#ren is going to be a werewolf btw :)
hannah-fannah9503 · 11 months
working on my aforementioned treebark boarding school au and I'm including an entire section just about Halloween because it's unbearably hot and I hate summer and I desperately desire for it to be fall
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carnivorousvoid · 1 year
Awesome, thank you so much!! May I ask how you two came up with the au? (Idk if this has been asked before or not, but if it has my apologies) the concept is fascinating, and all the plot lines are so good...
So I actually just went digging through Glass and I's dms (rip we missed the one year anniversary of the au...it was 1/23 btw), and it looks like we were bouncing around the idea of just werewolf Ren in general becsuse of some art we saw of a lady and a big wolf. And then we were like "woah....rendoc", and then it just kinda snowballed from there and I did what I do best and sprinkled some angst in there.
As for the plot lines? I'm not gonna lie, it was absolutely just a lot of us going "Wouldn't it be funny/crazy if...[random tiny concept]" that would just take on a life of its own because we are insane.
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an-oc-machine · 2 years
Totally not copying @moonbaycitizens because I saw a friend reblpg their post /sarc
Anyways thanks for the idea! :D
Here’s what my ocs would wear for Halloween!
Vampire universe
Kame - probably a costume based off of a corny ass pun (Ex. A bookworm)
Ritsu - a bat
Adeline - a sexy mouse (mean girls reference, I feel like Adeline would love mean girls)
Niko - a black cat
Fang - a flower
Takagi - a witch
Collapsing Hope
Ren - they wouldn’t dress up, they’d just stay at home
Emily - an Angel
Atticus - magician
Emiko - a pumpkin
Alani - a cat
Akira - some mythical beast you probably haven’t even heard of
Madeline - something to match with Luci
Luci - something to match with Madeline
Haruto - he’d get a mask from spirit Halloween or something and call it good
Daiki - a koala
Mina - she stays at home and studies, she doesn’t dress up for Halloween
Tenko - a vampire
Riley - a basketball player
Soda - a really lazy ghost costume
Leo - too embarrassed to go trick or treating
The webcomic I still don’t have a name for
Penny - a werewolf
Viktor - doesn’t dress up but still likes to go with Penny
Eva - gets a 5$ witch hat from Walmart and says she’s a witch
Kel Kinnie Moment + other ocs that don’t have a universe
Lucy - a glow in the dark skeleton
Kara - a witch
Alex - doesn’t dress up but still goes trick or treating for candy
Camii - a tiger
Chen - a ghost
Diana - a slutty nun
Reagan - he’d make a closet cosplay of prep from boyfriends just to fuck with everyone who compared him to prep
Cameron - one of those inflatable suits that makes it look like an alien is kidnapping you
Kenny - he’s pretty broke so he can’t really do much, he’d probably just make a closet cosplay of Kenny from South Park
Rosa - would pretend to be too good for trick or treating because their parents don’t want them too (Rosa still secretly wants to go really bad)
Marcy - also would wear a costume based on a pun
Ace - bill cipher from gravity falls
Ezra - he wouldn’t even try to put something together 💀he’ll just flip up his hoodie (which has cat ears btw) and just say he is a cat and if anyone argues against it he’ll just meow in return then walk away
Carol May - stays at home and gives everyone candy :D
Kana - a cute bunny
Shinigami project
Toru - mad scientist
Shin - a zombie
Bruno - one of those purge mask mfs
Joanne - a werewolf
Siri - some book character
Once again, thanks @moonbaycitizens for the idea! Byeee!
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pikawarrior · 11 months
also how did you choose your characters' names?
(Saving the other ask for later since itll take awhile to organize and write the answer.)
Btw this is kinda long, naming is complicated for me. Everything is under the cut
Anyways names, I suck at them but I have a basic barely there way I name my characters.
I try to find names that reflect their powers, personality, or story theme but not too much unless the character in canon picked that name themself and would be the type to do that.
I have no examples for the first part of this cuz I have alot characters and can't think of anyone rn.
A great example for the latter half however is Howl, a very unethical science experiment who's basically a werewolf stuck in the middle of a transformation and missing most skin on his face now.... most people wouldn't name their kid Howl but its that not out there that someone would name themself Howl. So Howl get a special bame cuz he gets to name himself as treat for the horrors I put him through.
In addition to that, some characters just give certain vibes or are just born with names without me meaning to do that. Sometimes I look at/think of a character and immediately think of a name for them. Or they give off the vibes of someone who has a name starting with a certain letter.
An example of the first part is my character Elena, took one look at her finished design for a vid and just thought Elena.
Example for the second part is Elena's cousin Mari, she just felt like someone who would have a name that starts with an M and Mari fit her.
And when in doubt I either look at the 176 names I personally go by to pick from, go to the fantasy name generator site, or steal the names of my favorite characters.
Plus in rare cases like either my two Henry stickmin ocs, I steal character names to make a very weird reference. (Their names are Akira and Ren the names of the persona 5 protag, and since my characters are canonical the same person as each other but just dif timelines I decided to slap those names onto them as a weird ref)
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I might've asked this before, but how did you come up with everyone's species/powers??
You have not asked this before and I welcome this question!
Initially, I took a look at what the Hermits say they are/what they look like on the server
So that's how Creeper Hybrid Doc, Attempted Flesh Construct Cleo, and Slime Hybrid Jevin immediately come to mind
Then I looked at popular headcanons in the fandom and went "Okay what does the fanbase like? What do I like that they like?"
Which is how we got people like Parrot/Watcher Grian, Vampire Mumbo, Werewolf Ren, Nature Spirit Gem, and Voidwalkers X & Ex
Then I went in farther and went "Okay what are the vibes that these guys personally give me?"
That's how I ended up with God of Inspiration Joe, Shadow Cryptid Etho, Demon Impulse (this was before there was that huge wave of fans making Impulse a Demon btw), and Siren Hypno.
Keralis has always vibed to me as a human but why have people insist on looking into his eyes all the time? What's so special about that? And I'm always weak for empathic bonds whether temporary or permanent. So that's how that happened.
TFC surprisingly gave me very little trouble when it came to figuring him out. I knew he was the oldest person on the Hermitcraft server and I had heard the now infamous "Philza made Minecraft" joke by this time. So I just patted TFC gently and said "This Minecraft Grandpa can hold so much love inside him!" and made him a God too lol
After that I sort of blended other people's takes with my own for everyone else.
Like I love how people make Tango have Nether Origins, but I see him being made a Blaze so much it's kinda boring to me. But a Magma Cube? Now that's cool!
Or like how after I read a series on AO3 called The Meteor Effect where a magic meteor causes the Hermits to physically change forms/give them powers, I ended up hooked on Phantom Hybrid Bdubs and Dragon Hybrid Wels. So I gave them my own little twists and boop! There ya go!
I had to do a bit of research but I pretty quickly found out ConVex/ConCorp, and all the related Vex shenanigans. But Scar and Cub don't look like Vex all the time, in fact they wear masks to show when they are Vex. So if they aren't Vex completely what are they? Well maybe they're Changelings, half-human and half-fae and they'll become full Vex when they permadie.
Sheep Hybrid Zed is a pretty popular headcanon, but I then went "Huh. What if that's just like... a suit that Zed wears?" And since Zed is one of the crazy redstone guys of the server, I figured making him a Gremlin that powers/controls a robot body would be fun!
Iskall & False were also mostly gathered from fanbase ideas that I then added my own spin on later. Like Iskall being a bit more cybernetic than the fandom usually makes him and False having the Blessing of the Blood God.
You did ask me before about how I came up with Cryptid Beef and here's a bit of extra knowledge to add to that.
So as previously explained, I had already had the idea of Beef eventually transforming into a Cryptid because of his physical changes in S8, but no thoughts on what the end result would look like beyond the Prawn from District 9 which was his original intent.
Then I saw the mantis that Doc made in s8 and my insect loving heart went 😍 AWOOOGAAAA! 😍 over it and I knew what I had to do.
I had to make Beef that Mantis.
But why would he change into a Mantis specifically? Well I already had it that being around Cryptids for too long kinda makes you a bit... not quite human yourself. So obviously Moon Big messed with him and triggered him to change into a Mantis. And that, in combination with me loving alliterative names, made them Moon Mantises.
And yeah that's sort of how my thought processes go
... actually do you want the full list of everyone? May have to censor it slightly for future spoilers but I can share it here if you'd like?
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hummingwillow · 4 years
uhhh i wrote this a bc i thought bout the fact that ren is a werewolf and dream is a shapeshifter (in my aus at least) so ye... have it
btw both ren and dream are in wolf form
doc was getting annoyed at his wolf friend who was pulling on his pants.
“ren, go play with dream. i’m not joining”
why did it have to be a full moon tonight of all nights?
*meanwhile with wolf dream and george*
then jellie walked by and freaked doc out bc hes half creeper.
*doc blew himself up while trying to escape jellie*
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