#remember their favorite color to spend 6 months knitting them the most perfect sweater they have ever beheld . u actually never cared if
silphilis · 1 year
i hate knowing why i do things thats so fucked. i have medical brainrot and its still not enough to erase the comprehensive collection of data i have on why ive done and felt everything that i have done and felt for my whole life. ruins the fun of it. buzzkill. cockblock. etcetera. shawties that cant even fuck up their own life in peace because they are painfully aware of why they want to act up and how to fix it. fuck you
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50 things I’ve learned this year during a global pandemic/general life advice from your local teenage train wreck :) (Pt. 1)
1. It’s okay to let go. Of things, people, old interests, even your past self. It doesn’t matter. If it isn’t benefiting you anymore, it’s okay to let things go.  
2. No relationship is worth pursuing that doesn’t match your energy. If someone’s not matching the love you give them, pull back to match their energy. That way, you save your energy for the people in your life that do. Most times, the people who do match your love and energy are the one’s that are in it for the long run and will be there for you. 
3. Stop caring what other people think about your interest. Often times we have so much shame for liking what we like. Why is that? If it isn’t hurting anyone, then why does it matter that you have an obscure taste in music, books, movies, etc.? Stop apologizing for what you like!
4. It’s okay to not want to grow up, even if that’s all you wanted to do as a kid. You don’t have to grow up. 
5. Going off of that, if you’re a “gifted” or “mature” kid, it’s okay to mourn your childhood you never had. Watch that show that you never did as a kid and fall in love with it. Finger paint with no exterior motive. Read way below your reading level. Reread Harry Potter or the Percy Jackson series. Play outside. You deserve it. 
6. “Kids” shows, including atla, lok, etc. often have more complex and interesting plots and characters than most “adult” shows these days. Don’t dismiss something just because it’s geared for a younger audience. Watch and learn from them. 
7. The changes you want to happen don’t suddenly happen. They’ll happen after many months of trial, error, and consistency. Take baby steps and celebrate small victories. 
8. You’re body will always be imperfect, and it’s okay. You’ll eventually learn to accept it once it doesn’t change so fast during adolescence, but don’t feel pressured to. It’s okay to not like how you look, just don’t let it keep you from enjoying life and your body from serving it’s purpose. 
9. Most high school guys don’t want a serious, long term relationship yet. They all have to mature a little bit for that, and it’s normal to feel frustrated about it, but don’t blame them too hard for it. You matured at a faster rate then them, and they still need a little more time. The best thing to do it wait for it. 
10. Questioning your sexuality is a normal part of life. You like guys? Good! You into girls? Great! It literally doesn’t matter, and God doesn’t really care either. There’s nothing in the Bible against it, and he made you that way right? Why not embrace it! Asami was your first gai crush? WONDERFUL! me too! Want to label yourself? I’ll respect and support whatever your decision is! Don’t know or don’t want to? Also perfect!
11. God (or whatever you believe in, or don’t!) made you imperfect for a reason: to embrace those imperfections and grow through them, to improve. Why would God put you on this earth if He didn't think that you had a reason to grow closer to Him through your imperfections? Make sure you use and acknowledge your imperfections, because they’re your lifeline to Him in prayer. It’s what you need to improve on, and ask help for, and that’s okay! (Spoiler alert, even when you do this stuff and work super hard, you’re human, and you’re still gonna mess up and make mistakes! Perfection wasn’t intended for humans, and I don’t believe it ever will be!)
12. When summer rolls around, get a summer job. Go down to the local ice cream place and ask if they’re hiring. Get an application and fill it out nicely with good handwriting. Then, take it back and wait. If they say yes, great! If not, that’s good too! Keep looking! Once you’ve found a place, settle in. Learn how things work. Learn how to do your job good and effectively. Immerse yourself in it. Then, have fun. Name the machines. (Big Bertha the waffle iron, or Fernanda the flurry machine, etc.) Name the ice cream flavors after your favorite fictional characters based on what they’d order (Aang is cookie dough, Obi Wan is mint chocolate chip, etc). Make new friends there and schedule your shifts with them. Get them in on your games too! It makes it more fun. Take time to show them your names for the ice cream flavors and machines, and maybe start using the names as abbreviations to make orders more efficient. Make sure you work only how much you can handle, even if that’s once a week or seven days for nine hours each. Whatever makes you happy! If you work in customer service, make them smile. Give the little kid extra sprinkles for wearing a fun mask or stickers if you have them. If there’s a tired mom, help her out by prioritizing her order to get out fast if possible. Whatever helps them. Thank the customers that tip! Then, get your paycheck in the mail and save all your tips. Put it in the bank and save it for college or when you need it. (Make sure to buy yourself something nice with the money sometimes too!)
13. When in school, don’t feel pressure to over achieve all the time. It’s okay to do the bare minimum sometimes. If you have an A, why are you worrying about if it’s a 95 and not a 98? It’s still an a, and that’s great! School is there to help you learn, so don’t force yourself to do extra busy work for a little extra credit (unless you absolutely need it!).
14. Take time to learn and do other things outside school that you may not be getting credit for. They’ll serve you in the long run! You like to write fan fiction? Keep writing! It’s helping! You love a sport? Good! It’s keeping you healthy while teaching you real life skills. Most of these things are gonna stick with you forever, so keep doing them and don’t let you passion fade away.
15. Write letters to your friends that live far away. Even if they don’t respond, they will appreciate having something that’s harder to lose or accidentally get deleted. Make the letter nice with pretty paper or colored pens or stickers, and spray your favorite scent on the envelope. Then seal it with a sticker and send it off. They really will appreciate it. 
16. Splurge on your own Spotify premium account and make a playlist for each mood. Make one for studying, working out, singing at the top of your lungs, one for when your happy, sad, etc. (You can also search my name, Hana Zainea, to listen to any of my playlists and see if we have the same music taste. If so follow me there and I’ll follow back to see your playlists!) Listen to your music and take time to enjoy it. Set aside ten to fifteen minutes just to do that. Let it flow through you and wake your soul up. 
17. Learn how to make handmade gifts. Wether that’s learning to make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, crochet, knit, or even make a nice card with hand lettering, learn how to make at least one solid handmade gift. It’ll give you a new skill as well as let the other people in your life that you love them. Handmade gifts are valuable and kept forever no matter how good they look. 
18. If your best friend lives far away like mine does, plan a monthly bsf subscription box. You can send each other a letter and a few little self care gifts once a month. It’s soooo fun and I can’t recommend this enough. 
19. Have photos that you like printed in physical form and hang them on your wall even if it’s just with tape. You’ll like being able to see and access happy thoughts and memories easily and have them hanging on your wall instead of sitting in your camera roll. 
20. You don’t have to keep up with social media. Delete it if you want, or limit your time on it if you want. Sometimes the “connection” we experience through social media isn’t always healthy, so monitor your use. 
21. Have a screen time widget on your phone and keep track of it. Try to cut your usage down by half an hour every week and eventually reduce it to the amount of time that you’d like to spend on your phone without being excessive, whatever that looks like for you. 
22. Meditate. This isn’t anything religious or spiritual, and it brings many benefits. It’s basically you setting a time aside to think for yourself. You can use one of the hundreds of guided meditations on youtube, or listen to theta waves/meditation music or just find a quiet place. Find a place where you know you won’t be disturbed, and then start to let your mind wander. What’s bothering you. When you turn off you mind, what’s the first thing that pops up? What keeps you from just being? What do you need to focus on in order to help yourself feel better? What are some things that you regret that are weighing on your heart? Now, what is your desired reality? Where do you want to live? Who do you want to meet/live with? What do you do? What do you act like? What do you have to do to make this happen? If you pray/are a christian, ask God for help with this desired life. (Remember, ask and you shall receive!)
23. Get yourself a hydro flask or any other durable water bottle, specifically a 16 or 32oz one. This way, it’s way easier to keep track of how much water you are drinking. A 16oz bottle is one pint and a 32oz one is a quart. Four of the 32 and eight of the 16oz are a gallon. Start by trying to drink a quarter of a gallon (2 16 oz or 1 32 oz) then a half, then three quarters, and eventually you’ll be drinking a gallon plus of water a day. (Put stickers on it to motivate yourself. Trust me it works wonders having fun stuff on there. Makes it enjoyable) 
24. If you’re able, make and give gifts often. It brings more joy than expected. 
25. Get rid of clothes. Toss all the old ones out. Reinvent yourself. Invest in pieces of clothing that are timeless (crewneck sweaters, cable knit sweaters, tan and brown colored dress pants, nice wool coats and sweaters, etc.) You’ll have these forever. 
26. Maintain your physical appearance. Make sure to change your clothes, follow proper hygiene, use lotion, etc. You’ll feel much better, trust me. You don’t have to use expensive products or put on a full face of makeup either, but putting some effort in will make you feel much better about yourself. 
27. Find a tea that tastes good to you. (Preferably without caffeine so you can drink it whenever.) Try everything! Then get yourself a nice mug and have some at a dedicated time each day. Relax and enjoy a constant in your life. 
28. If you’re into it, research and try reality shifting. I’m not going to go into depth in this post (that would take awhile) but if you’re really needing an escape but can’t go on vacation due to money, time crunches, etc, you can shift to any alternate reality that you’d like. Further in depth post about this to come. 
29. Read. Anything. A book, and article, the paper, the news, even the back of a cereal box. Think about it. What did you learn? Anything? 
30. Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice. 
31. Call your parents if you live away from home. If not, spend more time with them. They love and miss you. 
32. Same with your siblings. 
33. And grandparents.
34. Find a way to remember your home town. Know it like the back of your hand. 
35. Read Shell Silverstien poems. They’re funny. 
36. Have a piece of jewelry that you never take off. Keep it to remind yourself of your sanity and to remember yourself. 
37. Cry of you need to. It’s bad to hold it in. 
38. Series you should read (even though some are nerdy): Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus, The Hunger Games, The Red Queen Series, The Giver Series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit. 
39. Standalone books you should read: The Book Thief, The Fault in our Stars, They Both Die in the End, Where the Crawdads Sing, The Scarlet Letter, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The DaVinci Code, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Out of my Mind, Love that Dog, The Unfinished Angel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet
40. Shows you should watch: Avatar (Even if you’re a casual fan of the fandoms) : The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, The Mandalorian, The Office, The Clone Wars, Parks and Rec., Stranger Things
41. Standalone Movies/Series you should watch: The Notebook, any of the Disney classics (specifically Lion King, Hercules, and others during that era), the Harry Potter movies, the Hunger Games movies, The Star Wars Movies, All of the Pixar movies (specifically Soul and Coco), Ten things I hate about you, the perks of being a wallflower, Clouds, If anything happens I love you
42. Artists to listen to: Norah Jones, James Taylor, John Denver, Anson Sebra, Ed Sheeran, The Paper Kites, The Artic Monkeys, Conan Grey, L. Dre (for Lofi) Song recs are on my Spotify haha (Hana Zainea) 
43. Invest in good supplies for art. It’ll make a difference.
44. When something feels off, clean your bathroom. Not your depression cave of a bedroom. Your bathroom. Trust me. It helps so so so much to have on clean space. 
45. Have a cohesive scent. Like lavender? Buy lavender everything. Use it in lotions, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, candles, etc. You’ll have a scent that people will now associate with you and you only. 
46. Learn how to cook while your at home. Ask your parents if you can go to a nutritionist and learn what foods nourish your body the best. Eat them and let yourself feel good about what you put in your body. 
47. Learn how to do basic home improvements while still at home. Fix toilets, clogged drains, clean ovens, showers, sinks, etc. You’ll be grateful. 
48. Don’t do drugs/drink. It’s not worth dulling your senses to miss out on your wonderful life. 
49. Annotate your books. It makes you engage more and you’ll like looking back on them. 
50. If no one is looking, you should totally cart surf down the isle at the grocery store. It’s the little things that count. 
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juliadfdias · 5 years
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What you have to know about bra fitting & care
Did you know that 7 out of 10 women are not wearing the right bra size? I learned that in August 2015, when I was being trained to become a bra fitting specialist in a bra store. Bra shopping is often something we tend to avoid. Finding the right size can be such a pain! We end up trying on too many styles, buying the wrong cup size and a few weeks later we stop wearing those bras because they’re not as comfortable after all.  But with the help of a REAL fit expert, shopping for a bra won’t make you sweat anymore. Here are some things you need to know. 
Finding the right size First step: head to a bra store where they can adjust you. Not any bra store. A real one with fitting experts. If you’re busty, try to look what stores have D+ cups. Find the right bra store for your needs! Second: tell them your current bra size - or at least, what you think it is. Show them the bra you currently have. If you don’t remember, that’s totally fine! The bra fitter will measure you. This measurement is approximate. It’s just to guide us, bra fitting specialists, to have an idea of what bra type is best. Why? Simply because every bra company has their different measures. From a Chantelle to a Triumph, from a Victoria’s Secret bra to a Warners, the cups and sizes will not be the same. Just like pants! A size 12 at Old Navy won’t fit exactly like a size 12 at Calvin Klein.  Third: tell the specialist what you want. Which color, style, how many bras you need to buy, what your budget is. Tell them also what you really don’t want and why. For example: I don’t want an unlined one because I often wear t-shirts and I hate when my nipples are showing through my bra and clothes. Whenever someone comes to me and asks for help, I just picture all the bras we have in store in my head. The more the customer tells me what they want and doesn’t,  the bras get eliminated one after the other, until I am left with what I think are the best ones. I picture them in my head, knowing the sizes available and how they fit. Fourth: time to try the bras she brings you! She might show you some that you won’t want to try on, but trust her: it often looks better on you than on the hanger. We know what we’re bringing you, we’ve seen it on other women and we’ve also tried it on. Yes, all the bra fitters of where I use to work tried ALL the bras in store. Of course, if the bra style is only for DD+ cups and the employee was a 34B, she wouldn’t try it on but one of the other coworkers had to show her the fit on herself. I was shy at first but, hey, we’re all different and so beautiful in our own way! All bodies are beautiful! Fifth: the fitting. If you don’t want the specialist to see you in the fitting room, tell her. Of course if you show her how the bra fits, it will be easier for her to find where something is wrong: straps too tight, cup too small, band size too big. I always explain to the client what the problem is. This way, they will be informed next time they’re buying bras, and maybe even be confident enough to shop by themselves!  Sixth and last step. Before saying yes to the bras you chose, do this in the changing room: try them under a shirt. Where I work, we sell pajamas. I always bring a fine shirt for the client to try on. It might look exactly like you want it but once you try it with a top, you end up not liking the shape it gives your breasts. I also bring a shirt because styles with lace don’t always look smooth under it.  After those steps, you’re ready to go home with brand new bras! 
Oh no, the fitting specialist didn’t find anything for me! Do not lose hope, dear. It happens. It can make you feel like either the bra fitter is not the best or make you feel like your breasts are not ‘normal’. Girl, NO. The store you went to just doesn’t have anything for your unique breasts! Worry not, there are plenty of other places to continue the search. Where I currently work, Lilianne Lingerie, not all stores have the same styles. From one city to another, it varies a lot. The selection is based on what’s selling better in each of them.  If I am not able to find any bra that fits the client, I look at the catalogs we have and see if I can order different styles. In my 4+ years of experience, it happened a couple of times. My passion is to help women find the good bra, so I’ve done a lot of research on my free time. I know a lot of different brands and companies and know what they sell. So if I didn’t find a bra in my store for my client, I tell her where she can start looking next, online or near.
Putting on the bra the right way - Attach the hook on the widest size. The more we wear a bra, the more the elastic loosens up. Yes, even if it cost you $120 or if it’s from France, nothing lasts forever! Doing that helps the band’s elastic stay ‘elastic’ longer. When it starts getting loose, you’ll be able to make it tighter. - Sweep your breasts inside the cup. Learn forward and do the ‘scoop and swoop’ so they get in the right place! - Adjust the straps. They shouldn’t be loose or digging into your shoulders. - The band size has to be horizontal and at the same level as the front. If it’s too high or too low, you won’t have the needed support and you’ll have back pain. Also, if it’s digging in, you guessed it, you need a bigger band size. If you move down a band size, move up a cup size. And the other way around.  - The cup. There should be no bulging or sagging. Move up or down a cup size - don’t forget to verify the band size as well! 
What about bra extenders? When a client is between 2-3 bra sizes - yeah that happens too - a bra extender might do the job. I try to not rely on that option but sometimes the client’s back is too wide for a band size 34 (75) but a 36 (80) is too loose. ‘But why don’t you attach the 36 on the last hook?’ Because then, when the elastic starts getting loose, the client won’t be able to make the band tighter and her bra will not last as long as it’s supposed to! So, NO. I just take a bra extender and put it on the 34, if the cup is perfect on it. ‘Cause the 36 band can be good but if the wire goes too far under the armpit, that ain’t okay. That’s when the bra extender comes in handy. Without changing the cup size, it adds up to 3 more hooks to the bra. It’s also a good option for people who tend to become bloated throughout the day: they can loosen up the bra a bit to be more comfortable.  
How much should I pay for a good bra? It depends on so many factors. My bra size varies from 36DDD/80F to 34DDDD/75G. La Vie en Rose’s sizes are not for me, neither La Senza or Victoria’s Secret. So far, I can fit in Chantelle, CORIN, Simone Perele, Wacoal. Their prices are from $75 to $190 CAD. My bras cost me a lot but they fit like a glove. I can spend the entire day in them and not even feel I’m wearing any.  I’m not telling you to pay $100 for a bra. It just depends on the style, quality, brand, size. DD+ cups are pricier because of the complexity of the design. A stronger support is needed. D cup breasts can weight 10 pounds. Do you realize how heavy that can be for your back? Choose a bra you’re comfortable in. It’s better to pay more for a high quality bra, with a strong elastic band that fits well, than to pay for a cheap bra that will make you hate how you look in your clothes. 
How often should I get fitted? Our bodies change a lot. We might not notice it. In January you could be wearing a 34D and then in June, when buying the same bra, you could be going home with a 36DD: one cup and one band size bigger! Gain weight or loss affects how often you should get fitted. If you feel like your body has changed you should go get a bra fitting again. I suggest getting it every 6 months. It doesn’t mean you’ll have to spend money again on a new bra. It’s just to make sure your size is ‘up to date’. Random fact: I have bras for different times of my cycle. During my PMS, they get a cup bigger. They go back to normal after a week. So I have my PMS bras.
Bra care I don’t buy 10 bras per year. I can use the same 3-4 and they’ll still be looking brand new after months and months. I take good care of them because they cost me a lot of money. That’s how I keep them looking like I just bought them: - Lay them flat to dry. Don’t put them in the drier. Please. Don’t. It will literally destroy the elasticity of the band. It can also twist your wires and deform them. Try to not hang them by the band or by a strap. The weight of the water in the fabric will stretch it. Laying them flat is the best way to keep it the right shape. Also, don’t twist your bra to remove excess water. Do it gently. - Use gentle soap. Bra stores sell some but you can use gentle laundry soap (for babies clothes, for sensitive skin, for delicate fabrics).  - Buy a lingerie wash bag. If you don’t have time to hand wash them, it’s okay. You can your bras in the washing machine but don’t forget to attach the hooks and put them in a lingerie wash bag. It keeps them from being tossed around the other clothes you are washing them with. The hooks can also pull the thread of a cable knit sweater. There goes your favorite sweater, oh no!  - Hand wash them. It’s the best way of keeping them looking new. You don’t need to rub them. I usually put soap on the places where my body sweated the most: fabric under the armpit area, under the wire and on the back (band).  - Bra rotation. We spend around 8+ hours wearing it. Don’t use your bra two days in a row. It will make the elastic become loose faster. To give it time to go back to its shape, don’t wear that bra for at least 24 hours.  - How often to wash your bra. Every 2-3 uses. It all depends what you did with it. Did you run a marathon is your sports bra? Wash it, girl. Did you just use it to go to the grocery store real quick and took if off after getting home? It’s fine, put it back in the drawer. Washing it every time is exaggerated and not enough is gross.
That was a lot of information, I know. But the more you know about it, the more confident you’ll be when it comes to finding the perfect bra.  I hope this article helped you conquer your tiny fear of getting help for bra shopping! Thanks for reading!
Here are some helpful articles I found online on ThirdLove.com about other points I have not covered: Bra size chart | Sister sizes | Bra styles guide | Breast shapes | Fit issues 
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hotspottrends · 6 years
THE 10 ESSENTIAL ITEMS NO WOMAN SHOULD BE WITHOUT Just around the corner in every women’s mind’s is a lovely dress, a wonderful suit, or an entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her. ~ Wilfelia Cushman Editing your wardrobe is essential for making your morning routine as smooth as possible and enjoyable in order to eliminate any tricky decisions about what to wear and how to wear it. The ideal would be to build a capsule wardrobe around those key pieces and you will be covered with a solution for every season and occasion. We all want to invest our money in those items that will last as a lifetime, will go perfectly to any event and will continue looking fashionable and in style years after we bought them. Unfortunately, we have to admit, most of us end up spending fortunes on clothes that barely survive a few months. Now, we know that finding those items beautiful enough to outshine any trend may seem like a daunting task but this is why we are here for. Here we will show you the various items that they survived all fashion fads and continue to look effortlessly stylish and cool no matter of the season and changing trends. Get Inspired By The Icons All we have to do is look at the women over the decades and you will only see class, elegance, and style. Princess Diana Heidi Klum Jackie Onassis Eva Longoria Brigitte Bardot Jennifer Aniston THE 10 ESSENTIAL ITEMS EVERY WOMAN SHOULD OWN All these items can be tweaked to accommodate your personal style. The idea is to make a variate of outfits that all work together instantly. Choosing a tonal palette, where the colors of all outfits work with everything else, is the key. 1. The White Shirt The white shirt has got such fabulous fashion potential. There are many styles that work brilliantly with a white shirt. The minute you find one you like it becomes your new best friend. If you are one of those ladies that may think a white shirt is mostly for work, we will definitely show you how in our opinion, the classic white shirt paired with some awesome blue jeans will make you look red hot. Whether you choose to wear it with high heeled boots or shoes, this outfit would work for a day shopping as well as would for a night out. Tip: It is always worth investing in a good quality white shirt, the more tailored the look, the better. 2. The Polished Trousers Trousers shapes have changed over the past years but we think there’s still so much fashion potential in the classic style and you really don’t have to rush out and buy the latest trend every season. Yes, even trousers shopping can be a bit tricky and finding a classic pair to perfectly suit your shape isn’t a very easy task but if you have a pair, those trousers could always be a fantastic back-up to your little black dress, a dependable closet item that will suit you from day to night, desk to dancefloor and beyond. 3. The Hero Denim Jeans Let’s face it, we could not talk about fashion if we are not covering the one item that has been a staple fixture in every woman’s wardrobe for decades. We’ve all got a favorite pair of jeans that we live in and can’t live without. They are comfortable and usually easy to wear but jeans are the benchmark garment when it comes to how we feel about our bodies. We have days when our best jeans can make us feel like the sexiest person alive and those not-so-hot-days when so even they may be the easiest thing to pull on and forget about it, we still need to look a bit into fashion fix too. Your perfect jeans should flatter you and fit your lifestyle. Darker denim shades are always smarter and can take you through to evening with more dash, paler washes always look more casual and more summery. Whether you want to create the illusion of a slim figure or a tall frame, there’s a style for every requirement. 4. The 12-Hour Dress From red carpet dazzlers to the dream summer shift, dresses are the self-contained fashion fix of any wardrobe. Once you find the one, it will change your life. this is the dress you will throw on first thing in the morning for a school run, for a coffee chat, supermarket run, and even office. This is the dress with just a change of shoes or earrings will take you through a night out dinner, cocktails and even dance clubs. From floor-skimming to thigh-slimming there are loads of top dresses to choose from and whether you are in your trendy teens or your sexy sixties, you’ll sure be able to find that style that makes you rock. 5. The Super Cool T-Shirt T-shirts are one of our favorite keys in our capsule wardrobe and just like the jeans they are just to easy to pull on and forget but you will have to remember that a T-shirt can make or break an outfit. Any time you put on a t-shirt make sure it curves in at the waist, otherwise it can look blocky and stocky but no worries, with so many options out there, I am sure you will find the right one to suit your shape. Whether you go for plain cotton, silky and slouchy, you can create a whole wardrobe of different looks from them. One perfect choice would be a vest style T-shirt which is very easy to layer up, not too bulky and comes in varying lengths, so you will always find one that suit you. Try to pair your lovely vest T-shirt with a pencil skirt and a big, glam statement belt or work it with a pair of statement trousers, such as silky harem or printed palazzo pants. Bold ethnic-style jewelry and bangles also look brilliant against a simple vest backdrop. Tips: Bargain vest tops are great for layering under shirts and cardies but they can bare a bit too much flesh when worn on their own with bra straps showing through. If you don’t feel your tummy is your trouble spot, traditional T-shirt shapes may not be ideal for you as they tend to cling around the middle. Instead, you can go for a looser, slouchier style that gathers in a band under the tummy. White T-shirts tend to show every lump and bump. For curvier girls, a flattering option would be a loose white cotton shirt. 6. The Blazer Slipping on a perfectly tailored blazer will give you infinite power and polish. Whether is in form of a tux or a looser, boyfriend style this do-all cover-up will rise to any occasion. The blazers are a super cool choice for a daywear generally but they become a real hit for evening events too. You can dress down a thigh-skimming mini dress and super mega heels with a long-length blazer at a red-carpet event. Single breasted blazers are suitable for most shapes, where the double-breasted styles are more likely to double you in size. Cropped blazers are great for petite and curvy girls as they highlight your gorgeous waist and elongate your legs. 7. The Fine Knitwear Fine knitwears are much more flattering than bulky sweaters and you can layer them for warmth. Vneck knits are great for most shapes and even if happen to have a flat chest you will still look very sexy. V-necks give an elegant look to your top half and show off just the right amount of skin. Crew-neck sweaters will give your outfit a classic preppy twist. Layer up with scarves for added style. Belted cardies can also look really good with the exception of ticker belts as they can look bulky. Tuck your favorite fine sweater into a pair of high-waisted trousers, button down the cardie to just above the bust and give it a sharper edge with a tin studded belt. For a touch of tradition, vamp up your twin-set top with a statement collar necklace or piles of short-strand pearls. Add an edgier feel with a pair of statement heels. Longer-length or boyfriend cardigans are a really hot trend right now. this is a brilliant garment for any shape. You can play a lot with it, you can even do the whole eighties thing and wear your cardi with a pair of skinnies and stilettos for a really hot and sexy look. Pick a color that will lift your mood and go with every other item in your wardrobe. Cobalt blue, rust or emerald green are shades that are one step away from being a neutral but give your look a little boost. Choose wisely and you can wear this piece with jeans at the weekend, at night with any statement skirt or to the office with tailored trousers. 8. The Mac Now ladies, the coats and jackets not only keep us warm but they are key to building your style and add a fashionable flourish to any look. We are referring to a mac as a crucial piece of your capsule wardrobe just like your jeans. You can wear it day to night, from spring through to winter, this year, next year and beyond. Tips: Always try to go a little bit bigger in the size with this style, a mac that is too small will spoil the look. You need some fabric to gather in the waist. Macs that are hemmed just above the knee are great for most shapes as they highlight legs at the sexier spot. For a hot sexy look put on your favorite stilettos. If yoyr tummy is your trouble spot wear your mac loose and belted at the back to create a casual look. Belting your mac high above the waist will create a more nipped-in shape and you want to avoid it.  Were To Shop? Donna Karan Bailey/44 Burlington Reve Boutique Choies     The post THE 10 ESSENTIAL ITEMS NO WOMAN SHOULD BE WITHOUT appeared first on Hot Spot Trends.
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