#rené belongs to twstwhisper
twstchaos · 2 years
What are some mishaps some of your ocs have gotten themselves into during alchemy class?
Mmm, potion mishaps, my favorite genre of twst comedy!!!
During a joint class, Sumana and Bouquette got bumped into and got a transformation potion spilled on to them. What type of transformation potion? A mermaid transformation potion~ And this accident was created solely because I felt wronged that ch3 was not the mermaid adventure I was hoping it would be.
Not technically a potion mishap because it was completely intentional, but Bouquette may have slipped Riddle a personality-changing potion solely because I wanted an excuse to write bad boy Riddle.
And now the problem child Missy. She has not one, but two, potion mishaps. The first being ye olde she becomes a baby, inspired by Mintmoth's doodles of Baby Kalim, and the second being a Freaky Friday situation with @twstwhisper's René. Honestly, there may be many other potion mishaps that happened to her that I may be forgetting.
Thanks for the question!!!
A bit of a drabble I wrote a long time ago~
Missy will always be a dumbass, but this was probably the dumbest thing she did in her whole entire life…and she had done some very dumb things. A handful of the first years were having a joint alchemy remedial lesson, and chaos was bound to happen. First with Epel complaining about his eyes stinging while he chose to wear his safety goggles on his head. Second with Ace and Deuce roughhousing…as per usual. Third with Roche doing Roche things. But, Missy’s dumbassery really did take the cake during this class period though. 
Epel slowly mixed the mysterious and sparkling liquid, squinting as the potion’s fumes continued to burn his eyes. Missy was mesmerized by the changing colors. 
“You ever wonder what this tastes like?” She looked into the cauldron. Her head was scarily close to the bubbling liquid. 
“No, can’t say that I have.” Epel mindlessly stirred the potion, dropping in random ingredients. 
“I wanna just…” Missy’s head inched closer. 
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Sebek yelled, grabbing the back of her collar and yanking her head away from the questionable substance. 
“ACK! Sebek, what was that about?” Missy pouted. 
“Your gremlin is coming out~” Ace teased. 
“You were about to touch the potion, so I stopped you.” Sebek said before focusing back on his potion. 
“I wasn’t gonna do anything stupid.” She most definitely was. “I was just asking if—“ Her face was again just barely hovering above the potion Epel was mixing. “—you ever thought—“ Even closer. “—about tasting it.” Her tongue dipped into the forbidden soup. 
Epel just watched her in shock. 
“Oh my go—what the fuck—AHHHHHH!” He freaked the fuck out, dropping the mixing spoon to pull Missy away from the potion. All eyes were on them as Missy crinkled her nose. 
“Eww. Tastes gross.” And then, she was enveloped in a puff of smoke. 
“MISSY!” Epel screamed, fanning at the smoke to blow it away. In her place sat a toddler…a toddler version of Missy. 
Professor Crewel sighed as he picked up the babified Missy.
“You chaotic pup.” The teacher shook his head. “Mr. Zigvolt, take Ms. Chievous back to Diasomnia.” Without a response, Sebek took Missy from Professor Crewel and left with the babbling child in his arms. 
“The rest of you, I expect you to clean up your equipment quickly and quietly.” The professor turned to Epel. “And you, Mr. Felmier, will assist me as punishment in making the antidote, seeing as you watched as she tasted the potion.” Crewel cracked his crop. 
“Now, you stay put, lil’ Missy, as I make you a snack~” Lilia was taking complete advantage of Missy being turned into a toddler to baby her to his heart’s content. 
Just as Lilia turned his back to cook something horrendous for the little girl, Missy disappeared from her seat, accidentally using her teleportation magic that Lilia himself taught her. 
“I’m baAAAAACK!” Lilia dropped the plate of horrible sludge, searching frantically for the missing baby. 
Missy pattered around the halls of the dorm, coming to rest at the fountain of Scarabia. She crawled upon on the edge, splashing her hand in the cool water. The rippling water mesmerized the little girl as she leaned over and over and over.
Jamil rushed at the sound. 
“Kalim, you better no—“ He gawked, staring at the sight of a small child crying in the fountain. Messy lavender hair? Bright green eyes? Annoying and whiny voice? Yup, this was the gremlin that he had unfortunately grown attached to but as a toddler. 
Jamil sighed, picking her up out of the water. 
“Why is it that whenever there is a problem, you’re at the center of it?” He cradled her in his arms, bringing her back to the dorm proper to dry her off and change her out of the soaked clothes. Jamil sent René a text which was met with no reply.
(May get around to finishing it later)
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