#remembered the fucking. immortal aus and starting yearning
tht1person123 · 5 months
the achievement hunter fandom fucking slapped when it came to aus. like fahc and specifically the immortal aus? the hybrid aus? the spooky au? all fuckin bangers why dont we do shit like that anymore
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
Part 1 | 2 | 3
Fallen Angel!Sirius AU
Heavily inspired by: Fallen by Lauren Kate
Disclaimer: The first few parts will be based from the Prologue from the game, credits to Cybird for that! If the "series" gets too long, go to the "Damned - Sirius" tag for easy navigating!
I adore her. So much that I had traded my own wings and my status in the heavens just to be with her. This angered the gods and had me punished. It was forbidden among angels to fall in love with a mortal. We were damned. Whenever we fell for each other, fate would take her away from me and she would forget that I ever existed -- but I don't.
Every 24 years -- exactly that long, not even an extra day or less -- we would be able to meet again. It was a different encounter every time and it excited me, but the thought of her being taken away again the moment I tell her that I love her hurts me just as much.
Through thousands of lifetimes, I still hope that she would finally get to stay, that the gods had already forgiven me, or at least be moved by our love, but it just never happens. I've slowly started to lose hope, but I never regretted loving her. She was worth all of my wings and titles, my immortal life, and the heavens. Hope sparks again the moment I lay my eyes on hers, she would always look much lovelier. She always takes my breath away and I would often see myself just staring at her as she moves.
I love her. I adore her. I yearn for her. I'm forever damned to her.
Today was the 24th year since she was last gruelly taken away from me.
I walked side by side Ray, the King of Spades, through the garden. He was talking about Blanc, who happen to pass by just now, and how he was always in a rush.
I wasn't listening, I was too worried. What if she never came again? It's almost midnight and I haven't seen her anywhere in Cradle. Had the gods finally decided to forget about me? Remove my status? Am I a mortal now?
"Sirius." Ray calls for my attention.
"You were zoning out again," he looks at me worriedly. "You've not been yourself the whole day, what's bothering you old man?"
"I assumed you wanted some alone time, I'd rather not meddle with your thoughts. I have to go patrol the area as well." I chuckled and let him shrug his shoulders and continue to walk away from me. I decided to stay in my spot and watched the full moon glow beautifully, she would love this sight.
A shriek came from above and I immediately look up. A lady was falling down from the sky, too quick and too fast. Her screams grew louder and I start to realize what was happening.
She's here, she's finally here!
In Cradle, in a parallel universe. Must that mean she's found a way to get here from Earth? The Land of Reason?
She falls somewhere in the rose garden, in Ray's direction, and a thought had immediately snapped into my mind.
What if I stay a little distant from her, just so she could stay a little longer?
I watch from afar as I see her in the arms of Ray, saved from breaking all of her bones. I saw the look on his eyes on her and I immediately doubted my plan.
"Good, you're alive." Rays says and she stares at him, still lost of what had happened and my heart felt like it was starting to hurt. "What kind of girl falls from the sky? Where did you come from?"
"My name is MC, I'm still not sure how but I came from St. James' Park in London."
St. James' Park? That was when I last met her a couple of lifetimes back, she was a 17th century Victorian noblewoman, the daughter of a noble family from the House of Stuart. When Queen Anne of England had reigned, she had ordered several guards to accompany their families to ensure their safety -- and I happened to be one of hers.
"London? St James'? Never heard of either."
I've been there, several times, with you, MC, I wish you could remember.
I could no longer stand them being so close to each other, my first plan visibly being thrown out of the way. "Ray, what are you doing? Don't tell me you're having a secret rendezvous at a time like this." I smirk as I walk up to them, my eyes focused on MC as she stares back in confusion.
I could get lost in those eyes. She's gotten more beautiful in the past 24 years. I could tell her I love her right then and there and tell her all the stories of the previous lifetimes we've spent together.
But I shouldn't. I can't let her be taken away so soon.
"As if, Sirius." Ray replies and I eye the way he holds her. MC takes the hint and rushes to get off of his arms.
"Uh, thanks for catching me. I'm fine so you can let me down now, if you don't mind." Hearing her voice again, after so many years, had left me breathless. Her voice was silvery and soothing to hear, she was effortlessly good at calming my nerves.
"You just fell out of the sky and you're worried about that? What a weirdo." Ray grins at her.
"It takes one to know one." She was witty as ever. I tried my best to stifle a laugh as Ray lowers her down gently, making sure she's balanced before letting her go.
"Guess you two aren't here for a date then?" I tried to play cool, acting as if I don't know who she is when I've known her so well in all of her lifetimes. She looks at me cautiously, but the same sense of familiarity sparkled in her eyes.
"I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Ray and this is Sirius." He says as he motions towards me.
"Have you lost your way?" I ask, almost too immediately because I was excited to talk to her again after so many years. She stares back for a moment, before answering. Has she remembered?
"Hmm, I suppose you could put it that way." She says cautiously, her eyes narrowing slightly as she scans my face. I felt like I was in a trance, frozen like a statue as we stare at each other, like Medusa had found a prey. I am more than willing to surrender myself to her spells.
"She just fell from the sky." Ray says with a grin as if it was the most common thing to ever happen.
"She what?" I respond involuntarily, in shock that I'd been pulled out of her trance, instead of being shocked at what he said.
"I'm still not sure how or why, but what he said is true." She finally looks away and I felt my whole body finally relax. I didn't realize that I had held my breath all that time we were having a stare off.
"Then tell me, are you on the Red or the Black side?" I ask despite knowing that she has no idea what I meant, as my role as the Queen of Spades.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean. What color am I supposed to be?" She asks dumbfoundedly. She looked so innocent, I could just pick her up and spin her around and yell to the world of how adorable the love of my life is.
"Hmm. This girl really is a weirdo, just like you said." I tease and smile softly at her. Her face contorts to a frown, her lips pouted, eyebrows pinched together, and her cheeks flushed. She opens her mouth to say something but she immediately gets distracted by something past our shoulders.
"It was nice meeting you two, but there's something I forgot to do and I really need to go. Thanks for saving me!" She gives a quick curtsy before dashing off. I finally see the pocket watch she was holding, it was Blanc's! I watch her run until she disappears at the far end of the garden. And she's gone..
"And the weirdo's gone." Ray chuckles to himself.
"You said she fell from the sky, right?" I ask to myself, without realizing that I'd said it out loud. I wonder how she found her way here. Surely it should've been because of the White Rabbit.
"Yeah, I was just walking by and I heard screaming from above me." I wasn't listening to him. I was thinking of the ways where her clumsy little feet would've made her fall to a parallel universe. She mentioned about St. James Park, was there a magic door that had been there all along?
"Ray, do you think it's possible that she's--"
"Hm?" He says as I trailed off, finally realizing that I'd been thinking out loud.
Shit, think fast Sirius. What excuse can you make?
He leans forward to me and I try to think of any possible thing to say.
Okay, she came from the Land of Reason, that's where the first Alice had come from, people love Alice here in Cradle --
"Do you think she's the legendary Alice?"
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