lili-spots · 8 months
He said to remember... Not in a specific way...
(disclaimer: I don't own or did any tiktok, the op is written in the video)
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wantinghotwives · 11 months
Remember the veterans in your life today: some of us are all up in our thoughts and NOT doing well... we miss our brothers and sisters, both still here and those not with us anymore.
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cartoonyfangirl · 1 year
(So this is something that I wrote up recently for a story (Remember Us on Wattpad) that is based of an AU created by @thepixarau so I thought of something on my end of like a side story, featuring both characters from your favorite franchises, as well as some of my own OC's to add in some kick. This is non-canon, which means that if LadyLuxo does write up something for this story, this is not going to be in it, this is something I wrote down for fun!)
(Now that we got that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this snippet of what I have written so far!)
The scene cuts to one of the watch towers, as we see Journey scoping out the large land in front of her, making sure no Dreamworks androids or anything from them would try to attack the base, she knew this place was indestructible, hence why the group giving up on destroying the place, but they would send out their android bots to keep a close eye on the building, as well as anyone who comes out. Journey was drifting off to sleep, when she heard someone coming up, she turned to see Blair Mercurial, her long-time friend and inventor, alongside him was a human/dragon hybrid, named Figment
"Oh my word, you two scared me for a second!" Journey said, placing her hand over her heart
"Oh i'm terribly sorry about that Journey, me and Figment came up here to see how you were doing" Blair said, walking next to Journey, and placing a hand on her shoulder
"Have there been any signs of new allyie people?" Figment said, his wings flapping excitedly
"Sadly not, it's been awhile since we got anyone new, besides, The DreamWorks have the area sort of surrounded with their bots! So it's getting tougher for anyone to make it over here"
"Oh...." Figment said sadly, Blair places his other hand on Figments shoulder as well
"Don't worry my little buddy, if anyone can't get here, we can help! Anyone that is invincible can make it here in one piece"
Journey looks to him and smiled. "Hey! You have a point! As long as they are invincible, nothing can stop them!"
Figment nodded, but then softly frowned. "I wish all the humans in the world were like us, where we can't die by anything"
"I know, but once we are ready, we will make sure those DreamWorks fools are sorry for what they have done to this planet for centuries!" Blair said, looking at both Journey and Figment
The three then heard something from afar, a loud screech, followed by a faint crashing sound, Blair runs over to the edge, and places his goggles on, his goggles zoomed in on where the sound happened, it turned out to be a huge bus, he recognized it to be one of those vehicles that turns from a van to a bus, before he could even say anything, the bus blows up, a huge boom sound can be heard from where they were, even those inside the base heard it, within 5 seconds, a voice came through the speaker
"Eh! Hey doc! What the hell was that?!" It was Bugs Bunny, one of the leaders of the base, his voice sounded both worried and angry
Blair picks up the mic and turns it on. "Sir! We saw a vehicle crash near the base, and I think either the DreamWorks had one of their bots throw a bomb over there, or something else, because it blew up!
"Was the vehicle empty?!"
"I don't think so, but considering that it was in bus mode, I'm saying it could be a group that was in that!
Journey gasped at that, a group of humans, they need to get over there, and see if there are any survivors
"Bugs, what do we do?" Blair said, hopefully waiting for the right answer to come out of the bunny/hybrid's mouth
"I will send a group over there to find whoever they can, You, Journey, and Figment stay up in the tower, keep an eye out for any bots or androids that go near the site!"
"Okay Bugs, stay safe" Blair said, before putting the mic down, he sighed, and looked at Journey and Figment
"We will be staying here, keeping an eye out, Hopefully there are some survivors from that" Blair said, with a worried tone in his voice
"Don't worry Blair, I'm sure they are....I hope" Journey said, looking out at the now orangish yellow lighting from the tower"
Back inside the base, Bugs makes it to one of the rooms, inside were Woody, Winnie, Motion, Wonder, Gonzo, Rizzo, Felix and a few other toons that were either hanging out, or being treated of their wounds
"Oh boy! We got ourselves a problem!" Bugs said, grabbing the keys to one of the medical vehicles
"What's going on? Did something happen?" Winnie said, before coughing, Woody gives her some medicine
"Easy Win, you don't want to make your Toon Virus worse now" He looks up to Bugs "I heard a faint explosion, what happened?"
"From what I got from Blair Mercurial, apparently a bus crashed not far from here, and not even a few seconds after, it exploded!"
Everyone looked to Bugs with frightened looks
"WHAT!!!" they all shouted
"Dude! Are you serious right now?!" Rizzo said, as he hops down from some of the crates
"Yes rat! I'm not kidding around" Bugs said with a serious look. "All I know is that bus could've been filled with folks that were trying to get here!"
"So what do you want us to do?" Motion said, walking next to Bugs
"I'm saying we form a rescue squad, I shall lead the group, You, Wonder, Gonzo, Felix, and Daffy are going to come with me, to make sure no one tries to stop us"
Motion nodded, Wonder nervously nodded, she usually goes with a group since she has Healing Powers, Felix tips his hat
"Alright rabbit, I'll go, only because I need to make sure my magic bag is working once more" Felix said, as he grabs his keys for his vehicle
"What do you mean I gotta go Bugsy?!" Daffy said, hearing his name from the other room, Bugs glares back at him
"We need the help, and you haven't done so in a bit, You better grab your things" Bugs said, Daffy rolled his eyes, and runs off
"I can go see if some of the others can help too" Gonzo said, quickly rushing out, Rizzo running behind him
"Hey wait up dude! You know I can't run very fast!" Rizzo called out to him
Bugs softly smiled, and heads out, Woody, Motion, and Wonder walking behind him
"Alright, lets go help those civilians"
The scene cuts to the characters going on the rescue trip, along with Lola, Tina, The Warners, Buzz Buzzard, and even Horizon, as she had Chaos Magic that can help them out, Bugs hops into the medical vehicle, as everyone else hopped into their own, Lola gives Bugs a thumbs up from the Spy Car, and the huge doors open up, Innavena from one of the booths also gives the group a thumbs up
"Okay sisters and toons, your good to go!" Innavena said through the speaker
Bugs starts up the medical vehicle, and soon, it zooms off, the rest of the vehicles also followed after, they all make a left turn, and off they went, from the tower, Journey, Figment, and Blair watched the vehicles make their way to the site, Journey nervously playing with her pendent
"Please let them be okay" Journey whispered to herself
As the vehicles zoomed across the cracked road, some of the toons noticed the bots heading their way, Yakko smirked, and pulled out his cannon
"Oooh! Look guys, it's our "special" friends!" Yakko said, pointing at the bots
"Oh good! Time to test these bad boys out!" Gonzo said, pressing a button, a few cannons popped out of the jeeplike vehicle. "And Kermit said that these are dangerous, well he is wrong!" He looks over to the Warners. "Don't tell him I said that kiddos
"We won't!" Yakko, Wakko, and Dot said at the same time, Bugs noticed and gives the signal
"FIRE!!!!" He yells, the toons used their weapons onto the bots, taking them down in a matter of seconds, Daffy and Tina laughed as they blasted down some from their vehicle
"TELL THE DREAMWORKS FOLKS WE SAID FUCK OFF!!!" Tina yelled, blasting one in the head
"That's my girl?" Daffy cheered
The group managed to get pasted all the android bots, and soon made to the sight, Motion quickly zooms out on her RRF (Realistic Robotic Feet), and skids her wheels to a stop, Wonder also checks around, carefully making sure she didn't fall or trip, she noticed that all the figures that were on the ground were unharmed, minus the scrapes and damaged clothing from the explosion, she scans around, making sure everyone was alive and accounted for, Bugs quickly makes his way in, Motion and Wonder returning to him
"E-Everyone is alive, c-children included, t-they only have minor i-injuries, and are out c-cold" Wonder said with her stutter in place
"And this is very rare, but everyone is accounted for, no one is missing from this group Bugs!" Motion said, typing down who the group could be from her inner catalog of groups
"That's impossible, the last group that was nearly accounted for was The Muppets, and that's because they're at 95% of who is with them, what other group could it be that has everyone accounted for"
Motion gasped, she double checked, this couldn't be right
"B-Bugs.....I think I have the answer"
"The others made it to the sight, Motion showed Bugs what she got from her gadgets and pendent, he gasped, alongside the others"
"It's.....It's the Pixars!....."
(I might do more soon, but because Writers Block loves me so much, it might take me some time, but what do you all think, I hope you guys loved it)
(The Pixar AU/Remember Us was created/written by @thepixarau )
(The EPCOT Sisters (Journey, Motion, Innavena, and Wonder) was created by me)
(All Canon Characters mentioned belong to their rightful owners)
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dailymusemaniac · 2 years
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(via A tear for the fallen Mouse Pad by Inspire76)
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souvenirstour · 2 years
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رحمتوں کی آ ئ ہے رات، دعا ہے آ پ سدا رہے آ باد ، مبارک ہو آ پ کو" شبِ برات" ‼️𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑩 𝑬 𝑩𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑻 𝑴𝒖𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒌‼️ #shabebarat #shabebaratmubarak #shaban #2023 #maghfirah #love #allah #islam #mubarak #teamsouvenirs #rememberus #alhamdulillah #nightofmaghfirat #talibedua #instagram #instadaily #instagood (at Souvenirs Tour & Travellers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfcvgaoleE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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v0lva · 4 years
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"Never forget we existed" Emet Selch, aka Hadès, a few seconds before dying. A fucking touching "bad" guy. His loneliness made me cry. And you ?
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pshreads · 4 years
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i’ve been crying over this photo for some hour now 😭 i mean look at how breathtaking @eajpark is on this photo~ my day6 sealed albums already arrived last week hihi. i already took photos on some them so i’ll be posting them once i’m done editing ☺️ have a nice day everyone! stay safe~ 🤗 #day6 #sungjin #jae #youngk #wonpil #dowoon #myday #day6collection #day6album #rememberus https://www.instagram.com/p/CKls583gaq_/?igshid=9z52p59jl1dk
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kiseujaer · 6 years
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Why so lovely?
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day6studios · 6 years
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remember us 
<still image>
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suncheoreom-blog · 6 years
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Guess who screamed when she opened her album 🐥❤️
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DAY6 <Remember Us : Youth Part 2>
Teaser Image: YoungK XD
Release: 2018.12.10 (MON) 6PM
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pynto · 6 years
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Remember Us
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douwunjpg · 6 years
they literally never disappoint??? is that even legal??? because i THINK NOT
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barbeszaday · 6 years
f’ckin valentine day.
Emlékszem.. akcióváltás egy faszkalappal. 12 óra munka. Sírás a vonaton haza. Lekésett busz, 4 kilométer séta. Felkötném magam érzés. Hirtelen egy üzenet. Egy régen várt mosoly. Egy őrült este, egy őrült emberrel. Elveszett pisztácia héj az ágyban, eper zöldje a hajamban. Kócosan, sötétben, sunyiban, kávé-cigi reggel. Egy gyűrött kék ing a forgatáson. 
Visszanézve, elég vicces, hogy tudtam, hogy miattam volt olyan. Missing powa.
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jzkdlin · 3 years
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@day6kilogram #day6 #데이식스 #sungjin #박성진 #jyp #jypnation #jypentertainment #rememberus #youthpart1 #youthpart2 #myday #kpop #band #love #kpopband #daysix #theday6kilogram #day6kilogram #music #day6sungjin
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kiseujaer · 6 years
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Jae icons
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