#remember to breathe when shit hits the fan before shrieking with rage
anyagarika · 5 years
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Apparently, it makes sense.
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ironhoshi · 4 years
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A sudden bone chilling cold seemed to coat the very area around them and he tried to shuffle back a step, but Fett was at his back stopping him. The stupid bounty hunter wasn't going to let him run. Already his heart was starting to beat out an irregularly fast tune as the telltale sound of death brushed past his ears. Mechanical, terrifying, breathing. 
The scar on his chest seemed to throb in time to each exhale. 
“Padawan Kestis,” the voice sent a jolt of panic down his spine. “Looks like you have nowhere to throw yourself off of this time.”
They were in a room that reminded him of the various temples he had explored, but something was off. This one had the feel of Dathomir and drummed up memories of screaming. There weren’t any windows to hurl himself out of and there were no ledges. His normal routine of escaping just wasn’t going to work here. This was effectively the worst situation he had ever been in and he was scrambling to come up with a plan. 
“Yeah, maybe, I might still surprise you,” he said with as much indifference as he could muster. A mistake, which he knew, but he still coughed as an invisible hand tightened around his throat. He felt himself being lifted just a fraction off the ground while BD shrieked loudly. He didn't fight, he just did his best to level a glare. 
"Lord Vader," Fett's modulated voice interrupted them. "You said you wanted him alive. I haven't received payment." The grip on his throat loosened and he watched as that black helmet swung to stare at the bounty hunter. The Force was screaming a warning and he reacted before he could think. Cal threw his hand out and pushed. Red cut into obsidian floor and then two helmets were fixed on him. 
"Fool. He is giving you to your death and you would save him?" Cal bit back a yell when he was finally released. His boots hit the ground hard and he stumbled a bit, leaning a little too hard to one side. He made a face when he remembered Fett still had his lightsaber. Shit, this was bad.
"He's doing his job, I might not be a fan, but he is right. You haven't paid him yet. Where's your honor?"
Cal Kestis knew mouthing off to Darth Vader was a bad idea, he knew it would most likely get him killed, but he hadn't expected quite the explosion of rage. The wave of malice was visible as it rushed towards him. He twisted, trying to put himself between the power and the bounty hunter. 
"Run," he barely managed to say before pure agony slammed into his side. His insides felt like they were suddenly submerged in lava. His hand stretched out, trying to motion Boba to run, but he found a gloved hand grabbing his. No, the idiot was trying to pull him with- then a scream escaped Boba Fett. 
The world went painfully silent.
He was so cold.
Cal woke up screaming in his bed.
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proxylynn · 5 years
Lynchtale: File Name Game of Death #4
Chapter 4: To aid is sin and one that brings more pain.
Two trials have passed since my reawakening. With a bit more explaining, Claudette was more willing to teach me her perk of Self-Care. Every little bit helps when it will come to stopping the killer within me. Even Dwight makes amends with me by showing me how to access the Bloodweb. To do so, one must close their eyes then enter a meditative trance-like state where the mind is a space between reality and abstraction. Basically, it can be accessed through thought and sleep patterns. In this space, one can use the Bloodpoints, Iridescent Shards, Auric Cells...mostly Bloodpoints though. With these points, one can acquire Add-ons, Items, Offerings, and even other Perks that aren't person-specific. But I don't have many after my first trial so I don't get to collect many things. If I'm honest, I just grabbed a few random Nodes. Though I did notice something odd. The web was broken in half and some of the things I got...I don't think are meant for Survivors. Despite this obvious red flag, I don't tell the others about it. I mean, I don't plan on using these blatant killer things so why tell them about it? Well...Maybe just one. The one that offers me bonus Bloodpoints. An unidentifiable cocoon that was breached by whatever was inside called Hollow Shell that gives a 25% increase. I don't see how this could do any harm. And extra points are extra points worth at least possibly getting. The timing of all this is rather convenient. A new trial is commencing. One that involves me. Time for my second trial to begin now.
My vision clears to a blackened sky, dead forest, full moon, and the faint scent of char of a long since past fire. I have never been to this realm but I know where I am. The Entity literally drilled all sorts of knowledge into my mind, Maps being some of it, and this one is the Disturbed Ward of Crotus Prenn Asylum.
There is insanity, and then there are minds that are so severely distorted that they cease being humans. Instead, they end up a feral, living, unwanted things. These people must be "stored" somewhere, and that's where the Crotus Prenn Asylum played a crucial role. Established in 1857, Crotus Prenn was originally a hospital, but as the need for storage grew, it was turned into an insane asylum. Crotus Prenn was a place riddled with tall tales that aren't even close to the reality that takes place within its walls. It was never the biggest asylum, but the one that held the most violent and warped minds the country had ever met. But it was not the residents that etched the name Crotus Prenn into the history books. Instead, it was the mass homicide where over fifty patients were found dead in their beds. The building was abandoned shortly after that. Investigators had no answers, and the town's folk became more and more worried as rumors talked about a woman still living inside the asylum. Finally, one night, smoke rose from the woods as Crotus Prenn had been set ablaze. The bystanders did nothing. They just let it burn. The last standing structure after the fire, that still shows the grandeur of the original architecture. Its two floors and dark basement leave nothing of the tale of horrors that took place here. Nothing but memories that linger in the abandoned rooms.
This place...This place is the home of the Nurse. In a funny sense of irony, the Entity did little to informed me of the monsters outside of the basics. She is technically the slowest killer currently in the realms but can blink/teleport with blinding speed to anywhere all over the area and slash you with her bonesaw, a rusted metal implement for tearing through flesh as well as bone. There is a painful tell if the Nurse is indeed here. In order to Blink, she channels the dying breath energy of past kills to allow her to pierce and jump through the Spirit World, sometimes multiple times in a row. Doing so leaves her in a state of fatigue as blinking is quite painful to her, hence why she will shriek after each Blink. Yet so far, as I crawl in the thick tall grass and decaying structures littering the grounds, all has been quiet. I'm lucky to find a generator with some decent cover and I start to fiddle with it. I'll show my team that I'm productive and not as big of a liability as they think. As this team is probably expecting me to fail. I got stuck with Adam, Min, and Nea. Poor guy is drowning in a torrential estrogen agro sea.
That is a sound I was hoping not to hear.
I don't even have to peek to see the ghostly figure fly upwards, leaving a trail of glowing dots and black smoke in her wake, through the asylum. My progress on the generator stops as I don't want to be distracted and mess up, alerting to my location. I know not if this is her intended strategy, but if I had that power, I'd use the height advantage to look for any movement or gen-repair happening in the mist. I don't know if she can see me from wherever she has landed in that place, but sight is only a minor thought. It's likely Legion has said things to the other monsters. He knows about my strange terror radius. If he told them anything, it was probably that and now I have to be on guard even more for monsters that are listening for me and can hunt me down easy.
She sounds further away. Spotting prey elsewhere and going for it. I feel safe enough for now to continue repairing the generator. It feels a good 60% done when I hear softly crunching earth and yet no terror radius. One of my teammates is near.
"*whisper* Yo, who's there?"
His hair stands out before he can say anything.
"*whisper* It's me. Do you need a hand?"
"*whisper* Not really. This thing is almost done. But the boost wouldn't hurt."
He creeps over to help me.
"So...Did you see her yet?"
Here come the questions that will annoy me.
"Nurse? Not up close. She blinked up into the asylum and then out of sight."
"I saw her for a moment then she went near where Min was repairing."
"She'll be fine. She has Nea to cover her."
His expression is blank though it feels forced.
The lights pop on and I back away from the generator.
"Where are you going?"
I don't look at him.
"She'll come investigating. You don't want to be around me in case things happen."
"You don't have to go it alone. We're a team. There's no 'I' in team."
"But there is a 'me'. And this me is going to make sure I don't hurt anyone."
He reaches out to follow but I scamper away into the thicket. I know Adam means well, but I am not a very sociable person. I prefer to be by myself. I'm a team player that doesn't like to be on a team. I know, that made no damn sense. Sue me.
Two gens down and someone's only now just got hurt. Not bad.
...Never mind. I guess I have no choice but to play distraction to keep them from dying. Ugh...They're already forcing me to do shit. Damn it!
[Breaking Point: Triggered. Resentment Tier I activated.]
What?! God damn...No, no, calm down. Ignore the crap and be a good helpful person.
"Hellooooooo, Nurse!"
I shout to the heavens. Come on. Take my bait. Why go after them when I'm here and you can see what I can do?
"Come on! What are you waiting for? Don't waste your time on worms when there's a beast right here!"
Somehow I can feel the rage from across the map. Nea is so easy to piss off it's sad.
I barely see the burly movement zipping through the fog. I need to play this safely or all hell will happen. So what do I do? I impersonate Kermit the Frog like a flipping moron. Of course, this gets the Nurse's attention and the real game starts.
The sudden whoosh of a weapon just missing its mark to hit a rock behind me has me kick it into high gear.
"Wee-woo, mother fucker!"
Probably more cocky than needed but can't take it back now.
"You can run, child..."
She cuts me off, taking a swing and slicing deeply into my arm when I try to dodge.
"But there is nowhere to run. Especially, from the likes of me."
True to the nature of my skills as dictated by the Entity, I don't make a loud sound of pain. I grit my teeth while biting my tongue and grab the wound as if my skin were to roll off like a torn sleeve. Blood covering my arm, hand, and ground in a steady stream.
[Breaking Point: Triggered. Resentment Tier II activated.]
My nerves jitter with a sense of warm darkness. I can feel that call from before. That want to panic and overreact, to lash out.
The third generator pops and the Nurse is momentarily distracted and this good step toward progress does quell the feeling enough to remember I need to run! Nurse makes the choice to ignore the others and keep after me.
"You've got to be kidding?!"
She isn't blinking. She's merely chasing me, her form floating seamlessly and faintly gaining speed as she continues to follow. All while my pace isn't as steady, I'm stumbling over the slightest thing and seem to spook every crow without fail. I am regretting doing anything! During this messed up run, I notice lights flickering with power and decide to do a little test. I make a beeline for that generator. Of course, the three others working on it don't react well to this. To Adam's credit, he takes cover against the gen and a tree, letting the dark camouflage him. Min takes off in a burst of speed, probably telling herself button commands because of gamer logic. Nea, however, hurls an uncreative obscenity at me and proceeds to shove me back into the Nurse herself. Nurse doesn't take this well, her frail form is unable to support my weight and I crush the monster in my awkward tumble.
"Get wrecked, asshole!"
Nea flees into the darkness, aiming to find another generator since we only need two more to escape. My annoyance levels increase. I can feel the urges for violence strengthen. Whispers of dark intentions. I stain as hard as I can to keep sane and move away from the Nurse. But I can't see right with all this mental pressure and blood loss, I have to lean against a tree to not trip over my own feet...again. The Nurse takes some time returning to her floating state. She looks my way, her bonesaw clenched in her hand, yet she doesn't move from her position. She merely stares at me. I'm not sure which is more unnerving, her featureless staring or the loud heartbeat pounding my already aching mind? The uncomfortableness and pain are not letting me think straight. So I'm not too surprised that the part of me that controls speech goes off.
"*strained* What are you doing?"
"I beg your pardon?"
I turn to her as she tilts her head, at least getting a good look at her. The shape of this monster is...odd to me. She's not a shadow like Wraith or skeleton like Legion. She is an anthropomorphic mammal, one that seems familiar yet unknown due to not being able to see her face. An old stained white linen pillowcase seems to be smothering her head, tied tight by unseen binds, though this does allow for a shape to be defined. Her head is Bovidae-like and even has two slightly curved horns that poke out. She wears a worn standard-issue dirty purple nurse uniform from the early twentieth century, designed with white lace patterns on the breast and held around the waist with a blood-stained red belt. The bottom of her uniform is torn and tattered, showing off her white fur covered broken legs. Granted, I'm 100% that they're broken but damn they look it or are just deteriorated to the point that standing on them would be next to impossible. Her bare feet resemble paws and so do her hands except, you know, they're hands that are covered in fur. Honestly...She's the least scary thing I could've imagined when told a Nurse was going to kill me.
"*strained* Why aren't you trying to kill me? I'm an easy mark right now."
She ponders for a moment.
"I am assessing the situation."
"*strained* Why? You've hit me once already and I haven't healed. Hit me again and I go into the dying state to which you can hook me. What's to assess?"
"How much longer you will last with such a sickness eating away at your mind."
My eyes widen. She knows? Knows what's happening to me? How? Legion didn't know. He couldn't have jumped to such a conclusion with the tiniest of hints. So how in the hell does she know? What the fuck?!
"*strained* ...You're going to keep after me till I snap, aren't you?"
She holds the weapon in front of her, delicately skimming a small claw at the end of her finger over the smooth metal back.
"You are a clever one for one so sick. Then again, the clever ones always tend to be the sickest...and require the most attention."
Her tone is something more creepy than she herself is. It holds this strict authority and threatening power that has me flashing back to watching the movie Matilda as a kid, more accurately, being intimidated by the character Miss Agatha Trunchbull. And much like a child in the face of something dreadful, I mentally freak out running like a rabbit from a wolf.
My chest is pounding like crazy, not helping the bleeding arm. Nurse, again, resumes her pursuit of me yet now she's hammering me with jump scares blinking so close that my breathing falters quite a few times.
"*shrike* Leave me alone!"
If she speaks I know not. I can't hear anything but the heartbeat.
I crash in my panic into everything in my way. I'm a mess. I'm not even sure how I'm still running other than I'm burning adrenaline like crazy.
The forth generator pops. I feel pressure lessen from my soul and for a second I recall relief.
The slash to my back is so sudden I collide with one of the burning oil drums that light the fog. The drum remains standing. I do not. I'm in the dying state. Bleeding out unless hooked or healed by a teammate, the latter being highly unlikely.
"Poor child..."
She hovers over my bloody twisted form.
"They have left you to die."
Fuck! What is she going to do? Hook me? Mori me? Leave me to bleed? Damn it! I don't want to die! Not like this!
[Embrace it, worm. Embrace the gift the Entity has given you. Unleash the beast.]
The whispers repeat and overlap. Madness is engulfing what little humanity remains at this point. I can't take this!
"What will you do now, child?"
She reaches down to pluck me like a flower.
"What will you do to stop me from killing you?"
She pauses. Something is nearby. I'm not going anywhere, even if crawling is an option, so she investigates the sound. Might as well try to stop the other humans I suppose. She gets out of sight when something else enters my visual range.
"*whisper* Don't move. Man, she really got you good."
Adam? He came for me? I...I'm brain dead. He used his Distraction perk to toss a pebble. Yeah, as dumb as that sounds, that's a special perk of his. It's like my Snowball's Chance but only works when not noticed by the killer.
He works as quickly as he can to heal me, for it is the power of the Nurse to know when healing is being done. Thank goodness he has acquired a med-kit and gets me out of dying state, though not fully healed, by the time the heartbeat starts to return. I hobble just behind him, the Nurse no doubt trailing my blood and scratch marks.
"Can you keep up?"
Why is he concerned for me?
"*wince* Why did you risk exposing yourself? You only need one gen to leave."
He chuckles.
"There might be a 'me' in team, but this me won't let my team die if I can help it."
That hit me. He used my own words on me. Such a mad lad.
"*wince* Heh...Thanks, man."
He throws a peace sign and I laugh, feeling the most normal since this trial began.
Wetness...Crimson...It's in my eyes. I'm blinded by Adam's blood spray.
"Look out!"
Of course, I can't.
I'm slashed across the chest and I drop to the ground, feeling so very weak. I blink enough to see in colors other than red only to see Adam scurry away. I don't blame him. It's only natural. What pains me is the look back take he does. His face screams "I'm sorry". He's not coming back. Not this time.
[What will you do now, little worm? He was your last chance.]
I feel myself being lifted and put over Nurse's shoulder.
The popping of the fifth generator unlocks the gates and now I know all hope is lost on anyone coming to get me. Nea and Min definitely won't make the attempt. And Adam? He might but it would be illogical to self-preservation. My attention returns to the here and now when Nurse stops moving...she's found a hook.
[Last chance, little worm. Will you let them get away with their sins? Their abandonment of you? The betrayal? The disrespect? Embrace the beast. Teach them the error of their ways. Embrace the Entity.]
As she lifts me, ready to pierce my back on the dirty metal of sacrifice, I give up...and give in.
[Breaking Point: Triggered. Resentment Tier III activated.]
[You made the right choice, little beast. Now...Prove to the worms that it is a mistake to wrong you.]
[Special Ability: Anomaly State...Activated.]
Nurse freezes in her action.
[Put the little beast down. Stop the other worms. The Entity will reward you handsomely.]
This is a bit puzzling to the Nurse.
"Of course, Master. But why not accept this one? Is she too sick?"
[You will see soon enough. Enjoy having a friend, my dear.]
Further confusion comes to her but no killer disobeys the Entity unless they want to be tortured. And the Doctor did say they should observe this one. So she sets the lifeless looking human down and does as instructed, blinking away towards one of the exit gates. A sudden light comes to Nurse's vision...Healing is happening. Locking onto this, she moves with long blinks to find the male being tended to by one of the females. The surprising yet predictable ambush does not go without bloodshed.
The male is struck down while the female tries to escape. He's not going anywhere, so Nurse blinks and lunges for a hard slash, but the female dashes quickly just out of range. Probably used that damn perk called Dead Hard to avoid the damage.
This has Nurse and human stop in puzzlement.
The confusion only grows. But it's not like the monster or human forget where they are or what the situation is and resume the chase.
The heartbeat? Then that means that sick one is near. Poor thing. She must truly be ill of not even the Entity wanted to feed on her soul.
"*grunting* Fucker! Get off of me!"
The sounds of a distressed and agitated human is close...real close. Curiosity peeked, Nurse shifts directions and follows the ever increasing pounding.
Leaping out from the top of the asylum, the distasteful female lands on her feet to keep running as the sick human pounces down to chase after her on all fours. This sight is a perplexing one indeed. She couldn't see much, but based on their movements, they seemed to be healed. And their eyes...glowing?
Someone's healing. That's a no-no.
Zooming over to the healing humans, suddenly the healing stops. Before it clicks in her head as to why, Nurse blinks through a wall only to be blinded by the bright focused beam of a well-aimed flashlight and smacks her face into a large rock. The offending human is gone by the time Nurse's vision returns but the male they were trying to help is futilely crawling into the grass.
"I think not, little man."
If left alone he'd only need a bit more healing to get back up or bleed out. Nurse skips to the chase and hooks the poor soul up like a cow in a slaughterhouse.
"Now...Where did those little brats go?"
Well, that's helpful.
She doesn't blink away, simply following the sounds of pain and heavy breathing off in the distance.
This sick one again? What insanity is she doing now?
"The hell is wrong with you?!"
"Get to the gate!"
Do they know she can hear them? Do they think monsters don't understand them? Such idiocy will be their downfall.
"Blind this bitch!"
"I can't get a clear shot!"
"Don't you fucking leave me!"
Oh really? This is sounding more interesting.
"You are so lucky I don't have Decisive Strike or I'd so stab the shit out of you!"
Was that...a hooking? No...It couldn't be. 'Twas impossible. This had to be a fluke. She was the only monster in the trial. Only one could be in a trial. That's the rule.
The gate is being opened. Though judging by the hooked auras, it must be by the remaining female. Fine. Escape this time, brat. Your demise can wait a little longer. There are far more interesting events going on.
It's coming from behind the shack? It makes some sense. The basement hadn't spawned in there this time.
"*grunting* Disgusting freak! You're so dead when we get back to camp!"
Harsh words. Aimed at a fellow human? Such a strange trial.
"It won't be long now..."
The sick one?
"Min won't come for you. How does it feel to be left for dead?"
"*grunting* Speak English, bitch!"
One of the gates open, the End Game Collapse has begun as Nurse comes around the shack and what she witnesses through the cloth covering her is not something she expected. The disrespectful human was on the hook and being watched by the sick human, only she looked a bit...different. Her hair was loose and shrouded her face, though her eyes glowed white under such curtain. Her arms dangled limply at her sides, hands bent like claws with nails to match. Her posture was slightly hunched yet that was probably because she was standing on her toes.
The sky rumbles with the thunderous approach of the Entity, aiming to claim it's first snack and earning the sick human's attention to see Nurse. The slight turn in her direction gives a better view of her face. White orbs surrounded by darkness that seemed to drain down her cheeks. As if...crying?
"Poor sick child..."
The human doesn't blink.
"You look so unwell."
She looks at the hooked human.
"They use me...Call me a freak...A liability...Yet they bring about their own end."
Slowly she steps away. Heading towards the opened gate or where she perceives it to be.
"*grunting* Hey! Come back here!"
The sacrificed human is ignored.
"They need to learn...Learn that they won't get away with such things anymore."
Her tone is ominous yet somber, almost remorseful. Nurse only watches this odd human walk away. Now as odd as this is, the fact that the collapse is still happening means the trial is not completely over with. Even as the Entity returns to snatch up the other hooked human, the burning veins along the ground persist. Further curiosity has the Nurse following the remaining human. She pays the Nurse no mind, as if not believing her to exist. Arriving at the gate, the human pauses and stares at the site of the campfire. Her only promise of safety in an otherwise deadly world. The instinct to stop her comes to the Nurse but she restrains herself to witness any further oddities. Bit by bit, she gradually steps towards her freedom. She approaches the escape boundary, only for The Entity to spawn the same spikes that usually block vaults for Survivors and stop the Killers from leaving the Trial grounds. She is understandably confused and attacks the spikes with her claws to no avail. Poor thing. She's become so sick that she isn't recognized as human anymore. Something gets her attention, whispers on the wind speaking to her and telling her things she doesn't like. She roars out in frustrated anguish.
[She has learned a harsh lesson.]
[Monsters can not leave to the campfire of humans. Her only chance of leaving here alive is the hatch. But she has no time to look for it. She will not survive. I leave her fate to you, Toriel.]
Such a cruel thing. But so true. There is no saving this one. She's too sick to be saved. The only way out now would be painful. Yet perhaps...there is still some mercy to be given to this child.
"Young one..."
Nurse's soft voice gets her attention.
"There is no escape."
The poor girl looks completely defeated. She even drags herself over to Nurse.
"If you mean to kill me...please...make it quick."
Pity. An emotion Nurse believed she had forgotten. None of the other humans brought that feeling out in her or her fellow monsters. She puts her hands on the girl's shoulder apologetically.
"You poor thing. So much suffering is hidden in those eyes."
"Not sure how you can see that or anything else with that case over your head, but you wouldn't be good at what you do if you couldn't."
"Call it something akin to mother's intuition."
That got somewhat of a small smile to breach her gloom.
"Yeah. For how I acted and junk. Just thought I'd say sorry before you...you know."
No need to make this difficult, human.
"Thank you, child."
She appears ready to speak further but Nurse makes the call to end it now. Her hands swiftly grasp the human's throat and she forces her to the ground. Naturally, the girl is reluctant to be strangled and grips at Nurse's wrists in an effort to pry them off. This struggle does little to lessen the pressure on her windpipe. With the life fading from her form she claws at Nurse's face. Her sharps nails snag a bit of the cloth and tear a small opening, showing off the intense red eyes hidden inside.
The flailing ceases. Limbs fall to the wayside. Head lulls back and eyes empty of light. The human is dead.
"Rest now, child..."
Nurse gently strokes the cheek of the human in solace.
"Now you can rest."
With the last human in the trial now dead, the world begins to be consumed by the realm's fog. Time for the world to be reset for the next trial. Nurse reaches up and feels the hole, touching her face for the first time in unknown ages. It won't last though. This will be reset along with the realm. A fleeting glance with her own eyes before losing such clarity again.
Cold. Everything feels cold. Everything is quiet. Rather odd for the campfire to be so dead. Suddenly there's feeling. Poking. Sharp poking on the back of my head.
...Okay. That's not normal. Forcing my eyes to open, I see not the light of the fire or faces of those who will most likely piss me off. Only darkness and trees as a crow flutter off my back to gawk at me.
"I didn't realize you things double as alarm clocks."
The bird rears back like it will peck my eye out, only to turn and fly upward while cawing.
"Was it something I said?"
Oh well. Time to stop kissing the dirt and find the fire. I could use some cheering up. David's always good at lifting my spirit. Scrapping myself off the ground hurts. I'm sore and feel dizzy. But I can't stay here because of that. Even if my neck is killing me. Did she really have to snap it? I guess I should be grateful that she did make it quick. Shaking off the stiffness in my joints, I lumber through the woods unsure of how to get to camp but know it's where I'm going. Such a strange feeling. Stranger still is the crow seems to be following me. What do you want with me now Entity?
"I don't know why you didn't put me back at camp, but the least you could do was drop me off closer."
The bird ignores me yet continues to linger. Jackass. Either way, as long as it doesn't cause trouble then I don't mind the company. At some point in my tireless stroll, it takes perch atop my head and I groan.
"Having fun?"
It ruffles its plumage before sitting.
"*sigh* Just don't crap in my hair, okay?"
"I'll take that as a maybe."
I'm not sure how long I've been walking. The trees never seem to end. Yet...I don't feel the fatigue of it.
The bird takes flight and something tells me to follow. I run after this harbinger of death. Not sure if it's even leading me anywhere. But soon...I see auras. Auras shaped like people. I move to all fours for faster speed. The smell of smoke finally gets to me. It makes me move faster. By the time I can see light, my body tingles with the anticipation of the fire's warmth. But then...I hear the voices.
"Good! I'm glad she's gone! Fucking freak hooked me!"
Nea. I slow down.
"Do you know 'ow often I've wanted to do that to you?"
David. Never taking her shit.
"Fuck you!"
"Well...It's not like she didn't warn us that something like this could happen."
Dwight. Even his points are nervous wrecks.
"It didn't help that we were going against the Nurse. Once she found her, the damn monster would not stop chasing her for nothing and ignored us till the end."
Thanks, Adam. Maybe it's okay after all.
"And who's fault was that? If she hadn't have shouted than the Nurse would've never found her. At least, no so easily."
Fuck you, Min. Just fuck you.
"She did that because both of you were being attacked. Or did you forget that part? If she hadn't distracted the Nurse, then both of you would've been down after popping that second gen."
I've crept into the bushes and can see them now. No one looks pleased.
"A lot of good that did anyway. Two of us were still hooked. With one being by a fucking team member!"
Nea...Oh, how you know just what to say to make my blood boil.
"You pushed her into the Nurse! And you're seriously wondering why she went after you?"
"The bitch ran at us while being chased! She's lucky I didn't knock her ass out!"
"Fuck you!"
I've had enough listening and spring out of my hiding spot. The whole group just stares at me. Sure, I expected some but not all of them to be looking at me so...oddly.
"What? Are we not allowed to swear all of a sudden?"
David takes a cautious step towards me.
"Luv? Is that you?"
Such a question has me tilting my head in confusion.
"I don't think she knows."
"Poor kid."
Ash and Bill remark.
"Know what?"
"Why is she growling? Is she upset?"
Meg questions as if trying to understand the barks of a dog.
"Okay...I'm just gonna pretend you guys aren't high right now."
I move to join them but barbed spikes, the same that kept me from exiting the gate, now block me from entering the camp.
"What kind of bull is this?"
I touch the spikes and only now notice what they have been seeing this whole time. My hands...These aren't my normal hands. But I died...Why didn't I return to normal? Why am I still a monster? What the fuck is happening to me?!
[Oh, did the Entity forget to mention that if you are killed while in the False Killer state, you shall remain as such till you are brought out of it? So forgetful. Bad Entity, bad. Heheh...]
The ever increasing look of fear and panic on my face has the few good ones concerned, especially David.
"Hey, it's okay, Luv. Just calm down. Can you understand what I'm sayin'?"
This is absolute bullshit! The Entity did this on purpose! Making me suffer still for holding back!
Gripping my stressed-out head, I roar is growing frustration before fleeing back into the woods and away from the shame this affliction is giving me. Vaguely, I want to believe the voices I hear behind me are anything but negative. Damn it all! Why? Why am I like this? Why am I always the freak?
Lost in my private pity party panic I fail to take notice of many warnings that I'm not the only monster in these woods. After probably circling the same carved tree for like the sixth time, something trips me and I skid into the ground. Frankly, I am not having a good day.
"Oh my..."
And suddenly a random voice from the darkness.
"That was quite the tumble. Are you alright, darling?"
Darling? No one calls me that. ...Oh shit. No one I know calls me that. Stranger danger!
"Hmmm...Not much of a talker, are you?"
A figure steps forth and crouches in front of me. Their outfit is pretty basic but they certainly aren't. Just a simple plastic mask with a sort of melted face look that covers part of their face, like the phantom of the opera style while the other side is covered in oil black hair. A faint pink glow shimmers from that lone eye hole. Eerie yet enchanting. Black fabrics shroud their form to help give cover, pinkish-white glossy textures provide light balancing accents, and tendril strips of cloth writhe behind them like four ghostly snakes. They look the most basic, but they are not...The flesh I can see is not meat, but metal. They are a murder machine. A killer robot. And going off the voice...It's a dude.
"Well, no matter. It's better if you just listen than chatter."
That part gets me as I make myself sit up.
"Wait...You're not going to try to kill me?"
He sighs.
"No, darling. At least...Not right now."
Oh great. One of those type of killers. How much worse is this going to get?
"Tell me something, darling...How would you like to have a friend?"
Um...Not gonna lie, I'm blindsided.
"A friend. You know what one is. Someone you can trust. Depend on. Someone that can help you when you're in need. Now...Wouldn't it be nice to have someone like that?"
Ah. I get it now. He's going to mock me and take pleasure in my empty pointless life before killing me.
"Dude, can you skip the whole belittling me thing and just kill me? I have no fucks to give anymore."
He seems slightly insulted yet remains composed.
"Belittling? No, darling, I wasn't doing anything like that."
"Sure you weren't."
"Really. I wasn't. I am merely extending a hand to someone lost."
"And does said hand hold a weapon in it?"
Now he's offended.
"Well, I never. So defensive when I've done nothing to incur such hostility."
Great...Now I feel bad for insulting a murder...The fuck is wrong with me?!
"No, you're right. I'm sorry I jumped to a conclusion like that. I'm not...myself."
He skims a metal hand under his hood to go through his hair coolly.
"No big deal, darling. I get it. Bad days happen to the best of us."
Okay...This guy is confusing me. Wait...I know him.
"I'm sorry, but are you the one known as...Ghost Face?"
He flinches before becoming way more chipper.
"Oh~? It seems my reputation precedes me."
"The others spoke about you once. But I know as much as the Entity drilled into my head. I merely guessed it was you. I do not know what any of the monsters look like that I haven't met."
That knocks him down a tiny bit yet seems unphased.
"I see. Well, if that's the case..."
He stands up and offers me his hand.
"Allow me to offer you a chance to change that."
It takes a moment to process that.
"You want me...to go with you?"
"A little slow on the uptake. Yeah. That's what I'm offering."
He sighs. Getting fed up with me enough to quickly reach down and yank me to my feet by the throat.
"Geez. I never thought you'd be so dull in person. I'm offering you something big. Some behind the scene action and get to know the crew. You should feel lucky. Nah, honored."
To try to pry him off would be futile. But that doesn't mean I have to just take this crap.
"*snarl* Let go of me!"
He wags a single finger on his free hand.
"Now now, darling. You won't get anywhere being demanding. Try again with proper respect to your better."
I cringe.
"*growl* Let go of me...Please?"
He smirks.
"Much better."
He puts me down yet doesn't remove his hand.
"Now then, rewinding back a bit...How would you like to make a friend?"
I am not liking this day. In fact, I fucking hate it.
"Great! The others will just love meeting you. Some are dying to get there hands on you."
And now I'm uncomfortable.
"...I need an adult."
"I am an adult."
"A different one."
"I'll take you to them."
"Can we not?"
His grip tightens and I change my tune.
"*gasp* Okay okay...We can go."
His grip lacks.
"There. Isn't it easier to just go along with things than fight the flow?"
I don't respond. I can't figure a way to do so around him. His personality...It's too mixed to grip. But he gets the point of my silence. Tugging to get me moving as he treks beside me.
"I will admit...You're not quite what I was expecting."
Now he's chatty.
"I've been keeping tabs on you. Taking notes. You're not like this when with the other humans."
...He's been what? No wonder Nurse knew. This guy must've heard and reported it to the others.
"Maybe it's because you're unsure. I am a stranger. You know nothing about me or my motives. For all you know, I could be taking you away to do ungodly things with your body."
That legitimately made me shiver hard. A sensation that makes him chuckle.
"Now there's a reaction. Heheh...So cute. No worries, darling. I have no need of you like that."
I sigh with hope.
"Can't say any of the others won't."
I'm dead. I have to be. Somewhere along the line I died and went to hell. Maybe a bear got me in my sleep or was hit with lightning. Now I'm being punished. Maybe I can make a deal with the devil with a contest or sorts?
"Did that freak you out or are you thinking of a way to attack?"
My thoughts are broken.
"Ah. You were just lost. Makes sense."
"Um...You were just trying to scare me...right?"
He doesn't respond.
His composure falters. Unable to keep a straight face.
"*laugh* I'm sorry...*snicker* You just make it so easy to fuck with you."
I am so not in the mood for this.
"That's not FUNNY!"
He may have predicted I was going to hit him. He may even been ready for it. Yet he wasn't prepared for the brunt force not being a hit...but a charge. I end up taking him for a short ride into a tree, the bang catches him off guard and the shock has him release me. This momentary freedom is enough to get some space and I use it to run. Of course, he's not pleased by this and gives chase.
"*digital distortion* GET BACK HERE, YOU BITCH!"
Seems the robot loses his shit when upset. Good to know. Perhaps I can use that.
"Don't blow a gasket, ghost-bot. Aren't you used to this by now?"
"*digital distortion* I WILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!"
"You'd have to catch me first."
Granted, a clever guy like him probably knows these woods better than anyone and his costume is well suited to hiding in the darkness. Yet he does have a flaw. He's metal. Heavy heavy metal. While still of decent speed, he can't help his body mass and that is the key. Flesh be nimble, flesh be quick, flesh will adapt, flesh will strengthen, and flesh can overcome. All it takes is some careful maneuvering and just the right time to act. After all, he may have been watching me yet he doesn't know how I do things when pushed. He doesn't know what kind of beast I am!
"*digital distortion* DON'T THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME!"
The faint glint of a blade gets in my sight. From the right.
A slash comes down.
But it missed. Just barely though. I mistook his reach range and nearly took the blade of his tactical knife to the shoulder.
Now. Now's the time.
"Sorry. But the only taste of steel I desire is not that weapon!"
I lunge, but it's a false one. The shock is to take him by surprise and gauge his reaction time. But I should've attacked. I shouldn't test things and aim for max damage. Because that's what he does. He's fast. Too fast. His free hand grabs a fistful of my hair and uses it as the tether to swing me into tree after tree.
He doesn't joke about it either. The knife is put aside for now in favor of swinging me around and bashing me around the environment. Ground, rocks, bushes, trees. Nothing is off-limits to pummel my body into. In no time I'm coughing blood. The bright shimmering crimson is enough to get his attention. It shows his victory. Such a show calms him, reverting him to his relative ease as he holds my still form.
"*sigh* Oh dear...Look at you, darling. This is on you. All I wanted was to show you off. But no...You just had to be difficult."
I don't recall giving willing consent to any of this, so...fuck you.
"I suppose what's done is done. But I can't show up with you looking like this. Just...Hold still a sec."
The cold feel of his thumb smear blood from my face.
His confusing musing tone has me look meekly up at him.
"Hmmm...Shame. I guess there's a time limit for that."
The only thing his words make me think of is my Anomaly State. So I move my hand enough to see it. Sure enough, I don't see the claws that were there moments before.
[Just as there are ways to trigger this False Killer state, there are ways to prevent and reverse you back to normal. Killers can also use pain to revert you to normal, with enough damage from clashing with a real Killer you will be back to being just another piece of meat waiting to be hooked.]
So he must have hurt me so bad that it reverted me to normal. Good. I'll let him believe there's a time limit. Jerk ain't getting any info out of me. Though I'll be real, I'm not gonna hold out very well if torture is used.
"Oh well. Human you will just have to do."
He tosses me up over his shoulder and resumes the action of taking me somewhere. For what? Fuck if I know.
"You're not going to stab me, are you?"
"*cough* Shouldn't I ask you that?"
"Just checking, darling. All's fun and game till someone gabs s shape object in your back."
"*cough* You are by far...the most confusing individual I have ever met."
"Do try not to talk. You're getting blood all over me."
Whatever. It's your fault I'm spitting blood. My annoyed monologue aside, I decided to just enjoy the ride. I ache too much to try wiggling free and even if I did I wouldn't get very far in this current state. Maybe a small nap would be nice. What's the worst that could happen? He kills me? Good. Then I'll pop my ass back at camp since I'm not all monster any longer. Just a short nap. Just for a...little...while.
[What do you think you are doing, Mettaton?]
This voice has Ghost Face pause.
[Do not lie. The Entity does not take lies well.]
"M-Master, I assure you, I have no ill intent here."
[Oh? Do tell then.]
"This human can become one of us, right? I figure...Perhaps we can, I don't know, make her more okay with becoming a killer."
[Hmmm...This one is rather reluctant to embrace her gifts.]
"Then am I allowed to continue?"
[Very well. Just do not be foolish. Your pride will blind you if you let your ego get the better of you.]
That made him flinch. It knew? Of course, it knew. The Entity is literally everywhere! It's always listening and watching. Best not fuck this up.
"Yes. Of course, Master."
Great. Now he had to be careful. The Entity didn't care about what the monsters did outside of trials so long as they didn't affect things leading up to trials. If they wanted to mess with the humans, it was okay. Often encouraged. Though this was a bit of hard one to gauge. It's a human but also a monster. If handled wrong, she could tell the other humans things that would give them a massive advantage in terms of strategy. And such a thing would be bad. Very bad indeed. So his plan to present the odd human as a "See? I deserve this more than Legion!" ploy will have to be reworked into a more "Hey guys, we need to make her like us more than them." type deal. Yet based on what he's seen and heard, that most likely won't be as hard of a thing to do than the other might think.
With this in mind, he continues onward. A location set in his thoughts, the forest around him giving way to emptiness and fog. Such a sight is normal for killers to see when traversing the realms. But he found it a little odd she did not react to this. A slight shimmying had him picking up on the sound of her shallow breathes. She nodded off. Rather a nice spot of luck. Less hassle while traveling. But perhaps he was a bit too rough in his anger. Oh well. No point crying over some possible internal hemorrhaging. The fog begins to thicken and wooden shack faintly hides within. This shack both exists in every realm and doesn't at the same time. But in this spot, in particular, was its own space. A place where the monsters would gather for meetings and other stuff. The only differences this shack had from the others was the lack of chests and the addition of bone piles used to practice hexes.
Entering the shack, he easily could tell it was empty. Not a sound could be heard before or after he descended the stairs to the basement. It would be a few more trials till their next meeting and she wasn't going back in one either, as no human was ever selected more than once a "day" to allow their soul to recover. Still, he had no clue if it was his time to kill and the risk of her being found in the open by one of the others would be too annoying to deal with. Thankfully, the lockers were the perfect place to stash a body. Though to be safe, he jams a bone in the handles to keep her from opening it and running away.
"There. Sleep tight, darling."
Muffled murmuring tempts my mushy brain to wake from soft slumber. Such sounds, most likely from others around the fire after I died. Fuck'em. I'm too tired.
My eyes shoot open. That wasn't a sound made at camp. In fact, I can see I'm in a container of sorts. Fuck! I need to heal! I start the process of healing with Self-Care. Damn it! Why is it so slow?!
I can't tell if that's just the Terror Radius going off like crazy or the pounding of my own heart about to explode in panic.
I'm only healed enough to be maybe 30%, thanks the power of sleep, but that's not enough to get me to be fully healed.
"Rise and shine, darling. You've slept long enough."
The doors are flung open and Ghost Face snatches me by the hair as I try to scamper past. A rather harsh tug upwards has me roaring and snarling at the robo-fucker. Yet my flailing stops when the force of multiple auras comes down on my soul and I shiver at the many sets of eyes now on me.
"See? I wasn't lying. Our new member is right here."
They...They're here...All of them...All of them are here...All 16 monsters...I...I have no words.
"Say hello, darling. You don't want to be rude."
"what the fuck, shit-face?!"
Legion pushes his way through and part of me almost feels relieved to see him.
"i told you she's my plaything."
There goes that feeling and in record time.
"look what you did. she's all banged up and bloody. this is why you don't mess with other people's property."
...Excuse me?
"She's not yours, squirt. You haven't completed the Trials of Obsession. So till you do, darling here is fair game."
I want to punch them both even if the result is brutal stabbings. Wait...What are the Trials of Obsession?
"Both of you cease your foolishness."
Wraith steps up and slaps Ghost Face's hand, making him let me go.
"The lamb is one of us. Show her the same as we give each other."
They look at each other and then me.
"sounds fair."
Legion punches my shoulder and I hiss at him.
"welcome to the club, meat."
"Funny. I didn't think there was a way for you to beat meat."
There's this weird silence, mostly because I feel dumb for making a random masturbation pun in a room full of killers, and the looks aimed at me don't help. But then he snickers.
"heheh...fucking hell, meat...that was almost good enough not to be pissed off at you for...almost."
I shrug.
"Fair enough."
A low disappointed groan gets attention.
Huh...Another skeleton? Neat. Wraith pulls me aside.
"Lamb, this is your superior. Trapper. Show him respect."
Aka...Mr. Grumpy Bones. This guy is tall. Wearing nothing more than dark red work boots, dark black with red trim overalls, and a twisted soulless scared mask that barely hides the glow of his red eyes. Hooks and metal shrapnel stab at his bare-bones. A thick brutal cleaver is held in his right hand while bear traps hang from his waist. No wonder he's agitated. That shit has to hurt. I bow my head.
"My apologies, Sir."
This calms him a bit. Though not much.
"It does help that the darling actually responds to us. Those other sacks of meat just ignore anything we say."
"Yeah, about that...I don't think they understand what any of you are saying. Like, at all."
I just had to chime in.
"They told me you guys couldn't talk and they had no clue what I was saying when I was a killer. So...I guess there's a language barrier of sorts."
"Huh...Explains a lot. Seems we have a new advantage! The meat thinks we're mindless beasts."
Well...Fuck. I messed that up.
"Maybe this faker is worth more than first thought."
This voice comes from an unamused, what looks like, a fish woman wearing a rabbit mask. The fuck? Her whole everything is confusing my brain. A thick torn sarafan that's black on the top while dull blue on the bottom, customized with pillaged soldier utility belts, dark pants, and she's barefoot. On top of that her skin is dark blue scales, odd fins stand out where her ears would be, the bottom of the mask doesn't cover her lower jaw so you can see a few scars, her long bright red hair is made dull with a black veil, one eye is blacked out while the other shimmers with gold, her teeth are like a shark's, her hands and feet are webbed. Her weapons? Small throwing hatches tucked on her waist and a traditional ax with a large heavy head. She is basically what you'd get if the creature from the black lagoon banged a lumberjack. She is the Huntress.
"So what? The bitch is still meat. I'm not going to see her as anything else."
So speaks up a rather odd sight. A ghost, kind of small but not really, wearing an old brown fedora and red with dull green strips sweater. I'd saw this fella wasn't all that spooky if he didn't have that bladed glove on his right hand or the strange way his ectoplasm causes his appearance to be mottled or the eerie death stare given by his cold dull eyes. This is Nightmare. And he is as messed up as his name.
"hAG like. Look yums."
As said, this is the Hag. A wild-looking thing she is. Their body is emaciated, dried skin deformed by insatiable hunger and lightly hinted with faint dirty white fuzz. She kind of looks like a dog mixed with a cat in some ways. The body is clearly dog but the face is a cat, yet has both pointy cat and flop dog ears. Her front paws are armed with fingers made into solid claws, perfect for rendering flesh. Her grey hair resembles a feathery mane and has a wreath of thorns worked into it. All that's left is the sky blue and yellow striped tunic that has seen much better days. She is simple. But oftentimes the deadliest things are.
"Bet that one there would make some mighty fine pudding."
Not sure I understand what Hillbilly means by that. But judging by some of their faces, eating humans isn't that big of a stretch. Hillbilly is a sad-looking thing. Less scary and more like concerned for its health. This light blue-furred rabbit-like monster has a red nose and a tuft of fur sprouting from the top of his head. He wears a dull dirty torn yellow short-sleeved shirt with a single vertical red stripe in the middle covers their twisted crooked skin, and dull red torn disheveled jeans. Almost looks like the rags of the unwanted farmhand. A brutal cattle hammer in one hand deals a sharp blow to the skull as the most effective manner of slaughter and in the other a hulking and motorized chainsaw of terrifying strength. Grinds through flesh, bone, and soul.
This hulking brute is the Cannibal. The name says it all. An orange cat-like monster wearing a terrifying mask of dried human skin, with what looks like an M or something close to one etched on the forehead, stretched and stitched together. Tall with a bit of a gut who wears filthy pinkish-peach colored workman's clothes, a yellow bloodstained butcher's apron covers a dress shirt and dark slacks. He also has this dress tie that seems out of place yet nice and a strange charm bracelet on his left wrist. His weapons are similar to Hillbilly, a classic sledgehammer and aggressive looking chainsaw.
"*hack* If anything...She'll make for good practice. *cough*"
Now this one...This one disturbs me. The Clown. I hate clowns. And this guy is the sickest looking joke of them all. A bloated pig of a man, except he's no pig, this man is definitely some kind of goat. Tall with broad shoulders, a bulky body, a golden blond mane/beard, two large floppy ears, and two large curved horns. Eyes like coal with a small blue sheen. Face painted in a miserable smile. Wearing the attire of a much smaller ringmaster. Classic tailcoat with button-up shirt pushed far beyond its stretching point. Dirty purple with gold accents, large bow, buttons, a trick golden flower of some kind on the lapel, and suspenders with a comically big key ring holding severed human fingers. An oversize butterfly knife shaped like a bird's feather in one hand and bottle of brew in the other. I don't like this one. He scares me.
"❄☟☜☼☜ 🕈✋☹☹ 👌☜ ☠⚐ 🕯🏱☼✌👍❄✋👍☜🕯 ⚐☠ ❄☟☜ ☟🕆💣✌☠ ❄✋☹☹ ✌☞❄☜☼ ✋ ☟✌✞☜ 🏱☜☼💧⚐☠✌☹☹✡ ☼✌☠ ✌ ❄☟☼⚐🕆☝☟ ☜✠✌💣✋☠✌❄✋⚐☠📬 ✋ 🕈✋☹☹ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎 🕈☟✌❄ 💣✌😐☜💧 ❄☟✋💧 ⚐☠☜ ❄✋👍😐📬" (THERE WILL BE NO 'PRACTICE' ON THE HUMAN TILL AFTER I HAVE PERSONALLY RAN A THROUGH EXAMINATION. I WILL UNDERSTAND WHAT MAKES THIS ONE TICK.)
I suspect this one to be the brains of the group. The Doctor. Yet another skeleton but not quite. The bones that I can see appear to be more fused, solid even and melded with wiring in a super painful way. His face is the most excruciating. The straps, hooks, wires, and electrodes being used to contort his skull to the point there's some fracturing of the bone. Donned in a sleeveless doctor's coat that has seen better days and normal dress-wear underneath. The implement of punishment in his hand is one I fail to comprehend. It's like a metal stick but the tip is pointed like a stake and the midsection is spiked while crackling with electrical power. Yeah...Me no like that either.
"Allow m-m-me to assist you, Doctor. If t-t-that's alright?"
The lady with the stutter is known as the Pig, though that seems to stem from her mask and not the kind of monster she is. The visible skin looks to be yellow and scaly, possibly reptilian? A rotting pig's head with runlets of blood trickling from its eye holes and nostrils, topped with long black messy hair though yellow spikes seem to poke through it. Her posture is somewhat hunched over. The attire is that a long, maybe white at some point but now red, bloody coat and dark pants. A razor-sharp blade, attached to a mechanical contraption on her right wrist can be concealed or extended at will. And under the coat, are tucked away death helmets known as Reverse Bear Traps what when used will pry the victim's jaw apart.
"Yeah. Let's CUT her APART! Bit by BIT!"
Spirit seems to be more unstable than most. She appears to be some sort of cat but her grey flesh doesn't look real, like plastic or some other synthetic material, as if she were a doll possessed. Her pink hair is wild and windswept, dancing in the dark. She lacks much in the form of noticeable lady bits which is good since shredded bloody pink bandages are all that's covering her chest and lower half. Her body is a mess. Cuts large and small, gashes, limbs completely severed, all sprinkled with shards of glass forced in places as if trying to escape. Large golden jingle bells dangle under each fluffy ear. Her milky eyes hold a small hint of emerald color. She is a sad sight to look at but not one without danger. The tip of a single-edged straight katana protrudes from the base of her right hand, in a swift motion, heads would roll from an unseen blow.
"Sacrifice! The Entity demands sacrifices! This dearie will appease the hunger!"
Well someone looks like they came from a time of blind god worship that didn't go so well. Meet the Plague, a spider monster with periwinkle or lavender skin that is being degraded by disease, five eyes, six arms, and two legs. A sacred crown worn to hide the affliction that slowly took this possibly ordained priestess, twin pigtails stick out the back along with the flow of her black locks. Imperial red and ruby robes woven from the finest silks, probably crafted for her to display her status. Golden chains, necklaces, and even sharp claw fingermail adorn her in accents. Her weapon is one unseen before and yet fitting of her look. A profane censer, an ancient-looking incense burner held aloft by a long heavy chain exudes the sweetest fragrances to mask the decay around her.
So many faces. So many means of death. Yet...One is missing Where is the one known as...?
A faint whisper pulls my attention before being actually pulled by an overly strong hand and I wince at the knowing bruise forming in such a grip on my upper arm. This has eyes pulled to watch as one of the Entity's most relentless monsters interact with me, the odd human. This is the Shape, a fire monster. An expressionless white latex Halloween mask covers his head but the hair has burned away to be topped by his orange flames. Everyday dark navy almost black workman overalls contain a living furnace of hell's own fire. An oversized kitchen knife with devastatingly sharp edges is all that is needed to end a life. His eyes. He has the blackest eyes. The devil's eyes. And the inferno shines within them. Yet...Why don't I feel in danger?
He tilts his head.
"Would you kindly let go of my arm? Please? It hurts."
There's this silence and damn if it's awkward. But slowly, that bone-shattering hold loosens and I'm allowed to lightly cover the area. It's so weird. This feeling on my skin.
"So warm..."
Absentminded thought is absentminded.
"Thank you."
He merely stares down at me. Such a tall guy. Hell, everyone is bigger than me except Hag, Pig, Nurse, and Legion. The hand that once did warm proceeds to pat my head and I feel dumb enough to giggle.
"awww...how cute."
Legion mocks me but I choose to ignore him and pay attention to Shape.
"Sound's like someone's jealous."
Ghost Face teases.
"With no effort at all, he already holds more favor than you and you saw her first."
Legion sneers and Ghost Face piles on.
"I suppose nothing you did was all that grand if something as simple as a head pat holds more weight."
"*snarls* fuck you."
"Oooh. I'm shaking. Such biting words."
"i'll show you biting!"
Legion storms over as Shape continues test touch me curiously, like what one does at a petting zoo, and the sudden movement of Legion has me unconsciously move closer to the man of flame. He suddenly slams me on a wall, his arm braced against my throat while his free hand grabs my face.
"who do you think you are?"
"*grunt* The hell is your problem?"
I should probably put up a struggle. But I'm in no mood. Besides, he's not even pressing as hard as he could. So I don't try to push him back.
"don't forget your place here, meat. and don't forget who you belong to."
I shake his hand off in annoyance.
"Dude, I'm gonna be real with you. I am in no position to piss anyone in this room off. That said, I am in no mood to deal with this kind of crap. So take this power play you're doing and shove up."
His sockets widen.
"What's wrong, Legion? Can't control a human?"
Huntress remarks.
"And to think he wants to claim obsession rights. What a joke."
Nurse cuts deep with that one. Legion gets more annoyed.
"if you think you'll get away with embarrassing me, you're wrong."
"Hey, man, we were cool till you did this. You're the guy doing dumb shit because of peer pressure."
The snickers and whispers in the background aren't helping him. It becomes too much.
"*sharp roar*"
I didn't feel the initial strike. I most likely wouldn't have known till feeling something else entirely. But then there's a twist in my side that brings more pain than can be ignored. Now I'm clawing at his arm for release.
"*growl* this is what you get. this is what you get for thinking you're...!"
"That's enough. Your point has been made."
Wraith and Shape each put a hand on Legion's shoulders.
"i am calm! she..."
"Did nothing and you know that."
Legion's eyes shift to look at the floor as if he's been scolded into realization.
"i'm not going to apologize."
"You don't have to."
A slow tug is made and his blade is removed, making me gasp louder than intended. Though instead of backing off, he leans in to my side and whispers.
"never forget who you belong to. who's name was craved on your chest. remember that. you are mine."
Feeling my limits being pressed after everything this questionable day has done, I'm not about to just take this. The second he gives me any slack, I grab his hoodie and get in his face, but keep my voice low.
"I know."
There's a slight growl to my words but it's not from any hostility. It's from pain and the struggle to keep standing when I should be on the ground. My words rattle him, making him shove me and in my current state I give in to my bodies will to fall. Just peachy. Stuck in an enclosed space with a ton of monsters and I'm in the dying state. Easy picking for any of them.
"💧☟☜ ☼☜💧✋💧❄☜👎 ❄☟☜ 👎✡✋☠☝ 💧❄✌❄☜📬 ☞✌💧👍✋☠✌❄✋☠☝📬" (SHE RESISTED THE DYING STATE. FASCINATING.)
"The lamb is...quirky."
"*grumble* This lamb is bleeding out. Not deaf."
My annoyance is noted but ignored. Shape scoops me up onto his shoulder. Oddly, even though my wound is still open, bleeding stops when picked up by a monster. It's a momentary fix to not dying.
"*strained* Thanks, big guy."
A slight nod was the reply. At least so far, one of them I'd consider possibly decent outside of trial.
Trapper's voice chimes in.
Wow. Really dude? Am I so beneath you that you don't see me as a person? Whatever. He does make a good point. What are they going to do? Other than killing me.
"✌💧 💣☜☠❄✋⚐☠☜👎 👌☜☞⚐☼☜📪 ✋ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 ☹✋😐☜ ❄⚐ 💧❄🕆👎✡ ☟☜☼ 🕈☟✋☹☜ ❄☟☜ ⚐🏱🏱⚐☼❄🕆☠✋❄✡ ✋💧 ☝✋✞☜☠📬" (AS MENTIONED BEFORE, I WOULD LIKE TO STUDY HER WHILE THE OPPORTUNITY IS GIVEN.)
I take it I'm just being ignored as a living being as they contemplate among themselves on what to do with me. Oh well...Might as well try something crazy. I tap Shape and he looks at me. I say not a word. Merely motion to the stairs. I don't expect much. But I hope for some pity. He just stares at me and that unnerving stare has me shiver even when surrounded by his heat. Yet slowly he starts to make his way to leave. Sadly, this movement doesn't go unseen.
"hey, buddy, it's not nice to take what doesn't belong to you."
Oh my god, give me a fucking break! Shape looks at Legion, the others, then me, and then back to Legion.
"yeah, sure, whatever. just hand her over."
Wait what? Shape starts to hand me over to Legion and I hear internal glass shattering from my broken hope of escape.
"*strained* No...No, no, no, no, no! I thought we were cool, big guy! I thought we were cool!"
"don't whine. it won't make things better."
Now in Legion's grasp, I officially give up.
"*strained* Just...make it quick. Whatever it is."
"geez. killjoy much?"
I see a small opportunity and my brain says to take it before going completely dead.
"*strained* Kill Joy? I don't even know her."
It's a terrible joke. The kind that makes even people on laughing gas cringe. Yet...I feel him chuckle. He doesn't make the sound but his shoulders rock with mirth.
"☹☜☝✋⚐☠📬 👌☼✋☠☝ 💣☜ ❄☟☜ ☟🕆💣✌☠📬" (LEGION. BRING ME THE HUMAN.)
I sigh and shut my eyes. I don't want to see anything more than what I have to of this crap.
Say what now?
"☠⚐✍" (NO?)
"you heard me, doc."
"✡⚐🕆 ✋☠💧⚐☹☜☠❄ ☹✋❄❄☹☜ 💧☟✋❄📬 ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ ⚐👌☜✡ ✡⚐🕆☼ 👌☜❄❄☜☼✏" (YOU INSOLENT LITTLE SHIT. YOU WILL OBEY YOUR BETTER!)
I open my eyes in time to see Legion flipping Doctor off.
"i think i've made myself clear. she's mine. if you want to do anything with her, you have to find her in the trials or...beg me for permission."
The rational part of me knows he's just asserting himself with this move. But the dumb hopeful part of me is thinking maybe this will be okay. A sudden jerk and he's sprinting up the stairs. This skeleton continues to amaze me. There's a commotion from the others, the few that bother to attempt chasing Legion, though once he boosts it becomes painfully clear that they're not going to keep up and stop. It's also clear that we're not anywhere anymore. My only guess is this is the space of the fog, the place between the realms the Entity made.
"*strained* I think you lost them."
He faintly looks over his empty shoulder yet keeps his fast pace.
"even if it seems that way, don't believe it. some of them..."
"*strained* Can teleport, become invisible, and hide their terror radius? Yeah, I know."
"heh...one minute you know nothing and the next you do. what changed?"
"*strained* The Entity mind raped me."
Probably not the best choice of words on my end.
"*strained* Where are we going?"
He doesn't answer.
"*strained* Dude, give me a break. I've been stabbed multiple times, chased, beaten, abducted, and killed all in what feels like hours. The least you can do is tell me where you're going."
Again, he says nothing.
"*strained scoff* Typical. You don't see me. Just something to use. Damn it...Why do I always think the best of others when time and time again I'm proven wrong? You're no different than everyone else."
This has him skid to a dead stop.
"what did you say?"
Why do I suddenly feel like I'm gonna regret life even more? He tosses me off his shoulder and now I know I fucked up.
"i am nothing like them!"
He kicks me hard in the gut. My wound pours out more in response. I won't last long at this rate.
"*strained coughs* Ow...*sputter* real mature..."
"shut up!"
He proceeds to stomp his heel into my back repeatedly.
"you don't know a damn thing about me! don't fucking think for a second that you're better! you're no different than any other shitty human! you're not special! nobody cares about you! do you hear me?! nobody!"
It's getting so cold. The puddle forming around my body is outrageous. But karma is funny in a douchy way. He slips in the puddle while adjusting his stance and falls flat on his back...however...this makes his non-stomping foot kicks me point-blank in the face. Lights out instantaneously.
{bones? are you okay?}
{dumbass. the fuck were ya thinking?}
{i thought we were to keep her away from the others so we could inform her of the trial rights. not kill her. though great use of technique on brutality.}
Bones shakes his head. A fog clouded his judgment. Looking to the bloody body on the ground, he is fairly sure she's dead and the size of the puddle around her only makes it seem like he's right. Yet...she's still there and not fading into the darkness. Either she's resisting or there's still some time before she completely bleeds out. Going with the latter, he collects the girl and just barely feels the shallow breaths leaving her.
"*sigh* fuck my life."
{what happened?}
{he fucking snapped, genius. the fuck do ya think happened?}
He ignores the question to continue walking.
"when we get back to base, i want you to take control and deal with the human when she wakes up."
{m-me? why me?}
{yeah, why ya putting the baby in charge for this?}
"simple. he won't do something stupid."
{like you did?}
"fuck you. chops, you'd do worse than me and you know it."
"and dead-eye...well...you'd kill her if the mood hit."
{you are not wrong.}
"it's settled. boo, you chat her up and get her on our side. it'll make getting those dumb rights easy."
{okay, bones. but, uh, are you sure you can't do it? she's never met me. what if she freaks out?}
{oh my god! grow a spine, you fucking pussy!}
{he has a point. you can not show uncertainty to humans. they will use it against you and we can never lose the fear we hold over them.}
{plus, scaring those bitches is fun as hell.}
{that too.}
That earns a snicker from the leader.
"just be yourself, boo. besides...i get the feeling her waking up to see me won't end well."
{yeah. ya fucked up.}
{big time.}
"alright, i get it! i don't need heckling from you dorks."
{dorks? us?}
{we aren't the moron that's stabbing our meal ticket to getting respect to death like a dumb fuck.}
"that! that shit right there is why you assholes don't get the body more often."
{if that's the case, why don't i get the body more?}
"shut up, boo!"
"and there's your answer."
{oh...ah man.}
Bones shakes his head. The fog slowly giving way to snow. Mount Ormond Resort begins to come into view as Bones starts to change. The color of his clothing altering to lighter blue hues, the binds of tape melting away, and a bow made with a long scarf tied around the waist looks like a target on his back. It's time for a new take on things. Perhaps Boo can salvage the plan. Here's hoping the human will take to him better than Bones.
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pyrosophist · 5 years
Weeping Wound
The world drifts apart from its grounding, this deep into the Timeways.
It’s no true place, she knows. The underlying firmament of space and time is a precarious thing, and it’s often when it gets muddled in feedback and loops, distant vibrations, a mess of experience and moment colliding against one another. She’d read about it once upon a time when she could still read, and to be here- “Focus, Xing.”
Myra pulls her from her reverie, and she tunes her awareness back to Here, for lack of any Present. Time wavers and shifts, and without the anchoring magics fuzzing about them, they’d likely drift apart, too; carried off into the pieces of debris, wooden shelves and furniture displaced into giant shards of rock. Swirling grooves wind beneath her touch when she passes by one column. Eastern leywood? Someplace elven. A facsimile of happenstance, here.
They need not speak again on their objective, fixed in their minds as it is. Li Xing proceeds forward with the motley of mortal and only-slightly-so folk to her general left and back - orcs and humans and elves and otherwise, united by the fitted armor and garb that’s colored by luster transmutation and not dye. Bronze, they told her, though they didn’t need to.
Close in on the rupture, where that haphazard collision of moment and memory and Time catches on itself and tears by its own weight. Defeat and banish any anomalies and aberrations that try to stop the Weavers from mending it. Leave, before the Timeways reassert themselves in correction and obliterate the space. The lack of simplicity’s familiar, at least.
Anora calls a forward procession, and she feels the boiling churn of Galak’s mana as he guides the Possibility of the space around them into a path they can walk on, fight on if they need to. She could help, if she wanted. She can feel the skein of so much around her — they all can, to varying degrees, it’s why they’re here — but she’d been rebuked once already, for asking. Fear would have stopped her mind from reaching out for that, anyhow. Too risky.
Fear hadn’t stopped her before, had it? Things are different, now.
The Timewalkers fan out around what feels to her like an open wound, where this cobbled understanding of sense and prescience she has falls away into a dizzying rift. Order disintegrates into chaos, and it yawns with the jagged wail of Infinity. It sets her nerves aflame, makes the patterns set into her skin itch with the wavering, discordant power that charges in the air. She tunes the sensations out, though - her task is to stand guard, and so she does as the Weavers lift their voice in Draconic incantation.
The world around them responds instantaneously, responds in a century — it bends in on itself, as she feels the temporal magic wind around the rift. Silence to noise, stillness to chaos, gauze to a wound that’s gushing blood. It calls to mind the chronomancy she’d learned in another life - spells of the heavens and earth, of turning cycles. Part of her knows those spells, still. She couldn’t forget them if she tried.
It’s not her place anymore, though. She tightens the straps on her gauntlets, takes security and solace from the firm grip and the hardened metal studs over her knuckles. She measures her breath by the fullness of her lungs, in the absence of moments and seconds to count them by.
For the first time in this nexus of boundaries and stress, a beat of Time passes in order, as it should. Then it doesn’t, as the gushing wound spills infection.
Li Xing is dashing forward half a heartbeat before misshapen monsters tear themselves out of the air, breaking the already tenuous fabric of the world like glass — they cut themselves on it, but they don’t bleed. Black spots on her awareness, because she can hear them and feel them beneath her feet but they flicker wildly, when she focuses herself on them. Wild magic given form and animus by twisted paradox.
“Type C anomalies!” she hears Onerva cry, and the other Timewalkers in her convoy rush to defend the spellweavers as their focus doubles for the stress and concentration they must maintain.
Power flows through like a crack of lightning, and when she rears a fist back it flies with all the channeled force of her forward momentum. It strikes, breaks through hardened armor; it is a Mantid warrior, a Mogu statue. It lashes out at her, and she has Time enough to focus the transmutations knit into her skin, and its blade shatters like glass to iron over her arm; it is a Naga warrior, a demonic legionnaire. Moments folding together, in on themselves and out.
She senses another, coming at her fast with an overhead strike; she breaks an arm beneath her elbow as the aberration twists and fragments from the pain, and turns just in time to set her stance. “On your three, Galand!” she roars, as she catches and twists and throws. She hears it skewer and shriek on the man’s halberd. A flicker of awareness, and she feels a warmace sail for her head - and feels the air blow past her hair as she ducks, runs arcane power through the blood and bone of her arm, and slams her elbow back hard enough to crack the beast’s center like an egg. It bleeds reality like a hundred swarming wasps, and disintegrates.
In a heartbeat between moments she briefly wonders how everyone else sees it, with their own eyes. To her it’s always been insects, angry and milling, like a plague of locusts — no different in purpose than every other ill upon the world.
She deflects a heavy blow off a hardened bracer, twists forward to strike, grab, strike. Thwoom - the energy in the air changes, flaring with a crescendo note of brilliance that blots out the swarm of jagged discord, before the air changes, regresses. The ritual proceeds apace but something’s fallen out of place, she can tell that
                                                            A fist collides with her
“Xing, watch out!”
A fist collides with her ribcage, and the world leaves her in an explosion of white-hot pain. She staggers back, sucking in a breath there’s no time there’s no Time—
Another fist clad in metal rams into her chest, and she has wits enough to reinforce the durability augment throughout her body before it hits - it lets her bear the brunt of it without breaking. She can feel its shape - she dashes forward in the next instant, lashing out at its head and its center; it ducks under her and catches her fist, and they lock into a grapple.
It’s her.
“It’s got your mirror, Xing! Red scarf!”
“Shado-Pan, then!” Shit. Recognition strikes her just in time for her not-self to break the grapple and slam an elbow down hard into her arm, and she feels the spike of pain as it shatters the durability augment and delivers enough force to bruise. But it’s not broken, it’s not—
She catches one punch and locks another in a grapple, snapping a foot forward to crack into its knee. It stumbles and she presses forward, energy sparking and crackling around her when she drives a punch forward on its back step. She senses this thing breaking beneath her, and- feels her fist swing empty into air. In the same heartbeat a grapple locks around her overextended arm, and she feels her weight shift and spin head-over-heels.
She goes down hard into the stone and manages to keep air in her lungs, thank the heavens. She twists and rolls out of the way just in time as stone cracks beneath the aberration’s downward strike, and in a flicker of magic her momentum multiplies in a spinning kick that knocks them off her feet. She finds her own, dodges back two steps, and breathes.
Pain throbs through her, as the rest of the battle sings and screams around her, her compatriots locked in their own battles. In any other context, fighting one of her lives would be poetic — something to write about, meditate on, like she’d read about in another. Dimly she wonders if any of those poets had ever fought for their lives.
She breathes again, trying to cobble together a second wind.
She can’t win, not like this, not blind, not without her ability to know. And if she does..
“Oh, heavens,” she mutters, raising her hands. Forward and back, open, protect center-line. “You’re putting me through my paces, aren’t you?”
If a wispy gasp of air and paradoxical magic makes an answer, she doesn’t understand it. She means to, though. Remember. It comes at her with wild speed, fist cracking towards center mass. Remember. She catches it by the wrist in a block, just in time to block one more. Remember. She catches a leg with her own before a kick can shatter her knee. Remember.
She catches a jab and snaps out with a punch that drives into its ribcage, returning the broken rib as it stumbles back. Remember. She remembers.
She remembers.
She’d remembered how to read the flow of energy in the world around her, its mana, its magic. Its vital force, in the land and its people — spells, portals. It was a channel for power, for information, and she’d walked into this place deaf and dumb because she was afraid of it. Reading Time meant reading herself, how she’d been shattered. How she’d healed and how she hadn’t.
But she remembers, now, and she can fight.
The mirror fragment, twisted and raging with the discordant sound of a thousand milling locusts, charges her again. She blocks a jab and strikes in the same moment, and mimicked solidity gives under the force of the blow, crackling with magic. She ducks under a clap that’d box her ears, fills her lungs and heaves forward with all the augmented momentum and force she can muster. She buries her fist in its stomach, nearly, before the tidal force sends it flying.
She pursues, and too quick it catches her heavy blow from the side - she strikes with the other fist, but it’s a glancing blow as it twists around her guard — a pirouette she’d learned, that she’d practiced, once — and slams an elbow strike into her back. Despite her blindness she sees stars. Pain is temporary. Pain is a lesson. She’d learned that, too.
She ducks under what would’ve been a killing blow to the back of her skull, heaving her balance when she kicks backwards. It catches and drives the beast back, buys her enough time to twist and rush and press her offensive. A roundhouse bashes through its guard, batters it enough for her to strike as it grapples her in turn.
A counterattack glances off her bracer, and she ignores the second by sheer grit when it collides into the durability augment protecting her broken rib. Just as well — she steals the moment of Time, and even though it twists and wavers in her grasp it’s long enough for her to reverse the grapple and slam the aberration into the ground. Stone cracks. She raises a fist, demiurgic magic idealizing the metal of her knuckles, the iron-cord strength in her limbs.
When she strikes, stone gives to air and a thousand locusts shatter into a thousand pieces of breaking glass, disintegrating and tearing past her like a gale. It doesn’t move her — it can’t.
She wins.
She remembers asking—
How do you fight them, Myra?
I learn.
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winsister91 · 7 years
Crash Trickster Racing
Summary: The angelic master of mischief interrupts a game night that’s getting steamy…
Characters: Dean x Reader, Gabriel
Word Count: 1649
Warning: Language, implied smut, fluff? Is this what is known as crack? IDK
A/N: I can join in my own challenge right? lolol Out of all the things I’ve written, I think this takes the crown as the dumbest. Have I seriously just done a kinda sorta SPN CTR crossover? I should be shot. Pretty niche market here I guess, apologies to all you youngsters/non-gamers who probably have no idea what Crash Team Racing is. 
My Masterlist!
~ Dean and forever tags are open! ~
Dean taglist predominantly from @spnfanficpond . Let me know if want to be added/removed!
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“Dean Winchester,” you laugh in triumph, “You suck!”
You throw the Playstation controller to the floor, doing a ridiculous victory dance. The result now was 12-1, in your favour. The only reason he won that one race in Crash Team Racing was because he started it without you while you went to grab a drink.
“You are inhumanely good at this stupid game,” Dean sulks, throwing his own controller down and folding his arms, “If it was a real race, you wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“Whatever,” you shrug, sticking your tongue out and shaking your butt in a tease as you turn, “Victory beer!”
You skip to the kitchen, grinning like a child. As you go to open the fridge, Dean’s hand forces it closed again. He swiftly takes you in his arms, picking you up onto the counter and biting down your neck. You giggle as tingles wash over you, throwing your head back to grant him access.
“Distract me all you want,” you gasp as he moves around to the other side of your neck, “You still suck at Crash.”
“Maybe,” he growls, taking you to a higher place with a deep kiss on your collarbone, “But I know what I am good at.”
“Thank god you do,” you exhale before his lips forcefully clash into yours, instantly allowing his hungry tongue to do battle with your own.
He lifts you onto his hips, you wrap your legs around him and the tongue battle continues. You rake your hands through his hair, your core fluttering with excitement when those beautiful olive eyes of his pierce lustfully into yours. He carries you through the room and into the corridor leading to his bedroom. You giggle, pulling your t-shirt up and over your head on the way. He hums at the sight of you, kicking his door open and bringing you inside.
“What the fuck?” he stops and freezes. The sounds of numerous engines rumbling come to your ears and confused isn’t even the word. You look around, this was most definitely not Dean’s room. It was…outside? Pixelated?
“Okaay?” you jump down from his hips, looking around. You’re at the start line of a race track in a blocky cartoon world? It looks like the Coco Park track…it is Coco Park. Perfect in every detail. There’s a flash of white light and suddenly you’re in a racing kart. You immediately try to pull yourself out, but some invisible force is holding you there.
“Dean what’s going on!?” your shriek.
Dean is in the kart next to you, also struggling for freedom, he curses under his breath. “God dammit Gabriel where are you!?” he shouts viciously.
“Oh no…” you groan, rolling your eyes.
“Now is that any way to greet a buddy?” that familiar chirpy voice comes. Gabriel melts into view, laying on the flat rectangular texture of grass at the side of the road, “I’ve always thought you two were such a cute couple, but man it gets monotonous. A playful argument, sex, self-deprecation, sex, get drunk, sex. The result is always the same!”
You and Dean share a worried glance.
“You’ve been watching us?” Dean shakes his head in disbelief.
“Ew!” you shout.
“Who needs soap opera’s when the Winchesters exist? But its rapidly declining into a porno” he chuckles, snapping his fingers and appearing in a third kart between you both, “Now come on, this is fun! She says he sucks at Crash, he says he could win a real race, let’s combine the two!” “Could I have some dignity please first!?” you cross your arms, remembering you are topless, only a bra and pants on show.
The angel tuts and with a wave of his hand, your t-shirt appears back on you, “It’s game time,” he grins eagerly.
The unforgettable sound of the air horn count down echoes in the air, you can see the in game lights hovering above you. You get your game face on, thinking, Fine! Whatever! I’m gonna kick your asses.
The last siren blares and your foot is pressed firmly down on the gas pedal. The kart shoots forward, much faster than you expected. You squeal in terror as you crash into one of the item crates, the blocky shards of wood flying over you. This moment makes you realise the game’s hud is in your eyesight, like it’s imprinted on your iris. You see your lap time ticking away in the top corner of your sight, and a mini map of the track in a bottom corner. This is insane, and awesome. A box in the top centre of your vision is flicking through pictures of the in-game weapons, stopping on the missile. You grin mischievously before worry hits you. You can’t use a freaking missile! You’ll kill them!
While your mind had wandered, you realise you’re making a bee line for a red bottle, left on the track by Gabriel. You jerk on the wheel hard to try and avoid it, but it’s too late. You crash into it, sending the kart into a spin and you scream hysterically. Your vision becomes blurry and your car a stuttering slow mess as it clumsily bobs along with a black rain cloud following and raining on to you.
“Shit!” you shout in frustration, bashing at the gas pedal, but it’s fruitless while the bottle’s effect is in play.
“Oh yea, feel free to use the weapons!” Gabriel’s voice echoes omnipotently in the air, “They’ll not really hurt you!”
The cloud vanishes and you shoot forward again. Now you’re determined.
You can hear Dean laughing and clearly enjoying the ride, turning back to you and mocking while you try to catch up. You ignore him, focusing on the damned archangel further ahead. You spot a huge red button in the middle of the steering wheel, the angel in your line of sight and you slam it. The missile blasts out of the front of your kart and your grin returns. You watch in glee as it soars away into the distance. Then your face drops as the explosive turns and hones in on Dean.
“Uh oh,” you mumble, remembering these things are designed to aim at the person directly in front of you in the standings.
The rocket explodes into Dean’s car sending him flying in the air in a cartoonish fashion. You hear him cursing you as you speed past.
“Sorry not sorry!” you squeak sheepishly.
With Dean now falling far behind, it’s a full on battle for first place between you and Gabriel. Damn, he’s good. You question as to whether he’s tweaked things, being in control over this world he’s created after all. His car is way faster than yours. You can barely keep up using all the tricks in the book, grinding around corners and hitting your boost in a specific timing. Hiding TNT boxes behind the item crates for when another lap comes around. You fire numerous cannons at him, but he frequently swerves away or conveniently has a shield every time one does hit.
“Oh come on!!!” you scream, gamer rage coursing through you as he dodges another one of your traps, “This is bullshit!!!”
You hear another familiar noise and you sit wide eyed. Oh no. It’s an electrical noise, sounding like waves, you turn and see what you dread. A huge intimidating blue ball of electricity flying through the air, its aim to hit everyone in its path. You can see Dean with an evil grin behind it, clearly the culprit as it’s an item only granted to those in last place. There’s no outrunning it, you have no shield in your possession. You brace yourself.
You squeal as it passes over you and your car is flung into the air. Holding on for dear life, you breathe a sigh of relief after spinning in the air and finally landing back on the ground, dazed. Gabriel falls victim to it too, a wail coming from his kart in front of you.
You can hear Dean laughing as he speeds past you both, crossing the finish line and becoming enveloped in a flood of confetti.
“Well done you,” you grumble as you and Gabriel cross the line with glum faces. You were so pissed at coming last.
“I think it’s safe to say I am the ultimate champ at this now?” Dean pokes his tongue out, folding his arms smugly.
“Bite me,” you hiss, “You got lucky with the stupid OP weapon.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, blowing you a kiss in a mock fashion which makes you wanna go over there and part kill him, part ravage him.
“Oh, guys come on now!” Gabriel raises his hand in disbelief, “The sexual tension in the air is just…so obvious plot wise!”
“The winner of your god damn race…” Dean starts calmly before ordering, “says, put us back in our god damn room right now!”
Gabriel rolls his eyes, “Fine, this isn’t the last you’ll hear from me,” with a snap of his fingers, you’re back at the bunker, sat on the floor of the bedroom. Gabriel is nowhere in sight.
“Rematch!” you squeal, jumping to your feet and marching for the door.
“Now just wait,” Dean chuckles, stepping in front of you and pulling you into a tight embrace, “…where were we first?”
In a moment of de ja vu, you find yourself being hoisted back onto Dean’s hips, violently pulling off your t-shirt.
“Really?” Gabriel groans, sat in a place unknown watching a huge TV screen where he watches people’s lives for entertainment, “There’s more sex here than in Game of Thrones…” He tuts, changing the channel with a fistful of popcorn.
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After their heist goes horribly south, Michael’s worried his crew might not all come back.
(Kind of a different ending to their Let’s Play - GTA V - Heist video)
Words:  4157
Heartbeats thundered in Michael’s ears.
It was his own heart making those sounds, pumping at accelerated speeds to re-oxygenate the blood as it was quickly forced back into giant mass of muscle after running through the streams that were only shielded by a layer of skin throughout his entire body.
As was proven by the dark stain blossoming through the clothing covering his right hip, Michael’s body had a lot of work to do.
He was running, cursing through rapid breaths and a half empty backback thumped against his back with his remaining explosives. He knew if he stopped he’d probably not be able to continue, so he didn’t stop.
He kept moving.
“Charlie One!? Come in, Charlie One!” A voice crackled over Michael’s still (miraculously) in-contact earpiece. He almost couldn’t hear it over his own thundering heartbeat and the blaring police sirens in the streets behind him.
“Ch-Charlie One…” Michael wheezed, swerving into an alley to try and throw them off the trail. He knew it would take a lot more work than that but it was a start.
“Oh, thank god. You alright there, Mi-Charlie One?”
“Shot.” He managed to answered, narrowly avoiding getting hit by a random car. It looked like it had seen better days. “Cops on trail.” He felt pathetic with such a simplistic way of response, but he was too busy putting energy into his legs and internal organs to focus a whole lot on his vocal cords.
“Shit. Charlie Two?”
A static filled silence greeted Michael’s ears and he felt himself grow slightly anxious at the thought that Ray had failed to get out of range back on the highway.
“Bravo One.... Bravo one is down.” Jack’s voice came over the ear piece and Michael felt greatly relieved to hear Jack’s voice, even though she sounded very pained. Michael desperately wanted to apologize right then but the sudden appearance of police lights at the end of another alley he had chosen to evade the cops cut him short.
“Shit-Shit SHIT!” Michael hissed, slamming to a stop and nearly falling onto his face.
“Charlie one!?”
“I’m cornered! Fuck!” Michael snarled, looking around for a quick escape and choosing the rusted metal ladder that was bolted to the side of the building as the cruisers parked at the ends of the alley.
“Location, Charlie two?” Geoff called out, seeming just as worried as Michael. Fortunately he didn’t sound in immediate danger. He was the only voice of reason in this mess.
“Don’t know!” Michael hissed, ignoring the agonizing pain filling into his leg as he scrambled up the ladder and threw his body out onto the roof.
“R-Ra-” Michael was cut off by a vicious cough as he rolled over onto his back and slowly got to his feet.
“Charlie Two, position?”
“I’m- Agh- I’m on some random rooftop… The cops are right behind me..” His breathing was ragged with both pain and exertion. Damn them all to hell, why did they have to flip over the fucking motorcycle!?
“Do you have any more explosives?” Ryan’s voice came onto the line and Michael shifted his half-empty backpack within arms reach and rooted through it, pulling out a small grenade.
“Yeah.. Yeah I got it..” Michael got an idea and quickly scrambled over to the lip of the building, peering down as officers flooded the alleyway. Six of them.
He held up the explosive and pulled the pin, dropping it down into the alley below. He quickly ducked out of sight as the police opened fire on the now revealed criminal. They shrieked in surprise and sudden terror seconds before it detonated. A large cloud of dust billowed out of the alleyway but Michael was too preoccupied with the new wound in his shoulder.
He hardly felt it, his body high on adrenaline and whatever chemical-shit his body produced when he went on a heist. A quick look seemed to clarify it was a graze, thank god.
“Charlie one?”
“Charlie one.. Cops are dealt with.. Any word from Charlie Two?”
“W-What about Bravo two?” Oh god, please no. Please let him be okay.
“Bravo two.. Bravo two is.. Shit!” Jack’s labored voice cut off with static-y gunshots before a response came from Geoff.
 “Bravo one!? Bravo one!?”
“B-Bravo One… Shit, I need back up. I’m in that damn alley.. Bravo Two is.. I’m checking on ‘im now.”
Michael would have held his breath if his lungs weren’t already expanding to full size to take in as much oxygen as possible.
“This is one shit show.” Ryan commented sourly and Michael growled a response.
“Maybe you should get your ass off that fuckin’ boat and come help us then!”
“What do you say, Boss?” Ryan asked, clearly talking to Geoff who remained silent.
“Bravo Two is still here.. He’s pretty fucked up though… Shit, more cops!”
“Quickly.” Geoff answered quickly. “Alright team, new plan. Charlie One, find Charlie two and get your asses to the boat. Alpha two, get team Bravo and bring them back to the boat too. We’re gonna get everyone to Mount Chiliad like we originally planned.”
“I.. I dunno if I can do that.. Alpha One…”
“How bad is it?” Geoff asked, not missing a beat. Michael hesitantly peeled his leather jacket and the red shirt underneath away from the wound. It was a grisly sight of agitated torn flesh and crimson blood that dripped down it and stained his pale skin in sticky red fluid. He cringed at the sight.
“I.. I think it’s a graze. It’s bleeding like fuckin’ hell though.”
“Where’d you get shot?”
“The hip.. Shit, I might just bleed out at this rate.”
“Fucking hell, Charlie.” Ryan didn’t even bother to use the full codename. “Do I have to come pick up your ass too?”
“No.” Geoff shot down the idea before Michael could even process a response. “We can’t all just group up together before we get to the boat, that’d make us easy targets.. Can you walk?”
“If the adrenaline doesn’t wear off in the next few minutes, I can try..” Michael didn’t bother to say that staying split up made them just as easy targets.
“Can you steal a car?” Jack’s voice came over the line again, clearly strained. Michael couldn’t remember how many times he’d accidentally shot her and that made him feel guiltier.
“Well.. I can give it a try.. But, Alpha One, I thought you didn’t want us to leave a trail?”
“Fuck that! Right now, you’re already leaving a trail with all that blood gushing out of you. Your lives are more important than getting away clean right now!”
Geoff clearly was not interested in losing his crew, even if it meant Michael’s own involvement could be discovered. Although, he had lost his mask back in the motorcycle crash so it was likely already discovered.
“A-Alright..” Michael took a deep breath and pushed his clothing back over the wound and climbing back down the ladder. He stepped over the debris and dismembered officer body parts before reaching a cruiser whose door was still open. “Thank god, there’s a shit ton of police cruisers out here and I don’t even have to hot wire any of ‘em.”
“Alpha Two, get to Team Bravo as soon as possible.”
“On it.”
Michael slipped into the cruiser and shut the door, pulling out and driving back towards the crash site. Hopefully the officers would have cleared out before Michael arrived. Officers usually didn’t wear leather jackets and strut around with bullet holes.
At least he hadn’t seen any cops like that.
The highway still had a bunch of officers, so Michael parked a good distance away and crawled out over the side of the highway which itself wasn’t very high.
He snuck closer to the crash sight, ignoring the large puddle of what he could assume was Ray’s blood. Ray himself was pinned to the hood of a cop car, struggling with the officers who were stripping off his guns. His white mask lay smeared in blood by the car and his ear piece was broken into little pieces next to it.
Michael pulled out his special carbine from his backpack and pointed at the cops before taking a shot at the one trying to put the cuffs on Ray. Flesh and blood sprayed the air and he fell on top of Ray, the blood gushing out of his head mixing into Ray’s hair.
The other officers spun around to face Michael and he started wildly firing. He had the five of them down on the ground in puddles of their own blood and one had ducked behind a cruiser. The only one Michael hadn’t hit was the one who had pulled Ray up to use as a shield.
Ray was an absolute mess.
His simple choice of shorts and a black short-sleeve were ripped and stained in blood. Scrapes, bruises, and quite a few cuts marred his exposed skin and Michael winced at the sight of what was likely a bullet wound in his upper left arm.
He hated seeing his crew members injured, but it did fill him with a short burst of a rage that he used to leap up and charge at the officer, slamming the butt of his carbine into his face before he could move the half-conscious Ray to cover him.
The officer dropped Ray and Michael held up his gun and fired into his chest twice. The bullets lodged themselves into the cruiser behind him and he collapsed.
Quickly, Michael caught Ray with his free arm and slowly lowered him to the ground as the pain in his shoulder increased and his leg started to throb painfully.
“Ray! Ray, speak to me buddy!” Michael hissed, pressing his hand to Ray’s scraped up wrist to test for a pulse which he was relieved to find quickly. Ray weakly moaned in pain and opened his eyes, staring up at his partner with a clear expression of pain. One of his eyes was half closed, a pretty bad cut sending blood trickling onto his eyelid and sticking into his lashes.
“Fuck… Michael..?”
“Shit, man, I was sure you were dead for a second there..”
“Y-You’re shot..”
“Alright, so you can still see. That’s good. Now, can you walk? I don’t wanna carry your ass back to the boat.”
“Boat..? G-Geoff said we were headin’.. Headin’ to Raic pass.”
“Change of plans.”
“Shit hit the fan, huh?”
“Yeah. Everyone’s still intact though… Ryan’s got team Bravo.”
“Jack?” Michael briefly remembered how Ray had screamed quite loudly when Michael accidentally shot her.
“She’s.. Alive. She’s got Gavin.. We need to get out of here..” Michael slowly started to lift Ray back to his feet, only to cry out in pain as a bullet grazed his upper arm near his shoulder wound.
He had forgotten about the other cop.
“Shit.. Michael.. You a’right?”
“Shit.” He hissed, leaning Ray up against the side of the bloody cruiser. “Yeah, fine.. Just gotta-” He briefly used both his hands to lift up his carbine and he fired at the other cruiser. The officer had ducked out right at that moment and his throat and chest was quickly riddled in bullets.
“Got ‘im?”
“Yup.. C’mon, Ray, let’s get the hell out of here.” Michael let Ray lean on him as the two limped over to the stolen cruiser and slipped into it. The moment Ray was sprawled out in the back and Michael was sitting at the wheel, he stepped on the gas.
They passed by multiple cruisers as they went to the crash sight. The cop probably called backup before trying to take out Michael. Son of a bitch.
No one seemed to question the cruiser (it was relatively normal looking despite what it’s previous owners now looked like in an alleyway somewhere) and Michael mentally thanked whatever divine power there was that Ray had managed to survive without fatal or more severe injuries and that they were pretty close to getting the hell out of the nearest collection of cops.
Ray was propped up against the door, one hand pressing against the bullet wound in his arm. Michael himself could feel the sticky fluid from his own body seeping into his jacket and into his seat. He could taste the metallic taste of blood in his own mouth from where he’d bitten the inside of his cheek when he was flung off the motorcycle.
It was a miracle he still had all his teeth and a fully intact skeleton.
“Michael.. How ya doin’?” Ray asked from the back, pain lacing his voice.
“I have no fucking clue.” His brain felt too rushed. All he could manage to think of was getting to the boat with the rest of the crew. His skin was still numb and if his hands were to release their iron grip on the wheel, they’d be shaking.
“Charlie one? Come in, Charlie one.” Geoff’s voice crackled over the earpiece and Michael let out a sigh of relief.
“Charlie one. I got Charlie two and we’re on our way to the boat.”
“How’s Charlie two?”
“Pretty scraped up. Got shot in the arm. He’s way better off than I am right now.”
“What happened to you?”
“I got shot twice since the plan change.”
“Are you driving?” Ryan’s voice came on, the soft rumble of an engine behind his words. He was probably on his way to team Bravo.
“Holy fuck, Michael, you better hurry the fuck over here before you pass out from fucking blood loss!” Geoff snapped and Michael pressed harder on the pedal.
“I’m gonna break my cover. I’m using a police cruiser right now.”
“Turn on the sirens then.”
Michael hesitated before complying with Geoff’s order. A lot of the traffic cleared out of his way as he rushed down the road towards the marina that Ryan had said he’d docked the boat.
“This is the worst heist ever.”
“Yeah. It sure is.” Geoff answered, sounding a little distracted.
Michael ignored it and continued driving, the line going silent as they tried to regroup and get a hold on their situation.
He breathed a sigh of relief as the marina came into view and he swerved to a stop dangerously close to crashing over the edge and into the water. Ray hissed in pain at the sudden jolt, shutting up as several bullets pinged off the cruiser exterior.
“Hold your fire! Alpha One, it's me and Charlie Two.” Michael nearly said his boss’ name, but the man understood and the fire ceased. Michael opened the door and slipped out, opening Ray’s and helping him out.
As the two walked over to the stairway down to the dock, Michael started to feel the pain. Blood coated his jacket and he was starting to feel weak. His heart was slowing, adrenaline fading from his senses.
Geoff leaped out of the boat and ran over, catching Michael before he collapsed to the ground.
“Shit, Michael, you alright?” Ray was capable of standing up, one hand pressed against his side. Michael internally hoped he hadn’t broken a rib in the crash.
“Just fuckin’ peachy..” Michael answered back And Geoff slowly helped him walk down the stairway. Ray was heavily leaning on the railing to give him support as he followed the two down.
Geoff slowly lifted Michael into the boat and sat him down on one of the plush red seats and Ray sat down next to him.
Michael jumped as a loud string of curses crackled over his headset.
“FUCK-FUCK- OH DICKS- RYAN WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?” It was Jack, her pain forgotten for pure rage.
“Alpha Two? Team Bravo? What the fuck is happening?”
“Ryan just blew up a whole row of police cruisers and nearly flipped over the fucking car! We have wounded back here, dammit!” Jack was shouting and Michael could only assume she was referring to Gavin.
“I was just following Michael’s example.”
“Fuck you, Ryan… Don’t bring me into your shit.” Michael hissed, glaring at Geoff as he applied pressure to the wound in his hip with two hands. Geoff shot back a glare as well, frustration with an underlying tone of worry.
“Do you guys have Team Charlie?”
“Yup.” Geoff answered, glancing at Ray. “Got ‘em in the boat right now. Ray’s pretty banged up but he’s not currently bleeding out like Michael here.”
“Holy shit.”
“Still conscious.” Michael felt compelled to remind them of that. “H-How’s Gavin?” He didn’t even bother using the code name now.
“He got shot in the arm and the other shoulder. Fortunately the bullets didn’t reach anything really vital.”
Michael breathed a sigh of relief and his head thumped back against the headrest.
“He needs serious medical attention. A bullet got him right beneath the ribs.”
“You said-”
“It didn’t go deep. It’s almost a graze.. The exit wound is pretty big though. Geoff, you better have the first aid kit ready when I get to the boat.”
Jack was usually better at patching up wounds than the rest of the crew.
“Alright, Alright.. Ray, can you put pressure on one of these while I grab the kit?” He asked and Ray nodded, shuffling over. His hands took Geoff’s place as the kingpin grabbed a white kit from beneath the captain’s seat and opened it at Michael’s feet.
“Hey, Ray, I need to see the wound.” Ray nodded and unzipped Michael’s jacket, pulling it off the other man who would have complained if it weren’t for the fatigue seeping into every little piece of his body.
“We’re almost to the marina.” Jack’s voice chirped over the line.
“Good. We’re next to the parked police cruiser.” Geoff answered, pulling out some disinfectant and cotton balls. Michael felt the cold night air nip at his skin as Ray pushed his shirt up to expose his hip.
“Shit, that’s a bad wound.” Ray answered, watching as Geoff poured some disinfectant onto the cotton and pressed it against Michael’s hip. The man snarled a string of curses and his leg jerked at the stinging pain that seemed to retrace the pain the wound itself already caused.
“Relax, you big baby.” Ray answered, earning an annoyed look from Michael as Geoff did his best to clean out the wound before applying a thick pad of gauze to the wound and wrapping a bandage twice around his waist to hold it in place. Blood quickly started seeping into the bandage but it seemed to stall the bleeding decently.
Geoff lifted off Michael’s shirt and he weakly tried to fight him off as the man got more disinfectant-soaked cotton to press to the gun wounds in his shoulder and arm. He did the same as he did with the bullet wound in Michael’s hip and Ray helped him back into his shirt once the wounds were decently bandaged.
His skin still burned and ached where it had been scraped, but it was fine with Michael with the threat of bleeding out removed from his mind.
“You’re gonna have to get a new jacket.” Ray commented as Geoff pushed up Ray’s sleeve to start treating the wound in his upper arm.
“Shit, I knew it was a bad idea to wear it on a heist.. Cost me a dick-load of money.” Michael wasn’t genuinely upset about his jacket. He was just glad no one was dead.
He looked up at sound of a rumbling of an engine and watched as a car parked perilously close to the edge by the stolen cruiser. Within moments, Ryan was out of the truck with a limp body cradled in his arms and a familiar woman in a floral-patterned shirt limped out behind him.
Ryan wore a mask that looked exactly like the one Michael had been wearing when he and Ray got flung onto the highway. Michael’s was probably broken. At the very least the inside was probably stained in his blood after what happened to him.
Jack looked on the verge of keeling over. Ryan’s jacket was wrapped tightly around her midsection and stained in blood. He winced at the thought of the damage being caused by him.
Ryan reached the boat first and Ray shuffled out of the way so he could lay Gavin out on the seats with Geoff’s assistance. Michael wanted to pick him up and beg him to wake up, but he couldn’t make himself move.
The pale light from the marina lamp posts made Gavin’s skin looked more pale than it actually was. His face was covered in small cuts and he was missing his chrome glasses.
Ryan took the chance to help Jack into the boat, sitting her down next to Gavin and Ray stood up to get out of the way. Jack pulled out her earpiece, heavily breathing out.
“We really fucked up this heist, huh?”
There was a silence, but they all agreed. It had all started falling apart but they had gone through with it anyway. They had gotten too cocky.
Geoff was stripping off Gavin’s shirt, exposing his bloodied side. The bullet wound was a hole in Gavin’s left side and easy to see through. Only a few centimeters of flesh kept it from being qualified as a graze. Three separate wounds marred his left arm.
“Shit.. Gav..” Michael whimpered, watching as Geoff went about disinfecting the wounds and hissing frustration at the fast blood flow while Ryan grabbed wads of gauze and pressed it to an arm wound.
Jack had joined in, pressing another wad of gauze to the wound in Gavin’s shoulder with one hand while the other clutched her middle.
Geoff quickly went about to bandaging the side wound, making sure the bandages weren’t too tight, before he got to Gavin’s shoulder, just wrapping a thick layer of bandages around the whole upper arm.
Once he was all bandaged up, Ryan put his shirt back on to try and protect his skin from the cold even though it wouldn’t really do much.
Michael hated feeling useless and he watched as Ryan seated himself at the captain’s seat and started up the engine while Geoff started treating the wounds on Jack’s back.
There was one clean through her thigh that they couldn’t do too much about aside from bandage it as tightly as possible. At least until they got to the safe house on Mount Chiliad.
The safe house was an abandoned warehouse-like structure that Geoff had managed to turn into a shack with an underground base for the group to stage operations whenever they finished a heist (with little success) and had to recover or store their goods temporarily.
It had cost a shit-load of cash but it was a good trade.
“We ready to get going?” Ryan asked, slowly pulling the boat out of the docks.  
Geoff was reapplying Jack’s bloody floral shirt. It was better than being half naked in the cold surrounded by water. Hypothermia didn’t care who you were, after all.
“Yeah. I say we are.” Geoff answered, sitting himself down in the seat next to Ryan while Ray sat down at Gavin’s feet while Michael sat by Gavin’s head.
Michael readjusted Gavin so his torso was close to him and he wrapped his arms around the unconscious brit. This gave Ray enough space to sit comfortably.
Then, Ryan pulled out into open waters and began the ride to where they would eventually take a vehicle to the safehouse on Chiliad. They just had to stay off the land and as far away from the police squads for a little bit.
It was late. So damn late that the only real light was the faint glint of the moonlight and the harsh artificial light of the boat headlights.
Michael was lulled into a light doze, occasionally brought out of it when water splashed over the edge and added a sharp cold sting to the bitter wind.
After a while, Michael was snapped out of sleep by a quiet mumbling. He could feel the body in his arms shift and he looked down to see Gavin blinking groggily up at him.
“Huh.. M-Michael?”
“Fuck.. Holy fuck, Gav.” Michael had been able to feel Gavin’s heart beat beneath the hand he had pressed against his upper back, but seeing him actually moving and talking made him feel so utterly relieved. He pulled Gavin up into an awkward hug, not wanting to agitate the wounds.
“W-What happened..? W-We were heisting.. Why’re you-”
“Shh.. It’s fine, Gav. We’re heading to the safe house right now..” Gavin’s eyes drifted to the holes in Michael’s shirt, revealing the bandages that formed lumpy shapes underneath.
“M-My boi..” He whimpered, looking suddenly upset. Michael suddenly remembered the scrapes and bruises covering his exposed skin and the dried blood sticking to his chin and his nose. “Y-You got hurt… What-”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine… Me and Ray flipped, it’s fine. You need to rest.” Michael’s voice was rarely as calm as it was now and Gavin seemed to realize this.
“M’kay… Night, Michael..”
“Night, Gav.” Michael answered, the brit having already fallen asleep in his arms. The sun was beginning to wash the horizon a greenish-blue now. Everyone else on the boat was asleep aside from Ryan who was still driving the boat towards the shore near Mount Chiliad.
They had absolutely failed the heist. Instead of cash they got a fuck ton of injuries. But in the end, they were all alive. That was all that genuinely mattered to Michael. He’d give up everything. The lavish apartments, expensive cars, the huge bank accounts, all of it he’d give up to keep his crew.
Not like he’d ever tell them that. 
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