#renjun: can u like marry him so he can come around more often
flutterji · 3 years
anything| renjun ff
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hi! this is my first ff on tumblr so hopefully it all works out well. hope u enjoy!
desc: y/n and renjun have only been friends for about a month, but renjun was in too deep. whipped renjun, gender not specified reader!! semi drabble, high school au (like all my stories hhh), very fluffy ! barely edited, its a bit long too but whatever
word count:  2103
y/n and jisung briskly walked the halls of their oh-so-dreadful high school, talking about, of course, absolute nonsense. ‘i mean, like, salamanders are so cute, right?’ y/n questions the tall boy, and jisung nods enthusiastically. “right! so then why would they eat each other?” jisung added. “as babies, too! it doesn make se-” cut off from their sentence, renjun snaked his arms around the both of them before yelling, “hey guys!” “renjunie!” y/n exclaims, and a wide smile paints renjun’s lips. “whats up shawty?” jisung says before making The Fuckboy Face™. “eh, not much, just absolutely dreading and stressing beyond human compacity about the calc exam tomorrow.” renjun says, pulling his arms away and shoving himself in between the two. “maybe we can study? i- honestly i wont be any help, but i have some pretty cool notes i could share?” y/n proposes. “sure, when?” renjun says, without skipping a beat. jisung looks at the two and then looks away in disgust. “you oldies.” he says, before sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. “whatever, loser!” y/n says, emphasizing the ‘loser’. jisung pretends to cry and is all but payed attention to when renjun bothers y/n for an answer. ‘we cant study if you dont tell me when!” “well if the exam’s tomorrow then obviously we study today! what are you, an idiot?” y/n says, lightly teasing the poor boy. “right, but like, when today?” “you annoy me.” y/n responds without really responding, traveling away to meet their other friend group. “haha, y/n hates you!” jisung says. renjun then nudges jisung not-so-gently before sighing. “i dont get it. i would do anything for them and they just brush me off like im... i dont know, what am i?” he asks, confused. “an idiot. a complete idiot.”
as soon as school ends, renjun sends y/n a text. ‘library?’ is all he says, and y/n answers quickly. ‘get here quickly pls,,, i dont wanna waste time” y/n sends back shortly after. renjun walks to their schools library, and sees his study mate. “hey jun, hurry up before i start growing grey hairs.” y/n whisper yells from one of the tables. he had taken longer than he wanted to, so he rushed to the table and scurried to get out his notebook and a pencil. ‘right, so, show me your notes.” y/n says, half distracted by the drawing they were creating in the corner of a scrap piece of paper. renjun opens his note book, revealing his subpar notes. “dude, what-- how much time do you spend actually taking notes?” y/n asks before revealing their organized notes that definitely weren’t the best, but better than renjun’s. “i look out the window more than i pay attention, ha...” renjun admits with a sheepish smile. “sure, just read my notes and copy whatever you need.” y/n says nonchalantly. “thank you so much, you’re a life saver, y/n!” renjun exclaims. “of course i am, i’m me.” y/n says unexpectedly, before ‘posing’ and rolling their eyes.
after some time had passed, renjun had gotten distracted. “junie, can i tell you something?” y/n asked, looking at renjun’s renovated notes. “sure, whats up?” renjun responds while flipping his pencil between his fingers. “there’s this girl that likes me, but i don’t like her back. it’s kinda so awkward, but i don’t want it to be. ugh, its so frustrating!” y/n whines as they drum their fingers against the table. “oh? who is it? can i know?” renjun immediately asks. “she told me tot to tell anyone. so i’m kinda already not listening, but as long as i don’t tell you her name that should be fine, right?” renjun whines and begins asking more questions. “is she nice? do i know her? when-” “shut up.” y/n cuts him off and runs their temples. “she’s... its not like she’s not nice, and you don’t know her, okay? ugh, i shouldn’t have even tried telling you about my love life.” y/n grumbles. “love life?” renjun asks. “maybe you could repay me by telling me something.” y/n offers, a smirk growing on their face. renjun tries hard not to blush and looks away quickly. “there’s, uh, nothing to talk about, ha.” he explains half heartedly. “sure there is! maybe not recent, but tell me something at least a little interesting.” y/n persuades. “uh, well, last year i made friends with this... person, and i liked them. they, uh, they moved away. yea.” renjun cant help but blush as he struggles to find literally anything else to do. “yea, sure.” y/n takes note of his blush and can’t help but wonder if he’s lying. 
y/n begins packing up and renjun looks at them in confusion. “you have to go?” he asks, trying to hide his disappointment. “yea, im sorry. you got everything you needed, right?” y/n responds. y/n has a knack for ignoring renjun, the way he blushes, the way he often looks at them with wide eyes, the way he looks around aimlessly when he thinks, the way he throws his head back when he laughs, the way he bends his knees when he screams into the air when he’s frustrated or flustered, and... maybe they didn’t ignore renjun. maybe they didnt ignore him at all. “yea, thank you so much!” and he smiles the cutest smile and starts packing up his things as well. “you have a ride home? i’m taking the bus.” y/n asks. “i’m taking the bus too! maybe we should get a snack for the ride?” “YES.” y/n answers right away. renjun laughs and throws back his head, just like how y/n was just thinking about. a small smile creeps up y/n’s face and a boldness takes over. “you’re adorable, you know that?” y/n asks, swinging their backpack over their shoulder. renjun blushes, and hard. his heart races and he struggles to come up with a reply as his hand thoughtlessly covers his smile. “adorable, ha.” he says quietly. y/n internally yells and waits for him. “yea. so what type of snack do you want?”
on the bus with chip bags on their laps, the silence is almost comforting, right before it’s not. the bus stops to let in more people, and renjun looks at y/n. y/n pops more chips in their mouth before looking back, and renjun swiftly looks away. they’re sitting next to each other, and renjun has never been that close to y/n. he starts noticing their more delicate features up close and feels his chest tightening. after y/n swallows the chips, they look at renjun’s hand, a single ring on his pointer finger. mindlessly, they pick it up to examine the ring. renjun’s heart starts beating louder at the contact, and he looks out the window without knowing what else to do. “pretty ring.” y/n says. “thank you, chenle gave it to me.” he says, smiling shyly. “so you’re married?” y/n says, a single brow raised. renjun takes back his hand and and looks at his ring. “its not like that! besides, i dont like him.” he says. “do you like someone else then?” “maybe.” renjun mutters so quietly that he can barely hear himself. “HA! I KNEW IT!”  y/n celebrates their small victory and renjun looks back towards the window with a stupid smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.
once renjun reaches his stop, he stands up. “this you?” y/n asks. “yea, bye!” he says, almost sadly walking in front of y/n to get out of the aisle. “no, not bye, lemme walk with you the rest of the way.” y/n says and gets up, walking out and away from the bus shortly after. renjun smiles to himself and walks towards his street, leading the way. “so... who is it?” y/n asks. renjun blushes and covers his face. “i can’t tell you that!” he says. “why not? huh? i’ll tell you mine.” y/n says. “yoU HAVE A CRUSH?” renjun practically screams. “yea, it’s not a big deal.” y/n says, right before pulling two lollipops out of their pocket and handing one to renjun. “fine, but, please don’t hate me.” renjun pleads, putting the wrapper into his pocket. “i promise i wont hate you. who is it?” “well, we only started being friends recently, but they’re just so.. i don’t know. and i’ve told jisung this, but i would do anything for them.” he says, trying hard not to stutter and even harder to not get a heart attack. y/n puts the lollipop in their mouth, and renjun follows. “anything?” y/n asks playfully. “yea, pretty much. i don’t even know why i like them so much, they act like... i don’t know, they kind of ignore me.” y/n secretly wondered what type of human would be able to ignore someone as nice and as attractive as renjun. “ignore you? it’s hard to do that with how whiny you are.” y/n laughs and renjun whines. “see, i told you!” y/n says and smiles around their lollipop. “anyways, do i know them?” y/n asks shortly after. “yea, kinda... hah, all of a sudden i dont really wanna talk about it anymore, so, bye?” renjun forces his hands into his pockets. was he really ready to confess? “fine, i’ll tell you about mine then. he’s really charming in his own way, and i just realized that i liked him recently. we also haven’t been friends for long, ha. i don’t know why, there’s just something about him, his cute little habits are so endearing to me. ew, i sound gross.” y/n pretends to vomit, and renjun sighs lowly. “you really do like him, huh?” he asks, defeated. “yea, i guess i really do.”  y/n smiles to themselves and nudges renjun.
renjun kicks at a rock before stopping in front of a house. “well, this is my house, so...” “right.” y/n nods and presses their lips together. “hey, could you do me a favor?” y/n asks, right before renjun goes to walk up to the door. “sure, anything you want?” “anything?” y/n asks with a smile on their face. renjun lightly blushes, before saying quietly, “yea, anything.” he sends a small smile and y/n can’t help but walk closer to the boy. renjun’s heart starts pounding inside his chest. did he just confess?   y/n reaches out to him and gives him a hug. renjun frantically tries placing his hands on y/n’s back multiple times before finally resting them in one spot, placing his head in the crook of their neck. to him, it felt like they fit together perfectly. a giant smile paints his lips and y/n starts retracting their arms. ‘it’s you, renjun.” y/n faulters with their words. renjun’s eyes go wide and his lips part to let in air. he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “me. i am? it’s… what? he says, absolutely speechless. “you’re the guy i was talking about earlier. not that it matters.” y/n shrugs, trying to hide the fact that their heart was absolutely racing. “it does, uh, to me, because, you’re the person i was talking about earlier too, so…” he hides his face with his hand and looks away. ‘you think i ignore you?’ y/n says, surprised. ‘uh, a little bit…” he admits, shyly. he felt like he was going to explode, he was so flustered. “sorry, i’ll try to pay more attention to you?” y/n offers, paired with a crooked smile. renjun bends his knees and screams into the air, making y/n smile and laugh shortly after. “sorry, and, yea, that would be nice.” y/n hesitates before stepping forward and planting a quick kiss on renjun’s cheek, sending the poor love-struck boy’s heart to heaven and hell at the same time. a wide goofy smile is shared between the both of them. “ill text you?” y/n offers, hands trying to find a place to stop before finally landing in their pockets. “yes, great! i mean, uh, cool. very cool.” renjuns fails to hide his excitement as he practically floats on air and lets out a sigh, shooting y/n a thumbs up. “very cool, yes.” y/n laughs and finally leaves the boy to go inside, and he automatically starts jumping in a circle and clapping out of happiness.
the end! 
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rebelliouslala · 5 years
Oddity in the Universe (Renjun soulmate au, college au, Mark Lee best friend, fluff! ~8.8k words -some language-)
pls feel free to give me feedback!! thank u and I hope u enjoy :))
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Your parents always told you about the cute stories they had when they met their soulmates. How your dad met Uncle Eric before your mom, with a string tied on his left thumb at a college party. Your mom met her soulmate, and she saw color for the first time. You never met him though, but he was amazing. At least that’s what Mom said. Life couldn’t get better. You were taught as a child all kinds of connections one could have to their soulmate; that you had someone to spend the rest of your life with. The thought of it of course drove you mad. Someone to love? Someone to laugh with? Someone to be happy with? The thought of a real soulmate was strong and true. Your best friend, Connie has a tattoo of their first words on it. As a child you would make fun of it.
“Haha, it’s ‘fuck you!’” You tease, poking at it with a finger. “W-Well. . .” Connie would start, but her tongue would twist. She never had the comeback ready for you. Your little brother, Simon has a silver necklace, half of a heart. Once you hid it, and he freaked the hell out, begging your dad what happened to his “Soul Heart” necklace. In middle school, you asked your teachers more about soulmates. After all, it’s such an interesting topic, just to even have in your world. You mainly asked your history teachers, they knew the most about soulmates besides your parents.
“What’s your hint?” They would ask, expecting some sort of trinket, or power to reveal itself. “I was wondering if you would know,” you would ask shyly. No answer. Even the doctors couldn’t pin it down. No tattoos. No words. Nothing. Most of your days you heard new reports on new soulmate connections, so you had hope. But with each year, each new way, you felt more hopeless. How long would it take for them to find you and make you happy?
Lee Mark, your best friend since you were four, well his soul connection is unique. If you touched his bare skin, he bruised, so he was waiting for his soulmate to touch him and not be hurt. You often give him bruises on his butt, and he would jump back and cuss you out. He still would let you hug him, especially on the days where you felt like crying and screaming at the universe for an answer. Even when you wanted to date, or try to see who it was, they had their own connection. Everyone was waiting for their own soulmate. “And it’s like. . .” You sigh, exhaling out, holding Mark even closer. He only let out a quiet hiss, but he stayed still, letting you bruise him. “No one wants me. I’m just waiting, and no one knows.” Mark shrugs and plays with your hair. “The universe will figure it out for you. Maybe it’s new?”
“That’s what everyone says,” you mutter, and you feel your tears prick as you hold him with a loosened grip, knowing you’re hurting him. Just as much as the universe is hurting you.
“Do you think I’ll ever find them?”
Mark holds your face and sighs, “Don’t worry. The universe will make you happy. No one in the history of Earth has never had a soulmate. Well, except God but you know.” You laugh gently and you wipe your own tears.
“Do you realize that you’re so lucky? My soul connection is through pain. You. . .all you have to do is search. We’re going to college soon. You’ll find them there, we will even fly around the world if we have to.” You hug him again, and he hugs back.
“Pinky. Now get up, your mom is making me some ice cream.” You laugh and follow your best friend off the roof, and back into your bedroom window. You pause however, and look at the stars above. This night is so pretty. The stars glimmer just like the butterflies in your own stomach. You close them, and open them just in time for a shooting star.
“I-I wish. . .” You mutter quietly, holding your hands tight. “I wish I could meet them. . .Please.” You jump off the roof with a quiet, but almost relieved sigh after your quiet prayer, and the stars twinkle even brighter after.
“BRING ME BACK A STUFFED ANIMAL!” Your little brother, Simon hugs you tightly.
“Maybe, if you’re good for Mom and Dad. I’ll see you during Christmas okay? I’ll call Santa too to see if you’re good.” Your mom hugs you tightly, smiling and sniffling as she wears mismatched colored clothes. “Good luck on your journey.”
You laugh and you hug her tighter, “It’s college.”
“It’s where you’ll meet your soulmate, Y/N! I know it, now go with Mark, he’ll protect you.” Your cheeks flush, mainly from embarrassment. Anyone who even hung out with Mark for a second knew he couldn’t even save himself. Because that was Connie’s job. But not only for that reason did you get fidgety. It was because your mother could be right.
“I can do it myself. I love you Mom, and I’ll see you.” Mark honks, mouthing at you to hurry your ass up. You roll your eyes, and quickly kiss your mom and brother goodbye before running to Mark’s car. Connie giggles softly and looks at Mark, as he revs the engine. “Finally, bye Mrs. L/N!” You roll your eyes, “Drive.”
Mark pulls out of your driveway, moving out of the street, then out of the neighborhood, where the small red house fades into a small dot. You gulp the feeling down, holding yourself.
“So what’s Korea like?” Connie looks at the book she purchased, a Korean translation book. Mark shrugs, and scratches his head, “I mean, it’s cool. Just follow my lead.”
He turns on the radio as Connie leans back in her chair, “We have kind of different rules. Like respecting elders, uh. . .” He scrunches his nose up in thought before shrugging again. “That’s all I can remember, but I also know the language better than any of you guys. . .so just lemme be your tour guide.” Connie nods and she looks back at you, “Whatever, Lee.” It’s a strange distance from the window to your family saying goodbye. It felt too long, too real to say goodbye. You hold your hands again closely, looking down.
You turn and you’re already at the airport. You felt lightheaded just at the short passage of time, looking around. The drive from your small town in Canada to the airport in Toronto made you almost dizzy. “You alright?” Mark holds your shoulder. You nod slowly, blinking. The three of you all wait in your airport gate after a half an hour of just waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting in line. Your thumb is on your right hand, circling the back of it. The sunset outside is beautiful, and you lean back, watching it, admiring it. The sky mixes, slow like time, into the colors you once wore as a child. Orange, pink, yellow, a light red. How it easily slips from one spot to another, fading into the other like a puzzle piece. It is pure perfection made by the universe.
“It’s so pretty,” you murmur, your body instinctively moving to the windows. Just watching how the sun hid behind the far off hills, where your little town was. You feel your heart begin to ache. Before any tears, or any regretting thoughts could come into your mind, your friends grab you. “Y/N they just called us!” Connie pulls you back to the gate. Mark whispers in your ear, and you could hear the pout in his voice, even when you can’t see him. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, let’s just go,” you exhale, and you grab your black suitcase, when someone else grabs your hand on top of yours. The birthmark on their right hand, a dull gray color, pops into a new color. The sunset pink, just like outside the windows, the pretty sky. Their pinky brushes on the same birthmark on your right hand as well. The colors change as well, into a bright but relaxing tree leaf green, vibrating into a pretty dark green. The feeling in your stomach drops. There's a chill down your spine and your cheeks flush. Your whole body explodes with warmth like a hug. You freeze, your breath stuck in your own throat. It’s impossible. A new connection? But your whole body bounces back in excitement, and you step back in surprise and you meet the eyes of the person.
His eyes are a dark honey color, it’s almost enriching how sweet they look at you. Everything else on his face is hidden by a black face mask. Your fingers feel heavy, aching to just push the mask down so you see the rest of his face. There’s a quiet silence around you, and you can barely think. That feeling lingers in your body, every atom inside you. He created that. That feeling. The ripple in your skin. The fireworks in your heart. The explosion in your mind. The shaking of your stomach. It’s so loud, but it feels so right. His hand is soft, and warm. Canada is usually cold this time of year, but how he made you feel safe, like you’re on a vacation island, bathing in a warm summer sun. You reach out for him again, after for what felt like days. Both of you touch each other’s hands, and close your eyes. The feeling makes you laugh quietly, and tears form in your eyes. It’s him. Your soulmate, the person you spend the rest of your life with. Would you marry him? Date him? Or just laugh and spend every night cuddling? You didn’t care honestly. Anything sounded good, sounded like a dream come true.
He finally speaks. His eyes are open and he looks down at you. You didn’t even note how he is the perfect height for you to hug and kiss his chin. If he wanted that, of course. You open your mouth and murmur, “I-I don’t. . .uh. . .I don’t speak that language.” Another young man behind your soulmate grabs him, whispering in his ear. The man sighs, speaking back to him. The sweet look in his eyes dissipates, and you look down uncomfortably. The feeling fades. As much as you want to continue this, this feeling of just home. Of acceptance, you forgot where you are. He’s traveling, probably not even to the same place you are. You’re going to college. The universe had only wanted you to feel this for a moment, you assume. He hands you a piece of paper. It’s folded in half, in near perfection. Before you can even open it, he whispers something in your ear. He gives you a wave, going off to his airplane gate shouting something in his language. But you understood. Somehow you did. “I’ll see you soon, my love.”
According to the piece of paper, his name is Huang Renjun. It has his number, written quick and fast. There’s a small bit at the bottom, a green heart. “So. . .Renjun huh?” Mark says, punching your side. “He’s your soulmate~,” Connie claps her hands, smiling to herself as she puts her luggage above her, people behind her grumbling. “What is he like? Did you guys say anything?”
“They were staring. Fucking cowards.” Mark laughs at you. “I thought you guys would at least exchange names. Pleasantries. Your soulmate story SUCKS so far, Y/N.” You’re already sitting down, not listening to your friend’s remarks. Huang Renjun. He’s perfect, as far as you know. But what did you know? All you know is that feeling when he touches your birthmark. The thought passes through, that maybe he feels the same way. That feeling, that sweet touch to the heart, like hot chocolate down your throat on a cold winter evening- or to contrast, a nice refreshing, cold event, drink on a hot, late summer noon. All you really know is how he makes you feel. You hug your own body as Mark moves to the window seat, and you smack his ass. “What the hell—? Hey! Now it’s going to hurt!”
“That’s what you get for calling my soulmate and I stupid,” you sigh, and he sits down. “I never said you guys are stupid, I mean like you guys never know said anything.” You shrug and purse your lips quietly. “I kind of wanted to kiss him.”
“PREMARITAL KISSING? Y/N WHAT WOULD YOUR PARENTS THINK?” Connie gasps as she sits between you two. Some people shush Connie, and she flips them off. “Well, isn’t there a myth about like, connection signs? If it’s platonic or romantic?” Mark gasps and his face twists to that dumb smile. “Dude~, gimme your hand!” Connie and Mark lean over your hand. “It’s the color from the sunset!” Connie whispers to herself. “Oh no,” Mark frowns. “This could mean it just shows what he saw, Con,” She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. It could just mean that’s the first thing he saw, AND felt. What did his hand change into, Y/N?” You give a soft shrug. “Green. Like a bright one. And he did talk to me, he called me ‘love.’” Your friends give you a look, smiling devilishly. “No,” you groan, turning around, your back facing them. “Yes~,” Mark sings as he pokes you. “Your soulmate and you are going to have soulmate babies~,” You cover your face, shaking it. “I-I probably won’t ever see him again. And those are just myths. Let’s go to sleep, I’ll try to text him once we get off the plane.”
“But I wanna—!” Mark whines, and you hit his hair like a feather floating down. “Sleep!” You command, and your friends grumble, as Connie snuggles up near you, and Mark leans on the window. You barely notice how nice your dream was when you wake up in the morning. You gag out, starting to choke out a napkin, drowned in your drool. Connie is up, reading a book and yawning to herself. “Morning, sleepyhead.” Mark is wearing an eye mask and ear plugs, and you frown, rubbing your eyes as you mumble quietly, “He never wears those. . .”
“Yeah well you were repeating your soulmate’s name a lot last night. I put a napkin in your mouth to shut your ass up.” You rub your eyes more, shrugging it off. “I-I’m going to sleep more.”
“We have two more hours on this stupid airplane and then it’s college.” Connie says to herself. “Please don’t wake up Mark.” You roll your eyes, turning over and falling back asleep. The dream this time is blurry, his eyes covered by blonde pieces of hair. You didn’t even notice how his hair looked when you first saw him. What is he wearing? What was his outfit? Why can’t you hear his voice? You sit up immediately at the voice of Mark groaning loudly. “Y/N. GET. YOUR. ASS. UP. WE. LANDED.” After scrambling your large suitcase down and your small yellow backpack, you run out of the gate. You text your parents that you’ve arrived in Korea. Before you can make a new contact for your newly founded soulmate, you move through the crowds and lines again. Mark is in front of you and Connie, spitting out enough Korean to pass you all to where you can pick up the rest of your luggage. You groan, your legs knocking together the second you fall on the seats at the baggage area, finishing with a quiet breath of relief. It had been an hour and a half of trying to pass through immigration and customs, but luckily Mark and other attendants had helped you. You rub your eyes softly, and yawn. How you wish and yearn for your soulmate, or even your stupid little brother to hug you. This whole process of moving to Korea still stresses you out. It had been a year of applying of Korean colleges, applying to live in Korea, working long hours to pay for this. But now you’re here. Just a little more and you would be sleeping in your dorm. Connie rubs your back, and Mark grabs all of your luggage, grunting as a few of Connie’s makeup bags fall out of his hands. “Can you guys hail down a taxi to the college? It should take a whistle or so.”
You wave Connie off, mumbling that you got it covered, letting her hold your things as you walk outside to where all of the taxis are, and where drivers pick up others. It’s like an endless field of yellow cabbies, large black vans with the thunder and bass of people talking. You wave down a cab after what feels like days of just passing through people to get near the street. The cab drives off with a customer already inside. The next cab takes the person behind you. After a few minutes of failure, you flag down an empty cab. A sigh of relief pours out, and you stretch happily. You just wanted to get into a bed and nap all of this bullshit off. A large black taxi pulls up, and a man in a black face mask gets in. You frown, trying to talk to the man, falling on deaf ears. The driver turns back and speaks to the man. You nod your head in thanks to the driver. The man, after a second of grumbling, gets out. He quietly scoffs, pushing his blonde hair back as he looks at you, but you both freeze. It’s only for a scene, it’s only for a second. But the feeling before rushes back like a flood, and that dumb smile appears on your face.
“Renjun?!” He nods, laughing to himself as you smile to yourself as well, chuckling. You wrap your arms around his waist the moment you both lean in, hugging tightly. Your hands clasp together, locking him in. His arms around the middle of your back, stroking lightly with his thumb, you laugh softly to mask your teary eyes. Your heart melts just at how warm he is, how he is just at how nice he felt. Just at how comfortable this truly is. Fate didn’t let you two apart, and you held him closer. He’s here. Your soulmate and you are here together, a small tear creeps down your face. Years of hope, of praying, of wishing for love and companionship is here, in your very arms. You didn’t want to let go. Renjun chuckles to himself, and he gently strokes your hair. His voice is so soothing as he speaks in Korean; You pout to yourself, opening your mouth to say quietly that you can't understand again.
But you stay quiet. The words flow through your mind slower now. You hold him closer with each word, a smile spreading on your face. “. . .it must’ve been a long flight. You look so pretty today—well, this morning. Heh, how long was it to get through customs?” You look in his eyes, your smile growing wider. “I-I can understand you!” Your feet start to bounce on their own, and your teeth show as you laugh. Renjun looks down at you, confusion dancing in his eyes. “What?”
“I didn’t know what you were saying!” He pauses, his eyebrows furrowing. “What do you mean?”
“You were speaking Korean at the gate, I didn’t understand; what you were saying.” Renjun snickers, his eyes glowing before he starts to laugh, “Wait—, you don’t know Korean?” You pout gently, “No,”
“And you’re here? In Korea? Aww,” Renjun chuckles, his hand on your cheek. “You have to learn how to learn multiple languages, like me!” You roll your eyes, trying to stifle your laughter. He really is perfect. But maybe not that perfect. With a smirk, you touch his birthmark. He gives a small shriek, his eyes fluttering. You laugh at his reaction, going only closer to him. “Ah, I kind of hate it when you do that.” Renjun grumbles. “Why? I love it. I’ve always wanted to know my soulmate connection.” You say, letting his hands go between your arms and holding you close, like a teddy bear. “Mm, I never really,” Renjun hesitates, his chin on your shoulder, leaning down to reach it. “I never really cared for soulmates. But—,”
“Y/N L/N SWEAR ON THE UNIVERSE GET YOUR ASS HERE!” Connie yells at you, holding four of your bags. Shit. You look behind you, not even thinking as you kiss Renjun’s face mask, where his cheek is. “I’m sorry, I have to go; can we go on a date near Incheon Uni? I’ll be around there, text me!” You run back, and Renjun is frozen, his eyes wide like saucers. Not even thinking twice you grab yourself bags, stuffing them into the truck. “Were you making out with him?” Mark grumbles, sitting in the back seat. “No,” you get in, looking back at Renjun, who waves hysterically, some other men standing next to him. “Fuck! Dammit Mark,” Connie gives him some money and she gets in, with the taxi driving away. Your entire body wants to burst. You want to run back to him. But you wave back, giggling quietly. You immediately get out your phone as Mark talks to the driver. “So~?” Connie nudges you. You type Renjun a text message of the nearest cafe near your college, for a “soul-date.” You look up, tucking a bit of hair behind your ear, “Huh?”
“Oh my god what did you say?” Connie gasps, taking the phone away from you. You whine as you try to reach over, Mark shushing you both. “Shut the hell up or I’ll have this driver turn his ass around!” Connie scoffs as she changes your text, “What in the hell is a ‘soul-date,’ Y/N?” She mutters. “It’s a date. . .but for soulmates. . .” You say to yourself. “Jesus Christ don’t say that.” Mark sits back, rubbing his temples. You cross your arms, “But come on! He’s my soulmate! Who cares?” Mark leans over and gasps. “You invited him to our college? What if he’s like 30?”
“He looks kind of young.”
“You’ve only seen his fucking eyeballs, Y/N.” Connie laughs.
You grab your phone back, looking down at it and holding it close, “I’ll just send it, and we’ll see what happens.” You read over your text, “Hey Renjun, this is Y/N, as you probably know. I have a location for a soul-date :), interested?” You shrug, not even trying or wanting to overthink it, pressing send. Mark takes your phone away and puts it in the back of the taxi, where your luggage is. “Hey—!” You lean back, pouting and cursing his name. “Relax. We’ll get it. Now, look around you. I told you we were going to find your soulmate, and you did.” Mark pinches your nose with care, his fingertips only applying little pressure. Connie points to the pretty, shining sea. The high, late morning sun paints it a dazzling bright blue. The driver, at request of Mark, plays the radio, and it blasts a new Korean girl group song. Connie gasps and starts to dance and sing along, incorrectly pronouncing the words. Mark yells at her, smacking her head and helping her pronounce it. You go along, trying to learn with Connie. “Jesus no—Connie that’s how you saw it. You’re saying it like urine.”
“I DON’T KNOW KOREAN!” She screams back.
“BUT YOU CAN READ IT?” Mark yells back. You giggle, looking back and forth between them. “SHUT UP Y/N!” Connie yells at you both, making you only laugh louder. The driver turns up the volume, as you start to pronounce the words, trying to rap with the next verse. Mark laughs at you, rapping along with ease, flipping you all off. Connie leans forward to bend his finger back, sticking her tongue out. After a good ten minutes of you trying to learn, Connie cussing out Mark and him trying to shake her off, you arrive at Incheon University. The entire campus is split in half by the pretty, but small parks in the middle, and you can still see the ocean next to the campus. Near the left of you was a tall and dark tower that looked like an hourglass. Your heart sinks just realizing about the responsibilities you have to go through. Learning more Korean, figuring out a schedule, classes, studying. You touch your birthmark, sitting up. You have your soulmate on your side. No matter what, he’ll be there, even in spirit. From your hand outward, it sends chills and you widen your eyes. The feeling repeats twice, and you smile to yourself. Renjun really is perfect. The driver pulls up to the dorm rooms, as Mark instructs him. Mark pays him, speaks to him, ending with a chuckle and a gracious thank you. Connie gets out, and you get out with a nod to the driver, and you grab your bags and luggage.
“Oh shit, my phone!” You realize and grab it.
“A soul-date? Whatever you say, love, how about tonight?” Renjun texted back, and your stomach does a couple of cartwheels. With a soft squeal, you close your eyes and bounce. Dragging your things inside your dorm was a pain. Mark helped you as much as he could, starting off with a couple of boxes, but Connie and you -luckily you both are roommates- had everything handled. Your black, sleek desk the university offered is covered in drawings you made, and some art supplies in the drawers. The mirror is pictures of Mark, Connie, your family, your dumb brother, which hangs besides your bed. The bed is pushed close to the back wall, meaning one wrong turn over and you could fall off, but you could also charge your phone easily. The closet is now hung with hoodies and jackets, shoes at the bottom of the closet, along with a box of your most treasured items in life. You lay on your freshly made bed, finally finished in the evening.
“Fuck~!” You groan. “Shut up and go text your soulmate. I’m looking on SoulConnects to see if anyone has the other half of my tattoo.” You quickly lean over, towards the wall, on your charging phone. Picking it up, you see Renjun has texted you twice.
4 hours ago.
“SHIT!” You scream and sit up, unplugging your phone and reading his messages.
“So, we’re meeting up tonight, right?” A half an hour later he texted you again. “What time, love?” Your fingers smash the keyboard as you curse at yourself. Why in the everloving hell would you do this? You’re in college! This is going to prepare you for your whole life! Shaking your head, almost like a dog shaking off disturbing water on its body, you text back, “Sorry! I just moved into my apartment—,” You pause. Should you lie? He’s your soulmate. Your eyes close as you breathe to calm yourself down. “Sorry, I just moved into my dorm. You can name the time, and I’ll meet you at that coffee shop?” Sent. You get up, going to your closet, looking at it. You sigh, looking through outfits. You’ve seen your soulmate in only leggings and hoodies. Sure that’s a chill, laidback outfit, but you scratch your arm in worry. Your hand hovers over a shirt, eyeing another skirt. He’s your soulmate. He wouldn’t care if you wore weird socks to your wedding— “Hey.” You scream, hiding in the small empty corner in your closet. Connie chews on chips, looking around. “You looked weird just standing there. What’s going on?” You stand back up, patting down the bits of dust bunnies. “Oh, I-I uh, Renjun and I just planned our date.” She continues to crunch, and looks around, before meeting your eyes. “Don’t wear the skirt, it’s overkill. A cute top and jeans, hair in a high ponytail.”
“How did you—?” You start to ask, widening your eyes. “Because I was behind you when you were thinking, like an idiot. Wear a warm jacket, a jean jacket will do.”
“Not a Canadian suit,” you groan. “Hey, it’s a good outfit!” Connie shoots back, going back to her side of the dorm, “Tell me when you’re leaving so I can distract Mark.” Your phone buzzes, and you grab your phone just in time for Renjun’s message. “A half an hour, I’m near there already, but I’ll give you time to walk over from the dorms.” Your fingers start to type back before a new message pops up. “Or I can pick you up?” Your heart skips a beat, your face flushing. How could he do this so easily? It’s almost effortless. “Sounds great, I’m at 323. See you.”
“See you soon, my love.”
The nickname, that little name of affection makes your heart flutter. Immediately you grab a dark pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Your finger hesitates over the jean jacket. He already knows you’re Canadian. You grab your favorite black puffy jacket, putting it on along with your other clothes. “SO?!” Connie yells at you, scrolling on her phone. You close the closet door, yelling at her back, “IT’S A DATE!”
“Thank God,” you hear your friend mumble to herself. After a good minute, you walk out of your closet, with the new outfit on. Connie walks around you, inspecting your outfit. “Hmm. What kind of bra?” You wrap your arms over your chest. “What?!”
“I don’t know. Is it lace or a pick up?”
“Jesus— get out, I’m going to do my hair.” You grumble, pushing past your best friend, red painted on your cheeks. You grab your own hair into one hand, drawing your hair up into it with the other hand. Connie sits on her bed, watching you, trailing her tattoo gently as she hums. “You look nice, wear some nice white shoes. It would go along perfectly.” You roll your eyes, but look at the white shoes. You hate it when she’s right. Putting them on, you go to your small bathroom you both share, standing back from the sink and looking at your whole body. “YOU LOOK GREAT, SWEETIE!” Connie yells, back to scrolling on her phone. “THANK YOU!” You giggle to yourself, and there’s a knock on the door. Damn, time did fly by. You run out to open the door, but Connie is already there. His voice sends chills down your spine. He’s here. “Hello, does uh, Y/N live here?” You giggle quietly at him mispronouncing your name. “I don’t uh, speak that.” Connie says quietly, for the first time in a while, she herself is speechless. You peek out, a stray hair falling over your eye. Renjun stands there, brushing his hair back in anxiety, and his eyes slowly trace the room, before he meets yours. His mouth curls up, and he gives a little wave. “Hey, beautiful.”
You and Renjun walk down the stairs to go outside, the sun ready to set. The end of his nose is flat but the structure is pointed out. You note to yourself, if this relationship pushes to romantic levels or affectionate levels, to kiss it as much as you can. His lips are perfectly thin, and his skin is clear. It’s so relaxing to see his whole face, besides it being hidden. Renjun hums to himself happily, softly bopping his head with a smile. You can’t shake off that awkward feeling. You want to say something, besides the weather. All of those questions you wanted to ask earlier just disappeared. Why? You should be jazzed—, no. So happy that he’s here.
“What’s your major here?” He asks, looking at you. You look up at him to respond, before your foot misses a step, and gravity decides to mess you up. Renjun easily grabs your arm with kindness, stepping down the two steps to flat ground, and catching you. Renjun laughs softly to your shaken state, he helps you stand back up. “Glad to know you’re clumsy,” You thank him quietly, your cheeks pink before you shake your head with confusion. “Wait what?” Renjun smiles at you, his eyes moving away at the last word, “So I can continue to catch my clumsy soulmate.” Both of you continue to walk, and you’re speechless. Did he just fucking use a pick up line on you? Your cheeks heat up and you continue to look down. Today is just a whirl of emotions, and it’s all because of him. “I, uh, I’m majoring in Art.” You say finally, going to open the door to outside, but he opens it for you, smiling at you. “Art? That’s amazing! What do you draw?” You shrug, going through the threshold, clearing your throat. Why were you so nervous? So anxious? “Uh, I mean. . .” trying to take a deep breath, he looks at you, frowning gently as he slowly touches your hand. “What’s wrong?” He says gently, his voice as sweet as cotton candy. You close your eyes, and just his touch, his fingertips on the back of your hand, relieves you. You slowly hold his hand back, and let out that breath you’ve been holding, “Mmm, I’m nervous. I’ve always wanted a soulmate. I just feel like I don’t know you well.” Renjun looks at the sky, the sun going down, and the sky turns into a beautiful painting. “Well, it’s okay, I would love to see your art, and I can show you my own, too.” You shake your head, as you both walk, and you grip his hand a little tighter, “I mean, like your favorite stuff. The basics.”
“Is this 21 questions?” He laughs, and he lets you hold onto one of his fingers. You both slow your pace, and he thinks, looking at the sky with a smile, “I’m 19 years old, almost 20. I was born in Jilin, China. I know English, Korean and Chinese. I’m majoring in Vocals, since I sing. I love hot pot—,”
“What’s your favorite color?” You burst out finally. He pauses, his eyes going to you. Renjun touches your hand, your birthmark. You cling onto him, the feeling of an explosion rippling your entire body system. Closing your eyes, you hear his voice, and you already know he’s smiling, “Mm. . .that.” You open your eyes, and look down. It’s the color of the sunset; not this one though, but that mixture of pink and yellow at the airport. When you first met him. When you first made contact. Your heart skips a beat, and you look up, shyly and slowly. “I don’t have a favorite color,” Renjun says, his hand on your cheek gently. His breath is soft, his eyes looking directly in yours. Your own breath collapses, and it’s shaky, trying to match his own as yours and his face are so close together, that only one of you would only need to lean forward to kiss. “But I do know, those colors of the sunset when I first saw you, is my favorite, ever.”
The next few minutes are silent. You’re speechless. That had to be the most romantic thing you’ve ever encountered. You’re falling so quickly and it’s only been a day since you’ve known this man. What the hell are you doing? This is the most perfect man, flirting with you. AND -Connie’s own voice gets in your head,- HE’S YOUR SOULMATE. By the time you both arrive at the cafe, you have gathered all of your courage. All of your love that you’ve been waiting to use, all of your confidence. You’re going to flirt back. You stand up straighter, trying to gain posture, and breathe. You push your hair back, before frowning and just letting it down instead. You lean on one side of your body, trying to use open language. The cafe is painted a nice rustic brown, the wooden floors creaking as you both wait in line. The cafe is filled with a lot of couples, making you even more confident. All you have to look is at him and the floor. Renjun holds your hand, looking up at the board, vines traced around it, he continues to hum to himself. “So, what would you like?” You clear your throat, “Oh, well is there any boba, d-dear?” What the fuck. You close your eyes and take another quick breath. “Yeah, matcha, taro, rose tea, some nice coffee brews—,” he starts, holding you close. You lay your head on his shoulder, holding his hand closer to your side, and you say in an innocent yet teasing tone, “That sounds so sweet, almost as sweet as you~,” He pauses, and you watch his cheeks begin to turn pink. Was it steady done? Would you already have won? Renjun grumbles, “Trying to best me at my own game, Y/N?” He looks at the menu, his mouth turning into an unreadable expression. You roll on your heels and toes, going back and forth, shrugging. “I mean, depends.” Just a little more; hopefully. Renjun leans down, to your ear, and lightly presses on it, kissing it gently. You gasp quietly, holding his hand even tighter. “Then let’s play, love.”
You sip your boba, kicking your feet in the air. You sit at the windows on a high bar, watching the sun set, and the cafe is dispersing. It’s only you, Renjun and a few other workers. Your confidence has definitely boosted. “What’s your schedule?” He asks, sipping his own tea. “Dunno yet,” you say, leaning on his shoulder, watching the sky get darker. “Okay, so tomorrow you’re free. I only have one class, since most of the professors are off on vacation. Sleep in, I’ll pick you up and we can have another date.”
“And then we can play the game again?” You ask, feeling smaller just saying it. But you liked it, because Renjun wouldn’t mind. “Yeah, and whoever loses, buys the other person dinner. Of their choice!” He smiles wide and leans in, you hold your breath. You can see every detail of his face, the small scars on his cheek, his small freckle under his jaw, how even his features are. He looks like a god. “Does that sound good, my love?” Your breath gets stuck again in your throat, and you choke out quietly, “Yep,” Renjun pulls away with a laugh, leaving you a flustered mess, painted a light strawberry pink. “Wow, I guess I’ll win easily then, huh?” You pout, rubbing your arm and looking away. The thought of him flirting and being affectionate makes your heart pound. You wonder if he can hear it. Or if he can tell you’ve already fallen. His hand goes for yours, slowly you both embrace each other’s fingers. He hums sweetly, looking at you, “If I lose, what’s your favorite food?” You look at him, and give a gentle shrug, still blushing from his act, “Well, I don’t know, Canada doesn’t have a lot of perfect meals. Hmm, are there any spaghetti places around here?” Renjun looks confused for a moment, before nodding, “Oh, yeah, pasta! Tons in Seoul, we can go there.” Agreeing with a nod, you sip the last of your boba, sighing happily. “So tomorrow, what time should I go over?”
“No no, I’ll pick you up.” Renjun smiles at you, taking your plastic boba cup, then his cup. “I got everything covered.”
“Then how will I have a chance to win?” You get off the chair, crossing your arms.
“You will have plenty, I promise. Just be yourself,” he stands up and tosses the trash away, then gives his cup to the baristas, leaving a tip. You get up, and he walks back. Your heart flutters just seeing how natural he looks. How he is naturally great, you hold yourself closer just thinking about it. How is he, of all people your soulmate? He holds your hand, taking it carefully out of your body. He kisses it softly, and he holds your cheek. You slowly look up at him, and again that warmth overcomes you, the thoughts washing away with you closing your eyes. Time seems to slow, and it’s just him and you. He smiles at you, kissing your nose softly. You and he walk slowly to the dorms, your eyes drooping softly. His hand is in yours, and your head on his shoulder, holding his arm close to your body. He felt so warm; You didn’t even think about the time difference. You sway from side to side to side to side.
“Jump.” Renjun suddenly says. Your head finally picks up, and you jump, your left foot and then your right. Awkwardly he catches both of your legs, letting your right leg go around his waist, and the other following. “There you go, sleep.” He kisses your hair softly. Your face heats up, but you didn’t care, turning your head to his chest and starting to close your eyes finally. “Renjun. . .” You say, yawning. “Yes?” He says in a low tone, going inside the dorm building. “I’m so glad I met you; you’re the best soulmate ever,” His chest moves up and down and he pretends to gag, “Aw, that pick up line won’t work on me, love.”
“I mean it!” you whine sleepily, “you’re the perfect soulmate, and I. . .” Your eyes flutter open and you mumble yourself to sleep. The next morning you sleep in, in your own bed. It’s already 9:30 in the morning, when you wake up with messy hair and the same clothes you wore last night. Connie is sitting in front of you, her arms crossed. “Fuck you.”
“Hmm?” You groan, still trying to fight yourself awake, “Huh?”
“Mark and I were trying to find you all night, and you were FUCKING HERE!”
“Ew you guys tried to follow Renjun—,” you gasp and sit up. “Renjun! What happened?”
“I’M HERE TO ASK YOU THAT, Y/N!” Connie groans, standing back up. “Plus if he was going to do anything Mark was going to fuck him up for you.” You shake your head, sitting up when you notice a yellow hoodie at the edge of your bed. It’s the same one Renjun wore last night. You shiver from the open window, and hesitantly put it on. The hoodie smells just like him, but you turn your nose away. Was that weird to just wear it? “Y/N. Tell. Me. Everything.” Connie says finally. You tell her the game you both are playing, and what you both did. “Then you weren’t out long. You fell asleep in his arms? Holy shit, was that your plan?”
“No! It’s just, because of the time zones, Connie.” You stretch and go to your closet, “I’m going to get ready to go out again, tell Mark to not go after us. Because Renjun and I will still play the game.”
“Weird ass soulmate flex but okay. Well, I’ll just be here,” Connie sighs, and you hear a knock on the door. You open it, to see a pink faced Renjun, with flowers the same colors as his cheeks in hand. Of course. Renjun bows, and he lets out quiet breaths. “I. . .ran all the way here. . .from my class so please. . .take these and let’s go.” He grumbles. You laugh, and help him stand back up, “How handsome. But that won’t work. I’m going to get dressed again. Wait here.” Renjun says, in a deep voice this time, “Of course milady, I shall wait for you here.” You roll your eyes, going inside your closet, a light tint on your cheeks. The game has begun, and you haven’t even planned an outfit yet.
It’s a calming, cloudy morning, the sun trying to push its way to shine on everything. Renjun and you walk side by side, towards the bus stop at the edge of the campus, his new hoodie on you. Everything is silent. But your mind races. Nothing huge but you still can’t stop thinking. Stop worrying about something. Did he really pick you up and let you sleep in his arms? Or was it a dream? Sure he’s your soulmate, and all of that shit. But he didn’t need to do that. Did he do it for the game? Your grip on your arm gets tighter and your gaze on your feet blurs as you zone out. Yes it was kind, but he could’ve been just flirting. Your heart wrenches, confused about the whole situation itself.
He stops walking and turns to you. “I’m hungry.” Your stomach grumbles in response. Renjun laughs and you pout cutely, “Let’s get pancakes! You’ll look so cute with some food in your mouth~!” You lean up, gently pinching his cheek. You can feel how soft his skin is -the passing thought making you wonder what his skin routine is- and kissing it. “Ah!” He lets out a small gasp after that, and he strokes your hair, “Fine. Let’s go for it. I’ll show you my favorite place,” Holding onto his arm, you and he walk, as you compliment him, “The sun is trying to find you today, they know you’re the angel they lost.”
“Did you look that up?”
“No shut up.” You say quickly, and he laughs, holding your arm. Like an ice cube on a hot day, you melt from the warmth, so you pout and rub his birthmark. Renjun winces, but he continues to walk, grumbling, “Stop,”
“Why? Catching feelings~?” You tease him by rubbing his birthmark some more, giggling at your abuse of power. Renjun clears his throat, “You haven’t even mentioned my new hair,” You did notice, but you were saving that pick up line for later. His hairstyle was pushed back, and the blonde washed out. Instead of a cute puppy like blonde, fluffy and easy to play with, it’s now a sky grey silver, slicked and styled back out of his eyes. Your eyes travel down the rest of his outfit. He looks like a model compared to your simple outfit. A pale white, thick turtleneck and black jeans, a large light brown coat on top. Renjun pulls you close to his body before you run into a stranger, “Look where you’re going, baby. I know you’re being distracted by my new look, but you need to focus on your beautiful self.” One point to him. That line was good, but you need to focus. You need to win. He helps you on the bus and you follow him, when there’s only one seat. “Sit down,” Renjun leads you gently, before you shake your head. “Please, I’ll be fine. You’re such a gentleman, you need to rest.” You pull yourself in behind of him, and gently nudge him to sit. Renjun furrows his eyebrows, and you have to hold yourself back from the cute face he makes, “No, Y/N—,”
“Please~?” You say, fluttering your eyelashes. “Being cute won’t work on me, Y/N.” Renjun sits down. You stand over him, laughing, “Yes it will. Why haven’t you left me then?”
“Because you’re you, that’s what makes me stay with you.” Fuck. You’re mute, another point won by him. You need to make him blush. Make him feel flustered as much as he does to you. After a few stops, you and he get off, and walk to a small cafe. The sun finally pushed through, and the clouds are fading to only large chunks, revealing a light blue sky. You hold his arm, playing with his fingers gently, smiling to yourself. “Looks like the sky found it’s angel they lost.” His arm tenses and you hum happily from the point you won, “Have you ever tried chicken and waffles?” Renjun wrinkles his nose, but he pauses and shakes his head. “Is that American?”
“Yeah, it’s super good. One day we should go, maybe back in Canada.”
“I was only there to visit a friend,” Renjun opens the door inside, and you thank him with a kiss on a cheek. Another point for you. The entire cafe is painted a grass green, having a cute look to it, with childishly painted frogs on the walls. Wooden tables are on the right. It’s obvious only couples went here, and the meals were made specially for two. Piano music plays overhead, a nice lofi beat behind it. You feel relaxed already. “Really? What do you like most about Canada?” Renjun pulls a chair for you, letting you sit down first, and then he sits down, “Well, the fact that Canada makes such good looking people like you.” How did you even let him get away with this.
“How sweet for you to take me here, Renjun,” taking his hand you rub his birthmark gently. The color change turns from the grey, to a sudden fire like red, and Renjun pouts. You found his weak spot, and another point to tie with him. A waiter comes to you both, placing down a menu. Renjun talks to the waiter, and you zone out, looking at the decor around you. All you can really hear is the order for pancakes, and something fluffy. The waiter leaves, and comes back with some green tea. You smile and look at Renjun, your body relaxing at the calm environment.
“How are soulmates taught in Korea?” Renjun sips on his tea, and shrugs, scratching the back of his hand as his eyes divert down. “I went to school in China, but even there we don’t really want to believe in it. I was always sort of hesitant to learn or know who my soulmate is. Whether they be romantic, friendly, I was pretty happy when I learned the different types, and wasn’t predicted with one. Maybe I didn’t have a connection, that’s okay.” His voice broke at the last word, and you felt your heart was too. You gulp, and look down too, nodding, “Why didn’t you want one?”
“I was afraid. . .that my own soulmate wouldn’t like me. That I wouldn’t like them. That my parents would disapprove. That I don’t deserve one, really.” You grab his hand, and you hold it to your heart, frowning. “You do. You deserve a soulmate. I’ve been looking for mine for my whole life, and you’re here now. You’ve treated me so kindly, like I matter to you. I’ve been so anxious moving to a new country, but once I met you, that all washed away. You do all kinds of sweet things for me. This whole cafe is cute. You picked me up at my own dorm, treated me out, gave me compliments, let me sleep, and you dropped me off at my own dorm. It’s me, who doesn’t deserve you, Renjun.” He looks up, and you both stare for a few moments.
“You win.” Renjun‘s lips barely move, but you hear those words. “What?” You say, lowering his hand. “I can’t beat that. You win the game. What do you want for dinner?” You wanted to get up and leave. Did he just really think you said that for the game? Your heart wants to explode. From anger, from frustration.
But you simply shake your head. “I don’t want that. I-I don’t know if you feel the same way, but, I love you. You’re literally perfect, and I’m thankful we met.” Renjun stares at you, and he slowly looks down. He gets up from his seat and bows, a sneaky smile on his face. “May I have this dance?” You hesitate. Was this still part of his game? You roll your eyes to yourself and take his hand.
Well fuck it. He’s your soulmate either way, and you and he were bound for life. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and his hands planted perfectly on your waist, you both sway, and you lay your head on his shoulder. “Remember,” he sings softly, in your ear, and chills run down your body, and you hold him closer. Everything feels right. He hasn’t responded to your confession, but that thought is far off your mind. His arms around you, the music leading you both, his own warmth; The feeling of him being here with you.
“I’ll be with you, always,” he sings with the music quietly, his hand playing with your hair. He gives soft kisses from your head, down to your own chin, he hovers over your lips. You nod, and he leans in, as you both finally kiss, pulling each other closer every second. You felt everything, his feelings, the new rush of contentment, his body on yours, the way he smiles against the kiss, your giggles, his touch, your small bounce to reach his lips continuously. Your souls connect. You both pull away, his forehead on the top of your head, small tears coming out of his eyes.
“Thank you, so much Y/N.”
“No problem, love.” God, that name rolled off your tongue with such ease, and you held him closer, kissing his nose and his lips after. “I love you,” he whispers, as you both sway away, laughing at the feeling, mirroring each other. “My love,” he sings, the cafe echoing his voice from corner to corner. The rest of the morning is you dancing with Renjun, singing together, kissing each other, touching each other closely, and letting your worries wash away as the sun rises high, shining proudly with no cloud in sight.
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jaeminlore · 6 years
Life’s Preparations | Ten
summary: life has prepared ten for a lot, including parenthood. he’s not sure it’s prepared him for you and the onslaught of feelings you bring to him.
words: 2.1k
category: single dad!ten, F L U F F
based on this prompt: “you've been sleeping at mine because your house is being renovated and we aren't even dating, yet every time you wake up to the baby crying and sigh, "i'll go" i feel like we might as well be married”
Tumblr media
mom i love him
There are many things, natural things, that life prepares you for. Ten believes this with his entire heart. His gymnastics lessons as a child helped him become more flexible when he became a dancer. His mother starting a part-time job taught him how to be responsible and care for himself. His part-time job at the supermarket taught him how to have patience, no matter the situation.
So he believes life has prepared him so far. Even the rocky years of college, when his one night stand had gotten pregnant and put the baby up for adoption, he had wondered what lesson life had for him this time.
Then his buddy opened up a dance studio and asked Ten to be his business partner. Ten would have the money to support him and his child, if he chose to ask for custody.
As the weeks went by, Ten realized that he wanted nothing more than custody, especially after seeing the sonogram. There it was: his child. He wondered if life had prepared him for single parenthood. He wondered if it was possible to finish school, co-own a dance studio, and take care of a newborn all at the same time.
Then the baby came, and Ten brought his daughter home to the nursery he had prepared for her. He was secretly thankful he had asked Renjun to help him paint the walls, because the mural of stars looked a lot more realistic after the younger's help.
The two become inseparable, to the point where Ten is never seen without little Jamie. She's his one surety in his life, and throughout the few months of knowing her, he's realized that life has prepared him — somehow, he marvels often — for a baby.
Because learning how to do the laundry taught him how to clean the numerous rags that Jamie loved to spit up on, and learning how to do the dishes prepared him for multiple bottle-cleanings a day. He's thankful for the business class he took, because formula is expensive, and he needs to budget for that sort of thing. He thinks of the singing lessons his mom used to make him take, and how much he hated them, but now he feels like he should thank her for giving him an arsenal of lullabies to sing to his daughter.
Even his job complies with his new addition as his partner, Taeyong, adores children and doesn't mind if Ten leaves the baby sleeping in the break room.
There are struggles, and there will certainly be more as Jamie is only a few months old, still struggling to conform to the bright world around her.
So yeah, Ten thinks life has prepared him for a baby. There seemed to be a missing link in his life for so long, and then Jamie came along to fill it. He feels full and happy with his life, and with what the universe has granted him.
It's kind of funny, the way the universe always seems to keep one in check. Ten marvels at his luck, until Jamie's fifth month hits.
Ten is •tired•. He's argued day in and day out with Taeyong about taking a week or even a day off because he just can't bare to think of coming off track. But Jamie starts teething and it's hard for Ten to keep her from the pain. It's hard for him to see his baby cry this much, especially when she's usually so quiet.
It scares him a little bit.
So he calls his mom, and she offers coming over to help, but even that makes Ten anxious. What if he's overreacting? After all, it's just teething. There's really nothing besides numbing gel that will help, and Ten's gone through two tubes of that already.
Funnily enough, life has a way of throwing curveballs to those who are already on the ground.
For Ten, it's you, his sort-of-close friend who lives just across the street. He's lived in this little gated neighborhood of townhouses for awhile now, where he hopes Jamie will stay safe, and so far he's met many lovely people. You included.
In the two years he's resided here, you and him have become rather close. He remembers the nights when you'd come over with ice cream and let him excitedly tell you about the doctor's visit that day. He remembers calling you first when he came back from the hospital so that you could see little Jamie.
He owes you a lot, so when you guys are meeting up for your bimonthly coffee and you casually mention that you need a place to stay while your house is renovated, he doesn't hesitate to offer his own place.
Somehow, you agree, which is peculiar to Ten because he's got a teething baby with an irregular sleep schedule, and you've got work. Still, it's kind of a relief, because somewhere in the back of his mind Ten has missed having another adult around. Last time he wasn't alone had to be his first two years of college, in a cramped dorm with two other boys.
So imagining having breakfast with someone besides a sleepy baby makes him feel a bit giddy inside.
Life hasn't really prepared him to be a host. He's used to it being just him and Jamie, so it hadn't even occurred to him that you'd need a place to sleep. His couch barely seemed comfortable enough, covered in old blankets after the amount of chewed up peas that had been smushed into the cushions. He couldn't let you sleep there — he had much more class than that.
You didn't seem to opposed to sleeping in his bed anyways. You dropped your pillow onto the side not obviously slept in and went into the bathroom to place all your toiletries onto the counter.
Ten had agreed to let you stay for a week, so he finds it cute that you seemed to have overpacked. Then again, he remembers his first trip with Jamie, where he brought nearly three suitcases to his mother's door. He's learned since, and he knows you will too, but for now he enjoys watching you try to figure out if you need two sweatshirts for bed or not.
Jamie is asleep in her crib, as it's her nap time, so Ten speaks quietly while the two of you chill on his bed. "I hope you're ready for a sleepless night."
You chuckle. "I'll be fine. I like Jamie."
"What about me?" Ten finds himself teasing, which is strange, because he rarely teases you.
"I like you too," you say, a brush of pink spreading across your cheeks.
Cute, Ten thinks.
Ten can't sleep. This time — surprisingly — it's not because of Jamie. It's because sometime between eleven and twelve, you grabbed Ten's arm and pulled it closer to you.
It's been awhile since he's cuddled, and Ten can't really remember or pinpoint exactly when, but he sort of misses it.
His body reacts pleasantly; he finds his chest filling with warmth and his stomach turning a quick somersault before it settles again. He falls asleep with the scent of your shampoo lingering in his mind.
It's not three hours before he's awoken by his loud daughter.
You groan and turn around in your sleep, which makes Ten chuckle. He remembers when he wasn't used to the crying, but now it's almost unnoticeable — just a quick reminder that he has things to do.
He picks up Jamie and holds her close while he gets a bottle from the kitchen. He heats it up and makes it warm before he takes the baby back into his room and sits up with her.
She'll go back to sleep after her bottle — she always does. Then Ten wakes her up for his morning classes at the dance studio. If he's lucky, the rattles and teething rings attached to her little walker will keep Jamie occupied until he's done, and then they can go home for a semi-relaxing evening.
Jamie falls asleep in Ten's arms almost as soon as the bottle empties, so Ten turns on his side and lets the baby rest between you and him.
You stir and turn, eyes blinking rapidly until you find yourself awake. "Hey, baby," you whisper it to Jamie, voice still coated with sleep.
Ten's breath catches in his chest at the sweet sentiment. For a moment, he feels most content, knowing that someone else is here with him and Jamie.
You sit up and smile at Ten. "I've got to shower and head out. Text me if you need anything, alright?"
Ten whispers something of an affirmation and watches you kiss Jamie's head.
He has a few hours before work so he slips back under the covers to sleep. Jamie stirs and coos in her sleep. When, still asleep, she wraps her little hands around Ten's finger, Ten wonders how his entire world could fit in the crook of his arm.
When Ten arrives home, he smells like formula and sweat. Luckily for him, Jamie fell asleep on the car ride home. He walks into his house and places her in her crib, setting her teething rings close by in case she wakes up and wants them.
He starts when he notices you on the sofa, curled up with a blanket around your shoulders. He looks around the room and realizes you must have cleaned as soon as you got home from work.
"Y/n," he taps your shoulder and is rewarded with a sleepy smile, "Is pizza okay for dinner?"
You nod and stretch. "Yeah, sorry. I got cozy and fell asleep before I could make dinner."
Ten finds himself confused. "You don't have to do all of this stuff, you know."
"I know, but I'm here for a whole week, so I feel like I should do something. Also, you stink. Go take a shower and I'll order the pizza."
Ten laughs and agrees under the term that you'll get him extra pepperoni.
Wednesday comes quickly, but Ten marks it as the day he thinks he's in love with you.
Jamie woke up as usual, ready for her breakfast. However, before Ten could do anything you were scooping the baby up into your arms. "Go back to sleep," you say, and it takes Ten a full minutes before he realizes you're talking to him. "I'm off today. Jamie can stay home with me."
Ten feels a sort of discomfort in his stomach, as if he should say something or do something, but he just can't figure out what. Maybe it's gratitude, but then he thanks you, and the feeling still doesn't go away. Instead, his heart seems to flutter and his chest seems to seize up, because you're cooing at his baby like you're her parent.
Some part of Ten's brain reminds him that he likes you, and he sort of always has.
He heads for the bathroom to get ready for work. Maybe that's an issue for another day.
It's the weekend, and you come out of the nursery with a prideful sort of grin on your face as you place the baby monitor on the counter. "Asleep in ten minutes. My best record."
"Please," Ten waves your excitement away, "I've gotten her to sleep in three."
You roll your eyes. "It's only because she's more comfortable with you. Give me a few more shots with her and it'll be like I'm the parent in the house."
Ten pauses, as do you. "Renovations are done tomorrow, aren't they?"
Your entire visage seems to deflate. "Yeah. Which I guess is nice, but I'm kind of going to miss this cute little family thing we've got going on."
Ten bites his lip to stifle a smile. His stomach does a small flip and to calm himself, he fiddles with the placemat. "Y/n, would you like to go out with me one day?"
"Like, a date?"
"Yeah," Ten whispers, eyes anywhere except on you. "Only if you want."
You walk over to Ten and kiss his cheek. The pink that spreads across his neck makes you giggle. "I would love to."
Ten isn't sure life has ever prepared him for this new feeling of affection that appears in his mind, but for some reason he thinks he liked diving headfirst into a relationship with you. He likes thinking that life could never prepare him for someone as wonderful as you.
And when you fall asleep in his arms at night, he is sure that the universe is on his side.
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nctinfo · 7 years
[TRANS] NCT DREAM Interview for Grazia September 2017 Issue!
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It’s nice to meet you. You are having your comeback next week, please give a slight hint about your title song ‘We Young’. Mark: personally, we are very happy with the title song this time. It’s an energetic and liberal song that fits the team, it will probably give you a feeling that we have matured once you hear the song. 
Come to think of it, I think every grew taller between you. Mark: Jisung grew taller the most. 
Do you check your heights with each other? Mark: Yes (laughs). Jisung always says “The big kids are tall~”. Jisung: I was joking (laughs). Renjun: Although we sleep late and don’t drink milk, we still grow. 
The first concert for Dream was SM Town Live Stage. How are you feeling after performing alongside Sunbaes on a large size stage? Renjun: The feeling was new compared to other stages. Sunbaes always look cool, I was hoping I would become like that too so together on a stage seems like it’s a dream. Mark: We showed an appearance that is of vast energy of a Maknae group. It was an honour to just climb on such a big stage, we were more touched by watching our usually-respected Sunbaes’ stages closely. 
You did a remake of Lee Seung Hwan's, your big Sunbae, 'Dunk Shot’, which song that you would remake amongst your Sunbae’s songs? Mark: H.O.T.’s ‘Candy’. Haechan: All of TVXQ’s songs! Jeno: Personally, I like NCT U’s ‘The 7th Sense’. I really like the song, I practiced the dance a lot too with Jisung. Taeyong looks so cool (laughs). 
Who are each of your role models? Mark: Although there are many, if I must say one then Justin Bieber! Justin Bieber is still growing, so his music and image are growing as well, which is different from others. I want to resemble that image. Jisung: Dean. (His) music is very sophisticated which is really cool Haechan: Michael Jackson! He’s my forever wannabe. Jeno: I want to be like Bruno Mars since my trainee days. I was charmed the first time I heard ‘Marry You’. I envy the fact that he can dance well and write songs well too. Renjun and Chenle: It’s hard to just say one since there are so many. We would like to absorb a variety of merits from the musicians that we admire. 
The concept for today’s poster was ‘Dreamers who are dreaming’. Is there a recent dream that you remember? Jisung: When it comes to dreams, it’s very vivid while I’m dreaming, strangely I can’t remember it when I wake up. Mark: When I was young, I dreamt a lot of fantasy dreams, these days I seem to dream very mundane and real dreams. Renjun: I saw my father in my dream last night. Since I can’t see him very often as he lives in China, I cried because it was so nice to meet him, when I woke up my pillow was wet. So I immediately video called him. I want to meet him soon. Jeno: I had reoccurring dreams when I was young. The person who wrote the fox tale really bothers me, I seem to dream when I am stressed. I’ve dreamt this for three consecutive days. Chenle: I dreamt a lot about fighting like the movie ‘Avengers’ when I wake up from the dream I felt relieved. Haechan: These days I tend to lose consciousness just as I touch the pillow (laughs). I sleep soundly to the point where I can’t dream. 
How long does every sleep for? Jisung: There are days when I don’t sleep at all. Then I regret not sleeping (laughs). If I sleep a lot then 8 hours? Chenle: When we don’t have activities, I can sleep for about 10 hours. Jeno: members usually don’t sleep at night. Rather, we become lively at night. Instead we sleep a lot in the morning. 
Then who is the member that sleeps the most? Renjun: I think Haechan. Haechan: If nobody turns on the lights in the room, I can sleep to no end. 
Average age 16.6. It’s an age where there’s a lot that you want to do and dreams to achieve. Do you know how precious this time is? Mark: Of course. We can run around and laugh a lot, it’s free time. Even when I grow older I want to keep this heart, like Peter Pan, forever. Renjun: Although there were times when I wish to become an adult as soon as possible, when I think about how there are things that only people my age can do, I feel everyday is very precious. 
Your friendship is very strong when I look at you closely today. Mark: Since we live in separate dorms, most of the times we are apart. So, I contacted them more often than before. Should I be worried (laughs)? Jisung: That’s why the days when we practice together as a group or like this shooting posters, we atmosphere is really good. 
When members meet together like this what do you do and play? Haechan: We eat chicken and play games. If not, basketball or football! Renjun: Jisung is very good at gaming. 
If you have to point out the wackiest member out of the team? Jisung: Haechan. Jeno: Jisung. Probably everybody would agree? He laughs at anything he can think of when he’s alone and still (laughs). Jisung: That’s true. Mark: Honestly, Jisung! Seriously 4D, it’s cute.  Renjun: I choose Jisung too. Haechan: I think it’s Renjun though. Chenle: I choose Renjun too. 
Jisung and Renjun has the most votes. Then which member is the most rational? Jisung: That is seriously Mark! Renjun, Haechan: I choose Mark too. Mark: In my opinion, I think it’s Jeno.  Jeno: Mark is the sanest one. Jisung: It’s not you. 
Renjun and Chenle’s Korean is very good. Renjun: Still, sometimes, I still make mistakes when translating Chinese into Korean. 
What kind of mistakes? Renjun: Ah, when I say (literally in Korean) skin when I mean ‘skin’, everyone bursts.  Chenle: That’s right. Me too, when I ask, ‘Did you buy skin?’, Hyungs all laugh. (laughs). 
In ‘Highschool Rapper’, the oldest member, Mark’s act was really something. Are there any individual activities that other members would like to do if given the chance? Jisung: I want to form another NCT unit, when I can do solo activities I would like to do that. Ah! I most definitely want to shoot my favorite Chicken advertisement (laughs).  Chenle: For me, CF (laughs)! I haven’t thought about doing any individual activities. Mark: There are many things I would like to do regarding music. Since I like guitar performances, I would like to show me performing if I get the chance. Jeno: I would like to try acting like D.O. sunbae. I also think it would be fun to form a hip-hop unit with Mark. Haechan: My dream since I was young is to be a singer song writer. I wish the day I listen to the song I made would come soon. Renjun: I would like to do global activities. I would also like to try acting and variety if I get a chance. 
You are called SM’s futures. What kind of future does NCT Dream dream of? Mark: I think our biggest weapon is our possibilities. We wish to show our, although yet young, but still growing appearances, and become a group that is cool physically, mentally and musically who listens to our friends’ stories.  Haechan: NCT Dream’s original goal was to become ‘Healing-ers to older brothers and sisters. Group that gives friends and younger ones, hope.’ We always aim for this goal and work hard while doing so.  Jeno: I wish to show those who are look after us, our growth. To become a group who can bring gifts of hope, friendship, happiness, and emotion.
Translation:  Teddy @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Grazia
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