#remember Bravery?
missremember · 1 year
You know you haven't updated in too long when the spam bots start hitting your comments section
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lucabyte · 4 months
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I don't know how everyone isn't also always constantly thinking about how burial rites seem to be potentially one of the few things Siffrin instinctively remembers about their culture. But rest assured. I am in fact always thinking about it.
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Textless version where they're just hanging out. It's fine!
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werewolfsmile · 1 month
Just watched The Librarians S2E8 And the Point of Salvation and...
I loved it, for the most part. Cleverly written and a fantastic Ezekiel-centric episode! He had beautiful moments with each of the others and learnt so much from them. He had substantial character growth and was given the space to bear the weight of serious circumstances and respond appropriately. This episode had the potential to be incredibly pivotal for Ezekiel's character!
And yet....
That ending. What the hell?? What do you mean his memory is lost and he forgets all of those poignant moments???? All those conversations, all that learning to rely on others - are freaking serious??
I'm never a fan of time loop episodes, but I thought they were handling this one pretty well. Right up until they erased all of Ezekiel's character growth at the drop of a hat. This was literally the equivalent of "and then she woke up" being used in a novel. It's weak and strips all purpose of what the characters have just been through.
Ugh! Tell me I'm not the only one. How dare they give me such a good episode of growth and discovering potential for Ezekiel Jones, then take it all back with a just kidding!
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heckmate · 2 months
So apparently Knock-Knock had (has??) a mini DLC only available on kickstarter 😭 it is/was called machine 47 (I’m 99% sure that it was what was included in that mysterious $47 tier) and the only information I can find on the DLC is on a single Reddit post and this deviantart drawing
Both the Reddit post and the deviant art post described it as a wish machine of some kind… I wish I had more information as to what else it did :c
lol if only I could teleport back to 2012 and not have been like… 13 so I could back the kickstarter and have access to the dlc ;_;
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grimlocks-noodle · 1 year
Tumblr NERFED me the last time I tried to write this so clearly I just need to think about it
But one day I will write something about Sins of the Wreckers, and how I like to think that Tarantulas curing Verity from her radiation sickness was both a Massive Snub at Prowl for seemingly tossing away everyone once they're no longer useful to him, (including this wonderful organic who is risking her life to fix his mistakes) and also a Huge peacocking thing (aka Look Prowl, aren't I still so smart and clever?? Look, I fixed your useful organic, remember when I was useful??)
The whole thing boils down to Tarantulas, essentially bringing a bouquet of roses back from the dead for Prowl. Unfortunately for him, Prowl has the emotional availability and intelligence of an amoeba, thus rendering it a Moot Point.
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hylianane · 9 months
Breathing into a paperbag thinking about the possibility of Elbaf digging the conflict from Water 7 back up again and maybe exploring some long-term repercussions of Luffy and Usopp’s fight that not even they themselves were aware of and and and and and-
LISTEN. the Water 7 Saga absolutely rewired the way I understood the crew and how each member views themselves and the roles they play. And it’s been some time since the Strawhat’s exploration of the New World has allowed them to really take time and consider themselves and each other like that again.
And Elbaf just sounds (MUAH) like such a wonderful opportunity to do exactly that, it sounds perfect, primarily in the way it ties all the way back to the Strawhat’s early days on the Grand Line. And when you look at the presence of the Giant Pirates in Little Garden and Enies Lobby, what they share is that both times the Giants Served the purpose mirroring the conflicts between the crewmates and highlighting the importance of loyalty and comradery. Shit writes itself. Come on Elbaf don’t let me down. Come on Usopp I know you can hit us with another world shattering arc just take the stage love.
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01tsubomi · 2 months
if seto kousuke has a million fans i'm one of them. if seto kousuke has 5 fans i'm one of them. if me inside and i can laugh, our hearts are one and i'm leaving the past. maybe even now my heart that's saving others is something closer to "brave". if seto kousuke has zero fans it's because i forgot it was his birthday
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tricobicofriend · 8 months
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i don't remember when i made this but the date the photo was taken(on my phone) was like 2020. and hey, i might not even go with the narrachara idea! they could be up further in the underground with frisk(at the same time as the 7D), or the 7D could be precursors to frisk!
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puphoods · 4 months
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Aaron Bushnell, the man who self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy in DC, has died from his injuries
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bogkeep · 2 years
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moving far away is scary but i've got my friends in my pocket!
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rosedhall · 8 months
I wish I had the software to make gifs bc I want so badly to make certain sets grrr
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
wow so when i wrote this i was like "hey this i'm only posting bc it's the first part to something much funnier" and then completely forgot to post the followup. so here have some dys>sol(>cal/tammy) bracelet scene pre-pre-pre-rship stuff. i love when kids are dumb and in love
it's ok (we'll find our way); 1k
When Sol crests the hill to where Dys is packing for his next trip out, the very first thing that Dys looks at are his wrists, because Dys is an idiot. Because apparently Sol is also an idiot, he is in fact wearing the databand, spinning it with his other hand as he stares down at it. “Hi, Dys.”
Thank fuck half the time he just nods hello at Solana anyways, because trying to unstick his jaw from where it’s glued shut sounds pretty impossible right now. Not that Sol even notices, really, still staring down at his dumb new bracelet. “Um. Can I… can I get another ten minutes where you don’t tell me you think something’s stupid?”
Thank fuck that him packing means he has an excuse to turn around. Against all odds his dumb voice doesn’t crack as he says, “Sure?”
“Someone likes me?” Sol blurts, instantly, and when he glances over, Sol is blushing. Stars. Dys kind of wants to die. “Like, I got this message on Vertumnalia, and apparently, um, this --” he holds up his wrist, like Dys hasn’t been staring at it since the moment he showed up “-- is from a, a secret admirer?”
Yeah, I fucking know. He bites it back. “Oh.”
“Someone likes me,” Sol repeats; he’s staring down at the dumb thing with stars in his eyes. “No one’s ever liked me before. Like, I mean, I thought, um. I thought Cal did, and I was…. I was totally wrong there, y’know?”
Because Cal is the stupidest person in the colony, yeah. Why anyone would ever pick Tammy with Sol as an option, Dys will never understand. “But…” says Sol, and the smile that had faltered on his face for a moment is back, small and sweet. “But I guess someone does.”
Okay. Maybe the whole thing wasn’t such a terrible idea after all, if it makes Sol smile like that. Or at least, that’s what Dys thinks for exactly two seconds, before suddenly Sol looks up at him and blurts, “Who do you think gave it to me?”
Nevermind, Dys wants to die again; he jerks back around, grabbing the nearest ration to shove into his pack so Sol won’t see him blush or whatever. Luckily Sol doesn’t actually seem to be expecting an answer, already barreling on ahead: “Like, I was thinking about it, and I really don’t know? Like, at first I thought maybe it was one of the Helio kids, but I don’t really know any of them that well, and whoever made this, um… I mean, it has a bunch of stuff I’m into, y’know? All the music and vids and stuff that I like?”
Next time Sol starts talking about Sanctuary Moon, Dys is turning on his holospeak and pretending he’s gone deaf. “So that kinda narrowed it down, I guess, to one of us? But like, obviously it’s not Cal--” because he’s an idiot, as previously established, and fuck but Dys hates the way Sol’s face drops a little just saying that “--and Nemmie’s super gone on that Vace guy already, so I knew it wasn’t her, and that just leaves --”
--oh fuck here it comes--
Dys stops. Puts his things down. Turns around. “...What?”
“I know!” Sol’s got his face buried in his hands, which is good, because Dys has absolutely no idea what kind of expression he’s making himself right now.  “I know, I don’t like it either, like….” He drags them down his face before looking up at Dys; for a moment seeing Dys’s face he wilts, but then rallies again. “I-I mean, it’s a nice gift! It’s a really, really nice gift, y’know? It made me… it made me really happy, okay?”
Stars. Of course it did. There’s a weird lump in Dys’s throat when he hears that, but Sol, still charging stupidly ahead, doesn’t even notice. “But even if I liked girls, I wouldn’t like Marz, she’s way too mean and bossy and I just….” Sol sighs again, slumping over, and despite his words he’s still playing with the bracelet. “I didn’t even think she noticed me that much.”
“She doesn’t.”
Sol blinks, looks back up. “What?”
Fuck. It’s too late to take the words back. Dys takes a single breath, wipes his palms against his legs, and then manages, “It wasn’t from Marz.”
“Oh,” says Sol. He’s got that same puzzled frown he always gets when they’re up on the walls and he’s struggling through his homework. “Wait, really? But how do you know… that….”
The silence is deafening, as the frown gives way to slowly widening eyes. Dys, for his part, turns around and starts shoving all his stuff into his bag as fast as he can, who gives a shit about organizing right now? “Dys,” says Sol, a little unsteadily, and even without looking Dys can picture the way his whole awful handsome face has gone slack in surprise. “Are you my --”
“So what if I am?” he interrupts immediately, because if Sol actually says the words he’s going to die. His face is on fire. “Don’t make a big deal about it.”
“Oh,” says Sol, still sounding totally bewildered. Dys should’ve chucked the stupid databand off the ridges when he’d finished making it; he starts buckling up the pack and ignores the fact that the top won’t go totally shut. When he glances back, just for a second, Sol’s gone red too, still staring at him, and in return Dys flushes even more and looks back away. “I-I won’t.”
“Good,” says Dys, reaching his limit. Before this stupid conversation can drag on any longer he grabs his pack and hustles away, not quite sprinting only because he can’t actually run with the stupid thing on. As he goes, though, he glances over his shoulder once last time.
Sol’s still standing right where Dys left him, head tilted back down to the bracelet, touching it gently the way he had been when he’d first walked up. On his face Dys can just barely make out that same small, shy smile as before. Dys nearly trips; Sol looks up; their eyes meet and for a moment that smile grows just a little before Dys whips his head back forward, his own dumb heart pounding so loud it’s all he can hear. 
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"Two years. We are all here 🇺🇦"
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wingedarrows · 1 year
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Kintsugi for the Wounded Soul
Should I probably have actually posted more of my art of Valor before posting this? Yeah probably. Am I doing that? No. Woe, album art and playlist that tells the story of my grimwalker oc Valor Firemantle be upon ye, whether you have the context or not.
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agendratum · 10 months
the funniest part about advance bravely's censorship is that they don't censor that part where xia yao says "i'm going to stay with you for the night. don't get too excited about it", but they do censor a montage of a dude farming lotuses in a pond set to a romantic tune. to be fair, they did show his ankles in slow-mo which is basically pornography
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faetreides · 2 months
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