Turtleblade may have the most powerful character in Old Dog but Reiyan is the best animator
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Hercai 🌸
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Hello, and welcome to this DOTD roleplay blog!  Have a read through all these rules for all the need-to-knows for this blog and me as a potential roleplay partner:
• Please be polite and respectful.  Of me the admin and of other people who interact with this blog ❤️
• Even if you interact with this blog frequently and actively, you are not obligated to follow it.  You are free to follow as you please.
• Roleplays can be done in the reblogs of asks or in pms.
• Roleplays can be started based on prompts from prompt lists or scenarios of your own.
• My favourite characters are Jannik, Tylibark, Creeper and Pika, so expect the most interactions from them, unless I feel like playing someone else or you specifically ask after a different character.
• I am open to roleplaying AUs and/or crossovers.  But if it's for a fandom I'm not in (do take a look at my main blog for reference) then please send me a long-ass explanation in pms for everything I need to know.  Or send/tag me in your character bios or whatever.
• Note:  if you want to handle the narration by revealing your character's/fandom's story as the roleplay progresses, that is what we shall do.
• Aside from that, I welcome OCs, whether they be from Minecraft, other fandoms, or are fandomless.
• There is no "time limit" for you to reply to roleplays.  You can take as many days/weeks as you want.  I will be waiting patiently and will always welcome you.  I, too, will take a long time sometimes.  I won't rush you, and I expect to be treated the same way.
• If you see me actively replying to someone else but not you, please ping me.  I will never purposefully ignore you.  I'm sorry if the note gets lost, or if I forget.  Whatever it is, know that I am not deliberately ghosting you.
• I'm not finicky about roleplay length.  If a one-worded piece of dialogue is enough to convey everything, then that's fantastic.  Of course, this won't be the case most of the time, so something needs describing, do that.  Don't make the roleplay bland.
• If you're someone who's vehement about your rp partner cutting roleplays, then this blog might not be for you; please understand that I am strictly a Tumblr mobile user and do not have that function.
• I do have anon on; I logged in through my browser and did it.  But otherwise, I am staying on the app.
• If...okay, if anybody does wish to roleplay smut, I am open to it, but it MUST be done in pms, and you MUST be 18 or older.  AND NO RAPE.
• I am aware that canon is very gory, but I am not comfortable with it. For a feel of grounds, gore like in Die a King, the Creeper vs Tylibark MGB and Override is an absolute no-no. The most I can take is when Finn got impaled and his head got separated from his body in Born for This, or Aaron's bone sticking out of his arm in War of Change. But if you are not comfortable with these kinds of gore, we will certainly abstain from it.
• I also cannot roleplay suicide, self-harm or abuse, because they are triggering for me.
• I'm okay with any romantic ship except Blocky/Olive because they are siblings
That's all!  I hope you interact with me.  Please enjoy your stay :)
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xen-void · 1 year
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Pika: *energy dashes to Xen* Hi *he grins*
(other guy in the gif is Reiyan, the person who animated this)
Hi?-do-do I know you
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br-dlee · 3 years
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Fanart of Reiyan! A character in a webcomic series I work as a colorist for that you can find here!
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starsailorstories replied to your post : As far as ascended beings in daosa, are they...
are these…lich kaiju…am i grokking that right because holy SHIT i love it
ascended beings are nasty. they are violent, deadly creatures who destroy anything and everything around them.
in the pale island, people are tested young to determine whether or not they’re dormant ascended (just a harmless test that’s sole purpose is to mutate you if you are a dormant ascended, and will do no harm if you are not) and then...they’re kind of executed?? 
there’s a lot of fucked up culture around the ascended/dormant ascended....hold on let me find some Excerpts 
under the cut bc it got long
Reyana’s thoughts drifted back to what she had been reading last night. Asaevaanilaer Ahmasae. Ascended Beings. Monsters. So many names for a relatively minor hiccough.
They were an anomaly in the magic system; they were what happened when people’s magic adapted to magic itself, instead of to their surroundings.
The end result was a person whose magic was always Active in nature. The most interesting, though, was that they could absorb any magic that was aimed toward them. Healing spells, destruction spells, illusions, anything that was directed their way that wasn’t their own magic they could absorb, nullifying the incoming magic.
These people were called Dormant Ascended.
All gifts came with a downside, though.
They couldn’t control the magic they absorbed. After a time, the magic they absorbed became too much for their inherent magic to keep under control. The foreign magic started to escape their bodies, causing small mutations as it went. Most mutations were related to the senses, either heightening the senses themselves or changing the structure of the sense organ. Other results were altered pigmentation of the hair, skin, or eyes; change in the dental or general bone structure; and in extreme cases, extra growths or appendages.
When the magic they absorbed became too much for their inherent magic to keep under control, the warring magic inside them would reach a tipping point. When they arrived at that point, all the magic in a Dormant Ascended would be expelled in one violent, painful burst that turned them into a mindless monster by any definition of the word. 
Different languages referred to them in different ways. Over in the far far east, past the Reiyan Ocean, she heard they were revered as gods and called the Ascended Beings. 
In the Vhiernan Kingdoms, they were feared. Their names reflected that.
In Vhiernish, they were called the Asaevaanilaer Ahmasae. Dissected and literally translated, it meant “people who have risen above, but are no longer people.” Reyana wasn’t quite sure what they were called in Palish.
She had been reading about the war that started 250 years ago, when the Pale Island had tried to conquer the Vhiernan Kingdoms using the Ascended as living weapons.
The Vhiernans, naturally, had put aside their differences and had banded together to research how to weaponize the Ascended as well. They had found a way to do so, and so began a war that lasted a generation. After the war, both sides had signed a treaty that stated that neither would use Ascended as weapons in any wars in the future, and all parties had held up that agreement.
Reyana had soaked up all the information she could, devouring every book on the subject. 
She knew the relatively simple process needed to get someone to Ascend, she knew the dates and locations of famous battles, and locations of famous Ascended burial sites.
It wasn’t enough.
She had spent entirely too much money on this set of books in hopes that the original accounts held something she missed. They, admittedly, had a great deal of information that she didn’t already know, but they didn’t have the one piece of information that she was looking for.
Could the process be reversed?
The books had given her a small sliver of hope, though. She had been reading through some descriptions of Ascended that she had never read about before when one section made her stop.
The Dormant Ascended focused on in that passage had been an ordinary peasant woman before she had been taken from her home to become an Ascended Being and fight for the crown. When she had Ascended, she had turned into an almost serpentine creature with arms like a human’s and six sets of webbed wings. Because the army was unprepared for an Ascended that could fly, she had escaped.
That in itself wasn’t unusual. Ascended from both sides had escaped over the course of the war, decimating the livestock and crops of farmers in a battle against starvation. Being that big meant that they needed a lot of food to keep themselves going, and what could a single farmer do against a hungry Ascended, after all?
What was unusual was the fact that she had turned up in her home village in Aalzho—the easternmost Kingdom in the Vhiernan Kingdoms—a few weeks later. She had picked up a man and dropped him from a great height and disappeared into the Stormcrag mountains, where she presumably lived out the rest of her days.
The thing that made it even more interesting was the fact that when the villagers were asked who the man was, it was revealed to be her abusive husband.
That fact proved to Reyana that Ascended had at least some recollection of their former lives. There was no way an Ascended would fly to their home village hundreds of miles away and kill someone they hated out of pure chance.
It gave her hope. Many said that Ascended were mindless beasts, but this proved that they had at least some recollection of who they had been.
people use the bones of ascended beings as the basis of many enchanted/fortified items, such as wands, beads, and the like. 
they’re not hunted in the kingdoms, per say, but it’s a constant everywhere that if a dormant ascended actually Ascends, they’re immediately “put down” through whatever means necessary
there’s a huge slave trade involved with the dormant ascended, some people sell them to the wealthy, others sell them to the pale island where they’re subsequently executed.
there’s...hold on let me find some more excerpts
Sometimes, rich people liked to have Dormant Ascended as guards to their lavish manors. In case of a large attack, they could make them Ascend to either scare off or completely destroy the invading force. They would have to put them down after the fight was over, but it was extra security and a sign of wealth. Plus, after that, they could sell their bones to be made into beads and wands and other lavish items.
so there’s that. and...
“Yes, well.” Zara carefully put her headscarf on and pinned it into place with several long pins she had brought. Today’s color was an off white with delicate patterning. “I’ve dealt with an Ascended before and believe me, we would’ve lost a lot more people if she had Ascended. That’s probably what the captain was hoping for, that she’d attack our crew.” Zara shook her head. “I don’t know how he was planning on getting her with that crane, but I guess we’ll never know.”
Emira’s head slowly turned to Zara. Her eyes were wide and her mouth opened slightly.
“You’ve seen-?”
“Yes,” Zara said, the look in her eyes growing distant. “Around eight years ago, before I was put into the Queen’s personal guard. A Dormant Ascended man had managed to escape capture for his entire life until he was injured in an accident and knocked unconscious. He was taken to the healer’s, where he Ascended.” Zara’s eyes flicked down. “Ascended don’t retain their minds when they Ascend. They turn into angry and wild beasts, and this man was no different.”
Emira’s face fell more and more with every sentence Zara spoke.
“What happened to him?” Faera asked.
“Oh, he was put down,” Zara said, talking flippantly and not noticing Emira’s crestfallen expression. “But not before he took a great deal of people down with him. He was burned, as is custom.” Zara scoffed. “Honestly. There’s rules in place for a reason. These things wouldn’t happen if people didn’t try and hide their Dormant family members.”
so!! that’s ascended beings
there’s no real... “restrictions” on what they can look like. there’s definitely some that are more out there than others. i’ll see if i can post some stuff later if i can find any old ascended drawings.
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goldwingedwitch · 5 years
So im in the mood to plot
Ive got some epic fantasy and modern assassin adventure stories id like to share and build onto if anyone is interested.
Muses i have:
Hazel McAllister(Oc)
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Beatrice Morganne (Oc)
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Elven Bros
Reiyan, Yana, and Shaiya (Ocs)
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Raphael (Tmnt 2003)
Loki (MCU/Myth combo)
Thor(MCU only)
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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adillata-blog · 8 years
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terimakasih. see u on top SH soon to be 😚😚 with Igaak, Reiyan, and irena at Cafe & Rest Area Gumitir – View on Path.
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