A Manaster gets its hands on a Zodion switch and activates it becoming the Ophiuchus Zodion. Henry calls Cody to help fight this super monster.
(Faces by @rosegrl18) Previous Powerverse Next
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mspowerverse · 5 years
Power Rider Mystic
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(Logo by Markolios and @riceyhot)
On Earth there exists a mystic energy known as magic, with proper training anyone can learn to tap into and use it. However there are certain people known as Potens who are born with natural reserves of mana, the energy of magic. Many Potens go their whole lives without discovering the power within them, however there is a fatal danger as well. If a Poten falls into a deep despair a monster is formed from their own mana, this Manaster will break out and kill the Poten taking their appearance and memories. Fortunately such despair does not happen naturally.
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Years ago however there was a small family, twin brothers and a sister. All three were Potens. One day the sister fell ill and died from the illness. Her brothers fell into deep despair. One brother named Franklin (45) became the Oracle Manaster while the other brother named Samuel (45) managed to hold onto hope and became the Warlock. The brothers searched the world for a mystic relic called the Philosopher’s Stone which they believed could revive their sister. Indeed they found the relic and learned it could revive her. However the ceremony to do so required the mana of 100 Potens. The process of draining their mana would be lethal to many and those who lived would almost certainly fall into deep despair. Oracle went ahead with the ceremony despite Warlock insisting their sister would not want the blood of 100 people on their hands. The brothers battled under an eclipse but the ceremony proceeded. Warlock/Oracle Face Claim: Sam Trammell Indeed many of the Potens died as their mana was drained and those who lived fell to their own Manasters. All except one man.
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Henry Summers (28) was a street magician who enjoyed making people smile with simple tricks and skills. During the Sacrifice his Manaster, the dragon attempted to break free however Henry held onto his hope and gained the ability to transform into Power Rider Mystic. After the ceremony he was approached by a man in white armor. This Warlock explained what had happened to him and the other Potens, the man also entrusted Henry with a young woman. She remembered nothing of her past due to the ceremony but the Warlock told him her name was Katherine. Heading to town they met a kindly antiques dealer who gives them a place to stay, this man creates the magic rings Henry uses as Mystic to fight against the Manasters. Unknown to the two at the time Katherine was in fact the sister the brothers had lost. The ceremony managed to partly revive her however she now required a regular supply of mana. Each style has a different incantation in the language of magic (spoken by the belt) Face Claim: Oliver Jackson-Cohen Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Incantation: “Fire and flame! Ignite and Burn!” Transformation: The mystic symbol of the Dragon appears and moves over his body forming the armor Finishing Moves: Mystic Rider Kick (in this form charged by flame), Rider Slash (elementally charged slash), Rider Blast (elementally charged blast) Vehicle: Spell Cycle: Mana powered cycle
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Due to Henry’s immense pool of mana he is able to transform into different elemental styles with fire being his default. Each style charges his attacks with the elements of Water, Air, or Ground. Incantations: Water- “Wave and frost! Drown and freeze!” Air- “Lightning and wind! Strike and blow!” Ground- “Stone and dirt! Crush and bury!“
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By tapping deeper into Dragon’s power Henry can transform into Wildfire, Flood, Cyclone, and Quake styles which increase his powers greatly but also risk him loosing control over Dragon. Incantations: Wildfire- “Dragon breath engulfs the soul!“ Flood- “Dragon tail parts the sea!“ Cyclone- “Dragon wings create the storm!“ Quake- “Dragon claws carve the mountains“
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These enhanced styles also allow Henry to call upon the Dragon directly and to even combine these powers into one form. Full Dragon Incantation: “Unite the four! Bring forth the dragon!“
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However even that is not Henry’s final style. After nearing falling into despair once more he manages to hold onto his hope again and gains the Mana Style, giving him the power of magic itself! With the Manax he can cut through even the toughest Manaster. Incantation: “The magic within! The shining miracle!“ Finishing Move: Rider Mana Slash
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An amateur archeologist Keith Nathans (25) discovered an ancient belt that contains the Manaster Chimera. When his life was in danger Keith put the belt on releasing Chimera and becoming Power Rider Primal. However as he is not a Poten he has no natural mana reserves for Chimera to feed on therefore he must destroy Manasters to keep Chimera fed. Face Claim: Chris Pine Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: The mystic symbol of the Chimera appears and passes over his body forming the armor Finishing Move: Primal Slash
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Similar to Henry, Keith can call upon the power of Chimera to enhance his power. The power of the Bison increases his strength and provides horns, the Chameleon gives him cloaking power and a whip, the Dolphin grants healing power, and the Falcon gives the power of flight.
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However like Henry Keith can call upon even more of Chimera’s power to unlock the Chimera Style. This style combines the powers of the beasts that make up Chimera and provides a magical blaster. Finishing Move: Chimera Blast
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Meanwhile the Warlock was finding other Potens who had been attacked by the Manasters spawned by the ceremony who managed to hold onto hope, finally after months of searching he found three. A girl with a gorgon Manaster whose sister was one of the leaders of the Manasters, a boy with the leviathan Manaster, and a man with the thunderbird Manaster. He gave these three the power to transform into Power Rider Sage.
Miley- One of triplets, one sister because one of the leaders of the Manasters, Miley was attacked by them and ended up as a Sage, the third sister has no mana and is unaware of her sisters’s activities. Miley held onto the hope that she could bring back her sister, however after a battle with her she realized the sister she loved was gone. She was the first Sage and uses Earth based attacks the most. When on their own she usually acts as leader for the Sages. Her Manaster is a Gorgon. Izzy- A boy in high school seen as a loner by others. He has trouble making friends and connecting with others. When attacked by Manasters he was saved by Keith and held onto hope becoming a Sage. The two men connect over an interest in archeology and a friendship forms. Izzy tends to use Water based attacks the most. His Manaster is the Leviathan. Marshall- A man happily married with young children. He and his family were attacked by Manasters and he held onto hope becoming a Sage to protect them. He would rather stay with his family than fight monsters but he realizes that as long as the Manasters are out there his family is not safe. Marshall tends to use Wind based attacks the most. His Manaster is the Thunderbird. Face Claims: Miley- Stephanie Leonidas Izzy- Brent Rivera Marshall- Morris Chestnut Transformation Devices: Spellcaster Belts Transformation Calls: Let’s Ride Transformation: A mystic symbol appears and forms their armor Finishing Moves: Sage Kick.
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In the aftermath of everything Katherine (20 due to her body being placed in suspension as her brothers prepared the ceremony to revive her) takes her brother’s belt and using the power of the Philosopher’s Stone that now rested inside her she became Power Rider Witch.
Face Claim: Emma Roberts Transformation Device: Spellcaster Belt Transformation Call: Let’s Ride Transformation: A mystic symbol appears and forms her armor Finishing Moves: Witch Kick Power Rider 4Z/Mystic: A Manaster gets its hands on a Zodion switch and activates it becoming the Ophiuchus Zodion. Henry calls Cody to help fight this super monster.
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