only1scoobydoo · 1 year
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ptashenka · 2 years
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based on one of the recent campaigns i dmed, "the palace", a murder mystery adventure in a homebrew fantasy setting.
what started out as a simple oneshot somehow lasted for an entire year, and it was a blast! now that the characters have achieved their happily ever after, i can post some of the sketches i've made during their escapades.
in the foreground, ar-renran, the secret (long-suffering) male lover of the second prince. on the left, tar-cayman, the aforementioned second prince, who has a tendency to go way too hard with his political intrigues.
on the right, jhia'llavetian'villetin, a foreign medic who is sick of her patients trying to kill themselves in increasingly creative ways. and, in the background, led veiss of the sky cliff ssivesh, a snake person, who is simply happy to be here and, frankly, surprised and amuzed that the four of them are still alive.
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bclasaeg · 2 years
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me doodle ocs! 
@strawbelina @renran​ @hellguarded​ @tximidity​
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clearbottled · 2 years
@renran liked 💕
     “Kai.. Kai.. what do you think?” The dark haired male smiled sweetly towards the other, carrying in his arms a large bouquet of flowers. There is something sloppy about the presentation though; not holding the same level of class that you would usually see from one brought at a florist. Although if Kai looked close enough he would see dirt and grass stains along the sleeves of Hajime’s clothing.
 “I tried to make it myself using flowers from my parent’s garden.. it’s nice to look at, isn’t it?” Despite everything, he does seem rather proud of his bouquet, the whole thing being a mix of white and pastel flowers, awkwardly tied together with some twine.
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elganac · 2 years
are you really not gonna talk more about handler / hound ( will i ever rmb the actual au name ) aito , leah & alison ?? are you really ???
( lemme ramble about a muse; not accepting! )
           WELL!!! since you insist — yes i will absolutely ramble about aito, leah, and alison in hound/handler verse aka spy verse aka crime verse aka — you know, i’ve never really pinned down a good genre for this verse because there’s just so many layers to it, but we’ll settle with spy verse since everyone im about to talk about are technically considered trained agents and spy verse is a more general term that more people can get behind than handler/hound ( though i think handler/hound sounds pretty badass anYWAY — )
          can i just say i adore alison in this verse just because of how much power she actually has??? like, maybe it’s a little mary sue for me to give her so much power and make her so perfect but i honestly dont give a shit lmAO this is a rare verse in which alison isn’t traumatized by events that happened in canon ( though, i can’t say her mental health is really any better considering all the shit’s she’s seen as an agent and how the agency treats her overall ), so her personality is drastically different, and you bet your ass i’m gonna make my best girl into a badass. like, why would i not??? alison is so put together, elegant, and strong in this verse, and pushing her to her limits in this verse is always exciting to do because it really challenges her. she’s considered a veteran agent due to how long she’s been with the agency, and considering how she’s basically signed her soul away to her work for at least a few more years until she can retire and finally get married, she’s really been worked to the bone and has become so jaded over time. 
          i really love the canon relationship she has with her fiancé, eden, as well. it’s taken so much development to reach the point in which their relationship is at canonically for this verse, so i’d really love for more chances for alison to gush about her hubby to be since really, she’s so ready to fall in love and start a new life with her boo and away from soma. like, her job gives her such a sense of purpose but jfc soma is so corrupt as an agency that there’s only so much more alison can deal with before she burns out. really walking a thin line each and every day she comes into office, and with every mission she gets dispatched out for, there’s always some sort of risk. not to mention all the strings she has to pull to carry out her assignments. it’s tough being a badass bitch!!!
          leah and aito are new additions to this verse in comparison to alison, but i feel like they’ve caught up in terms of development since i’ve been able to flesh out aito and leah’s dynamic through some interactions with mutuals ( mwah <3 ) leah and aito very much have a sibling dynamic, and leah really is ride or die for aito. because of leah’s rough upbringing ( which is classified to most within the agency ), it’s difficult for her to form healthy attachments, but her bond with aito is something really special and it compels her to do her best for him each and every day ( even if she does get herself into some stupid shit sometimes ). leah is also very powerful, but she’s also not exactly human anymore so ,,, a different level of comparison when it comes to alison, who is indeed still human. 
        i think what i love about leah as a hound is the fact that she really will literally do anything to win a fight, which makes her incredibly terrifying since that means she’s willing to destroy herself first before backing down. it’s a big pride thing, but also the fact she’s an experiment makes her feel like she’s invincible, or close to invincible. i really feel like the only reason leah has any ounce of self control is because of aito; if aito was in danger, all bets are off. she’s gonna save him no matter what, because aito was the one who saved leah in the first place. so she already feels like she owes him her life. 
          aito plays a pretty background role in comparison to leah and alison since he doesn’t really get in on any field action by choice, but his connection with leah really does make him a respected figure within soma since aito is probably one of two people ( the other being alison ) who can keep leah on a tight leash and keep her from acting out worse than she normal. of course, leah’s still trying to have fun, so sometimes even aito cant keep her from finding random boyfriends and flirting, but so long as leah’s not getting hurt or about to fight someone else for no reason, there’s no harm, right? 
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lunaetis · 2 years
pats her head and gives her a lil kiss on the forehead , baby
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─「ヴァイオレット」─  the touch was a sense of warmth, that reassurance that she had done something right in this LIFE of hers and she was grateful for it. head lowered in a quiet bow, a silent thank you for granting her such a praise.
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mvxnn · 2 years
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a new beginning , @renran​​ ; to any
          ❛ I didn't expect you to be here. ❜ The shoot had been dragging on for hours now , and all he could think about was escaping the many eyes that had been on him today. His legs stretched out before him before offering a faint smile. ❛ I'm almost done .. ❜
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z0yne · 2 years
@renran​ liked for a ai starter 
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                                Lips like a flower petal’s moved slowly as they mouthed words unable to be spoken. The little demon was curled into the much larger man. ‘nik’ they signed the pet name, tracing the letters with an index and thumb in the air. ‘are you ok?’ an quick flash of ‘O’ and ‘K’ before pointing at the other. 
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flxwergxrden · 2 years
followed for the flower buds , stayed for the flowering seasons ... and the gardener ( ꈍᴗꈍ) ♡ the development of your muses and our friendship is just too good to miss out on !! ❀
𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎.
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BAB! You are the pollen to my flowers, the fragrance to my blossoms and the bee that helps me spread my creativity!! My lovely lil teddy bear. I’m so glad that the internet exists and we get to have such a wonderful friendship despite the distance. Also, thank you for always indulging with me and my muses and are always fired up for our angsty fluff plots!
P.s. I love you <3
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elysiumxii · 3 years
the gentle giant | starter for @renran​ ft cory & baris 
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“I’ve got it ma-” Cory whines softly as the short, portly woman continues to fuss him. Holding her shopping basket with both hands in front of him, shoulders sloped with the weight of it, the young blonde groans as her fingers pinch at his cheeks, squishing the doughy skin between her cool fingers, before cooing her praise and is off down the isles again. She was always so embarrassing! With a soft sigh Cory starts to trudge after her, the short, Asian woman calling off ingredients as she plucks them from the shelves and gesturing for him to hurry along. 
Cory had been planning to make a b-line for the snack isle, when his eyes lift and lift towards the huge guy walking along the next isle. The shelving wasn’t particularly high, he might lose his mother at her 4′11 stature, but this guy made the shelves look tiny. 
Cory knew him of course, well, had gawked at him previously, more than knew him. This was the store near their apartment and every time they came in, he was there, all 7ft+ of him, and Cory stares every damn time. His mouth falls a little slack jawed as he shuffles along to a break in the isle and just watches after him, wondering how he functions?! How does he move around? How big must his bed be! It wasn’t that the blonde meant to be rude, he was just so fascinated. His eyes slide down the man’s arm, to his giant hands, they look like they could pick up a watermelon in his palm! A part of him wishes he could go and say hi, but the guy sure did look intimidating... 
“Cory-!” The shout of his name has the blonde jump, as his mother had lost her patience with his wandering and with a turn as he goes to hurry back to her, embarrassed at being caught staring (his mother never seemed to blink an eyelid at the guy, even though to her, he must have seemed even bigger!). He’s so much in a hurry and flustered, he manages to walk right into a pop up stand of batteries and sends the whole lot, and nearly himself, flying with a yelp of surprise as battery packs fall and scatter dramatically. “Oh no-” he whines, his clumsiness claiming another victim. 
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only1scoobydoo · 1 year
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@renran​ for Luca // ❤
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"Ah... Luca. I feel like we haven't seen each other in..."
Her words taper off, not quite able to put an exact number to how long it had been. They were not close, per se, but he was one of the few associated with that group that she actually felt comfortable enough speaking to. Perhaps because he was one of the only members who talked to her without seeming to see through her. Finally, a soft smile: "Too long."
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yuruse · 3 years
20-23 ?
20. What is the story or explanation behind your blog name?
This was originally an Itachi blog before I turned it multi! Yuruse came up in his wikipedia and it's used in the context of forgiveness. I believe it means 'forgive me'. I think quite a few of my characters can relate to that in regards to themselves and others,
21. Share a positive experience about multimuses you’ve had in the past.
I like playing with all the muses and seeing what can come out of it! Sometimes I get shy and just stick the muses we've interacted most with, other times when I'm feeling brave I will venture out and throw a few random prompts. Honestly I just enjoy getting to play with all these different characters someone has on their blog.
With @bestninjaclub that's how my interest in SuiHina got started. We just started messing around with those two and now they have my heart. Along with @eyecanfixthat muses too! Just decided to talk and throw muses together and now we're enjoying the fruits of it. :D
22. List some of your favourite multimuse blogs.
I enjoy all the multis I follow. If I follow I like your characters and writing. Simple. :)
@bestninjaclub is a lovely blog I've been following for years. Like close to the beginning of when I started college and I've already graduated with my masters long. Vana is amazing. They have such a good grasp on a variety of muses and their ideas are so good! Highly recommend checking out their blog.
@eyecanfixthat is such a sweet person to speak with and is a phenomenal writer. I always hear the muses' voices in their writing. They always have great ideas!
@dawnedkissed I really like speaking with them and have enjoyed what we have created with our muses. I get to explore other fandoms with them. They let me play around with my Tokyo Ghoul verse with Sasuke and now we have whole verse there. I love it. I also love our Mitsuri and Sasuke interactions too.
23. Tag a multimuse blog and write some positivity about them (their blog, their muses, etc.)
We recently began speaking, because they liked a plot post I had rb from them or someone else. I can't remember, but now we're slowly putting a plot together! The experience has been really fun. Super chill and kind mun! Though we had been following them for a while and I just couldn't come with an idea to shove some of our muses together. They have so many awesome muses! I was like this shouldn't be hard, but I think I was a little intimidated. I'm glad they reached out!
They have an awesome blog aesthetic! I love clicking on their page and seeing black and pink. I've clicked on it quite a few times because I'm always reading over their profile pages to make sure I got information right. Overall they have some great muses and highly encourage ppl to go plot with them! Don't take as long as I did, lol. C:
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clearbottled · 2 years
“why do you have that look on your face?” // kai
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     “I don’t have any look on my face.” He’s... pouting - and it’s painfully obvious. Cheeks puffed up, a small frown on his face; he looks like a child whom just got scolded. His usual whimsical and careless posture is replaced by hunching over slightly, as if he was hiding a tail between his legs. “I didn’t know... I wasn’t aware...” Hajime takes a moment to think over his words, not wanting to really confess why he was mildly irritated. Angels shouldn’t get upset over trivial things! “I wasn’t aware.. you weren’t allowed to try and climb the really big tree in the park... it’s not dangerous.. I know how to climb...”
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elganac · 2 years
“ do you like raisins? here you go. ” ( seven to aito , yes i'm misusing your flirty memes again )
( some flirty memes; not accepting! )
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          “why ... why do you have this?” to aito’s knowledge, there were no raisins anywhere in his office. and yet, seven has managed to find out and give exactly one (1) raisin to aito. it was an automatic response, really, for aito to just stick out his hand when seven had offered him sometime. now he was starting to question whether he really should have done that. “erm, you know — i actually don’t like raisins, either. why did you get raisins if you don’t like them?” he peers closer at the raisin, then, eyes squinting as he scrutinized it. “did you drop this on the floor? is that why you’re giving it to me?” 
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aestuavis · 3 years
hello baby !! 🥺 hi !! how are you !! 💕💕 hi !!
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|| 篠 || :: ears flattened and tail swaying side by side a little. the white tiger is doing good ! will do better if received good pets & cuddles !
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