#remember when bart threw Superboy prime into the speedforce? i want that same energy here
if there is one thing that Bart is getting out of this Dark Crisis it's that he saw through the whole Paradise charade from the getgo so he can hold it over Tim and Conner for the rest of their lives. And I laughed when I saw how Fake-Cassie tried to tempt Bart with the whole "you'll be the next Flash" as Bart, who never cared about that in the first place, just went, "i can _literally_ see the cracks in this world."
Oh god yeah 🤣
You couldn't pay Bart to be the Flash. He even says that he doesn't want to be the Flash in issue 1 of Young Justice Dark Crisis. You can really tell that he's not impressed with the offer lmao.
Honestly Bart is super in character in this series and it's amazing but it's also so confusing because how do you understand Bart so well (aside for that one comment about Barry being easier to talk to than Wally) but misunderstand Cassie, Cissie and Conner so much???? I just don't get it.
Back to Bart though, the cracks in reality comment and the heavy focus on Bart's competency has me wondering if Bart's gonna crack this reality like an egg.
My current theory is that Fake Cassie is Mr. Mxyzptlk's son. Fake Cassie has been shown altering reality with her snaps and Bart said that she was 'pulling the strings' so to speak. If Fake Cassie really was fake then reality wouldn't exactly be bending around her. I don't think she's a construct, I think she's this Mikey guy in disguise.
Fake Cassie says something about 'him' being upset that they aren't playing along and I think Fake Cassie (Mikey) was referring to Pariah. He's the ones creating these fake worlds and trapping people in them and he also has an army of brainwashed bad guys working for him, so I could definitely see Pariah letting Mikey collect Young Justice and trap them in one of his worlds. Mikey definitely has a Young Justice obsession and probably begged to be the one to do it (I mean same tho lol)
So yeah, long story short, I think Mikey has this world on loan and it'd just be an awful shame if something were to happen to it. Just real bad luck. I mean, it'd be so terrible if Bart were to use those cracks in reality that he can see and the world's slower processing speed and use that information to completely crash reality. But Bart wouldn't do a thing like that, no siree. I'm sure Bart will be as delicate with reality as any other speedster.
Okay but seriously though, if they're going up against a multidimensional imp then they need some serious leverage. I'm sure we all remember when Mr. Mxyzptlk turned the boys into fingers. How do you fight that? Only thing I can think of is Bart turning on his scary eyes with extra extra lightning and threatening to break his toys.
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