#give bart a Flashpoint moment
flashfuture · 7 months
The flashes have:
• weird found family that is a mix of a found family and blood family and most of them actually truly get along and care about each other even if some of them are little sassy.
• have powers where the upper echelon of their brood, with the most power are verging on multiverse and time gods and the ones just starting out still range on the side of most destructive meta humans on earth, if they are still human at all.
• their most interesting villains are crime syndicate with a amazing dental and medical plan who usually have something approaching morals.
I think they make other heroes only a little jelly beans cause they have all these boons and they are still interesting as characters to watch.
like it's actually so crazy if you think about it. in 1938 the DC universe time began. but the way time works in DC it's easier to think of time as the addition of every second. it's static not accumulative. 1 second 1 second 1 second 1 second and on to eternity. A life is made up of seconds coming together 1 2 3 4 5 6. But this didn't happen not for 18 years. Until 1956 when Barry Allen was struck by lightning in both canon and out of universe. Things started moving Forward
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(The Flash: Rebirth)
And he made the speed force. He keeps the present in the present and the rest of time away by generating the kinetic force that makes the lightning that gives the Flashes their speed.
Barry canonically moves Time forward by existing but he can also force it. He did so twice once fighting reverse flash/zoom and once fighting the turtle. When fighting Turtle, Barry connected himself to every living being except Turtle and pulled them all into the future by a few seconds to thwart his Turtley plans.
And Wally well I have a theory that Wally stores the memories the moments added together that make a life. In 1986 Barry reset the universe and everyone's minds got Fucked. Before Final Crisis when they bring back Wally from the speedforce it causes Bruce and Hal to remember Barry and incorrectly assume he's the one coming back. In 2011 when Flashpoint happened Barry did it Without Wally. Wally who was in the speedforce and got stuck again and once again everyone's backstories reset and their memories were fucked. In 2016 when Wally breaks out he returns memories to people. With Infinite Frontier this is the first universe reset where Wally's speed force is actively contributing to what happens and not only do people retain their current memories they start getting All their old memories back.
Reverse Flash represented paradoxes in time. But in the most recent run Barry phases through him giving him some speed force. And Eobard gets reset to how he should have been. Becoming connected to Barry fixes his Present. That kinetic wall between the present and time.
Bart I have no idea what they're doing with him they should be remembering that he's the best Fighter of the flashes. That he's vicious and blitzes enemies like Godspeed. Also how Bart is the most scatter brained and seemingly can not slow down unlike his grandpa and cousin. Yet he also is the only one of the entire family to be able to retain what he's learned forever. And has I think the greatest feats of cosmic awareness basically teaching himself about the meta of the DC universes reboots. Bart I think should represent the inevitability of the future coming. No matter how many changes you think you can make a future will always be there. Something to be said for him being a character created during Zero Hour year too I'm sure of it.
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breyito · 10 months
Batfamily Introduction- Matt Reeves universe
So...this is how I'd go about assembling the Batfamily in Reeves verse. I have (at least the movies about Jason) completely developed in my brain, but well, writing the scripts is a whole other issue. I could, but 2k fics are too much for me at the moment, so I thought I'd share this with the world, free some space in my brain, so to speak. Praying that someone out there, that has the actual pull to make this happen, reads this and maybe uses it a little. Mainly about Jason, because my poor boy deserves better, and an live action portrayal that is accurate and true to character, instead of the constant angst trainreck that is his life in the comics, for some reason.
The more detailed an idea is, the more doubts I have about it, idk. Dick's is less developed since pretty much everyone is familiar with him, so I kinda skipped him, sorry. And Damian...well, I don't know enough about him to write him much more than he is, and tbh, I'd like to do something with him and Jon more than anything else.
Here it goes!!! (Also, I'm just a fan, so please don't hate on this, yeah? If you don't like it, move on.)
Batman: Gravity / Gravitas/ Gravitational Pull
(Dick's origin story as Robin movie, Zucco,  Selina helps, Ace shows up, Zucco almost dies but D!R decides not to, little scenes with Batgirl (?),etc)
      •Robin the first*: Dick's solo movie when he's older, establishing the Titans (Babs, Roy, Donna, Joey(?)), Deathstroke as antagonist(?). He ends the movie as Nightwing (?).
Batman: Mind Games
(Jason as Robin origin story, Jason steals the Batmobile tires, B sends him to a home. Mad Hatter/ Dollmaker is buying kids from Ma Gunn's and Jay helps B & Gordon realize this and to put a stop to it, B ends up kidnapped and Nightwing isn't answering Agent A and Batgirl is holed up in the precinct with Gordon; so Jay dresses up as Robin and goes to try and stop the freak. He trips the rogue with his marbles and knocks him out, waiting until Batgirl/Nightwing come to free the hostages from the tech, keeping the conscious kids calm. Dick is surprised about Jay but not a dick about it. Bruce offers to adopt Jay, and says it's not necessary to be Robin too, but Dick Is all "unless you want to, little wing! I'm gonna teach you all the *best* moves B is too old to do!" Sue me, I want one happy Batfamily, ok? Ok).
      •Robin the second*: Jason's solo movie, Kid Devil Pen pal, Kyle(?), Rose(?), Gar(?) or the Titans say he's too little?; Catwoman/Ivy/Nocturna as mentors/aunts? Heist movie. Professor Pig/Toymaker as antagonist? He ends up saving the Titans/Batman despite the doubts about him.
Batman: "A death in the family"/[?]
(Garzonas/child trafficking ring; they butt heads about 'procedure' and 'too much violence'; Barbara is paralyzed; Jay looks for Haywood, she sells him out to Joker, Jason dies. A few months later, B gets called to deal with Flashpoint and finds out Flash is the reason Jay died ("Allen, you killed my son? You killed my SON!" "I'm sorry- Bruce, I'm-" "Effective immediately, Allen's tenure in the Justice League is terminated. Central City will be relegated to Wallace, if he's ready to take on the name." "Bruce!" "If he can not use his powers responsibly, he can not be trusted with them. Unless you want me to give you an antidote." "...you don't have one." "Are you willing to try me?" post-credit scene. Jay's hand breaking the ground of his grave post-post credit scene)
Batman: [?]/Bane of the City
(Tim as Robin Origin story. Broken back, Dick as Batman for a little while, they defeat Bane, Bruce heals a little bit, Barbara remakes herself as Oracle and saves their asses at a crucial moment, etc. Jason is alive and with the LoA, baby!Damián? post-credit scene.)
    •Robin the third*: Tim's solo movie, he finds Connor and goes against Lex? + Cassie and Bart, of course. Steph is introduced at the end (iconic brick-in-the-face moment).
Batman: Under the Red Hood/[?]
(RH takes over the Alley in a couple of weeks; steals the kryptonite and ruins deals for Black Mask; kills the leutenants of the mobs and gains control over them, etc. ("B, this guys is not out of control." "Dick?" "I'd say this guy is completely in control. Look at these! He hasn't killed a single innocent. Every one of these men and woman have charges for murder, rape, abuse, child pornography or molestation, human trafficking... and all of them got away with it or got the minimal sentence or had the charges dropped or the witnesses killed. They weren't casualities, they were targeted." "It doesn't matter, he's still killing people." "Yeah, bad people! The worst society has to offer." "Dick..." "Bruce, we have bigger problems than a man that keeps the civilians out of things, the children protected and only takes his rage on the worst of humanity.") Jason still attacks Tim at TT, but only to keep him out of the final confrontation -broken wrist, ankle and bruised ribs- ("No more dead Robins" is written in Jason's blood on the wall). Jason as RH reveal; B accepts Jay killing Joker -he turns around and gives him permission- but the damn clown blows up the building before he can and scapes even after RH shoots him a few times. Jason collapses in Bruce's arms, sobbing, terrified. B asks Jay to comes home and he does, to a heartfelt reunion. Jason apologizes to Tim, giving him the R he cut off the Robin suit in the case instead of the one he took in the Tower. Damian's existence bomb drop post-credit scene. One big happy Batfamily, see?).
    •Robin the fourth*: Steph's solo movie. She starts the movie as Spoiler, ends the movie as Robin but dead. Steph tries to stop her dad, meets R!Tim, they fall in love somewhere in the middle. R!Tim wants her as part of the Titans, she refuses cuz her mom doesn't know about Spoiler and she wants to stay in Gotham due to Cluemaster. Jack Drake forces Tim to give up Robin (Steph finds out his identity due to him screaming threats to Bruce) and Bruce offers R to her a few days later, she agrees. Tim doesn't like ir, but Steph is Tim's only contact with the Batfam, so he's ok-ish with it. Cluemaster realizes his daughter is Spoiler/the new Robin and sells the info to Sionis, hoping he'll get him out of prison (he thinks Black Mask will use it to find out who Batman is, not torture her to death, but still). B&Steph butt heads, some "you're too much like Jason" comments/classism thrown her way (Jason is in the LoA trying to convince Talia to give up Damian to B, btw) She starts a war between two gangs to stop them destroying her block/neighborhood's business and homes. BM kidnaps her then, and tries to torture the info of Batman and Red Hood (his bitter enemy) out of her. She holds out until N&B&RH rescue her, but too late. She "dies" then ("was I a good Robin?" "you were a great Robin"). (Post-credit scene is her waking up gasping in a hospital bed, her window shows a Savanna.)
Batman: Blood Son/ Blood Feud
(Damian gets to Gotham to witness the end tail of the gang war after Steph's death. Tim is back in the Manor, back as Robin (he put on the suit to stop the war and BM; since Jack is in a coma he doesn't care anymore), working with B & N & RH to clean things up. R almost kills BM by beating him, so RH puts a blade to the guy's throat and says he will kill him if Tim says the word. Tim, in the end, says no. RH then cuts through BM's spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed. ("As a compromise" he grins savagely at Batman, winking.) Damian tries to off Tim the moment they meet, but Tim is very on edge and puts him down quickly and brutally ("You want to be Robin, remplace Steph, with *those* skills? Ha! Give me a break/Pathetic.") Dick tries to explain how fragile Tim is at the moment, while Jason & Alfred try to make them bond by cooking together, and B makes them solve cold cases together (it turns into a competition, of course, but since it ends with Tim spending less Time on the field, B doesn't stop it). Jack dies after an attack at the hospital by Cap Boomerang; after the funeral he goes out as RR, to get revenge. Zsasz gets him first, since RR is out of it. Damian -who was following him, not worried- ends up saving Tim after Zsasz kidnaps him on BM's orders, as payback. He stalls Zsasz until the others get there and cuts off one of his arms while trying not to kill him. (I wanna add Killer Croc here somehow, he's hired but Damián either convinces him to leave or beats him by drugging him or something). While Tim is recovering in the hospital/cave he passes the R to him. (''You'll do a good job." "Tt, of course I will." "Just...maybe get a less sharp weapon?" "Because blunt force trauma is more elegant?" "Nop. It's usually less deadly, tho."))
The (*) means I have no idea for a tittle. I know I want it to be secuencial, like a series, because that's what they are lol.
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I just want Wally and Linda to have the experience of having children and parenting and celebrating the milestones. I think I've said this before but their first pregnancy was traumatic. They love their twins but their entrance into this world was not a happy one.
They fought so hard to have their twins. So hard. They were so happy. Wally wanted to be a dad. Linda wanted to be a mom. They were young and they were scared but they were excited to figure it all out together.
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And then Zoom hit Linda in the stomach with a sonic boom. They were too happy. He didn't like that. He wanted to cause Wally pain. He wanted Wally to suffer so the twins had to go.
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They spent the next few months recovering from that. Months. They spent actual months grieving. It was a rough time. They didn't really know how to process their trauma and grief and they barely made it through those months alive.
And then surprise! Wally time travels and kicks Zooms ass. Now, I don't know if you've ever seen a pissed off speedster but it's not exactly something you want to be on the receiving end of. This was the first time Wally ever broke the Geneva Convention. He said 'Fine, Zoom. You want trauma? I'll give you trauma.'
Wally found Zoom's most traumatic memory and he stuck him in a timeloop, forcing him to relive that moment over and over for the rest of eternity.
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That was supposed to be the end of it but when Wally got back suddenly Linda was nine months pregnant and in active labor. Wally had shielded Linda in the past, stopping the miscarriage, and bringing the twins back. Now, even though the twins were wanted this was still an extremely stressful life or death birth. Linda went from not pregnant to nine months pregnant in a second. That's traumatic.
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Thankfully, everyone was alright. The twins were born safe, Linda was safe and everyone was thrilled. Wally even retired! He was done with being the Flash. He just wanted to focus on his kids and be a good dad. This was his happily ever after.
But then he put the suit on one more time to help Bart take out Superboy Prime.
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He was sucked into the speedforce as a result. He visited his family one last time to say goodbye but Linda wouldn't let him leave. Not without her, not without their kids. And so all four of them were sucked into the speedforce and presumed dead.
They weren't, thankfully. Wally had crash landed them on an alien planet in another dimension. One that Jay and Barry had helped set up, so they were very welcoming to him and his family. But life can never be easy for Wally and Linda so of course that's when the twin's metabolism kicked in.
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They were rapidly aging and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Wally and Linda went home with newborns who were in middle school and the knowledge that their children would be lucky to survive to their first birthday. That's why Wally and Linda let them run around with Wally on patrol. It was a 'make a wish' situation. His kids were dying and if they wanted to be superheroes then he'd be damned sure to make it happen.
This was a bad time for the entire family. Wally plastered a smile on his face for his family's sake but he had frequent panic attacks (using his superspeed so that no one could see). Linda was depressed. She felt disconnected from her children, unable to bond with them because they had grown so fast and they were leaving her at the same pace. She felt like a terrible mother and tried her best to be happy for the children's sake. And the kids?? They figured out that they were dying. Jai had panic attacks. Irey covered it up with a smile. It ... it really wasn't good.
So when Wally cured his kids? It was done. It was over. Wally was retiring, his kids were retiring, they were just going to be a normal family and actually live life.
And then Flashpoint happened and Wally's kids were erased from existence and he had to suffer through the pain of grieving children that didn't exist. Honestly I think Wally ripping reality to pieces and creating a universe with his kids on it was a measured response to that considering.
So yeah. I'm glad that Wally, Linda and the kids are together and happy and there's no trauma happening. I am so unbelievably thrilled.
However, I also think that Wally and Linda deserve a bit of a do over. To have a normal pregnancy and a normal birth and to celebrate their baby without constant trauma. They deserve to celebrate their child's milestones without the constant reminder that each day brings them closer to death.
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Hi! Hope you are well! I am not really familiar with comics as a show fan and I know you are, could you "rec" some issues/runs of The Flash as a starting point? I really love Barry & Iris and would love to read their comics dynamic. Have a nice day!
Thank you, I hope you have a nice day too!
I have read a few comics but not all of them, so there are more people who know a lot more than me, but I will give it a whirl.
I think as a general starting point for Flash comics in general, I'd probably recommend The Flash: 80 Years of the Fastest Man Alive. It's one of several books DC released as an anniversary thing (I also have Green Arrow: 80 Years of the Emerald Archer), and it has in it a selection of comics, so it has Jay's first appearance, it has Showcase #4 which is Barry's first appearance, it has Wally's (as Kid Flash), it sort of has Bart except it's the back of his head (my one note is Bart is quite neglected in this book), as well as a handful of others picked from the Flash runs of the three of them (my icon is actually from this book), and commentary by various writers so it gives you an overview and lets you read a little bit then decide which you'd like to read.
Carmine Infantio wrote the original Flash run with Barry, DC also released a 4 book Silver Age omnibus (I like books), that gives you the starting point of Barry's story. This is being written in the 50s and 60s, there are going to be things that are dated as with reading anything from a while ago, I suspect in 50 years people will be saying the same thing about what we're writing now, but I do have such a soft spot for the Silver Age. If you're specifically looking for Barry and Iris they are introduced here as already together before Barry gets his powers, and I quite like that they never go the love triangle with the secret identity route here, Iris knows the Flash through work kind of, but she's not really interested, she's got Barry. Also she can fly a plane.
I haven't read enough of Cary Bates' Flash run to know yet, only a few bits here and there, but this is getting into Iris and Barry are married, this is probably worth looking up, I do keep meaning to
Crisis on Infinite Earths doesn't have Iris in it, but it is an important story for Barry, and I quite like it. I am still upset about how many pages there are between Barry dying and anyone outright saying they're going looking for him.
Geoff Johns' Flash: Rebirth is also probably not a bad place to start for Barry, this is a comic set after Barry's been brought back to life, his history has changed, there are all these people who he doesn't really know, it's him trying to find his feet into being alive again. And also Eobard Thawne is here to Cause Problems On Purpose. I don't like all of Geoff Johns' comics, but this one is good.
Flashpoint is again apparently a majorly important comic in Flash mythos. I might try reading it again, I last read it a few years ago, but honestly I'm not a huge fan of Flashpoint.
Skip New 52 if you're looking for Barry and Iris. There are a few parts of New 52 that I like, but Barry and Iris aren't dating in New 52 (Barry dates Patty Spivot) and it's New 52, you can skip it. Though if you've watched the show, maybe Out of Time (Robert Venditti ect, it's Volume 6 in the TPs, which is #30-35, Annual #3, and The Flash Futures End #1), that's the arc with the Future Flash.
I love Joshua Williamson's Flash run, I am sure I have said so many times, I would definitely recommend that one, and again, this is post a soft reboot DC did after New 52 kind of flopped, so it's probably not a bad place to start either.
Jeremy Adams' Flash run was Wally based so had some fun moments but probably not what you're looking for, and Si Spurrier I have the first TP next to me to read once I've finished reading Blackest Night, I'll have to get back to you on that one.
As one-off comics rather than getting into the whole thing, there's United They Fall (Gail Simone), it's an Elseworlds but because it's just one comic rather than continuing on from something started in 1956 it might be good to try if you haven't read comics before just to see if you like reading them? I also enjoyed New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke, that's not exclusively Barry and Iris but they do feature, and again it's set in its own timeline rather than main continuity so it can be read as a stand-alone comic (also it features a very cute kid Hal Jordan and has made me feel very strongly that Hal Jordan should have been allowed to join NASA)
I think in general comics have been going for a really long time and there are a lot of them so at first glance they can seem daunting to get into, but also, there's so many of them it would be frankly unreasonable for people to expect you to read every single one ever. I think the best way to start is probably to pick a writer, any of them, and start at the beginning of their run. They will build on things that have happened before (even Barry's original Flash run brings up things that happened in Jay's Golden Age comics), they will have characters show up who maybe you don't know but they'll treat them like this is a character everyone's already familiar with, and there's the bits that editorial wanted this to happen for that event or didn't want that to happen for reasons so they had to work with that, but overall I think each author is going to have a story that they want to tell and those individual stories are going to be much more contained within their own comic runs, so you can just go find a story you like, you don't need to read every single story ever.
I hope this is helpful and you find a comic you like!
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alvindraperzzz · 2 years
Rambling thoughts on Cassie as a hero without a secret identity
This is kinda long. Much longer than it probably needs to be. There’s no real point to this, just musing.
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This is the issue where Cassie acknowledges being a hero is what she wants to do with her life. 
Young Justice 20 is also where we confirm that her motivation has changed. Cassie started out motivated to be a hero because she thought heroes were awesome, wanted to help Wonder Woman, and she wanted to be a part of the epic tradition that spans back centuries. Over the course of Young Justice and her own experiences as Wonder Girl, that morphs into a genuine desire to help people. 
She believes if you have the ability to do good, you should do it.
What’s interesting about this realization is that it leads directly into the first steps she takes toward removing the lines of separation between Cassie Sandsmark and Wonder Girl.
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This is the costume in the issue immediately following this exchange. One of the biggest things to note is that she has ditched the wig. The wig was there for two reasons: to make her look more like Diana and Donna, and to hide Cassie’s secret identity. It’s not that big a step, considering she has never been very good at hiding her secret identity, but it’s the first purposeful one. Cassie has always had a difficult time being anyone but herself. She may be brash, and even a brat at times, but she is very sincere in all that she does. It’s part of why her efforts to hide her civilian identity keep getting flimsier and flimsier after SoY. She considers having a secret identity to be hiding her real self, and getting in the way of being the best hero she can be. In Young Justice 20, she forgoes joining a school play or any other extracurricular activities because they’d only be a distraction. Being a hero is who she is. She is never more fully herself than when she’s acting as Wonder Girl. 
It’s not as much of a strain for her as it is for Tim as Robin. She was never very attached to her civilian life, and she never treated Wonder Girl like a persona to maintain. Cassie is Wonder Girl is Cassie.
So on one hand, she seems to enjoy the freedom having no secret civilian identity to protect gives her. She can save people without worrying about a disguise or having to cover her tracks. She doesn’t need to hide her true self.
But there also seem to be a lot of negatives, some that are explored in canon and even more that seem like logical consequences of blowing her secret id.
Cassie kind of put all her eggs in one basket. 
She decided to be a superhero, and by the time the pre-Flashpoint universe ended, she was at the point where she couldn’t be anything else even if she wanted to. After she blows her secret identity, most schools won’t accept her. Her classmates and teachers are afraid or jealous of her. She used to want to be an archeologist or historian like her mother. Being a hero is her life, but what if she wants more? Her relationship with Diana could boost her chances, but what college or training programs are going to accept Wonder Girl? Especially since she seems to bring danger and chaos wherever she goes?
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Also? Repercussions from mistakes as Wonder Girl reflect not only on her, but her family and anyone she knows. Her mother is a target for villains and public scrutiny alike, and it strains their relationship.  At one point things got bad enough to make her pick up a new identity, Drusilla Priam (yes, the name is ridiculous). I sometimes wonder if she regrets losing her secret identity during incidents like this.
All of her friends have secret identities. Cissie, Anita, and Greta have returned to civilian life. Tim and Bart have secret identities, have had jobs. Even Kon, who was Superboy and only Superboy for years, has built a life outside of his hero identity. Minus a few stolen moments with her mother, Cassie is Wonder Girl all the time. 
It probably makes hanging out with them difficult, considering how recognizable Cassie is and how they would have to reach to explain how she knows most of them. As seen with Kon in the last few issues of Teen Titans (and Tim, for his entire vigilante career), some of them want to keep their hero and civilian lives separate. Cassie has to be careful not to blow their cover if she wants to be with them out of costume.
There is no privacy, no escaping the public. Which is and isn’t an issue for her. I feel like I approach Cassie’s relationship with secret identities from Tim’s perspective, especially regarding how important the delineation is and how he treats maintaining a superhero persona as a job. I’ve read too much of him and his difficult, nuanced relationship with hero and non hero identities not to. To me it would be stressful to be a hero in the public eye all the time. I have to remind myself of Cassie’s views on the subject.
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lanthimo · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if you have any reading list or tips regarding to Barry Allen and Bart Allen? Thank you!
Hi! I am gonna be honest, I have always been disappointed in DC for giving so little to Bart compared to Barry or Wally. It just annoys me so much, yes, I am petty, when I see Barry and Wally fans are fighting about who is the better Flash or who should be the main Flash and I am like, "when will Bart's time come?!" And I am not happy with DC comics for the past 3 years so I don't read a lot of comics, I am out of the loop recently I guess but assuming you mean where to start...
Hmm, I don't have a reading list but if you ask my opinion (and experiences) a lot of people find it easier to start with N52/Flashpoint (but if you read Dastardly Death of the Rogues without knowing anything about Flash history I guess it'll very confusing) because, well, it's a reboot after all. I know a lot of people hate N52 but a big part of N52 Flash comics are just really soft and sweet and nice thanks to Buccellato and Manapul. Nice art style, lovely romance between Patty & Barry, love the romance between Piper and David, characterization is ok, David and Patty and James actually have personalities for once lol etc. I think it's a good way to start because it's not... how do you say, demanding. It doesn't require any prior knowledge, it doesn't burn your brain by pulling a bunch of weird terms and powers and character backstories that you don't know anything about. So it's almost relaxing to read (except the Future Flash bullshit plEASE - plus no one likes to look at Brett Booth's art, my sleep paralysis demon has his Flash's leg muscles). Rebirth, on the other hand, has lots of pros and cons. There are some good moments, I loved August but I mostly dislike Joshua's characterization, not only of Barry but also of the Rogues. I always felt like Joshua didn't know or care about Flash before and he was just trying to do his wannabe Batman angst-fest with constantly using Barry to write stories that give very childish messages like "yooo our heroes can make mistakes too!11!!! they aren't always right!1!! wow I am the first one to think of that great idea!1!1 I will use this same plotline and message like 10 times!11!!" a lot of decisions made by characters, their motives, their bitching etc don't make sense and doesn't feel realistic at all and he completely misses that "Flash magic" which made most of us Flash fans in the first place. I don't know, it just doesn't feel like Flash comics. Also, I really dislike how Speed Force basically became The Force from SW or some weird shit like that. And Joshua just made it worse imo.
While I am a huge fan of Silver Age comics and actually like them more than modern ones, I think you have to start with the new ones like N52, Rebirth (I hate Joshua's Barry but it's just my opinion) because it's easier to get familiar with due to the popularity of superhero movies in mass media. So they will feel more "natural" compared to bizarre SA comics at first. BUT if you know the basics, you must read Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold imo. LOVE LOVE LOVE THAt one. Always love seeing Barry interact with his buddies.
For Bart, I think you can read Impulse comics or Flash vol.2 or The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive but... TFMA is... ugh. Don't like that one.
Oh, and I wanted to share my messy opinions but you should definitely ask this question to @villainapologist because she is so well organized compared to me and I am sure she has a reading list ready to share lol plus she's the best Flash Fam fan out there so... you can ask her anything and she'll know the answer!
Sorry for this very messy very unhelpful answer, I have been working non-stop for the past 7 days and my brain stopped working I guess lol
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dccomicsnews · 5 years
Review: THE FLASH #750
  [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writers: Joshua Williamson, Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato, Marv Wolfman, Scott Lobdell
Artists: Rafa Sandoval, Stephen Segovia, Scott Kolins, Francis Manapul, Riley Rossmo, David Marquez, Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund
Colours: Arif Prianto, Michael Atiyeh, Ivan Plascencia, Alejandro Sanchez, Luis Guerrero
Letters: Steve Wands, Rob Leigh, Joshua Reed, Deron Bennett, ALW’s Troy Peteri
  Reviewed By: Derek McNeil
The Flash #750: Beginning: “The Flash Age”! The story we’ve been building toward since issue #50 comes to a head! While a supercharged Speed Force wreaks havoc on Barry Allen’s life, a new threat appears on the horizon in the form of the deadly Paradox. Destined to destroy the Flash’s legacy, Paradox sends his herald, Godspeed, to trap the Flash family! Plus, in this special anniversary issue: tales from across the generations of super-speedsters by an all-star lineup of writers and artists!
In honour of the 80th Anniversary of the title, DC has reverted back to legacy numbering. Thus, The Flash #750 hits the stands this week instead of the expected 89th issue of the series. “Legacy numbering” means that if the title kept the same incremental numbering through every relaunch of the title, then the number would have naturally progressed to issue #750 with this very issue.
This covers the tenures of DC’s primary three Flashes, Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, and Wally West, and appropriately, all three are well represented in the six stories included. As the current star of the title, Barry merits three stories, while Jay and Wally each get a single, yet important story each.
This first, and main, story is the first chapter of regular series writer Josh Williamson’s “The Flash Age”. I really liked this story, as it mostly gives a break and allows us to catch up with the current status of Barry’s world and the people in it, before pushing into the next big conflict. This makes the story a nice jumping-on point for new readers as well as providing a neat wrap up of the previous story arc.
Most importantly, it shows that Barry and Iris are back together and that their relationship is as strong as ever. In fact, things seemed to be going so well, that when Iris said, “I have something to talk to you about. A surprise”, I was expecting that she might propose to Barry.
Positives Cont.
Unfortunately, this is where the impending conflict cut into the story. Godspeed interrupts this moment, taking Barry to face Paradox. Paradox then gives Barry a choice between giving up being the Flash or fighting for his life against Godspeed. This is where the story leaves off, giving us a rather effective cliffhanger to bring readers back for the rest of “The Flash Age”.
I also love that this story includes several instances of Central City’s citizens showing their gratitude to the Flash for saving their lives or helping them in other ways. It’s a nice touch for an anniversary story. Plus, it provides a nice counterpoint to Paradox’s claims that Barry has been endangering everybody by the effect his powers have had on reality itself. Hopefully, this will help Barry realize that the good he has done outweighs any damage he has caused.
In the second story, Geoff Johns bring us an interesting little tale featuring Captain Cold, set during Wally’s tenure as the DCU’s primary Flash. In this story, we see that what Wally assumes that Cold goes on a rampage for the sole purpose of infuriating Wally.
However, the story shows us that the “rampage” came about unintentionally. Cold merely stumbled into the midst of an armed robbery when shopping at his local corner store. Through a series of misunderstandings, he finds himself in the middle of a confrontation with the Keystone City Police. While this doesn’t excuse Cold for his crimes, this does show how easy it is for events to quickly get out of control for a villain in the DCU.
Positives Cont.
The next story, by Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato features Barry examining the question of whether the Flash has to be Barry Allen. He does this by using a previously unseen power to send his consciousness through other timelines where somebody else became the Flash instead of him. In each timeline, he finds that someone admirably fills the role of the Flash. He arrives at the moral of the  “Even if it doesn’t have to be me… I”m glad that it is”
However, I have to wonder why the examples of Wally and Jay aren’t enough evidence that that someone else could serve as the Flash other than Barry. I would have thought either would be proof enough to settle the question.
Marv Wolfman, the man wrote the story of Barry’s death in Crisis On Infinite Earths, returns to the character to tell of an interesting encounter between Barry and the Mirror Master. The interesting conceit of this story is that the Mirror Master’s mirrors in the story enact various transformations upon the Flash’s body. These transformations allow artist Riley Rossmo to revisit some of the bizarre transformations over the years, such as the time Abra-Kadabra turned Barry into a walking wooden puppet.
Next, regular writer Joshua Williamson gives us a story of Jay Garrick, set in the title’s inaugural year, 1940. The story centres around an encounter between Jay and the Thinker. However, the most intriguing bit of the story is when a mysterious figure, presumably the Reverse Flash, whispers in Jay’s ear, “They’ll forget you Jay Garrick. I’ve seen your future…”.
Positives Cont.
This seems to be setting up a future storyline involving Jay and the Reverse Flash, which is further borne out by the blurb at the story’s end. This blurb promises, “To be continued in The Flash in 2020″. Unfortunately, this seems to imply that we won’t see the followup immediately, but it is coming relatively shortly.
Also, I noticed that the image on that page also shows Wally and Bart. I hope this means that we will be seeing a full reunion of the Flash Family when this story continues.
Finally, the entire creative team for the Flash Forward miniseries returns to provide an epilogue to that miniseries. Writer Scott Lobdell  continues where that story left off, creating a bridge between it and the upcoming Generation Zero: Gods Among Us and subsequent Generation One to Five specials.
While little is known about this upcoming event, it has been speculated that it will involve a major shift in DCU continuity. That speculation seems to be borne out in this story, where Wally, now wielding the power and knowledge of the Mobius Chair, exams the current state of the DC Universe’s continuity.
It has been my theory for a while now that the time itself is unravelling in the DC Universe, and this story confirms that. Wally looks through his own personal timeline and sees that multiple contradictory events seem to concurrently exist in the current continuity. The original Silver Age origin of the Teen Titans happened as Wally remembers it, but the New 52 Teen Titans also exist as the first group to call themselves by that name.
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The Flash #750 1940s Cover
The Flash #750 1950s Cover
The Flash #750 1960s Cover
The Flash #750 1970s Cover
The Flash #750 1980s Cover
The Flash #750 1990s Cover
The Flash #750 2000s Cover
The Flash #750 2010s Cover
Positives Cont.
I must also interject that it’s great to see that Wally remembers the original Teen Titans costumes, and not the New 52/Rebirth re-imagined versions of the original outfit – even down to Robin’s short pants.
Wally confronts Tempus Fuginaut about the state of the DCU, stating, “Everything. Time. Space. Reality. It’s all broken. It all risks collapse”. And if there is any doubt about the severity of the situation in the reader’s mind, the story itself drop many significant keywords that indicate big reality-changing events in DC history: “Crisis”, “Flashpoint”, “Doomsday”, “Rebirth”, and others.
Truly, the DCU is reaching an important turning point. But there we are given ample reason not to dread this. When Fuginaut asks if Wally is up to the task of repairing this damage, Wally West, the DCU’s symbol of hope and rebirth replies, “My name is Wally West. I’m the Fastest Man Alive. I sit on the Mobius Chair. The power of a God races through me. So yeah. I got this”.
This speech gave me chills and reassures me that whatever the Generation special lead to, it bodes well for the future of the DCU.
Besides the amazing lineup of artists in each of the stories, there are also fine selection of pinups, as well as the multitude of gorgeous variant covers. I love the look of the decade covers. Especially, with the care taken to match the title logo and DC symbol for each time period. DC does pull out the stops to make sure these anniversary events look truly amazing.
However, there is a nasty side to all these variant covers. This is a book with a $7.99 cover price. But with ten different covers (including the blank cover), that’s almost 80 bucks. Now I didn’t mind this when Action Comics and Detective Comics reached issue #1000. That’s a once in a lifetime milestone. Now DC is doing the same for Wonder Woman and The Flash reaching #750, which is a bit much, but okay. But DC has announced similar 80th Anniversary events for Robin, Catwoman, The Joker, and Green Lantern. That’s one or two of these expensive specials a month. Such a cash grab is excusable when it is once in a blue moon, but DC is venturing into the realm of highway robbery. Please, DC! Have mercy on my bank account!
  Review: The Flash #750 Review: THE FLASH #750 Writers: Joshua Williamson, Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato…
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New book coming out May 2020 with the 100 greatest comic book moments from the history of The Flash (x)
Flash: 100 Greatest Moments : Highlights from the History of the World's Greatest Superheroes
The Flash. The Fastest Man Alive. The Scarlet Speedster. Whatever you call him, his most iconic comic book adventures are celebrated in Flash: 100 Greatest Moments. First appearing in 1940 and represented by a slew of different speedsters, the Flash has been a DC mainstay for most of their publishing life. He's been part of the Justice League, Justice Society of America, and Teen Titans. Able to break the barriers between dimensions and to reverse time when he's runs fast enough, to say that the flash is going (and has gone) places doesn't even cover it. Speedsters are powered by the speed force and while there are a slew of superheroes faster than the average man in the DC Universe, the particular mantle of 'The Flash' has been donned by Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, and Bart Allen. Each of them are represented with their own moments to shine and they each bring a new perspective to the character over the Flash's decades long run. Enclosed in these pages are 100 moments that chronicle all of the Flash's greatest feats. Flash's loves, his children, the allies like Batman and Superman that help him out in his time of need, the Rogues that give him the most trouble, other nefarious speedsters villains like Reverse Flash and Professor Zoom, and many more key characters are paid homage. Flash has been a key player in events like Flashpoint and Crisis on Infinite Worlds, making him integral to understanding the worlds built by DC Comics. Although Flash has been on the big screen, syndicated television, and cartoons, a lot the iconic moments seen on screens found their origin in his comic books. Whether you need a recap (in a flash) or you're curious about the comic book events that inspired your favorite TV and movie moments, Flash: 100 Greatest Moments will guide you through all of the Scarlet Speedster's history:
Wally West winning the lottery
Returning from the dead
Marrying Iris West
The Cosmic Treadmill
Meeting Editor Julius Schwartz
Red Flash vs. Black Flash
Defeating Zoom
House of Heroes
Barry Allen fights Godspeed for the first time
Returning Wally West rom the Speed Force
Run ins with the Trickster
Lace up, strap in, and enjoy Flash: 100 Greatest Moments. (x)
I love that ‘Marrying Iris West’ is specifically mentioned in the synopsis as one of those 100 greatest Flash moments
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liviedoodles · 6 years
free writing idea. as much as tims a great guy all his character traits are mostly just shared with the rest of the batfam. stephs character is criminally underused the only real stories involving her are she isn't up to par so batman kicks her out > she keeps heroing anyway > disaster. a (in my opinion great) solution to these problems would be to have stephs pregnancy go all the way through and they have to raise a kid. what do you think?
It could be a pretty interesting AU, especially as (if memory serves me right) Tim was only 14 and Steph 15 when she gave birth.Because of their ages, a big part of that arc would be about asking for help and relying on others because there’s no way in hell either of them were parent material at that moment in comic book continuity. I think Tim would put a lot of effort into hiding the fact that he’s part-time fathering from the rest of the Batfam (for fear they’d ask him to stop being Robin because this was a time where he didn’t have much confidence in his place in the family and where Bruce was very emotionally distant and strictly professional) and ultimately (but only after months) confide in YJ (I don’t think he was in the Titans yet) and then maybe Dick and even later Alfred. In the meantime, they’d probably rely heavily on Steph’s mother, since Steph falling pregnant was the time where Crystal started trying to become a good mother again. (Maybe eventually Jack and Dana find about it and help out as well?)I could definitely see this as slowly becoming their generation’s mission to take care of the kid. Kon would probably freak out a little at first but I think Cassie and Bart would take to it pretty quickly. Like, in this AU Steph would actually become integrated into the YJ/2nd gen of Titans group as opposed to the slight animosity they have between them in the canon comics.
Steph showed a lot of maturity during her pregnancy in canon, especially with her decision of giving away the baby at the end. Since she wouldn’t have done that in this AU, she and Tim would have to develop quite the responsible edge during the first few months after birth instead, and start thinking like adults earlier on. I’m not sure she’d want to continue being Spoiler unless she was somehow taunted or challenged into doing so. 
The baby would be Steph’s responsibility more than Tim’s no matter how close they got. I mean Tim’s already torn between the Batfam, his own parents and YJ/the Titans and I hardly see him as the type to commit 100% to it when he’s already shouldering so much responsibility. He really cares about Steph but he’s always compartmentalized his life in neat, clearly defined cubes.
When Bruce finds out he’d probably be really pissed cause it was hell of irresponsible of Tim to hide that from his guardians and to continue being Robin without letting anyone know about that extra bit of info. For once Babs would definitely side with him, and she wouldn’t have let Steph ever join/intern with the BoP. There would be a bit of drama over Tim and Steph wanting to help the family in some ways and the whole family giving them the ‘you wanted a pet you take care of it’ speech baby-version. Idk, I just feel like both of them should eventually get a heavy backlash for deciding to raise the baby because honestly if they do decide to keep the baby, it’s a bit... selfish? I mean canon Steph gave it away cause she wanted the baby to be happy, and it is true that her situation is pretty shaky at that point in canon. I could see it happen because it was at a stage where they were still growing and maturing and they could make mistakes, but I don’t think it should be portrayed as a particularly stellar decision.
Sorry for ranting, I love thinking about AUs xD, it would definitely be a fun idea to develop further!
I have to disagree about Tim’s character being everyone else’s traits, though, and Steph being criminally underused (in the 90s and 2000s at least, post-flashpoint your statement would be quite right on every level). I’ve always found their arcs, their growth and their relationships with the rest of the batfam to be the most interesting among the 90s and 2000s Bat-comics. But I suppose that is a matter of opinion, and if I get started on that I will never finish so for both our sake’s I’ll stop there.
In anyways, it would be great if DC remembered the whole Steph has a child thing! Thank you for bringing it up :D
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flashfuture · 3 years
I read the Hal Jordan traits post and really enjoyed it. Can we have one for Barry Allen?
Yes absolutely I’m so glad you asked.
Firstly Barry Allen is nice
Bart has an excellent quote “he might be quiet or distant or awkward but he’s never mean”
I think Ollie is really the only person who never really got along with Barry yet they still call each other friend so their main beef was over politics and Hal lol.
But everyone else loves Barry. Bruce and Barry are very good friends. As well as Barry and Clark get along quite well. Arthur is friends with Barry and Dinah is very good friends as well. When Barry died it was devastating because he was a beacon of light of hope
Barry is the type of guy who helps you carry your groceries and you can always crash on his couch.
He’s endlessly patient and forgiving. He believes there is good inside each and every person.
He genuinely believes everyone deserves a chance to be better.
Barry never gives up on anyone ever. His dad wanted him to but it’s just not in Barry’s nature.
Barry is devoted to Justice. He’s devoted to helping people and keeping people safe. He wants people to feel safe which is why he’s always smiling.
Barry is very genuine he doesn’t have a lot to hide. He’s a very disciplined person as well he’s not overly emotional. He is actually a pretty shy person yet we generally only see him with family because he’s a family man.
Barry can get lost in thought he’s gotta analyze everything. Have an explanation for everything, an answer to every question. As opposed to Wally who is more willing to take things on faith.
Barry has Iris, Hal, and Wally to be his lightning rods. They help keep him grounded. Because Barry can have his angry moments but their usually covering grief.
Barry is very loving in his actions. He helped raise Wally and trained him to be a hero. But he always believed his nephew would surpass him.
Barry’s childhood sweetheart Daphne Dean used to show up a lot and he was always willing to help her out she was down to help him with schemes too.
There was a family friend who passed away and Barry and Iris took in his daughter Stacy while she went to college. They loved her like their own and were more than happy to open their home.
Barry also kept an eye on his neighbors son who they neglected quite a bit. Barry made sure the boy was okay and happy and encouraged him to follow his dreams.
Flashpoint nonsense aside Barry’s thing is always about moving forward and living in the present while eagerly awaiting the future.
Barry is a big inspiration to a lot of other heroes but he himself pushes against hero worship and says that being a hero isn’t about living up to anyone but about protecting the people.
Another thing that’s fun and a lot of people miss is that Barry Allen is incapable of turning down a dare. Iris and Hal both know it and use it fully to their advantage.
Barry is a dork and he drops random Flash Facts into conversations to the point it’s basically a meme in universe.
As a kid Barry wore his bow ties and it never stops. Even if Hal teases him over it.
Barry can also take charge very quickly. He’s a strong leader who led the Justice League and during the Blackest Night event was basically calling the shots.
He’d never cause a fight over being in charge however because he doesn’t care about the position just about getting things done quickly and efficiently.
Barry is the bright shiny Silver Age Knight and I’ve told some peeps before no one embodies the Silver Age like Barry Allen does.
I hope this is a good break down of Barry. Anyone else who knows him well feel free to hop in.
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damian-lil-babybat · 6 years
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Yay everyone! We’ve finished the first series of our beloved duo!
Just a few of my insights that I want to expand:
The whole Super Sons’ run did felt like it revolves around Robin. Damian, after all, is the main instigator to make sure that they accomplish their missions. However, all the moral and development of their adventures centered on Superboy. Jon is the one pushing for the mission to end on a good tone, so both of them could go HOME.
This is important, for both of them, since the two had been looking for a place to belong. With Damian, it is finding his identity on the world outside the mask; and for Jon, it is finding his calling to the world of capes. Which in retrospect, being dominated by their respective fathers (Bruce Wayne dominates the modern world to a tee, while Superman is the go-to standard bearer of the supers and metas).
Another is how Jon brings out the fun and wonder of their mis/adventures. The positive to Damian’s negative. But when all things considered, every time something goes south and haywire, Damian could look Jon in the eye and say that everything is fine, with all the conviction in the world, since they are better. Robin is so obnoxiously confident to the point that Jon has absolute trust in him.
Jon might be the cheerful kid, but when he has doubts, he always finds his way to Damian.
So this bromance is canon and valid. Fite me.
Their relationship is warm and wholesome, that it soothes my grudge for DC’s stripping a huge bulk of history to my favorite characters and even erasing a lot of their legacy and legacy characters.
With Super Sons ending, here is the list of comics that I am excited about, to fill the void that is Super Sons until August:
Detective Comics, Justice League: No Justice, and  Flash Wars, [Heavy spoilers ahead)]
Detective Comics (2016) 
At first, Batman’s story is confusing since the first story has new people as protagonists that I don’t care about when I started (Gotham and Gotham Girl) so I was procastinating with Detective Comics. But wait for the ending. Just wait. I’m crying. The Batgirls together, Cass being ‘there’, Timbo being okay-ish which is more than I can ask for, and seeing Batwoman having a steadier stand in the Bats.
But more importantly, is this! 
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Also please give me a moment for Tim. Let me just say that Rebirth is a tragedy to Tim. He was killed, imprisoned, his partner and mentor died (Bruce), his Robin title taken, his team gone, his best friends wiped off existence (Conner and Bart), and with his direction leading to a future-Tim straight out of his worst fears…his happiness is well deserved.
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Justice League: No Justice (2017)
Wow, just wow. It comes after DC Metal but you don’t need to know what craziness happened there before you could read this series. All you have to know is something bad happened, which led to something worse, and spiraled into the below negatives pronto. There is just overload of the cast of heroes and villains, but even so, the narrative helps me get into their character without burdening the plot. You just need to read that very small print but overall…this is exciting! I think there are three authors here, but nevertheless, it works (maybe because they check each other that during the writing process that it just flows right into action).
I feel bad because I can’t help gleefully getting hyped every time an astronomical turn of events ruins our heroes’ chances…let’s name it Amanda-Waller-should-die-in-a-ditch…but it’s just so dire and the consequences just piles and piles into a mountain-load of odds against them. And it’s just soooo awesome. Because I know they will succeed and I will be there pining for my heroes when they saved the universe again. This tension is the thing Super Sons lacks…but SS is targetted to kids so it’s okay, I guess. And it has Damian, so yey!
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Flash Wars (Flash 2016 Annual, Flash (2016) #39-45) 
Okay. This one needs a lot of personal rants. I mean really. You know how Rebirth has been silent on all the lost history and bulk of the legacy characters being gone out of smoke? With all the DC current line up being self-aware that there are missing pieces…but no one is willing to address it because they forgot? I get it, like how are you going to fix something you don’t even know existed? And every time these inconsistencies came up, I have my heart in my throat, being reminded of that one giant hole of absence and emptiness it represented. 
Remember that one time in Super Sons of Tomorrow when Clark can’t remember Superman-Conner? Or that time Bat-Tim asked Red Robin to apologize for him to Conner but Tim can’t remember? (I know it’s mostly Conner, but I’m biased here, ‘kay? K)
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And this is where Wally comes in. He shouldn’t exist. (Flash: Rebirth Annual)
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This is so precious because it’s possible for them to be back! And I somehow projected all my grudges towards DC to him, because he can do it. The kids are gone! The kids! All the families have lost their loved ones and they can’t even grieve because they don’t know what was taken from them! But Wally knows. He felt it. It’s really painful to watch him break down. 
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He is confused and in pain, and he just wants everything he had fought from the very beginning to be back. Like fudge it! Barry placating him also makes sense since he’s been there in Flashpoint, and JLA has a long list of bad records of changing the present as a bad idea that never ended well for anyone (exhibit a, Booster Gold in Batman #45-47).
But I don’t want Wally to be placated…because, he’s me. I want him so much to be the exception. To succeed. You know its a screw-up but the results may as well be worth everything in the world.
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I realized a pattern to what I like in DC. Give me any story about DC family fighting for and helping each other, and I’m sold. A lot of people are daunted by the massive archive of history of DC Universe, but if you take away their history, you take away their story. And I am here to stay for the story. 
I know that the comic industry is hitting a big market slump from the sales. But let’s support this industry. Because I just want my heroes to have a home. TT v TT
After two years of Super Sons I would like to say thank you. Being in tumblr makes me feel less lonely. The likes and the notes and messages are something that made happy and helped me to become productive.
My country does not have much of a market for American comics. And I already gave up on having legit copies due to financial reasons. I don’t know if I could maintain the blog once classes start, but here’s hoping for the best. “ ^ ” )/
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if there is one thing that Bart is getting out of this Dark Crisis it's that he saw through the whole Paradise charade from the getgo so he can hold it over Tim and Conner for the rest of their lives. And I laughed when I saw how Fake-Cassie tried to tempt Bart with the whole "you'll be the next Flash" as Bart, who never cared about that in the first place, just went, "i can _literally_ see the cracks in this world."
Oh god yeah 🤣
You couldn't pay Bart to be the Flash. He even says that he doesn't want to be the Flash in issue 1 of Young Justice Dark Crisis. You can really tell that he's not impressed with the offer lmao.
Honestly Bart is super in character in this series and it's amazing but it's also so confusing because how do you understand Bart so well (aside for that one comment about Barry being easier to talk to than Wally) but misunderstand Cassie, Cissie and Conner so much???? I just don't get it.
Back to Bart though, the cracks in reality comment and the heavy focus on Bart's competency has me wondering if Bart's gonna crack this reality like an egg.
My current theory is that Fake Cassie is Mr. Mxyzptlk's son. Fake Cassie has been shown altering reality with her snaps and Bart said that she was 'pulling the strings' so to speak. If Fake Cassie really was fake then reality wouldn't exactly be bending around her. I don't think she's a construct, I think she's this Mikey guy in disguise.
Fake Cassie says something about 'him' being upset that they aren't playing along and I think Fake Cassie (Mikey) was referring to Pariah. He's the ones creating these fake worlds and trapping people in them and he also has an army of brainwashed bad guys working for him, so I could definitely see Pariah letting Mikey collect Young Justice and trap them in one of his worlds. Mikey definitely has a Young Justice obsession and probably begged to be the one to do it (I mean same tho lol)
So yeah, long story short, I think Mikey has this world on loan and it'd just be an awful shame if something were to happen to it. Just real bad luck. I mean, it'd be so terrible if Bart were to use those cracks in reality that he can see and the world's slower processing speed and use that information to completely crash reality. But Bart wouldn't do a thing like that, no siree. I'm sure Bart will be as delicate with reality as any other speedster.
Okay but seriously though, if they're going up against a multidimensional imp then they need some serious leverage. I'm sure we all remember when Mr. Mxyzptlk turned the boys into fingers. How do you fight that? Only thing I can think of is Bart turning on his scary eyes with extra extra lightning and threatening to break his toys.
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years
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New Flash Family in Flash #44.
Perfect Storm ends with an amazing return - the reformation of Flash Family as an unnamed, but a functioning concept in DC Universe, something that has been more or less lost since New 52 with Older Wally, Bart, Jay, and others. I hope with time we get to have them back, maybe when Geoff Johns gets assed enough to bring JSA back and DC finally gives Young Justice fans this carrot they keep waving in front of them.... Anyway, I like that Younger Wally and Avery got to be involved in the reformation of the Flash Family in this issue, that seems to be directly referencing and subverting Crisis on the Infinite Earths - in both stories Barry races to stop world-destroying weapon at the risk of his own life and is sure he will die. But while the scene plays similar at first it the gets subverted here, when his friends come to aid him. It’s a symbolic moment, it shows what Flash lost with Flashpoint and the reboot and brings it back, shows that the speedsters are stronger together than alone.
So now, of course, the Fastest Edgelord Alive a.k.a. Flash Pope (countresy of @thefingerfuckingfemalefury for the nickname) a.k.a. Hunter Zolomon just had to show up to tear everything apart.
- Admin
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Flash: Diggle’s Central City Visit is a Season 7 Highlight
The following THE FLASH article contains spoilers through Season 7, Episode 16.
The Flash Season 7 Episode 16
The War of the Godspeeds continues on The Flash, but Barry and friends get a boost from an old friend: David Ramsey’s John Diggle. And the arrival of the former Arrow star could not have come at a more opportune moment, as his preexisting friendship with Barry – and his general stand-in for Oliver Queen-status – manages to infuse this largely confusing story with something that genuinely feels like emotional stakes at last.
Plus, maybe I just miss Arrow more than most people are willing to admit, but it’s just so good to see Diggle again in a significant capacity. (Ramsay’s recent Legends of Tomorrow stint as Bass Reeves was entertaining, but it’s not quite the same thing.) That his appearance seems to be hinting at finally dealing with his cosmic destiny as the Green Lantern is just the icing on the cake.
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Technically, Diggle’s arrival in “P.O.W” is about bringing Team Flash some Cisco-crafted tech meant to help fight the Godspeeds, but mostly he seems to be about providing a burst of sanity in a story that’s rapidly becoming the sort of messy that’s hard to even explain to someone who has never seen the show before. If Barry can’t have these sorts of heart-to-hearts with Oliver anymore, then Diggle is the next best thing, and their emotional conversation about Barry’s fears for the future and his worries over the existence of his family is wonderfully done.
It would be really great if The Flash allowed Barry to have more of these sorts of talks – the ones that remind us he’s as human as anyone else despite his superhero status, with all the fears and anxieties that come along with it. Once upon a time he and Caitlin used to be the sort of best friends who could discuss these sorts of issues, which would at least give her a valuable role to play on a show that’s found Frost to be the shinier and more entertaining of Danielle Panabaker’s dual roles of late. Mostly I’d just like to feel that Team Flash was a real team again, instead of Barry, Iris, Caitlin, and a rotating cast of characters that someone finds a reason to yell at or lecture. (Sorry, Chester, you drew the short straw this week.)
Granted, there’s more than a little bit of irony about John encouraging his friend to risk the timeline (yet again!) to make sure Nora’s okay when we all know that Barry’s the reason the Diggle family was completely altered following Flashpoint. Maybe we’re supposed to take it as an example of Dig’s growth or grace in the wake of fatherhood, but mostly it just seems like another excuse for The Flash to play fast and loose with its already barely existent internal rules of time travel.
Read more
Diggle’s Green Lantern “Cosmic Destiny” and a Potential Superman Connection
By Nicole Hill
The Flash: The Return of Godspeed Kicks Season 7’s Endgame Into Gear
By Lacy Baugher
Outside of Diggle’s very welcome visit, much of this episode feels like table-setting for the two-part finale that kicks off next week, as we’re given a vague motivation for the Godspeeds behavior that involves battling over an amnesiac version of original evil (God)speedster August Heart; Nora and Bart arrive from the future, proving that the timeline of Barry’s family is still intact if slightly expanded; and we learn that Iris hasn’t been offscreen just to give Candace Patton a break but because she’s been phasing through various temporal planes because…reasons.
What exactly that means is anyone’s guess – though I’m assuming this is in fact some sort of pregnancy confirmation and the reason Iris is so unstable is because the number of her future children keeps changing depending on whatever’s going on with the timeline. Whether that’s actually the case or not, after a season in which Iris spent the bulk of it trapped in a mirror dimension with little to do, it seems extra cruel that The Flash has essentially decided to trap her in a different alternate dimension for the final arc of this one.
I know I can’t be the only person who actually groaned aloud when Deon appeared and somehow his Still Force abilities make even less sense now than they did a half dozen episodes ago. But mostly it’s just the concept that Iris is once again stuck in some situation that requires Team Flash to figure out how to save her – this is not the arc I wanted for her this year, is all I’m saying.
Unfortunately, the largely inexplicable but at least mostly messy fun of the Godspeed plot is almost completely derailed every time The Flash turns its attention back to the equally terrible Kristen Kramer and Esperanza subplots, which both seem to exist for little reason than because someone somewhere promised Jesse L. Martin and Kayla Compton something to do in the season’s final set of episodes. Don’t get me wrong, Allegra has really grown on me this season and I will stan for Joe West forever, but these two stories could not possibly feel more out of place in the larger arc of Season 7 right now.
I suppose someone could argue that Allegra’s learning her own valuable if cruel lesson about family, but after wasting so much screentime on Caitlin fixing Allegra’s voice, it feels especially pointless to end it all with Esperanza’s death. (Though, since most people don’t turn into glittering gold powder when they die, I think it’s safe to assume we somehow haven’t seen the last of her.)
The worst offender of the hour – of the season, possibly, which is saying something – is the ridiculously terrible Kristen Kramer plot, which sees her and Joe literally being hunted through the woods by her former childhood friend turned possibly immortal mercenary. Truly, y’all, what did we do to deserve this?
“P.O.W.”, like “Enemy at the Gates” before it is one of those episodes whose stock will exponentially go up if the final two episodes of Season 7 manage to coalesce into a decent story. If the Godspeed plot turns out to be as cool as we all desperately want it to, if Nora and Bart’s arrival and the series’ 150th episode nail all the emotional beats that make our hearts grow three sizes, this will suddenly become an hour that we remember fondly for being part of it all. If they don’t…well, it’s not like we haven’t had to live with disappointment this season already. Fingers crossed for the former.
The post The Flash: Diggle’s Central City Visit is a Season 7 Highlight appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3wn4q7d
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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Week 2017 - Day 1 : Firsts/Lasts A History of Costume : Tim Drake Edition
Category : Gen
Genre : Angst / Fluff / Family
Fandoms : DC Comics, Batman (1940), Robin v1 (1991), Robin v4 (1993), Superman - Batman (2003)
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary : The first and last time Tim wore each of his costumes
Author’s notes : the last one is one of my hc (especially in my Detective!AU/Sequel)
Word Count : 954
To read it on AO3
The first time Tim wore Jason's Robin costume was a few hours after Dick left to help Bruce against Two-Face. He didn't have any agenda for himself. He just wanted to help and convince Dick to be Robin again. Because Batman needs a Robin.
The last time Tim wore Jason's Robin costume had still not been for his own agenda. He knew Bruce had said he wasn't ready yet and that he shouldn't get out there. That if he did he could say good bye to the idea of ever becoming Robin. But Tim, at this moment, did not care. Batman was in danger. Against Scarecrow's fear gas and without an antidote, Bruce would need help. He didn't care if he never became Robin as long as he could save Bruce's life. That's why he first reached out to Dick after all. And now he was given his own costume. He was actually Robin.
The first time Tim wore his Green, Red, Yellow and Black Robin costume was after saving Bruce from Scarecrow's gas. The first time he wore it outside he was in Paris. Studying Martial Arts, well really Healing Arts for now, under the watchful eye of Rahul Lama. Despite not being as high as Gotham's building (which he did not know anything about yet, because he had obviously never gone out to take pictures of Batman and Robin, of course he hadn't), the old Haussmann architecture did remind him of some of Gotham's buildings (but not as dark…never as dark as Gotham). He also didn't really have to swing as most rooftops were actually connected. It was both a foreign and familiar feeling.
The last time Tim wore his Green, Red, Yellow and Black Robin costume was during Superboy's funeral. He'd love to say it was because he got the idea of his next costume but the truth is that it was the opposite. He was forced to think of a next costume because he couldn't stand this one anymore. He had lost his ex-girlfriend and his father because of it (nevermind that he'd never have had them in the first place without it), when he was in it. But worst of all, he had lost his best friend, he couldn't even help him. He could have dealt with just Steph's and his father's death. It's horrible to say but he had already almost started to move on (thanks to Conner and Dick). But Conner's death, he knows, isn't something he can come back from as easily, and not just because Conner isn't there to help him deal with grief. This costume is the costume of loss, of grief and Tim can't deal with that, not without his best friend and he can't bother the others because everyone's grieving someone. So he's going to repress everything and he's going to throw away this costume because he doesn't want the reminder.
The first time Tim wore his Red and Black costume was after Superboy's funeral. After he threw his previous costume away. He wanted to Honor his best friend, but mostly he didn't want to forget him. He didn't want the reminder of his death so he tried to remind himself of his life. It was hell but he was ready for it (no he wasn't). It was the costume that reminded him that no matter how much he wanted to give up, he still had people he couldn't give up for.
The last time Tim wore his Red and Black costume was when his skull was burnt. When Steph went behind his back *on Bruce's order* after Bruce died (because apparently, it's him as a Robin the problem, not the costume because Bart died too). To make him a better Robin. Which he gets, after all Batman died on his watch. But she betrayed him. He was getting over her lying about her death for a year and she did this to him. So he donned another costume. Because there was another trauma to be added to his list.
The first time he put on the Red Robin costume he was actually still Robin. He needed to protect his skull. And the costume fit him. The costume he had taken from Ulysses who wanted his revenge. And even if Tim knew it wasn't his own fault, that Ulysses was simply too narcissistic to even consider he was at fault himself, Tim couldn't help but feel the guilt because he couldn't protect them, like he couldn't protect Bruce. It was also the costume Ulysses had stolen from Jason (how much tweaking was necessary in the end? Because Jason was a lot taller than Ulysses who himself was slightly taller than Tim). This costume was the costume of disappointment and it fit Tim to a T.
The last time he put on the Red Robin costume was 6 years later. He had turned it around. His life had turned around. Almost everyone he loved was back. He had -finally- talked things through with Bruce and Dick and Damian, he had even let go of his guilt and anger toward Jason even if they weren't close they were allies, sometimes. He had helped the Batfam reconstruct itself, he had reconnected with Kon and Bart and Cassie and the other Teen Titans, helped mentor the new ones. He was ready to move on with his life. He had given the Red Robin mantle a new life, a new and better reputation but it was time to wave goodbye. He had talked it out with Bette and Dick and Conner and he was the new Flamebird. The Kyptonian Hero who fought alongside Nightwing. It was perfect to honor both his relationship with Dick and his friendship with Conner.
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valeriemperez · 7 years
Hi Tati! I'm new in the fandom but I saw someone saying on twitter that the IW/WA fandom is quiet asf during this hiatus. The person said that during the last hiatus we were more active, we were out there advocating for Iris/WA in EP's/writers mentions, we were trying to get CP be nominated for awards and now seems like everyone gone. I don't know if it's true bc I was not here last hiatus and if this is true I'm very sad. You have that impression too? Thank you and sorry for my bad English.
I am not a fan of comparing in that way, but I will say: Candice is actually nominated for a Teen Choice award of her own this year (unlike last year), so there’s a perfect opportunity for you to get active if you’re worried. Just tweet “My #ChoiceActionTVActress is @candicekp #TheFlash” ten times day no matter where you live and vote here ten times a day if you’re in the US. 
We also have #CandicePattonWeek on Twitter, which just requires one tweet a day from you using these categories. You can @ Candice and send some to @flashtvwriters as well. 
And don’t forget about the EOnline TV Scoop awards. “Runnin’ Home To You” is in 2nd place here, Barry and Iris are in 9th places for best couple and 6th place for sexiest moment here, Candice herself is in 15th place for Best Drama Actress here, and you can vote for “Iris and HR switched places” here. Vote as much as you want for all of them.
Outside of things we can currently tweet about or vote for? Candice is nominated for a Saturn Award for the first time ever, “Runnin’ Home To You” will probably be nominated for an Emmy, and she’s doing more photoshoots than she was last hiatus. We’re never gonna be an army-like fandom the way some other CW shows are, but we don’t have to be as long as everyone who wants to participate in promoting Candice on social media does it in whatever way they can. Take Candice’s advice and don’t have to compare yourself to others as long as you’re doing what you can; honor your pace instead. ;)
@ “lois lane type” anon: 
I have thought long and hard about exactly the kind of question you presented, and as embarrassed as I feel asking it myself (because of who I am and not the question itself), I think it’s incredibly important to do. So yes, I will absolutely ask that of the producers as soon as I get the opportunity. Your last part could even be included in the question too, it butters them up like, “How does it feel to have accomplished _____ with your choices? And do you realize what an impact that decision has made on _____?” Hopefully that’s clear to you, haha.
I hope the tca’s are rigged in Candice and WA’s favor this year 😂
It’s already a miracle that they nominated her! And since Caity was nominated too, it would be fun to see the girls go together.
Oh, I want a LOT of Irisco stuff. It’d be funny if Iris and Cisco share a comical scene in regards to Cindy and Iris would be like “You idiot!” but at the same time, give him words of encouragement. LOL!
Aww, I would love that. Let’s hope it happens!
WA is secure. You don’t write a narrative at how Barry and Iris will always find each other, you don’t get a song specifically written for this couple, you don’t have them in multiverse and they are married (exception of musical where Iris was with Mo**l), you don’t give this couple two marriage proposals and you don’t have all this foreshadowing of Bart or children for this couple for them to say hey let’s give SB a shot. That makes no sense. SB are embarrassing themselves tbh.
Agreed, but it’s their time and they’re free to embarrass themselves as they wish lmao.
The writers aren’t interested in SB. They’ve had plenty of opportunities to explore them. During S1 while Iris was with Eddie. Barry could’ve hooked up w Caitlin in S2 instead of Patty. They could’ve done an AU SB on Earth 2 instead of married WA. Barry could’ve married or been dating Caitlin during FlashPoint instead of pursuing Iris. Hell even w Savitar. They could’ve had a Savitar/Killer Frost romance easily. They’ve passed on every chance to explore SB. They aren’t interested period.
Yup, they’ve have not shown any interest in pursuing romantic SB. Or in couple-swapping of any kind, for that matter. 
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