#the lore people made for them was so fun dude
tht1person123 · 8 months
the achievement hunter fandom fucking slapped when it came to aus. like fahc and specifically the immortal aus? the hybrid aus? the spooky au? all fuckin bangers why dont we do shit like that anymore
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smallishdruid · 6 months
holy shit mr president a second fwhip "no lore" explanation post has hit the fandom
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zanukavat · 8 months
HIIII i finished listening to the playlist you shared with me <3 and dude it has a PERFECT balance of genuine and dirty and humorous songs and all of them suit the source material so well... i really loved it, your taste in music fucking rules!!!! thank you again for sending it to me :]
(i'm t3rvo btw LOL)
YOOOO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LISTENING TO THE ENTIRE THING AAA im so glad you enjoyed it...it really is a product of my insane brainworms that have infected me. also i see that 1 save on it i see you <3
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flamingpudding · 6 months
I'm back with a part 4 if you want to do it it's kind of more of a crack write I just need Klarion trying to explain the family tree
But not explaining how he was made at all So Young Justice and the Justice League are now convinced that a the Ghost King was a teenage parent who is now 27 years old and just passed college with a degree in astronomy and machinery
Klarion's other parent is a a crazy fruit loop 64 year old millionaire who went to college with Klarion's Mom parents who had an emotionally unhealthy obsession with his mom's mother and then it passed on to his mom.
And he has an older sister who is technicality a clone of his mom but also has the bastards DNA so fundamentally making Ellie Vlad Master and Mom's first born kid but there's six other siblings that Klarion had that died back a while back but Mom got granddad who's apparently the time lord AKA Cronos which is a whole another long story to go back in time and save those kids get them fixed up and now Klarion technicality has seven older siblings which all do their own things
And then he starts mentioning his uncle who is a 9 ft yeti his technicality auntie who is a medieval ghost princess who can turn into a dragon his auntie Pandora and his his grandfather cronos
My names for the six other clone children are Donald (he/him), Cecelia (they/she), Bartholomew(Them/They), Kyle AKA Bite(He/It), Brutus(He/They), and then there's Danna (She/Her) who actually really like the name Dan and asked Klarion if could have it when Klarion changed his name
Sorry if this is a little bit too much I've just really been thinking about au for this after the last part you made I hope this helps you with your writing or at least makes you laugh but I really love the idea of Danny's AKA somewhat clone children and finding their own personalities and and fighting themselves out of just being failed clone of their mom also I love the idea of Danny going back in time to save the rest of the clone kids cuz now he's a mature adult who wants to save their lives and wants them to grow into their own people.
I probably did way to much research into all the fandoms I am in to see what I could tie into this... And yet this feels shorter than it should but I also currently lack the time to add more. But for now I hope this will be satisfactorily.
Also this family tree idea especially the part of saving the melted clones. LOVE IT!
So even though it took me a while! here is Part 4 you inspired! Thanks so much for the ask!
"Dude, you are making us only curious!" Impulse spoke up as he sat down next to Klarion who had his head in his hands. "Like you and your mom can't just drop your family lore like that!"
The witch boy on the other hand looked up with narrowed eyes at the speedster. "What lore?"
"Let's see, the part that apparently a Vlad tried to kill your Grandpa to make friends several time. That your mom is 'ghost' adopted by the lord of time Cronos and Pandora, which makes us family too by the way, and that you have a sister that apparently is even crazier than what we got to know of your family so far." Wonder Girl counted off her fingers next to him grinning as she mentioned the part of probably being a part of his 'crazy' family too. Which hell yea, that sounded like a lot of fun to be explored she would have to talk with Wonder Woman about that as soon as possible.
"Also..." Red Robin added as he flipped through the photo album that apparently no one remembered he had. He was turning it around and pointed at a particular photo with a wild bunch of people in it that varied between more human and well... less humanoid people. One of them definitely was a Yeti and there was also what looked like living armor as well as Teekly (they knew that demon cat at least), a giant green dog and for some reasons there was a green aggressive looking Octopus in the background too. "...how are you related to a Yeti?"
"Hey that man there and those other teens in the picture actually have some resembles with you! Do you have older brothers too?" Superboy additionally asked as he moved around Red Robin to see the photo better pointing at a man that appeared to be in this late twenties, blue eyed, black haired and a little on the buffer side. If he didn't know any better and the fact that he should keep his mouth shut about their actual identities he would have jokingly asked Red Robin if his family would like to add more kids considering Klarions family apparently had a bunch of black haired blue eyed members too, judging by the photo at least.
"What are you talking about. That man is my mom and yes the others are actually my older brothers and that Yeti is uncle Frostbite who also happens to be the best medic in the Infinite Realms" The four teen heroes looked stunned at the picture and then back at the Ghost King that was smiling at them, still seated by the dinner table with their mentors. Who by the way were now perking up at the change of topic and the information they could gain with it, well Wonder Woman was more interested in the apparently extended family she had.
"Oh I remember we took this photo last year, it was such a hassle to get everyone into one place with them all being busy doing their own things." Danny mused for a moment, remembering fondly how he had to literally drag some of the kids home through a portal.
"It was more annoying than anything too since I was declared to be the youngest...." Klarion muttered also remembering that day not as fondly as his mother.
"Wait, wait, wait! That is a picture of your family? I need an explanation buddy!" Impulse cut in without shame, quickly removing the picture from the photo album to get a better look at it before holding it out to Klarion so he could explain all the individuals. "Plus why does your mom look soooo.... human?"
The witch boy on the other hand stared at him for a couple of seconds before looking over towards his mother as if waiting for something. After a moment the teen heroes as well as their mentors saw Danny nod with a little smile. "This dimension doesn't have the GIW so its fine, the Justice League Dark won't be a problem either, right?." Constantine flinched at the smile the Ghost King was giving him, muttering something under his breath as he had hoped his presence had been forgotten.
"Since mom is giving his okay...." Klarion mutter sitting crosslegged on the ground as he snatched the photo album from Red Robin and flipped through it. "Lets start with the easiest stuff to explain."
Danny chuckled noticing that not only the teen heroes but their mentors as well showed an interest. He choose to stay quiet letting the adults listen in on the kids, and if things went bad he would just ask Clockwork if they could revert time back to this moment and he would change his nod of permission to a shake of denial.
"Okay first of, this is my mom and his sister Jasmine, this is Danielle my older sister and that hulk with flaming white hair and blueish skin is me. That was before I got deaged because of destabilising." Klarion explained flipping to a photo of him, Danny, Jazz and Danielle. "Mom was around fifteen, Aunt Jazz about seventeen and Ellie should have been about a year old but she was aged up to twelve. They look human in this one because well they are. Mom was originally human and became what you call in this dimension a Meta through an accident."
"Wait... that would mean your mom... How could he have two kids at that age of fourteen? You look like an adult and your sister was aged up?" Wonder Girl couldn't help but ask as she looked from the photo and back to Danny at the dinner table again.
"That's cause Vlad was a fu-"
"Language Klarion!"
"Vlad was a fruitloop. That photo was taken shortly after Vlad and I sort of redeemed our selfs. Plus, mom didn't really have my sister and me willingly.... we were kind of forced upon him in a way." Klarion explained shrugging. "Old Man Vlad had an obsession with his mom that then turned on mom, which resulted in my oldest sister Danielle first. Actually, a lot of my elder siblings resulted from that, but they didn't survive it the first time, Mom got Old Man Clocks help to save them once he got used to being the Ghost King. I got added to the mix shortly after my sister, but... i wasn't in the best state of mind at first, kind of went through a redemption phase in which mom had to fix the timeline of our original home dimension, too."
Danny chuckled again at the disturbed looks the teens were giving his son as well as the looks their mentors sent him. He probably should correct Klarion's wording... but being one of the gremlins of his family he just smiled on, not commenting. He really understands now why Pops Clockwork liked watching the chaos he used to cause as teen, and still sometimes causes as adult.
"Klarion... how old is this Old Man Vlad?" Red Robin asked grimacing as his eyes under the mask flicked up to the Ghost King and then back to the witch boy both seemingly unbothered by the disturbing information they were sharing.
"In human years... probably around 67? You stop counting age at some point if your a halfa." Klarion shrugged, not noticing the grimaces of the teens around him. "Anyway, Ellie is sort of the first born. I came in after that, with my core being a mix of Mom and Vlad. Not DNA wise though since I came to be because of their ghost cores. That's why I look like that in this photo. Though human DNA wise I am probably now mostly Moms, we never bothered to ask the old man."
Danny muffled another chuckle, coughing as Superman sent him an incredulous look of shook while he felt Batmans burning gaze on him.
"You... mentioned more siblings?" Red Robin asked carefully sharing a look with his team, feeling like there was a whole lot of trauma in Klarions family he wasn't sure they should address or not. So asking after his siblings was probably, hopefully the safest option. They didn't know that while there was trauma in the witch boy's family it was not the kind they were imagining.
"Yea I got a bunch more brothers, Vlad was a evil crazy fuitloop, before he redeemed himself. They all kind of melted in one timeline but mom and Grandpa Clock found a way to save them." Klarion nodded flipping to another photo containing him, as he looked now, and all his siblings.
"So, Ellie you know about already. The one with the sunglasses and died hair is Bartholomew, second oldest. They made themselves a home in other dimension, barely at home cause he has to much fun messing with something called a 'Starstream' by being a 'Constellation' and throwing gold coins at 'Incarnations'. Don't ask me what that means, I barely pay attention when he gushes about his favorit 'Incarnation'. They spent like all their money and pocket money there. Aunt Jazz thinks he might develop a gambling addiction if we don't stop his spendings." The teen heroes eyed the teen that looked like a young adult grinning in the photo as the witch boy pointed at the one next to them. "The one with the vile is my elder brother Bite, most responsible one of this bunch. Mom even allowed him to take care of a couple of dimensions by taking the role of being their God of Death. I think he messed them up more than helped but he is doing a somewhat good job, even if he is sort of obsessed with making some red head his saint or something..."
"One of your sibs is a God?" Impulse gabbed and Klarion just blinked at him with a shrug. "My Grandfather is the ruler of Time, your point is? Wonder Girl is also related to a God of your dimension."
"Never mind him, moving on." A yelp resounded as Superboy pushed Impulse head down leaning in more to see the photo better. "You got one emo looking brother there!"
"Oh that's Yamikumo, he is like a year or two older than me right now, in human years. He barely got any of mom's powers so he choose to try to life a somewhat normal life but weirdly enough he choose a dimension that is ruled by people who have powers and abilities, you know like the Meta Humans of this dimension. Now that I think about it, he is also the only one who actually is studying on how to be a Hero."
"Do you end up fighting with him if he studies to be a hero?" Wonder Girl whisper asked him with a quick glance towards their mentors, to which Klarion shook his head. "As long as we leave the dimensions one of us choose to live in alone we usually don't fight about stuff like that, aside from the usual sibling fights that is. Then again I do have some siblings that like to make bets like who is better at ruling as demon lord, or who can safe a dying timeline quicker."
Danny chuckled again as he watched the kids, Klarion had definitely caused some misunderstandings with his wording. Then again it wasn't like Klarion said anything that wasn't true, but then again his son loved chaos. So there was a suspicion that Klarion intentionally choose the way he worded the explanation about how he and Ellie came to be as well as the rest of siblings.
"So....." Superman slowly started wondering how he should bring up the topic. "...you became a mom at 14?"
"Say Danny is there a way for me to meet this Vlad? You know since we are family." Wonder Woman also asked smiling in a certain way that reminded Danny of Valerie when she was mad but didn't want to show right away how mad she was, to which the Ghost King on reflex could do nothing but gulp for a moment. Not noticing that a green post it note appeared on the table before him.
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coffeegnomee · 26 days
Something that has always fascinated me deeply is how UNintelligable PrinceZam is when viewed from any pov besides his own. 
Because from PrinceZam’s pov, his lore is deep and rich and filled with struggles and worries and regret and fear and paranoia and justifications and good reasonings to do evil arcs. He really crafts the most interesting and sympathetic characters of all of lifesteal. He responds to the happenings of the server with deep lore every time. Pours everything out to chat, giving us the littlest details about his mindset at every moment. 
But from EVERYONE else’s pov he just does’t make sense. Like even I feel confused about PrinceZam when I watch him from other povs. There’s something about it that I can’t put my finger on. But more often than not, everyone views him with utter confusion. 
But this is the ONLY way other lifestealers interact with Zam. They don’t get to watch PrinceZam streams. They don’t see him like we do. Ever. 
And this really applies to every lifestealer ever, none of them get to see the lore from within that person's mind. The can only react to the external view of it.
What a fascinating little conundrum. 
Because with the Saturday session and Flame, I could not help but feel like he was actually just doing a Joker arc. Not Abyss, Joker. 
Because the Abyss was about player activity, sure, but it was more about the trap, and it grew into a “we will destroy all of spawn” over time.
The Joker arc was about making minutetech and jumper see that pacifism does not belong on lifesteal. This is the killing people server and you should kill people. Kill me. I will blow up builds until you kill me. 
Now, Flame does not have the pizzazz of the gay joker. He never will. And he probably will never make anything truly interesting with this lore from his own pov. (and bro keeps not streaming any of it)
But that’s not what intrigues me about it and made me so happy seeing it unfold. 
It’s because Zam was walking around saying the same damn lines that Minutetech said about Zam all throughout the joker arc. Some of them lines that were said between Minute and Ash without Zam around. The following are Zam quotes from the Saturday stream.
“they just want attention, if we don’t give them attention they’ll give up” almost word for word from minute about mapicc and zam. 
“If he’s going to throw a tantrum we mighteswell just not give him the fight”  
Them digging their heels in and not doing the one thing Zam/Flame wanted them to do: kill them. Not doing it because it was the one thing the crazy evil guy blowing up bases told you he wanted. 
“if i fight them i give them exactly what they want. It’s so fucked up. There’s no, there’s no winning option here. There’s nothing I can do to win”
“maybe some people can’t feel regret the way I do, that’s fine, i guess, that’s whatever.If that’s how he is, that’s how he is. But i don't believe that for a second” (remember who you were in s3 Zam!)
“He’s just going to blow up more. And that’s okay. I’m willing to let him do that. I honestly don't care. Like, if that’s what he wants to do then that’s what he does I guess”
“YOURE having fun, but no one is gonna log on and see this and say oh I wanna fight flame now. No one’s doing that dude. This isn’t how this works.”
FLAME: “it makes me happy bro, that’s all that matters” How many times did Zam insist that the Joker arc was fun. How many times did Jumper go “why are you doing this” and Zam said “it’s fun” without elaborating the nuanced undertones of the arc. 
Zam even dropped the MinuteTech patented "okay"s when Flame and Wemmbu were saying they were doing it for fun.
From the outside the lore was the same. The damn same. But this time we have the pb&j side from PrinceZam. And it fascinates me how similarly they approached the situation. 
And then as a final bonus, there’s the question about moral high ground. On the first day of the server, Ash was talking to Wemmbu and the following conversation unfolded (1:38:00) 
WEMMBU: “I have done nothing evil this season. Leowook killed me for no reason, then I died to fall damage for no reason, well, because my water glitched out, and then I died to Spoke for no reason… DUDE I’M ON THE MORAL HIGH GROUND THIS TIME! Without having to like, make things up. This is great.” 
ASH: “Yea, don’t do that bro. It’s not worth it. Seriously. It’s not worth it and you won’t even get a good video. Do you know how easy it is to be a good guy, and then last second go ‘I want to be an agent of chaos’ and how much that fucks everyone else on your team up?” 
And Zam on Saturday, “Why does it even matter? What the- what does moral high ground get me?!”
Ominous shit man.
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ahalliance · 10 months
some notable moments from the qsmp meta talk antoine, étoiles, baghera and co had yesterday, including the stuff i mentioned in this post <3 subtitles in eng, transcript in eng below the cut as well (I apologize for the bad video quality my wifi hates me)
[Video Transcript:
[First clip begins]
Etoiles: I’m— I’m gonna go on QSMP, I think
ZeratoR: (laughs) This really made him want to play Minecraft
Baghera: Ohh, lucky, I miss it
Etoiles: But— you still can’t come back?
Antoine: Well, technically, she could come back, but I don’t think it’s as simple as that
Baghera: (pained) Not as simple as that….
ZeratoR: What are you waiting for?
Etoiles: It’s Lost, it’s Lost
Antoine: Well, her character is dead in game
ZeratoR: Ahhh… but isn’t there a way to— to— a gimmick?
Antoine: No but don’t worry, there’ll probably be a gimmick (laughs) there’ll probably be a gimmick, don’t worry
Baghera: Don’t worry, don’t worry—
Antoine: No, she’s banned from the server! She’s banned from the server, it’s over
ZeratoR: Sucks! How did you die?
Antoine: Nuclear explosion
Baghera: Nuclear— yeah, nuclear explosion
ZeratoR: Ah yeah indeed you’re dead
Etoiles: That should have technically killed everyone—
Antoine: I hadn’t been there for a long time!
Etoiles: Well, I wasn’t there either— oh, well, you (laughs) you—
Antoine: I was elsewhere, I was elsewhere, dude
Etoiles: What a fraud you are (laughs)
ZeratoR: Where were you?
Antoine: I was elsewhere— somewhere else, I can’t say, it’s my lore, dude (laughs)
Etoiles: It’s his lore!
Antoine: I can’t say, dude, it’s my lore, dude
Étoiles: Antoine’s lore—
Baghera: Oh wow, you played around with that? Damn, I didn’t even see
ZeratoR: Basically he was glued to the bomb but well played to him
Etoiles: The lore in question (laughs)
Antoine: The lore in question, dude, it’s mad
Baghera: Take of yourselves guys! This was so cool
[Everyone says goodbye]
[Baghera leaves the call]
ZeratoR: Basically he was glued to the bomb but he found a gimmick
Antoine: Yeahhhh
Etoiles: The lore in question, just being the goat
Antoine: Yeah but the problem is that it’s my lore in every game, dude
Etoiles: (laughs) Oh but it’s really that. Antoine’s lore is being the goat
[Second clip begins]
Etoiles: Something that makes me laugh a bit is the fact that because there’s so many open plotlines it leads to fan theories that are sometimes really fun. There was a moment when my character’s skin, well, it was made for me with white eyes. And well I used it because I found it cool. And, actually, when I put it on, I read 65 tweets from people going, ‘hey, did you know that Etoiles’ character is blind because he actually lost his eyesight because he was—‘
Antoine: But you know on this server, the moment you say any sentence it gets overinterpreted in every way
Etoiles: It’s so funny—
Antoine: What’s wild is that there’s a billion theories on things, and for my part there are people that have understood some stuff about the theory and everything, which I find rather fun
Etoiles: Well it’s— you can’t reproach them because—
Antoine: Oh no precisely, I don’t want to reproach them, on the contrary I find it so cool!
Etoiles: Yeah but it’s funny the extent to which they get in their heads about it— like, you say one sentence on the server and you read a whole text of 65–
Antoine: Yeah, yeah it’s that
Etoiles: It’s really so funny
Angle Droit/Florence: Hmm, he said he was hungry at this given time, it’s surely a coded message
Etoiles: It’s really that!
Antoine: No but really, it’s really that, you know
Etoiles: But you know it’s honestly that, Florence
Antoine: You say a little sentence that’s supposed to be a joke and it’ll be interpreted seriously because ‘there’s this, and this, and that’, you see. But the thing is, it’s often completely wrong, but sometimes it’s correct. So they have every reason to continue theorising, honestly, I find. I think they have every reason to continue theorising, it’s very interesting
Etoiles: You’re just correct the goat, dude
[Third clip begins]
Etoiles: Basically I can say it because it’s out of roleplay and I think Antoine already knows it, because sometimes people are like, ‘yeah you can’t spoil the other streamers!’ but the streamers see everything—
Antoine: I know everything that happens on QSMP
Etoiles: —it’s just that the streamers don’t use the info rp wise. Basically I’m apart of an organisation on the server—
Antoine: What, you’re kidding, dude?!
[The others laugh]
ZeratoR: What the fuck?!
Antoine: I’m not supposed to know that, dude!
Etoiles: Basically I’m apart of an organisation that’s called the Resistance—
Antoine: (scoffs)
Etoiles: —and it’s completely hidden within the server, no one knows about it in the roleplay
ZeratoR: Even I knew about it, so
Etoiles: Yeah, well there you go. And therefore I have a hidden team that allows me to go into buildings, kill Federation agents that take care of the Island, and—
Antoine: But why would you want to kill Federation agents, dude?
Etoiles: Well because they’re not very nice, dude
ZeratoR: (laughs) Oh the lore is incredible. Well, it’s not nice to be mean, but…
Etoiles: The thing that’s funny—
Antoine: They’re not mean…
Etoiles: —is that I see messages from people on Twitter reacting like, ‘well I think it’s insane that Etoiles is killing Federation agents,’ when I don’t want to kill them. I never want to kill them. When I kill them, it’s because I’m forced to. And the last time, I didn’t want to kill them—
Antoine: That’s a really war criminal-esque phrase, that
ZeratoR: Clearly
Etoiles: No but bro, bro, it’s the admins themselves that told me, ‘return to the base, let’s fight,’ that’s what they said, bro, so I was like, ‘well, okay’ (laughs)
Antoine: Well that…
Etoiles: It was fun, honestly. And so when I saw all the messages on Twitter like, ‘Etoiles’ character has totally lost his mind,’ I was like, well—
Antoine: What, you don’t like white teddy bears, dude? Honestly, they’re so cool
Etoiles: Then again, white teddy bears aren’t really nice, dude
Antoine: Dude they are simply what I’d call the goat, honestly. They’re what I call the goat, personally, white teddy bears are called the goat
end Video Transcript.]
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plumadot · 2 months
Can I see more of your builds on your server? Especially exteriors it’s so inspiring for me
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of course gkjfkdgj i hope this won't be too long but i'd love to show off my little area
i built real close to spawn because i made farms that i wanted to be accessible to everyone... and i wanted to be there in case new people enter the server :D
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my house/storage. it's too small. i need to make a bigger storage system asap. at one point some folks built a big blender on top of the tower gfjdgkjfg also yes that is a tiny jimmy behind the house we'll get back to him soon
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bamboo farm!!! it's terribly inefficient but it looks pretty!!!!!!!!!! all the barrels around the farm are filled with bamboo and anyone can take however much they want :D we do a little communism
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honey farm!!! the redstone breaks constantly but it's ok it works too well anyway. i love watching the bees. i wish people would take more honeycomb i have too much of it
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juice bar!!! yeah that's the blender that was originally on my house i repurposed it!!! also made this whole build simply because i managed to put a custom model into the game gkfjkg
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spawn nether portal!!! not much to say about it i'm just happy i was allowed to decorate it because i had a VISION(tm)
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couple of bots and my tiny lava farm :D first bot just walks around. the second guards my house. the third spreads ehhh pollen or something. the fourth makes music :D i care them very much
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moss farm!!!!!!!!! i tried to make it sorta look like a lab? it's hard to make round shapes in the block game but i keep trying every time hehe
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my magnum opus?????? i love this windmill. it has no function other than bubble elevator into the mines. i just think it's pretty
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robot factory!!! also no function!!! just lore(?)!!!!! i like the colours so very much...
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my smelter setup :D it's meant to be used by everyone but it's a little bit tucked away gfkjdgk i hope people can find it
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and last but not least: some guys. just some little dudes. vibing (jimmy was initially made for me as a little gift so i gave him his rancher...)
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that's my area :D this was fun actually i think maybe i can do a server tour eventually to show off everyone else's cool builds too :O !!!!!!!
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circebutbetter · 5 days
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Ao3 || pinterest || airbuds || spotify || secret 5th thing
Hard to describe something ill never miss"
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☆my name is Jana/circe!
☆my pronouns are she/her
☆biggest hater of green apples ever ever I HATE THEM THEY SUCK UGHHSGEHE
☆an avid reader and an wven bigger music consumer
☆biromantic/asexual/IN A QPR<3 @garden-of-runar
Transphobes, racists, homophobes, abelists literally anyone who somehow somewhat fits into these catogories is not welcome on this blog<3
Otherwise my ask box is open!
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♤Interest(?): marauders, the secret history, a series of unfortunate events, my babysitters a vampire, the hunger games, fnaf, true crime, murders, cannibalism, bugs (although i hate them sigh), makeup, law(?), conspiracies, rabbit holes, weird stuff ™, mythology, MORE STUFF IVE BEEN IN SO MAMY FANDOMS BEFORE SO YES I KNOW LORE 💔
im not weird i promise <3 im very sane and normal☝️☝️
Dislikes: GREEN FUCKING APPLES RAHHHHHHHHH, polos, umum alot of thibgs i js dk how to list them☝️
Music: olivia rodrigo, paramore, flyleaf, wisp, pierce the veil, billie eilish, falling in reverse, mother mother, the living tombstone, my chemical romance, deftones, paramore, nirvana, MITSKI, david bowie<3, alex g, liily, south arcade, sleeping with sirens, black sabbath, YEAH THERES MORE I LISTEN TO BASUCALLY EVERYTHING SIGH
slytherin, child of apollo(cabin 7), entp-t, sag
@definitionoffuckup STAR ML HES LIKE LOWKEY AMAZING GUYS has his issues but is literally wonderfuk and deserves everything good and also has no sense of online safety like um☝️☝️andand lowkey one of my favorites on tumblr☝️☝️☝️
@omelettejunkie ethan. Is there anything more to say? Jkjk ethan ,eeth, eef ,spleen , eef the furry and an omelette junkie through and through (theres rumoirs of alcoholism too but hmm☝️☝️) also has the most diverse music taste ive ever met
@kawaiibarty JAMES❗️ bigges loser ive met but also the coolest loser ive met MASTER OF PLAYLISTS AND HAD A BOMB MUSIC TASTE LIKE UM❗️❗️ also really very chaotic, gives off major chaotic energy, jim carrey guys☝️
@stargazing-reader NEPHYTHEIS 💓💓💓 they're one of my first mutuals here and one of the best people ive ever ever met, sososoos smart and has so much passion for almost everything they do and im highkey sososososo glad ive met them like <3
@hershey-the-confused LAUGHS AT MY SUFFERING ALL THE TIME SMH ANDANDAND TORTUROSUD ME WITH GREEN APPLES but overall theyre sosososo fun to talk to although a bit frustrating (in thr most loving way ever its very fun) ANDAND LOWKEY MY EMO IN LAW VERYVERY COOL PERSON☝️
@cheekyboybeth THE CHAPPELL ROAN TO MY OLIVIA RODRIGO, super duper cool with an obsession with cannibalism(relatable) and SUPER COOL THOIGH LIKE OKAY
@here-am-i-sitting-in-a-tin-can SKYE❗️❗️❗️ sososos cool and wonderful to interact with, also tortupsus me with green apples andand idk wonderful all around
If ive missed anyone tell me so i can add you sigh MWAH💔 IF YOU WANNA BE UNTAGGED TELL ME <3
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Moodboard(one of my most treasured thibgs ever made for me) made for me by @hershey-the-confused <333
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splitster · 11 months
answering ASKSSSSS
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featuring: headcanons, mspaint yonny, and more
check it out! ↓↓
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UHH the timeline is already hard enough to follow for 4 it's a little messy... I imagine for the pom wraith AU, it's mostly the events of pikmin 4 with some extra bits tacked onto it (like Olimar encountering the plasm at some point on his lonesome).
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WAHHH THANK YOU... heres some secret mod lore, yonny is the HARDEST motherfucker to draw for me. he was ever since i started drawing the rescue corps and he still is!!!!!!!!!!!! his stupid face is so HARD GRRUUAUUGGHH
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THANK YOU!!! i have a few bernard drawings/doodles in the pipeline to post eventually
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(ive done a few ask masterposts at this point so forgive me if i already answered this one) AHHHHH i mean pom DOES really like Olimar. he challenges her skills out on the field when she's trying to track him down as a leafling which she finds engaging, and she finds him quite charming from the logs she reads. after he's cured, he's nothing but kind and supportive.
i don't think she'd try to take off with him like the plasm, but she'd feel protective over him if something were to threaten him
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WAUUGGHH THANK YOU!!!! putting my favorite fictional characters into an enclosure and watching them
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THANK YOU!!! you get it, he's so wet and pathetic
YEAH i have more bernard incoming!!! he's so genuinely supportive and it kinda freaks pom out because she can't tell if he has ulterior motivations or not (he doesn't. he's just a really cool dude. they'll become besties💖)
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i'll perform the summoning ritual for you anon
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there he is. what a jolly fellow
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THIS IS A REALLY GOOD QUESTION... i had to consult with my friends for a lengthy food discussion (big hearts to @cosmicocoffee who helped me with like literally all of them)
for Pom, she's a wraith, so she just likes interesting and strong tastes. she's very partial to sweet things, and she LOVES chocolate (because that's one of the first sweets she ever tasted). although, she also like really spicy things because it's a neat feeling. as for least favorite, uh... i mean, the girl will literally eat soap for fun. it's very rare for her to have a food item she despises. they DO exist though, she fucking hates raisins
Dingo likes MANLY food, like MEAT and RIBS. well, he mostly likes being seen eating it. he does have a fondness for sweet things and smoothies. the town he grew up in could get pretty cold, so he grew up eating quite a lot of hot meals like caldo de res (he's especially fond of soups made the way his mama used to make them). he also picks up a fondness for hot tea from growing up with yonny, but he always puts extra honey in his cups. dingo HATES some foods though, especially sushi. the last time he tried to impress people by eating sushi, Dingo was hunched over outside the restaurant with Yonny rubbing his back...
shepherd! likes coffee. @soupvnova said she'd go to starbucks (spacebucks?) often to get the pup cup for oatchi which is very good. she has the healthiest diet out of all of them with routine exercise, protein shakes, lots of fruits and shit. she does have a weakness and a bit of a sweet tooth though, especially for cake. it hardly puts a dent in her diet though given her metabolism, she's a very built captain. she's not a fan of steamed vegetables... too squishy for her.
while talking about shepherd it is imperative to share that Oatchi will eat ANYTHING. if something hits the ground it is in his mouth immediately, shepherd has had to wrestle him to get space dog-unsafe food outta there before. although she will also constantly sneak him stuff from the dinner table
collin's fun because he enjoys eating healthy, he's a fan of fresh spring salads and stuff like pineapples and watermelon, but he also has to live off of a lot of processed/vending machine food because the man pulls all nighters frequently. he's also prone to stress eating... you can find him demolishing a watermelon and he's just. covered with seeds. he likes crunchy foods and seeds-- he's very hamstercore. he comes to Despise instant noodles because of how often he has to rely on them for food in the dead of night
fucking uhhh yonny, he likes foods that pair well with reading, he has pretty "mature" tastes and enjoys tea, maybe a glass of wine if he's feeling it. he often gets tunnel vision with his work and will neglect to eat, and as their doctor he'll have to set reminders on his phone to go have a meal so he doesn't fall ill. i can imagine he's not too into sugary things...
we already know bernard has some very expensive tastes, but he might just struggle with some textures or tastes in food. like, he enjoys pizza, this man is just a very picky eater... i can see him having tastes all over the board though. also he's protective over his stuff, he cared more about dingo eating his pizza than abandoning him
russ. uh... russ. yeah
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olimar and louie are not part of the rescue corps, but i could see olimar joining (and louie following) sometime after the events of 4! he'd get a much better benefits package... he'd be good at providing logistical support for rangers out on the field, although his achy back would probably keep him off the field himself
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AHH THANK YOU!! i have written some things but i don't have anything published -- to be honest, i'm not much of a fic writer. most of my writing is mostly just me talking through ideas/stories/cool character moments with friends, which is not a very shareable format unfortunately💔
i will say, talking about ideas with buddies gives me a shit load of ideas/motivation for drawing, and a lot of the stuff i've posted probably had that as an origin
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THANK YOU!! and yeah of course that's fine! every artist is a collection of inspirations, and i'm no exception. my style comes from studying what i like in art and media (made by other people). i'm honored you find me as an inspiration💖
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AUGH AUGH THANK YOU!!! i appreciate the anatomically correct hearts 💖💖
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YEAHH i have designs that i've been meaning to flesh out but i'm lazy... i've been sitting on a dingo and yonny wraith design for like a month now, i should just bite the bullet and post them as-is if i ever want to share them... oh well! it's all for fun, i'm not gonna stress about it looking good
thank you for reading this far!! and thank you all for the asks, i will continue to slowly get through them...
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
You on the TSAMS writing team?
But your stories are just for crying and masturbating at the same time lol
These are the most OC things I've read in this fandom, and look, I've also read things written by Infamous Doctor lmao
Well, aren't you a salty little shit?
It's almost like I write my AUs to not reflect on the canon timeline. It's almost like those are personal fanworks that I do for fun in my free time with my friends and partner because I enjoy writing. It's like they aren't meant to be accurate portrayals of the canon story or characters since it's an, oh I don't know, alternate universe. And clearly, if you both cried and masturbated to my fics then I'm doing something right because that's the point of them. To have fun and be unhinged and not worry about canon and just explore different dynamics in my own little world of my making.
I have fanworks that have nothing to do with sex or angst or anything like that on my safe-for-work archive, but I think that sex is funny so I write about it. Sue me for enjoying a specific genre of literature. I guess that means that my works for the canon timeline of the show have all been for naught, and I should just stop analyzing canon because I'm clearly not allowed to have both cakes. Right? I can't enjoy my own personal stories that aren't supposed to reflect on canon at all and it's supposed to feel "OC" because the interpretation of the characters changes for every AU because I also enjoy canon. Right?
I explained the other day that when I talk about TSAMS there are two things that happen in my head. There's the canon timeline that I do my "professional" writings on. The same writings that the VAs and most of the mod team have joined my thread on the official discord for. And then there's the silly little version in my head that I play with like dolls that has nothing to do with canon and never was supposed to be and that's the version for my friends. See also:
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I'm not hiding the fact that I make NSFW content and I never had. It takes 30 seconds of research to find that content if you want it, and you've made it obvious that you've engaged with that content, so I don't think you have room to talk, anon.
Let me break it down in terms that you can understand.
I am not pushing to get me on the writing team. I am not the one flooding the TSBS server, I am not the one writing letters, I am not the one overwhelmingly wanting me on the team. I am just some dude who "writes fics to cry and masturbate to" and also analyzes the canon story with my excessive knowledge of psychology and neurology and other miscellaneous information. People know me better for the second than the first. Most of the people who are pushing for this to happen have never read a single one of my fics (as far as I'm aware), and have purely read my analyses. Do not insult me by insinuating that I cannot separate my personal and professional level work, because I do it every day.
I have been making deep-dive, psychological, and lore-accurate analyses of the show for over six months. I have almost never been wrong when I make an analysis, and people come to me to help them understand the lore. My reputation in this fandom is high for several different reasons, but most people don't know me as "The sad porn author" because that's the smallest fraction of the content that I produce that it's actually insignificant. I can see what kind of opinion you have of me, and it's at once amusing and insulting, so do me a favor and stop interacting with my content, because you're bringing all sorts of vibes that I don't agree with onto my blog.
Also, there was no reason to drag DoctorF into this. They are a wonderful and kind individual and they're also doing their own thing for their own amusement. If that's something you have issue with, since you clearly do, then do yourself a favor and stop interacting with their content.
And again, in case you missed it the first time. I'm not the one that wants me on the writing team. It's everyone else. Maybe you should think about what the implications of that is, instead of being jealous that no one knows who you are. And good job being so brave and putting on your big boy shorts just to shit in them by hiding behind anon. Go clean up your act, anon, you've wasted my time and I loathe people who waste my time.
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yellobb · 9 months
Had book club discussion about Carry On today! Here’s some of the highlights:
People were mostly a big fan of the Magic system. Main criticism about it was that it would sometimes take them out of it, like the snickers spell while ebb is actively dying
There was much discussion over Penny and Baz kidnapping the dog, which was very entertaining to me
One of my managers asked if Agatha was in the rest of the series. I told her “she is, but I don’t think she wants to be”
People loved Baz lol. There was a bit less love for Simon (that’s okay, that’s what I’m there for)
I explained the lore behind Fangirl and why the titles are the way they are. Thoroughly confused some people
Someone had to leave the zoom call halfway through because his neighbors called the cops on his van???? Idk that was just wild
One dude who showed up also didn’t even finish the book yet, which I didn’t find out until partway through, so that was fun
They noted some Harry Potter similarities, but agreed it was a very different book
Number one complaint was that “nothing happened”. They were really interested in the politics of the world, how relationships were formed and were pretty disappointed that a lot of that was exposition
One coworker was confused as to why Nico couldn’t do magic anymore, since they mentioned he used to be able to use Ebb’s staff and honestly I don’t remember the answer, so help here would be great if anyone knows. He should be able to even though they snapped his wand, right?
One coworker was frustrated that Simon lost his magic because he thought that was the most interesting part. I told him that he was not alone in that, since I remember so many people being upset back in the day
Everyone saw the plot twist that the Mage was the bad guy coming. Tbh, I read it so long ago that I can’t remember if I was surprised
Everyone also saw snowbaz coming lol. One guy said “I knew by chapter three that those two would be fucking” (oh just you wait my friend. Soon the issue will be that they’re not fucking)
They found it very entertaining that the endorsement was from Lev Grossman because “The Magicians is the polar opposite of this book”
I brought in Skee’s ABC’s of Carry On, Venessa’s art book, the whole series, Fangirl, Scattered Showers, MRB, and various pins from Selkie and others. Also wore my dragon wing earrings and Kris’ shirt :P I let myself be unhinged about it because this is my time to shine. I also have the Wayward Son poster pack at my desk that I pointed out
Overall reviews are positive. Most people didn’t love it quite like I do, but they enjoyed it well enough. I am lovingly forcing two coworkers to finish out the series because they made the mistake of being my friend lol
One guy’s review was “I liked it and I don’t know why. I hate Harry Potter and stuff like it usually.”
Very happy that this is done though, since I can finally hang back up Kris’ Carry On poster. It has too many spoilers, so I’ve had it on the ground hiding for two months for when people came over 😭 it’s going back in its place of honor next to my TV
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monakisu · 2 months
my first photoshop animation EVER for my graphic design class!! :D i did the Virgin Mary & Jesus Christ <3
we were tasked with creating digital collages in line with the style of the Dada Movement which i will Not explain because i've already forgotten everything about it beyond vague emotions! i didn't really know what to do for mine so i went sorta the Basic Route and just did the bible LMAOOO however i think i missed a memo of some sort? everybody else was doing kooky fun fever dream things and mine was just... a downer......
this is abt mary and jesus and how bonkers insane it is to give birth to and raise a kid who you know is destined to Die For Humanity and how bonkers insane it is to be that kid. it makes me feel bad for mary!! and jesus especially!!!
to me, jesus is like fluttershy from MLP. that doesn't make sense. but i like this dude loads! he's endlessly kind!! hearing about how he gets bullied throughout the bible always made me :( for him... he felt very lonely! everybody dunked on him, his own hometown hated his guts, and even his own disciples didn't fully get him (like that one time he gave them literally One Thing to do and they just conked out on the spot. great job guys.)
i felt the absolute worst for him when he was up on that mountain (i forgot which) praying so hard he was sweating BLOOD in desperation for his dad to "pass on this cup" (ie. the burden of a martyr ie.ie. DYING) which showed how he didn't just smoothly selflessly accept his fate!! he was scared!!! and then he gets thrashed around and pinned up on a cross and dies from asphyxiation due to the head becoming too heavy to be supported by the neck or just infection or starvation or whatever!!!!! poor fella :(
anyways. about the animation.
beginning ballet - dont know what to tell you. i really love ballet. ballerinas are hardcore!! the dancer is mary and her little lamb is jesus!
falling tears - those are mary's!
two-headed lamb - i also don't know about this one... thought it looked cool LOL could represent how the rest of the world treated jesus with disgust... i really winged this project wahahaha
saturn devouring his son - the casual objectification of jesus throughout the bible really unsettled me. it was made very clear that the dude was basically a tool? and the dude himself admits it multiple times! that's effed. anyways, god sacrificing his own son reminded me of this goya painting hahaha since it's also father and son! "devouring" the sacrificial lamb / using him up
applause - because jesus went through all this hullabaloo the rest of humanity gets to frolic on, even the people who hated and beefed with jesus. so the applause is sorta like people expressing thanks? some of them are very superficial, not very grateful.....
sorry if this is blasphemous HAHAHA i don't know much abt the lore besides my own opinions formed from a single year of highschool bible class and my childhood memories of obsessing over this walmart kid's adaptation of the entire bible...
but animation is surprisingly super ultra fun!!!!! i thought it would involve a lot more crying?! animators always seem sorta tortured to me!
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anon-402 · 10 months
Maxo’s End of Stream Key Points.
Where he talks about his character, what it means to be dead in the QSMP, and what could probably happen in the future!
The only thing the federation couldn’t control was me; how I die.
Chat: “You can return to QSMP as a ghost!” Yeah, I’m gonna think about it…
I feel a bit upset because I wanted to reach the ship and say my goodbyes to everyone. I wouldn’t get on the boat tho.
Chat: “Cellbit, Mouse and BBH didn’t make it either.” The only thing I know is I’m dead, and that’s what I want for my lore.
I don’t have anything scripted (for the future). I’m gonna miss QSMP, but because I take rp too seriously, there’s no turning back. Yeah, I can maybe go back as a ghost and haunt people, but not as Cubito Maxo.
The rest may survive because they want to keep playing QSMP, but I say my character is dead and he’s dead because he died in an explosion. If dying means not being able to return to QSMP, it’s fine.
Going out without saying goodbye is what makes me mostly upset. (Reads chat) Do a tape? As if I did it a long time ago? I didn’t thought about that. That’s a good idea. I’m gonna ask the Admins.
I would’ve liked to do the tapes these last days, but I wasn’t thinking of committing suicide before. I didn’t know what was going to happen. (The only thing I knew) was that my character was desperate.
Dono: It would be cool if you could return as an old island survivor who helps the others to- That’s something I don’t get to decide, this is not my series. I can offer it, but that doesn’t mean it fits. I can’t go and say ‘I’m gonna return as a survivor’ because it doesn’t mean it can fit (in the story).
For the Federation to take the bomb away from me and me dying is a way to show how powerful it can be. This kind of thing is necessary in roleplay.
There’s people who liked Purgatory, but I don’t like when I have to gain points. My thing is roleplay. Purgatory was full hardcore, and it’s tiring for me to farm points. When Aypierre killed me for rp reasons, I was like, ‘look what you’ve done all because of some points’ (I think he’s referring to the other players having a discussion because of his dead)
If my character had to kill BBH… (groans) I can’t, he’s my friend. I can’t switch my mind because of some points. It didn’t fit me or my character and that’s why I didn’t log in. I was going to get frustrated eventually.
If I went through the island saying ‘don’t kill, don’t kill’, they’re going to say ‘look at this hippie mf smoking weed’.
(Reads chat) What do you mean Purgatory 2? I can’t believe it. At least we are dead (laughs). I prefer the other island.
There’s something lore related that I’m really happy about; Quackity accepting he works for the Federation. I mean– everyone suspected it, but there was people still denying it.
(While laughing) Dude, I took the detonator out and no one listened. I mean, yes, there was people roleplaying and asking me what was it. But it was bad timing, there’re too many interactions. Improvising is hard because not everything is perfectly done as in your head. But I was trying to tell them that I had a bomb, but it the end they stole my bomb’s wi-fi.
Tbh, I was already tired of Minecraft. I played almost every day in the QSMP, I needed a rest. In a way, it’s sorta like vacations, only that I can’t return as Maxo Cubito. I will have to return as Maxo Ritual Challenge or Maxo Mutation Zombie. I think I would have a better time with that kinda role.
(Reading chat saying he was evil) I don’t think I made an Evil Maxo rp, because I never wanted to detonate the bomb. What I wanted to do was to negotiate and get everyone out of the island because I love them. I wanted to scape and then detonate it behind us, y’know?
I find interesting the ending, I liked it.
I will make some tapes, so they realize I’m dead and wanted to say goodbye to them.
There’s people happy about my dead because they don’t like QSMP, but honestly, QSMP is really entertaining, it’s really fun, and behind it there’s really cool people. Every time I logged on I was always laughing. Things didn’t go my way, it was catastrophic, but as a roleplayer, I have to accept what is put in front of me.
The night is young. Even though there are tribulations like my dead, we have to overcome things, move forward and enjoy life. Who knows when I’ll play Minecraft again. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never- no, no never (tries to not laugh). No never. Maybe within a year. Maybe in two. But one day I will return.  
(Quick reminder English is not my first language. Sorry for any typos or whatnots)
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep watch comments 13-15
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Keeping it real with his nickname, Loser Li doesn't have the balls to join Team Vamp
Sorry dude, this would never happen to Elena Gilbert
Fun ass escape & fight scenes as our trio trash the train and escape in a field. The search in the field of tall grass as night closes in feels very 80s-00s vampire movie
Once AGAIN Loser Li punks out. This guy 😂😭 I love his constant, unrelenting failure
Look, the way Doctor Bestie realized he had to step up, because Mi Lan was injured & his bro distracted. TIME & PLACE, thank you.
He got close to making it thru this adventure without exposing himself but finally it was clear poor Vamp Daddy couldn't handle this one his own.
I both kinda do feel for Vamp Daddy's angst about his brother in disguise but also I'm too attached to them, so I'm just impatient for him to get over it and accept his only existing (and only mildly evil!!) relative
The brown leather coat is just not as suave a look for Loser Li. Return to your roots!
Oh good.
Henchman makes potentially his only smart move in the drama, to come plead for nep baby to rescue his crush. Li Yingliang looovesssss you! so muchhhhhh! it's ALL FOR YOU.
Our unhinged, unstable cyclone of insecurity & homosexuality emerges from the dungeon to fail another day! Good job, everyone.
"What ill intentions could a young boy in his hundreds have?" lol I love mysterious old guy
Sorry I'm unreasonably & unfairly on Doctor Bestie's side - kick his ass and settle him down. Vampires gotta stick together.
So doc is "complete" and Vamp Daddy, though made with the Blood Amber Stone, isn't? 🤔 Interesting. (ok not really lol, I'm not a 'lore' person)
Doctor Bestie cracked me up with his whole, I know all about equality in the modern age! I went to university! Look, he's probably more than a il evil but I like him SO MUCH, so can you just relent Vamp Daddy?
Otherwise WE might stop being friends. And that would be sad :(
All jokes aside, I do have the lingering feeling that Li Yingliang is being written as queer and the actor is playing it that way. Look at the way he is with his henchman too! It's just.... not like the vibe we see among other similar characters. They've fucked. More than once. And henchman told himself it's all fine between 'lonely' 1930s men, because they'll eventually take wives.
idk Vamp Daddy, I would have accepted the help of mysterious ancient master guy against a pursuing ARMY.
or maybe not kicked out my powerful brother.
Mi Lan knows what's up: stop the navel gazing emo and just get warm, eat well, and spend time with your loved ones.
Flashback to aftermath of Shen mansion massacre. Awful times had by all. Nobody thought burning alive a supernatural mom and her small child might have consequences. They did. Shen patriarch is like whyyyyy. His almost barbecued wife: r u 4 real?
Similarly, in modern remains of Shen mansion a bunch of people ambush Vamp Daddy and his gf, shoot her in the chest, so he goes murdery.
Then vamps her! YAY 🙌
Now you and doctor bestie just need to make up and find a way to extend your life too.
All hail Mi Lan's vampire awakening. Good stuff. Love the goth attire.
Also absolutely adorable and glowing in the bath
This is like Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who was simply born to be a vampire and took to it like a duck to water. I want her to hang out more with the doctor. They can enjoy vampirism together.
Now that Vamp Daddy has healed Barely Legal Girlfriend, can we get (1) one more bloody kiss? Pretty pretty please? 🙏🙏🙏
Everyone but his henchman bf is hella pissed at Loser Li for being incapable.
This does not seem fair, as it's his defining quality 🤔
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 10 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
what are your personal favorite headcanons for meta knight?
Boy, oh BOY am I glad you asked!! You have unleashed me!!
First of all, I am very much Team White-Eyed Meta!!! (And his pretty pink cheeks!!!!!) -slams my drawing from last year on the table as exhibit A-
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I respect everyone on Team Yellow-Eyed Meta since that's what is technically canon. But I just think drawing white eyes is so fun and pretty to look at... My first Kirby game was Squeak Squad and I was so mesmerized by his pretty white eyes when they were revealed for that split second! I'd replay that boss fight a bunch as a kid just to see them.
So yeah, I have the power to be in denial about a few facts for my own amusement and that's one of them. Draw and consume the content that makes you happiest, friends!! :P
About his backstory and origins, I don't have any solid headcanons of my own since I really like seeing other people's takes on it! Being Dark Matter-born, made by Nightmare, blending anime and game lore together, etc. There's so much I enjoy! His mysterious past can be frustratingly open-ended but at least it's given a lot of people the opportunity to be super creative!
I do like to think he gets more enjoyment out of a good, honest battle than he likes to let on. I mean, it's what he's best at! He fights for fun! An entire arena was built for him in Waddle Dee Town!
...So speaking of fighting, I've been doing some thinking about his powers... Like a lot of thinking. This is what I really wanna talk about!!
He's got some good old-fashioned, hard-earned skill with a sword. Probably from years of training. But his more powerful attacks use a lot of wind and electricity. That's why I think Meta Knight has the power of Storms.
Some examples of his use of wind:
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One of his signature moves is Mach Tornado, after all!
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Now, the bat effect to his spin in RtDL Deluxe kinda puzzles me. It just looks cooler I guess. This is a dude who put his face on his airship so why not have tiny bat particles come from your signature moves? Could just be a natural evolution of his power growing stronger, teehee.
Anyway, here are some examples of his use of electricity: (This man has a LOT of electric effects in his attacks!)
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So much electricity!! Zappo! Bzzzzt!
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And as a bonus, when Meta unsheathes Galaxia in the anime it materializes from lightning. THAT IS DOPE AS HELL. I don't personally subscribe to much of the anime lore, but I eat this detail UP.
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Next, I used to think Meta had telekinesis because of Star Allies. All that purple aura when he lifts the rocks seems like solid evidence.
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But then he does the same move in Forgotten Land and he's actually lifting the rocks with wind!! And a lot of it!! So his mastery of wind is significant to me! Probably helps him fly better too! I think his use of wind could certainly give his opponents the impression that he has telekinesis and psych them out a bit!
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Finally, I used to think his duplication move was because of the Jamba Heart in Star Allies but I realized he does this in the Kirby Mass Attack mini game (whose canonicity is probably up for debate, but hey.) I'm willing to hear someone else out for an explanation because I'm stumped! Lol :P
....So yeah!! TLDR I think he is a swordsman with the power of Storms!
I'm interested to see other people's takes on him, this is just what I've made up for myself, haha! Either way, I love Meta Knight and he is super cool!! Thanks for reading!!
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